there is any method to unlock my phone without pay?
my phone is an at&t atrix 2 with 2.3.6. i want use this phone to other network(no at&t)
Thanks for searching before posting...
[Q] How to get a free unlock code from AT&T for MB865?
Sent from my rooted Mayan calendar
Google's your best friend!
Sent from my MB865 using xda premium
Apex_Strider said:
Thanks for searching before posting...
[Q] How to get a free unlock code from AT&T for MB865?
Sent from my rooted Mayan calendar
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Or just scroll down
ok, but i'm from greece, i bought used from ebay and i'm not able to speak with at&t because my english is very bad.
macnick said:
ok, but i'm from greece, i bought used from ebay and i'm not able to speak with at&t because my english is very bad.
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But your computer can navigate to Google, and that handy search button at the top right of these xda pages, yeah? That was my point at least. There was a thread about this very thing only 10 threads down...
Sent from my rooted Mayan calendar
Can someone give me an idea on a better option of a carrier? I have simple mobile but the data is so extremely slow. Anyone know where a better option would be? Gettin rid of my cappy,isn't happening lol
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
At&t has good coverage, in exchange for your wallet and first born.
Att is not that bad if you have a friend/buddy right you up on a corporate discount. I'm saving 20% by "working" for Coke.
Ahh, too true. I've known some buddies employed with them. Amazing discounts. And they do let you have android devices now, instead of just the iPhone.
Side note, did you see the new south park episode with the ihumancentipede? ewwwww
off topic but yes that south park episode was awesome
well i wish i could find a good guide on how to flash phones,its not illegal so i dont see why i cant find one anywhere
brd912 said:
well i wish i could find a good guide on how to flash phones,its not illegal so i dont see why i cant find one anywhere
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what are you talking about???
Pirateghost said:
what are you talking about???
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I have a droid x with a bad esn. My buddy lost it and the insurance company sentt him a new one and when he found it he gave it to me. Im trying to find a quide on how to flash it to another carrier but I can't find one anywhere
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
a droid x will only work on CDMA networks.....and will likely ONLY work on verizon.
Pirateghost said:
a droid x will only work on CDMA networks.....and will likely ONLY work on verizon.
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No,Verizon phones can be flashed to metro pcs and cricket. I just find the guide on how to
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
is there a reason you go through so much trouble to use horrible providers? just wondering.
Pirateghost said:
is there a reason you go through so much trouble to use horrible providers? just wondering.
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Well see I'm not quite 18 so I can't get a phone In my name yet and I've been in four contracts and was the only one who payed the bill. So for another 5 months I'm stuck trying to find a good prepaid deal. And it would be nice to have decent working internet. I'm wanting to go back to at&t but I think there prices are fixing to go up once they buy out t mobile
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
From right here on XDA
Flash it to cricket
not sure if it works or not, but worth a read if you still need the info
So... I bought an unlock code because ATT was being an asshat and refused to give me an unlock code despite their promise to give me one.
I bought the code from cellunlocker, and I've tried all the methods except using a different sim. They all give me the same result: "The old pin you typed is not correct".
Do I have to use a different sim or is something terribly wrong with my phone? I'm going to China next week and I plan to use my phone.
Different Sim. Non att Sim
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2
xcrazydx said:
Different Sim. Non att Sim
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2
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So basically I need to find a TMo user?
iandr0idos said:
So basically I need to find a TMo user?
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Tmo or simple mobile. Simple mobile sims are just a dollar on ebay or about 2-5 in craigslist. That is of course if you dont have friends on tmo.
Sent from my Calculator with Android.
Haha I'll find someone tomorrow at school. XD
Still doesn't work! I've tried all the methods! D:
Was I supposed to select Galaxy S II or Galaxy S II LTE?
iandr0idos said:
Still doesn't work! I've tried all the methods! D:
Was I supposed to select Galaxy S II or Galaxy S II LTE?
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Should've selected galaxy sII LTe I727
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using XDA
Yeah that's what I selected.
Strange. I've sent an email to support, but knowing support desks, they will probably be idiots.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using XDA
hi, guys i just bought a brand new sgs from craiglist and the guy said it was unlocked to tmobile but i think he lied althought the phone is great in perfect working t-mobile sim card is not activating the phone.
is it possible to get this phone on working tmobile's network?
i been searching couldnt find a answer.
No.. u got duped... lol.. j/k I know there was work to get it done but all they could get was voice no data.. search is your friend... otherwise you could sell it to me
Sent from my SCH-I535 using XDA Premium HD app
Dra$tiK said:
No.. u got duped... lol.. j/k I know there was work to get it done but all they could get was voice no data.. search is your friend... otherwise you could sell it to me
Sent from my SCH-I535 using XDA Premium HD app
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i just post it on craiglist today
How much you buy it for?
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luke1333 said:
How much you buy it for?
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
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i paid 450 for it..
funny how t-mobile tech support keep telling me the phone should work if i unlocked it...
droidkidd said:
i paid 450 for it..
funny how t-mobile tech support keep telling me the phone should work if i unlocked it...
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Did you unlock it?
SIM/carrier unlock should be different from bootloader unlock?
Do we have a way of getting this phones unlock code - or does this not apply to this device?
..CDMA device. Regardless if unlocked for another SP will not work on a GSM locked network in the US. GSM networks system will not recognize the CDMA IMEI.
I've been browsing the web looking for a legitimate looking site but all of them look like scam sites to me.
Where did you get your unlock codes from? i would apreciate it deeply.
Search on eBay for unlock fusion
This may not be your carriers but search for your carrier and you can find one for around 3-10 dollars and it comes within 15 minutes!
Sent from my One X using xda app-developers app
acompres said:
I've been browsing the web looking for a legitimate looking site but all of them look like scam sites to me.
Where did you get your unlock codes from? i would apreciate it deeply.
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If you have an att account and it is in good standing with them then they will unlock your phone for free.
ImagioX1 said:
If you have an att account and it is in good standing with them then they will unlock your phone for free.
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I'm in Dominican Republic and i bought the phone off eBay, so, i'm preeetty screwed on that angle
Do you know which provider the one x was locked to?
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pjcordi said:
Do you know which provider the one x was locked to?
Sent from my One X using xda app-developers app
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It is an AT&T One X, still sadly locked onto AT&T
This should work
Sent from my One X using xda app-developers app
This one is good, I've unlocked 4 phones without problems.
if you scare scam website . you can buy it froom ebayy. always got best price there with alot competible seller
you can get back money by dispute payppal if code not works or seller not send unlock code
i've just checked, AT&T One X unlock code only $3.99
hope this help
Can't find any concrete answers. Does the M8 Developer Edition work on Verizon's network?
I want this phone so bad but can't stand Verizon's lockdowns!!
Thank you
NicoMancinelli said:
Can't find any concrete answers. Does the M8 Developer Edition work on Verizon's network?
I want this phone so bad but can't stand Verizon's lockdowns!!
Thank you
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Would like to know this as well
Sent from my HTC6525LVW using xda app-developers app
i cant find the answer no where. i need to find out before 14 day so i can return this HTC one.
NicoMancinelli said:
Can't find any concrete answers. Does the M8 Developer Edition work on Verizon's network?
I want this phone so bad but can't stand Verizon's lockdowns!!
Thank you
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Definitely NOT. The Google Play store mentions in a footnote that it will only work on T-Mobile & AT&T.
My name's Harold and I'm a flashaholic....
hgoldner said:
Definitely NOT. The Google Play store mentions in a footnote that it will only work on T-Mobile & AT&T.
My name's Harold and I'm a flashaholic....
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Isn't that the Google Edition? That will not work on Verizon. But I believe the OP is asking about the Developer edition.
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
hgoldner said:
Definitely NOT. The Google Play store mentions in a footnote that it will only work on T-Mobile & AT&T.
My name's Harold and I'm a flashaholic....
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It could still work, we'd need someone to test. The M7 developer edition supported T-Mobile but only on 3G/FauxG. But flashing the T-Mobile radio to it enabled LTE connectivity.
Sent from the all new HTC One M8
I contacted HTC yesterday. The rep told me that both the Unlocked (sim unlocked) and Developer models will operate on Verizon.
sharkie02 said:
I contacted HTC yesterday. The rep told me that both the Unlocked (sim unlocked) and Developer models will operate on Verizon.
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I'm not sure if I can believe this till I see someone do it.
Sent from my HTC6525LVW using xda app-developers app
i figured id be the guinea pig and since i have patience issues i ordered one today to try it myself.
i ordered by phone due to checkout issues and the rep said theres no reason it shouldnt work
worst case scenario i guess is i send it back
I was under the impression the Dev edition was GSM only.
Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk
cj2566 said:
I was under the impression the Dev edition was GSM only.
Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk
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Possibly. But the spec sheet for our model doesn't mention the T-Mobile compatibility we've seen so far. I wouldn't be even slightly surprised if HTC just used software/firmware to disable bands (or maybe not at all) in order to avoid making 5+ different pieces of hardware.
Sent from my HTC6525LVW using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
NotATreoFan said:
Possibly. But the spec sheet for our model doesn't mention the T-Mobile compatibility we've seen so far. I wouldn't be even slightly surprised if HTC just used software/firmware to disable bands (or maybe not at all) in order to avoid making 5+ different pieces of hardware.
Sent from my HTC6525LVW using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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How long until it ships? If you get it within 12 days, I'll return my retail and go dev.
Sent from my HTC One M8 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
ak074 said:
The developer edition only works with GSM carriers. VZW is CDMA.
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According to the website, yes. But it very likely has the CDMA radio hardware in there in order to save HTC the cost of manufacturing multiple devices. Much like how our locked model can connect to T-Mobile LTE, though you will find no mention of those bands being supported.
Crooke356 said:
How long until it ships? If you get it within 12 days, I'll return my retail and go dev.
Sent from my HTC One M8 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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the rep said it should ship on the 3rd
NicoMancinelli said:
the rep said it should ship on the 3rd
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So....does it work?
The only devices that work with Verizon are ones that are "certified" by them. There has been talk of a developer edition specifically for Verizon.
Sent from my HTC6525LVW using xda app-developers app
And is it really relevant anymore? The VZW edition can be S-Off'd, so...
sfreemanoh said:
And is it really relevant anymore? The VZW edition can be S-Off'd, so...
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Dev edition is good for those who want warranty through HTC.
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richii0207 said:
Dev edition is good for those who want warranty through HTC.
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Well, I guess that's a good point. I guess I'm just so used to instantly voiding my warranties every time I get a new phone or tablet I don't even think about that...