Bugs on our device thread - Windows Phone 8x by HTC

Issue Summary (updated regularly when issues arise) [UPDATES Shown in this style]
* Issue 1: Windows Phone connector for Mac crashes when trying to sync.
* More information & reading HERE
* Temporary workaround (taken from above thread):
From timmymarsh:
- When device connected, quickly hit cancel sync before wp app crashes.
- Go into settings, UNCHECK Auto-sync.
- Next time connect device, app should not crash.
From MS: (in response to my workaround)
If you want to turn off the "sync automatically" setting, you can do it outside the app, no need for quick reflexes/slow computer:
- In Finder, pres cmd-shift-G
- Type the following path into the dialog: ~/Library/Containers/com.microsoft.Windows-Phone-7-Connector/Data/Library/Application Support/Windows Phone/Devices
- You should see a single folder with a bunch of characters representing your phone, open that folder
- Edit the file named "Sync Configuration.xml"
- Change the value after Setting/Sync On Connect from <integer>1</integer> to <integer>0</integer>
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* Final solution - awaiting (MS working on an update) - will review now OSv OTA 8.0.10211.204 has been released.
* Issue 2 : 8x Reboot
* More information & reading : HERE and HERE
* Temporary fix : doesnt appear to be one at this time.
* Updated info: MS has identified a problem, working on OTA release for December. Fix TBC since release of Osv x10211.204
* Final solution - awaiting (OTA update) - Issue fix TBC as above
* Issue 3 : Distorted sound, ie whilst phone is ringing
* More information & reading :
* Temporary fix : reboot, sound works afterwards.
* Final solution : Fix TBC since release of Osv x10211.204
* Issue 4 : General stability issues - unresponsive
* More information & reading : none, need confirmed reports from users.
* Temporary fix : as above.
* Final solution : Fix TBC since release of Osv x10211.204
Issue 5
* More information & reading:
* Temporary fix :
* Final solution
* Possible OS patches/updates in the pipeline:
* OTA update/patch rumoured for December to fix reboot issue (affecting all wp8 handsets, Nokia & HTC) - 8.0.10211.204 OTA released 11th Dec 2012
* "Portico" OS update rumoured for release in Feb 2013 - TBC
* UNOFFICIAL leaked RUU (currently running on all new HTC 8S devices) see **Link Removed due to Official OTA Release**

Let's list up our findings, to see if it's only a local bug, or if many others have the same issues.
Had my 8x for aprox 3 weeks now, I am mostly very pleased with both aesthetics and performance.
But have seen some random "bugs":
-Random reboots (already mentioned and have a fix coming)
-Sometimes, in apps, the screen is not responding to touch, seen it happen in various apps, but mostly in Wimp. Needs reboot to function properly again)
-Sound becomes distorted from time to time, happened once using headset, and sometimes with notifications/incoming calls.
-"lag" in notifications, in.ex when a ringtone starts (when device in sleep mode) it's noticeable that the ringtone don't start from beginning, it kinda hangs a bit then starts half a sec/a sec into the ringtone/notification sound.
Not sure if it's my device or if others experience the same things

itje said:
-Random reboots (already mentioned and have a fix coming)
-Sometimes, in apps, the screen is not responding to touch, seen it happen in various apps, but mostly in Wimp. Needs reboot to function properly again)
-Sound becomes distorted from time to time, happened once using headset, and sometimes with notifications/incoming calls.
-"lag" in notifications, in.ex when a ringtone starts (when device in sleep mode) it's noticeable that the ringtone don't start from beginning, it kinda hangs a bit then starts half a sec/a sec into the ringtone/notification sound.
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I've nearly the same problems with my device (8X, FW 1532.20.10005.111, HWrevisionnumber: 0002, Chip-SOC-Version: 8260A).
- 3 times a reboot
- sometimes in apps no screen responding (i think it's caused from the app's)
-> reboot manually
- sound becomes disorted when using navigon ( navigon bug ?), built in music player works fine, sometimes sound in video player is asynchronous, sometimes not (same movie file)
- when i use navigon and bluetooth in my car, battery drains out allthoug i'm charging (5V, 1000m/Ah), so i'm not able to use it for more then 3-4 hours !!! Phone is then really hot and battery empty.
I read that lumia 920 users have the same problem.
- Battery drains too fast, 12 to 16 hours by normal usage
- my provider data volume (200 MB) is sufficient for max. of 3 days (no tool to control network traffic, because t-mobile WP8 without built in data sence)
For users with battery problems, Coolknight1968 wrote a "how to" to become a better battery performance. You can read it, following the link in post#4 in this thread:

The only bug I suffer from is the reboot, but this mostly occures when I have a WP7.5 app tombstoned in the background.
Battery life averages between 20 hours - 1,5 day depening on use. Seems good enough, I have very little drain in standby. Battery does drain fast when using games or the screen a lot, but this is normal.
No audio bugs either.
No lag or responsiveness issues.
8X, FW 1532.20.10022.401, HWrevisionnumber: 0002, Chip-SOC-Version: 8260A

ITJE, you beat me to this thread. I was going to post a thread with a list of issues (regularly updated) with a space to list workarounds and answers.
Hope you dont mind, i have created a summary post above yours, which can be updated for ease of reference (as it was such a good idea lol)
If you want, i can transfer ownership to you (you know the magic lol)

I never had the reboot issue but that's probably because I read that Skype was causing the problem so I just left it uninstalled.
I don't have the distorted sound issue under any circumstance.
I use Windows and Linux and therefore have not experienced the Mac problem (despite owning a Mac)
I have noticed something else... I cannot send the following message: *in
If there is a space before the asterisk, then there's no problem. If either or both of the letters is capitalized, there's no problem. asterisk-i-n will not send from my phone.
Anybody else getting this?

found another bug...
when i connect my 8X to my Computer and connect it to Visual Studio for Debugging it seems that the telephone Features hangs after a while... i don't receive SMS nor calls... only a restart can solve the Problem...
happens to the 3rd time today...
really annoying
It seems it doesn't Need to be connected to the PC.
Everything in the whole OS seems Buggy.
The first time i used my phone it was the same way, after a few hardresets (because it was the same time the Live-Services had Errors) it seemed that it works nice now...
i don't know what error this could be...

1. I too have had the reboot problem (where the phone randomly reboots itself).
2. I have also had the phone freeze where I had to hold the power button to reboot, as the phone was unresponsive.
3. When making a call, one time the phone wouldn't go to speakerphone, nor could I hear the person on the other end. Everything else worked fine. A reboot fixed the problem.
4. The phone has randomly said "invalid or missing sim card" twice now. A reboot fixed it both times, but annoying. Anyone else have this? Not sure if its the sim or the phone.

Not sure if it's a "bug" to others, but in group messages, i reply to the group, but I also get the reply. How the hell is that fixed?

timmymarsh said:
ITJE, you beat me to this thread. I was going to post a thread with a list of issues (regularly updated) with a space to list workarounds and answers.
Hope you dont mind, i have created a summary post above yours, which can be updated for ease of reference (as it was such a good idea lol)
If you want, i can transfer ownership to you (you know the magic lol)
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I don't mind. You keep it :cyclops:

Oberoth said:
found another bug...
when i connect my 8X to my Computer and connect it to Visual Studio for Debugging it seems that the telephone Features hangs after a while... i don't receive SMS nor calls... only a restart can solve the Problem...
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I have noticed that if I go a while (a few days or so) without a reboot, then my phone stops receiving texts and calls. A simple toggle of the radio from one protocol to another (i.e. 4G to 2G and back) will rectify things. I'll get a flood of backlogged messages.

After updating to the new (officially not released yet) OS 8.0.10211.204 I have not had issues with sound or reboots (yet?)
Seen some issues in apps esp. on resume (mostly/only(?) Wimp, but I believe that's app related)
I am happy with my 8x, it's, for me, one of the better devices I have had :good:
And when spotify (very missed) becomes available for WP8, I will be very happy

I am on 8X number 3 now as I cant stand the reboot issue and first 2 had it.
With all 3 phones though I have noticed that a lot of the old power Hungary games tend to crash a lot - prime on is PES that crashes on the second game of a session without fail and sometimes first. Also IloMilo sometimes bombs. I know this is an app thing and I know lumia 920 owners are having same issues with same apps its quite annoying as all work flawlessly on WP7 handsets (at least HD7, Mozart and Lumia 800).
Also first 2 handsets had issues with casing coming away from the screen though the new one looks and feels spot on. (first 2 where blue handsets new one is yellow so dunno if it was just a batch issue as I know the yellows came into store later
Other than that its a great device with only downside being the lack of SD (this will bug me until I upgrade) The sound quality rocks.I have found myself with my earphones in whilst at home with my stereo waiting to please me.

Post 1 updated.

Hi guys.
Please only report bugs if you have updated your device to the new OTA 8.0.10211.204 released by MS & carriers today.
If you havent updated yet, then it would be wise to do this as the new release will probably address the above, thanks.

No Sound
This has only happend about 3- 4 times. I have the volume up and set to ring. But watching videos, sounds(typing, lock/unlock, etc), calls, etc there's will be no sound. I try lowering the volume and raising it, checked setting, etc but nothing makes the sound come back until I reboot the device. Anyone else have this?
OS Version: 8.0.9903.10
Firmware: 1532.20.10006.531
Hardware: 0003
Radio software:
Radio Hardware: 3.36.0.D4
Bootloader: 0.0.1532.20
Chip SOC:8260A

marcoshid said:
This has only happend about 3- 4 times. I have the volume up and set to ring. But watching videos, sounds(typing, lock/unlock, etc), calls, etc there's will be no sound. I try lowering the volume and raising it, checked setting, etc but nothing makes the sound come back until I reboot the device. Anyone else have this?
OS Version: 8.0.9903.10
Firmware: 1532.20.10006.531
Hardware: 0003
Radio software:
Radio Hardware: 3.36.0.D4
Bootloader: 0.0.1532.20
Chip SOC:8260A
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no, only distorted sound on that os, you not got the ota update yet? Its coming.

Have my 8X since a few days, the day before the OTA update actually, but I still have a problem :
The speakerphone is working perfectly fine when playing music or video but when I'm calling someone, putting him on speakerphone makes the sound horrible to the point that I can't understand what the other one is saying. I don't use speakerphone that often, so if you could just give it a try calling your voicemail, maybe I'm not the only one with this.

Not don't have it yet will update once I do and is if it ever happens again.
timmymarsh said:
no, only distorted sound on that os, you not got the ota update yet? Its coming.
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probably not a bug but annoying: since the update msn toggles online/offline with the screen; people think i'm unavailable on msn (yes i still use msn )



what was that for ??
@ morphosin
I suppose, it was his way to say "well, there are several threads in this forum about upgrading to 1.11. Please take a look at the search button".
If You are currently using radio 1.01, upgrading to 1.11 should be a major improvement. Wne I upgraded to 1.05 (or was it 1.06) it was a big step towards good sound (but I must admit that there is hardly a difference between 1.06 and 1.11 in terms of sound). Sound improvement will not depend on the installation of the other ROM-Files, the radio.nbf is enough.
with 1.11 there will be only a few performance features at my side ...
Too bad none of those several threads are able to conclusively identify any solid benefit from upgrading. I am still looking for posts that tell me why 1.11 is worth the bother. And he did say he was reading about it beforehand (presumably in this forum). So seems the question is valid in my opinion.
ROM upgrades are mostly used to fix bugs in older version. From time to time new capabilities are thrown in as well, but that is not the main concern of a ROM update. So the question is: do you want to live with these bugs, or do you want them fixed?
Don't expect all bugs to be fixed by doing a ROM upgrade, though. ROMS are made by humans, and we make mistakes. Of course new bugs can be introduced as well, but unless these new bugs are very bad and a lot of users are experiencing them, I see no reason to run an old buggy version.
Seems they've replaced the old tired bugs with new and improved ones! I have finally stabilised my JAM on the 1.06 ROM after much pain. I am still not convinced that the 1.11 is any better since some people claim its better and some claim its much worse. In other words, there is little consensus.
BTW, I don't accept the human factor as an excuse for lingering bugs. I am not a beta tester and I don't wish to use beta products. Once maybe, twice is pushing it, but three ROMs and still no sign of fixes for the fundamental problems is unacceptable. My phone is unreliable and if I don't get it sorted soon I will be back on a Nokia / Blackberry combination (quite a step backward in my opinion).
All I want is a stable working ROM that allows me to hear calls when I make them, to hang up when I hang up, and to connect and disconnect to GPRS when I need to and to put an end to soft reseting all the time! Unit and regression testing as part of a typical QA process should kill off 90% of bugs either new or old.
The problem is that in the rush to market HTC/Imate have obviously failed to complete a proper QA cycle prior to release. Their QA is terrible.
ianwood, what are these numerous bugs that you're referring to?
I'm heavily using my JAM on a daily basis. I was very cautious and selective on what 3rd party software I install. I had some 3rd party software that f*cks up my JAM completely (JGUI's for example), but now I have a list of software that WORKS WELL TOGETHER and don't have any problems. I never do a soft reset and the JAM behaves exactly how I want it.
We also have to distinguish between 3rd party software bugs, Windows bugs and HTC flaws.
The same bugs that everyone else refers to:
GPRS not being able to resume after a call
Answering call fails with "unable to answer call" message
Hanging up fails with service command error message
ActiveSync becoming unresponsive when syncing
BT not installed errors
Unresolved items in ActiveSync when there is no conflict
Heavy static on calls
Sound quality is crap (worse than the old T68s)
Speakerphone is also crap
Camera is slooooooow and picture quality is mediocre
BT headset drops after 15 minutes
Several reputable today plugins just don't work
BTW, I have very little installed on the thing. GPRS Monitor, a couple of simple games, Resco, Skype, TomTom. The rest are I-Mate default apps.
Let's face it; I am not the only one to have an issue with this thing.
MS, Imate, HTC, et all need to wake up and realise they will continue to be a footnote in mobile until they get this stuff sorted out! Let's hope WM5 will be better -- too bad we might not get it on our JAMs.
Some problems just not related to the Rom itself. I am using 1.11 rom
ianwood said:
The same bugs that everyone else refers to:
GPRS not being able to resume after a call (I don't have GPRS)
Answering call fails with "unable to answer call" message (never happen to me)
Hanging up fails with service command error message (never happen to me)
ActiveSync becoming unresponsive when syncing (never happen to me too)
BT not installed errors (Yes! But not anymore after 1.11 rom)
Unresolved items in ActiveSync when there is no conflict (blame stupid MS)
Heavy static on calls (sometimes)
Sound quality is crap (worse than the old T68s) (Ok for me)
Speakerphone is also crap (I agree)
Camera is slooooooow and picture quality is mediocre (I agree)
BT headset drops after 15 minutes (not in my case for my HBH 600, even 30+ mins still ok)
Several reputable today plugins just don't work <- This is the plugin's problem. All my plugins works without problem (SBSH's Pocket Breeze, Marware's Pocket Weather and PocketMax's Phone Alarm)
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ianwood said:
The same bugs that everyone else refers to:
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I had some of those when I first got my Magician, but haven't seen any of them since upgrading to 1.06.
GPRS not being able to resume after a call - Constant, but fixed in the Norwegian.
Answering call fails with "unable to answer call" message - Never happened to me.
Hanging up fails with service command error message - Never happened to me.
ActiveSync becoming unresponsive when syncing - Agree.
BT not installed errors - Never in 1.11, but only in 1.06.
Unresolved items in ActiveSync when there is no conflict - Constant.
Heavy static on calls - Never happened to me.
Sound quality is crap (worse than the old T68s) - No.
Speakerphone is also crap - No.
Camera is slooooooow and picture quality is mediocre - As in all ROMs.
BT headset drops after 15 minutes - Haven't got a headset, but BT GPS stays connected hour after hour.
Several reputable today plugins just don't work - Name one. I haven't had one single problem and I use many.
Let's face it; I am not the only one to have an issue with this thing. - And there are lots of users that think that it's more stable than 1.06.
MS, Imate, HTC, et all need to wake up and realise they will continue to be a footnote in mobile until they get this stuff sorted out! Let's hope WM5 will be better -- too bad we might not get it on our JAMs. - Oh yeah.. I've worked with QA and I woudn't have released even the 1.11 as 1.0! Terrible!

NEW kaiser cing/att 8925 test rom w/radio

Software version
GSM Radio:
Protocol version:
CE version: 1.53.502.1
OS build: Windows Mobile 6 AKU 0.4.2 Build 18125
!!Download me!!
Issue fixed
Incorrect SMS and MMS settings
Java Http user agent has no make/ model listed
HTC 8925 (1.04.502) - device is unresponsive/locked-up
HTC 8925 (1.04.502) - no audible SMS alert
HTC 8925 (1.04.502) - MMS IOT- Can't play AMR content in MMS sent from LG C2000
Blank screen, phone locked up (or powered down)
Media player flips video upside when going full screen
Today screen (start menu)drop down menu no longer shows
Yahoo Messenger connection - the HSDPA indicator ( H ) changes to 3G and no more messages are transmited or received
8925 Crashes when PTT is used
HTC 8925 - Locks up when streaming with Windows Media Player
HTC 8925 - Problem with IE going to CNN.com
automatically resets
HTC 8925 - Screen will not turn on
HTC 8925 - Locked up after removing the charger
Backlight settings will not stay set.
HTC 8915 lock up
Device Freezes
Won't wake up from sleepmode
Screen Freezes
backlight problem
HTC 8915 locked up
HTC 8925 - Movies played in full screen are upside down
HTC 8925 PTT button release issue
Music ID will not run - no response when selected
Remove GetGood Icon
Device Freeze and Missing Icons
Device not recognizing SIM with SIM PIN active
HTC camera Error
Chirp tone heard two times on originator phone
User cannot make PTT and Voice notes quick group call with Corporate contact and Public contact
Sometime phone get stuck and user cannot do any kind of operation
For Corporate-Public subscription, User can not create public group with corporate members
When user try to make PTT call for available contact then display the pop up message of "Contact Name is unavailable".
Sometime different tone heard while user select convert to cellular in Roaming area.
Once user upgrade the call to cellular volume gets low even if the call is on speakers on terminator
Origination tone plays in speaker instead of earpiece.
Call B (PTT) disconnect automatically once user accept call C (Cellular).
The last few seconds of the message (before releasing the PTT key) are getting clipped.
PTT call ends when client tries to originate cellular call.
Client cannot login to PTT service and display the user message of "PTT Service has been temporarily suspended while you travel outside your coverage."
PTT client didn't get logout.
device shuts itself off
HTC 8925 - Sprite back-up caused lockup
failed call waiting tone cadence
BackLight always dim
Voice dialing fromo the BT headset was unsuccessful in every test
When you select a clip on Cellular Video IF you mute the audio before the video begins you will not get audio even when you hit unmute.
Change the Wireless Modem APN from wap.cingular to isp.cingular
Thanks again
Thanks again incognitho! You da man.
i wonder if there is a way to install this on a hermes,i know am well aware of the fact that it can brick the unit but what the heck is it possible?
did anyone notice this makes reference to an 8915 model?!? its been reported that att was going to have the 8900 (no camera) and 8925 (with front and back cam) .... but i wonder if they are stupid enough to market a 3rd model with only the back cam (well thats my guess anyway, would fit in their naming scheme)
you can,t brick your hermes because it wont let you install it
leoiden said:
i wonder if there is a way to install this on a hermes,i know am well aware of the fact that it can brick the unit but what the heck is it possible?
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I'm sure you'll find elements of this rom appearing in a suitable ROM once the chefs have had a chance to work with it.
shogunmark said:
did anyone notice this makes reference to an 8915 model?!? its been reported that att was going to have the 8900 (no camera) and 8925 (with front and back cam) .... but i wonder if they are stupid enough to market a 3rd model with only the back cam (well thats my guess anyway, would fit in their naming scheme)
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according to this article ... Kaiser do comes with 3 different model specs
Yes - 3 models
HTC Kaiser 100 - no camera
HTC Kaiser 110 - 2.8M camera on rear
HTC Kaiser 120 - both 2.8M camera on rear and 300K video calling camera on front
looks and feels pretty much the same as the previous version. Some quick notes:
- Plain AT&T splash screen (removed the words "test only, not for sale") suggests we're getting close to the final version. The animated 3G splash has audio this time...
- looks like same software package as previous version (e.g. Ms PacMan trial, OZ IM etc. cingular pre_midlets is still there too (had assumed the pre_ meant pre-release).
- Device Name default (in About control panel) reports 8900 this time (could have sworn it was 8925 last time). Model no (in Device info control panel) is just "Hermes".
- The annoying backlight problem (where it goes dim every 10 seconds and reverts settings in the backlight control panel) seems to be gone!
More notes later, after some usage.
Thanks for Share...!
After 1 day of usage, some interesting issues:
* created program shortcuts from TaskMgr, and the program links (in Start Menu) lose their icons after soft reset. Also the Messenger program link has no icon, and the link itself is broken (application cannot be found)
* sound through headphones does not work! This is a major problem. Sound plays fine through speakers, but as soon as headphones are plugged in nothing from the headset. Of course this worked in the last version.
I am suspecting a bad interaction with the few apps I installed (HTC Home plugin and HTC Audio Manager from HTC ROM) so I'm rerunning the imaging process. If not, will step back to the previous release as no sound thru headphones is a no-op (would be a very boring flight home for me without music).
No Audio Thru Headphones
reinstalled the ROM and verified that sound does not come thru any headset. I had to reinstall an older ROM to get headphones working. Bummer as the new ROM looked more polished. I especially liked the way that backlight dimming worked.
Hope AT&T gets it right soon, else I'll have to try the HTC RTM ROM.
mlekas said:
If not, will step back to the previous release as no sound thru headphones is a no-op (would be a very boring flight home for me without music).
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Don't fly with Jet2.com as they made me switch off my Wizard when I was listening to mp3s via headphones even though it was in flight mode. The annoying thing was that she continued to allow 2 kids , 3 rows apart,to play on their Nintendo DS which I know were linked up wirelessly.
if you guys don,t mind me asking
can you please post how you got your hands on a kaiser
and if you happen to have an extra you want to sell please pm me i would be very much nterested in trying one out
It should be released in 3 weeks. If you can't wait, try eBay. There's one for sale there now.
OMG Your right!
I've been using this ROM for a week now and hadn't tried the headset. How do you jack that up? I wonder how long it will be for a release rom to fix it because I like the new rom, but goota have the headset jack
Buy the way where do you get the HTC RTM ROm? Thanks
must be nice to mess with one of these units and be a prick and not share where you got it from
byetheway IF THE SHOE FITS WEAR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow nice post! Im not sure why you are so upset. Your question was answered by Mlekas, we gotem on ebay, at least thats where I got mine. I think theres one on there now. Their pretty pricey though.
can someone try to rip OZ im client from this rom and put it in a cab so we can try to install a more WM6 friendly version of this software on an upgraded 8525

Haykuro's 4.9 report issue's and bugs Here!! *UPDATED*

Haykuro wants everyone to post the bugs at his google code wbsite thank you!
4.9 only bugs and issue's...
What works what does'nt work!!
Paid apps: (RESOLVED)
Keyboard layout: (RESOLVED)
MMS: (working on att user dont have this problem)
Blutooth audio: (working on)
infinite loops: (this is not a build problem re-flash)
apps to sd: (some builds have this)
audio: (RESOLVED)
IM: (some user still experiencing troubles)
wifi: (RESOLVED)
blutooth: (RESOLVED)
headphones: (RESOLVED)
inverted camera: (RESOLVED)
Rotate screen: (RESOLVED)
Maps: (no)
Radio: (force close after phone call)
(4 Haykuro)
The yahoo mail in 4.9 doesn't work. i've only tried it over the regular network connection. I haven't tested it on wifi. may have results with wifi (hopefully).
camera invert
sometimes the rotate view flips wrong way (upside down) when going straight
calender and music widgets don't work right away
Gmail does not seem to notify right, or at all when new emails arrive
Alt key combos dont work, I really would like this fixed
all i can think of so far, great job though so far.
GPS is not working on my phone can anybody confirm?
Dont forget
when you coneect to stereo bluetooth it freezes
dont have access to paid protected apps
color hues in camera are off a bit
GPS works on mine and i dont mind maps missing i got telenav haha
cdubb32390 said:
The yahoo mail in 4.9 doesn't work. i've only tried it over the regular network connection. I haven't tested it on wifi. may have results with wifi (hopefully).
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I bet that you don't have a yahoo plus account. Not like Apple, Android do not contract with Yahoo then Yahoo mail in android support pop3 yahoo only.
i ran 4.0 for a while and loved it so tried 4.9 since its more similar than 4.5
aside from things mentioned already
horrible boot loop problem
wasn't just taking longer than usual as the build usually does, don't know if its because of the apps i install or what, but i let it sit for 30min and still wasn't booting. had to wipe twice today because of it.
octoberriot said:
i ran 4.0 for a while and loved it so tried 4.9 since its more similar than 4.5
aside from things mentioned already
horrible boot loop problem
wasn't just taking longer than usual as the build usually does, don't know if its because of the apps i install or what, but i let it sit for 30min and still wasn't booting. had to wipe twice today because of it.
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take the sd card out and try it again
Sync email for the gmail app isnt working...none of my emails are being pushed to my phone
Paid apps cannot install
Home screen doesnt have a landscape layout.
Sorry if these have already been said...
The main problems when flashed to 4.9 aside from the previous posts is that I've been getting a constant error after every phone call i make.
I've encountered the following
- phone freezes when blutooth is enabled
- phone crashes after a call, since it crashes after a call it doesn't save any recent call
- if I scroll thru my contacts it does not display the Alphabet letters just "a"
- symbols like "_ - ( " on the qwerky kb are mixed up
- auto rotate doesn't rotate when I want it to. if I shake up the phone if sometimes kicks in, but it does work for the browser without a hitch.
- no paid apps, even ones I've purchased
- weatherbug doesn't work
what else....oh yeah, I had gloss suite b4 I flashed to build 4.9 and my calculator still has the gloss suite skin. I love this build can't wait for the final.
*phone app crashes/losses service after calls
-doesn't store recent calls
Call log not showing anything
Error after each call
I keep losing reception
Forclosing andriod process
All ive noticed but still good work
Minor Error(s)
1. Scrolling through contacts using scroll bar only displays "a,o,d,F"
2. No option for "search" once in browser. (Not sure if issue or build design)
3. TBA
4. TBA
Esnapz, did you do a wipe? It might help with many problems.
MMS works great. Not sure about problem in gmail...didn't check yet. plus If you all haven't, check out the HTC email app, it works and looks sweet. LOVE that I can rotate the screen in all 4 directions. He already said you might have to rotate twice bc it does get stuck sometimes. I don't use Bluetooth, but from everyone else it seems like it wouldn't work if I did. Hmm...what else?
Esnapz, did you do a wipe? It might help with many problems.
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I did, before flashing to 4.9. Since my post I flashed back to rc33 because I missed a call which caused the phone to crash so it never saved the missed call
Tested BT with Microsoft SYNC in my car... Paired great
but when enabled the stereo option in the car the phone crashed.
Aside from the previous posts I've also noticed that my ringdroid app doesn't work and force closes as soon as I try to open it.
mich11128 said:
Aside from the previous posts I've also noticed that my ringdroid app doesn't work and force closes as soon as I try to open it.
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Majority of 3rd party apps from market aren't compatiable with the htc cupcake build so therefore there having force closes which sucks
oh ok now I understand why 4.5 works with ringdroid and everything, I guess I'll just stick to my less aesthetically-pleasing-yet-more-stable 4.5 build. lol

[Q] HTC HD2 | Phone Apk Hanging and Buzzing Issue

Firstly, I have been searching this forum for about 2 hours. I have found a few threads with the same issues, but they are either not relevant or I have tried the solutions within the threads and they have not worked. Also, the threads I have found are a few months old. I have also searched the ROM thread seen below.
ROM: [06 Nov 2011][MAG/cLK] NexusHD2-Gingerbread V3.2a (GWK74)(Android 2.3.7)[tytung_r13]
Device: HTC HD2
ROM Installation Method: MAGLDR 1.13
SPL: 2.08.HSPL
When I accept an incoming call, the phone application hangs and after about 10 seconds I get a force close notification. Sometimes this is accompanied with a buzzing sound from my speaker. In some instances I have to remove the battery to restart the phone as it totally freezes.
This happened on Android 2.3.5 (of the ROM linked above) so I upgraded to 2.3.7 (of the ROM linked above) to see if it would fix the issue. It has not. I also wiped the phone and reinstalled the ROM, and again it hasn't fixed the issue.
Also, I do not have Skype installed so it's definetely not that.
I would have posted in the ROM thread but it wouldn't let me.
Any suggestions?
Many thanks in advance. I can provide additional information should it be required.
Benetration said:
Firstly, I have been searching this forum for about 2 hours. I have found a few threads with the same issues, but they are either not relevant or I have tried the solutions within the threads and they have not worked. Also, the threads I have found are a few months old. I have also searched the ROM thread seen below.
ROM: [06 Nov 2011][MAG/cLK] NexusHD2-Gingerbread V3.2a (GWK74)(Android 2.3.7)[tytung_r13]
Device: HTC HD2
ROM Installation Method: MAGLDR 1.13
SPL: 2.08.HSPL
When I accept an incoming call, the phone application hangs and after about 10 seconds I get a force close notification. Sometimes this is accompanied with a buzzing sound from my speaker. In some instances I have to remove the battery to restart the phone as it totally freezes.
This happened on Android 2.3.5 (of the ROM linked above) so I upgraded to 2.3.7 (of the ROM linked above) to see if it would fix the issue. It has not. I also wiped the phone and reinstalled the ROM, and again it hasn't fixed the issue.
Also, I do not have Skype installed so it's definetely not that.
I would have posted in the ROM thread but it wouldn't let me.
Any suggestions?
Many thanks in advance. I can provide additional information should it be required.
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this isnt something about your phone so try another rom or tell the developers.
linkin_p said:
this isnt something about your phone so try another rom or tell the developers.
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thanks a lot, i have same issue...maybe i'll try another ROM
buzzing HD2
Sometimes it happens on my HD2 on diferent rooms: NexusHD2 3.2, NexusHD2 ICS 1.1, MIUI 1.12.30, MIUI 2.2.17. It is not often. Any sollution?
It's same here! I am starting to think that the problem is with my phone! I tryed meny different ROM and settings...it always the same!
It doing it 2-3 times per day.
How to fix it ?
same problem
I'm using CM9 (v2.8) android 4.0.4 and facing the same problem. I tried many ROMs but can't fix the problem. Also tried some solution on this 4rum but no help until now.
I'm going to throw my HD2.
Same here
I have the same issues with different rom using nand or nativeSD.
1 on 2 receiving call, the phone freezes with a buzzing sound. I must to take the battery out to restart the phone.
same problem
I have the same problem with my HD2!
The phone freezes after I receive an incoming call with a buzzing sound/no sound. Sometimes it shows the error message of com.android.phone process, in other cases I need to remove the battery and restart the phone.
I have tried different kind and version of ROM(for e.g. NexusHD2, MIUI, TouchWizMod v3.0) but the freezing issue is still not solved.
As far as I checked the freezing is not related to any kind of installed software.
If anybody has a solution to this problem please share with me/us. I really do not want to get rid of my HD2.
Thanks in advance.
I have found the solution. The reason why the phone did not work is the Viber application. I uninstalled it a moth ago and thence everything works well. I use the WeChat app instead of Viber and my phone works like a charm.
By the way, a member of the Viber team has commented on this forum that their application does not support any kind of custom ROM currently.
Im facing the same problem,its killing me, its been worst recently ! I cant answer any call on my HD2
this problem happend first time on android 4+ roms,
I tried diffrent roms after that, but still not fixed, anyone can help us to find a solution?!
anyone using CLk has this problem?!
Im using Magldr
Im having the same problem here. Found no sulition currently. ROM - tytung NexusHD2 2.5
The phone freezes after I receive an incoming call with a buzzing sound/no sound. Sometimes it shows the error message of com.android.phone process, in other cases I need to remove the battery and restart the phone.
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hmm same here, tried some different ROMS - SD (froyo) and NANDs (2 gingerbreads, now ICS), tried these on both of my HD2s, also changed RADIO from to - nothing helps.
sometimes when im getting a call (usually it happens twice a week, some weeks more often, some less), i press the button and the phone/app freezes, sometimes with a buzzing sound.
after that, system doesnt respond normally, on GB sometimes it autorebooted....
also tried without viber AND tried directly after reinstalling the different ROMS with no contacts, original ringtones - also happens there sometimes!
i dont think that could be a hardware problem, because both of my hd2 phones act the same way.....
any solution since that time?
At the moment I have latest Jelly Bean by cotulla, with Cyanogenmod, and when I make a call, the screen is black (turned off) even though I don't have it close to my head and sensor is not covered. When I abort the call, it doesn't respond and stays dark with button panel highlighted for several seconds, and only after I press power button for several times it awakens. The same happens for incoming calls. The phone is not usable as phone with such things happening... That's frustrating.
So, let me sum up what people (and I) have had on the subject:
1. Various Android ROMs were tried and issue is always present.
2. In my case, stock Windows 6.5 has a very similar issue - incoming calls are even ignored! At least I had the described problem after I decided to have an "old" but working phone and reverted to the stock ROM instead of Android. Alas, the phone was still having glitches when answering.
3. We don't know exactly how many HD2 are affected by the issue but it looks like more than 1% which is pretty much to be a serious issue.
I might assume we faced an intermittent hardware issue, that does not always reveal itself, and can only be reproduced after a certain "failure". I think it's hardware dependent because my phone was working fine but suddenly ceased to do that.
I'm very sceptical about fixing this issue for me or other users. It's an obsolete phone and any mass hardware issues that is not reported by manufacturer (btw, could this be checked out?) will scarcely be considered. The whole thing makes me think we just have to switch to our phones are gaming/browsing accessories, since it just doesn't work and the issue is apparently non-trivial to be examined. I would be though glad to provide any information and logs... but who cares? Even cotulla doesn't think HD2 is worth developing any more....

HTC One S Media Problem

Like 3 months ago I have bought myself an HTC One S. It always worked well in the beginning, but recently I started having some problems with it.
It's about the sound. Very often I suddenly have no sound anymore. (This is a problem that is not similar to other posts about problems with sound)
If the problem encounters:
- I don't hear ringtones.
- If I call someone, I don't hear beeps but the phones does make contact with the other. The one I call does hear his phone ringing.
- I can't hear my own music. Also can't even play.
- No sound with the radio.
- I can't play videos/movies. Video/movie doesn't start. I get an "not supported" error.
- I get an error if I play Youtube video's.
- If I play games there is no sound. If I turn the volume louder in game, it's turning the Ringtone Volume louder, not the Media Volume.
- If the phone is starting up I first get the "HTC quietly brilliant" screen and directly after that the animation screen (Also without sound).
Normally the screen is black for 3/4 sec before the animation screen.
Better said: all the media is not working. (Camera/mic, I don't know yet. I will find out today.)
I think it has also something to do with my Wifi. If I turn my Wifi on, the media stops working after an hour. But also without Wifi turned on the Media stops working but less earlier.
I can fix this problem by turn Wifi off and restarting the phone without the SIM. It's not always working but very often it does. If I restart my phone with SIM, the problem continues.
I already tried a factory reset, but the problem came back again.
Earlier I had rooted my phone and flashed some ROMs on it, but with not much succes. So I rerooted my phone and deleted recovery and used an RUU to make my phone as how it was in the beginning. I have the latest update now.
I have this problem like everyday and it kinda starts to irritate...
Can someone please help me with this?
same problems
DefinitionXTC said:
Like 3 months ago I have bought myself an HTC One S. It always worked well in the beginning, but recently I started having some problems with it.
It's about the sound. Very often I suddenly have no sound anymore. (This is a problem that is not similar to other posts about problems with sound)
If the problem encounters:
- I don't hear ringtones.
- If I call someone, I don't hear beeps but the phones does make contact with the other. The one I call does hear his phone ringing.
- I can't hear my own music. Also can't even play.
- No sound with the radio.
- I can't play videos/movies. Video/movie doesn't start. I get an "not supported" error.
- I get an error if I play Youtube video's.
- If I play games there is no sound. If I turn the volume louder in game, it's turning the Ringtone Volume louder, not the Media Volume.
- If the phone is starting up I first get the "HTC quietly brilliant" screen and directly after that the animation screen (Also without sound).
Normally the screen is black for 3/4 sec before the animation screen.
Better said: all the media is not working. (Camera/mic, I don't know yet. I will find out today.)
I think it has also something to do with my Wifi. If I turn my Wifi on, the media stops working after an hour. But also without Wifi turned on the Media stops working but less earlier.
I can fix this problem by turn Wifi off and restarting the phone without the SIM. It's not always working but very often it does. If I restart my phone with SIM, the problem continues.
I already tried a factory reset, but the problem came back again.
Earlier I had rooted my phone and flashed some ROMs on it, but with not much succes. So I rerooted my phone and deleted recovery and used an RUU to make my phone as how it was in the beginning. I have the latest update now.
I have this problem like everyday and it kinda starts to irritate...
Can someone please help me with this?
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I was was wondering if you have found a solution to this already? My HTC one S shows the same problems since yesterday.
Which One S do you have? S3 or S4?
Still got warranty?
Verstuurd van mijn One S met Tapatalk
What do you mean with S3 or S4. I'm a noob!
This is what I found in the map software information:
Software number: 3.16.401.8
HTC: sense version: 4+
Android: 4.1.1
edit: Did a little search on Wikipedia
Processor and memory
One version of the One S uses a Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 MSM8260A SoC (system on chip),[3] which includes a 1.5 GHz dual-core Krait CPU and an Adreno 225 GPU, as well as an integrated HSPA+ modem, GPS/GLONASS module, Wi-Fi b/g/n radio, Bluetooth, and FM radio.[9] The One S also features a standard array of sensors, including an accelerometer, proximity sensor, and ambient light sensor. The phone provides 1 GB of RAM and 16 GB of built-in storage; however, the phone lacks a microSD slot for additional storage.
In certain markets, such as Taiwan,[10] India,[11] and some European (usually Eastern European) markets, the One S uses the older Snapdragon S3 MSM8260 SoC, with a 1.7 GHz dual-core Scorpion CPU and Adreno 220 GPU.[12] In some markets, both devices are available, notably the UK. The change is speculated to be caused by a shortage of Snapdragon S4 chips.[13] The two versions have slightly different packaging, the S4 is model Z520e/Z520m and states "Processor: Dual Core, 1.5GHz"/"CPu Speed 1.5 GHZ, dual core, whereas the S3 is model Z560e and states "Processor: Dual Core".
It says: 'Dual core'. So I guess it's the S3 then?
having the same sound problems
I'm having the same problems with HTC One. I can't hear the ringing when I'm calling someone, it just shows "dialing".
I can play music/video.
DefinitionXTC said:
Like 3 months ago I have bought myself an HTC One S. It always worked well in the beginning, but recently I started having some problems with it.
It's about the sound. Very often I suddenly have no sound anymore. (This is a problem that is not similar to other posts about problems with sound)
If the problem encounters:
- I don't hear ringtones.
- If I call someone, I don't hear beeps but the phones does make contact with the other. The one I call does hear his phone ringing.
- I can't hear my own music. Also can't even play.
- No sound with the radio.
- I can't play videos/movies. Video/movie doesn't start. I get an "not supported" error.
- I get an error if I play Youtube video's.
- If I play games there is no sound. If I turn the volume louder in game, it's turning the Ringtone Volume louder, not the Media Volume.
- If the phone is starting up I first get the "HTC quietly brilliant" screen and directly after that the animation screen (Also without sound).
Normally the screen is black for 3/4 sec before the animation screen.
Better said: all the media is not working. (Camera/mic, I don't know yet. I will find out today.)
I think it has also something to do with my Wifi. If I turn my Wifi on, the media stops working after an hour. But also without Wifi turned on the Media stops working but less earlier.
I can fix this problem by turn Wifi off and restarting the phone without the SIM. It's not always working but very often it does. If I restart my phone with SIM, the problem continues.
I already tried a factory reset, but the problem came back again.
Earlier I had rooted my phone and flashed some ROMs on it, but with not much succes. So I rerooted my phone and deleted recovery and used an RUU to make my phone as how it was in the beginning. I have the latest update now.
I have this problem like everyday and it kinda starts to irritate...
Can someone please help me with this?
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to keep this thread going:
i have / had the same problem. it started a few months ago and happened only occasionaly, recently it was basically all the time
there was no sound in- or output at all and all the apps that needed sound either crashed or gave an error
i was running some old aokp rom at the time, then tried fixing the problem by changing to some new version of cyanogenmod a few weeks ago but it didn't solve.
2 days ago i restored the stock htc rom with the RUU (ICS), the problem still remained. Then i upgraded to stock JB (4.1.1) and the problem hasn't appeared since.
of course the problem could reappear any time (as it only happened occasionally in the beginning)
let's assume the problem doesn't reappear again: anyone got an idea what caused this? i desperately want to switch to some custom rom again, stock is a pain in the ass :/
my phone: htc one s S4, unbranded EU version (htc_102 or something)
hope i could help and someone has some ideas
i flashed cm 10.1.3 stable and used it for around 2 weeks without any (sound) problems.
since i had some trouble with force reboots when playing ingress i flashed carbonrom and one day later the sound problem reappeared.
back to cm now.
Same problems here
DefinitionXTC said:
Like 3 months ago I have bought myself an HTC One S. It always worked well in the beginning, but recently I started having some problems with it.
It's about the sound. Very often I suddenly have no sound anymore. (This is a problem that is not similar to other posts about problems with sound)
If the problem encounters:
- I don't hear ringtones.
- If I call someone, I don't hear beeps but the phones does make contact with the other. The one I call does hear his phone ringing.
- I can't hear my own music. Also can't even play.
- No sound with the radio.
- I can't play videos/movies. Video/movie doesn't start. I get an "not supported" error.
- I get an error if I play Youtube video's.
- If I play games there is no sound. If I turn the volume louder in game, it's turning the Ringtone Volume louder, not the Media Volume.
- If the phone is starting up I first get the "HTC quietly brilliant" screen and directly after that the animation screen (Also without sound).
Normally the screen is black for 3/4 sec before the animation screen.
Better said: all the media is not working. (Camera/mic, I don't know yet. I will find out today.)
I think it has also something to do with my Wifi. If I turn my Wifi on, the media stops working after an hour. But also without Wifi turned on the Media stops working but less earlier.
I can fix this problem by turn Wifi off and restarting the phone without the SIM. It's not always working but very often it does. If I restart my phone with SIM, the problem continues.
I already tried a factory reset, but the problem came back again.
Earlier I had rooted my phone and flashed some ROMs on it, but with not much succes. So I rerooted my phone and deleted recovery and used an RUU to make my phone as how it was in the beginning. I have the latest update now.
I have this problem like everyday and it kinda starts to irritate...
Can someone please help me with this?
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Hey, same Problem here...
..I had my old One S for 1,5 Years and this problems came up, so I sent it back and got a new one.
Only 4 days later the same problems came up again and i tried hard reset and many other things, recommended here, but nothing worked..
..has anybody an idea what it could be? There are a lot of people in a lot of different threads with nearly the same problems, but i can't find an answer that solves the problems...
PS: Sorry for my bad english
i've just had this delightful issue pop up over the past few days, too.
switched roms but the issue still remains.
Any of you have a logcat? Download "aLogcat" from the Play Store (you can filter it to only show errors - "E/").
I've been having similar issues and it makes the phone unusable. I ran a logcat and found numerous errors related to audio and the feedback I got was that it appears to be a hardware issue.
Post a logcat here and I'll see if you guys are getting similar errors.
Any of you have a logcat? Download "aLogcat" from the Play Store (you can filter it to only show errors - "E/").
I've been having similar issues and it makes the phone unusable. I ran a logcat and found numerous errors related to audio and the feedback I got was that it appears to be a hardware issue.
Post a logcat here and I'll see if you guys are getting similar errors.
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installed it and will run it for a few hours to see what it gets.
should i change any of the settings on it or just run it vanilla?
I just ran it out of the box. Stopped it and then filtered it to show errors by searching for E/. Found a bunch related to audio.
Sent from my One S using Tapatalk
i've decided for now i'm switching to magiorom as i've had a buttload of bootloops today on odyssey 3.21, so will monitor it tonight and see if there's anything to show.
for the short time i was running alogcat on odyssey, it didn't show much even though i was switch/using different apps, so that's why i was curious about if i should change anything.
anyway, i'll see how i get on and report back later
Just to keep this thread going I wanted to include some more things i've discovered while searching for a solution to this problem. I use a program called "error log dump" from the play store to view any system errors. The two most common ones I see are: "AudioPolicyManagerBase(261)" and "failed to enable the mixer controls for the speaker". The second one only appears after all sound is lost. Including any audio from phone calls even though it does connect the call.
Recently i've discovered an clue that seems to indicate that this is a software issue not hardware. Whenever I lose all sound I start up the error logging program and hit "start log". Several times the log program started acting weird and not record anything but the sound immediately came back. In fact that is how i usually solve the problem now.
I'm running a rooted and S-OFF phone with the MaximusHD rom. This problem started when my phone was completely unmodified so i know it's not a problem with the ROM.
Does anyone have any idea's as to which service might by causing this? I've searched and tried disabling everything that has to do with the audio.
I tried the above workaround with SIM out and WiFi off reboot, and I've got sound back. As soon as I finish a call all sound goes and can't play video etc until I perform the reboot thing again. Might this suggest something to do with the radio knocking out the sound? I'm a bit of a noob with all this but that's the idea I'm getting.
For the record I'm s-on, and this issue has been present for a few days now, on multiple roms (the issue remained on all 3 roms but is worse on magiorom).
Isastudios said:
Recently i've discovered an clue that seems to indicate that this is a software issue not hardware.
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This is why I was curious to see the errors you guys were getting.
I've tried various ROMs (4.2-4.4), kernels (3.0 and 3.4 based), and firmwares (2.15, 2.16, and 1.13) and still experience a loss of sound. Although I will say that lately it seems to be less frequent (Liquid Smooth 2.4, 3.0 based Bubba Vn5 kernel, hboot 1.13).
So I'm inclined to think it could be more hardware related for me at least. Turning my volume up and down repeatedly seems to fix it... usually.
Sent from my One S using Tapatalk
So after using that work around for a bit, it seems notifications work fine, but anything that plays for more than about 10s kills audio again, but not permanently like phone calls.
Also, that alogcat stops recording as soon as it's in the background for me, don't know if that's another issue or connected?
E: this all seemed to start for me when my phone was left uncharged for 3 days
twist3d0n3 said:
Also, that alogcat stops recording as soon as it's in the background for me, don't know if that's another issue or connected?
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I ran it and called myself from another phone, watched the log, and then used the vol keys (which make that beep when adjusting sound) and watched the log. Saw the errors that way.
Yours appears to be slightly different than my issue anyways, but for what it's worth - I switched to ViperOneS (the last ROM I remember using that didn't have these issues) and my audio never dropped once.
Giving it a try now man, cheers for the heads up

