Now tv by sky - Android Apps and Games

Hi all this comes up as incompatible in the market any chance of anyone giving me the apk


Plants vs. Zombies

Hey I downloaded Plants vs Zombies and tried to get the files downloaded via wifi and couldn't do it properly cause it shuts down automatically! Has anyone tried this game or downloaded it? Does it need Chain fire 3D drivers?
I play it. It works fine for me
works perfectly on the sensation with no outside resources needed
Did you buy it?Can I have a link for this? thanks and the one I have always stops downloading.
I got it from Amazons market its a paid app so it can't be shared
Oh okay thanks man. recently I changed my rom and I installed the game and it loaded but the phone was restarted so I guess there might be a problem in the apk.

working Optimum TV app?

Hi, anyone have a working Optimum TV apk for our tablets? Nothing comes up in the Play Store, just the DVR version.
Seen some modded apks working for the Kindle Fire but not seeing for ours....
doesn't work for nexus 7 or gtn7000 either bump

[Q] [APP] Sky Movies for Android (UK ONLY)

Hi I was wondering does anybody have the Sky Movies APK? I live in the US and I would like to have this APK.
Thank You

Apk from Amazon Fire Store

At the moment, I no longer have a Firestick as I could otherwise pull it myself, but I was wondering if someone could do me the favor of uploading an APK of the Bleacher Report app from the Fire TV Store. I'd like to try it on Android TV, as it's currently not available on the Google Play Store.
It would be very much appreciated. Thank you!

Uncompatible App

Hey guys i bought the fire 10 hd. Basically i want to play marvel future revolution on it even if it is lagging because its literally an afkĀ“game.
So well the problem is the game is not supported on the Appstore. When trying to side load it with an apk the installation fails with the error "App is not supporting your tablet".
Is there any way on earth i can get it installed on my tablet?
Thanks <3

