[Q] Pure android on HTC Desire S - HTC Desire S

Hello everyone,
Is there any way to port pure android version to HTC Desire S?
Thank you.

tekinalp67 said:
Hello everyone,
Is there any way to port pure android version to HTC Desire S?
Thank you.
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You mean aosp ? And it wil be hard ..
Sent from my GT-S5660 using xda premium

Thomas vdb said:
You mean aosp ? And it wil be hard ..
Sent from my GT-S5660 using xda premium
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I mean; I want my phone like nexus s.

Go download and flash any AOSP/CM-based ROM.

Thomas vdb said:
You mean aosp ? And it wil be hard ..
Sent from my GT-S5660 using xda premium
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Jack_R1 said:
Go download and flash any AOSP/CM-based ROM.
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Is all the features of phone working still?

Check the ROM that you want to download. Everything is written there, what works and what doesn't (if anything). Did you even try?

CM10 and why not, they have already managed to fix the front camera and is almost fully functional at 100x100.
sorry for my English, I use google translator.

Check out this
[ROM][29 OCT 2012][JB 4.1.2] AOKP JellyBean Milestone 1| Kernel 3
It's ported. It's AOKP. It's the closest u can get to plain vanilla android. And it's jelly beans! Very very stable. I'm using it since more than a week now. Everything except front cam works and I experienced no blackouts or reboots at all. Recommended
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Could anyone port XperiaTized to Galaxy GT-I5800???
gjhita1996 said:
Could anyone port XperiaTized to Galaxy GT-I5800???
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Hey this is really awesome rom which would i love to have it on our phone but i think that nowbody will port it since most off devs are on CMX project. So if you want to have it you could try porting it
Edit: if you will port this rom try with this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1661770
Sent from my Viper HOX
Interesting...I send a PM to CoolCatGetHome, so if he allows me to port, then I might give it a try Anyone want to be a tester? cause I don't have my g3 right now :\
Jason-EX said:
Interesting...I send a PM to CoolCatGetHome, so if he allows me to port, then I might give it a try Anyone want to be a tester? cause I don't have my g3 right now :\
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Won't mind testing
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gjhita1996 said:
Won't mind testing
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Won't mind testing too, I'm even looking forward to buy an Xperia later, so if I can get a taste of the UI that cannot be useless.
How long would it take to port the rom?
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gjhita1996 said:
How long would it take to port the rom?
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It depens on how much time would porter put in and for compiling and etc... not to long ^_^
Sent from my Viper HOX
turboblaz said:
It depens on how much time would porter put in and for compiling and etc... not to long ^_^
Sent from my Viper HOX
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yes, not to long, but CoolCatGetHome didn't read my PM yet...so.....
What android version would it be? 2.2 or 2.3?
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gjhita1996 said:
What android version would it be? 2.2 or 2.3?
Sent from my GT-I5800 using xda app-developers app
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2.3.6.....but i think it'll work with 2.3.7 based CM7
Are u working on it jason
amarendar94 said:
Are u working on it jason
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I'm working on it. Download it if you want
Based on CM7 so a lot of it works but I'm still modding it
You will lose all data and might need to flash gapps. First boot will take a while.
Currently just themed to look like it. Stock Music player or Video player doesn't work.
For the theme, go onto Theme Chooser and select Xperia S
amarendar94 said:
Are u working on it jason
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Sorry, he didn't answer my PM, so I have no permission to port it :\
when V13 comes i allow Everyone to port it but when its done and booted go to my original thread and post a link of the thread of your port
so i can keep a track of it
and might make official verions to
the rom is based on 2.3.6 samsung stock rom
so what i think is
use the xperiatized rom
replace some libs in the rom with some libs of cm7
and adjust it a bit
so it would work
CoolCatGetHome said:
when V13 comes i allow Everyone to port it but when its done and booted go to my original thread and post a link of the thread of your port
so i can keep a track of it
and might make official verions to
the rom is based on 2.3.6 samsung stock rom
so what i think is
use the xperiatized rom
replace some libs in the rom with some libs of cm7
and adjust it a bit
so it would work
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Awesome! Please also announce it here
Some test versions of xperiatized where released
Up now i must say i am really proud of v13
Added patch for quickpanel to * for the people who wants that *
Withmedia controll etc
But still need to fix / dp some stuff
Also working on universal camera app wich looks like xperia cam
Maybe tomorrow it will be released on ace and then lets port
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
Would it have the Walkman music app from ics?
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jumper62 said:
Would it have the Walkman music app from ics?
Sent from my GT-I5800 using xda app-developers app
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Nope but i moddified miui music player
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
Just seen an ICS version of this.
Sent from my GT-I5800 using xda app-developers app
jumper62 said:
Just seen an ICS version of this.
Sent from my GT-I5800 using xda app-developers app
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Ics version is not my work
And only theme + launcher and some widgets
Mine is hardmodded
And has no preinstalled cm9 theme but fully framework port of xperia u
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium

MHL support

hi folks, I am about to purchase my first MHL device for my At&t HTC one XL. i am currently running Cyanogenmod 10 and was wondering if anyone has had any luck with MHL output using this rom. If not CM10, has anyone had luck using MHL on any NON-stock rom? hope to get a few answers. thanks everyone.
atombone said:
hi folks, I am about to purchase my first MHL device for my At&t HTC one XL. i am currently running Cyanogenmod 10 and was wondering if anyone has had any luck with MHL output using this rom. If not CM10, has anyone had luck using MHL on any NON-stock rom? hope to get a few answers. thanks everyone.
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It won't work on aosp based ROMs. On most all sense based ROMs it will eork
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dustinhayes93 said:
It won't work on aosp based ROMs. On most all sense based ROMs it will eork
Sent from my One X using xda app-developers app
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Thanks dustinhayes! this helps a lot! now to find a suitable rom... bye bye cm10
atombone said:
Thanks dustinhayes! this helps a lot! now to find a suitable rom... bye bye cm10
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H8 is working on adding it to cm10 though. I would say it will be here eventually. The way he works it may not take a long time. Once he fixes vsync I'm sure he will have time for the little things
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dustinhayes93 said:
H8 is working on adding it to cm10 though. I would say it will be here eventually. The way he works it may not take a long time. Once he fixes vsync I'm sure he will have time for the little things
Sent from my One X using xda app-developers app
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Cool, thanks for the info, im looking forward to it.. i really do NOT want to use a sense rom.. whole reason i unlocked was for AOSP.

BB10 lockscreen port?

Any can port this mod for htc sensation users?
This would be a great lock screen for 4.2.1 on sensation.
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Wagedroid said:
This would be a great lock screen for 4.2.1 on sensation.
Sent from my HTC Sensation using xda app-developers app
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looks wonderful :good:
CATA- said:
Any can port this mod for htc sensation users?
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+1 I completely agree it's fantastic!
The bb10 OS looks really nice. Probably going to get the z10 when its out in the USA, and it will run android apps, so looks good to me
Sent from my HTC Sensation using xda premium
is this worked in vipers rom ???
how ?
what link i must download ??
katiepea said:
The bb10 OS looks really nice. Probably going to get the z10 when its out in the USA, and it will run android apps, so looks good to me
Sent from my HTC Sensation using xda premium
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It uses android 2.1 to emulate apps, and from what i've read they don't work every well.
sromer said:
It uses android 2.1 to emulate apps, and from what i've read they don't work every well.
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only 2.1? that's a 2009 OS, soon all good games and apps won't even support it.
Blackberry announced an update to the android runtime to jelly bean today. So they're updating it
Sent from my HTC Sensation using xda premium
katiepea said:
Blackberry announced an update to the android runtime to jelly bean today. So they're updating it
Sent from my HTC Sensation using xda premium
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it announced at a developer conference today that it would eventually support Android 4.1 Jelly Bean apps and features in its runtime
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- The Verge http://www.theverge.com/2013/2/5/3954234/blackberry-10-android-41-jelly-bean-apps-and-runtime
By the time they update it android 5.0 will be out. I'd much rather just get an android device.
So this can't be ported?
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We need a dev that make a flasheable zip
He hablado - Tapatalk Beta
CATA- said:
We need a dev that make a flasheable zip
He hablado - Tapatalk Beta
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No because its a patch that needs to be applied to the source code, not flashable
G1-evolve said:
No because its a patch that needs to be applied to the source code, not flashable
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Why is possible for moto defy but not for sensation?
He hablado - Tapatalk Beta
CATA- said:
Why is possible for moto defy but not for sensation?
He hablado - Tapatalk Beta
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ive been looking and searching how to port this... even in the auto-patcher threads and i still dont know how to get this working for our sensation.
but i want it bad so ill keep researching.
How do I install it?
by_kingpin said:
How do I install it?
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How do you install what?
katiepea said:
How do you install what?
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I think he is meaning the lockscreen.
Wagedroid said:
ive been looking and searching how to port this... even in the auto-patcher threads and i still dont know how to get this working for our sensation.
but i want it bad so ill keep researching.
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i love bb10 so much too and i finally spent 4 days to it and i made it at last before i gave up


Is there any AOSP rom (android 4.2.2) for optimus one?
rhar**** said:
Is there any AOSP rom (android 4.2.2) for optimus one?
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You mean pure AOSP ?
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nomancoolboy said:
You mean pure AOSP ?
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda app-developers app
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But is there any other kind of AOSP too?
And if yes, pls share with us.
rhar**** said:
But is there any other kind of AOSP too?
And if yes, pls share with us.
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I think there is no pure aosp, pure aosp is made by google, and we cant use 100% pure aosp source code to make rom for daily uses..
You can see oxygen rom by popdog, that still need some part from cm source code to make it work better.
Sent from my PG86100
Android 4.2.2
cupliz said:
I think there is no pure aosp, pure aosp is made by google, and we cant use 100% pure aosp source code to make rom for daily uses..
You can see oxygen rom by popdog, that still need some part from cm source code to make it work better.
Sent from my PG86100
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That isnt Android 4.2.2, is it?
I am looking for 4.2.2 ROM
I know about an AOSP 4.1.2 ROM by popdog
But it has many bugs
Sent from my GT-I9082 using xda premium
Do you know about the cm10.1 on the Jenkins server ...? ..
it is a stock android experience
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda premium
nomancoolboy said:
Do you know about the cm10.1 on the Jenkins server ...? ..
it is a stock android experience
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda premium
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I am currently using it (the RC6)
But i want AOSP
rhar**** said:
I am currently using it (the RC6)
But i want AOSP
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Buy a nexus device...
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda app-developers app
rhar**** said:
That isnt Android 4.2.2, is it?
I am looking for 4.2.2 ROM
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Omg, please google what is pure AOSP mean...
FitAmp said:
Buy a nexus device...
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda app-developers app
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If you still dont understand what fitamp said, its mean AOSP just made by mother google for nexus device, still want it? Go buy nexus device.
Sent from my PG86100

[ROM REQUEST] MIUI 4.2.2 (Aries)

If Any Of The Devs Don't Mind, Can Any Of You Make A MIUI JB Rom? I Would Love It And I Appreciate The Hard Working Devs That Are Trying To See The Full Potential Of The SGS4G
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1234west said:
If Any Of The Devs Don't Mind, Can Any Of You Make A MIUI JB Rom? I Would Love It And I Appreciate The Hard Working Devs That Are Trying To See The Full Potential Of The SGS4G
Sent from my SGH-T959V using xda app-developers app
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perhaps their is no 4.2.2 version MiUi !! #NotSure
ithunter said:
perhaps their is no 4.2.2 version MiUi !! #NotSure
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You're Right I Meant v5 Since Its The Newest Version
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I saw a while back that there are 4.2.2 versions of MIUI for the Galaxy Nexus and the Nexus 4.
cpkelley94 said:
I saw a while back that there are 4.2.2 versions of MIUI for the Galaxy Nexus and the Nexus 4.
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Never Known That
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Why would you want 4.1 when 4.3's source just came out?
Fluidification said:
Why would you want 4.1 when 4.3's source just came out?
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Oh My!!!!
Sent from my SGH-T959V using xda app-developers app
Fluidification said:
Why would you want 4.1 when 4.3's source just came out?
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OMD (Oh My Dev) we are expection this on version also on this phone

