how to fix gps ? - Verizon Samsung Galaxy S III

Using the latest nightly CM10 , and I have navigation open for last 5 minutes and it still shows searching for GPS...
any fixes ? on galaxy nexus there was a fix that improved it , how about our GS3?

patt2k said:
Using the latest nightly CM10 , and I have navigation open for last 5 minutes and it still shows searching for GPS...
any fixes ? on galaxy nexus there was a fix that improved it , how about our GS3?
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same here...grrr

All I know as of know is to revert back to stock and get a lock..then's kinda a process for a fix but it works....I did it twice with no problems
Sent for my Galaxy S3


[Q] About Galaxy Mini Need Help :(

Hi, i am using ICS CM9 beta 3 ROM in galaxy Mini,my phone battery status like brick,i use long time but the battery status still % , but after me reboot my phone, the battery left 50%.Can Any Pro Help??? :'(
I'm no pro but it sounds like a rom bug, did you reflash the rom? Since its still beta that might be why.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire S using xda premium
i reflash my ROM edy....i hope can solve this problem
AndroidUser99 said:
i reflash my ROM edy....i hope can solve this problem
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If it still dosent work then its a bug in the rom
Sent from my NookColor using xda premium
try to reflash again the rom , or maybe the rom is not stable release
Then try installing beta 4

cyanogenmod not alpha?

have cyanogenmod not alpha ?
mayby cyanogenmod7?
good work?
i am not found
if have good cyanogenmod
give me
eli7897 said:
have cyanogenmod not alpha ?
mayby cyanogenmod7?
good work?
i am not found
if have good cyanogenmod
give me
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Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2
Ummm, yeah... Say what?
eli7897 said:
have cyanogenmod not alpha ?
mayby cyanogenmod7?
good work?
i am not found
if have good cyanogenmod
give me
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What I think he's saying:
Does anyone have a Cyanogenmod that's not in alpha stage?
Possibly a working CM7?
I haven't found any.
If you have a good cyanogen mod can you please point me to where I can get it.
kevinmayer86 said:
What I think he's saying:
Does anyone have a Cyanogenmod that's not in alpha stage?
Possibly a working CM7?
I haven't found any.
If you have a good cyanogen mod can you please point me to where I can get it.
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Ooh ok. none that I know of
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2
the cyanogenmod this rom
i need cyanogenmod good not alpha
so have cyanogenmod 7 good not alpha ?
beacuse the cyanogenmod 9 this alpha (so not good)
This guy has a very hard time with English, but he does try to find info before posting, that I know.
there are no Official Cyanogenmod ROMs available for the Skyrocket yet. Keep checking the Development threads and you will eventually see one. It will just take some time since no kernel source has been released yet.
Cm9 alpha3 is very good. I'm using as my daily driver now. I think itis good enough to use daily.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using XDA
thankx Uncle Irish
and Cm9 alpha3 maybe this good but the problem this alpha and no all the rom good have little problem not all fix
so iam think maybe have cm7 for i727
eli7897 said:
thankx Uncle Irish
and Cm9 alpha3 maybe this good but the problem this alpha and no all the rom good have little problem not all fix
so iam think maybe have cm7 for i727
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They are skipping cm7 and only doing cm9
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2
eli7897 said:
thankx Uncle Irish
and Cm9 alpha3 maybe this good but the problem this alpha and no all the rom good have little problem not all fix
so iam think maybe have cm7 for i727
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Your only CyanogenMod option with the Skyrocket is CM9, and alpha3 has very few issues, I have been using it since alpha1 as my main ROM, and the current release is excellent. I personally have not found any issues that are show stoppers, if CM is what you need, then try CM9, if it doesn't work, revert to your backup.
CM9 Alpha 3 can be used as a daily driver with no issues. It's a great ROM.
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
m4570d0n said:
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
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Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2
Here's a stable cm7 rom.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2
gmillz said:
Here's a stable cm7 rom.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2
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I never understood the use of the word "stable" when comparing ROM's with multiple issues.
**Known Issues**
~ Join Contacts don't work correctly
~ APN Lost on Airplane Mode
~ Render FX Not working ( I recommend using chainfire3D app in the market, as it works the same w/ night mode )
~ Youtube Fast Forward is Broken
~ volume+ might have issue.... see this Post
~ Changing CPU Governor can sometimes cause CPU1 from not going Offline
~ NFC not working
~ Build.prop will read as a T989, don't edit or it will cause the audio bug to return!! However, this build has the correct kernel for the I727 & won't have orientation screwed up
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Thakns guys
ok i white to cm9 good
beacuse one monte have update so this good
eli7897 said:
Thakns guys
ok i white to cm9 good
beacuse one monte have update so this good
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cm9 is good, only little problems. Everything works, try it.
Or wait for cm9 to be beta :-D
what the little problems?? what not good ?
eli7897 said:
what the little problems?? what not good ?
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My little problems are:
1. External speaker randomly starts playing through ear speaker. A reboot fixes it.
2. SMS over 160 characters won't send. Setting the app to automatically split is a temporary workaround until Alpha 4 is released.
3. Some apps disappear on reboot. Just have them backed up, so I do a batch restore missing apps+data with Titanium Backup when I reboot.
4. Screen stops recognizing touch when screen is unlocked randomly. Doing a 2-finger touch to the notification bar usually brings it back. (Anyone else know about this fix? The topic only says to reboot. Managed to figure this out on my own.)
And that's about it. No serious show-stoppers at all.
Yes. Yes. Battery is WONDERFUL. (My last battery was alive for 50 hours!) Only issues I have are minor and can easily be worked around. I've been using Alpha 3 since the day it came out and haven't wanted to flash anything else.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium

[Q] iNFUSe Nexus 7

I would like to bring the Nexus 7 to Infuse..
Or is it already here? I think it would be cool ,
I like my tablet an I like my phone,
I even think the J.B. 4.3 runs smooth. Of course we might run into the same old problems..
Any ideas
Rickrocks013 said:
I would like to bring the Nexus 7 to Infuse..
Or is it already here? I think it would be cool ,
I like my tablet an I like my phone,
I even think the J.B. 4.3 runs smooth. Of course we might run into the same old problems..
Any ideas
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What? We have 4.3 just check Dev section, not too sure as to what your first statement means, you can make one device into another through software.. Lol as for how it runs, it runs great no problems from what I see running it on this very phone
Sent from my SGH-I997 using xda app-developers app
Andriod 4.3
I like my Nexus 7 ,I lot of google going on there ..
ok the 4.3 is here. I only tried CM10.2 an BeanStalk 4.3
Both J.B 4.3 so its be out since Aug. I had some issues in cm10. a known issue with SMS. I would like to know how to fix it.
I only have one phone, so I back up an flash a lot..Also have a pc which helps a lot. An lots of time to read,
Rickrocks013 said:
I like my Nexus 7 ,I lot of google going on there ..
ok the 4.3 is here. I only tried CM10.2 an BeanStalk 4.3
Both J.B 4.3 so its be out since Aug. I had some issues in cm10. a known issue with SMS. I would like to know how to fix it.
I only have one phone, so I back up an flash a lot..Also have a pc which helps a lot. An lots of time to read,
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The SMS problem on beanstalk 4.3 is already fixed in the latest build, and the SMS on CM 10.2 scoot is working on it i think in the next build would be fixed.
Sent from my SGH-I997 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
alexischino said:
The SMS problem on beanstalk 4.3 is already fixed in the latest build, and the SMS on CM 10.2 scoot is working on it i think in the next build would be fixed.
Sent from my SGH-I997 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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THANKS... I did a test to confirm what everyone said. took a picture... Then read a lot of the same post.
I went over to Slims web page an read they were working on the know issue.... BeanStalk is smooth....
Long live the ---I---N---F---U---S---E----->
Can we get a Samsung driver for our Camera PLEASE. I asked nicely.:fingers-crossed:
ROM Carbon Fiber 4.3
Running the ------------CARBON FIBER 4.3------- nightly build... smooth , an snappy. Looks a lot like my tab 7
But more unlocked . Even a fix for the sd card is nice.
I hope I sparked some interest.

android 4.4

Hey guysCM 11 has been launched
beta build for 4.4
Data about all rom are welcome
Other Official & Unofficial and Port builds
saumitra yadav
and other developers
Data about all rom are welcomed sorry if i had missed someone
vijnathin said:
Sad news galaxyfreak pc got damaged so we get delayed builds
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hope that for the next build he will get ADB working, so i can help with logcat
guys preview build link of cyanogenmod 11 updated
thanhhn.sft said:
Hope, will be fine !
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ya its fine to use , download and have fun
Hey guys facing this problems on every 4.2.2 4.3 and the new 4.3 roms
Lock screen issue can't open the locks screen in one attempt (faces black screen)
Then need to press the power button 3 to4 times in order to unlock the phone
Also I have change the minimum frequency to 480 still the problem persists
I also tried other Lock screen replacement apps but stil in doesn't solve the problem
Luckily not facing this issue in cm9 or cm10 roms
Also volume button to awake and s2wake doesn't help on 4.3 4.2.2 and 4.4 roms
Any help would be highly appreciated
Also if anyone can tell me where the Lock screen components of cm9 or cm10 roms are located i might try replacing my self   
Send from my nexus 7 still on jb
Send from my nexus 7 still on jb
ankitxperia said:
Hey guys facing this problems on every 4.2.2 4.3 and the new 4.3 roms
Lock screen issue can't open the locks screen in one attempt (faces black screen)
Then need to press the power button 3 to4 times in order to unlock the phone
Also I have change the minimum frequency to 480 still the problem persists
I also tried other Lock screen replacement apps but stil in doesn't solve the problem
Luckily not facing this issue in cm9 or cm10 roms
Also volume button to awake and s2wake doesn't help on 4.3 4.2.2 and 4.4 roms
Any help would be highly appreciated
Also if anyone can tell me where the Lock screen components of cm9 or cm10 roms are located i might try replacing my self   
Send from my nexus 7 still on jb
Send from my nexus 7 still on jb
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me too faced it lol change the minimum frequency value or install performance increasing scripts like crossbreeder
thanhhn.sft said:
so many problems. i hope that rom would be fine:good:. best rom for pico
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which rom yaar
Beta 1 released feel the taste of pico
any one facing lock screen issue in beta build I think I am the unlucky one here btw any solutions to that I mean i don't face in cm9 I mean from 4.2.2 onwards I am facing this issues
any ideas
Send from my nexus 7 still on jb
ankitxperia said:
any one facing lock screen issue in beta build I think I am the unlucky one here btw any solutions to that I mean i don't face in cm9 I mean from 4.2.2 onwards I am facing this issues
any ideas
Send from my nexus 7 still on jb
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overclock the minimum and maximum value of the cpu it will fix it , or u need free space in system to avoid lag for this delete from system/lib folder it will give u around 19mb free memory in system
I tried using your modded rom too still didn't help
Sent from my HTC Explorer A310e using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Since it's a discussion place , i want to ask newbie question. What are the differences in android 4.4 ? Is it smoother compared to cm 10.2 ? How about battery life ? I couldn't find any info about these stuff .
reverdy said:
Since it's a discussion place , i want to ask newbie question. What are the differences in android 4.4 ? Is it smoother compared to cm 10.2 ? How about battery life ? I couldn't find any info about these stuff .
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ya its smoother than 10.2 , battery life is better , it consumes less ram and mobile works pretty fast , but rom havnt become stable yet , still have a long way to go

CM11 ROM and Simpsons Tapped Out crash

Love this ROM, absolutely flawless for me so far. But starting a few days ago, Taped Out started crashing at launch. The last good nightly where it worked was 20140118, I believe. Tried both dalvik and ART, same issue.
I can grab a catalog, if that will help...
Thanks to all for such a great ROM!
Sent from my TF300T using Tapatalk
wittynickname said:
Love this ROM, absolutely flawless for me so far. But starting a few days ago, Taped Out started crashing at launch. The last good nightly where it worked was 20140118, I believe. Tried both dalvik and ART, same issue.
I can grab a catalog, if that will help...
Thanks to all for such a great ROM!
Sent from my TF300T using Tapatalk
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The some happens on my TF700T. I think its a terga issue.... If you would like to post a logcat.. I can see if it is the same issue as mine....Thx lj
lj50036 said:
The some happens on my TF700T. I think its a terga issue.... If you would like to post a logcat.. I can see if it is the same issue as mine....Thx lj
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It's a general CM11 problem after the 18th, I'm having the same problem in my HTC Sensation. The question is if this will be resolved on CM side or with a future game update...
Thanks, all, I appreciate it. I see the crash on the tegra driver, but hoping it can be resolved in a CM update.
Sent from my TF300T using Tapatalk
Same issue with my Motorola Photon Q which has a Qualcomm MSM8960 Snapdragon S4. The error occurred to me on 20140120 nightly the first time.
So it is a cm11 / Simpsons TO general issue, not Tegra related only.
Hoping for a quick fix as well.
Having the same issue on the Nexus 7 (2012)
hackthis02 said:
Having the same issue on the Nexus 7 (2012)
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Driving me crazy on my HTC One, on the latest nightly.
same here on galaxy sIII lte i9305 hope this gets fixed quick
Tried all nightlys since 20140118 on Nexus 4 (Mako). Last working is 20140118
Glad you wanted me about the nexus 7. I'm also afraid to put CM11 on my galaxy note 2 for the same reason.
Sent from my TF300T using Tapatalk
Same on Samsung S4 and LG P880, no Simpsons since 18.01 Nightly.
Question is, someone here to inform the CM-Team about this?
Where can i get the last working nightly version? the older and working zips are not online anymore on get cm page. I only got a backup from an newer nightly and deleted the last working zip file, my bad
im using a galaxy s3 lte i9305 maybe someone still got it?
greetings from germany
hansidaking said:
Where can i get the last working nightly version? the older and working zips are not online anymore on get cm page. I only got a backup from an newer nightly and deleted the last working zip file, my bad
im using a galaxy s3 lte i9305 maybe someone still got it?
greetings from germany
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Try 20140104-SNAPSHOT-M2. Only a few days older, but available as download. Should work fine.
im on a i9305 i think that snapshot rom is only for 9300 ?
so i have to wait for a fix from cm or ea i think
using my old desire for the app right now and its ultra slow
hansidaking said:
im on a i9305 i think that snapshot rom is only for 9300 ?
so i have to wait for a fix from cm or ea i think
using my old desire for the app right now and its ultra slow
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Updating via phone you can choose the handy to show ALL updates(including recent stables and snapshots). The correct Snaphot for your device should be shown.
On CM hompage downloads for both i9300 and i9305 are available.
I was on this forum for something else but thought I give you some info as well. On Nexus 4 running 4.4.2, tapped out crashed like crazy. I believe its 4.4 android. Maybe EA hasn't optimized to work right with it.
Having same issue on cm11 on note 3, gone back to unofficial build for now, cant live without tapped out haha, though can say even when installed crashes all the time, stock or modded, ea need to sort out
Having the same issue on my SIII. Had to revert to my backup which was running an older build, 20131217, to get it working again. Is this something that we can report to the CM people? I'd be nice to have a more recent version of CM, but not at the stake of The Simpsons!!!
Same problem on my Galaxy S2 too
General question: Are crash reports sent to Google or the app developer? I already sent like dozens of reports, a few with every nightly I try :/
Anyone know the last version that supported the game and how to get it? I installed the 27th nightly and it wasn't working for that one. I'm running on a December build right now and would like to get something more up-to-date.

