Hi everybody,
I started to build Paranoid 4.4 for our device, and it's work propetly ! So I decided to upload my builds as nightlies !It's working with every variant except XT1033 one ..
Have fun !
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The downloads still hosting on MEGA website ... BUT I'll merge to as soon as I can (the site is curently on a migration time). Thanks
2. FACTORY RESET (If coming from another rom or stock)
3. INSTALL ROM (Downloads links down below)
Go here !
(LINARO versions --> with their MD5 file)
AOSP/Google, Cyanogenmod, Goo, XDA, Krebsmilk, giannisgx89, Liquid,
AOKP, our users, supporters and donators, everyone who's helped us in the past,
heartfelt thanks to all of you!
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XDA Forum
How to build ?
Install depencies (run thoses commands) :
sudo apt-get purge openjdk-* icedtea-* icedtea6-*
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install oracle-java6-installer
And install like that :
sudo apt-get install git gnupg ccache lzop flex bison gperf build-essential zip curl zlib1g-dev zlib1g-dev:i386 libc6-dev lib32bz2-1.0 lib32ncurses5-dev x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev:i386 libreadline6-dev:i386 lib32z1-dev libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 libgl1-mesa-dev g++-multilib mingw32 tofrodos python-markdown libxml2-utils xsltproc libreadline6-dev lib32readline-gplv2-dev libncurses5-dev bzip2 libbz2-dev libbz2-1.0 libghc-bzlib-dev lib32bz2-dev squashfs-tools pngcrush schedtool dpkg-dev
Run this :
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa/ /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
Install repo :
mkdir ~/bin
cd ~/bin
curl > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
And your OS is ready to fight !
(Of course ignore the $ when you run commands)
- Make your directory
$ mkdir ~/paranoid
$ cd ~/paranoid
- Init the repo
$ repo init -u git:// -b kitkat
- Sync the repo
$ repo sync
If you get errors :
$ repo sync -j1
Now building !
(You can skip this if you won't use Linaro)
Go there
- Speed up your build
export USE_CCACHE=1
* Open .bashrc in your home directory and and
/PATH-TO-YOUR-PARANOID-FOLDER/prebuilts/misc/linux-x86/ccache/ccache -M 50G
- And start the building (this can take a couple of hours, depending of your PC)
$ ./ falcon
And the building process starts. First it creates a new manifest called roomservice.xml then it downloads the device specific kernels and such.
If it gives you an error, try to CTRL+C and run repo sync. Then re-do the previous step.
Now it’s time to practice your patience again, the first build will take a long time. A couple of hours depending on your machine setup.
When everything worked as it should you will find your new ROM-image in ~/paranoid/out/target/product/falcon
It is called pa_falcon-4.4 x-DATE .zip You can flash it via CWM/TWRP as usual.
Renew sources and build again
You just have to do this. It's will be faster than the first time because it's only compile new parts and you back the old ones.
$ cd ~/paranoid
$ repo sync
$ ./ falcon
Some screenshots
XDA:DevDB Information
Paranoid, ROM for the Moto G
h2o64, h2o64
ROM OS Version: 4.4.x KitKat
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
Version Information
Status: Stable
Created 2014-06-23
Last Updated 2014-10-04
Xt1033 is supported????
Sent from my Moto G using Tapatalk
I don't know ... :/
I'll search !
Look at there, it seems to be a solution
anyone tested if this is getting some performance boost?
Thanks for contribution in MotoG world!
Did you try to compile with optimization flags: ?
fabus said:
Thanks for contribution in MotoG world!
Did you try to compile with optimization flags: ?
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No I don't
h2o64 said:
No I don't
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Do you want to try ? :>
I would like to do it by myself, but currently I`m almost out of space on my HDD
I`m just wondering if this works or not. Many people were saying that those flags give additional system boost.
Worth to try?
fabus said:
Do you want to try ? :>
I would like to do it by myself, but currently I`m almost out of space on my HDD
I`m just wondering if this works or not. Many people were saying that those flags give additional system boost.
Worth to try?
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It's a good idea !!!!
But i'm not english ... So my english is pretty bad.
Could you explain me (as clear as possible) what to do ?
I'm not a devolepper, only somebody who has some hardware.
If you explain me correctly, and I achieve to made it, I upload the build.
Anyway we owners of XT1033 MULTISIM users can help you make your build work with multi sim support?
Great work man. For me, this does seem a bit faster, but it may be a placebo effect. The only bug found so far, which is present in every cm based rom, is the music playback problems.
Thanks for contributing man...Looks like a really awesome ROM and im definitely gonna flash! :fingers-crossed:
Since this is not official build, try adding msim (dual sim) commits from CM !
vbdss said:
Anyway we owners of XT1033 MULTISIM users can help you make your build work with multi sim support?
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Yess !
I'll make some research about it !
tHe__CRiMiNaL said:
Thanks for contributing man...Looks like a really awesome ROM and im definitely gonna flash! :fingers-crossed:
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Thanks guy !
andogeek10 said:
Great work man. For me, this does seem a bit faster, but it may be a placebo effect. The only bug found so far, which is present in every cm based rom, is the music playback problems.
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That's a shame..
It's working on XT1032 (non-GPE) and XT1033 so far.
h2o64 said:
It's working on XT1032 (non-GPE) and XT1033 so far.
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Dual SIM ? :fingers-crossed:
h2o64 said:
It's working on XT1032 (non-GPE) and XT1033 so far.
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Is that true ?
I don't ask you for a PayPal donation .....but I surely ask you to hit thanks?
---------- Post added at 05:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:26 PM ----------
K3VYNC said:
Dual SIM ? :fingers-crossed:
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Plz let me know if it works on xt1033(dual Sim)
I don't ask you for a PayPal donation .....but I surely ask you to hit thanks?
"PA 4+ UPDATES DO NOT NEED A FACTORY RESET." Is this only if you are updating from a previous Linaro build, or is it the same from Official PA build from anerik?
Sent from my Moto G using Tapatalk
K3VYNC said:
Dual SIM ? :fingers-crossed:
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this is just a optimized build and should not contain msim support unless the dev has patched it.
i would really like to be proved wrong. though the rom is working with gpe convert method (a bit glitchy)
Unified kernel for msm8974 devices
hi all
we are cooking 1 kernel for all msm8974 devices for all custom roms
feel free to fork, joyn and push back
XDA:DevDB Information
Unified kernel for msm8974 devices, Kernel for the Sony Xperia Z3 Compact
Kernel Special Features:
Version Information
Status: Testing
Created 2014-10-31
Last Updated 2014-10-31
new guides published
kernel is rebased
z3 platform (shinano) added to kernel
z1 - bringup in progress
z2 - boots
z3 - boots
feel free to push fixes
Good news, thank you very much
Wow... Amazing now z3c is getting even better. Thanks
Does this mean we can plug the kernel into the Cyanogenmod ROM that already exists for the Z1C and use it in the Z3C?
Jliax said:
Does this mean we can plug the kernel into the Cyanogenmod ROM that already exists for the Z1C and use it in the Z3C?
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probably in cm12
and the ball continues rolling
jerpelea said:
and the ball continues rolling
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Cheers! Is the Z3C also supported? I'm guessing yes, but it's not stated explicitly.
I am trying to follow the guide: How to build AOSP KitKat for unlocked Xperia devices
At - Initialise the AOSP tree, 4. Find the software binaries for the device you want to use on Sony’s AOSP for Xperia devices
There are no binaries for z3.
Can Software binaries for Xperia Z2, Xperia Z1 and Xperia Z be used?
Also, for unified kernel do we follow same steps as kernel-copyleft?
I.E. Replacing git clone, [ branch], with, [ branch aosp/LNX.LA.3.5.1-01110-8x74.0 ]
And, do we use the same mkqcdtbootimg command offsets as the z2?
Found here -
$ mkbootimg --cmdline "androidboot.hardware=qcom user_debug=31 msm_rtb.filter=0xb7 ehci-hcd.park=3 dwc3.maximum_speed=high dwc3_msm.prop_chg_detect=Y" \
--base 0x00000000 --kernel arch/arm/boot/zImage --ramdisk ramdisk.img \
--ramdisk_offset 0x02000000 -o boot.img --dt dt.img --tags_offset 0x01E00000
this thread is called unified kernel
not AOSP build !
please wait and stay on topic
there are not Z3 binaries yet
please stay tuned
J, [ branch aosp/LNX.LA.]
which is default one is the branch that has all z1-z3 devices
Thank you for all the information and guides,
I found that a combination of both the guides and the readme files in github did the trick.
I successfully compiled the zImage and I was able to get the dt.img.
I was able to create boot.img after adding the generated ramdisk.img from successful compilation of AOSP
m0d said:
Thank you for all the information and guides,
I found that a combination of both the guides and the readme files in github did the trick.
I successfully compiled the zImage and I was able to get the dt.img.
I was able to create boot.img after adding the generated ramdisk.img from successful compilation of AOSP
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is simple to copy dts and zimage in device folder before building aosp!
crash fixed
broadcom wifi crash fixed
Thank you.
jerpelea said:
is simple to copy dts and zimage in device folder before building aosp!
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Do we have to add anything to any of the files in device folder, too?
And, should we remove kernel after we add dt.img and zImage to the device folder?
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I tried using git init instead of clone for the kernel for easy sync of new changes, but I got
Checking out files: 100% (41715/41715), done.
fatal: manifest 'default.xml' not available
fatal: manifest default.xml not found
Will this affect anything in the build or can I continue with the same steps as before?
if you follow my kernel compile guide you will end up with both zimage and *.dts in arch/arm/boot/
copy them in device/sony/aries/
rename zImage as kernel
copy dts to dts folder
copy brcmdhd.ko to vendor/sony/aries/.....lib/modules/
replacing old files
recompile and you have new kernel in place
there is no need to make
dt.img or any other change !
m0d said:
Thank you.
Do we have to add anything to any of the files in device folder, too?
And, should we remove kernel after we add dt.img and zImage to the device folder?
I tried using git init instead of clone for the kernel for easy sync of new changes, but I got
Checking out files: 100% (41715/41715), done.
fatal: manifest 'default.xml' not available
fatal: manifest default.xml not found
Will this affect anything in the build or can I continue with the same steps as before?
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Thank you for your time,
Just recompiled the kernel and i just want to clarify a few things:
jerpelea said:
if you follow my kernel compile guide you will end up with both zimage and *.dts in arch/arm/boot/
copy them in device/sony/aries/
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You mean "*.dtb" as in "msm8974pro-ac-shinano_aries.dtb" ?
And I should copy it to "device/sony/aries/dtbs" folder replacing the "msm8974pro-ac-shinano_aries.dtb" with version gotten from kernel compilation
jerpelea said:
copy dts to dts folder
copy brcmdhd.ko to vendor/sony/aries/.....lib/modules/
replacing old files
recompile and you have new kernel in place
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copy brcmdhd.ko from "kernel/drivers/net/wireless/bcmdhd/bcmdhd.ko" and replace in "vendor/sony/aries/proprietary/lib/modules"
As for dts, there is only dtbs folder which contains "msm8974pro-ac-shinano_aries.dtb"
Do I create dts folder or copy all the contents of "kernel/arch/arm/boot/dts" to the dtbs folder?
m0d said:
Thank you for your time,
Just recompiled the kernel and i just want to clarify a few things:
You mean "*.dtb" as in "msm8974pro-ac-shinano_aries.dtb" ?
And I should copy it to "device/sony/aries/dtbs" folder replacing the "msm8974pro-ac-shinano_aries.dtb" with version gotten from kernel compilation
copy brcmdhd.ko from "kernel/drivers/net/wireless/bcmdhd/bcmdhd.ko" and replace in "vendor/sony/aries/proprietary/lib/modules"
As for dts, there is only dtbs folder which contains "msm8974pro-ac-shinano_aries.dtb"
Do I create dts folder or copy all the contents of "kernel/arch/arm/boot/dts" to the dtbs folder?
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replace old msm8974pro-ac-shinano_aries.dtb file , wifi module and kernel
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DragonTC is a build system for compiling custom clang toolchains. These toolchains contain some AOSP patches(where applicable) and things not included in AOSP clang, such as LTO and Gold plugins, and OpenMP, Polly compiled and automatically linked into tools, improved krait optimizations (-mcpu=krait2), and annoying flags such as -Werror, -Wfatal-errors, and -Weverything internally disabled for non-default parameters. DragonTC compilers are also built with -O3, -pthread, and -fopenmp in order to reduce compile time when used for ROMs. DragonTC has been around for a few months now, but now that some testers have helped me work out the bugs and make it close to stable, I've decided to make an XDA thread.
Why use custom Clang?
Google has been slowly moving away from GCC for a while now, so we believe that we should get ahead of the toolchain game and start now! Furthermore, AOSP modules that are compiled with clang can easily be optimized with the new LTO and Polly options.
How do I build DragonTC?
It's simple! Run the following commands in bash to get set up:
$ mkdir dtc
$ cd dtc
$ repo init -u -b master
$ repo sync -j(# of cores) -c -f
For Debian and Ubuntu:
sudo aptitude install build-essential git git-svn bc binfmt-support libllvm-3.6-ocaml-dev llvm-3.6 llvm-3.6-dev llvm-3.6-runtime cmake automake autogen autoconf autotools-dev libtool shtool python m4 gcc libtool zlib1g-dev
And run the following to build your desired toolchain:
$ cd build
$ ./version
Where "version" is 3.6. 3.7, 3.8, or 3.9.
To optimize the toolchain for your local system, run with the 'opt' argument. Example:
$ ./3.7 opt
How do use DragonTC in AOSP?
Either clone a prebuilt or build your own toolchain and place it in prebuilts/clang/linux-x86/host/your_version (3.7 is the prefered version)
Change the version in build/core/clang/ to reflect the directory you placed it in.
Either clone ours, or cherry-pick our changes to prebuilts/ndk and frameworks/rs.
Cherry-pick our DragonTC support commit in build.
Edit build/core/clang/ and set "TARGET_DRAGONTC_VERSION := " to the name of the folder you placed the toolchain in (your_version is the example used above)
How can I fix module issues when compiling with Polly?
It's simple. Just take the module name (ex. "target C++: module_name_here <= some/path/to/code") and add it to the DISABLE_POLLY list. You can also disable Clang all together, use AOSP clang, or force GCC modules to use Clang.
Why call it DragonTC?
The LLVM logo/mascot is a dragon, so in homage to the developers of LLVM and Clang, I used DragonTC as the name.
A huge thanks to all of the people who helped:
xboxfanj for recreating the Snapdragon Compiler optimizations
xanaxdroid for maintenance, bug fixes, and testing
The LLVM developers for the great work and continuous improvement
All of the great devs/rom builders that helped test
and anyone that I missed!
XDA:DevDB Information
DragonTC, Tool/Utility for the Android General
frap129, xanaxdroid
Source Code:
Version Information
Status: Beta
Created 2016-02-19
Last Updated 2016-05-21
Minions_Army said:
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This sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing your work. I might try it, but as a bloody beginner, can you maybe give a bit more detail on how it affects building / the result?
Adromir said:
This sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing your work. I might try it, but as a bloody beginner, can you maybe give a bit more detail on how it affects building / the result?
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Once I get a bit more time, I'll edit the op to have more information. In short, Clang is a compiler (like GCC) that is rapidly growing. Google is currently using Clang 3.6 which produces binaries that perform slower than GCC compiled binaries, but they choose to use Clang because it takes less time to compile overall. DragonTC allows you to use the latest Clang toolchains (3.6, 3.7, 3.8, or 3.9) with extra functionality that Google doesn't have, such as LTO, Polly, OpenMP, and Snapdragon Krait optimizations. These make your rom (or anything you compile with it) perform better than if you were to use the stock AOSP clang.
Thanks for clarification. I will try it in a few days and see how well it works
Thank you. just building dragon tc.
sub77 said:
Thank you. just building dragon tc.
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Let me know how it goes! using 3.7 and your sabernaro 4.9 rom/kernel tc. any ideas? using your sabernaro 4.9 rom and kernel repos. Cloned ndk from op, and picked build/rs commits from op. Any ideas? Aosp source.
Edit; readding the triple flags and rebuilding c, same error.
edit: sry double post
Edit. Its handled. Ty, 1000% improvement.
so i'm getting this error
from the error log it seems the libRSCpuRef about ARM mode, so i try to disable it. but then i saw the arm modes is already whitelisted from arm mode.
did i miss something? thanks.
Why was arm mode disabled by default? Would like to give it a try, but I'm assuming there was a reason for disabling it.
brandonabandon said: using your sabernaro 4.9 rom and kernel repos. Cloned ndk from op, and picked build/rs commits from op. Any ideas? Aosp source.
Edit; readding the triple flags and rebuilding c, same error.
edit: sry double post
Edit. Its handled. Ty, 1000% improvement.
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can you share how do you fix the compiling error?
i got the same error
iskandar1023 said:
can you share how do you fix the compiling error?
i got the same error
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Follow us you will need dtc commits from build, fw/base, support and rs. Also ndk, llvm, and png. Gl
Got into when using 3.9 and using UBER GCC 5.3 for kernel. CM based ROM. Any ideas?
Edit: Got it solved. Was unrelated to dragon tc.
Big thanks to the dev for this evolutionary TC! In my device the rom feels much snappier now, even when Antutu does not reflect this observation in higher scoring. Benchmark is pretty much the same as before. But maybe I didn't understand the concepts well enough and this is how we should expect it.
DragonTC allows you to use the latest Clang toolchains (3.6, 3.7, 3.8, or 3.9) with extra functionality that Google doesn't have, such as LTO, Polly, OpenMP, and Snapdragon Krait optimizations. These make your rom (or anything you compile with it) perform better than if you were to use the stock AOSP clang.
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@frap129 Did you or someone else do benchmarks to check whether a rom compiled with the latest Clang toolchains actually perform better than if we use one of the latest GCC tc, e.g. 5.3?
Hello @frap129 @brandonabandon after switching to dragonTC i get the following error:
build/core/ *** external/compiler-rt/lib/asan: LOCAL_MODULE not defined before call to local-intermediates-dir. Stop.
I am building for lollipop so the code is here
I am using prebuilt 3.7 and the patches to platform build which you can see here
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
iskandar1023 said:
so i'm getting this error
from the error log it seems the libRSCpuRef about ARM mode, so i try to disable it. but then i saw the arm modes is already whitelisted from arm mode.
did i miss something? thanks.
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I have only had one tester get this error, and we were unable to find the origin. Seems to only happen on CM based Roms.
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We are not responsible for anything that may happen to your phone as a result of installing MiracleDROID Project. You do so at your own risk and take the responsibility upon yourself.
"This is a user friendly thread. All feature requests will be heard and considered. Helping one another is also encouraged!"
About MiracleDROID:
MiracleDROID is a lightweight AOSP ROM. We focus on battery, performance and stability, as well as providing the most up-to-date security patches. The philosophy is to stay relatively close to Google's stock Oreo and provide some essential features and configurations to enhance user experience.
Feel free to look, build and use our code at Github.
Downloads & Changelogs:
MiracleDROID Builds: AFH
MiracleDROID Unofficial Builds: Google Disk
Gapps: Open Gapps:
The LineageOS Community
Dirty Unicorns
And all other open source Devs/Teams i may have missed!
3rd party addons/mods:
While we have no issues with people using supersu/xposed/magisk/custom kernels/etc, we can't provide support for users who have them installed.
Want to build MiraleDROID for mido?
- $ mkdir mdroid && cd mdroid
- $ repo init -u -b android-8.1 && repo sync -f
- $ source build/
- $ lunch mdroid_mido-userdebug
- $ brunch mdroid_mido-userdebug
XDA:DevDB Information
MiracleDROID 8.1.0, ROM for the Xiaomi Redmi Note 4
Lakku, Hikari no Tenshi
Source Code:
ROM OS Version: 8.x Oreo
ROM Firmware Required: Unlocked bootloader with TWRP installed
Based On: AOSP
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: 1.0
Stable Release Date: 2018-04-17
Created 2018-04-17
Last Updated 2022-01-13
Reporting an issue
How to report a bug: Requirements:
The system data must be totally untouched. No Dolby Atmos/Viper Sound thing/Xposed Installations allowed.
Kernel must be the one that's shipped with build. Bug reports on any custom kernel won't be entertained.
Data needed in the report:
Official build which broke something
Last known good official build which doesn't have the said bug.
Logs attached: dmesg, radio log, logcat, screenshot if visual artifact.
Best way to replicate the said bug
Bug type: Only device bugs will be considered.
Yaayyy!!! Another One!
Thanks always love your work
looks like elixir reincarnation
EDIT: So its basically like Elixir with different name lol
Screenshots please
O crap:laugh:. I have to clean flash all over again or should I be brave and do it dirty:silly:
downloading right away. Thanks @Lakku, welcome back.
Infinite thanks, always loving your hard work..
Great to see you back! Hope this rom is as stable as elixr =) will try out directly
Wow. Nice work Dev.
I want to see. Any screen shot please? ?
Is it closed to google stock ?
If that your main idea I love to use it. Don't add gimmick2 outside the stock...
Wait for SS.
desaturated said:
Is it closed to google stock ?
If that your main idea I love to use it. Don't add gimmick2 outside the stock...
Wait for SS.
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Yes I agree too
Great rom, just tested it!
what i just miss is, i havent set up a fingerprint. in elixir 070418 was the phone waking up by tipping on fingerprint sensor.its not present anymore since later builds and also in this rom. do you know how i can get this back?
Elixir OS is death.
Enviado desde mi Redmi Note 4 mediante Tapatalk
Credits- Cake Gunner
Android Kernel Actions - Easily Create an Environment and Build Android Kernels With GitHub Action"GitHub Actions makes it easy to automate all your software workflows, now with world-class CI/CD. Build, test, and deploy your code right from GitHub. Make code reviews, branch management, and issue triaging work the way you want." - GitHub.
Well basically, GitHub Action gives you some computing power for building and testing your code. The good thing is, this is FREE! So I though It's a good idea to build kernels with it. No need to let your computer using 100% CPU Usage for a long time, no need to rent a VPS or using cloud provider services like AWS, GCP, etc.
How does this script works? Pretty simple. It launches an Ubuntu container in GitHub Action, Installs necessary packages based on your toolchain preferences, sets environment variables, builds your kernel and zips it with AnyKernel3 (If template provided).
Available toolchains :
GCC from Ubuntu repository
Clang from Ubuntu repository (with or without GNU's binutils)
Proton Clang (with or without GNU's binutils)
AOSP's Clang (with or without GNU's binutils)
Feel free to request another source of toolchain.
Toolchain strings
NOTE: If you want to compile with Clang and LLVM without any of GNU's binutils, make sure your kernel source already supports LLVM options, otherwise compilation may fails or it will not use LLVM utils. In that case, use clang toolchain with GNU's binutils.
Instructions1) You need to host your kernel source in GitHub and optionally your modified AnyKernel3 template in GitHub
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2) Create a .yml file in .github/workflows:
NOTE: This is a YAML-formatted file, which means indentation matters. I won't explain this example code in detail, refer to GitHub Action documentation.
Example code:
name: "Build Dark Ages kernel on darky." # Description of the workflow.
branches: darky # Branch to build.
workflow_dispatch: # Allow to manually trigger workflow.
name: "Build Dark Ages kernel"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: "Checkout kernel source" # Clone the kernel source.
uses: actions/[email protected]
- name: "Checkout zipper" # (OPTIONAL) Clone the AnyKernel3 template.
uses: actions/[email protected]
repository: lemniskett/AnyKernel3 # Your own AnyKernel3 repository.
path: zipper # Clone to path "zipper", REQUIRED.
- name: "Android kernel build" # Build kernel with lemniskett/android-kernel-actions.
uses: lemniskett/[email protected]
arch: arm64 # Specify arch
compiler: gcc/9 # Specify toolchain to use
defconfig: vince_defconfig # Specify defconfig to use
image: Image.gz-dtb # Specify final build file
3) Then, start committing the file, the build should starts right after you commit the file. if not, check on.push.branches in the yml file.
Q: Now, how do I get the final build file?
A: You can use other action such as ncipollo/release-action or appleboy/telegram-action to upload the file, Example usage is available in and build-yml
Q: Something is missing in the environment, can you add it?
A: Sure, just open an issue in the repo
Questions, Comments, Feedbacks are welcome.