Which is the best Rom for sl - Samsung Galaxy SL i9003

Hey guys.
There are various jb/ics roms available for our galaxy sl in the android development section. It's really very confusing to choose one among them. I've tried jellybam and slimbean but both had several issues to work on. Please post your individual roms that you people use smoothly on your sl and have less issues and bugs. This'll be convenient for all other users to know about performances of several roms rather than having to download and install a rom and remove it if it has various bugs and go back to a stock rom again.
So, leave the names of your favorite roms (and links to thread if possible).
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try XLJ1 gb firmware works good no.bug.
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dredremon said:
try XLJ1 gb firmware works good no.bug.
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plz post the link...

glad07 said:
plz post the link...
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[discussions]Cyanmobile discussion here.

Squad is not working in xda anymore and as many of you would have noticed that all his topics are locked.so no more dev in cyanmobile rom in xda forum.but there is dev in madteam forum here.
So this thread is for discussion about his rom in madteam forum.
Please post your bugs and queries here.
Well that's his decision... :thumbup:
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cygnus39 said:
Well that's his decision... :thumbup:
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But how can he leave something he has started??
Lol dude.
He left xda because of trolls. But who says that he stopped his works.
He only move on other forum.
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djozaa said:
Lol dude.
He left xda because of trolls. But who says that he stopped his works.
He only move on other forum.
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I know that he has moved to another forum...
and then why u say he stopped all his work ????
---------- Post added at 12:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:24 PM ----------
cyanmobile getting update soon
i hope he only go temporarily and then ome back with bring his updated cyanmobile rom.
fyi, i've tried all of custom ROM in this forum, and i'm falling in love with cyanmobile made by squadzone. so smooth ROM, no lag, etc. i hope he don't go permanently
kalinmj said:
i hope he only go temporarily and then ome back with bring his updated cyanmobile rom.
fyi, i've tried all of custom ROM in this forum, and i'm falling in love with cyanmobile made by squadzone. so smooth ROM, no lag, etc. i hope he don't go permanently
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He shudnt leave i also lov his rom
kalinmj said:
i hope he only go temporarily and then ome back with bring his updated cyanmobile rom.
fyi, i've tried all of custom ROM in this forum, and i'm falling in love with cyanmobile made by squadzone. so smooth ROM, no lag, etc. i hope he don't go permanently
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CyanMobile reVo A Galaxy Fit 20120420 iz the best ROM for me. I have not found a single bug.
I tried all the ROMs on this portal for Galaxy Fit, but this is the best ROM for me.
ZmisiS said:
CyanMobile reVo A Galaxy Fit 20120420 iz the best ROM for me. I have not found a single bug.
I tried all the ROMs on this portal for Galaxy Fit, but this is the best ROM for me.
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I wanna try it can u plz give the link to that forum?
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Deshabilitado said:
I wanna try it can u plz give the link to that forum?
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Deshabilitado said:
I wanna try it can u plz give the link to that forum?
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It is not allowed. Just private message.
oh man, i've just realized that squadzone have released the newest version of cyanmobile. what's new in this version? cause i didnt find any bugs in previous version.
kalinmj said:
oh man, i've just realized that squadzone have released the newest version of cyanmobile. what's new in this version? cause i didnt find any bugs in previous version.
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More smooth,new style settings menu with categories,updated apps ect.see it yourself as for me its the best rom so far......
-HellRaiser- said:
More smooth,new style settings menu with categories,updated apps ect.see it yourself as for me its the best rom so far......
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From where we should download ..??
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Its available at madteam's forum...unfortunately, I can't post links here...
I found revo a laggy, so switched back to initial a...
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avilove4u said:
From where we should download ..??
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You can download ..?!
You have to register there to download...and the download link uses adfly...and the dev doesn't want people to gibe direct links...
So no other option left but to register there...
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a.cid said:
Its available at madteam's forum...unfortunately, I can't post links here...
I found revo a laggy, so switched back to initial a...
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U serious about switching back to initial from rewo??? U must doing something wrong dude. Play more with rom. Revo a is bugless masterpiece . So many options. Still afther few days using it i found something new to change on it. Just amazing
Sent from my GT-S5670 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-6
Nope buddy, thoroughly checked rom...actually I am still using it in hope for it to work better...
Now a new problem, my frequently used apps (like facebook and even xda premium) are force closing a lot...
Plus even opera is acting weird...no text visible, have to press again on search bar for it to become visible...
Plus it was pretty laggy and used to stutter...but that seems solved after a few reboots...
Though I like the battery efficiency and ram handling...
Sent from my g-fit using xda premium


Could anyone port XperiaTized to Galaxy GT-I5800???
gjhita1996 said:
Could anyone port XperiaTized to Galaxy GT-I5800???
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Hey this is really awesome rom which would i love to have it on our phone but i think that nowbody will port it since most off devs are on CMX project. So if you want to have it you could try porting it
Edit: if you will port this rom try with this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1661770
Sent from my Viper HOX
Interesting...I send a PM to CoolCatGetHome, so if he allows me to port, then I might give it a try Anyone want to be a tester? cause I don't have my g3 right now :\
Jason-EX said:
Interesting...I send a PM to CoolCatGetHome, so if he allows me to port, then I might give it a try Anyone want to be a tester? cause I don't have my g3 right now :\
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Won't mind testing
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gjhita1996 said:
Won't mind testing
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Won't mind testing too, I'm even looking forward to buy an Xperia later, so if I can get a taste of the UI that cannot be useless.
How long would it take to port the rom?
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gjhita1996 said:
How long would it take to port the rom?
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It depens on how much time would porter put in and for compiling and etc... not to long ^_^
Sent from my Viper HOX
turboblaz said:
It depens on how much time would porter put in and for compiling and etc... not to long ^_^
Sent from my Viper HOX
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yes, not to long, but CoolCatGetHome didn't read my PM yet...so.....
What android version would it be? 2.2 or 2.3?
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gjhita1996 said:
What android version would it be? 2.2 or 2.3?
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2.3.6.....but i think it'll work with 2.3.7 based CM7
Are u working on it jason
amarendar94 said:
Are u working on it jason
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I'm working on it. Download it if you want
Based on CM7 so a lot of it works but I'm still modding it
You will lose all data and might need to flash gapps. First boot will take a while.
Currently just themed to look like it. Stock Music player or Video player doesn't work.
For the theme, go onto Theme Chooser and select Xperia S
amarendar94 said:
Are u working on it jason
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Sorry, he didn't answer my PM, so I have no permission to port it :\
when V13 comes i allow Everyone to port it but when its done and booted go to my original thread and post a link of the thread of your port
so i can keep a track of it
and might make official verions to
the rom is based on 2.3.6 samsung stock rom
so what i think is
use the xperiatized rom
replace some libs in the rom with some libs of cm7
and adjust it a bit
so it would work
CoolCatGetHome said:
when V13 comes i allow Everyone to port it but when its done and booted go to my original thread and post a link of the thread of your port
so i can keep a track of it
and might make official verions to
the rom is based on 2.3.6 samsung stock rom
so what i think is
use the xperiatized rom
replace some libs in the rom with some libs of cm7
and adjust it a bit
so it would work
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Awesome! Please also announce it here
Some test versions of xperiatized where released
Up now i must say i am really proud of v13
Added patch for quickpanel to * for the people who wants that *
Withmedia controll etc
But still need to fix / dp some stuff
Also working on universal camera app wich looks like xperia cam
Maybe tomorrow it will be released on ace and then lets port
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Would it have the Walkman music app from ics?
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jumper62 said:
Would it have the Walkman music app from ics?
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Nope but i moddified miui music player
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Just seen an ICS version of this.
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jumper62 said:
Just seen an ICS version of this.
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Ics version is not my work
And only theme + launcher and some widgets
Mine is hardmodded
And has no preinstalled cm9 theme but fully framework port of xperia u
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Need an Official CyanogenMod ROM....

Is it possible to having official ROM for our SL i9003...
Sent from my GT-I9003 using xda app-developers app
Yea it is. Head on over to all the official cyanogenmod devs and buy them each a Galaxy SL. Then its possible.
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((( RedDeviL ))) said:
Is it possible to having official ROM for our SL i9003...
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I have been searching answer for this from my joining date of xda
Who cares if the rom is official or not.. the fact is Cm9, which I'm currently using, is completely stable with no issues other than wifi .. And with a dev like Dhiru constantly working in it, what difference does it make that its not official ....
Hey guys why don't you understand actually I was checked at CyanMod website it only stated SL i9000 why not our set that's all....
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More of this first time enter to galaxy world dude previously from xperia....
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((( RedDeviL ))) said:
Hey guys why don't you understand actually I was checked at CyanMod website it only stated SL i9000 why not our set that's all....
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The Cyanogenmod's web site did not write our phone name on the web site because our Cyanogenmod are still in Alpha. First, WiFi didn't show strength, our Kernel is not for Jelly Bean and ICS, front camera improper and many other. Second, There's nothing we can do now, the only thing we do is pray that Kernel 3.x released soon and all/most of the problems are fix. Third, if you don't like using CM (The CM is not a problem for your daily life except if you used it as a camera or try to make a vlog with it front camera), try using stock ROM.
Thanks for your reply....
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((( RedDeviL ))) said:
Thanks for your reply....
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No problem Happy to help
Send from Galaxy SL powered by Jelly Bam
Need an Official CyanogenMod ROM....
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vishal24387 said:
I have been searching answer for this from my joining date of xda
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its not the question of official or unofficial
If the chicken fry tastes good
why you bother if its (hen) blind or not.
The thing is.. Our cyanogen will never been official 'cause dhiru and the other devs are not dependent on the cyano crew. On the cyano site our device is not present cause they've never worked on it.
Maybe if we reach the 3.x Kernel it will probably be better than i9000 official's.
Sent from my GT-I9003 using Tapatalk 2

Jelly Bean Rom

I made jelly bean 4.1.1 rom for Galaxy 3 so im thinking is it possible to make android 4.2?
It is working ? Screens and relice the tom so we can test it. Thanks
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ilievski.ace said:
It is working ? Screens and relice the tom so we can test it. Thanks
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It is working and its smoother than any other Jelly Bean rom. And i will upload it as soon as i make 10 posts
That's great but maybe you can share some info (such as non working list)
Edit: sorry for asking didn't notice another your post
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zygis10 said:
That's great but maybe you can share some info (such as non working list)
Edit: sorry for asking didn't notice another your post
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No its ok but you guys will need to flash google play by yourself
gogozx said:
No its ok but you guys will need to flash google play by yourself
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And i have reached my 10 posts :laugh: i will upload rom right now!
gogozx said:
And i have reached my 10 posts :laugh: i will upload rom right now!
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Waiting eagerly
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USB Mounting Problem
Hii great work with the ROM. i don't want to spoil the joy but i can't mount usb storage any suggested apps & also the gapps as suggested by gogozx says
" !!Not compatible with 4.1.x.!!
All APKs updated to 4.2.0 versions, where applicable. "

[Q] What are the best MODS & TWEAKS

What are the best mods and tweaks that can be applied to our phones to enhance our experience
Be more expecific. Depends of the rom there are lots of mods.
Sent from my GT-I9003 using xda premium
acuicultor said:
Be more expecific. Depends of the rom there are lots of mods.
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currently me on CM9 by dhiru1602 so lets take ICS into consideration
dragonlofd said:
currently me on CM9 by dhiru1602 so lets take ICS into consideration
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Try "android tweaker.apk" or "pimp my rom.apk" for the tweaks.
For the mods search in development section.
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acuicultor said:
Try "android tweaker.apk" or "pimp my rom.apk" for the tweaks.
For the mods search in development section.
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ON MY WAY :fingers-crossed:
acuicultor said:
Try "android tweaker.apk" or "pimp my rom.apk" for the tweaks.
For the mods search in development section.
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pimp my rom almost bricked my phone so be carefull what you ask for :silly:
4cyl turbo engine + cross breeder ftw! Both scripts are stable.
mustafahussain said:
pimp my rom almost bricked my phone so be carefull what you ask for :silly:
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Man if you want to play with your phone apling mods and tweaks, you have to know you have to assume the risks of do that. In other way i use pinp my rom and never almost brick my phone cuz always have nandroid backup and apply only the tweaks one by one.
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x-gamers 2.3.2 and qwerty kernel v3 the stable one . (v3.1 work also) and I used xperia z lockscreen with xperia z theme and s4 media sound like ui and ringtones ...
he look fast and stable and fully work jb 4.1.2 ,
but the HW video still missing ,

