Verizon locker?! Help S3 recovery locked! - Verizon Samsung Galaxy S III

Used Odin to unlock and run a stock ROM with root. Later ran synergy. all good. Then I used the CW recovery app to flash a nightly and the recover locked. I should have used the manual method, but had a brain fart and did it through the app. Now I get "System software not authorized by Verizon Wireless has been found on your phone. Please turn off your phone and go to the nearest Verizon Wireless store for help". How do I reset with Odin?

You can't really use Odin to unlock your bootloader, so I don't really know what you mean, I just know of Adam's Linux method, the terminal dd method for windows where you flash aboot with dd, and the market bootloader unlock app, so unless a new method is out to do it through Odin, I'm not aware of what you mean by "used Odin to unlock". You can flash root with Odin, but not unlock bootloader.
Looks like you never unlocked your bootloader before installing a custom kernel with your rom (you installed a custom boot.img without unlocking your bootloader).
Download one of the stock rooted roms (or use the stock rooted one you said you already used). Turn off your phone, turn on in Odin mode (vol down - home - power, then hit volume up after it has powered on to put it in download mode, I'm sure you already know how to do this). Then flash the rooted stock rom in "PDA", like you did before. This will replace your boot.img with the stock Verizon boot.img, and it should boot. After you're rooted, you have to reinstall a custom recovery again.
When you're done, do some research on how to unlock your bootloader BEFORE you flash a rom with a custom kernel! If you don't understand it, don't do it, there is no fixing that if you do it wrong, ask questions before you do it, or get the bootloader unlock app from the market and use that. Hope this helps.


[Q] Need BLN mod kernel for nexus s 9020

I don't want any other enhancement in the kernel,because i just want to make my phone to support BLN. my Phone is Nexus s i9020 with 2.3.4 no root and not going to root.
Anyone could kindly send me the file for it? my gmail acc is tmzpro.
thanks a lot.
you need to unlock your bootloader to even flash a kernel.
without rooting and all of that.. you wont be able to replace your kernel
OK may be i have to unlock the recovery,i saw the thread'[MOD][JVH] BackLightNotification v3.0 - led notifications by touchkey backlight' in the i9000 forum,it‘s not mentioned of need unlock recovery for the last methods .
unlock and install third-party recovery make some risk of my data in the phone,i think i should give up.
but still thank you.
tmzpro said:
OK may be i have to unlock the recovery,i saw the thread'[MOD][JVH] BackLightNotification v3.0 - led notifications by touchkey backlight' in the i9000 forum,it‘s not mentioned of need unlock recovery for the last methods .
unlock and install third-party recovery make some risk of my data in the phone,i think i should give up.
but still thank you.
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... are you serious? You're looking at BLN for the I9000. This is the Nexus S not the I9000. The I9000 when you root unlocks the bootloader. The Nexus phones and SE phones are the only phones that can open the bootloader with a command. Other phones open its bootloaders by a exploit. They unlock the bootloader without even knowing it.
This app *REQUIRES* a kernel with BLN mod.
This app do *NOT* require root! (In contrast to the allegations in the comments!)
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In order to flash another kernel you need to have a unlocked bootloader. Without unlocking the bootloader you are unable to change the phone's kernel. Motorola phones are rooted and stuff with a LOCKED bootloader and they are forced to use the stock kernel all the way because of a signed bootloader (locked).
You need to unlock your phone. Upon unlocking and flashing a new kernel this will remove the ability to receive further OTAs. So you might as well root & flash ROMs.
Guide to set BLN control for Nexus S without being root:
Download ClockworkMod recovery.img and modify stock (rom) kernel from James Bond.
Save both files in the SDcard on phone.
Start bootloader (turn off phone, hold the volume button and power at the same time).
Start a command prompt on your computer (Start > Run > cmd)
In the cmd enter command fastboot.exe oem unlock
Turn off the phone and re-enter the bootloader, see step 4.
In the cmd enter fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
Next, click on the phone recovery, restart the phone in recovery mode modified system.
In the recovery click install zip from sdcard > choose zip from sdcard > and select our zip file whose name in step 2.
Turn off the phone and start again bootloader, see step 4.
In the cmd enter command fastboot.exe oem lock
Restart phone and enjoy working BLN control.
Personally tested and works on the original (stock) firmware Android 2.3.4

HTC ONE S return to stock

Hello, you must have seen thousands of those threads but I really hope someone can help me. I have a T-Mobile USA One S which has been sim unlocked. Several months ago I decided to root it. I got the One S pack with the TWRP. However not long after I realized that all of those custom ROMs and operations weren't really my cup of tea mainly because I couldn't install the Jellybean system update. When I down it, my phone automatically goes into TWRP and when I try to flash it, nothing really happens. So here's me seeking your help. How can I revert my phone to stock with the stock bootloader. Please if you can try to explain it as if you are explaining it to a 3 year old. Best regards.
r3vange said:
Hello, you must have seen thousands of those threads but I really hope someone can help me. I have a T-Mobile USA One S which has been sim unlocked. Several months ago I decided to root it. I got the One S pack with the TWRP. However not long after I realized that all of those custom ROMs and operations weren't really my cup of tea mainly because I couldn't install the Jellybean system update. When I down it, my phone automatically goes into TWRP and when I try to flash it, nothing really happens. So here's me seeking your help. How can I revert my phone to stock with the stock bootloader. Please if you can try to explain it as if you are explaining it to a 3 year old. Best regards.
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Pretty easy, just have to relock the bootloader and run a RUU.exe. This should return you to stock and put the stock recovery back.
When you run the RUU.exe on your pc it will give you instructions on what to do.
If it fails you might need to also put back the stock recovery on before running the RUU.exe.
To lock the bootloader.
Go to bootloader-- with phone off, press and hold volume down and press power.
with phone plugged into computer, phone should say Fastboot USB. (if it says HBoot use volume keys to highlight hboot and press power to switch to fastboot)
Console command on PC
from fastboot folder, press shift and right mouse click and select open command window here.
fastboot oem lock
this assumes you have fastboot, adb files on pc
in this guide it has fastboot files
Stock Recovery (bootloader needs to be unlocked)
the SECOND download is the stock recovery
flashing a recovery,
put the recovery.img in the fastboot folder
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
you will need to rename it to recovery.img or type out exactly the name of the file you put in the fastboot folder.
You can also run the RUU.exe when your phone is in bootloader. Fastboot USB mode
(sometimes helps)

how to install custom roms and custom recovery easily ?

how to install custom roms and custom recovery easily ?
no adb or some thing please
Depends if you have unlocked bootloader or not.
If you have, Flashify is the easiest way to flash custom recovery and boot into it. Then is easy to flash custom rom. Make backup first!!!
If your bootloader is locked, then install SafeStrap, install recovery from SS, reboot, choose recovery, make backup of stock slot, create new one, activate new slot and flash rom compatible with SS or restore backup to safely customize stock rom.
As you can see all can be done from phone. I didn't mentioned adb of fastboot but I strongly recommend to learn how to use them. It's not that complicated but could be device saver
Zeljko1234 said:
Depends if you have unlocked bootloader or not.
If you have, Flashify is the easiest way to flash custom recovery and boot into it. Then is easy to flash custom rom. Make backup first!!!
If your bootloader is locked, then install SafeStrap, install recovery from SS, reboot, choose recovery, make backup of stock slot, create new one, activate new slot and flash rom compatible with SS or restore backup to safely customize stock rom.
As you can see all can be done from phone. I didn't mentioned adb of fastboot but I strongly recommend to learn how to use them. It's not that complicated but could be device saver
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my Device is Lock !
i dont like to have two roms on my Razr HD
before i had Razr and i install Bmm and it's very easy to install custom roms on Stock Slot
can you help me like this ? please
I suppose that is similar with razr hd. Just follow what I wrote for locked bootloader. Two roms, as you call it, is much better and safer solution for locked bootloader. Here you can find roms compatible with SS.
s27moto said:
my Device is Lock !
i dont like to have two roms on my Razr HD
before i had Razr and i install Bmm and it's very easy to install custom roms on Stock Slot
can you help me like this ? please
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You can't flash a ROM over the stock slot on the HD. However, there is a method to restore a backup to the stock slot. Set up a ROM on slot 1 as you like, back it up, and then restore over the stock slot.
i found it from CM forum
Unlocking the device
Configure your computer for fastboot.
Enable USB debugging on the device.
Connect the device to the computer through USB.
From a terminal on a computer, type the following to boot the device into fastboot mode:
$ adb reboot bootloader
Once the device is in fastboot mode, verify your PC sees the device by typing fastboot devices
If you don't see your device serial number, and instead see "<waiting for device>", fastboot is not configured properly on your machine. See fastboot documentation for more info.
If you see "no permissions fastboot", try running fastboot as root.
From the same terminal, type the following command to obtain your bootloader unlock code:
$ fastboot oem get_unlock_data
Visit the Motorola Bootloader Unlock website and follow the instructions there to obtain your unlock key.
If the device doesn't automatically reboot, reboot it from the menu. It should now be unlocked.
Since the device resets completely, you will need to re-enable USB debugging on the device to continue.
is it safe ?
can i use it on my device ?
If you have a 925 you can unlock through Moto, if you have a 926 you cannot use the method you posted. What phone and what system version do you have?
RikRong said:
If you have a 925 you can unlock through Moto, if you have a 926 you cannot use the method you posted. What phone and what system version do you have?
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i have XT925 and it's original package
right now i have stock 4.1.1 france orange

Can't update my phone.

Hi, I have a Moto G 1st Gen xt1033 Dual Sim. The phone, to my knowledge is completely stock, it is unrooted and I haven't tampered with anything developer-wise. The problem is that I can't seem to update the phone. I get an OTA message telling me the update is ready, I download it, my phone shuts down and then it reboots normally. Not only that, but it also enters a bootloop of about 5 boots. Afterwards, nothing happens, the update is unsuccessful. What also bothers me is that I can't enter recovery. I can select the option from the menu that appears after I press the volume down key+power button, but it just boots normally. Please help, I really want to update my phone and this is getting really annoying.
Sounds like your phone can't update and you cannot manually enter recovery mode.. Did you try re-flashing stock recovery?
I didn't, can you maybe link me to a thread that can help me do that?
Sent from my XT1033 using XDA Free mobile app
Search for your stock ROM here:
If you find it, download it, unzip, use fastboot commands to flash the recovery by typing "fastboot flash recovery recovery.img" with the quotes when your phone is in fastboot mode and connected to your PC.
Alright, I'll see what I can do. Does this delete any of my files?
Sent from my XT1033 using XDA Free mobile app
No, it should not wipe your data. Just in case, make sure all of your data file are backed up somewhere else before doing any flashing.
Do you have an unlocked bootloader? I recommend unlocking the bootloader after making your backup. Restoring the phone after a bad flash is always easier with an unlocked bootloader.
Alright, I found my stock firmware, it contains a recovery.img, I set up fastboot, and I'm ready to flash the image. Do I need to uninstall the current recovery or can I just flash over it?
Also, my bootloader is locked, and I would prefer not unlocking it unless it's absolutely necessary.. Do I need to put the recovery.img into a specific folder before entering the fastboot command?
Just put recovery.img in the same folder as your fastboot command.
Just flash over the existing recovery.
If it will not flash, you may have to find a different rom or unlock the bootloader.
I managed to do everything you said. I even unlocked the bootloader and had a bit of a scare cause it got bricked so I had to eventually do a full wipe.. Afterwards I flashed the recovery, installed the 4.4.4 update and got the 5.0 update immediately. Running 5.0 now thanks to you!

Can i just go back to how it was?

I don't even know why I wanted to root my phone. I'm like 3/4 of the way through rooting it and after I flash the boot_stock.img and the twrp installer .zip, I get this message saying
"Unmodified System Patition
Keep System Read only?
and I don't know what to do. I'm following the video tutorial titled "OnePlus 7 Pro - How to Unlock the Bootloader, Install TWRP, and Root with Magisk" by the XDA devs and I get right up before I need to install Magisk or whatever. I don't care anymore.
Have I bricked my phone? Is there any way for me to go back?
Thanks for the advice.
That's just TWRP telling you the system partition isn't rooted, you can say no to allow read/write, then flash the TWRP zip. It sounds like you didn't do the original setup correctly, in the TWRP it tells you to use :
fastboot boot TWRP.img (replace for the current version)
Then the phone would boot into TWRP but TWRP isn't actually installed, that's why you should then flash the and then immediately flash the latest Magisk to allow root and allow TWRP to remain in place.
Or, as you say, you could just lock the bootloader back but that will wipe data just as unlocking it did. That's a security measure to stop a malicious attempt to access files.
You could also, most likely, just download the zip for your rom version, put it in the root folder and perform a local "upgrade" which should just put your phone back to default, although, if you unlocked the bootloader it will still be unlocked, you need to run the following command to lock it again :
fastboot oem lock
scp-507 said:
I don't know what to do. I'm following the video tutorial titled "OnePlus 7 Pro - How to Unlock the Bootloader, Install TWRP, and Root with Magisk" by the XDA devs and I get right up before I need to install Magisk or whatever. I don't care anymore.
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You cared enough at one point to start the process. Whether to root or not is a personal decision, based on what types of added modifications of features you want out of root, and how important those are to you. Maybe you have changed your mind to that point. And I am biased to my own opinions. But that opinion would be to go ahead and finish the job, since you got this far. Nothing wrong is going on really, you just got stuck, not knowing what to do next. It does happen from time to time, when modding these devices. And nothing to get discouraged about. You did the right thing coming onto the forum and asking before doing something you were unsure about.
scp-507 said:
Have I bricked my phone? Is there any way for me to go back?
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This is pretty hard to brick. Unlocking the bootloader, flashing TWRP, and root likely will not result in a real brick. Even if you brick the phone, there is an unbrick tool that will mostly likely get it up and running again.
scp-507 said:
I'm like 3/4 of the way through rooting it and after I flash the boot_stock.img
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It's not necessary any longer to flash the patched boot.img in order to root. Follow the "Recommended" install method from the TWRP thread, which is simple and straightforward. It's pretty much what the previous response outlined above.
The method you are following (flashing a patched boot.img) does work. But it has more steps. And you have to be careful to flash the correct boot.img for your OOS version. Otherwise, you may have some issues. So going with the easier method is better, in my opinion.
djsubterrain said:
Or, as you say, you could just lock the bootloader back but that will wipe data just as unlocking it did. That's a security measure to stop a malicious attempt to access files.
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Is that true for all phones?
If you have the Global OP7Pro and not the T-mobile variant you don't have to be afraid of bricking the phone. The MSM unbrick tool can bring your device back to stock if its bricked or even if its not. I am not sure if the MSM tool works on the T-mobile variants, but it might.
I've hard bricked this device and successfully used the tool to recover it.
djsubterrain said:
That's just TWRP telling you the system partition isn't rooted, you can say no to allow read/write, then flash the TWRP zip. It sounds like you didn't do the original setup correctly, in the TWRP it tells you to use :
fastboot boot TWRP.img (replace for the current version)
Then the phone would boot into TWRP but TWRP isn't actually installed, that's why you should then flash the and then immediately flash the latest Magisk to allow root and allow TWRP to remain in place.
Or, as you say, you could just lock the bootloader back but that will wipe data just as unlocking it did. That's a security measure to stop a malicious attempt to access files.
You could also, most likely, just download the zip for your rom version, put it in the root folder and perform a local "upgrade" which should just put your phone back to default, although, if you unlocked the bootloader it will still be unlocked, you need to run the following command to lock it again :
fastboot oem lock
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Thanks for the advice. However, once flash the TWRP .zip installer, immediately flash magisk, and then attempt to reboot back into the system it just throws me back into TWRP saying "Unmodified System Partition". Is there something I should be doing after I flash Magisk?
scp-507 said:
Thanks for the advice. However, once flash the TWRP .zip installer, immediately flash magisk, and then attempt to reboot back into the system it just throws me back into TWRP saying "Unmodified System Partition". Is there something I should be doing after I flash Magisk?
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Ignore this entire reply, I got it rooted. After flashing the TWRP installer, I rebooted back into recovery and flashed Magisk. Then, it booted and all is well, except for the fact that my bootloader is still unlocked and I still get that annoying splash screen telling me my data is insecure. How/should I relock my bootloader?
Well if you relock your bootloader you won't be rooted or have TWRP... It will also wipe all of your data like starting over when you got the phone out of the box.... If you want to stay rooted and use twrp you will have to deal with the splash screen all of us see it on our phones also. Basically you need to have the bootloader unlocked to keep root and have TWRP
scp-507 said:
Ignore this entire reply, I got it rooted. After flashing the TWRP installer, I rebooted back into recovery and flashed Magisk. Then, it booted and all is well, except for the fact that my bootloader is still unlocked and I still get that annoying splash screen telling me my data is insecure. How/should I relock my bootloader?
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You can't relock your bootloader, you currently do not have the default recovery partition, if you really want to relock your bootloader you would need to flash the stock rom back over itself so it replaces the recovery with the default one. Then you can run "fastboot oem lock" but be aware, as I said before, this will want to wipe your data so the rom will go back to default setup. Remember to disable bootloader unlocking from the developer settings if you do, then you will be back to the default stock rom state.
scp-507 said:
Ignore this entire reply, I got it rooted. After flashing the TWRP installer, I rebooted back into recovery and flashed Magisk. Then, it booted and all is well, except for the fact that my bootloader is still unlocked and I still get that annoying splash screen telling me my data is insecure. How/should I relock my bootloader?
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If you want root, you need to leave the bootloader unlocked. That is normal, and just how it is. The warning screen is just something to live with.
You need to return to full stock (ROM, boot.img, recovery) in order to relock the bootloader (otherwise you will get a bootloop or no boot). Which of course defeats the purpose of rooting the phone. So again, having the bootloader unlocked is the normal and expected state, when you are rooted.

