Gnex 4.2 port to SIII - anyone want to try it? - Verizon Samsung Galaxy S III

I just ordered my S3 today and should have it early next week. In the mean time I ported a rom from the GNex 4.2 in anticipation of putting it on my device. Is anyone interested in trying it out and giving me feedback? I would recommend downloading the latest modems and the GApps (I can provide links) and flashing it with the I have created. This is from Toro
Port 2 is now being uploaded (718am PST 11/15). updater-script has been updated, repackaged and resigned
To address the first concern that people raised. This is a very stripped down port so yes, it is SUPPOSED to be small

I'll give it whirl.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

I'd probably try it. FYI I can see this getting moved to general or q and a until u actually have a ROM posted
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app

thunderbread said:
I'll give it whirl.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
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thanks, I am keeping it closed while I work any kinks that may be found - I'll pm you a dropbox

justin94 said:
I'd probably try it. FYI I can see this getting moved to general or q and a until u actually have a ROM posted
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I actually have the ROM already built just not mass loading it until I work any kinks found out of it

I would be interested it giving it a try too
Sent from one of the many Anthropomorphic Personalities on the Disc

shangrila500 said:
I would be interested it giving it a try too
Sent from one of the many Anthropomorphic Personalities on the Disc
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For now I have sent it to Phantom as he was the first response. Based on his feedback Ill do some tweaks and add a few more! Feel free to repsond if you want the link as when I have that feedback Ill pull a few more in

If this works please post ASAP I want 4.2 badly on this baby.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app

I'll def be glad to run that bad boy and give you plenty of feedback! I'm constantly tinkering with my phone at work and at home. Probably most like everyone else on this forum ha
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda premium

I will gladly test it and give you results. I have just about had every rom on my phone and would give you great feedback.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app

I will try it. I've tried about 10 different roms on here.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app

ross8425 said:
I will try it. I've tried about 10 different roms on here.
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PM me a link please. I'll flash it.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

Haha. Almost as addictive!
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joshw0000 said:
PM me a link please. I'll flash it.
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Same here!
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda premium

Me 2 please!
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda premium

You have started an avalanche now. Lol
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda premium

For some reason I am not getting my hopes up for this one. Good luck to whoever flashes this!

drbveb88 said:
You have started an avalanche now. Lol
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda premium
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It is funny because I wasn't sure that I would get anyone! I have it out there for a few people and really want to get some feedback PRIOR to mass producing it. I know its a WIP and am using it as a springboard while I compile the source code. We will see how it goes once feedback starts coming in, for now I am off to coach my son's tournament basketball team

themykel said:
It is funny because I wasn't sure that I would get anyone! I have it out there for a few people and really want to get some feedback PRIOR to mass producing it. I know its a WIP and am using it as a springboard while I compile the source code. We will see how it goes once feedback starts coming in, for now I am off to coach my son's tournament basketball team
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Good luck with this... It won't be a small feat this soon.


Aokp - official at

no more from us on here. MOD PLEASE CLOSE
Mod please close
Mod please close
Mod please close
Yes im so glad this rom wasnt dropped i saw the arguments in the team wafflehouse thread and thought it was all over
Congrats guys I expect huge things from you two if you ever need some quick help let me know although at this point I'm sure you know more than me lol
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
chinthekng said:
Yes im so glad this rom wasnt dropped i saw the arguments in the team wafflehouse thread and thought it was all over
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We aren't thrilled that we had to do this, but all the fighting and bashing in the last thread got wayyyy out of hand. This is a clean start, so lets treat everyone here with some respect
nrm5110 said:
Congrats guys I expect huge things from you two if you ever need some quick help let me know although at this point I'm sure you know more than me lol
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
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Thank you sir, you were the inspiration here. Without you this wouldn't have happened
Just so you know, I'm still holding out hope for TWH.
Don't hold your breath I'm out of the game once I get those two other projects
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
Mine.......really? I was a few seconds late and I'm still 8 posts too late? Damn....
Sent from my SGH-I727 using xda premium
Got a say I love the name since I suffer from it lol. Thanks guys keep it up
Sent from my SGH-I727 using xda premium
nrm5110 said:
Don't hold your breath I'm out of the game once I get those two other projects
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But but... I'll let you see my nipples!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
I assume same build as your 38 in waffle thread?
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dakpluto said:
I assume same build as your 38 in waffle thread?
Sent from my SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2
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Yes sir, thus far.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
Downloading can't wait to install
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
build .40 magnum will have lockscreen weather yes
Attention all, Our team name is not a joke, Mahausrath and I both suffer from it and I'm sure some of our fellow members do as well. Even the lightest joke or crack against it will be reported, and also any other type of bickering. We will not tolerate it. ROM specific chatter only. Thank you and enjoy the ROM.
Sent from my SGH-I727 using xda premium
No bickering....just downloading.
Get an fc when I try change the txt ringtone from within messaging app
Edit: also can't reboot or power off with the power menu
Sent from my SGH-I727 using xda premium
I don't have those problems. Try fixing permissions and reboot. Clear message cache. Or reflash and be sure to wipe the phone properly.
Sent from my SGH-I727 using xda premium


The purpose of this thread is for the Discussion and Q&A of JoyOS
Just to keep the DEV thread clean, and act as a centralized medium for all things related to JoyOS
Hopefully this makes things easier for erikmm, and the rest of the Blaze community.
Thx bro
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda app-developers app
i tried the joyOS rom when you first posted it and it was great cant wait for you to finish it up! Im looking forward to this rom once its worked through im pretty sure this will be my daily driver
woodzx67 said:
i tried the joyOS rom when you first posted it and it was great cant wait for you to finish it up! Im looking forward to this rom once its worked through im pretty sure this will be my daily driver
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Ill repost later tonight when I fix some back end stuff
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erikmm said:
Ill repost later tonight when I fix some back end stuff
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I'll be looking forward to it! Good luck and keep up the good work!
will donate to show my support
Because I need my phone for work I can't test these early builds, but I'll be keeping a close eye on this and CM7 (and anything else you happen to port over). Thanks for your hard work.
i was wondering if there has been any progress with this rom?
woodzx67 said:
i was wondering if there has been any progress with this rom?
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Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda app-developers app
The anticipation is killing me lol hope everything goes well and the bugs get fixed soon. Thanks for the hard work man its much appreciated
Sent from my SGH-T769
Would anyone have a screenshot available?
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chjema said:
Would anyone have a screenshot available?
Sent from my SGH-T769 using xda app-developers app
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I'll re-flash rom and post soon. probably later tonight
Sent from my SGH-T769
ok rom is backup and should have it all working except cm7 bugs which is camera
My wife is an ex iPhone user and she just recently got a Blaze and I havnt installed joyos on her phone because she loves taking pictures but she offered to donate if you have PayPal can you pm a link to donate thank you
Sent from my HTC VLE_U using xda app-developers app
Is there a way to adjust the vibration and haptic feedback for this rom? I've played with the setting and can't seem to find anything, but wasn't sure if I was just overlooking it.
Edit: I found the settings to turn off the haptic feedback . I will continue to play with it to see if there is a way to adjust the vibration.
Has there been anymore progress with this rom? or is the issue with the camera holding it back from being finished?
woodzx67 said:
Has there been anymore progress with this rom? or is the issue with the camera holding it back from being finished?
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First rule of eta is you don't ask about eta....basically it is bad etiquette to ask on progress. These guys volunteer their time. If there is going to be an update he will post it.
Sent from my SGH-T769 using Tapatalk 2
Can't help eagerness man
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woodzx67 said:
Can't help eagerness man
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Outside of the camera I believe everything is fully functional on this rom
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda app-developers app
I'm curious, what causes the camera issue?
Sent from my SGH-T769 using xda app-developers app

Team recruitment (newbs welcome) :D

Recruiting for a New(b) Team.!!! Both experienced devs half-devs and newbs welcome.
We'll need many spots
Will update thread as more members are interested.
Who WE have SO far:
(dont know if most of these guys are still down.. please let me know.
Whoever's interested please comment or PM me. We'll need themers, script writers, tweakers, devs (obviously), somewhat devs, testers, suggestors, creative name creator (for TEAM and ROM(s), Exclusive Team sig creator, exclusive ROM picture creator.??(LOL), etc. Think of more ideas? Things will be updated on OP. Comment or PM me your position interest, or WHATEVER.
Would appreciate if you wouldn't trash us for trying to do something (probably FAIL. [Lol] So, please. No trashing, guys. Thanks.!
&&' Once we have about 3-4 Team name suggestions, will Poll them. Let the community decide, if it'll be allright with the team members..
I'll go over the guides tomorrow so we have some stuff to work with
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2vivid said:
I'll go over the guides tomorrow so we have some stuff to work with
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nice job htc it's always awesome to see guys like you take the initiative and start learning all the awesomeness of android
Great things have to start somewhere, bro.!
P.S user name changed from HTCLeoSence3.X > unicorndust98
Sent from pure, raw, awesomeness
unicorndust98 said:
Great things have to start somewhere, bro.!
P.S user name changed from HTCLeoSence3.X > unicorndust98
Sent from pure, raw, awesomeness
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Can't wait to get started lol
Sent from my SGH-T769 using xda app-developers app
Same here, bro.!
Sent from pure, raw, awesomeness
pm sent of the guides I went over.
Sent from my SGH-T769 using xda app-developers app
Nice, bro.! Thanks.
Sent from pure, raw, awesomeness
Yep gl I'm going to get Ubuntu running and start working on some stuff hopefully
Sent from my SGH-T769 using xda app-developers app
Hey, I'm willing to learn. I could try doing done deving
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abraham.ramirez said:
Hey, I'm willing to learn. I could try doing done deving
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You'll need Ubuntu and massive hours of research. Go for it.!
Sent from pure, raw, awesomeness
unicorndust98 said:
You'll need Ubuntu and massive hours of research. Go for it.!
Sent from pure, raw, awesomeness
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Got it, I'm a computer tech so no problems here. Pm me the guides and I'll start
Sent from my SGH-T769 using Tapatalk 2
Im still here guys ive been reaserching so yeah
Ps. I might start with a port if someone is willing to test it
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using xda app-developers app
gcashiel said:
Im still here guys ive been reaserching so yeah
Ps. I might start with a port if someone is willing to test it
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using xda app-developers app
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I'll test.! PM me when you're ready.!
Sent from pure, raw, awesomeness
Will do! Thanks!
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using xda app-developers app
Anyone else with photoshop skills?
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using xda app-developers app
gcashiel said:
Im still here guys ive been reaserching so yeah
Ps. I might start with a port if someone is willing to test it
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using xda app-developers app
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As usual if you need help testing, let me know
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flyers00 said:
As usual if you need help testing, let me know
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interested in being a team tester.?

[Req] Too early to ask about MIUI for Verizon GS3?

Title says it all.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
Do you see anything about it in the development section where ALL the roms are located?
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morrowa2 said:
Title says it all.
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Yes I'd say it is far too early to request such a thng. It has been 24 hours, give devs a chance to read the news. You can bet yourself there will be devs flocking to this phone now so its merely a matter of time before we get all the great ROMs. Be patient though, we haven't even gotten a custom kernel not designed using kexec yet.
bc760 said:
Do you see anything about it in the development section where ALL the roms are located?
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Wow what an insightful helpful response. Thank you... I think I'll look there.
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dwibbles33 said:
Yes I'd say it is far too early to request such a thng. It has been 24 hours, give devs a chance to read the news. You can bet yourself there will be devs flocking to this phone now so its merely a matter of time before we get all the great ROMs. Be patient though, we haven't even gotten a custom kernel not designed using kexec yet.
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We do now:[Kernel]-[Aosp]-[JB]-Leankernel:-Minimalistic-Kernel-(V0.3-and-V0.4-BETA,-8/15/12)
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app

Itchy fingers, need a new rom to flash

I am having an itchy finger rom flashing syndrome, a.k.a. iFRFS, so I need a new rom to flash. Please help my addiction by creating a new rom or something to flash.
Sent from my SGH-T959V using xda premium
gizmoscoop said:
I am having an itchy finger rom flashing syndrome, a.k.a. iFRFS, so I need a new rom to flash. Please help my addiction by creating a new rom or something to flash.
Sent from my SGH-T959V using xda premium
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I second that. Keep hoping that s3 flavored rom in general will be released soon. But for now I'm gonna flash Erik's DarkKnight Rom.
Sent from my SGH-T959V
No comment
I hear a new ROM called Candy Yams will be out soon.
Sent from my SGH-T959V using xda premium
gizmoscoop said:
I am having an itchy finger rom flashing syndrome, a.k.a. iFRFS, so I need a new rom to flash. Please help my addiction by creating a new rom or something to flash.
Sent from my SGH-T959V using xda premium
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Just start a new thread stating that development is dead, last time that was stated we got more ports than we could handle and got our first taste of ICS. Maybe if you start that thread they will bring us some JB .JMO
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johnadelic said:
I hear a new ROM called Candy Yams will be out soon.
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Sounds cool, looking forward to it
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It would have to start with "K"
"Kandy Yams".
Shortbus-Driver said:
It would have to start with "K"
"Kandy Yams".
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Click to collapse will be an updated version of ics codenamed Klondike bar.
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Shortbus-Driver said:
It would have to start with "K"
"Kandy Yams".
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He said a new rom not a new OS
Sent from my SGH-T959V using xda app-developers app
If anyone wants to shout for a new rom but can't help team Acid with new builds, just feel free to take my works and edit the build.prop files to mismatch w a new rom (mean change rome name, version, blah blah) and flash lmao...taddaa, it should please any flashaholics if anyone can make 100+ new roms per day by that method and upload it here haha
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daothanhduy1996 said:
If anyone wants to shout for a new rom but can't help team Acid with new builds, just feel free to take my works and edit the build.prop files to mismatch w a new rom (mean change rome name, version, blah blah) and flash lmao...taddaa, it should please any flashaholics if anyone can make 100+ new roms per day by that method and upload it here haha
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Didn't intend to come across as impatient by posting in the thread. My apologies if it seemed that way.
Sent from my SGH-T959V
Hehe yeah, and that method of factorizing (not sure if this is in any dict or not lol) rom making process was just for fun and ye, I am impatient for new roms, too heh
Sent from my SGH-T959V using xda premium
I would continue to finish porting XI9000 but the people that said that could help me disappeared
th3controller said:
I would continue to finish porting XI9000 but the people that said that could help me disappeared
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I wish I could help but since I'm so noob at this thing so......waiting n waiting hehe
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th3controller said:
I would continue to finish porting XI9000 but the people that said that could help me disappeared
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I offered to help but wasn't giving much info so I'm currently working on updating my Xperia rom
If helped don't be afraid to hit the thanks button it doesn't bite lol
I want jellybean
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idevice12345 said:
I want jellybean
Sent from my SGH-T959V using xda app-developers app
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Go buy a device that comes with JB preinstalled
Sent from my SGH-T959V using xda app-developers app
I did
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idevice12345 said:
I did
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Then why are you asking for something you already have. Shouldn't you move on to that device forum
Sent from my SGH-T959V using xda app-developers app
Yeah but I still want jellybean for this phone
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