[Q] Updated package of google now (5/12/12) for ICS? - Galaxy Tab 7.7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Google has released a new update for Google Now on 5.12.12 :laugh: with new features and bug fixes, Can some one please update if there is a package that we can install on the ICS for galaxy tab 7.7 6810 :fingers-crossed:
Cant wait to flash the updated package on my tab
Thanks in advance


[Q] Samsung galaxy tab 2 10.1 Jelly bean , need help!

Hi. i would like to ask u guys when jelly bean is going to be aviable for galaxy tab 2 . ?
And now im running cm9/rooted. so if i would like to install jeally bean i should install it with Odin ?
P.S - ThanX!:good:
Not avaliable officially yet last official version avaliable 4.04 may be in the future considering device is newly released but you could try cm10 preview not finished and still experimental but has gelly bean 4.1
side note do not forget to update cwm to version 6 before update to cm10 also take note that nandroid backups made by cwm 5 will note restore by cwm6
good luck

Samsung S7562 want update

hello, i have Samsung S7562 , and i want Update to 4.1 .
and can Someone give me a link, because i can not find any 4.1 Update (Official & Unofficial)
please help me :highfive:
not yet released consider that the galaxy sII had the update less than 2 month ago so be patient

[Q] Cyanogenmod problem for Galaxy tab 7.0 plus (gt-p6210)

ok so i installed cyangenmod on my tablet and nothing works! so i wanted to uninstall it but recovery says for 2 firmware packages that it aborted installation. can anyone help me? it would be helpful to post a link to download the latest firmware of ice cream sandwich or jelly bean that is official and i can download thanks!!
i am also having some difficulty downgading my ipod so if anyone can give me some shsh blobs for 6.1.2 or like a way to downgrade without shsh blobs

[Q] not updating jellyblast on samsung gt-s5360

i recently add the custom rom jellyblast v3 on my samsung gt-s5360 and i love it but one problem it is saying there is an update but when i try to update i get an error my present rom version is 3.0.0 and the new update will be but each time i use the ota updater it say there is an error with download,how can i resolve this issue so i can have the latest updates
yoU caN jUst fLash the upDate fRom cWm ....iF available.....

[Q] Update Android Samsung Galaxy tab 7.0 plus [P6210]

I'm trying to update to newest Android in my Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus (P6210) (wifi only).
Actually is in 3.2 android version. In some countries has updated to android jelly bean 4.1.2, but not in mine (Spain).
I see some threads to download newest firmware to my device, but links don't works!
Can someone know how i can update it to de latest official firmware or a unofficial stable version? I just want a valid link to download it. Somebody can help me?

