Hey guys!
As always, I take NO responsibility if you break your device. Overclocking too high can cause issues. I don't recommend overclocking more than what is provided!!!
This is a fork of Sabbypenguin's source which is naturally a clone of the original Moto source.
Here is my fork for stock. If you want CM10.1 (Or 10.2...), github source.
Changelog is in second post. Wants/desires/etc in the third. Buglist is the 4th.
The latest flashable zip is attached (0.11+ is for JellyBean 4.1.2) (Thanks Shabby for letting me kang the flashable zip ) The changelog post will serve as an archive, as I put out more kernels .
Note - if you want stock, look in the next post. If you want CM-based (10.1 & 10.2) look in post #5. Thanks!
Stock KernelsLegend:
ASA-36 (Original 4.0.4 ICS firmware)
ASA-14 (Final 4.0.4 ICS firmware)
FFW-5 (Latest 4.1.2 JB firmware)Click to show archive:
0.01 ASA-36 md5: 0d5b898290d06c24d443895a14eea351
Built with Linaro (different toolchain)
0.02 ASA-36 md5: c6bf695c00eed0aa0deb3a2e5cd150f9
Overclock CPU to 1.72ghz!
0.03 ASA-36 md5: 517433cae48e0c138594f751d1cd5e05
Overclock CPU to 1.83ghz!
0.04 ASA-36 md5: 09731a3af8068aebc3e23b952c7eb406
Overclock CPU to 1.89ghz and under to 96Mhz!
0.05 ASA-36 md5: eb1ab7fbbfee7630a252b584e0ae4c84
GPU Overclock attempt #1... Didn't seem to make a big difference :/
0.06 ASA-14 md5: 72a3f2bb0366be3e7a51019f32b27f60
Base kernel, sync from Moto's new source - kernel now plays nice with updated firmware (asa-14, etc)
0.07 ASA-14 (redacted, issues)
Slight overclock, 1.62ghz
0.08 ASA-14 md5: 66ed8fa671424b63e0c56c513d2e5b1b
More OC, 1.8ghz. Underclock to 192mhz.
0.09 ASA-14 md5: 64274145336be3dce187eaee4018e328
Finally back to status quo on OC - 1.89ghz.
0.10 ASA-14 md5: e0de88a6fa2aee5aac993b321e20ca54
Underclock to 96mhz
0.11 FFW-5 md5: 1dcb35492b8f144fe9d9593decdda02c
Vanilla from Moto, for JB 4.1.2
0.12 FFW-5 md5: 167613cdcd28751d1646c7134b8856bd
Underclock to 192mhz, Overclock to 1809mhz (couldn't quite hit 1.89ghz...)
0.13 FFW-5 md5: 17cc47ef5aea7f9727fde73c60961fb0
Overclock to 1.89ghz reinstated
Fixes for over/underclock, hopefully will stick better in all apps
Added another step for GPU - slight overclock for GPU
0.14 FFW-5 md5: 1584789c2f0638e24e46aa2a209f3ed8
Ability to change voltages!!! Under/overvolt to your heart's content!! (This can cause issues if you go crazy with it!)
0.15 FFW-5 md5: 068a3bb9f95aea6d0cb7864561e3da0e
Added governors:
0.16 FFW-5 md5: 98026b0cafacf9363879203f0cbefd5d
Underclock to 96mhz (also added 144mhz step)
0.17 FFW-5 md5: 1d5fafc639ad0a69ce63717b5467e0cd
Built with GCC 4.6 (was using 4.4.3 previously!)
0.18 FFW-5 md5: 0c8ac7e8b7f057f762d69550183ada8e
Added schedulers:
FFW-5 md5: 7f188ae91c2ba73504bf2b49e281d982
ASA-14 Wifi Broken!! md5: 21391e4dbc805fb8e0089636e53be908
Added Wheatley governor
CPU Overclock - looks like ~1.7 maybe 1.8ghz is do-able... Done! to 1.89ghz currently. However, it doesn't seem to 'stick'? I do see it jumping around, not sure what would cause that... Analyzing... If you use NoFrills, it seems to stick. Also, would like to get the full potential out of the chip, should be able to hit 2.1ghz.
ROW scheduler - would like to try this, heard it helps quite a bit! Done in latest!
GPU Overclock - perhaps...?
Add more governors (Wheatley I've heard is good. Any requests?)
What else?
None that I know of... yet.
(But I haven't really broken much either... yet )
CM Kernels
Check the CM msm8960-common kernel tree for a list of commits, and if my kernel is up to date... IE last commit is from May 27th on their kernel tree, and my latest kernel says May 27th... then it's good for all nightlies until that changes! I am on the May 29th nightly, but there haven't been kernel changes since May 27th.
I hope that makes sense!!
Click to show archive:
May 1 2013 md5: 5811e7c6e0aa9bb8287ab915d87f92ac
(First CM10.1 kernel, "mirrors" what is in stock v0.18, while being built from nightly kernel with commits to May 1st 2013)
May 27 2013 md5: d19685034faad36f2f470ada4015f7fd
Updated to latest nightly, 3,400+ commits from upstream...
June 5 2013 md5: fd104559c984767e94caa3bec6199086
Updated to latest nightly, 3 commits missing
June 12 2013 md5: a7e10b0a2dd0f2df85636e2f40633d12
Updated to latest nightly, 92 commits missing
June 18 2013 md5: c78a219b6e8aae220be806f26b362a36
Updated to latest nightly,
June 19 2013 md5: 8a8942db94814e4aa796506337010ef7
Fixed OC/UC issue (was not being applied!)
Pulled one patch from razrqcom
June 22 2013 md5: bcfa0c4007f086af9a39e4ef30f3b0a5
Pulled latest patches from razrqcom
June 23 2013 md5: 45de92656debdad7058d880c97ed02e7
Added Wheatley governor
June 26 2013 md5: c212ebf42a76ab6c0eaef932f315ab49
Sync with razrqcom
June 29 2013 md5: f5e327fc05a12025efc6d6034684d972
Sync with razrqcom
July 1 2013 md5: 05be639758022c2d9c0f5e705c2ec64c
Sync with razrqcom
July 5 2013 md5: 938357c117eb15a31111cb4ea938a8f2
Sync with razrqcom, 33 commits behind
July 9 2013 md5: 4252149615150f54d6146bbc0cd6aa0a
Sync with razrqcom, 46 commits behind
July 14 2013 md5: cd506d469a63453e5478c6c52cf10ca0
Sync with razrqcom, 17 commits behind
July 15 2013 md5: 822280ed34b2f03124ce5d256338d3c3
Added frandom
July 24 2013 md5: d9b20ce4550d0c562b1794d4c574b0d8
Sync with razrqcom
July 30 2013 md5: b87008195370276e9dffd07e7232c464
Sync with razrqcom, 67 commits behind
August 4 2013
CM10.1 md5: 378485661c23bea3630b8e924debdce0
Sync with razrqcom, 85 commits behind
CM10.2 md5: 172b9290b2381846374e7d9348e20eb4
Sync with razrqcom, 85 commits behind
August 14 2013
CM10.1 md5: 037def6e81e5a3130ee56fe9025bd4a3
Sync with razrqcom, 36 commits behind
CM10.2 md5: d03285ebb52ca76b8007e2ac48cf9c5b
Sync with razrqcom, 36 commits behind
August 15 2013
CM10.1 md5: 2fec1735271490ae18fdfa659d54a48c
Sync with razrqcom, 52 commits behind
CM10.2 md5: 845005bc7c8f5e8ba44571800eb98327
Sync with razrqcom, 52 commits behind
August 21 2013
CM10.1 md5: 231afa21f16b0bc0849209089c28db9a
Sync with CM, 18 commits behind
CM10.2 md5: efb8f0ebd3cb6511fa773adb03ad24de
Sync with CM, 18 commits behind
August 31 2013
CM10.2 md5: 4e3ffab7ae18095f885e6ede6e961ee5
Sync with CM, 20 commits behind
September 8 2013
CM10.2 md5: 0a244f2098204608419c2ac76aca3ca9
Sync with CM, 184 commits behind
September 15 2013
CM10.1 md5: ac669007ff6f1526fdd571ac130d8cd9
Sync with CM, 316 commits behind
CM10.2 md5: b9de65f00b0ed42fc73f66d12533458d
Sync with CM, 112 commits behind
September 19 2013
CM10.2 md5: f3b4f54951778d1ce4ec48f998ad6e99
Sync with CM, 22 commits behind
September 29 2013
CM10.1 md5: 9b77d85f7c2197e176ba622bfdb864d4
Sync with CM, 52 commits behind
CM10.2 md5: e8f666bd347d750065d9d76a1ccadc38
Sync with CM, 30 commits behind
September 30 2013
CM10.1 md5: 1acd6515ec965c493956d348f65b89f2
Compile optimizations
Disabled touchscreen debugging
Syntax/compilation optimizations
Build flag optimizations
defconfig "branding" attempt
CM10.2 md5: c916f13e107352442d1ee380e3913ebf
Compile optimizations
Disabled touchscreen debugging
Syntax/compilation optimizations
Build flag optimizations
defconfig "branding" attempt
Oct 2 2013
CM10.1 md5: ebbe6eab777c963d0dcb625253e722cc
Enable performance & conservative governors
CM10.2 md5: b0d8ac2c5ee3ed45e17b4eaf739eae0b
Enable performance & conservative governors
Oct 2 2013 (#2)
CM10.1 md5: bec55ba211509b401615a1f93b6c9c59
Sync with CM (40 commits behind)
CM10.2 md5: 5fdfca396ef814dc1d5cab9d97a07a84
Sync with CM (40 commits behind)
Oct 7 2013
CM10.1 md5: a9d2095d469fcce0bafdb3fd38b81754
Sync with CM (15 commits behind)
CM10.2 md5: 66dd110b48d41af4bacbc57e8b67f65b
Sync with CM (15 commits behind)
Oct 15 2013
CM10.1 md5: 77557ab090738d915f4dae57eb2b0b8a
Sync with CM (40 commits behind)
CM10.2 md5: 920f0b12c471446859066d1c9862be3a
Sync with CM (40 commits behind)
Oct 23 2013
CM10.1 md5: 06371d2e1bd1b99cefcdfaa8ec5ba085
Sync with CM
CM10.2 md5: 8dada55939730750e1937f2567b69a75
Sync with CM
Nov 28 2013
CM11 md5: 88f46815029567af53f80490bc32946a
Sync with CM
Dec 2 2013
CM11 md5: d8988387ef47567682ac938aba27eb44
Sync with CM
Dec 28 2013
CM11 md5: ca95663c14fd024c1bba628936daa9a3
Sync with CM (3 commits behind)
Jan 31 2014
CM11 md5: a2d407bd14be860829b245f58aabe35d
Rebuild, needed ramdisk updates
Removed smoothass governor (causing build issues...)
Feb 21 2014
CM11 md5: 937fbfae56dba961d7bcc3576efbec0a
Rebuild, needed ramdisk updates
Removed smoothass governor, permanently (causing build issues...)
Sync with CM (6 commits behind)
Feb 27 2014
CM11 md5: c1e1915902ee08642d054c3d5f20a499
Sync with CM (1 commit behind)
Mar 4 2014
CM11 md5: b5f1f569cf570b8f107399bdcb0ce536
Sync with CM (3 commits behind)
Mar 9 2014
CM11 md5: 12d97c373f193034922d979bd1740300
Sync with CM (1 commit behind)
Mar 15 2014
CM11 md5: 2b853e5e5dc04fbc7f25fde94d3657e2
No kernel changes, only RAMdisk updates
Apr 3 2014
AnyKernel md5: 8ee557ab6d49f85d6bb75e2fad445ec3
Couple of updates from CM, plus first attempt at anykernel
Apr 29 2014
AnyKernel md5: bc6b87e1ddf854c17ee965936af042f6
Sync with CM
May 23 2014
AnyKernel md5: 9780a3ef6c05b6ad9b1f31a9a25e560e
Sync with CM
May 25 2014
AnyKernel md5: b1962f2606e6e1483402cf9ae732f6db
Built with "SaberMod" GCC 4.10 w/Graphite
Aug 2 2014
AnyKernel md5: 33fb138b8b681b7ad5a6f2fb79b5c5ca
Sync with CM
Oct 3 2014
AnyKernel md5: 40660b37ba6db8ada7bb4f2fb130d8ce
Sync with CM
Nov 15 2014
AnyKernel md5: 5d73fa287ee866825f52e504c9494b44
Sync with CM
Nice! Will be hitting this up when I get home.
Sent from my XT897 using xda premium
Thanks arrrghhh and Shabby! Flashing now
Clocks don't stick with ROM Toolbox Pro or System Tuner.. Have not tried any others but these should work... Has always been this way though
OGL framerate seems to be locked at 57, I would love to see an unlock(to like 58 )
I'm willing to be a tester.
Gonna give it a shot.. Brb
Holy $hit... Running smooth so far.
Sent from my XT897 using xda premium
Plancy said:
Thanks arrrghhh and Shabby! Flashing now
Clocks don't stick with ROM Toolbox Pro or System Tuner.. Have not tried any others but these should work... Has always been this way though
OGL framerate seems to be locked at 57, I would love to see an unlock(to like 58 )
I'm willing to be a tester.
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So... overclock doesn't stick after a reboot or what? I'm not following, sorry. I've just been rebooting when I flash a new kernel lol.
I've been able to squeeze 1.89ghz out of the proc, but I haven't touched 2d/3d... It's on the wishlist . Still messing with OC, seems we should be able to hit 2.1. I also have some underclocking commits so you can set it lower than 384 or whatever the default lowest is .
Plancy is correct. Clock doesn't stick at max frequency. Tried setcpu, antutu cpu master pro and rom toolbox.
Sent from my XT897 using xda premium
tetrabyt said:
Plancy is correct. Clock doesn't stick at max frequency. Tried setcpu, antutu cpu master pro and rom toolbox.
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Yea, I see what you mean... Doesn't really make sense. I'm looking into it.
Meanwhile 0.04 is up with 1.89 max and 96 min. The new min should be pretty good battery savings (I hope) :good:
Clocks seem to be over the place(settings just won't stick even after boot and min will go back to 384 or max will scale back down or up.. just random), it's just not really reliable at all for me except at stock, but again has always been this way.....
arrrghhh said:
Yea, I see what you mean... Doesn't really make sense. I'm looking into it.
Meanwhile 0.04 is up with 1.89 max and 96 min. The new min should be pretty good battery savings (I hope) :good:
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On the OG Evo this would cause phone sleep issues, but I'll test it :good:. Thanks!
2.1GHZ woudl be insane....
---------- Post added at 03:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:32 AM ----------
Plancy said:
Weird... I get stuck at yellow Sprint boot screen... can't boot into CWM and fastboot drivers cannot be found by my computers...
looks like its bricked i guess...**** Im not covered by insurance and I need my phone tomorrow please help
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Can't boot into CWM...? What does it do!? That's not good, I was going to suggest flashing an older kernel back, but... if you can't get into reco...
I've only been testing this on TWRP, but I don't see how the recovery matters... It's all the same really. I've been stuck at the 'unlocked bootloader' screen several times playing with these kernels and have always been able to get back to TWRP...
Edit - hop on IRC, I guess on #oudhitsquad...
arrrghhh said:
Can't boot into CWM...? What does it do!? That's not good, I was going to suggest flashing an older kernel back, but... if you can't get into reco...
I've only been testing this on TWRP, but I don't see how the recovery matters... It's all the same really. I've been stuck at the 'unlocked bootloader' screen several times playing with these kernels and have always been able to get back to TWRP...
Edit - hop on IRC, I guess on #oudhitsquad...
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Thanks a lot for jumping in quick, I just remembered I had reformatted my system a while back and lost the drivers I installed when I unlocked the bootloader... found those installed them and I was able to reflash CWM and restore my Nandroid backup(just finish this second).. Gonna try to see what caused this(I had flash a kernel, powermenu, and custom reboot menu at the same time . . lol).
Plancy said:
Thanks a lot for jumping in quick, I just remembered I had reformatted my system a while back and lost the drivers I installed when I unlocked the bootloader... found those installed them and I was able to reflash CWM and restore my Nandroid backup(just finish this second).. Gonna try to see what caused this(I had flash a kernel, powermenu, and custom reboot menu at the same time . . lol).
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Well, at least it's OK... whew.
arrrghhh said:
Well, at least it's OK... whew.
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I'm okay for now.. lol
So I don't know if it's the NoFrills app or what but my max freq isn't going nutso anymore.
Also, if I set the clock to 1.89 ghz and governor to performance, it sticks at 1.89ghz...
So, I don't know where to go with this guys. Let me know if anyone finds anything useful. dmesg didn't seem to provide any wisdom, and Moto provided a kernel that explodes dmesg on boot. It fills the buffer with so much garbage I can never see the first boot... Wraps the buffer too quickly.
I concur 1.89 and gov at performance sticks for me. This phoq is running almost twice as fast as my evo 3d
Sent from my XT897 using xda app-developers app
So I tried applying this GPU OC... and it didn't really seem to help. I did 10 samples each of the AnTuTu 3D test and the averages were almost identical.
I'll release the kernel, but I don't really see any tangible benefit from the change. Let me know if you guys find something better/different to do for this GPU OC. Thanks!
arrrghhh said:
So I tried applying this GPU OC... and it didn't really seem to help. I did 10 samples each of the AnTuTu 3D test and the averages were almost identical.
I'll release the kernel, but I don't really see any tangible benefit from the change. Let me know if you guys find something better/different to do for this GPU OC. Thanks!
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Maybe there's a real FPS cap?
Hello guys n gals,
This is T-Mobile G2X version of my Harsh Kernel for O2X based on 3.0.y sources.
It share same tweaks and changelog with its international brother O2X.
This is my FIRST kernel based on sources of wkpark and vadonka.
This kernel is compiled by me, and comes with more added patches by me.
If you like it hit THANKS button.
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All credits goes to:
armcee (CM7 & CM9 GOD of LG devices)
CM Team (You guys rock)
wkpark (ported kernel 3.0.26 to our devices)
vadonka (various kernel tweaks and awesome sources)
pastime (helping at various stages, and awesome fixes)
Owain (Biggest motivation for compiling 100 times a day)
and to everybody else who participated in making this possible.
Harsh Kernel P999:
Build from 3.0.37 sources.
Compiled using tweaked CodeSourcery arm Toolchain.
Better battery.
Default SIO scheduler.
Working Data Usage ICS.
Working Data Usage Limit.
Fixed USB tethering(windows).
And many tweaks.
Build 0510 Stock & OC
Updated Linux version 3.0.44 now.
Stock & OC version both uploaded to goo.im.
linux version 3.0.43 and 3.0.44 brings lots of changes (150+ commits hope good)
Still works for both JB and ICS both.
build 0509 Stock & OC
Compile zram as module (Thanks Benee)
Fix zram for dual core
build 0309 Stock
Linux Version 3.0.42
JellyBean[Heckfest] supported (thanks Benee)
build 0208 Stock & OC
Linux Version 3.0.39
Reverted various fixes which were implemented in 1907
Compiled with linaro toolchain on OS X
build 1907 NO-OC
Linux Version 3.0.37
Improves SIO scheduler for flash storage.
Added V(R) I/O Scheduler. (select if from AnTuTu CPU Master)
other various fixes (thanks to vork[benee] and faux123)
build 1006 Stock & OC
Linux Version 3.0.34
Patches from NVIDIA for cpu control (power saving)
Lowmemory killer from linux 3.4 ported by vork (thanks benee)
build 0306 Stock
Some patches from Benee (vork)
And tegra OTG try update.
build 2205 Stock
Linux Version 3.0.32
Re-enabled ext3 ability (fix unsupported file system problem)
Increased XZ compression usage.
build 1505 Stock & OC
Added Force Fast Charging patch by Chad Froebel
Lots of tegra related v21 source drop fixes, thanks to faux123
New wifi code change, from v21 sources
As usual few kernel config changes (still have to find minimum config )
build 0805 Stock & OC
Linux Version 3.0.31
Battery heat protection (thanks wkpark)
And few more kernel config changes
build 0405 Stock & OC
v21y battery driver (thanks vadonka)
too many kernel config changes (100s of changes)
pmem size reduced (let me know 4 mb change can make difference or not)
build 2804 No-OC
Linux 3.0.30 sources
First attempt for CpuSpy to work
build 2704 Stock & OC
rmcc's tegra_odm_touch: More ICS-compatibility
Catalin Marinas: Kmemleak patches
build 2504 - NO-OC
Updated to Linux 3.0.29
Scheduler Tweak
Scheduler multi-core support
build 2204
OC Version of Build 1904
build 1904
ZRAM compression changed from LZO to Google's SNAPPY (~2x faster)
ZRAM disksize set to 64mb
build 1504 - OC
Build from kernel sources 3.0.28
USB Mass Storage support for both SD Cards (ROM required to make it work)
XZ Compression, so even smaller size of zips.
OC Enabled upto 1.4 GHz
zram enabled and allocated
And many small changer that are not stated here.
build 1104
Lower TouchLED Brightness
Kernel refresh, compiled with new toolchain
build 0604
SD Card IO speed fixed (thanks again wkpark)
Nothing much, just some cosmetic fixes in code
build 0504
Using AnyKernel by koush (easy flash for all ICS roms.)
Added Voodoo again
Fajarep BL values (better battery)
build ReBorn 0304
upgraded Linux kernel source version 3.0.27
various MMC tweak and safepoints
pastime .config fix for support voltage unit in uV
build ReBorn 0204-1
fixed WiFi not turning on
WiFi was not loading up before, NOW FIXED
build ReBorn 0204
ReBorn: used clean wkpark's sources
added patches handpicked (new branch).
removed voodoo sound.
better bettery & speed
build 3003
proper suspend (wkpark original work)
build 2903
latest wkpark's merge fixes (thanks)
pastime1971's fixes
build 2703-1
latest wkpark's fixes he posted. (thanks again)
Fixed reboot issue
build 2703
some more kernel config changes.
pastime kernel pull fix.
build 2503-3
some kernel config changes.
spica1234 call quality improvement patch
Compiled with more hard flags, faster compilation.
Updated to kernel 3.0.26 (thanks vadonka)
Added Simple I/O scheduler as default
and few kernel config tweaks
Removed Kernel Debugs (further cleaning)
implemented hard float in order to reduce compile time
added ramdisk tweaks
Implemented cache (first try to improve performance)
improved gps (source wkpark)
Fixed Internal Storage problems(thanks to wkpark)
few compiling fixes, cleaner build.
Initial sources.
Added usb tethering
Fixed Data Usage and Limit
Added Voodoo Sound
Selfcompiled linaro toolchain
Understanding build number:
where dd=date, mm=month & n=compile number [start from 0/none]
Known bugs:
No HW Acceleration (Nvidia and LG at fault)
Reboot/Reboot recovery work 90% of time.
Download OC 0510 Link: Goo.im
Download NO-OC 0510 Link: Goo.im
My PIZZA suppliers (Donators, thanks a lot)
Owain van Brakel
Warren (djvoleur)
Gregory Martinson
Vu Phan
Looks great!
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA
zoppp said:
Looks great!
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA
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Thanks you. If you are on CM9 unofficial nightly, you can try it. I am out of thanks per day
Installed. Will test drive today.
Sent from my G2x running AOKP ICS Build 28
Is it overclocked?
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
flak0 said:
Is it overclocked?
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
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No, its not overclocked.
Its on stock, will add overclock patch later, but defualt will always be stock.
Just for clarification: if hardware acceleration isn't yet included, what advantages are there to install this kernel over, say, faux's? Thanks.
GenghisKhan67 said:
Just for clarification: if hardware acceleration isn't yet included, what advantages are there to install this kernel over, say, faux's? Thanks.
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Actually this is completely different kernel than faux kernel.
This kernel is not based on CM sources, it is based on kernel version 3.0.26, one of the latest in linux-3.0.y. If you guys know, Samsung Galaxy Nexus uses, kernel 3.0.8 in stock, this is kernel 3.0.26.
Faux kernel is based on CM sources linux-2.6.xx.x .
And there are no advantages as such, but deep sleep is finally working perfectly in kernel 3.0.y versions. So maybe better battery.
Working great on AOKP..... Battery seems a little bit better.
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
the stock CM9 kernel has no HW accel, right? if so, i need this kernel for the voodoo, as stock CM9 doesn't have it.
joeyxl said:
the stock CM9 kernel has no HW accel, right? if so, i need this kernel for the voodoo, as stock CM9 doesn't have it.
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True, stock CM9 do not have HW, neither do this kernel. And tegra2 devices will not have HW accel until Nvidia releases sources, or LG/T-Mobile release office ICS Rom.
Yes this kernel do have voodoo sound.
Appreciate your work. Thank you.
If you could please, in a timely fashion, provide the source to your changes and place it in the OP before the GPL police find out.
Thanks again!
Will there be a CM7 version of this kernel at all?
overground said:
Appreciate your work. Thank you.
If you could please, in a timely fashion, provide the source to your changes and place it in the OP before the GPL police find out.
Thanks again!
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its already in its main thread in O2x, added it here too.
thendless said:
Will there be a CM7 version of this kernel at all?
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No, not planned at the moment.
Nice!!! You work fast
Edit: Starting to like SIO, antutu benchmarks went up.
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
Been following this project for awhile on other threads. I've been very impressed with this work. I've been curious about something, though, and didn't want to post this question in one of the main development threads.
What is the feasibility of upgrading the kernel to 3.1,3.2, or 3.3 series? For all I know it's completely impossible as I'm sure they had a reason to use 3.0 as the base for the project. I do find it interesting, though, that 3.3 comes with "android support" (not that I really know what that means either ).
MWBehr said:
Been following this project for awhile on other threads. I've been very impressed with this work. I've been curious about something, though, and didn't want to post this question in one of the main development threads.
What is the feasibility of upgrading the kernel to 3.1,3.2, or 3.3 series? For all I know it's completely impossible as I'm sure they had a reason to use 3.0 as the base for the project. I do find it interesting, though, that 3.3 comes with "android support" (not that I really know what that means either ).
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yeah they have stated that next version will come with android support, it would not be 3.3, but would be 3.4. With more android related patches.
Guys even 3.0.y was a difficult task to port to tegra2, as no source, all thanks to wkpark and his awesome talents. I think your question can be better answered by him.
But code in 3.0.y to 3.1/3.2 has changed a lot, so would be very difficult to port, specially without any other android manufacturers not having 3.1/3.2 as base make it near impossible.
Harsh said:
yeah they have stated that next version will come with android support, it would not be 3.3, but would be 3.4. With more android related patches.
Guys even 3.0.y was a difficult task to port to tegra2, as no source, all thanks to wkpark and his awesome talents. I think your question can be better answered by him.
But code in 3.0.y to 3.1/3.2 has changed a lot, so would be very difficult to port, specially without any other android manufacturers not having 3.1/3.2 as base make it near impossible.
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Thanks for the quick response. Ya, I was just curious more about if it was a possibility. If it takes a year or more, then that's what it takes. I have complete respect for the difficulties in porting something that's never been ported before.
so far so good...tks dev
Well...I can say this gets about 500 points higher on Quadrant 2.0 than Faux SV kernel. I didn't think it was fair to compare it to the OC version.
******************Sources up at https://github.com/AKToronto/Canuck ********************************
****currently working off the testing branch I created****************
Hi folks,
Im posting this kernel because there might be a number of people who want to use a custom CM10 base ROM and just want to get some better battery life. Basically its for someone who would be interested in a kernel synced with the latest CM10 sources for 4.1.2 JB and who doesn't want to go to CM10.1 ROMS yet until they become more stable.
Huge thanks goes out to Zarboz as well as ShowP1984
ShowP1984 and Zarboz are real kernel masters. I am still just a simple padawan learner, lol.
Most of the custom source code for this kernel is either cherry-picked, merged or inspired by their work.
For more information on custom kernel settings, governors, schedulers, modules, etc, please check out:
Please let me know if anything doesn't work! ie reboots or other programs not working. Give the kernel some time to settle too before reporting.
And dont blame me if your device gets borked, lol. "Insert standard disclaimer here"
v1.0 Canuck Kernel
-CM10 JB Kernel sources synced 3.0.61 linux
-Governors included (and code cleaned up a bit) - brazilianwax, intellidemand, SavagedZen, interactiveX, smartass, smartassV2, lagfree, interactive, conservative, userspace, powersave, Lionheart, ondemand, performance (originally from klin's source)
-mpdecision using ShowP's code from Zarboz's AOZP source added
-Force MHL @720p60hz (also from Zarboz's AOZP)
-regular 4.6 eabi toolchains for now
Synced with latest 3.0.62 linux
**GPS appears to be fixed and locking properly
-Added Undervolting and Overclocking to 1.89gz (1.89 seems the most stable for folks) (taken from Zarboz Beastmode Bricked sources)
-various fixes to undervolting, gpu overclock and to default on demand governor (also removed 2 phase on it for now).
-removed some more problematic governors (that I also noticed were not compiled in Beastmode)
-enabled two phase ondemand
-added badass governor and cleaned up some of the badass code so that default phase frequency settings stick
-thermald added to userspace (allows user to configure settings for when the device gets hot! ie lower cpu clock speed, etc)
-added lower default values to badass governor
**an experimental 2.1 ghz overclock version is also compiled, but that is experimental***
-Wheatley governor added (likely the last governor I will add)
-enabled xz compression
-Fixed GPU OC so that settings stick (i recommend 266 for 2d and 320 or 400 for 3d)
-both 1.89 and 2.1 ghz versions added 2.1 ghz seems stable, just make sure you are undervolting correctly (dont undervolt a lot at the higher frequencies)
v2.0 ***Huge update thanks to Zarboz
-Rebuilt with Linaro 4.7 toolchains with -O3 compression flags
-Updated ThermalD and mpdecision source code (hot off the press stuff here!)
-Latest sweep 2 wake added
-various other fixes
-Real -O3 compression this time ( on v2.0 it was really only -O compression)
-updated to latest CM10 sources and 3.0.63 linux
-Added force mhl to ville defconfig for compile (feel free to test)
-Synced with 3.0.66 linux sources
-Faux tweaked intellidemand
-Dynamic fsync enabled (by faux)
-Fastcharge enabled
-Removed faux tweaked intellidemand (I didnt like the faux tweaks personally. Im just not sure that governors that try tie in to GPU clocks have
the right default settings to work well on the One S, regular intellidemand could be combined with other the other governors and not introduce instability. I had issues with tweaked plus smartass v2 for example)
-rebuilt using rmbq's cortex-a15 optimized toolchain (this seemed pretty cool, and I thought I would try it out. Seems like the device boots faster now too)
To use sweep to wake, when your screen is off, put your finger on the back button, then sweep all the way to the right in one motion. It works best when you do it fast. To turn the screen off, sweep in the opposite direction.
Compatible ROMs currently include (all CM10 base, not CM10.1):
-Latest CM10 nightlies http://goo.im/devs/cm/ville/nightly
-Latest PAC Man ROM
-Latest AOKP http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2141549
-Latest Dark Jelly (I think)
-Any other CM10 AOSP ROM that is synced with the latest jellybean branch (not the old jellybean-stable branch) of https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_kernel_htc_msm8960
Install instructions:
1. Navigate to your /system/bin folder and rename the file mpdecision to something else like mpdec_backup (IMPORTANT)
2. Navigate to your /system/bin folder and rename the file thermald to something else like therm_backup (IMPORTANT)
2. Fastboot flash the boot image from your bootloader
*step one and two is needed because the kernel uses its own mpdecision and thermald controls and the ones included in your ROM are not needed and can only cause problems.
****BE CAREFUL WITH UNDERVOLTING... Just want to give a fair warning... Undervolting too much, especially below 900, etc on the low end is not recomended. Read up on undervolting before doing too much more. In fact, if you are experienceing issues, try increasing the voltages.
Also recommend using kernel tuner to tweak (found in the app store), following Zarboz's suggestion. It's a good program and let's you set governors for individual cpus, tweak governors, mpdecision, gpu overclock and thermald, and settings tend to stick well.
hello there i was just going to tell you i fastbooted the kernel and it does not go past the splash screen.
Nerd019 said:
hello there i was just going to tell you i fastbooted the kernel and it does not go past the splash screen.
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Interesting. What ROM are you on? Seems to work just fine with latest PAC Man ROM on my HTC One S. Again, not much was edited at all from the CM10 Jelly Bean source. If stock AOSP JB doesnt boot for you, then neither would this. But it should work just fine on ROMs like JellyBam and PACMan, etc, etc... If it still doesnt work I will double check my upload and the boot.img.
Also, not sure if legacy files from other kernels are causing issues for folks switching over... Using http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2121584 might help too....
Re: [KERNEL][JB 4.1.2][AKToronto][First build, Feb 3, 2013]
I'm on Baked Blackbean 7.1 im actually building the rom as we speak
Sent from my HTC One S using xda app-developers app
Nerd019 said:
I'm on Baked Blackbean 7.1 im actually building the rom as we speak
Sent from my HTC One S using xda app-developers app
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Ahhh theres the answer (I think). I think 7 and 7.1 of your awesome baked ROM already use the CM10.1 base.
This kernel was not built off of the CM10.1 base, but just the straight up CM10 Jellybean. It should work with 4.1.2, but no guaruntees on 4.2.1. Does that make sense?
Re: [KERNEL][JB 4.1.2][AKToronto][First build, Feb 3, 2013]
yes it does as well i want to thank you for a new kernel
Sent from my HTC One S using xda app-developers app
AW: [KERNEL][JB 4.1.2][AKToronto][First build, Feb 3, 2013]
Always nice to see some new things here in the one s forum.
Gesendet von meinem Nexus 7 mit Tapatalk 2
support mhl ?
Re: [KERNEL][JB 4.1.2][AKToronto][First build, Feb 3, 2013]
Good to see a new face around man don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything
And who cares who else is building kernels ate fun
Sent from my HTC One XL using xda app-developers app
Re: [KERNEL][JB 4.1.2][AKToronto][First build, Feb 3, 2013]
Very pleased to see this new development after Klin announced his fusion kernel obsolete today!
I have recently switched to a sense based ROM to satisfy my need for custom kernels, but can't wait to switch back to CM10 once you get this up and running.
I will be following this thread closely
Sent from my HTC One S using xda app-developers app
Successful boot on Jellybam 4.1.0! Govs and SIO showing up properly, going to start testing them individually.
For a first step, you've done an awesome job! I'm really looking forward to more releases from you. You have some serious potential. I'd be happy to test anything you need tested!
Edit: Still testing, so far so good. No broken governors!
Protip: Change your title up a bit. Replace "first build" with V1.0 and throw in an [AOSP] to draw attention.
awesome job got it to boot with jellybam 4.1.0.
Everything seemed fine but i couldnt get the Wifi to turn on.
Re: [KERNEL][JB 4.1.2][AKToronto][First build, Feb 3, 2013]
Hmm interesting with the wifi... Did you have those issues with the stock CM10 kernel too? Wifi seems to work just fine on PACMan Rom for me and worked when I tried Jellybam too... I wonder if the kernel cleaner app would help you, if you had been flashing lots of other kernels on your Rom build?
Sent from my HTC One S using xda premium
With the latest nightly WiFi works fine. 2 days of use with out any problems . Thanks you for your work
Re: [KERNEL][JB 4.1.2][AKToronto][First build, Feb 3, 2013]
AKToronto said:
Hmm interesting with the wifi... Did you have those issues with the stock CM10 kernel too? Wifi seems to work just fine on PACMan Rom for me and worked when I tried Jellybam too... I wonder if the kernel cleaner app would help you, if you had been flashing lots of other kernels on your Rom build?
Sent from my HTC One S using xda premium
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I actually only tried out the kernel with the jellybam ROM I had installed already.
kernel cleaner? I'm going to check that out when I have time.
and i did do a couple of flashes before trying out your kernel.
I'm going to try it out on a clean install of jellybam and PAC man and I'll let you know what works for me. thanks for the response
No wifi problems here, it's likely caused by legacy kernel files. Try out the solution in Post #3 before you wipe everything. If that doesn't work, post what HBOOT you're device has.
Very nice. Thanks.
Is there a chance of getting s2w?
Kernel updated. Main update was some cleanup of some code around the governors and adding of kernel based mpdecision. This is mainly off of Zarboz's work and of course ShowP and his awesome mpdecision coding.
I know folks will want sweep to wake and a few other settings too im sure. Those things will come in time. Any other governors that people find useful? I have heard badass can be pretty good too...
Re: [KERNEL][JB 4.1.2][AOSP][Canuck][v1.0][3.0.61 linux]
can i use it on baked rom?
Sent from my HTC One S using xda app-developers app
Nerd019 said:
can i use it on baked rom?
Sent from my HTC One S using xda app-developers app
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depends on what version of baked. If your already at CM10.1 or v 4.2.1 of Android then no. You should go for one of the other two new kernels floating around for CM10.1 They look promising.
As we have an cm10 build almost fully functional, we have and a good kernel for it...so here it is:
-added SIO/Vr I/O sched
-added SmartAssV2/lionheart/smoothas/interactiveX/savagedzen/... governors
-overclock up to 2016 mhz
-compiled with linaro 4.7
[/B][/B]-lowered cache_presure to 50
-lowered swapiness to 10
-compiled with linaro 4.7.3
-O3 Optimizations flags
-unsecured boot.img for acces ADB into recovery
-fixed modem crash bug
-changed back to SLAB mem algorythm
-GPU oc to 368 mhz
-tweaked some values ( not latest tweaks from my git )
-added SIO/Vr I/O sched
-added SmartAssV2/lionheart/smoothas/interactiveX/savagedzen/... governors
-overclock up to 2016 mhz
-compiled with linaro 4.7
-lowered cache_presure to 50
-lowered swapiness to 10
-compiled with linaro 4.7.3
-O3 Optimizations flags
-unsecured boot.img for acces ADB into recovery
-fixed modem crash bug
-changed back to SLAB mem algorythm
-GPU oc to 368 mhz
-tweaked some values (not latest from my git)
andr00ib-cm10 v0
andr00ib-cm10 v0.1
andr00ib-cm10 v0.2
andr00ib-cm10 v0.3
andr00ib-cm10 v0
andr00ib-cm10 v0.1
andr00ib-cm10 v0.2
andr00ib-cm10 v0.3
OP- updated download for E739 v0.1
link UP
I got a freeze when opening the Messaging app and then Modem crash. I don't know it this is because of V0.1. I will revert back to V0 and see if it happens again.
ok, i will fix modem crash erros in next version
update is out
OK. Downloading now. I'll test and let you know. Maybe is wise to take off the link of version 0.1 - I also experienced a few modem crushes on my phone today when receiving SMSs or when I was using the WiFi Toggle from the status bar - in same case the behaviour was similar, the phone stopped to answer and after 10 seconds I think I got modem demigog crush).
he he, i just saw that GPU freq on cm10 kernel is set to max 245 mhz i just change it to 368 mhz and games are more smoothly...
Hi which freq. and scheduler for dauly use?
I don't play...
Re: [Kernel][Optimus SOL & LG MyTouch 4G] CM10 SIO/VR/Linaro 4.7.3/ OC up to 2016 mhz
Sent from my LG-E739 using Tapatalk 2
lorevo said:
Hi which freq. and scheduler for dauly use?
I don't play...
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Vr wth smartassv2 and max 1404 mhz and min 368 mhz... and all memory managemts on (ksm, purget of assets/zram)
andr00ib said:
Vr wth smartassv2 and max 1404 mhz and min 368 mhz... and all memory managemts on (ksm, purget of assets/zram)
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ksm which %?
Tonight I had a demigod crash handler...
It was recharging.
Now I'm going to changing kernel version, from v0.2 to v0.1
Downloaded. I'll install and see how the phone will behave tonight.
Re: [Kernel][Optimus SOL & LG MyTouch 4G] CM10 SIO/VR/Linaro 4.7.3/ OC up to 2016 mhz
Why a update on the day I decide to collaborate my battwry
Sent from my LG-E739 using Tapatalk 2
Re: [Kernel][Optimus SOL & LG MyTouch 4G] CM10 SIO/VR/Linaro 4.7.3/ OC up to 2016 mhz
andr00ib said:
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Battery drain is a loooot
Sent from my LG-E730
Hey andr00ib what baseband are you on? For me it says baseband unknown. With CM9 I had V10b.
Thanx Alex for the Kernel. Excellent!
Finally we have an decent CM10...
palladin said:
Hey andr00ib what baseband are you on? For me it says baseband unknown. With CM9 I had V10b.
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Mine works just fine on V10j Baseband, even is written 'unknown'.
My battery seems to drain a lot faster on my e739 using CM 10 with the v.03 kernel. I keep my brightness on max but even with only 2 hours and 20 minutes of screen on time im down to 15% battery. Cell Standby is the big battery user though and it wasnt always like this. Ive been on the battery for almost 11 hours and that may sound like a lot but this an extended battery so it usually lasts 15+ hours. Is the v.02 kernel better on battery life? My min and max cpu freq are 245 and 1520 with SIO
Re: [Kernel][Optimus SOL & LG MyTouch 4G] CM10 SIO/VR/Linaro 4.7.3/ OC up to 2016 mhz
I'm on v.03, getting tons of battery. I'm on sio, Smartassv2, and 1xx-10xx mhz levels.
Sent from my 8-Core LG Galaxy S7
Kernel+ for AOSP 4.2.2 ROMs
This is a kernel that I have been compiling and using on my own device for a while, and I want to share this with the community. I enjoy the CM10.1 stock kernel, but I want to keep up to date with the newest Linux version and CodeAuroraForum source. I also want the most optimized experience possible, along with a few extra features. Kernel+ is always built with the latest Linux kernel and Qualcomm CAF sources to provide a fast, stable, and bleeding edge experience. The source can be found on my GitHub here Enjoy .
What is this?
This is a kernel based off of CyanogenMod's 'cm-10.1' branch of the Galaxy S III kernel.
Kernel+ is built with the goals in mind:
To always be up to date with the latest source from CodeAuroraForum and Kernel.org
To optimize as much as possible for the smoothest user experience
To base closely off of the CM10.1 kernel for optimal stability, not features
To provide a fast, stable, and bleeding edge experience for users
Linux 3.4.54
always up to date with the latest source straight from Qualcomm's CodeAuroraForum
latest Linaro 4.7 toolchain compiled
CPU frequency from 384Mhz - 1.5Ghz
FauxSound App support
FRandom built-in
GPU overclocked to 480 Mhz default
custom voltage control
excellent battery life
optimized and stable
small kernel size
more coming soon...
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All downloads can be found here: CLICK ME
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Instructions for Installing
1. Download the kernel.
2. Copy it to your phone.
3. Flash with TWRP or CWM.
Note: Kernel+ is packaged with invisiblek's AnyKernel, meaning that it will unpack your current ramdisk and repack it with this kernel during the flashing process. This means that it will be compatible with any AOSP 4.2.2 ROM, even if they have different ramdisks. Also, please make sure that you are currently running a stock AOSP kernel (CM10.1, AOKP, SlimBean, etc) before flashing Kernel+ so that your ramdisk will be compatible.
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Linux 3.4.54
pulled in updates from CM
lots of updates from CAF
pulled in latest CodeAuroraForum and Kernel.org patches
Linux 3.4.52
fixed voltage control (I compiled with the wrong defconfig before...my fault)
pulled in a few updates from CM
synced with latest CAF
pulled in latest CodeAuroraForum and Kernel.org patches
fixed a bug where init.d script permission was not set correctly
Linux 3.4.51
GPU 3D overclocked to 480 Mhz default
custom voltage control
lots of CAF updates...look at GitHub and see how many times I've merged CAF over week long period!
changed min CPU frequency to 384 MHz
synced with CyanogenMod source
pulled in latest CodeAuroraForum and Kernel.org patches
Linux 3.4.50
lots of updates straight from CAF
many updates from CyanogenMod source; merged 'next' branch for support for media-caf
fixed frandom in build
added init.d script to enable frandom at boot - feel the speed increase!
pulled in latest CodeAuroraForum and Kernel.org patches
fixed flickering (last time, I promise )
added frandom (Entropy Seeder - increases overall smoothness)
lots of updates from CodeAuroraForum
pulled in latest CodeAuroraForum and Kernel.org patches
Linux 3.4.49
lowered MDP bandwidth values - flickering is gone now with the original values after the CAF merge
reverted Bluetooth "revert" code from CM - BT seems to be fixed from the latest CAF merge now
Updated FauxSound to v2.1 with PowerAmp Amplifier Controls
updated display code
sync'ed with CyanogenMod source
pulled in latest CodeAuroraForum and Kernel.org patches
Bleeding Edge!!
adjusted MDP bandwidth values - no more flickering
fixed bluetooth
added support for FauxSound
added 189Mhz step with lowered voltage
sync'ed with CyanogenMod source
pulled in latest CodeAuroraForum and Kernel.org patches
initial release
Linux 3.4.48
pulled in latest CodeAuroraForum and Kernel.org patches
compiled with the latest Linaro 4.7 toolchain
already 200+ commits ahead of the stock CM10.1 kernel
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Thanks to:
CyanogenMod for their work and source for d2's
invisiblek for his AnyKernel package
...if I forgot you, please let me know!
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Frequently Asked Questions
How do I disable GPU overclock?
By default, the GPU is allowed an extra 480 Mhz freq step, whereas stock only allowed up to 400 Mhz. If you feel that you do not need the extra GPU 3D power, then you can disable it by adding the line:
echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/kgsl-3d0.0/kgsl/kgsl-3d0/max_pwrlevel
to the file /system/etc/init.d/98kernelplus. Then reboot.
How do I adjust the voltages?
You can control the CPU freq voltages by using an app such as Trickster, System Tuner, SetCPU, etc.
What is frandom? How do I enable it?
Frandom is basically a more efficient random generator. It can be used in place of /dev/urandom and is 10 - 50 times faster. Using frandom will use very little of the kernel's Entropy pool, which in turn will provide better performance and smoothness. Frandom is already built-in to the kernel and enabled via an init.d script. No need to manually enable it.
one more...
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
I've never done this...
Looks awesome!
Edit: I'm getting some screen flicker with this kernel.
sivarticus85 said:
I've never done this...
Looks awesome!
Edit: I'm getting some screen flicker with this kernel.
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I have noticed this too...but I think I had it in the CM kernel too if I remember correctly. Anyways, I am currently testing different MDP bandwidth parameters to get it fixed.
But for now, the flicker seems to go away if you check disable hw overlays in developer options.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
klin1344 said:
I have noticed this too...but I think I had it in the CM kernel too if I remember correctly. Anyways, I am currently testing different MDP bandwidth parameters to get it fixed.
But for now, the flicker seems to go away if you check disable hw overlays in developer options.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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Right. It's actually gone in the CM 10.1 kernels... a bug that was squashed some time ago. Other than that though, this kernel is really good! I've noticed better battery after using it last night into this morning.
What governors and schedulers is included?
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
masri1987 said:
What governors and schedulers is included?
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
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I haven't added any yet other than the ones included in CM.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
any way you can add a fast charge capability? thank you for the kernel
Aashiqmunda said:
any way you can add a fast charge capability? thank you for the kernel
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No, because drawing anything more than 500mA through USB is dangerous and not recommended.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
About to flash. Does it support fauxsound?
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
TheBurgh said:
About to flash. Does it support fauxsound?
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
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Not yet, but I will be adding support for that soon. Note that there is an occasional flicker with this kernel on a handful of apps...it shouldn't be too bad, and I'm currently trying to fix it. But if it gets annoying you can disable hw overlays to fix it.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
I just finished tweaking the MDP bandwidth parameters, and I think I have found the sweet spot. There is no more flickering at all. Just a few more things I need to add and it will be ready for a new release, probably tomorrow.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
Which gov/sch do u recommend?
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
juancaperez2000 said:
Which gov/sch do u recommend?
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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I recommended interactive with row if you want performance and alright battery life. But if you are willing to sacrifice a bit of performance for battery life, I recommend conservative with row.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
klin1344 said:
I recommended interactive with row if you want performance and alright battery life. But if you are willing to sacrifice a bit of performance for battery life, I recommend conservative with row.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2
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Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Sorry guys, I got really busy today, so I wasn't able to release the update...
I'll try my best to find some time tomorrow to build and upload them.
6/12/13 Update
The new update is out! Below are the changes from 6/8/13.
adjusted MDP bandwidth values - no more flickering
fixed bluetooth
added support for FauxSound
added 189Mhz step with lowered voltage
sync'ed with CyanogenMod source
pulled in latest CodeAuroraForum and Kernel.org patches
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klin1344 said:
The new update is out! Below are the changes from 6/8/13.
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Running solid so far. Apparently there's an update for the fauxsound drivers to 2.1, while this one has 2.0. Just thought I'd throw that out there.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda premium
Why another Kernel?
A lot of user faced a high Battery-Drain since Android 4.4.x.
It is hard to find the cause of the Problem, because it does not happen to everyone.
The problem seems to be related to the merged commit "apply P3110 JB Update1 from opensource.samsung.com" on our kernel source wich didn´t made Problems before Android 4.4.x.
Who is working on this Kernel?
Since i am still somehow a "Newbie" and don´t understand everything i am not able to sperate the Source of Problem. Our wonderfull Kernel-Dev @ketut.kumajaya is answering my qustions if i run in some trubble.
Why a own Thread for this kernel?
You must know, most of our Roms are using the CM-11.0 Kernel for their Roms - means: a lot of Roms are affected, even if it does not happen to every user. Solveing the issue does not only help fixing CM, also a lot of other Roms wich should be in interest of every user.
About the Process:
I took our SlimKat Kernel as base:
1. Applyed the JB Update 1 commit from @ketut.kumajaya
I went back to 3.0.31 kernel and applyed JB Update 1 in 3 parts instead 1 for better changes tracking.
At least i did the upstream from 3.0.31 to 3.0.101 again and added back all other changes wich got applyed on our 3.0.101 kernel before.
@tuxafgmur made huge commit to solve the drain, it was to big to get it merged.
So i made a diff between his changes - 500.000 lines diff - lol.
I worked many days on it to get out the original commits from the diff and found most of them.
So we know JB Update 1 seems to be the source of problem, now lets go ahead:
2. revert some parts from JB Update 1
Only Partially reverted:
arch/arm/mach-omap2/cpuidle44xx.c: (partially) revert JB Update 1 and partially apply "Fix configs & missing log options" from DhollmenKernel by Tuxafgmur
drivers/net/wireless/bcmdhd/dhd_sec_feature.h: partially revert JB Update 1/3
3. Add back missing parts from Upstream 3.0.38 -> 3.0.39
4. some different changes, i´ll list the some times later
XDA:DevDB Information
[P51xx] AA-ANYKERNEL, Kernel for the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2
Android-Andi, ketut.kumajaya
Kernel Special Features:
Version Information
Status: Beta
Created 2014-06-29
Last Updated 2014-07-27
(please flash the vendor-blobs DIRECTLY after flashing the kernel)
For SlimKat:
For CyanogenMod 11:
For OmniROM:
I am uploading a reworked installer, added also an Option to install our batteryfriendly SlimKat Kernel for those who need it after testing the AA-ANYKERNEL
I don´t need feedback here for SlimKat kernel, only for the AA-ANYKERNEL.
The installer includes all needed blobs for both kernel - don´t worry, it will automatically choose the right blobs
On mokee cm11 ROM, 23 June build
Testing AA kernel..
Hope all goes well.. Thanks
Sent from my Samsung Tab 10
Kitkat Mokee
Android andi
Sorry. Still getting -200 ma wake locks
Looking at wake lock detector app, does say Google play store services for about only 8 minutes but its more like 6 hours
Other apps are like YouTube. But that was intentional as I was watching a video for 20+minutes.
What else can I help u with?
You think I require latest minimal gapps ?
Tapatalked from HTC EVO 3D GSM
CM JB 4.4.2 | 20 June 2014 | NOOP
jcsy said:
Android andi
Sorry. Still getting -200 ma wake locks
Looking at wake lock detector app, does say Google play store services for about only 8 minutes but its more like 6 hours
Other apps are like YouTube. But that was intentional as I was watching a video for 20+minutes.
What else can I help u with?
You think I require latest minimal gapps ?
Tapatalked from HTC EVO 3D GSM
CM JB 4.4.2 | 20 June 2014 | NOOP
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Click to collapse
Tested jb3 update one again with wakelockdetector.
Sorry this night there was no drain.
We have to wait, because this massive drain does not happen every night.
Only a stupid question. Would it not easier to ask tuxafgmur for the drain reason?
With his kernel the drain never happend.
@fredy66 tuxafgmur tried allready, but the commit was to big to get merged...
"Squaring so much is generally a bad idea. Try to keep relevant things in a squash. Example Linux kernel upstream a squash, Sammy update another, f2f another etc. (....) squashes like are really bad, loosing commit history, debugging problems later on etc."
@jcsy wating for more feedback, after that i compile a new one.
Android-Andi said:
@jcsy wating for more feedback, after that i compile a new one.
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Click to collapse
Testing Environment:
Rom: 11-20140629-NIGHTLY-p5110
Kernel: 3.0.31-AA-ANYKERNEL
GAPPS: 6-29_GApps_Minimal_4.4.4_signed
Time: 19:39
Don't get it, you tell me what's causing the wakelock :silly:
More drains today, confirmed -200 ma..
Yup, will wait more feedback
Sent from my Samsung Tab 10
Kitkat Mokee
jcsy said:
More drains today, confirmed -200 ma..
Yup, will wait more feedback
Sent from my Samsung Tab 10
Kitkat Mokee
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Click to collapse
Play Services 5.x.x that's the problem. CyanogenMod has it already fixed.
Hi andi, what van i do to help?
Nog really into programming, but i can test.
Seems The wakelocks are fixed by cm, do i need tot wait for a new kernel version by you or not?
Edit: just flashed latest nightly with tour kernel. Still lots of issues with hardware decoding. Any way to clean install the ROM without a full clear?
Edit2: i flashed The wrong file just now apparently. First Tried The zip from The main thread. This didn't worm very well. The ons from this thread works like a charm.
Updated to Google play services to 5.0
Still on same kernel but maybe I don't have latest CM nightly commits on drains... 20 June build anyways
Sent from my Samsung Tab 10
Kitkat Mokee
battery issue
Battery issue on slimkat, check the screenshot
Device: P5100
New kernel uploaded
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Previous kernel didn't have -200 ma drains, however had -50 drains
I checked CPU spy, there was no Deep Sleep. Stuck at 300 MHz.
If deep sleep worked, it would be -10 drains only
I will test the new kernel zimage
Tapatalked from HTC EVO 3D GSM
CM JB 4.4.2 | 20 June 2014 | NOOP
Android-Andi said:
New kernel uploaded
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What's changed?
Previous version seemed okay. No drain, video working well!
This time i used cm kernel + made the upstream to 3.0.101 and applyed the JB update 3 changes.
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Hey guys, small update, i think i foud a way, but a lot of Work... Lol.
I have a diff of over 500000 lines, ~130000 left for now.. After that the real work begins
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