hotspot and psvita (unlimited tmobile data) cans and cants - HTC One S

If you are on the unlimited 4g plan for T-Mobile you don't have the tether option, but with certain apps you can activate hotspot and connect your psvita to it.
This is a list of things that work and don't work with a psvita while tethered to an HTC one s on an unlimited 4g plan for tmobile. These are the results with WiFi for root, foxfi and the viper Rom tether. On cm10, pacman, viperone s, cm9 and different kernels and radios. In every situation the results are the same.
This list is still in progress, as I'm still trying different things. Let me know if you find a fix for the not working, or find other stuff please.
Working apps:
PSN store
Downloads from the PSN store
Not working:
Facebook works for the most part, but you can't load images or videos
Web browser directs to tmobile upsell page
Cod black ops declassified multiplayer connects, but then disconnects right away

nismotime said:
If you are on the unlimited 4g plan for T-Mobile you don't have the tether option, but with certain apps you can activate hotspot and connect your psvita to it.
This is a list of things that work and don't work with a psvita while tethered to an HTC one s on an unlimited 4g plan for tmbole
This list is still in progress, as I'm still trying different things. Let me know if you find a fix for the not working, or find other stuff please.
Working apps:
PSN store
Downloads from the PSN store
Not working:
Facebook works for the most part, but you can't load images or videos
Web browser directs to tmobile upsell page
Cod black ops declassified multiplayer connects, but then disconnects right away
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There are 2 ways to get around that, if your rooted download wifi tether for android, this will work as long as your screen is on, if it goes off you will loose data connection UNLESS THERE IS A CONSTANT DATA PULL, like streaming from Netflix. Unrooted you can use Foxfi from the market, it is now a paid app but works the same as wifi tether for android rooted devices. Now for situations that don't require streaming you can use opengarden which will allow you to browse the web and stuff but wont work for market stuff and streaming music or videos, so with these 2 solutions we can get around t-mobiles tethering fees. I don't think opengarden requires root, but I could be wrong.

I used fox fi, WiFi tether for root and a couple of of other methods, these are the results. The two methods you stated do not fix any of the non working apps
Sent from my HTC One S using xda app-developers app

There must be something else going onwith your phone. I am rooted, but still have the stock ROM - just tweaked. Wifi Tether for Root users works perfectly for me all the time with all apps. I do have to keep screen on though which is easy enough. Foxfi was hit or miss with and without root. Open Garden was not as stable or quick for me - it does require root . . .
sent from my *rooted* HTC One S using xda premium

I'll flash the stock ROM and re check my findings, I hope it works.
Sent from my HTC One S using xda app-developers app

I forgot to mention that I am rooted and unlocked, but I haven't flashed any custom roms on my phone, I am also fully up to date, thanks to voodoo ota rootkeeper.

Any specific settings you are using in the WiFi for root app? I'm also rooted and unlocked, just flashed stock Rom.

I found subscribing for hidemyass's vpn and using that will bypass the tethering restrictions with the unlimited plan. Been stuck in a hotel with dirt cheap wifi and it's worked well the last few days.

I cant even see the hotspot on a rooted stock rom using wifi tether for root users(on CM10 wifi tether for root showed up and I could connect, but I have the limitations I posted), may be a setting I have to change on the app. Im going to check out hidemyass's vpn for sure.

Mine will only work if I 'Enabe Wifi-Encryption' (use combination letter/# that is 13 characters) - Double check your access control and make sure 'MSS Clamping' + ''Routing Fix' are disabled . . .
sent from my *rooted* HTC One S using xda premium

I got it to work on CM9 for about 5 minutes, then it went back to non working youtube and tmobile upsell page on the browser. Im trying wifi tether for root users now on the stock tmous rom with the same results. I guess I have no choice but to go with a VPN to have working youtube and browser.
This is what happens when you search for anything on the PsVita youtube app
and on the browser
So far tried wifi tether for root users, barnacle, rom based tether and fox fi, on viper one s, CM9, CM10, Stock TMOUS, energy, trick droid and pacman.


Secretly tethering

Is there a way to tether without your carrier knowing? What does the carrier even look at to know you're tethering? I'm on i-wireless in Cincinnati. I have TRULY unlimited 3g, but when I tether I just get a splash screen saying my plan doesn't allow tethering. I'd pay for it, but that's not an option. The real **** part is that even browsing within my phone gives me that splash screen afterwards. Sometimes I can fix it by playing with APNs but I usually have to call and have them reset the data.
Are you rooted? Tethering wirelessly or using a cable? What app are you using?
I'm using a rooted HTC glacier, or mytouch 4g, and I've tried using the built in tethering on cm7, as well as wireless tether for root users. Both resulted in the splash page, but AndroidAP allowed me to get to once. Could have been a fluke though.
I also got the masqed crusader app, hoping to hide my tethering. It allowed me to use the built in hotspots app, but same results. Wifi tether for root didn't work at all with this running.

[Q] Rom with native hotspot hack?

Im running an ICS CM9 Kang on my Nexus S 4G. It doesnt have a baked in hotspot hack, im looking for a ROM with a native hotspot hack.
Or even just an app that will let me use my hotspot with S.U. access. The regular apps im used too dont appear on the market/play store when i search for them, i guess they dont exist anymore.
(FWIW The Nexus isnt my phone, I use a Epic Touch 4G and i dont even know what a kang is (lol) )
About none of the tethering apps showing when you search for them. I think sprint blocks market searches for things they don't want us using. Try searching for them from your computer on the play store and I bet you'll see them. There used to be a app called market enabler that you could install to get around this but I haven't used it in a long time.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using XDA
xjs1200x said:
Im running an ICS CM9 Kang on my Nexus S 4G. It doesnt have a baked in hotspot hack, im looking for a ROM with a native hotspot hack.
Or even just an app that will let me use my hotspot with S.U. access. The regular apps im used too dont appear on the market/play store when i search for them, i guess they dont exist anymore.
(FWIW The Nexus isnt my phone, I use a Epic Touch 4G and i dont even know what a kang is (lol) )
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yes it does. system settings, more under wireless & networks, tethering and portable hotspot, portable wifi hotspot.
simms22 said:
yes it does. system settings, more under wireless & networks, tethering and portable hotspot, portable wifi hotspot.
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I"m trying to find out what files are chagned to make this work, i'm pretty sure it was working on CNA 1.6, but I'm on 2.0 and its not working now and the dev is focused more on Gnex i think.
I know in 2.3.7 it was system/vendor/lib/ per Peter Alfonso's fix, i dropped the one from his ICS bugless beast in my phone and still no go. computer connects but does not have internet access. the signal icon loses the 3g and turns gray as well. really want to get this working.

Bypass tmobile upsell without UA changer?

so just so i can verify. i tried out the svtp tehter app. and it changes the name of your tether id. its not an actual tehter app just gives you access to the hotspot app already baked in android. its more for verizon users that have the app disabled. ANYWAY suddenly i dont get the upsell page. so just to make sure (because the app is $15) i uninstalled and ran native tether and still no upsell page. so i tried it on my wifes phone (just changing the name of the tether), keep in mind my wifes phone is completely virgin so its not rooted, and BAM it works on that one too. so if anyone has time to try this out to confirm it for me or maybe i just flooked out twice lol
Edit: decided to just buy the app but it didn't work after the few times I changed the names manually on the phone so I just returned it. Changed the title to a question to stop confusion. Maybe someone else made more progress.
T-Mobile sucks for this crap
BTW im using chrome now and tried it in IE both got through
also its not tied to the name. just change it tether and change it back and the page is still gone. just got and upsell text but i usually get 2-5 before seeing the page and thats after i stop the tether and re-enable it later.
never mind upsell page is back but it did last a bit
One thing which was working for me up until a few days ago, was using Firefox Aurora (an alpha, but very stable, way more than nightlies). But at random that stopped working. Of course I installed some updates so IE 10 would work on W7 and it was after that I was blocked on FF. One other thing to note is that I can run a torrent client with no issues, so if it's possible to route a web browser through a different port, that would also work.
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
thank for the reply. im wondering if there is a way to hide the tether SSID from tmobile or even make it dynamic name. honestly im trying to get all my free DLC for Halo 4 on my xbox and its driving me nuts lol. the way i figure that tmobile blocks us is that they packet sniff and when there is X amount of data flowing through a port then that is when they flag your ssid (or hash tag) and sends the upsell page. im not claiming to know anything about network security but that is how it seems to be. im going to see if i can change the port that tether uses to send and receive, as you said torrenting works with no problem as does mine but they also dont use a UA to work. that is really the only way for them to find out you are tethering, otherwise they would be blocking normal traffic from our phones.
why dont you guys just use a user agent extension and choose safari? works perfect for me.
khanh1289 said:
why dont you guys just use a user agent extension and choose safari? works perfect for me.
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that is what im using now but my xbox wont connect for updates, it did before i got the upsell page
well t-mobile block tethering based on devices they have set up to use their towers. So you have to "masked" it as another device. If Xbox, or IE explorer (I'm assuming this is what Xbox uses) is on their blocked devices list, then you can't use the internet from their towers. Is it possible for you to download the update on a usb drive then update it through that? Sorry, I don't own an xbox so I don't know.
get fox fi app and use the proxy add on and connect through the proxy and they can not detect it.
You can download the updates but only major ones like ui updates not fixes or security sweeps. And if I don't at least do the security sweeps I can't play some of my downloaded games because this isnt the original Xbox I downloaded them to. I have tried foxfi with no luck. Perhaps you have a better tutorial I could use?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
Why don't you tether your phone to your computer then hook your Xbox's Ethernet cable into your computer and bridge the connection between the Ethernet connection to the Xbox and the tethered connection? Would that work?
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda app-developers app
i would if i could. But i have the unique problem that the only phone signal i get is in my window, the complete other side of the room of my 360. i cant get a repeater from tmobile because its not my house and i dont have $600+ to spend on one without a contract. i also dont have a 30ft ethernet cable.
projectzro said:
so just so i can verify. i tried out the svtp tehter app. and it changes the name of your tether id. its not an actual tehter app just gives you access to the hotspot app already baked in android. its more for verizon users that have the app disabled. ANYWAY suddenly i dont get the upsell page. so just to make sure (because the app is $15) i uninstalled and ran native tether and still no upsell page. so i tried it on my wifes phone (just changing the name of the tether), keep in mind my wifes phone is completely virgin so its not rooted, and BAM it works on that one too. so if anyone has time to try this out to confirm it for me or maybe i just flooked out twice lol
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What is this upsell page? Do you see this when you use the portable Wi-Fi hotspot, or just when doing USB tethering? I heard about a year ago that T-Mobile would be charging $15/mo for these capabilities. I do not pay for it, but I still use my phone as a hotspot once-in-a-while. In-fact, I am using it right now! BTW... I am on a "Classic 1000 Ulimited Plus" package that does not show the"Mobile HotSpot Service" of the "Ulimited Premium" plan. I use CM7 based ROMs. I use the hotspot functionality that's already in CM7 based Temasek135.2.
Xura08 said:
Why don't you tether your phone to your computer then hook your Xbox's Ethernet cable into your computer and bridge the connection between the Ethernet connection to the Xbox and the tethered connection? Would that work?
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda app-developers app
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That would cause DNS translation issues.
G2x-CM7 Nightly 11/25/12 Build, Trinity ELP Kernel
I just did this to help a friend out with his upsell page problem. Use chrome and then add the add on User agent switcher to mask as an android device.
@projectzro I feel your pain I was up in Rochester this summer and Tmo signal sucks there
I don't have any problems other than this house lol. Its the freekiest thing, if you look at the network map for all services this house is a black hole all the way to the drive way. I do use the user agent changer but its for my Xbox so it can update.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
I've been using the user agent switcher since the new unlimited plan with no issues till 3 weeks ago.everything works fine between Firefox and chrome except I can no longer watch YouTube videos. It has to be something between the agent and T-Mobile ( flash player?) because I can use a VPN and YouTube magicly works again. Other wise I get a black screen in the YouTube video that says error occurredlease try again later.
Would be nice if there was a hotspot app out there that would fix this without having to use agent switcher.
Sent from my G2X on life support.
Me too lol. If you go to the full site and right click and click on pop out it works
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
outlawbiker said:
I've been using the user agent switcher since the new unlimited plan with no issues till 3 weeks ago.everything works fine between Firefox and chrome except I can no longer watch YouTube videos. It has to be something between the agent and T-Mobile ( flash player?) because I can use a VPN and YouTube magicly works again. Other wise I get a black screen in the YouTube video that says error occurredlease try again later.
Would be nice if there was a hotspot app out there that would fix this without having to use agent switcher.
Sent from my G2X on life support.
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Here's my guide to use tether on tmobile without the user agent switcher .
Xbox updates work with this method as well .
I will try this thank you. Didn't realize they moves my thread. To Q and A
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
This didn't work for me in fact it broke my g2x for an hour and a half :'( I'm on cm7 if that helps
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium

How to use unlimited tethering on T-MOBILE USA with lg g2

This is for everyone who has been pulling their hair out trying to figure out how to wifi- tether on T-Mobile LG-G2, without getting blocked by T-Mobile. I have tried multiple methods and this is the only one that seems to work perfectly every time. this method uses the native hot-spot and NOT wifi-tether. I was only able to get Wi-Fi tether to wok on ASOP rom. (cm10.2) This method works great on the stock rom. Keep in mind I do have the unlimited data plan.
I actually just called T-Mobile yesterday and had them upgrade my plan to the 2.5 GB of free hotspot data (was 500MB previously) that is included in the unlimited $70 plan.
need to be rooted (not sure if custom recovery is needed by I do have one)
have HOTSPOT SHIELD VPN installed on your phone
Turn on hotspot shield vpn and let it connect and secure your connection. once you see the key in the top left corner you are good.
Then you turn on the native hotspot on the phone, configure your SSID and password if you like. the native hotspot should now be detected by other devices, simply connect and you should be good to go without using your hotspot data or receiving the blocked site page from T-Mobile, just as long as the vpn is still connected.
trust when I say I have spent hours and hours and days and days trying to find a method that worked, and this one does seem to do the trick (at least for the past few days lol) I have used it to connect to my kindle fire, other android phones, and my ps3.
Test it out and see how it works for you. let me know if you have success or not.
**Now I do believe you must have some amount of hotspot data remaining in order to use this method or it wont connect. otherwise you will have to wait until your hotspot data allotment refreshes at the beginning of your new billing cycle**
The way I do mine is by changing the user agent on chrome to something else and it works. Now i have a d802 rom so im not sure about stock rom,
Before there was tether in the plan it used to tell you right away to add it when you turn on tethering on the samsung devices but by doing some mods with framework-res.apk to change the tethering apns it would let you use it without that pop up. But always have a user agent
gypsy214 said:
The way I do mine is by changing the user agent on chrome to something else and it works. Now i have a d802 rom so im not sure about stock rom,
Before there was tether in the plan it used to tell you right away to add it when you turn on tethering on the samsung devices but by doing some mods with framework-res.apk to change the tethering apns it would let you use it without that pop up. But always have a user agent
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You know i have tried using a user agent but i didnt work for me for some reason. Im running Buckeye V2.1 rom which is a stock rom but its super fast over the stock out of the box rom. I seem to like the lg g2 rom over asop which judt seems a bit boring now. I will have to try the user agent method again and see whats happens. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of support or love for the d801 right now so i was banging my head against the wall trying to get it to work but this seemed to work for me. I always check my hotspot data via the t mobile app just to make sure no hot spot data is being used and so far so good using vpn. Just wanted to share in case it works for others.
JKLIMES1 said:
You know i have tried using a user agent but i didnt work for me for some reason. Im running Buckeye V2.1 rom which is a stock rom but its super fast over the stock out of the box rom. I seem to like the lg g2 rom over asop which judt seems a bit boring now. I will have to try the user agent method again and see whats happens. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of support or love for the d801 right now so i was banging my head against the wall trying to get it to work but this seemed to work for me. I always check my hotspot data via the t mobile app just to make sure no hot spot data is being used and so far so good using vpn. Just wanted to share in case it works for others.
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I use Chrome and I change my user agent to safari on mac. It seems to work. I reached the 2.5GB of hotspot for tmobile but changing the user agent i dont get that tmobile screen. Also tried it on stock out of box rom and it works
i tried this with the Hotspot shield but it was a no go for meit still counted towards my hotspot data. is there a more detailed way?
Doesn't work for me either.
Sent from my LG-D801 using Tapatalk

[Q] Is Verizon blocking traffic via hotspot?

So here's the strange thing I've noticed recently while connected to my GS3 via hotspot, youtube videos don't play on devices connected to the specific hotspot. I'm using CleanRom 7, and I've only noticed this recently. It's like the video will not load, but the site itself works entirely. I don't have this issue with various Wi-Fi networks, it is specific to my phone and devices connected to my phone.
YouTube App does work on my phone regardless if hotspot is on.
YouTube does work on multiple networks on multiple devices, but via hotspot through my GS3.
No app blocking or redirecting incoming and outgoing traffic. (unless that's happening and I'm unaware of any changes)
I'm just curious if anyone is having this issue as well? Or with any other video format online. I've checked whether or not it's just the flash player or HTML5 format was the issue, but again the videos play regardless on networks outside of my hotspot. I've also been to sites where flash video works flawlessly via my hotspot. So, it's really just YouTube.
verizon hotspot note 2 youtube not working
WillTheGreat said:
So here's the strange thing I've noticed recently while connected to my GS3 via hotspot, youtube videos don't play on devices connected to the specific hotspot. I'm using CleanRom 7, and I've only noticed this recently. It's like the video will not load, but the site itself works entirely. I don't have this issue with various Wi-Fi networks, it is specific to my phone and devices connected to my phone.
YouTube App does work on my phone regardless if hotspot is on.
YouTube does work on multiple networks on multiple devices, but via hotspot through my GS3.
No app blocking or redirecting incoming and outgoing traffic. (unless that's happening and I'm unaware of any changes)
I'm just curious if anyone is having this issue as well? Or with any other video format online. I've checked whether or not it's just the flash player or HTML5 format was the issue, but again the videos play regardless on networks outside of my hotspot. I've also been to sites where flash video works flawlessly via my hotspot. So, it's really just YouTube.
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I also experienced the same thing. Been looking around and they are blocking youtube. Apparently they are blocking youtube, netflix and various other streaming sites on any device connected to the hotspot. I have a grandfathered unlimited account with verizon so its people like me they are mainly aiming this at. You can try a VPN from what im told by a buddy at verizon, but its hard to find a good VPN off the playstore that doesn't have nefarious programming. I'm sure you could find something here on XDA about VPNs. Sorry im not anymore help but im a newb. Lol
Also it might have something to do with when they throttle down the data speed. Might be automatic until your data plan renews each month.?
EvoRelease said:
I also experienced the same thing. Been looking around and they are blocking youtube. Apparently they are blocking youtube, netflix and various other streaming sites on any device connected to the hotspot. I have a grandfathered unlimited account with verizon so its people like me they are mainly aiming this at. You can try a VPN from what im told by a buddy at verizon, but its hard to find a good VPN off the playstore that doesn't have nefarious programming. I'm sure you could find something here on XDA about VPNs. Sorry im not anymore help but im a newb. Lol
Also it might have something to do with when they throttle down the data speed. Might be automatic until your data plan renews each month.?
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I finally found a vpn I like a lot. Private internet access, unlimited bandwith for 40 something a year. Speeds are good and it has a play store app that works pretty good now (the old app was just a shortcut to the default android vpn settings). I think its 10$ or something for month to month payment so if you try it out and like it don't forget to buy the year and save a good chunk of change.
Thanks I think its time for this. ive always heard of VPN's but never really understood the need. If this works "thanks Verizon for opening my eyes" lol
What is the name of the VPN?
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
EvoRelease said:
Thanks I think its time for this. ive always heard of VPN's but never really understood the need. If this works "thanks Verizon for opening my eyes" lol
What is the name of the VPN?
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
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I think he mentioned "VPN by Private internet access", search the market for "Private internet access" and you should find it.
I just signed up for the vpn service. It works great. Got my youtube videos and my netflixs back. Use the windows program on the computer that connects to the hotspot. And the android app on the device that is connected to the hotspot. Do not use the vpn on the device projecting the hotspot. I could get my desktop to contect to the hotspot but no internet. Maybe im doimg something wrong but the other ways work great!! Thanks for this topic!!!!!
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
EvoRelease said:
I just signed up for the vpn service. It works great. Got my youtube videos and my netflixs back. Use the windows program on the computer that connects to the hotspot. And the android app on the device that is connected to the hotspot. Do not use the vpn on the device projecting the hotspot. I could get my desktop to contect to the hotspot but no internet. Maybe im doimg something wrong but the other ways work great!! Thanks for this topic!!!!!
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
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I have problems connecting on windows 8 but it will connect. 7 and xp connect without any problems. I think it is a setting in the firewall. If you have a router that supports VPN you can set it up there and tunel all your traffic.
WillTheGreat said:
So here's the strange thing I've noticed recently while connected to my GS3 via hotspot, youtube videos don't play on devices connected to the specific hotspot. I'm using CleanRom 7, and I've only noticed this recently. It's like the video will not load, but the site itself works entirely. I don't have this issue with various Wi-Fi networks, it is specific to my phone and devices connected to my phone.
YouTube App does work on my phone regardless if hotspot is on.
YouTube does work on multiple networks on multiple devices, but via hotspot through my GS3.
No app blocking or redirecting incoming and outgoing traffic. (unless that's happening and I'm unaware of any changes)
I'm just curious if anyone is having this issue as well? Or with any other video format online. I've checked whether or not it's just the flash player or HTML5 format was the issue, but again the videos play regardless on networks outside of my hotspot. I've also been to sites where flash video works flawlessly via my hotspot. So, it's really just YouTube.
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PIA, Hidemyass, airvpn etc will all work
Alternatively, you can spend a one time fee of $8 for the foxfi key. I use it to access my native hotspot on stock rooted 4.3 without any issues.

