** You need to have root to run this app! **
I have been hacking up a vnc server from old code I found on Google. I will try to get the changes merged into the original project; if that fails I will start a new project or just post the source.
This one works with my rooted Transformer Prime, a rooted Galaxy S2 and a CyanogenMod Nexus One perfectly. On a non-rooted Galaxy S2 everything works except the mouse/touch.
This uses the new Screenshot code for Android and either the "uinput" user space input device, the "input" command line tool to send keys, or direct access to the Linux keyboard device. It uses either the "uinput" user space input device if specified for the keyboard or the Linux touch device / mousepad device (like on my Prime).
I have been pushing the NDK app to /data/local/vncs using adb.
Open an "adb shell" or local connectbot session. cd /data/local. and then a command like below:
Try this first:
galaxy s2 has no mouse pointer: (touch won't work without root)
./vncs -t /dev/input/event2 -s -g -x 480 -y 800
galaxy nexus has no mouse pointer: (touch won't work without root)
./vncs -t /dev/input/event1 -s -n -x ? -y ? (I don't know the values for the nexus touch size or if it auto detects)
prime with keyboard has visible mouse pointer: (rooted ICS)
./vncs -t /dev/input/event5
prime without keyboard has no mouse pointer: (rooted ICS)
./vncs -t /dev/input/event3
nexus one with cyanogenmod: (rooted Gingerbread)
./vncs -t /dev/input/event3
local Escape key is "back" on remote Android device
local Windows or Home key is "home" on remote Android device
local F1 or Menu or Pg-Up key is "menu" on remote Android device
local F6 key is "camera" on some devices (not all)
local Pg-Dn key is "call" on some devices (not all)
local End key is "end call" and/or power on/off
local Alt-o / Alt-i is "power off/on" on some devices
local Alt-u is "volume up" on some devices
local Alt-d is "volume down" on some devices
Press F2 or Alt-p to pause/resume screen refresh. This is great for watching videos on the TV. If you don't disable the remote refresh then the video will jerk because of the screenshots being taken.
If you have a Prime with the keyboard then you can use the mouse pointer version and see what you are clicking on even with screen refresh off.
Press F4 or Alt-r to rotate the screen 90 degrees. 0,90,180,270 then back to 0. The connection disconnects for now so you will need to reconnect again. To keep reconnecting, in a shell on my laptop I use "while :; do vncviewer; sleep 1; done".
Press F3 or Alt-s to change the scaling, normal, half, quarter then back to normal. The connection disconnects for now so you will need to reconnect again. To keep reconnecting, in a shell on my laptop I use "while :; do vncviewer; sleep 1; done".
Press Alt-q to close the connection from the server side. It can be opened again from the client.
I haven't tested on many other devices yet. Let me know of failures or successes!
Command line switches on the server:
-h show help
-s swap red/blue colors
-g galaxy s2 touchscreen
-n galaxy nexus touchscreen
-x touchscreen maximim x
-y touchscreen maximim y
-r rotate mode 0,1,2,3 = 0,90,180,270 degrees, default is 0
-T touchscreen pointer rotate offset, 0-3=0,90,180,270, default is 0 (same rotation as screen)
-m magnification 1/m, 1=fullsize, 2=half size, 4=quarter size
-t touch device
-k keyboard device, default is uinput command
-p : password, default is none
-d : delay between events, default is 300000
-P : port, default is 5901
-32 32bpp; default is 32 for snapshot, 16 for framebuffer
-16 16bpp; default is 32 for snapshot, 16 for framebuffer
-o hack to send touch events on non-rooted device
-c red offset, red length, green offset, green length, blue offset, blue length; defaults 16,8,8,8,8,0
-R connect to remote host:remote port
-a average when scaling (slower but better looking)
-C reconnect to listener if connection dropped
Version 1.86
Version 1.86 includes many new features such as connect to remote vnc listener, deliver VNC Java client on port 5800+, average pixels when scaling, touchscreen pointer rotation offset and generic color sequence settings (needed for some devices).
If all connected clients support it then size and rotation are updated without disconnecting the client; if any client doesn't support it, then all clients are disconnected as it worked previously. Normally not a problem since most people only connect to a device with one client at a time.
Connect to your device from a java enabled web browser with something like if your normal port is 5901. The downloaded jar supports most things the standalone vnc clients support.
Version 1.86 includes a Java Control App as well.
It has the NDK app included in it so you only need to download the standalone exe if you don't want the Java App. The Java App extracts the NDK App when it runs and keeps it in its own Android directory structure (not in /data/local anymore).
The GUI is now compiled for Android 2.2+ and now includes two desktop widgets: 1x1 and 4x1 and an option to turn on a notification that shows the current server status and a start/stop button. Notification icon and widgets change icon to give visual indication when the server is running.
Custom Launchers and other apps can call activities to start/stop the server.
Tasker Action Intent setup:
Action: com.mrk2012.android.preferences.START (or STOP)
Cat: Launcher
Target: Broadcast Receiver
For instance, I have my phone setup to start the server when I place it in the dock or connect power.
I found/fixed a small bug with the refresh code, hopefully that will a) keep the widgets/notifications updating unless you stopped them from the menu and b) fix the "VNCPrefs has Stopped" display.
** You need to have root to run this app! **
You can configure everything from the Java GUI. Check out the About/Help menu option to see the list of special keys and their functions.
Also look in the Help section for a quick guide on how to configure the options for different types of devices. Post if you find some more working or not working devices.
+ done: scale viewer
+ done: switch between portrait/landscape in viewer
+ done: launch/control from gui
+ create generic option for specifying pointer setup so anyone can add a new device (superseded by using uinput)
+ fix input on undocked Prime (fixed with uinput)
+ add a way to start/stop the server from an email, sms or google voice
+ http server/applet
- upgrade to latest vnc server library/applet
- ctrl key (for connectbot mainly)
Prime specifc keys:
- page up/down keys
- home/end keys
- insert/delete keys
- media/volume keys
- other prime hard keys: wireless/mouse/bluetooth/contrast/camera/etc
I'm trying this on my rooted Galaxy Nexus (4.0.2) using connectbot, but I keep on getting "cannot execute - Permission denied" even though I'm using superuser prompt.
EDIT: I forgot to set permissions to the file, it works now, although the framerate seems a bit low and the colors are inverted...
I only get a couple frames per second. I don't think the snapshot code is very fast.
Try the command line switch -s to swap the red/blue colors.
-h shows all the options.
The -s switch does the trick with the inverted colors. Unfortunately I can not get keyboard and mouse input to work.
About the low framerate, I can see that "surfaceflinger" is taking up a lot of cpu usage when I start vncs, maybe that has something to do with it...
Please keep up the good work, I really like it already!
Did you try the -g option for the pointer? That format is what the Galaxy S2 uses. The Nexus may be the same.
If that doesn't help, read on.....
Since your device is rooted, do you have busybox installed?
If so, can you post the output of "which input"? I currently use that program to inject the keys and I have found it to work on several devices although it is a bit slow.
For the pointer, try using the -t option to specify different /dev/input/eventX options where X is usually 0 - 6. An "ls -l /dev/input/" will show you which ones are available. Different phones/tablets use different event devices and I haven't tried to figure out how to auto detect which is which.
If you run something like "od -x /dev/input/eventX", where X is 0 - 7, and touch the touchscreen you should get output on the one the touchscreen uses.
If you find the right -t option by using od, but still can't get the mouse to work over VNC, post the output of this:
- run "od -x /dev/input/event3" (or whichever event file works for you)
- carefully touch/release the screen as quickly as possible so you get one or two "touch" events outputting from the od command
- post the values (I would do this over adb so you can copy/past the output)
I will look at the output to see how it differs from the devices I have tested.
Also running a Galaxy Nexus with 4.0.2 (VZW, deodexed but otherwise stock ROM, rooted [as all Nexus devices should be]). The -s fixed the color inversion, with or without -g I can't use the touch or keyboard input (although I wasn't thorough about keyboard testing).
I would like to request a scaling factor or allowing 90 degree rotation since the 1280 pixel vertical resolution exceeds my 1080p monitor, but that's pretty minor as of now.
# which input
It looks like the touchscreen is actually on event1:
[email protected]:/ # od -x /dev/input/event1
0000000 00d2 0000 0f70 0001 0003 0039 001e 0000
0000020 00d2 0000 0f70 0001 0003 0030 000e 0000
0000040 00d2 0000 0f8f 0001 0003 003a 0081 0000
0000060 00d2 0000 0f8f 0001 0003 0035 01ca 0000
0000100 00d2 0000 0f8f 0001 0003 0036 0120 0000
0000120 00d2 0000 0fad 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000140 00d2 0000 2d5c 0001 0003 0039 ffff ffff
0000160 00d2 0000 2d5c 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000
Here are the input devices:
# ls /dev/input
Thanks for your work on this, I really miss having a VNC server on my phone!
New Version 1.1 up; see first post.
Added scaling and rotation.
Tweaked the input handling.
For Galaxy S2 try ./vncs -t /dev/input/event2 -s -g -x 480 -y 800.
Other devices let me know if this version works better.
The touchscreen indeed seems to be on event1. So I tried the following commands:
./vncs -t /dev/input/event1 -s -g -x 720 -y 1280
./vncs -t /dev/input/event1 -s
But mouse input still doesn't work, unfortunately.
I also found out when the phone goes to stand-by mode while running vncs, the touchscreen stops working at all. Had to take out my battery to restart the phone...
I forgot to actually attach the new version.
Check -h when you run it to make sure it says version 1.1.
See if this fixes the event problem.
I have never seen the device hang when it goes to sleep.
I will see if I can reproduce that.
Still no luck on the VZW Galaxy Nexus (but the scaling is much appreciated!). Please let me know if you'd like any additional debugging information from me.
Please try to capture a couple more touchscreen presses. I don't think there is enough information in your previous log.
I see the headers, and x/y movement. But I'm not sure I see the actual "finger down/release". Or I don't understand it.
This was a quick tap on the home screen:
# od -x /dev/input/event1
0000000 0521 0000 13ee 000a 0003 0039 000c 0000
0000020 0521 0000 140c 000a 0003 0030 000b 0000
0000040 0521 0000 140c 000a 0003 003a 006e 0000
0000060 0521 0000 142b 000a 0003 0035 014d 0000
0000100 0521 0000 142b 000a 0003 0036 02e1 0000
0000120 0521 0000 142b 000a 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000140 0521 0000 5afa 000a 0003 0039 ffff ffff
0000160 0521 0000 5b18 000a 0000 0000 0000 0000
And another:
# od -x /dev/input/event1
0000000 0549 0000 a50e 0005 0003 0039 000d 0000
0000020 0549 0000 a52d 0005 0003 0030 000e 0000
0000040 0549 0000 a52d 0005 0003 003a 008f 0000
0000060 0549 0000 a52d 0005 0003 0035 0218 0000
0000100 0549 0000 a54b 0005 0003 0036 02f1 0000
0000120 0549 0000 a54b 0005 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000140 0549 0000 c280 0005 0003 0039 ffff ffff
0000160 0549 0000 c29e 0005 0000 0000 0000 0000
And a swipe in case it helps:
# od -x /dev/input/event1
0000000 0572 0000 3e50 000d 0003 0039 000e 0000
0000020 0572 0000 3e6e 000d 0003 003a 0079 0000
0000040 0572 0000 3e6e 000d 0003 0035 00f3 0000
0000060 0572 0000 3e8d 000d 0003 0036 02dd 0000
0000100 0572 0000 3e8d 000d 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000120 0572 0000 63fb 000d 0003 003a 007c 0000
0000140 0572 0000 6438 000d 0003 0035 0101 0000
0000160 0572 0000 6438 000d 0003 0036 02db 0000
0000200 0572 0000 6438 000d 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000220 0572 0000 88d1 000d 0003 003a 007e 0000
0000240 0572 0000 88d1 000d 0003 0035 011f 0000
0000260 0572 0000 88d1 000d 0003 0036 02d8 0000
0000300 0572 0000 88f0 000d 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000320 0572 0000 ada7 000d 0003 003a 007f 0000
0000340 0572 0000 adc6 000d 0003 0035 0148 0000
0000360 0572 0000 adc6 000d 0003 0036 02d5 0000
0000400 0572 0000 adc6 000d 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000420 0572 0000 d484 000d 0003 003a 0080 0000
0000440 0572 0000 d484 000d 0003 0035 0178 0000
0000460 0572 0000 d484 000d 0003 0036 02d2 0000
0000500 0572 0000 d4a3 000d 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000520 0572 0000 f91d 000d 0003 003a 0081 0000
0000540 0572 0000 f91d 000d 0003 0035 01a8 0000
0000560 0572 0000 f91d 000d 0003 0036 02ce 0000
0000600 0572 0000 f93b 000d 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000620 0572 0000 1e11 000e 0003 003a 0082 0000
0000640 0572 0000 1e30 000e 0003 0035 01d9 0000
0000660 0572 0000 1e30 000e 0003 0036 02cc 0000
0000700 0572 0000 1e30 000e 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000720 0572 0000 426d 000e 0003 003a 0081 0000
0000740 0572 0000 426d 000e 0003 0035 0207 0000
0000760 0572 0000 426d 000e 0003 0036 02cb 0000
0001000 0572 0000 426d 000e 0000 0000 0000 0000
0001020 0572 0000 6780 000e 0003 003a 007a 0000
0001040 0572 0000 6780 000e 0003 0035 0233 0000
0001060 0572 0000 679f 000e 0000 0000 0000 0000
0001100 0572 0000 8c75 000e 0003 003a 0050 0000
0001120 0572 0000 8c75 000e 0003 0035 0262 0000
0001140 0572 0000 8c75 000e 0003 0036 02cc 0000
0001160 0572 0000 8c75 000e 0000 0000 0000 0000
0001200 0572 0000 affb 000e 0003 0039 ffff ffff
0001220 0572 0000 affb 000e 0000 0000 0000 0000
Let me know if there's anything else I can provide. Thanks!
Just taking a stab in the dark with 1.2 for the nexus since I don't know anyone nearby who has one.
If it doesn't work, try running the od command while using vnc so I can compare the output with what it should be.
Here's the output of a click on the VNC window with -g:
# od -x /dev/input/event1
0000000 00e4 0000 0786 0008 0000 0002 0000 0000
0000020 00e4 0000 07a5 0008 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000040 00e4 0000 07e2 0008 0000 0002 0000 0000
0000060 00e4 0000 07e2 0008 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000100 00e4 0000 07e2 0008 0000 0002 0000 0000
0000120 00e4 0000 07e2 0008 0000 0000 0000 0000
And without -g:
# od -x /dev/input/event1
0000000 0144 0000 47d8 000b 0000 0002 0000 0000
0000020 0144 0000 47f6 000b 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000040 0144 0000 49fd 000b 0000 0002 0000 0000
0000060 0144 0000 4a1c 000b 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000100 0144 0000 4c41 000b 0000 0002 0000 0000
0000120 0144 0000 4c41 000b 0000 0000 0000 0000
Note that there's a pretty long delay between the click and the response, on the order of 5 seconds.
I'm not sure exactly what I'm reading, but it seems like lifting my finger from the screen produces ffff ffff in the second to last value, it seems like this is missing from the VNC mouseclick.
For whatever reason, the lockup behavior seems much worse with this build. The od command still shows response to touches, but the phone doesn't respond.
Hope this helps!
I forgot to tell you (it says in the -h) to use -n instead of -g for the Nexus.
I slowed the events down since they actually lag on my GS2 quite a bit.
I can turn that off it it makes the GN worse.
Maybe we can look at it this weekend if its still not working.
how to install this? after download the vncs.zip, there is no apk file.
At the moment there is no java gui to start/stop the program.
You need to start it from a shell prompt using adb or something like connectbot.
If you are not familiar with these methods of program control you might want to wait another week or two until I have time to put together a GUI or merge it back into another program that already has a GUI.
great...i am looking forward to the apk release soon...thank you.
Sorry, I didn't see the -n option in the help. Here are the od outputs from my VNC client with -n enabled:
# od -x /dev/input/event1
0000000 3b5f 0000 2942 0000 0003 0039 ffff 0000
0000020 3b5f 0000 2961 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000040 3b5f 0000 f6e7 0004 0003 0039 000c 0000
0000060 3b5f 0000 f724 0004 0000 0000 0000 0000
Another click:
# od -x /dev/input/event1
0000000 3bd3 0000 4a79 0007 0003 0039 ffff 0000
0000020 3bd3 0000 4a79 0007 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000040 3bd3 0000 5006 000c 0003 0039 000c 0000
0000060 3bd3 0000 5025 000c 0000 0000 0000 0000
Swipe, left to right (looks like a click to my untrained eye):
# od -x /dev/input/event1
0000000 3bd3 0000 4a79 0007 0003 0039 ffff 0000
0000020 3bd3 0000 4a79 0007 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000040 3bd3 0000 5006 000c 0003 0039 000c 0000
0000060 3bd3 0000 5025 000c 0000 0000 0000 0000
Let me know if I can be of any more help.
knoxbrder said:
At the moment there is no java gui to start/stop the program.
You need to start it from a shell prompt using adb or something like connectbot.
If you are not familiar with these methods of program control you might want to wait another week or two until I have time to put together a GUI or merge it back into another program that already has a GUI.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Looking forward to it too. Missing this feature badly from Gingerbread Let me know if you need a noob beta tester for the apk version
For those of us who are trying to use Bluetooth devices such as headphones or receivers, but are unable to get the APT-X codec to work in AOSP ROMs... that's because, well, it doesn't work. Hahah.
It does work in TouchWiz and Google Play Edition ROM's of all types.
But not AOSP because there are no pointers in AOSP that tell it to use APT-X with our hardware toys.
So, if you want to have APT-X, then please go to this thread and show your support:
What is APT-X?
It's Bluetooth for "Audiophiles".
Basically, it's the next step beyond A2DP and it delivers a "high definition", "CD" type sound. It's Bluetooth without all the compression that A2DP suffers from.
Key Features
Compression ratio: 4:1
Audio Format: 16-bit, 44.1kHz (CD-Quality)
Data Rates: 352kbps
Frequency Response: 10Hz to 22kHz
Algorithmic Delay: <1.89ms @ Fs 48KHz
Dynamic Range: 16-bit: >92dB
THD+N: -68.8dB
If I had to guess, normal A2DP Bluetooth might sound as good as a 96kbps music file. While APT-X Bluetooth sounds as good as a 320kpbs music file. Essentially, to the trained ears it is a HUGE difference in sound quality.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
on my i9000 i guess it is working like a charm with hs3000 or may be its using high bitrate other a2dp standart but quality is very good no distortion (i have some distortion sometimes before this update) only sometimes some little lag.
i bought hs3000 so i paid half of license im not a theft
i tried it on my thl 5000 ,it didnt broke phone or bluetooth but cant see any apt stuff on catlog but on my i9000 there is a lot of apt stuff in log.
i9000 catlog is here i thing it is working ,
01-03 18:34:56.430 D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(3645): getBondedDevices: length=1
01-03 18:34:56.434 D/CachedBluetoothDevice(3617): Command sent successfully:CONNECT Address:94:35:0A:99:EB:E8 Profile:HEADSET
01-03 18:34:56.446 D/BluetoothAdapterService(1107890848)( 3645): Get Bonded Devices being called
01-03 18:34:56.446 D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(3645): getBondedDevices: length=1
01-03 18:34:56.446 D/BluetoothA2dp(3617): connect(94:35:0A:99:EB:E8)
01-03 18:34:56.450 D/CachedBluetoothDevice(3617): Command sent successfully:CONNECT Address:94:35:0A:99:EB:E8 Profile:A2DP
01-03 18:34:56.450 D/A2dpStateMachine(3645): Disconnected process message: 1
01-03 18:34:56.454 I/BluetoothA2dpServiceJni(3645): connectA2dpNative: sBluetoothA2dpInterface: 0x54c8d794
01-03 18:34:56.454 D/A2dpStateMachine(3645): Connection state 94:35:0A:99:EB:E8: 0->1
01-03 18:34:56.457 D/A2dpStateMachine(3645): Exit Disconnected: 1
01-03 18:34:56.457 I/BluetoothA2dpServiceJni(3645): bta2dp_connection_state_callback
01-03 18:34:56.457 E/bt-btif (3645): reset flags
01-03 18:34:56.457 D/A2dpStateMachine(3645): Enter Pending: 1
01-03 18:34:56.457 D/A2dpStateMachine(3645): Pending process message: 101
01-03 18:34:56.461 D/A2dpStateMachine(3645): Stack and target device are connecting
01-03 18:34:56.481 D/CachedBluetoothDevice(3617): onProfileStateChanged: profile HEADSET newProfileState 1
01-03 18:34:56.485 D/CachedBluetoothDevice(3617): onProfileStateChanged: profile A2DP newProfileState 1
01-03 18:34:56.649 W/bt-sdp (3645): process_service_search_attr_rsp
01-03 18:34:56.911 E/bt-btif (3645): bta_av_rc_create ACP handle exist for shdl:0
01-03 18:34:57.219 D/CODEC_IF(3645): codec_if_open: opening libbt-codec_aptx.so...
01-03 18:34:57.231 D/CODEC_IF_MOD(3645): codec_open: codec_open
01-03 18:34:57.231 D/CODEC_IF_MOD(3645): codec_open: apt-x encoder initialized successfully
01-03 18:34:57.231 D/CODEC_IF_MOD(3645): codec_open: version :
01-03 18:34:57.231 D/CODEC_IF_MOD(3645): codec_open: build : AND2.3-000
01-03 18:34:57.235 D/CODEC_IF(3645): codec_if_open: codec module opened (v0.1
01-03 18:34:57.235 D/CODEC_IF(3645): codec_if_close: codec_if_close hdl 1380708356
01-03 18:34:57.235 D/CODEC_IF_MOD(3645): codec_close: codec_close
01-03 18:34:57.235 D/CODEC_IF_MOD(3645): codec_close: freed apt-x encoder
01-03 18:34:57.450 W/bt-btif (3645): bta_dm_rm_cback:0, status:0
01-03 18:34:57.450 W/bt-btif (3645): new conn_srvc id:18, app_id:0
01-03 18:34:57.454 W/bt-btif (3645): bta_dm_pm_ssr conn_srvc id:18, app_id:0
01-03 18:34:57.454 W/bt-btif (3645): bta_dm_pm_ssr:2, lat:1200
01-03 18:34:57.454 I/BluetoothA2dpServiceJni(3645): bta2dp_connection_state_callback
01-03 18:34:57.469 D/A2dpStateMachine(3645): Pending process message: 101
01-03 18:34:57.493 D/CachedBluetoothDevice(3617): onProfileStateChanged: profile A2DP newProfileState 2
01-03 18:34:57.493 I/audio_a2dp_hw(205): adev_open_output_stream: opening output
01-03 18:34:57.493 D/A2dpStateMachine(3645): Connection state 94:35:0A:99:EB:E8: 1->2
01-03 18:34:57.493 I/audio_a2dp_hw(205): skt_connect: connect to /data/misc/bluedroid/.a2dp_ctrl (sz 10240)
01-03 18:34:57.496 I/audio_a2dp_hw(205): skt_connect: connected to stack fd = 23
01-03 18:34:57.496 I/audio_a2dp_hw(205): check_a2dp_ready: state 3
01-03 18:34:57.496 E/audio_a2dp_hw(205): check_a2dp_ready: check a2dp ready failed
01-03 18:34:57.496 E/audio_a2dp_hw(205): adev_open_output_stream: error : a2dp not ready, wait 250 ms and retry
01-03 18:34:57.496 D/BluetoothAdapterService(1107890848)( 3645): Get Bonded Devices being called
01-03 18:34:57.496 D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(3645): getBondedDevices: length=1
01-03 18:34:57.500 D/A2dpStateMachine(3645): Enter Connected: 101
01-03 18:34:57.504 D/A2dpStateMachine(3645): A2DP Playing state : device: 94:35:0A:99:EB:E8 State:10->11
01-03 18:34:57.532 W/BackupManagerService(514): dataChanged but no participant pkg='com.android.providers.settings' uid=1002
01-03 18:34:57.539 D/BluetoothAdapterService(1107890848)( 3645): Get Bonded Devices being called
01-03 18:34:57.539 D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(3645): CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGE: 94:35:0A:99:EB:E8: 1 -> 2
01-03 18:34:57.543 D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(3645): getBondedDevices: length=1
01-03 18:34:57.547 D/BluetoothAdapterService(1107890848)( 3645): Get Bonded Devices being called
01-03 18:34:57.547 D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(3645): getBondedDevices: length=1
01-03 18:34:57.551 D/BluetoothAdapterService(1107890848)( 3645): Get Bonded Devices being called
01-03 18:34:57.551 D/BluetoothAdapterProperties(3645): getBondedDevices: length=1
01-03 18:34:57.746 I/audio_a2dp_hw(205): skt_disconnect: fd 23
01-03 18:34:57.996 I/audio_a2dp_hw(205): skt_connect: connect to /data/misc/bluedroid/.a2dp_ctrl (sz 10240)
01-03 18:34:57.996 I/audio_a2dp_hw(205): skt_connect: connected to stack fd = 23
01-03 18:34:57.996 I/audio_a2dp_hw(205): check_a2dp_ready: state 3
01-03 18:34:58.000 I/AudioFlinger(205): HAL output buffer size 2560 frames, normal mix buffer size 2560 frames
01-03 18:34:58.012 I/AudioMixer(205): found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
01-03 18:34:58.028 I/AudioFlinger(205): HAL output buffer size 2560 frames, normal mix buffer size 2560 frames
01-03 18:34:58.028 I/AudioMixer(205): found effect "Multichannel Downmix To Stereo" from The Android Open Source Project
01-03 18:34:58.039 I/AudioFlinger(205): AudioFlinger's thread 0x41231008 ready to run
01-03 18:34:58.043 I/AudioFlinger(205): AudioFlinger's thread 0x4138c008 ready to run
01-03 18:34:58.043 I/audio_a2dp_hw(205): out_set_parameters: state 3
01-03 18:34:58.043 I/str_params(205): key: 'a2dp_sink_address' value: '94:35:0A:99:EB:E8'
01-03 18:34:58.043 D/AudioHardware(205): AudioStreamOutALSA::setParameters() routing=0
01-03 18:34:58.047 I/audio_a2dp_hw(205): out_set_parameters: state 3
01-03 18:34:58.047 I/str_params(205): key: 'routing' value: '0'
01-03 18:34:58.047 I/audio_a2dp_hw(205): adev_set_parameters: state 3
01-03 18:34:58.047 I/audio_a2dp_hw(205): out_set_parameters: state 3
01-03 18:34:58.047 I/str_params(205): key: 'A2dpSuspended' value: 'false'
01-03 18:34:59.145 E/bt-btif (3645): use_rc:1
01-03 18:34:59.145 E/bt-btif (3645): bta_av_rc_opened rcb[0] shdl:1 lidx:3/0
01-03 18:34:59.149 I/BluetoothAvrcpServiceJni(3645): btavrcp_remote_features_callback
01-03 18:34:59.161 V/Avrcp (3645): MESSAGE_GET_RC_FEATURES: address=94:35:0A:99:EB:E8, features=0
01-03 18:34:59.192 I/BluetoothAvrcpServiceJni(3645): btavrcp_register_notification_callback
01-03 18:34:59.192 V/Avrcp (3645): MESSAGE_REGISTER_NOTIFICATION:event=1 param=0
01-03 18:34:59.192 I/BluetoothAvrcpServiceJni(3645): registerNotificationRspPlayStatusNative: sBluetoothAvrcpInterface: 0x54c8d814
01-03 18:34:59.204 D/EventHub(514): No input device configuration file found for device 'AVRCP'.
01-03 18:34:59.211 W/EventHub(514): Unable to disable kernel key repeat for /dev/input/event9: Function not implemented
01-03 18:34:59.211 I/EventHub(514): New device: id=10, fd=196, path='/dev/input/event9', name='AVRCP', classes=0x80000001, configuration='', keyLayout='/system/usr/keylayout/AVRCP.kl', keyCharacterMap='/system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm', builtinKeyboard=false, usingSuspendBlockIoctl=true, usingClockIoctl=false
01-03 18:34:59.215 I/InputReader(514): Device added: id=10, name='AVRCP', sources=0x00000101
01-03 18:34:59.274 W/bt-sdp (3645): process_service_search_attr_rsp
01-03 18:34:59.325 I/BluetoothAvrcpServiceJni(3645): btavrcp_remote_features_callback
01-03 18:34:59.329 V/Avrcp (3645): MESSAGE_GET_RC_FEATURES: address=94:35:0A:99:EB:E8, features=1
01-03 18:35:00.957 D/LocalBluetoothManager(3617): setting foreground activity to null
01-03 18:35:01.059 D/dalvikvm(3617): GC_CONCURRENT freed 336K, 9% free 4276K/4688K, paused 3ms+13ms, total 75ms
01-03 18:35:01.086 D/btif_config_util(3645): btif_config_save_file(L153): in file name:/data/misc/bluedroid/bt_config.new
01-03 18:35:02.110 I/ActivityManager(514): Killing 2918:com.google.android.syncadapters.calendar/u0a65 (adj 15): empty #17
01-03 18:35:02.446 W/bt-btif (3645): dm_pm_timer expires
01-03 18:35:02.446 W/bt-btif (3645): dm_pm_timer expires 0
01-03 18:35:02.446 W/bt-btif (3645): proc dm_pm_timer expires
01-03 18:35:03.395 D/dalvikvm(514): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 947K, 17% free 11372K/13676K, paused 95ms, total 98ms
01-03 18:35:03.774 I/ActivityManager(514): START u0 {act=com.android.systemui.recent.action.TOGGLE_RECENTS flg=0x10800000 cmp=com.android.systemui/.recent.RecentsActivity (has extras)} from pid 582
01-03 18:35:03.856 D/dalvikvm(514): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 358K, 18% free 11344K/13676K, paused 69ms, total 69ms
01-03 18:35:04.196 D/dalvikvm(673): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1340K, 33% free 5014K/7428K, paused 6ms+14ms, total 132ms
01-03 18:35:04.301 I/ActivityManager(514): Displayed com.android.systemui/.recent.RecentsActivity: +429ms
01-03 18:35:05.161 W/AudioTrack(514): AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client due to mismatching sample rate (48000 vs 44100)
01-03 18:35:05.161 D/AudioFlinger(205): start(4097), calling pid 514 session 60
01-03 18:35:05.161 D/AudioFlinger(205): ? => ACTIVE (4097) on thread 0x41230f20
01-03 18:35:05.161 I/audio_a2dp_hw(205): out_set_parameters: state 3
01-03 18:35:05.161 I/str_params(205): key: 'routing' value: '128'
01-03 18:35:05.192 I/audio_a2dp_hw(205): start_audio_datapath: state 3
01-03 18:35:05.196 W/bt-btif (3645): audio_set_codec_aptx_transcoding : freq 44100
01-03 18:35:05.196 W/bt-btif (3645): audio_set_codec_aptx_transcoding: num channels 2
01-03 18:35:05.196 D/CODEC_IF(3645): codec_if_open: opening libbt-codec_aptx.so...
01-03 18:35:05.196 D/CODEC_IF_MOD(3645): codec_open: codec_open
01-03 18:35:05.196 D/CODEC_IF_MOD(3645): codec_open: apt-x encoder initialized successfully
01-03 18:35:05.196 D/CODEC_IF_MOD(3645): codec_open: version :
01-03 18:35:05.196 D/CODEC_IF_MOD(3645): codec_open: build : AND2.3-000
01-03 18:35:05.196 D/CODEC_IF(3645): codec_if_open: codec module opened (v0.1
01-03 18:35:05.196 W/bt-btif (3645): bta_dm_rm_cback:1, status:7
01-03 18:35:05.196 W/bt-btif (3645): new conn_srvc id:18, app_id:1
01-03 18:35:05.278 D/dalvikvm(514): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 153K, 16% free 11565K/13676K, paused 78ms, total 79ms
01-03 18:35:05.375 D/dalvikvm(514): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 116K, 16% free 11556K/13676K, paused 80ms, total 80ms
01-03 18:35:05.477 V/PhoneStatusBar(582): setLightsOn(true)
01-03 18:35:05.567 W/InputMethodManagerService(514): Starting input on non-focused client [email protected] (uid=10008 pid=582)
01-03 18:35:05.684 E/bt-btif (3645): bta_av_link_role_ok hndl:x41 role:0, conn_audio:x1, bits:1, features:x8049
01-03 18:35:05.684 W/bt-btif (3645): bta_dm_rm_cback:1, status:0
01-03 18:35:05.684 W/bt-btif (3645): bta_dm_rm_cback:1, status:7
01-03 18:35:05.684 I/audio_a2dp_hw(205): skt_connect: connect to /data/misc/bluedroid/.a2dp_data (sz 10240)
01-03 18:35:05.688 I/audio_a2dp_hw(205): skt_connect: connected to stack fd = 20
01-03 18:35:05.692 I/BluetoothA2dpServiceJni(3645): bta2dp_audio_state_callback
01-03 18:35:05.700 D/A2dpStateMachine(3645): Connected process message: 101
01-03 18:35:05.704 V/Avrcp (3645): MESSAGE_SET_A2DP_AUDIO_STATE:10
01-03 18:35:05.704 V/Avrcp (3645): updatePlayPauseState, old=0, state=3
01-03 18:35:05.715 V/Avrcp (3645): position=0
01-03 18:35:05.727 D/A2dpStateMachine(3645): A2DP Playing state : device: 94:35:0A:99:EB:E8 State:11->10
01-03 18:35:05.727 I/BluetoothAvrcpServiceJni(3645): registerNotificationRspPlayStatusNative: sBluetoothAvrcpInterface: 0x54c8d814
01-03 18:35:05.832 I/BluetoothAvrcpServiceJni(3645): btavrcp_register_notification_callback
01-03 18:35:05.832 V/Avrcp (3645): MESSAGE_REGISTER_NOTIFICATION:event=1 param=0
01-03 18:35:05.832 I/BluetoothAvrcpServiceJni(3645): registerNotificationRspPlayStatusNative: sBluetoothAvrcpInterface: 0x54c8d814
01-03 18:35:06.286 D/dalvikvm(3206): GC_CONCURRENT freed 606K, 22% free 5533K/7044K, paused 2ms+16ms, total 114ms
01-03 18:35:08.426 D/dalvikvm(694): GC_CONCURRENT freed 383K, 15% free 3294K/3868K, paused 18ms+2ms, total 82ms
01-03 18:35:08.746 I/audio_a2dp_hw(205): suspend_audio_datapath: state 1
01-03 18:35:08.746 E/bt-btif (3645): bta_av_str_stopped:audio_open_cnt=1, p_data 51041364
01-03 18:35:08.746 W/bt-btif (3645): bta_dm_rm_cback:1, status:6
01-03 18:35:08.782 W/bt-btif (3645): bta_dm_rm_cback:1, status:6
01-03 18:35:08.782 I/BluetoothA2dpServiceJni(3645): bta2dp_audio_state_callback
01-03 18:35:08.786 D/A2dpStateMachine(3645): Connected process message: 101
01-03 18:35:08.786 V/Avrcp (3645): MESSAGE_SET_A2DP_AUDIO_STATE:11
01-03 18:35:08.786 V/Avrcp (3645): updatePlayPauseState, old=3, state=2
01-03 18:35:08.789 V/Avrcp (3645): position=3076
01-03 18:35:08.789 V/Avrcp (3645): position=3076
01-03 18:35:08.789 I/BluetoothAvrcpServiceJni(3645): registerNotificationRspPlayStatusNative: sBluetoothAvrcpInterface: 0x54c8d814
01-03 18:35:08.789 D/A2dpStateMachine(3645): A2DP Playing state : device: 94:35:0A:99:EB:E8 State:10->11
01-03 18:35:08.864 I/BluetoothAvrcpServiceJni(3645): btavrcp_register_notification_callback
01-03 18:35:08.864 V/Avrcp (3645): MESSAGE_REGISTER_NOTIFICATION:event=1 param=0
01-03 18:35:08.864 I/BluetoothAvrcpServiceJni(3645): registerNotificationRspPlayStatusNative: sBluetoothAvrcpInterface: 0x54c8d814
01-03 18:35:08.879 I/audio_a2dp_hw(205): skt_disconnect: fd 20
01-03 18:35:13.778 W/bt-btif (3645): dm_pm_timer expires
01-03 18:35:13.778 W/bt-btif (3645): dm_pm_timer expires 0
01-03 18:35:13.778 W/bt-btif (3645): proc dm_pm_timer expires
01-03 18:35:26.469 I/LocalBluetoothProfileManager(3617): Failed to connect HEADSET device
01-03 18:35:26.473 D/CachedBluetoothDevice(3617): onProfileStateChanged: profile HEADSET newProfileState 0
01-03 18:35:30.137 I/MediaFocusControl(514): AudioFocus requestAudioFocus() from [email protected][email protected]
01-03 18:35:30.141 V/Avrcp (3645): New genId = 7, clearing = 0
01-03 18:35:30.145 I/MediaFocusControl(514): Remote Control registerMediaButtonIntent() for PendingIntent{42791688: PendingIntentRecord{424f8bf8 com.andrew.apollo broadcastIntent}}
01-03 18:35:30.161 I/MusicPlaybackService(3575): Next media player is current one, continuing
01-03 18:35:30.289 D/dalvikvm(3575): GC_CONCURRENT freed 241K, 10% free 3315K/3672K, paused 1ms+7ms, total 137ms
01-03 18:35:30.551 D/AwesomePlayer(205): Before reset_l
01-03 18:35:30.614 I/AwesomePlayer(205): Could not offload audio decode, try pcm offload
01-03 18:35:30.629 D/MediaPlayerService(205): gapless:setNextPlayer
01-03 18:35:30.637 I/DSPManager(700): New audio session: 55
01-03 18:35:30.805 I/DSPManager(700): Selected configuration: bluetooth
01-03 18:35:30.809 I/Effect-DRC(205): Compression factor set to: 1.000000
01-03 18:35:30.809 I/Effect-BassBoost(205): New strength: 0
01-03 18:35:30.809 I/Effect-BassBoost(205): New center freq: 4
01-03 18:35:30.817 I/Effect-Equalizer(205): Setting band 0 to 0
01-03 18:35:30.817 I/Effect-Equalizer(205): Setting band 1 to 0
01-03 18:35:30.817 I/Effect-Equalizer(205): Setting band 2 to 0
01-03 18:35:30.817 I/Effect-Equalizer(205): Setting band 3 to 0
01-03 18:35:30.817 I/Effect-Equalizer(205): Setting band 4 to 0
01-03 18:35:30.817 I/Effect-Equalizer(205): Setting loudness correction reference to 100.000000 dB
01-03 18:35:30.817 E/Effect-StereoWide(205): New strength: 0
01-03 18:35:30.993 D/dalvikvm(3575): GC_CONCURRENT freed 347K, 12% free 3401K/3824K, paused 13ms+28ms, total 282ms
01-03 18:35:31.110 D/dalvikvm(3206): GC_CONCURRENT freed 750K, 21% free 5567K/7044K, paused 34ms+26ms, total 126ms
01-03 18:35:31.145 E/MetadataRetrieverClient(205): failed to extract an album art
01-03 18:35:31.430 D/dalvikvm(3575): GC_CONCURRENT freed 392K, 12% free 3522K/3988K, paused 14ms+12ms, total 125ms
01-03 18:35:31.430 D/dalvikvm(3575): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 2ms
01-03 18:35:31.661 D/MediaPlayerService(205): gapless:setNextPlayer
01-03 18:35:31.680 D/AwesomePlayer(205): Before reset_l
01-03 18:35:31.774 I/AwesomePlayer(205): Could not offload audio decode, try pcm offload
01-03 18:35:31.786 I/DSPManager(700): New audio session: 55
01-03 18:35:31.786 I/DSPManager(700): Selected configuration: bluetooth
01-03 18:35:31.786 I/Effect-DRC(205): Compression factor set to: 1.000000
01-03 18:35:31.786 I/Effect-BassBoost(205): New strength: 0
01-03 18:35:31.786 I/Effect-BassBoost(205): New center freq: 4
01-03 18:35:31.786 I/Effect-Equalizer(205): Setting band 0 to 0
01-03 18:35:31.786 I/Effect-Equalizer(205): Setting band 1 to 0
01-03 18:35:31.789 I/Effect-Equalizer(205): Setting band 2 to 0
01-03 18:35:31.789 I/Effect-Equalizer(205): Setting band 3 to 0
01-03 18:35:31.789 I/Effect-Equalizer(205): Setting band 4 to 0
01-03 18:35:31.789 I/Effect-Equalizer(205): Setting loudness correction reference to 100.000000 dB
01-03 18:35:31.789 E/Effect-StereoWide(205): New strength: 0
01-03 18:35:31.797 D/MediaPlayerService(205): gapless:setNextPlayer
01-03 18:35:31.801 I/MediaFocusControl(514): AudioFocus requestAudioFocus() from [email protected][email protected]
01-03 18:35:31.801 I/MediaFocusControl(514): Remote Control registerMediaButtonIntent() for PendingIntent{42695f98: PendingIntentRecord{424f8bf8 com.andrew.apollo broadcastIntent}}
01-03 18:35:31.801 D/MediaPlayerService(205): gapless:setNextPlayer
01-03 18:35:31.899 D/AwesomePlayer(205): Before reset_l
01-03 18:35:31.914 I/AwesomePlayer(205): Could not offload audio decode, try pcm offload
01-03 18:35:31.926 I/DSPManager(700): New audio session: 55
01-03 18:35:31.926 I/DSPManager(700): Selected configuration: bluetooth
01-03 18:35:31.926 I/Effect-DRC(205): Compression factor set to: 1.000000
01-03 18:35:31.926 I/Effect-BassBoost(205): New strength: 0
01-03 18:35:31.926 I/Effect-BassBoost(205): New center freq: 4
01-03 18:35:31.926 I/Effect-Equalizer(205): Setting band 0 to 0
01-03 18:35:31.926 I/Effect-Equalizer(205): Setting band 1 to 0
01-03 18:35:31.926 I/Effect-Equalizer(205): Setting band 2 to 0
01-03 18:35:31.926 I/Effect-Equalizer(205): Setting band 3 to 0
01-03 18:35:31.926 I/Effect-Equalizer(205): Setting band 4 to 0
01-03 18:35:31.926 I/Effect-Equalizer(205): Setting loudness correction reference to 100.000000 dB
01-03 18:35:31.930 E/Effect-StereoWide(205): New strength: 0
01-03 18:35:31.942 D/MediaPlayerService(205): gapless:setNextPlayer
01-03 18:35:31.969 D/AudioFlinger(205): start(4098), calling pid 3575 session 55
01-03 18:35:31.969 D/AudioFlinger(205): ? => ACTIVE (4098) on thread 0x4142f600
01-03 18:35:31.977 I/audio_a2dp_hw(205): out_set_parameters: state 5
01-03 18:35:31.977 I/str_params(205): key: 'routing' value: '128'
01-03 18:35:31.977 I/audio_a2dp_hw(205): start_audio_datapath: state 5
01-03 18:35:31.977 W/bt-btif (3645): audio_set_codec_aptx_transcoding : freq 44100
01-03 18:35:31.977 W/bt-btif (3645): audio_set_codec_aptx_transcoding: num channels 2
01-03 18:35:31.977 W/bt-btif (3645): bta_dm_rm_cback:1, status:7
01-03 18:35:32.145 E/bt-btif (3645): bta_av_link_role_ok hndl:x41 role:0, conn_audio:x1, bits:1, features:x8049
01-03 18:35:32.145 W/bt-btif (3645): bta_dm_rm_cback:1, status:0
01-03 18:35:32.145 W/bt-btif (3645): bta_dm_rm_cback:1, status:7
01-03 18:35:32.145 I/BluetoothA2dpServiceJni(3645): bta2dp_audio_state_callback
01-03 18:35:32.145 I/audio_a2dp_hw(205): skt_connect: connect to /data/misc/bluedroid/.a2dp_data (sz 10240)
01-03 18:35:32.145 I/audio_a2dp_hw(205): skt_connect: connected to stack fd = 31
01-03 18:35:32.145 D/A2dpStateMachine(3645): Connected process message: 101
01-03 18:35:32.149 V/Avrcp (3645): MESSAGE_SET_A2DP_AUDIO_STATE:10
01-03 18:35:32.149 V/Avrcp (3645): updatePlayPauseState, old=2, state=3
01-03 18:35:32.149 V/Avrcp (3645): position=3076
01-03 18:35:32.149 I/BluetoothAvrcpServiceJni(3645): registerNotificationRspPlayStatusNative: sBluetoothAvrcpInterface: 0x54c8d814
01-03 18:35:32.149 D/A2dpStateMachine(3645): A2DP Playing state : device: 94:35:0A:99:EB:E8 State:11->10
01-03 18:35:32.223 E/MetadataRetrieverClient(205): failed to extract an album art
01-03 18:35:32.266 I/BluetoothAvrcpServiceJni(3645): btavrcp_register_notification_callback
01-03 18:35:32.266 V/Avrcp (3645): MESSAGE_REGISTER_NOTIFICATION:event=1 param=0
01-03 18:35:32.270 I/BluetoothAvrcpServiceJni(3645): registerNotificationRspPlayStatusNative: sBluetoothAvrcpInterface: 0x54c8d814
01-03 18:35:32.618 D/dalvikvm(514): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 320K, 17% free 11474K/13676K, paused 174ms, total 174ms
01-03 18:35:32.657 D/dalvikvm(3410): GC_CONCURRENT freed 446K, 15% free 3185K/3708K, paused 2ms+2ms, total 446ms
01-03 18:35:32.789 D/dalvikvm(514): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 11K, 16% free 11623K/13676K, paused 166ms, total 166ms
01-03 18:35:32.793 I/dalvikvm-heap(514): Grow heap (frag case) to 11.588MB for 163232-byte allocation
01-03 18:35:32.961 D/dalvikvm(514): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 0K, 15% free 11782K/13836K, paused 169ms, total 169ms
01-03 18:35:33.161 D/dalvikvm(582): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2135K, 26% free 9952K/13348K, paused 178ms, total 178ms
01-03 18:35:33.176 D/dalvikvm(3206): GC_CONCURRENT freed 751K, 21% free 5598K/7044K, paused 2ms+37ms, total 150ms
01-03 18:35:33.239 D/dalvikvm(514): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1K, 15% free 11785K/13836K, paused 250ms, total 250ms
01-03 18:35:33.239 I/dalvikvm-heap(514): Grow heap (frag case) to 11.748MB for 163232-byte allocation
01-03 18:35:33.411 D/dalvikvm(514): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 0K, 15% free 11945K/13996K, paused 175ms, total 175ms
01-03 18:35:33.547 D/dalvikvm(514): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 15% free 11946K/13996K, paused 133ms, total 134ms
01-03 18:35:33.547 I/dalvikvm-heap(514): Grow heap (frag case) to 11.905MB for 163232-byte allocation
01-03 18:35:33.723 D/dalvikvm(514): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 15% free 12106K/14156K, paused 176ms, total 176ms
01-03 18:35:33.801 E/MetadataRetrieverClient(205): failed to extract an album art
01-03 18:35:34.082 D/dalvikvm(3575): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 303K, 13% free 3473K/3988K, paused 179ms, total 210ms
01-03 18:35:34.082 I/dalvikvm-heap(3575): Grow heap (frag case) to 3.616MB for 163232-byte allocation
01-03 18:35:34.176 D/dalvikvm(3575): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 13% free 3631K/4148K, paused 76ms, total 76ms
01-03 18:35:34.586 D/dalvikvm(514): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 521K, 17% free 11855K/14156K, paused 93ms, total 94ms
01-03 18:35:34.590 E/MediaPlayer(3575): Should have subtitle controller already set
01-03 18:35:34.590 V/Avrcp (3645): updatePlayPauseState, old=3, state=3
01-03 18:35:34.590 V/Avrcp (3645): position=-1
01-03 18:35:34.590 V/Avrcp (3645): mMetadata=Metadata[artist=Parov Stelar trackTitle=Sunny Bunny Blues (feat. Veda 36) albumTitle=Coco]
01-03 18:35:34.590 V/Avrcp (3645): duration=186120
01-03 18:35:34.590 W/MediaPlayer(3575): mediaplayer went away with unhandled events
01-03 18:35:34.594 W/MediaPlayer(3575): mediaplayer went away with unhandled events
01-03 18:35:34.594 E/MediaPlayer(3575): Should have subtitle controller already set
01-03 18:35:34.903 D/dalvikvm(3561): GC_CONCURRENT freed 866K, 15% free 5755K/6696K, paused 73ms+3ms, total 135ms
01-03 18:35:35.016 E/MetadataRetrieverClient(205): failed to extract an album art
01-03 18:35:39.008 W/AudioTrack(514): AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client due to mismatching sample rate (48000 vs 44100)
01-03 18:35:39.008 D/AudioFlinger(205): start(4099), calling pid 514 session 68
01-03 18:35:39.008 D/AudioFlinger(205): ? => ACTIVE (4099) on thread 0x415008d8
01-03 18:35:39.020 I/audio_a2dp_hw(205): out_set_parameters: state 1
01-03 18:35:39.020 I/str_params(205): key: 'routing' value: '128'
01-03 18:35:40.918 D/dalvikvm(3206): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 729K, 21% free 5619K/7044K, paused 29ms, total 31ms
01-03 18:35:40.918 I/dalvikvm-heap(3206): Grow heap (frag case) to 5.707MB for 157456-byte allocation
01-03 18:35:40.950 D/dalvikvm(3206): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 8K, 20% free 5765K/7200K, paused 31ms, total 31ms
01-03 18:35:41.496 W/AudioTrack(514): AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client due to mismatching sample rate (48000 vs 44100)
01-03 18:35:41.496 D/AudioFlinger(205): start(4097), calling pid 514 session 69
01-03 18:35:41.500 D/AudioFlinger(205): ? => ACTIVE (4097) on thread 0x41500a08
01-03 18:35:41.520 I/audio_a2dp_hw(205): out_set_parameters: state 1
01-03 18:35:41.520 I/str_params(205): key: 'routing' value: '128'
01-03 18:35:43.332 W/AudioTrack(514): AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by client due to mismatching sample rate (48000 vs 44100)
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thanks for the work, finally manages to make a logcat using cmd, this rom (crDroid for Motorola One Vision) as the official one ( lineage-19.1-20220618-nightly-kane-signed.zip) presents an error in calls with bluetooth headsets , in lineage-19.1-20220618-nightly-kane-signed.zip it doesn't even connect, in crDroid it does connect, but the audio is not heard, I hope and this record will help you...
06-30 21:40:59.821 19388 19437 I bt_btm_pm: system/bt/stack/acl/btm_pm.cc:578 btm_pm_snd_md_req: Switching from immediate:active[0x00] to immediate:sniff[0x02]
06-30 21:40:59.822 19388 19437 I bt_btm_pm: system/bt/stack/acl/btm_pm.cc:692 btm_pm_proc_cmd_status: Clearing pending power mode link state:immediate: pending
06-30 21:40:59.822 19388 19437 E bluetooth: system/bt/bta/dm/bta_dm_pm.cc:1035 bta_dm_pm_btm_status: Received unknown power mode status event:5
06-30 21:40:59.826 19388 19437 I bt_btm_pm: system/bt/stack/acl/btm_pm.cc:733 btm_pm_proc_mode_change: Power mode switched from immediate: pending[5] to immediate:sniff[2]
06-30 21:41:00.007 5461 5668 I AiAiEcho: Predicting[0]:
06-30 21:41:00.007 5461 5668 I AiAiEcho: Ranked targets strategy: SORT, count: 0, ranking metadata:
06-30 21:41:00.008 5461 5668 I AiAiEcho: #postPredictionTargets: Sending updates to UISurface lockscreen with targets# 0
06-30 21:41:00.010 5461 5668 I AiAiEcho: #postPredictionTargets: Sending updates to UISurface media_data_manager with targets# 0
06-30 21:41:00.020 4515 4515 E BcSmartspaceCard: No tap action can be set up
06-30 21:41:00.993 4178 4335 W InputReader: Received unexpected event (0x35, 0x147) for slot 0 with tracking id 554
06-30 21:41:00.993 4178 4335 W InputReader: Received unexpected event (0x36, 0x5ff) for slot 0 with tracking id 554
06-30 21:41:00.994 3903 3903 D MOTO_ERD9610_PowerHAL: POWER_HINT_INTERACTION 0
06-30 21:41:00.995 3903 3903 D MOTO_ERD9610_PowerHAL: boost_interaction
06-30 21:41:00.996 3903 3903 D MOTO_ERD9610_PowerHAL: POWER_HINT_INTERACTION 0
I attach another record of the error with the bluetooth headset in a phone call (the audio is not heard)
6-30 22:09:11.818 4178 4937 D BluetoothAdapter: setActiveDevice, device: 22:2C:40:12:9E:7E, profiles: 1
06-30 22:09:11.818 4178 4938 I Telecom : CallAudioRouteStateMachine: connecting bluetooth audio: 22:2C:40:12:9E:7E: ICA.sAR->CARSM.pM_USER_SWITCH_BLUETOOTH(cad)@Ays
06-30 22:09:11.819 19388 19457 V BluetoothDatabase: getProfileConnectionPolicy: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx, profile=1, connectionPolicy = 100
06-30 22:09:11.820 19388 19457 I BluetoothAdapterService: setActiveDevice: Setting active Headset 22:2C:40:12:9E:7E
06-30 22:09:11.820 19388 19457 I HeadsetService: setActiveDevice: device=22:2C:40:12:9E:7E, uid/pid=1000/4178
06-30 22:09:11.820 19388 19457 I HeadsetService: setActiveDevice: device 22:2C:40:12:9E:7E is already active
06-30 22:09:11.823 19388 19457 I HeadsetService: connectAudio: device=22:2C:40:12:9E:7E, uid/pid=1000/4178
06-30 22:09:11.824 4178 4937 I Telecom : BluetoothRouteManager: Message received: CONNECT_HFP.: ICA.sAR->CARSM.pM_USER_SWITCH_BLUETOOTH->BRM.pM_100(cad)@Ays
06-30 22:09:11.824 4384 4384 D audio_hw_primary: device-adev_set_parameters: enter with key(A2dpSuspended=true)
06-30 22:09:11.824 4384 4384 D audio_hw_primary: device-adev_set_parameters: exit
06-30 22:09:11.825 3903 3903 D MOTO_ERD9610_PowerHAL: POWER_HINT_INTERACTION 0
06-30 22:09:11.825 4382 4406 I bt_a2dp_hw: system/bt/audio_a2dp_hw/src/audio_a2dp_hw.cc:1722 adev_set_parameters: adev_set_parameters: state 5
06-30 22:09:11.825 3903 3903 D MOTO_ERD9610_PowerHAL: POWER_HINT_INTERACTION 0
06-30 22:09:11.825 4382 4406 I bt_a2dp_hw: system/bt/audio_a2dp_hw/src/audio_a2dp_hw.cc:1166 out_set_parameters: out_set_parameters: state 5 kvpairs A2dpSuspended=true
06-30 22:09:11.825 4382 4406 I hash_map_utils: system/bt/osi/src/hash_map_utils.cc:81 hash_map_utils_dump_string_keys_string_values: key: 'A2dpSuspended' value: 'true'
06-30 22:09:11.826 4178 4938 I Telecom : CallAudioRouteStateMachine: Message received: BT_AUDIO_CONNECTED=1302, arg1=0: ICA.sAR->CARSM.pM_USER_SWITCH_BLUETOOTH->BRM.pM_100->CARSM.pM_BT_AUDIO_CONNECTED(cad)@Ayo
06-30 22:09:11.826 4178 4938 I Telecom : ActiveSpeakerRoute: Processing message BT_AUDIO_CONNECTED: ICA.sAR->CARSM.pM_USER_SWITCH_BLUETOOTH->BRM.pM_100->CARSM.pM_BT_AUDIO_CONNECTED(cad)@Ayo
06-30 22:09:11.827 4178 4938 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry [email protected]: AUDIO_ROUTE, Leaving state ActiveSpeakerRoute: ICA.sAR->CARSM.pM_USER_SWITCH_BLUETOOTH->BRM.pM_100->CARSM.pM_BT_AUDIO_CONNECTED(cad)@Ayo
06-30 22:09:11.827 19388 19441 I BluetoothHeadsetServiceJni: connectAudioNative: device 22:2c:40:12:9e:7e
06-30 22:09:11.827 19388 19418 I BluetoothHeadsetServiceJni: AudioStateCallback, 1 for 22:2c:40:12:9e:7e
06-30 22:09:11.827 4178 4938 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry [email protected]: AUDIO_ROUTE, Entering state ActiveBluetoothRoute: ICA.sAR->CARSM.pM_USER_SWITCH_BLUETOOTH->BRM.pM_100->CARSM.pM_BT_AUDIO_CONNECTED(cad)@Ayo
06-30 22:09:11.827 19388 19437 I bt_stack: [INFO:bta_ag_sco.cc(1174)] bta_ag_sco_open: open 22:2c:40:12:9e:7e
06-30 22:09:11.827 19388 19437 I bluetooth: system/bt/bta/ag/bta_ag_sco.cc:605 bta_ag_sco_event: device:xx:xx:xx:xx:9e:7e index:0x0000 state:BTA_AG_SCO_LISTEN_ST[1] event:BTA_AG_SCO_OPEN_E[1]
06-30 22:09:11.827 19388 19437 I bluetooth: system/bt/bta/ag/bta_ag_sco.cc:594 bta_ag_codec_negotiate: Skip codec negotiation, using the same codec
06-30 22:09:11.827 19388 19437 I bluetooth: system/bt/bta/ag/bta_ag_sco.cc:1215 bta_ag_sco_codec_nego: Succeeded for index 0xffff, device 22:2c:40:12:9e:7e
06-30 22:09:11.827 19388 19437 I bluetooth: system/bt/bta/ag/bta_ag_sco.cc:605 bta_ag_sco_event: device:xx:xx:xx:xx:9e:7e index:0xffff state:BTA_AG_SCO_CODEC_ST[2] event:BTA_AG_SCO_CN_DONE_E[3]
06-30 22:09:11.827 19388 19437 I bt_stack: [INFO:bta_av_main.cc(899)] bta_av_sco_chg_cback: status=BTA_SYS_SCO_OPEN, num_links=1
06-30 22:09:11.827 19388 19437 I bluetooth: system/bt/stack/btm/btm_sco.cc:299 btm_send_connect_request: Sending eSCO connect request over handle:0x0002
06-30 22:09:11.827 19388 19437 I bt_stack: [INFO:btm_sco.cc(301)] btm_send_connect_request: legacy parameter list txbw=0x1f40, rxbw=0x1f40, latency_ms=0xd, retransmit_effort=0x2, voice_content_format=0x63, pkt_type=0x388
06-30 22:09:11.827 19388 19437 W bluetooth: system/bt/bta/ag/bta_ag_sco.cc:1100 bta_ag_sco_event: SCO_state_change: [BTA_AG_SCO_CODEC_ST(0x02)]->[BTA_AG_SCO_OPENING_ST(0x03)] after event [BTA_AG_SCO_CN_DONE_E(0x03)]
06-30 22:09:11.828 19388 19437 W bluetooth: system/bt/bta/ag/bta_ag_sco.cc:1100 bta_ag_sco_event: SCO_state_change: [BTA_AG_SCO_LISTEN_ST(0x01)]->[BTA_AG_SCO_OPENING_ST(0x03)] after event [BTA_AG_SCO_OPEN_E(0x01)]
06-30 22:09:11.828 4178 4938 I Telecom : Event: RecordEntry [email protected]: AUDIO_ROUTE_BT, null: ICA.sAR->CARSM.pM_USER_SWITCH_BLUETOOTH->BRM.pM_100->CARSM.pM_BT_AUDIO_CONNECTED(cad)@Ayo
06-30 22:09:11.828 4178 4938 I Telecom : CallAudioRouteStateMachine: turning speaker phone false: ICA.sAR->CARSM.pM_USER_SWITCH_BLUETOOTH->BRM.pM_100->CARSM.pM_BT_AUDIO_CONNECTED(cad)@Ayo
06-30 22:09:11.828 4178 4264 V WindowManager: Unknown focus tokens, dropping reportFocusChanged
06-30 22:09:11.829 4178 4264 W NotificationHistory: Attempted to remove channel for locked/gone/disabled user 0
06-30 22:09:11.829 4178 4368 I AS.AudioDeviceBroker: setCommunicationRouteForClient for pid: 4178 device: null from API: setSpeakerphoneOn(false) from u/pid:1000/4178
06-30 22:09:11.835 4384 4384 D audio_hw_primary: device-adev_set_parameters: enter with key(BT_SCO=off)
06-30 22:09:11.835 4384 4384 D audio_hw_primary: device-adev_set_parameters: exit
06-30 22:09:11.836 4382 4406 I bt_a2dp_hw: system/bt/audio_a2dp_hw/src/audio_a2dp_hw.cc:1722 adev_set_parameters: adev_set_parameters: state 5
06-30 22:09:11.836 4382 4406 I bt_a2dp_hw: system/bt/audio_a2dp_hw/src/audio_a2dp_hw.cc:1166 out_set_parameters: out_set_parameters: state 5 kvpairs BT_SCO=off
06-30 22:09:11.836 4382 4406 I hash_map_utils: system/bt/osi/src/hash_map_utils.cc:81 hash_map_utils_dump_string_keys_string_values: key: 'BT_SCO' value: 'off'
06-30 22:09:11.836 4178 4368 I AS.AudioDeviceInventory: removePreferredDevicesForStrategySync, strategy: 14
06-30 22:09:11.837 4178 4938 I Telecom : CallAudioRouteStateMachine: setSystemAudioState: changing from [AudioState isMuted: false, route: SPEAKER, supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, BLUETOOTH, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null], supportedBluetoothDevices: [22:2C:40:12:9E:7E]] to [AudioState isMuted: false, route: BLUETOOTH, supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, BLUETOOTH, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [22:2C:40:12:9E:7E], supportedBluetoothDevices: [22:2C:40:12:9E:7E]]: ICA.sAR->CARSM.pM_USER_SWITCH_BLUETOOTH->BRM.pM_100->CARSM.pM_BT_AUDIO_CONNECTED(cad)@Ayo
06-30 22:09:11.837 4178 4938 I Telecom : InCallController: Calling onAudioStateChanged, audioState: [AudioState isMuted: false, route: SPEAKER, supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, BLUETOOTH, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [null], supportedBluetoothDevices: [22:2C:40:12:9E:7E]] -> [AudioState isMuted: false, route: BLUETOOTH, supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, BLUETOOTH, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [22:2C:40:12:9E:7E], supportedBluetoothDevices: [22:2C:40:12:9E:7E]]: ICA.sAR->CARSM.pM_USER_SWITCH_BLUETOOTH->BRM.pM_100->CARSM.pM_BT_AUDIO_CONNECTED(cad)@Ayo
06-30 22:09:11.838 6848 6848 I Dialer : ProximitySensor.updateProximitySensorMode - screenOnImmediately: true, dialPadVisible: false, offHook: true, horizontal: true, uiShowing: true, audioRoute: BLUETOOTH
06-30 22:09:11.838 6848 6848 I Dialer : ProximitySensor.turnOffProximitySensor - wake lock already released
06-30 22:09:11.838 19388 19388 D BluetoothInCallService: onCallAudioStateChanged, audioState == [AudioState isMuted: false, route: BLUETOOTH, supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, BLUETOOTH, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [22:2C:40:12:9E:7E], supportedBluetoothDevices: [22:2C:40:12:9E:7E]]
06-30 22:09:11.838 5461 5668 I AiAiEcho: Predicting[0]:
06-30 22:09:11.838 5461 5668 I AiAiEcho: Ranked targets strategy: SORT, count: 0, ranking metadata:
06-30 22:09:11.838 4456 4456 D CachedBluetoothDevice: onProfileStateChanged: profile HEADSET, device VerveBuds 110, newProfileState 2
06-30 22:09:11.839 5461 5668 I AiAiEcho: Predicting[0]:
06-30 22:09:11.840 5461 5668 I AiAiEcho: Ranked targets strategy: SORT, count: 0, ranking metadata:
06-30 22:09:11.840 4852 4852 I TelecomFramework: TelephonyConnectionService: onAudioStateChanged [email protected]_1 [AudioState isMuted: false, route: BLUETOOTH, supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, BLUETOOTH, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [22:2C:40:12:9E:7E], supportedBluetoothDevices: [22:2C:40:12:9E:7E]]: (ICA.sAR->CARSM.pM_USER_SWITCH_BLUETOOTH->BRM.pM_100->CARSM.pM_BT_AUDIO_CONNECTED)->CS.cASC->H.CS.cASC(cad/cast)@E-Ayo
06-30 22:09:11.841 4382 4406 W APM_AudioPolicyManager: stopAudioSource unknown source for port ID 0
06-30 22:09:11.841 4515 4588 D CachedBluetoothDevice: onProfileStateChanged: profile HEADSET, device VerveBuds 110, newProfileState 2
06-30 22:09:11.841 6848 6848 I Dialer : StatusBarNotifier.buildAndSendNotification - notificationType=1
06-30 22:09:11.842 5461 5668 I AiAiEcho: #postPredictionTargets: Sending updates to UISurface lockscreen with targets# 0
06-30 22:09:11.843 6848 6848 I Dialer : StatusBarNotifier.buildAndSendNotification - displaying notification for 1
06-30 22:09:11.843 5461 5668 I AiAiEcho: #postPredictionTargets: Sending updates to UISurface media_data_manager with targets# 0
06-30 22:09:11.844 6848 6848 I Dialer : ReturnToCallController.hide - hide() called without calling show()
06-30 22:09:11.845 6848 6848 I Dialer : InCallFragment.setAudioState - audioState: [AudioState isMuted: false, route: BLUETOOTH, supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, BLUETOOTH, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [22:2C:40:12:9E:7E], supportedBluetoothDevices: [22:2C:40:12:9E:7E]]
06-30 22:09:11.846 4178 4940 I Telecom : CallAudioModeStateMachine: Message received: RINGER_MODE_CHANGE.: ICA.sAR->CARSM.pM_USER_SWITCH_BLUETOOTH->BRM.pM_100->CARSM.pM_BT_AUDIO_CONNECTED->CAMSM.pM_5001(cad)@Ayo
06-30 22:09:11.846 5461 5668 I AiAiEcho: #postPredictionTargets: Sending updates to UISurface lockscreen with targets# 0
06-30 22:09:11.848 5461 5668 I AiAiEcho: #postPredictionTargets: Sending updates to UISurface media_data_manager with targets# 0
06-30 22:09:11.853 4515 4588 D CachedBluetoothDevice: onProfileStateChanged: profile HEADSET, device VerveBuds 110, newProfileState 2
06-30 22:09:11.854 4456 4456 D CachedBluetoothDevice: onProfileStateChanged: profile HEADSET, device VerveBuds 110, newProfileState 2
06-30 22:09:11.854 19388 19437 I bluetooth: system/bt/bta/ag/bta_ag_sco.cc:605 bta_ag_sco_event: device:xx:xx:xx:xx:9e:7e index:0x0000 state:BTA_AG_SCO_OPENING_ST[3] event:BTA_AG_SCO_CONN_OPEN_E[7]
06-30 22:09:11.854 19388 19437 W bluetooth: system/bt/bta/ag/bta_ag_sco.cc:1100 bta_ag_sco_event: SCO_state_change: [BTA_AG_SCO_OPENING_ST(0x03)]->[BTA_AG_SCO_OPEN_ST(0x06)] after event [BTA_AG_SCO_CONN_OPEN_E(0x07)]
06-30 22:09:11.855 19388 19418 I BluetoothHeadsetServiceJni: AudioStateCallback, 2 for 22:2c:40:12:9e:7e
06-30 22:09:11.855 19388 19441 I HeadsetStateMachine: AudioConnecting: currentDevice=22:2C:40:12:9E:7E, msg=processAudioEvent: audio connected
06-30 22:09:11.856 19388 19441 I HeadsetStateMachine: setAudioParameters for 22:2C:40:12:9E:7E: bt_headset_name=VerveBuds 110;bt_headset_nrec=off;bt_wbs=on
06-30 22:09:11.856 4384 4384 D audio_hw_primary: device-adev_set_parameters: enter with key(bt_headset_name=VerveBuds 110;bt_headset_nrec=off;bt_wbs=on)
06-30 22:09:11.856 4384 4384 D audio_hw_proxy: proxy_set_parameters BT SCO WBS device connected [16000]
06-30 22:09:11.857 4515 4515 E BcSmartspaceCard: No tap action can be set up
06-30 22:09:11.857 4384 4384 D audio_hw_primary: device-adev_set_parameters: exit
06-30 22:09:11.857 4515 4515 E BcSmartspaceCard: No tap action can be set up
06-30 22:09:11.861 4382 11838 I bt_a2dp_hw: system/bt/audio_a2dp_hw/src/audio_a2dp_hw.cc:1722 adev_set_parameters: adev_set_parameters: state 5
06-30 22:09:11.861 4382 11838 I bt_a2dp_hw: system/bt/audio_a2dp_hw/src/audio_a2dp_hw.cc:1166 out_set_parameters: out_set_parameters: state 5 kvpairs bt_headset_name=VerveBuds 110;bt_headset_nrec=off;bt_wbs=on
06-30 22:09:11.861 4382 11838 I hash_map_utils: system/bt/osi/src/hash_map_utils.cc:81 hash_map_utils_dump_string_keys_string_values: key: 'bt_wbs' value: 'on'
06-30 22:09:11.861 4382 11838 I hash_map_utils: system/bt/osi/src/hash_map_utils.cc:81 hash_map_utils_dump_string_keys_string_values: key: 'bt_headset_nrec' value: 'off'
06-30 22:09:11.861 4382 11838 I hash_map_utils: system/bt/osi/src/hash_map_utils.cc:81 hash_map_utils_dump_string_keys_string_values: key: 'bt_headset_name' value: 'VerveBuds 110'
06-30 22:09:11.870 4515 4588 D CachedBluetoothDevice: onProfileStateChanged: profile HEADSET, device VerveBuds 110, newProfileState 2
06-30 22:09:11.870 4456 4456 D CachedBluetoothDevice: onProfileStateChanged: profile HEADSET, device VerveBuds 110, newProfileState 2
06-30 22:09:11.877 4456 4456 D CachedBluetoothDevice: onProfileStateChanged: profile HEADSET, device VerveBuds 110, newProfileState 2
06-30 22:09:11.877 4515 4588 D CachedBluetoothDevice: onProfileStateChanged: profile HEADSET, device VerveBuds 110, newProfileState 2
06-30 22:09:11.983 4384 4384 D audio_hw_primary: primary_out-out_set_parameters: enter with param = routing=1
06-30 22:09:11.983 4384 4384 I audio_hw_primary: primary_out-out_set_parameters: requested to change route from speaker to handset
06-30 22:09:11.984 4384 4384 I audio_hw_primary: primary_out-update_call_stream: entered
06-30 22:09:11.984 4384 4384 D RILClient: [OemClient]REQ (clientId = 1, t = 52, msgId = 18, len = 4 channel = 2)
06-30 22:09:11.986 4384 4391 D RILClient: [OemClient]RSP: (clientId = 1, t = 52, msgId = 18, len = 0, channel = 2, status = 0)
06-30 22:09:12.037 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-voice_rx_stop: Voice Call RX PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D4p) is stopped & closed!
06-30 22:09:12.045 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-voice_tx_stop: Voice Call TX PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D10c) is stopped & closed!
06-30 22:09:12.045 4384 4384 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_route
06-30 22:09:12.045 4384 4384 I audio_hw_primary: adev_set_route: enable rx and enable tx both for CALL_DRIVE state
06-30 22:09:12.045 4384 4384 I audio_hw_primary: adev_get_playback_ausage: incallmusic_on (0)
06-30 22:09:12.045 4384 4384 I audio_hw_primary: adev_get_ausage_for_call: incallmusic_on (0)
06-30 22:09:12.045 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-proxy_set_route: disable fm radio path
06-30 22:09:12.049 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-disable_spkamp_reference: SPKAMP Reference PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D11c) is stopped & closed!
06-30 22:09:12.049 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: make_path: path_name = incall_nb-speaker0
06-30 22:09:12.049 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-set_reroute: unrouted incall_nb-speaker0
06-30 22:09:12.051 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-set_reroute: reset gain gain-incall_nb-speaker0
06-30 22:09:12.051 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: make_path: path_name = incall_nb-handset
06-30 22:09:12.051 4384 4384 D audio_route: Apply path: incall_nb-handset
06-30 22:09:12.051 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-set_reroute: routed incall_nb-handset
06-30 22:09:12.051 4384 4384 D audio_route: Apply path: gain-incall_nb-handset
06-30 22:09:12.051 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-set_reroute: set gain as gain-incall_nb-handset
06-30 22:09:12.085 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-enable_spkamp_reference: SPKAMP Reference PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D11c) with SR(48000) PF(0) CC(2) is opened
06-30 22:09:12.087 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-enable_spkamp_reference: SPKAMP Reference PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D11c) with SR(48000) PF(0) CC(2) is started
06-30 22:09:12.087 4384 4384 I audio_hw_primary: primary_out-adev_set_route-1: re-routes to device(handset) for usage(voice_call_nb)
06-30 22:09:12.087 4384 4384 I audio_hw_primary: adev_get_playback_ausage: incallmusic_on (0)
06-30 22:09:12.088 4384 4384 I audio_hw_primary: adev_get_ausage_for_call: incallmusic_on (0)
06-30 22:09:12.088 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-proxy_set_route: active capture ausage : 21, routed_ausage : 3
06-30 22:09:12.091 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-disable_spkamp_reference: SPKAMP Reference PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D11c) is stopped & closed!
06-30 22:09:12.091 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: make_path: path_name = incall_nb-speaker0-mic
06-30 22:09:12.091 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-set_reroute: unrouted incall_nb-speaker0-mic
06-30 22:09:12.091 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-set_reroute: reset gain gain-incall_nb-speaker0-mic
06-30 22:09:12.091 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: make_path: path_name = incall_nb-handset-mic
06-30 22:09:12.091 4384 4384 D audio_route: Apply path: incall_nb-handset-mic
06-30 22:09:12.091 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-set_reroute: routed incall_nb-handset-mic
06-30 22:09:12.091 4384 4384 D audio_route: Apply path: gain-incall_nb-handset-mic
06-30 22:09:12.091 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-set_reroute: set gain as gain-incall_nb-handset-mic
06-30 22:09:12.094 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-enable_spkamp_reference: SPKAMP Reference PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D11c) with SR(48000) PF(0) CC(2) is opened
06-30 22:09:12.096 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-enable_spkamp_reference: SPKAMP Reference PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D11c) with SR(48000) PF(0) CC(2) is started
06-30 22:09:12.096 4384 4384 I audio_hw_primary: primary_out-adev_set_route-2: re-routes to device(handset-mic) for usage(voice_call_nb)
06-30 22:09:12.096 4384 4384 D RILClient: [OemClient]REQ (clientId = 1, t = 53, msgId = 14, len = 4 channel = 2)
06-30 22:09:12.096 4384 4384 D sitril_interface: SitRilSetVoicePath: set Voice Path to 1!
06-30 22:09:12.097 4384 4384 V audio_hw_primary: primary_out-out_set_parameters: RIL Route Updated for handset
06-30 22:09:12.098 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-voice_rx_start: Voice Call RX PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D4p) with SR(48000) PF(0) CC(2) is opened
06-30 22:09:12.098 4384 4391 D RILClient: [OemClient]RSP: (clientId = 1, t = 53, msgId = 14, len = 0, channel = 2, status = 0)
06-30 22:09:12.100 4384 4391 D RILClient: [OemClient]IND: (clientId = 1, msgId = 2008, dataLength = 8, channel = 0)
06-30 22:09:12.100 3904 3914 D RILClient: [OemClient]IND: (clientId = 2, msgId = 2008, dataLength = 8, channel = 0)
06-30 22:09:12.101 4838 4838 I SHANNON_IMS: 7120 [DATA] Received RAT value [ 0 ] from SIT_IND_WB_AMR_REPORT [status : 0] (RilIndWbAmrReport%update:40)
06-30 22:09:12.102 4838 4838 I SHANNON_IMS: 7121 [NETW] #:PURP:# UNSOL {RILC_UNSOL_WB_AMR_REPORT} : status : 0 (NetworkAdaptor$AdaptorChannel%onMessage:300)
06-30 22:09:12.103 4838 4838 D SHANNON_IMS: 7122 [NETW] length : 8 HEX : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (NetworkAdaptor$AdaptorChannel%onMessage:301)
06-30 22:09:12.103 4838 4838 D SHANNON_IMS: 7123 [HELP] Unsol {RILC_UNSOL_WB_AMR_REPORT} received [SLID:0 Active:true] (ImsRilHelper%onHandleUnsolicitedResponse:266)
06-30 22:09:12.149 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-voice_rx_start: Voice Call RX PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D4p) with SR(48000) PF(0) CC(2) is started
06-30 22:09:12.150 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-voice_tx_start: Voice Call TX PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D10c) with SR(48000) PF(0) CC(2) is opened
06-30 22:09:12.160 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-voice_tx_start: Voice Call TX PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D10c) with SR(48000) PF(0) CC(2) is started
06-30 22:09:12.160 4384 4384 D RILClient: [OemClient]REQ (clientId = 1, t = 54, msgId = 18, len = 4 channel = 2)
06-30 22:09:12.161 4384 4384 I audio_hw_primary: primary_out-out_set_parameters: *** Started CP Voice Call ***
06-30 22:09:12.161 4384 4384 D RILClient: [OemClient]REQ (clientId = 1, t = 55, msgId = 12, len = 4 channel = 2)
06-30 22:09:12.161 4384 4384 D sitril_interface: SitRilSetVoiceVolume: Volume = 8(1.000000)!
06-30 22:09:12.161 4384 4384 D voice_manager: vm-voice_set_volume: Volume = 8(1.000000)!
06-30 22:09:12.161 4384 4384 V audio_hw_primary: primary_out-out_set_parameters: RIL Volume Updated with 1.000000
06-30 22:09:12.163 4384 4384 D RILClient: [OemClient]RSP: (clientId = 1, t = 54, msgId = 18, len = 0, channel = 2, status = 0)
06-30 22:09:12.166 4384 4384 D RILClient: [OemClient]RSP: (clientId = 1, t = 55, msgId = 12, len = 0, channel = 2, status = 0)
06-30 22:09:12.186 4178 4178 I AS.BtHelper: receiveBtEvent action: android.bluetooth.headset.profile.action.AUDIO_STATE_CHANGED mScoAudioState: 0
06-30 22:09:12.186 4178 4178 I AS.BtHelper: receiveBtEvent ACTION_AUDIO_STATE_CHANGED: 11
06-30 22:09:12.187 4178 4178 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 353ms main h=android.app.ActivityThread$H c=android.[email protected]bc963ef m=0
06-30 22:09:12.187 4178 4178 W Looper : Slow delivery took 354ms main h=com.android.server.power.Notifier$NotifierHandler c=null m=7
06-30 22:09:12.187 4178 4178 I Telecom : BluetoothStateReceiver: Device 22:2C:40:12:9E:7E transitioned to audio state 11: [email protected]
06-30 22:09:12.189 4178 4178 I AS.BtHelper: receiveBtEvent action: android.bluetooth.headset.profile.action.AUDIO_STATE_CHANGED mScoAudioState: 2
06-30 22:09:12.189 4178 4178 I AS.BtHelper: receiveBtEvent ACTION_AUDIO_STATE_CHANGED: 12
06-30 22:09:12.189 4178 4178 I Telecom : BluetoothStateReceiver: Device 22:2C:40:12:9E:7E transitioned to audio state 12: [email protected]
06-30 22:09:12.191 4178 4937 I Telecom : BluetoothRouteManager: Message received: BT_AUDIO_IS_ON.: BSR.oR->[email protected]
06-30 22:09:12.191 4178 4937 I Telecom : BluetoothRouteManager: HFP connection success for device 22:2C:40:12:9E:7E.: BSR.oR->[email protected]
06-30 22:09:12.193 4178 4938 I Telecom : CallAudioRouteStateMachine: Message received: BT_AUDIO_CONNECTED=1302, arg1=0: BSR.oR->BRM.pM_200->[email protected]
06-30 22:09:12.193 4178 4938 I Telecom : ActiveBluetoothRoute: Processing message BT_AUDIO_CONNECTED: BSR.oR->BRM.pM_200->[email protected]
06-30 22:09:12.194 4178 4940 I Telecom : CallAudioModeStateMachine: Message received: RINGER_MODE_CHANGE.: BSR.oR->BRM.pM_200->CARSM.pM_BT_AUDIO_CONNECTED->[email protected]
06-30 22:09:12.195 4384 4384 D audio_hw_primary: device-adev_set_parameters: enter with key(BT_SCO=on)
06-30 22:09:12.195 4384 4384 D audio_hw_primary: device-adev_set_parameters: exit
06-30 22:09:12.195 4382 11838 I bt_a2dp_hw: system/bt/audio_a2dp_hw/src/audio_a2dp_hw.cc:1722 adev_set_parameters: adev_set_parameters: state 5
06-30 22:09:12.195 4382 11838 I bt_a2dp_hw: system/bt/audio_a2dp_hw/src/audio_a2dp_hw.cc:1166 out_set_parameters: out_set_parameters: state 5 kvpairs BT_SCO=on
06-30 22:09:12.195 4382 11838 I hash_map_utils: system/bt/osi/src/hash_map_utils.cc:81 hash_map_utils_dump_string_keys_string_values: key: 'BT_SCO' value: 'on'
06-30 22:09:12.196 4178 4368 I AS.AudioDeviceInventory: setPreferredDevicesForStrategySync, strategy: 14 devices: [AudioDeviceAttributes: role:output type:bt_sco_hs addr:22:2C:40:12:9E:7E]
06-30 22:09:12.196 4178 4938 I Telecom : CallAudioRouteStateMachine: setSystemAudioState: changing from [AudioState isMuted: false, route: BLUETOOTH, supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, BLUETOOTH, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [22:2C:40:12:9E:7E], supportedBluetoothDevices: [22:2C:40:12:9E:7E]] to [AudioState isMuted: false, route: BLUETOOTH, supportedRouteMask: EARPIECE, BLUETOOTH, SPEAKER, activeBluetoothDevice: [22:2C:40:12:9E:7E], supportedBluetoothDevices: [22:2C:40:12:9E:7E]]: BSR.oR->BRM.pM_200->[email protected]
06-30 22:09:12.205 4382 11838 W APM_AudioPolicyManager: stopAudioSource unknown source for port ID 0
06-30 22:09:12.264 4384 4384 D RILClient: [OemClient]REQ (clientId = 1, t = 56, msgId = 12, len = 4 channel = 2)
06-30 22:09:12.265 4384 4384 D sitril_interface: SitRilSetVoiceVolume: Volume = 6(0.750000)!
06-30 22:09:12.265 4384 4384 D voice_manager: vm-voice_set_volume: Volume = 6(0.750000)!
06-30 22:09:12.265 4384 4384 D audio_hw_primary: device-adev_set_voice_volume: set volume to (0.750000)
06-30 22:09:12.267 4384 4384 D RILClient: [OemClient]RSP: (clientId = 1, t = 56, msgId = 12, len = 0, channel = 2, status = 0)
06-30 22:09:12.350 4384 4384 D audio_hw_primary: primary_out-out_set_parameters: enter with param = 22:2C:40:12:9E:7E=;routing=32
06-30 22:09:12.350 4384 4384 I audio_hw_primary: primary_out-out_set_parameters: requested to change route from handset to bt-sco-headset
06-30 22:09:12.350 4384 4384 I audio_hw_primary: primary_out-update_call_stream: entered
06-30 22:09:12.350 4384 4384 D RILClient: [OemClient]REQ (clientId = 1, t = 57, msgId = 18, len = 4 channel = 2)
06-30 22:09:12.353 4384 4391 D RILClient: [OemClient]RSP: (clientId = 1, t = 57, msgId = 18, len = 0, channel = 2, status = 0)
06-30 22:09:12.365 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-voice_rx_stop: Voice Call RX PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D4p) is stopped & closed!
06-30 22:09:12.373 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-voice_tx_stop: Voice Call TX PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D10c) is stopped & closed!
06-30 22:09:12.374 4384 4384 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_route
06-30 22:09:12.374 4384 4384 I audio_hw_primary: adev_set_route: enable rx and enable tx both for CALL_DRIVE state
06-30 22:09:12.374 4384 4384 I audio_hw_primary: adev_get_playback_ausage: incallmusic_on (0)
06-30 22:09:12.374 4384 4384 I audio_hw_primary: adev_get_ausage_for_call: incallmusic_on (0)
06-30 22:09:12.374 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-proxy_set_route: disable fm radio path
06-30 22:09:12.378 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-disable_spkamp_reference: SPKAMP Reference PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D11c) is stopped & closed!
06-30 22:09:12.378 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: make_path: path_name = incall_nb-handset
06-30 22:09:12.378 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-set_reroute: unrouted incall_nb-handset
06-30 22:09:12.378 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-set_reroute: reset gain gain-incall_nb-handset
06-30 22:09:12.378 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: make_path: path_name = incall_nb-bt-sco-headset
06-30 22:09:12.378 4384 4384 D audio_route: Apply path: incall_nb-bt-sco-headset
06-30 22:09:12.378 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-set_reroute: routed incall_nb-bt-sco-headset
06-30 22:09:12.378 4384 4384 D audio_route: Apply path: gain-incall_nb-bt-sco-headset
06-30 22:09:12.378 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-set_reroute: set gain as gain-incall_nb-bt-sco-headset
06-30 22:09:12.390 4384 4384 D audio_route: Apply path: set-bt-sco-rx-rate-wb
06-30 22:09:12.390 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-set_modifier: enabled to set-bt-sco-rx-rate-wb
06-30 22:09:12.390 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-proxy_set_route: BT SCO NREC RX : 6 1
06-30 22:09:12.391 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-enable_spkamp_reference: SPKAMP Reference PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D11c) with SR(48000) PF(0) CC(2) is opened
06-30 22:09:12.394 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-enable_spkamp_reference: SPKAMP Reference PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D11c) with SR(48000) PF(0) CC(2) is started
06-30 22:09:12.397 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-enable_btsco_erap: BTSCO Erap PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D8c) with SR(16000) PF(0) CC(2) is opened and started
06-30 22:09:12.397 4384 4384 I audio_hw_primary: primary_out-adev_set_route-1: re-routes to device(bt-sco-headset) for usage(voice_call_nb)
06-30 22:09:12.397 4384 4384 I audio_hw_primary: adev_get_playback_ausage: incallmusic_on (0)
06-30 22:09:12.397 4384 4384 I audio_hw_primary: adev_get_ausage_for_call: incallmusic_on (0)
06-30 22:09:12.397 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-proxy_set_route: active capture ausage : 20, routed_ausage : 3
06-30 22:09:12.401 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-disable_spkamp_reference: SPKAMP Reference PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D11c) is stopped & closed!
06-30 22:09:12.401 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: make_path: path_name = incall_nb-handset-mic
06-30 22:09:12.401 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-set_reroute: unrouted incall_nb-handset-mic
06-30 22:09:12.401 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-set_reroute: reset gain gain-incall_nb-handset-mic
06-30 22:09:12.401 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: make_path: path_name = incall_nb-bt-sco-headset-in
06-30 22:09:12.401 4384 4384 D audio_route: Apply path: incall_nb-bt-sco-headset-in
06-30 22:09:12.401 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-set_reroute: routed incall_nb-bt-sco-headset-in
06-30 22:09:12.401 4384 4384 D audio_route: Apply path: gain-incall_nb-bt-sco-headset-in
06-30 22:09:12.401 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-set_reroute: set gain as gain-incall_nb-bt-sco-headset-in
06-30 22:09:12.404 4384 4384 D audio_route: Apply path: set-bt-sco-tx-rate-wb
06-30 22:09:12.404 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-set_modifier: enabled to set-bt-sco-tx-rate-wb
06-30 22:09:12.404 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-proxy_set_route: BT SCO NREC TX : 6 1
06-30 22:09:12.406 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-enable_spkamp_reference: SPKAMP Reference PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D11c) with SR(48000) PF(0) CC(2) is opened
06-30 22:09:12.408 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-enable_spkamp_reference: SPKAMP Reference PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D11c) with SR(48000) PF(0) CC(2) is started
06-30 22:09:12.413 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-enable_btsco_erap: BTSCO Erap PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D6p) with SR(16000) PF(0) CC(2) is opened and started
06-30 22:09:12.413 4384 4384 I audio_hw_primary: primary_out-adev_set_route-2: re-routes to device(bt-sco-headset-in) for usage(voice_call_nb)
06-30 22:09:12.413 4384 4384 D RILClient: [OemClient]REQ (clientId = 1, t = 58, msgId = 14, len = 4 channel = 2)
06-30 22:09:12.413 4384 4384 D sitril_interface: SitRilSetVoicePath: set Voice Path to 10!
06-30 22:09:12.413 4384 4384 V audio_hw_primary: primary_out-out_set_parameters: RIL Route Updated for bt-sco-headset
06-30 22:09:12.415 4384 4391 D RILClient: [OemClient]RSP: (clientId = 1, t = 58, msgId = 14, len = 0, channel = 2, status = 0)
06-30 22:09:12.416 4384 4391 D RILClient: [OemClient]IND: (clientId = 1, msgId = 2008, dataLength = 8, channel = 0)
06-30 22:09:12.416 3904 3914 D RILClient: [OemClient]IND: (clientId = 2, msgId = 2008, dataLength = 8, channel = 0)
06-30 22:09:12.417 4838 4838 I SHANNON_IMS: 7124 [DATA] Received RAT value [ 0 ] from SIT_IND_WB_AMR_REPORT [status : 0] (RilIndWbAmrReport%update:40)
06-30 22:09:12.417 4838 4838 I SHANNON_IMS: 7125 [NETW] #:PURP:# UNSOL {RILC_UNSOL_WB_AMR_REPORT} : status : 0 (NetworkAdaptor$AdaptorChannel%onMessage:300)
06-30 22:09:12.418 4838 4838 D SHANNON_IMS: 7126 [NETW] length : 8 HEX : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (NetworkAdaptor$AdaptorChannel%onMessage:301)
06-30 22:09:12.418 4838 4838 D SHANNON_IMS: 7127 [HELP] Unsol {RILC_UNSOL_WB_AMR_REPORT} received [SLID:0 Active:true] (ImsRilHelper%onHandleUnsolicitedResponse:266)
06-30 22:09:12.433 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-voice_rx_start: Voice Call RX PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D4p) with SR(48000) PF(0) CC(2) is opened
06-30 22:09:12.437 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-voice_rx_start: Voice Call RX PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D4p) with SR(48000) PF(0) CC(2) is started
06-30 22:09:12.439 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-voice_tx_start: Voice Call TX PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D10c) with SR(48000) PF(0) CC(2) is opened
06-30 22:09:12.441 4384 4384 I audio_hw_proxy: proxy-voice_tx_start: Voice Call TX PCM Device(/dev/snd/pcmC0D10c) with SR(48000) PF(0) CC(2) is started
06-30 22:09:12.441 4384 4384 D RILClient: [OemClient]REQ (clientId = 1, t = 59, msgId = 18, len = 4 channel = 2)
06-30 22:09:12.441 4384 4384 I audio_hw_primary: primary_out-out_set_parameters: *** Started CP Voice Call ***
06-30 22:09:12.441 4384 4384 D RILClient: [OemClient]REQ (clientId = 1, t = 60, msgId = 12, len = 4 channel = 2)
06-30 22:09:12.442 4384 4384 D sitril_interface: SitRilSetVoiceVolume: Volume = 6(0.750000)!
06-30 22:09:12.442 4384 4384 D voice_manager: vm-voice_set_volume: Volume = 6(0.750000)!
06-30 22:09:12.442 4384 4384 V audio_hw_primary: primary_out-out_set_parameters: RIL Volume Updated with 0.750000
06-30 22:09:12.444 4384 4384 D RILClient: [OemClient]RSP: (clientId = 1, t = 59, msgId = 18, len = 0, channel = 2, status = 0)
06-30 22:09:12.446 4384 4384 D RILClient: [OemClient]RSP: (clientId = 1, t = 60, msgId = 12, len = 0, channel = 2, status = 0)
06-30 22:09:12.471 4178 4178 W Looper : Drained
06-30 22:09:12.471 4178 4178 W Looper : Slow dispatch took 279ms main h=android.app.ActivityThread$H c=android.[email protected]f119ee8 m=0
06-30 22:09:12.471 4178 4938 I Telecom : CallAudioRouteStateMachine: Message received: SPEAKER_OFF=1007, arg1=0: CARSM.mSPCR->[email protected]
06-30 22:09:12.471 4178 4938 I Telecom : ActiveBluetoothRoute: Processing message SPEAKER_OFF: CARSM.mSPCR->[email protected]
06-30 22:09:12.511 4515 4654 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_MUSIC 15
06-30 22:09:12.513 4515 4654 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_VOICE_CALL 6
06-30 22:09:12.515 4515 4654 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_SYSTEM 7
06-30 22:09:12.517 4515 4654 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_RING 7
06-30 22:09:12.539 4515 4654 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_ALARM 7
06-30 22:09:12.545 4384 4384 D RILClient: [OemClient]REQ (clientId = 1, t = 61, msgId = 12, len = 4 channel = 2)
06-30 22:09:12.545 4384 4384 D sitril_interface: SitRilSetVoiceVolume: Volume = 8(1.000000)!
06-30 22:09:12.545 4384 4384 D voice_manager: vm-voice_set_volume: Volume = 8(1.000000)!
06-30 22:09:12.545 4384 4384 D audio_hw_primary: device-adev_set_voice_volume: set volume to (1.000000)
06-30 22:09:12.547 4384 4384 D RILClient: [OemClient]RSP: (clientId = 1, t = 61, msgId = 12, len = 0, channel = 2, status = 0)
06-30 22:09:12.610 4515 4654 I vol.Events: writeEvent level_changed STREAM_BLUETOOTH_SCO 15
06-30 22:09:12.752 4838 4838 I SHANNON_IMS: 7128 [PROX] Received onSignalStrengthsChanged [CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=-99 ber=99 rscp=2147483647 ecno=2147483647 level=1, CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=-99 ber=99 mTa=2147483647 mLevel=2] [SLID:0 APM:false] (ImsConnectivityProxyListener$ImsPhoneStateListener%onSignalStrengthsChanged:384)
06-30 22:09:12.753 4838 4838 D SHANNON_IMS: 7129 [CONN] Received CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=-99 ber=99 rscp=2147483647 ecno=2147483647 level=1 (ConnListener%onReceiveCellStrengths:709)
06-30 22:09:12.754 19388 19441 D HeadsetPhoneState: sendDeviceStateChanged. mService=1 mSignal=2 mRoam=0 mBatteryCharge=1
06-30 22:09:13.326 3903 3913 D MOTO_ERD9610_PowerHAL: deboost_all
06-30 22:09:13.588 3907 4155 I nanohub : als lux 16.000000 ch0 67 ch1 18 iscale 0, fscale 0.929181
06-30 22:09:14.049 3907 4155 I nanohub : als lux 22.000000 ch0 81 ch1 8 iscale 0, fscale 0.929181
06-30 22:09:14.651 4515 4515 D PowerNotificationWarningsGoogleImpl: onReceive: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
06-30 22:09:14.652 4515 4515 D BatteryInfoBroadcast: onReceive: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED isPowerSaveMode: false
06-30 22:09:14.652 4515 4515 D BatteryDefenderNotification: isPlugged: true | isOverheated: false | defenderEnabled: false | isCharged: false
build.board: exynos9610
build.bootloader: 0xBA09
build.brand: motorola
build.cpu_abi: arm64-v8a
build.device: kane
build.display: SQ3A.220605.009.A1
build.fingerprint: motorola/kane_retail/kane_sprout:11/RSAS31.Q1-48-36-20/0a92a9:user/release-keys
build.hardware: exynos9610
build.host: android-build
build.id: SQ3A.220605.009.A1
build.manufacturer: motorola
build.model: moto one vision
build.product: lineage_kane
build.radio: unknown
build.serial: unknown
build.tags: release-keys
build.time: 1656393662000
build.type: user
build.user: nobody
version.codename: REL
version.incremental: 1656393664
version.release: 12
version.sdk_int: 32
06-30 22:14:00.013 E/BcSmartspaceCard(4515): No tap action can be set up
06-30 22:15:00.020 E/BcSmartspaceCard(4515): No tap action can be set up
06-30 22:15:26.221 E/WakeLock(5018): GCM_HB_ALARM release without a matched acquire!
06-30 22:15:38.776 E/bluetooth(19388): system/bt/bta/dm/bta_dm_pm.cc:1035 bta_dm_pm_btm_status: Received unknown power mode status event:5
06-30 22:15:50.855 E/system_server(4178): Cannot read thread CPU times for PID 4178
06-30 22:15:50.893 E/ActivityThread(6112): Service com.google.android.apps.turbo.deadline.library.DeadlineUpdateJobService has leaked ServiceConnection [email protected] that was originally bound here
06-30 22:15:50.893 E/ActivityThread(6112): android.app.ServiceConnectionLeaked: Service com.google.android.apps.turbo.deadline.library.DeadlineUpdateJobService has leaked ServiceConnection [email protected] that was originally bound here
06-30 22:15:50.893 E/ActivityThread(6112): at android.app.LoadedApk$ServiceDispatcher.<init>(LoadedApk.java:1934)
06-30 22:15:50.893 E/ActivityThread(6112): at android.app.LoadedApk.getServiceDispatcherCommon(LoadedApk.java:1806)
06-30 22:15:50.893 E/ActivityThread(6112): at android.app.LoadedApk.getServiceDispatcher(LoadedApk.java:1785)
06-30 22:15:50.893 E/ActivityThread(6112): at android.app.ContextImpl.bindServiceCommon(ContextImpl.java:1981)
06-30 22:15:50.893 E/ActivityThread(6112): at android.app.ContextImpl.bindService(ContextImpl.java:1912)
06-30 22:15:50.893 E/ActivityThread(6112): at android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService(ContextWrapper.java:810)
06-30 22:15:50.893 E/ActivityThread(6112): at yh.a(PG:4)
06-30 22:15:50.893 E/ActivityThread(6112): at ej.i(PG:4)
06-30 22:15:50.893 E/ActivityThread(6112): at com.google.android.apps.turbo.deadline.library.DeadlineUpdateJobService.c(PG:1)
06-30 22:15:50.893 E/ActivityThread(6112): at yj.run(PG:2)
06-30 22:15:50.893 E/ActivityThread(6112): at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:462)
06-30 22:15:50.893 E/ActivityThread(6112): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
06-30 22:15:50.893 E/ActivityThread(6112): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167)
06-30 22:15:50.893 E/ActivityThread(6112): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641)
06-30 22:15:50.893 E/ActivityThread(6112): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1013)
06-30 22:15:50.895 E/ActivityThread(6112): Service com.google.android.apps.turbo.deadline.library.BatteryFlagService has leaked ServiceConnection [email protected] that was originally bound here
06-30 22:15:50.895 E/ActivityThread(6112): android.app.ServiceConnectionLeaked: Service com.google.android.apps.turbo.deadline.library.BatteryFlagService has leaked ServiceConnection [email protected] that was originally bound here
06-30 22:15:50.895 E/ActivityThread(6112): at android.app.LoadedApk$ServiceDispatcher.<init>(LoadedApk.java:1934)
06-30 22:15:50.895 E/ActivityThread(6112): at android.app.LoadedApk.getServiceDispatcherCommon(LoadedApk.java:1806)
06-30 22:15:50.895 E/ActivityThread(6112): at android.app.LoadedApk.getServiceDispatcher(LoadedApk.java:1785)
06-30 22:15:50.895 E/ActivityThread(6112): at android.app.ContextImpl.bindServiceCommon(ContextImpl.java:1981)
06-30 22:15:50.895 E/ActivityThread(6112): at android.app.ContextImpl.bindService(ContextImpl.java:1912)
06-30 22:15:50.895 E/ActivityThread(6112): at android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService(ContextWrapper.java:810)
06-30 22:15:50.895 E/ActivityThread(6112): at ye.a(PG:4)
06-30 22:15:50.895 E/ActivityThread(6112): at ej.i(PG:4)
06-30 22:15:50.895 E/ActivityThread(6112): at com.google.android.apps.turbo.deadline.library.BatteryFlagService.c(PG:1)
06-30 22:15:50.895 E/ActivityThread(6112): at yf.run(PG:2)
06-30 22:15:50.895 E/ActivityThread(6112): at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:462)
06-30 22:15:50.895 E/ActivityThread(6112): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
06-30 22:15:50.895 E/ActivityThread(6112): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167)
06-30 22:15:50.895 E/ActivityThread(6112): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641)
06-30 22:15:50.895 E/ActivityThread(6112): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1013)
06-30 22:16:00.020 E/BcSmartspaceCard(4515): No tap action can be set up
06-30 22:16:28.676 E/system_server(4178): Cannot read thread CPU times for PID 4178
06-30 22:16:30.282 E/BufferQueueProducer(4515): [ViewRootImpl[Charging Animation]#156(BLAST Consumer)156](id:11a30000009c,api:0,p:-1,c:4515) disconnect: not connected (req=1)
06-30 22:16:31.836 E/BufferQueueProducer(6848): [ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]#9(BLAST Consumer)9](id:1ac000000009,api:0,p:-1,c:6848) disconnect: not connected (req=1)
06-30 22:16:34.576 E/bt_btif (19388): system/bt/main/bte_logmsg.cc:191 LogMsg: bta_av_str_stopped: peer 22:2c:40:12:9e:7e bta_handle:0x41 audio_open_cnt:1, p_data 0x7b96815868 start:1
06-30 22:16:34.616 E/bt_btif (19388): system/bt/main/bte_logmsg.cc:191 LogMsg: btif_a2dp_command_ack: warning : no command pending, ignore ack
06-30 22:16:34.823 E/bt_btif (19388): system/bt/main/bte_logmsg.cc:191 LogMsg: btif_a2dp_command_ack: warning : no command pending, ignore ack
06-30 22:16:34.824 E/bt_btif (19388): system/bt/main/bte_logmsg.cc:191 LogMsg: BtifAvPeer *BtifAvSource::FindOrCreatePeer(const RawAddress &, tBTA_AV_HNDL): Cannot create peer for peer_address=22:2c:40:12:9e:7e : cannot convert Peer ID=0 to unique BTA Handle
06-30 22:16:34.824 E/btif_av (19388): system/bt/btif/src/btif_av.cc:2549 btif_av_handle_event: jni_thread: Cannot find or create Sink peer for peer_address=22:2c:40:12:9e:7e bta_handle=0x0 : event dropped: BTIF_AV_STOP_STREAM_REQ_EVT(0x1d)
06-30 22:16:34.824 E/bluetooth(19388): system/bt/stack/avdt/avdt_api.cc:960 AVDT_DisconnectReq: Unable to find AVDT stream endpoint peer:xx:xx:xx:xx:9e:7e
06-30 22:16:34.825 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac_decoder(19388): system/bt/stack/a2dp/a2dp_vendor_ldac_decoder.cc:134 A2DP_VendorLoadDecoderLdac: A2DP_VendorLoadDecoderLdac: cannot open LDAC decoder library libldacBT_bco.so: dlopen failed: library "libldacBT_bco.so" not found
06-30 22:16:34.825 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac(19388): system/bt/stack/a2dp/a2dp_vendor_ldac.cc:1420 init: init: cannot load the decoder
06-30 22:16:34.826 E/btif_av (19388): system/bt/btif/src/btif_av.cc:2549 btif_av_handle_event: jni_thread: Cannot find or create Sink peer for peer_address=00:00:00:00:00:00 bta_handle=0x41 : event dropped: BTA_AV_CLOSE_EVT(0x3)
06-30 22:16:34.829 E/bt_btif_hf(19388): system/bt/btif/src/btif_hf.cc:306 btif_hf_upstreams_evt: BTA_AG_CLOSE_EVT Headset callback is not set
06-30 22:16:34.880 E/bt_a2dp_hw(4382): system/bt/audio_a2dp_hw/src/audio_a2dp_hw.cc:444 a2dp_command: a2dp_command: cmd failed (Broken pipe): command=A2DP_CTRL_CMD_STOP
06-30 22:16:34.880 E/bt_a2dp_hw(4382): system/bt/audio_a2dp_hw/src/audio_a2dp_hw.cc:878 stop_audio_datapath: stop_audio_datapath: audiopath stop failed
06-30 22:16:34.894 E/AS.AudioDeviceInventory(4178): invalid null DeviceInfo in setBluetoothA2dpDeviceConnectionState
06-30 22:16:35.049 E/bt_l2cap(19388): system/bt/main/bte_logmsg.cc:191 LogMsg: L2CA_FreeLePSM: Invalid PSM=39 value!
06-30 22:16:35.810 E/Dialer (6848): ExternalAccountType - Unsupported attribute readOnly
06-30 22:16:35.855 E/PhoneInterfaceManager(4852): [PhoneIntfMgr] getCarrierPackageNamesForIntentAndPhone: No UICC
06-30 22:16:36.978 E/BufferQueueProducer(4515): [ViewRootImpl[NotificationShade]#157(BLAST Consumer)157](id:11a30000009d,api:0,p:-1,c:4515) disconnect: not connected (req=1)
06-30 22:16:39.781 E/BcSmartspaceCard(4515): No tap action can be set up
06-30 22:16:39.781 E/BcSmartspaceCard(4515): No tap action can be set up
06-30 22:16:39.782 E/BcSmartspaceCard(4515): No tap action can be set up
06-30 22:16:39.782 E/BcSmartspaceCard(4515): No tap action can be set up
06-30 22:16:39.997 E/system_server(4178): Cannot read thread CPU times for PID 4178
06-30 22:16:44.034 E/opjohnwu.magis(7704): Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
06-30 22:16:44.071 E/BufferQueueProducer(4671): [ViewRootImpl[QuickstepLauncher]#21(BLAST Consumer)21](id:123f0000001b,api:0,p:-1,c:4671) disconnect: not connected (req=1)
06-30 22:16:45.705 E/BufferQueueProducer(4515): [ViewRootImpl[magisk]#158(BLAST Consumer)158](id:11a30000009e,api:0,p:-1,c:4515) disconnect: not connected (req=1)
06-30 22:16:47.123 E/BufferQueueProducer(4515): [ViewRootImpl[EdgeBackGestureHandler0]#159(BLAST Consumer)159](id:11a30000009f,api:0,p:-1,c:4515) disconnect: not connected (req=1)
06-30 22:16:50.871 E/ActivityThread(6112): Service com.google.android.apps.turbo.deadline.library.BatteryFlagService has leaked ServiceConnection [email protected] that was originally bound here
06-30 22:16:50.871 E/ActivityThread(6112): android.app.ServiceConnectionLeaked: Service com.google.android.apps.turbo.deadline.library.BatteryFlagService has leaked ServiceConnection [email protected] that was originally bound here
06-30 22:16:50.871 E/ActivityThread(6112): at android.app.LoadedApk$ServiceDispatcher.<init>(LoadedApk.java:1934)
06-30 22:16:50.871 E/ActivityThread(6112): at android.app.LoadedApk.getServiceDispatcherCommon(LoadedApk.java:1806)
06-30 22:16:50.871 E/ActivityThread(6112): at android.app.LoadedApk.getServiceDispatcher(LoadedApk.java:1785)
06-30 22:16:50.871 E/ActivityThread(6112): at android.app.ContextImpl.bindServiceCommon(ContextImpl.java:1981)
06-30 22:16:50.871 E/ActivityThread(6112): at android.app.ContextImpl.bindService(ContextImpl.java:1912)
06-30 22:16:50.871 E/ActivityThread(6112): at android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService(ContextWrapper.java:810)
06-30 22:16:50.871 E/ActivityThread(6112): at ye.a(PG:4)
06-30 22:16:50.871 E/ActivityThread(6112): at ej.i(PG:4)
06-30 22:16:50.871 E/ActivityThread(6112): at com.google.android.apps.turbo.deadline.library.BatteryFlagService.c(PG:1)
06-30 22:16:50.871 E/ActivityThread(6112): at yf.run(PG:2)
06-30 22:16:50.871 E/ActivityThread(6112): at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:462)
06-30 22:16:50.871 E/ActivityThread(6112): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
06-30 22:16:50.871 E/ActivityThread(6112): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167)
06-30 22:16:50.871 E/ActivityThread(6112): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641)
06-30 22:16:50.871 E/ActivityThread(6112): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1013)
06-30 22:16:50.875 E/ActivityThread(6112): Service com.google.android.apps.turbo.deadline.library.DeadlineUpdateJobService has leaked ServiceConnection [email protected] that was originally bound here
06-30 22:16:50.875 E/ActivityThread(6112): android.app.ServiceConnectionLeaked: Service com.google.android.apps.turbo.deadline.library.DeadlineUpdateJobService has leaked ServiceConnection [email protected] that was originally bound here
06-30 22:16:50.875 E/ActivityThread(6112): at android.app.LoadedApk$ServiceDispatcher.<init>(LoadedApk.java:1934)
06-30 22:16:50.875 E/ActivityThread(6112): at android.app.LoadedApk.getServiceDispatcherCommon(LoadedApk.java:1806)
06-30 22:16:50.875 E/ActivityThread(6112): at android.app.LoadedApk.getServiceDispatcher(LoadedApk.java:1785)
06-30 22:16:50.875 E/ActivityThread(6112): at android.app.ContextImpl.bindServiceCommon(ContextImpl.java:1981)
06-30 22:16:50.875 E/ActivityThread(6112): at android.app.ContextImpl.bindService(ContextImpl.java:1912)
06-30 22:16:50.875 E/ActivityThread(6112): at android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService(ContextWrapper.java:810)
06-30 22:16:50.875 E/ActivityThread(6112): at yh.a(PG:4)
06-30 22:16:50.875 E/ActivityThread(6112): at ej.i(PG:4)
06-30 22:16:50.875 E/ActivityThread(6112): at com.google.android.apps.turbo.deadline.library.DeadlineUpdateJobService.c(PG:1)
06-30 22:16:50.875 E/ActivityThread(6112): at yj.run(PG:2)
06-30 22:16:50.875 E/ActivityThread(6112): at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:462)
06-30 22:16:50.875 E/ActivityThread(6112): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
06-30 22:16:50.875 E/ActivityThread(6112): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167)
06-30 22:16:50.875 E/ActivityThread(6112): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641)
06-30 22:16:50.875 E/ActivityThread(6112): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1013)
06-30 22:16:57.433 E/BufferQueueProducer(4515): [ViewRootImpl[EdgeBackGestureHandler0]#160(BLAST Consumer)160](id:11a3000000a0,api:0,p:-1,c:4515) disconnect: not connected (req=1)
06-30 22:16:57.851 E/BufferQueueProducer(4515): [ViewRootImpl[EdgeBackGestureHandler0]#161(BLAST Consumer)161](id:11a3000000a1,api:0,p:-1,c:4515) disconnect: not connected (req=1)
06-30 22:16:58.652 E/BufferQueueProducer(7704): [ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]#0(BLAST Consumer)0](id:1e1800000000,api:0,p:-1,c:7704) disconnect: not connected (req=1)
06-30 22:16:58.707 E/BufferQueueProducer(4515): [ViewRootImpl[EdgeBackGestureHandler0]#162(BLAST Consumer)162](id:11a3000000a2,api:0,p:-1,c:4515) disconnect: not connected (req=1)
06-30 22:17:00.014 E/BcSmartspaceCard(4515): No tap action can be set up
06-30 22:17:02.301 E/FrameEvents(4671): updateAcquireFence: Did not find frame.
06-30 22:17:02.301 E/BufferQueueProducer(4671): [ImageReader-152x152f1u2816m2-4671-6](id:123f0000001d,api:0,p:-1,c:4671) disconnect: not connected (req=1)
06-30 22:17:03.167 E/ackageinstalle(7705): Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
06-30 22:17:04.010 E/BufferQueueProducer(7705): [ViewRootImpl[UninstallerActivity]#0(BLAST Consumer)0](id:1e1900000000,api:0,p:-1,c:7705) disconnect: not connected (req=1)
06-30 22:17:04.132 E/BufferQueueProducer(7705): [ViewRootImpl[UninstallerActivity]#1(BLAST Consumer)1](id:1e1900000001,api:0,p:-1,c:7705) disconnect: not connected (req=1)
06-30 22:17:04.580 E/BcSmartspaceCard(4515): No tap action can be set up
06-30 22:17:04.581 E/BcSmartspaceCard(4515): No tap action can be set up
06-30 22:17:04.609 E/Dialer (6848): ExternalAccountType - Unsupported attribute readOnly
06-30 22:17:04.640 E/PhoneInterfaceManager(4852): [PhoneIntfMgr] getCarrierPackageNamesForIntentAndPhone: No UICC
06-30 22:17:04.687 E/android.vendin(27106): Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
06-30 22:17:04.727 E/WorkSourceUtil(5388): Could not find package: com.bin.file.opener.reader
06-30 22:17:04.751 E/ndroid.keychai(27145): Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
06-30 22:17:05.154 E/e.process.gapp(27224): Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
06-30 22:17:05.359 E/t_app_installe(27266): Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
06-30 22:17:05.446 E/ding:backgroun(27305): Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
06-30 22:17:05.493 E/oid.documentsu(27333): Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
06-30 22:17:05.548 E/ThemeOverlayManager(27333): Failed to enable overlay: com.android.documentsui.auto_generated_rro_product__, user: UserHandle{0}
06-30 22:17:07.140 E/.omnirom.logca(7706): Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
06-30 22:17:07.179 E/BufferQueueProducer(4671): [ViewRootImpl[QuickstepLauncher]#22(BLAST Consumer)22](id:123f0000001c,api:0,p:-1,c:4671) disconnect: not connected (req=1)
06-30 22:17:07.523 E/BufferQueueProducer(4515): [ViewRootImpl[logcat]#164(BLAST Consumer)164](id:11a3000000a4,api:0,p:-1,c:4515) disconnect: not connected (req=1)
06-30 22:17:08.414 E/BufferQueueProducer(4515): [ViewRootImpl[Toast]#163(BLAST Consumer)163](id:11a3000000a3,api:0,p:-1,c:4515) disconnect: not connected (req=1)
06-30 22:17:15.049 E/PhenotypeCombinedFlags(27106): Config package com.google.android.gms.phenotype cannot use PROCESS_STABLE backing without declarative registration. See go/phenotype-android-integration#phenotype for more information. This will lead to stale flags.
06-30 22:17:15.068 E/PhenotypeCombinedFlags(27106): Config package com.google.android.gms.phenotype cannot use PROCESS_STABLE backing without declarative registration. See go/phenotype-android-integration#phenotype for more information. This will lead to stale flags.
06-30 22:17:15.070 E/PhenotypeCombinedFlags(27106): Config package com.google.android.gms.phenotype cannot use PROCESS_STABLE backing without declarative registration. See go/phenotype-android-integration#phenotype for more information. This will lead to stale flags.
06-30 22:17:15.078 E/PhenotypeCombinedFlags(27106): Config package com.google.android.gms.phenotype cannot use PROCESS_STABLE backing without declarative registration. See go/phenotype-android-integration#phenotype for more information. This will lead to stale flags.
06-30 22:17:15.113 E/PhenotypeCombinedFlags(27106): Config package com.google.android.gms.phenotype cannot use PROCESS_STABLE backing without declarative registration. See go/phenotype-android-integration#phenotype for more information. This will lead to stale flags.
06-30 22:17:15.114 E/PhenotypeCombinedFlags(27106): Config package com.google.android.gms.phenotype cannot use PROCESS_STABLE backing without declarative registration. See go/phenotype-android-integration#phenotype for more information. This will lead to stale flags.
06-30 22:17:15.116 E/PhenotypeCombinedFlags(27106): Config package com.google.android.gms.phenotype cannot use PROCESS_STABLE backing without declarative registration. See go/phenotype-android-integration#phenotype for more information. This will lead to stale flags.
06-30 22:17:15.117 E/PhenotypeCombinedFlags(27106): Config package com.google.android.gms.phenotype cannot use PROCESS_STABLE backing without declarative registration. See go/phenotype-android-integration#phenotype for more information. This will lead to stale flags.
06-30 22:17:15.117 E/PhenotypeCombinedFlags(27106): Config package com.google.android.gms.phenotype cannot use PROCESS_STABLE backing without declarative registration. See go/phenotype-android-integration#phenotype for more information. This will lead to stale flags.
06-30 22:17:15.179 E/PhenotypeCombinedFlags(27106): Config package com.google.android.gms.phenotype cannot use PROCESS_STABLE backing without declarative registration. See go/phenotype-android-integration#phenotype for more information. This will lead to stale flags.
06-30 22:17:15.241 E/PhenotypeCombinedFlags(27106): Config package com.google.android.gms.phenotype cannot use PROCESS_STABLE backing without declarative registration. See go/phenotype-android-integration#phenotype for more information. This will lead to stale flags.
06-30 22:17:18.528 E/BufferQueueProducer(7706): [ViewRootImpl[LogcatActivity]#0(BLAST Consumer)0](id:1e1a00000000,api:0,p:-1,c:7706) disconnect: not connected (req=1)
06-30 22:17:19.856 E/BufferQueueProducer(4671): [ViewRootImpl[QuickstepLauncher]#23(BLAST Consumer)23](id:123f0000001e,api:0,p:-1,c:4671) disconnect: not connected (req=1)
06-30 22:17:24.324 E/BufferQueueProducer(4515): [ViewRootImpl[NotificationShade]#165(BLAST Consumer)165](id:11a3000000a5,api:0,p:-1,c:4515) disconnect: not connected (req=1)
06-30 22:17:25.545 E/Dialer (6848): MotorolaHiddenMenuKeySequence - the key sequence array is not matching, turn off feature.key sequence: 0 != 0, key pattern 0 != 0
06-30 22:17:27.165 E/SQLiteDatabase(6847): Error inserting transferred=1 media_job_uuid=a847ec1c-8857-49e8-b9f4-6c33f2f3fbc8 transcoded=0 gif_attribution=0 first_scan_length=0 direct_path=/v/t62.7161-24/26460003_1238201800287910_1385068044806271005_n.enc?ccb=11-4&oh=01_AVwUXAYO2K1TYyCC5nbTwAJusVVf5DfqY-sn4GV8mzdScQ&oe=62E35F38 thumbnail_height_width_ratio=1.7560976 is_animated_sticker=0 file_hash=phb321qenksQ4n/6Yu+J2hax/Szmym9HkRHdD/d0lZ4= file_path=Media/WhatsApp Video/VID-20220630-WA0001.mp4 file_size=8690768 partial_media_hash=null face_x=0 face_y=0 height=1024 trim_to=0 media_key_timestamp=1656645345000 message_url=https://mmg.whatsapp.net/d/f/AoIqysj-P90cA7vpftQxMaGjq20QSNQHWDt5C1UH8IEp.enc trim_from=0 mime_type=video/mp4 partial_media_enc_hash=null width=576 original_file_hash=null has_streaming_sidecar=1 autotransfer_retry_enabled=1 message_row_id=2125 multicast_id=null enc_file_hash=Cxf8HVM2enFIUDcLWEfmrulkHCrWoBHMs8v76lH9gqI= mute_video=0 page_count=0 first_scan_sidecar=null suspicious_content=0 file_length=8690768 media_name=null media_duration=59 chat_row_id=2 media_key=[[email protected]
06-30 22:17:27.165 E/SQLiteDatabase(6847): android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException: UNIQUE constraint failed: message_media.message_row_id (code 1555 SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_PRIMARYKEY)
06-30 22:17:27.165 E/SQLiteDatabase(6847): at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.nativeExecuteForLastInsertedRowId(Native Method)
06-30 22:17:27.165 E/SQLiteDatabase(6847): at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.executeForLastInsertedRowId(SQLiteConnection.java:940)
06-30 22:17:27.165 E/SQLiteDatabase(6847): at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteSession.executeForLastInsertedRowId(SQLiteSession.java:790)
06-30 22:17:27.165 E/SQLiteDatabase(6847): at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteStatement.executeInsert(SQLiteStatement.java:89)
06-30 22:17:27.165 E/SQLiteDatabase(6847): at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.insertWithOnConflict(SQLiteDatabase.java:1702)
06-30 22:17:27.165 E/SQLiteDatabase(6847): at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.insert(SQLiteDatabase.java:1571)
06-30 22:17:27.165 E/SQLiteDatabase(6847): at X.0nt.A03(:147575)
06-30 22:17:27.165 E/SQLiteDatabase(6847): at X.0sj.A07(:187462)
06-30 22:17:27.165 E/SQLiteDatabase(6847): at X.0md.A0y(:122579)
06-30 22:17:27.165 E/SQLiteDatabase(6847): at com.facebook.redex.RunnableBRunnable0Shape0S0201000_I0.run(:482636)
06-30 22:17:27.165 E/SQLiteDatabase(6847): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:938)
06-30 22:17:27.165 E/SQLiteDatabase(6847): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
06-30 22:17:27.165 E/SQLiteDatabase(6847): at X.1Xk.dispatchMessage(:308532)
06-30 22:17:27.165 E/SQLiteDatabase(6847): at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:201)
06-30 22:17:27.165 E/SQLiteDatabase(6847): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:288)
06-30 22:17:27.165 E/SQLiteDatabase(6847): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67)
06-30 22:17:27.624 E/SpannableStringBuilder(6848): SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
06-30 22:17:27.663 E/BufferQueueProducer(6848): [ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]#10(BLAST Consumer)10](id:1ac00000000a,api:0,p:-1,c:6848) disconnect: not connected (req=1)
06-30 22:17:27.893 E/BufferQueueProducer(6848): [ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]#10(BLAST Consumer)10](id:1ac00000000a,api:0,p:-1,c:6848) disconnect: not connected (req=1)
06-30 22:17:27.940 E/BufferQueueProducer(4515): [ViewRootImpl[dialer]#166(BLAST Consumer)166](id:11a3000000a6,api:0,p:-1,c:4515) disconnect: not connected (req=1)
06-30 22:17:30.443 E/BcSmartspaceCard(4515): No tap action can be set up
06-30 22:17:30.443 E/BcSmartspaceCard(4515): No tap action can be set up
06-30 22:17:30.864 E/BufferQueueProducer(6848): [ViewRootImpl[InCallActivity]#11(BLAST Consumer)11](id:1ac00000000b,api:0,p:-1,c:6848) disconnect: not connected (req=1)
06-30 22:17:34.114 E/droid.bluetoot(27607): Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
06-30 22:17:34.193 E/droid.bluetoot(27607): [0630/221734.193014:ERROR:hal_version_manager.h(125)] HalVersionManager No supported HAL version
06-30 22:17:34.226 E/droid.bluetoot(27607): [0630/221734.226570:ERROR:message_loop_thread.cc(102)] DoInThreadDelayed: message loop is null for thread bt_main_thread(-1), from pc:0x7a6332c754
06-30 22:17:34.226 E/droid.bluetoot(27607): [0630/221734.226648:ERROR:btu_task.cc(94)] do_in_main_thread: failed from pc:0x7a6332c754
06-30 22:17:34.226 E/droid.bluetoot(27607): [0630/221734.226686:ERROR:message_loop_thread.cc(102)] DoInThreadDelayed: message loop is null for thread bt_main_thread(-1), from pc:0x7a6332c754
06-30 22:17:34.226 E/droid.bluetoot(27607): [0630/221734.226722:ERROR:btu_task.cc(94)] do_in_main_thread: failed from pc:0x7a6332c754
06-30 22:17:34.226 E/droid.bluetoot(27607): [0630/221734.226756:ERROR:message_loop_thread.cc(102)] DoInThreadDelayed: message loop is null for thread bt_main_thread(-1), from pc:0x7a6332c754
06-30 22:17:34.226 E/droid.bluetoot(27607): [0630/221734.226791:ERROR:btu_task.cc(94)] do_in_main_thread: failed from pc:0x7a6332c754
06-30 22:17:34.473 E/bt_hci (27607): system/bt/hci/src/hci_packet_parser.cc:292 read_command_complete_header: read_command_complete_header: return status - 0x1
06-30 22:17:34.538 E/bt_btif_storage(27607): system/bt/btif/src/btif_storage.cc:632 btif_storage_get_adapter_property: btif_storage_get_adapter_property: Controller ready!
06-30 22:17:34.615 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac_decoder(27607): system/bt/stack/a2dp/a2dp_vendor_ldac_decoder.cc:134 A2DP_VendorLoadDecoderLdac: A2DP_VendorLoadDecoderLdac: cannot open LDAC decoder library libldacBT_bco.so: dlopen failed: library "libldacBT_bco.so" not found
06-30 22:17:34.615 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac(27607): system/bt/stack/a2dp/a2dp_vendor_ldac.cc:1420 init: init: cannot load the decoder
06-30 22:17:34.618 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac_decoder(27607): system/bt/stack/a2dp/a2dp_vendor_ldac_decoder.cc:134 A2DP_VendorLoadDecoderLdac: A2DP_VendorLoadDecoderLdac: cannot open LDAC decoder library libldacBT_bco.so: dlopen failed: library "libldacBT_bco.so" not found
06-30 22:17:34.618 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac(27607): system/bt/stack/a2dp/a2dp_vendor_ldac.cc:1420 init: init: cannot load the decoder
06-30 22:17:34.619 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac_decoder(27607): system/bt/stack/a2dp/a2dp_vendor_ldac_decoder.cc:134 A2DP_VendorLoadDecoderLdac: A2DP_VendorLoadDecoderLdac: cannot open LDAC decoder library libldacBT_bco.so: dlopen failed: library "libldacBT_bco.so" not found
06-30 22:17:34.619 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac(27607): system/bt/stack/a2dp/a2dp_vendor_ldac.cc:1420 init: init: cannot load the decoder
06-30 22:17:34.620 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac_decoder(27607): system/bt/stack/a2dp/a2dp_vendor_ldac_decoder.cc:134 A2DP_VendorLoadDecoderLdac: A2DP_VendorLoadDecoderLdac: cannot open LDAC decoder library libldacBT_bco.so: dlopen failed: library "libldacBT_bco.so" not found
06-30 22:17:34.620 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac(27607): system/bt/stack/a2dp/a2dp_vendor_ldac.cc:1420 init: init: cannot load the decoder
06-30 22:17:34.621 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac_decoder(27607): system/bt/stack/a2dp/a2dp_vendor_ldac_decoder.cc:134 A2DP_VendorLoadDecoderLdac: A2DP_VendorLoadDecoderLdac: cannot open LDAC decoder library libldacBT_bco.so: dlopen failed: library "libldacBT_bco.so" not found
06-30 22:17:34.621 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac(27607): system/bt/stack/a2dp/a2dp_vendor_ldac.cc:1420 init: init: cannot load the decoder
06-30 22:17:34.622 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac_decoder(27607): system/bt/stack/a2dp/a2dp_vendor_ldac_decoder.cc:134 A2DP_VendorLoadDecoderLdac: A2DP_VendorLoadDecoderLdac: cannot open LDAC decoder library libldacBT_bco.so: dlopen failed: library "libldacBT_bco.so" not found
06-30 22:17:34.622 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac(27607): system/bt/stack/a2dp/a2dp_vendor_ldac.cc:1420 init: init: cannot load the decoder
06-30 22:17:34.651 E/AvrcpTargetService(27607): Please use AVRCP version 1.6 to enable cover art
06-30 22:17:35.700 E/Dialer (6848): ExternalAccountType - Unsupported attribute readOnly
06-30 22:17:35.739 E/PhoneInterfaceManager(4852): [PhoneIntfMgr] getCarrierPackageNamesForIntentAndPhone: No UICC
06-30 22:17:37.056 E/BluetoothPhonePolicy(27607): Received unexpected intent, action=android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_CONNECTED
06-30 22:17:37.643 E/HeadsetSystemInterface(27607): Handsfree phone proxy null for query phone state
06-30 22:17:37.849 E/bt_btif (27607): system/bt/main/bte_logmsg.cc:191 LogMsg: btif_rc_get_device_by_bda: device not found, returning NULL!
06-30 22:17:37.849 E/bt_btif (27607): system/bt/main/bte_logmsg.cc:191 LogMsg: btif_rc_check_handle_pending_play: p_dev NULL
06-30 22:17:40.939 E/bt_btm (27607): system/bt/main/bte_logmsg.cc:191 LogMsg: BTM_BleObserve Observe Already Active
06-30 22:17:45.104 E/bluetooth(27607): system/bt/bta/dm/bta_dm_pm.cc:1035 bta_dm_pm_btm_status: Received unknown power mode status event:5
06-30 22:17:45.654 E/BufferQueueProducer(4515): [ViewRootImpl[NotificationShade]#167(BLAST Consumer)167](id:11a3000000a7,api:0,p:-1,c:4515) disconnect: not connected (req=1)
06-30 22:17:49.308 E/SpannableStringBuilder(6848): SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length
06-30 22:17:49.369 E/BufferQueueProducer(6848): [ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]#12(BLAST Consumer)12](id:1ac00000000c,api:0,p:-1,c:6848) disconnect: not connected (req=1)
06-30 22:17:49.435 E/bluetooth(27607): system/bt/bta/dm/bta_dm_pm.cc:1035 bta_dm_pm_btm_status: Received unknown power mode status event:5
06-30 22:17:49.497 E/BufferQueueProducer(6848): [ViewRootImpl[MainActivity]#12(BLAST Consumer)12](id:1ac00000000c,api:0,p:-1,c:6848) disconnect: not connected (req=1)
06-30 22:17:49.559 E/BufferQueueProducer(4515): [ViewRootImpl[dialer]#168(BLAST Consumer)168](id:11a3000000a8,api:0,p:-1,c:4515) disconnect: not connected (req=1)
06-30 22:17:51.686 E/system_server(4178): No package ID ff found for ID 0xffffffff.
Hey, thanks for your work
im only having issues with Greenify (freezes and restarts the system), and GPS (doesnt work properly)
grandarl said:
Hey, thanks for your work
im only having issues with Greenify (freezes and restarts the system), and GPS (doesnt work properly)
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I was able to solve the gps problem by granting the following permissions, according to this guide:
adb shell pm grant com.google.android.gms android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION
adb shell pm grant com.google.android.gms android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION
adb shell pm grant com.google.android.location.internal.service.GoogleLocationService android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION
Hola, quisiera saber como instalar esta rom, cual es paso a paso, primera ves que lo voy a hacer
Mod translation: Hello, I would like to know how to install this rom, which is step by step, first time I'm going to do it.
When i install this rom its show error
Aman gee said:
When i install this rom its show error
View attachment 5665599
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Hello, for flashing my ROMs please use the recommended recoveries in this case the CrDroid recovery, in case of PixelExperience official, the PE recovery.
Dear zlewchan
when i install recovery image ,which you have given the link in this post show error ...
I have also tried other recovery images files but none are getting installed .I have attached some screenshots please solve my issue .
cgmontero93 said:
Hola, quisiera saber como instalar esta rom, cual es paso a paso, primera ves que lo voy a hacer
Mod translation: Hello, I would like to know how to install this rom, which is step by step, first time I'm going to do it.
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Everything you downloaded (this ROM, gapps) must be in the same folder as adb and fastboot.
Download this recovery and put it in your platform-tools folder.
Make sure you have an unlocked bootloader.
In your platform-tools folder, open a command prompt, and enter the command:
fastboot flash boot {recovery name}.img
and reboot into recovery from the bootloader menu.
Go to factory reset, wipe data/factory reset.
Now, go to Apply update, Apply from ADB and, from your computer, enter the command:
adb sideload {crdroid file}.zip
If anything pops up (Signature verification failed) just ignore and continue.
Install gapps from Apply update, Apply from ADB, and enter the command:
adb sideload MindTheGapps-12.1.0-arm64-20220605_112439.zip
Now hit "Reboot system now' and enjoy!
Thanks for your work, the error in bluetooth audio on calls still remains, it is not heard.
Hello, i wanna try his rom, it's been a while since my last phone needs one.
Anyway, any (important) bugs remaining? The project's still alive?
Thaks to the developer :3
Is this project also going to be discontinued?
Yes the last remaining support is LineageOS where they've fixed Bluetooth now just the hotspot and it will be better than this. Hotspot in Lineage now work. Install Ultimate VPN or use own vpn and working good.
maikcrew said:
Yes the last remaining support is LineageOS where they've fixed Bluetooth now just the hotspot and it will be better than this.
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zlewchan he retired and left support for his kane roms, I don't know who keeps uploading new versions?
Why on the download page of other versions, the most current is crDroidAndroid-12.1-20221013-kane-v8.10.zip
And it is true, at last it has been possible to correct the Bluetooth error in calls in Lineageos.
Ok, so the only problem with the rom is the hotspot? If so, I'm going to put it on my Kane, I don't occupy that function anyway.
Bien, entonces ¿el único problema de la rom es el hotspot? Si es así se la voy a poner a mi Kane, no ocupo esa función de todos modos.
Aman gee said:
Dear zlewchan
when i install recovery image ,which you have given the link in this post show error ...
I have also tried other recovery images files but none are getting installed .I have attached some screenshots please solve my issue .
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[I have the solution to your problem, to install the CrDroid recovery you need to flash the vbmeta.img file first, I'm going to leave it attached, then proceed normally with the installation steps.]
HourlongTuna5 said:
[I have the solution to your problem, to install the CrDroid recovery you need to flash the vbmeta.img file first, I'm going to leave it attached, then proceed normally with the installation steps.]
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Thanks ....unfortunately i sold out motorola and buy samsung A52s.....
Aman gee said:
Thanks ....unfortunately i sold out motorola and buy samsung A52s.....
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[Too bad, I'm late, but hey, I hope it will help someone else in the future, also add that after installing the rom you have to restart to recovery mode and then install the gapps, otherwise they will not be installed and it will remain as GSI
Una lástima, llegue tarde, pero bueno, espero que sirva a alguien más en el futuro, además añadir de que después de instalar la rom hay que reiniciar al modo recovery y después instalar las gapps, de lo contrario no se instalarán y quedará como GSI]