What are the voltages associated with each CPU step on the stock kernel? I can only find a list for the Exynos version of our phone.
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I'm using Rom toolbox on my Skyrocket running CM9 and I love it but can anyone help me manage my battery life and also help me with overclocking? I'm also running a custom kernel.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
dmont2006 said:
I'm using Rom toolbox on my Skyrocket running CM9 and I love it but can anyone help me manage my battery life and also help me with overclocking? I'm also running a custom kernel.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
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There's a performance option in your phone setting where you'll be able to overclock the processor if wanted. As for battery life you can turn off surface dithering and turn on 16 bit transparency, use wifi as much as available, use an app such as system tuner to underclock your processor(be careful to not uv too much and don't save profile until your sure it's stable), also search for battery tips using google or the above search bar as there are plenty of threads set up for such things
It depends on the kernel. If you *safely* overclock to, say, 1.78 and you're using the badass governor, you should also consider moderately undervolting if you are looking for improved battery life. Download System Tuner and lower the voltage by 50-75 mv for each frequency level. Depending on your ROM and kernel, you may have to do this each time your phone reboots (if you save your custom voltage, you can just re-load your voltage table if needed). But again, you can only do this on certain kernel's.
Also, a couple of things:
First, avoid using profiles with custom governors. Second, Rom Toolbox will only get you so far. It's a good tool to have, but System Tuner and SetCPU are your best bet for managing your oc/uv/governors/etc.
I'm on the instigatorx kernel would that make a difference?
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dmont2006 said:
I'm on the instigatorx kernel would that make a difference?
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Well, yes it does make a difference! That's a good kernel, but there are A LOT of versions of his kernel. If you're running a version later than v5.4.5 you should be good. Also, play around with the governors and see which one works best for you. SmartassV2, Wheatley, Conservative, badass, (sometimes) lulzactive, and some of the others can work better depending on how you use your device and your specific settings. It will vary from device to device, but I've had a lot of success with badass.
Badass and smartass aren't options why is that?
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Another problem I'm having is using system tuner every time I try to change the CPU settings its says failed to change CPU settings
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
You may have a bad flash of the kernel, try to re flash.
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If you re-flash InstigatorX and it still doesn't give you governor options, here is the badass script.. Download here and flash.
The other governor scripts are available in the InstigatorX OP, and you can flash them individually.
But, you *shouldn't* need these if you're on v6.0.2 or later of the kernel.
Also, are you sure you're still rooted? I've seen several people that flash a custom ROM and kernels, and they still have CWM or TWRP recovery, but they lost root in the ROM. Some ROMs are pre-rooted, some aren't.. and you can probably just flash the SuperUser zip (or SuperSU zip) to correct this if you lost root.
How do i know if im running the newest version?
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dmont2006 said:
How do i know if im running the newest version?
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Settings -> About Phone.. scroll to the bottom and you should see all the kernel and ROM version info.
Oh wow now i feel dumb because i already knew that lol thanks i check it out and let you know in a few
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I tried everything its still saying failed to change CPU settings
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Finally got it
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Hello guys i have a qusstion
My device nexus was rooted and i am using cyanogenmod 10 nightly
In settings i will overclock my phone from 1 ghz to 1.4 ghz but it don't works
If i set "set as boot" the phone can't start
Pleas help me
Try with nstools.. it's a fantastic program in the google play. You can set all the values of your kernel from there.. I had problems with settings too
Sent from my Nexus S using xda app-developers app
For gods sake. If you over clock the phone to 1.4GHz then it's not going to boot, because the processor doesn't want to run at that clock speed and causes MASSIVE instabilities, checking 'Set at boot' is a bad idea too, you'll most likely end up with it boot looping. Try at 1.2GHz, its slightly more stable
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2
Nstools is not working .. on settings that olso looks like nstools
What i must do to have 1.4 ghz not 1.2
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Emre34 said:
Nstools is not working ..
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try "fix permissions" option in recovery
Emre34 said:
Hello guys i have a qusstion
My device nexus was rooted and i am using cyanogenmod 10 nightly
In settings i will overclock my phone from 1 ghz to 1.4 ghz but it don't works
If i set "set as boot" the phone can't start
Pleas help me
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don't set it to boot. most devices will not boot at 1.4ghz. setting it to boot at 1.4ghz is a terrible idea and bound to cause you issues. boot at the default cpu speed, then just set it to 1.4ghz and use it. but don't set the set to boot option.
But if i set 1.4 ghz whitout boot the phone restarts after 10 seconds alone
Sent from my Nexus S using xda app-developers app
Not every phone can handle being overclocked. Your phone is one of them. Although the phones are made on a production line there are still to many variables in weather or not the phone can handle those clock speeds.
So it has been determined that your phone can't handle 1.4ghz. Try a lower clock speed.
Sent from my LG-E739 using Tapatalk 2
1.2 ghz is working but gives not a methid to have 1.4 ??
Sent from my Nexus S using xda app-developers app
Emre34 said:
1.2 ghz is working but gives not a methid to have 1.4 ??
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Read what was posted.. your phone can't handle 1.4ghz...
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Emre34 said:
1.2 ghz is working but gives not a methid to have 1.4 ??
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As you have found out yourself, there is a method to run your phone at 1.4GHz... for 10s at a time.
My english is not.very good sorry ...
Why the phone cant handle?
Sent from my Nexus S using xda app-developers app
Because it can't. If every nexus s and every other phone with the same SoC could run at 1.4 GHz it would have been sold that that speed
In your native language look the general process behind CPU binning yields etc.
Okay i undertsand... my phone works whith 1.2 GHz very fast but if i lock the screen after 3 minutes the phone reboots ?!
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Emre34 said:
Okay i undertsand... my phone works whith 1.2 GHz very fast but if i lock the screen after 3 minutes the phone reboots ?!
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That's the instability you get when over clocking CPUs. The CPU is clocked at 1Ghz out of the factory for a reason. Anyway, try setting the minimum CPU to 200mhz as well as turn deep idle off. It should help.
Xxx oops! accidentally beamed from my awesome NEXUS S! xxX
I know that in my settings of CM10, I can change basics of my Kernel (Min/Max freq and select Governor), but I was wondering if any good apps existing to do the tweaking without having to create and modify an init.d script manually to adjust and tweak the Governor. I've seen this post http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1369817 but it only explain how to manually do it.
Any suggestions or are we bound to setup an init.d script?
System tuner pro
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2
Excellent Question!
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The_Blue_Waffle said:
System tuner pro
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Thank!! I'll try as soon as I get home after work.
I'm currently running the Zeus kernel v5 on Hyperdrive ROM and I want to under volt. However I've tried various apps but none have them are showing voltages. Help? My last kernel was Leankernel and I could easily under volt that with set CPU or ns tools.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
Zeus Kernel comes already undervolted.
Is there anything like that or is it possible to achieve in a simple way?
A kernel needs to be modified to enable overclocking.
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