[Q] Enabling bootanimation from kernel source (P6810 7.7 samsung gtab) - Galaxy Tab 7.7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi all !
I'm trying to release a custom kernel for the P6810 7.7 samsung tab with bootanimation support. I managed so far to enable init.d scripts support, undervolting and governor's stuff which is a good start.
However, I don't get why the bootanimation method is not working. I tried to take bootanimation.zip from cm9, cm10 (from Locerra which work with his kernel) and others. All I have is a black screen.
This is what I did (I took this from the eZynow) :
I copied bootanimation and samsungani from the cm10 bin folder to mine : I tried with stock files and theses one but none of them worked.
I added this to the init.rc :
service samsungani /vendor/scripts/bootanimation.sh
class main
user graphics
group graphics
and this is the bootanimation.sh :
if [ -f /system/media/bootanimation.zip ]; then
Permissions' files have been checked and are 755 for all of them.
What am i missing ? Should I enable some option(s) in the kernel's configuration ?
Thanks for your answers !

mengpo said:
Hi all !
I'm trying to release a custom kernel for the P6810 7.7 samsung tab with bootanimation support. I managed so far to enable init.d scripts support, undervolting and governor's stuff which is a good start.
However, I don't get why the bootanimation method is not working. I tried to take bootanimation.zip from cm9, cm10 (from Locerra which work with his kernel) and others. All I have is a black screen.
This is what I did (I took this from the eZynow) :
I copied bootanimation and samsungani from the cm10 bin folder to mine : I tried with stock files and theses one but none of them worked.
I added this to the init.rc :
service samsungani /vendor/scripts/bootanimation.sh
class main
user graphics
group graphics
and this is the bootanimation.sh :
if [ -f /system/media/bootanimation.zip ]; then
Permissions' files have been checked and are 755 for all of them.
What am i missing ? Should I enable some option(s) in the kernel's configuration ?
Thanks for your answers !
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+1. i'm facing the same issue with my kernel on galaxy s2... i hope some one skilled enough can answer to this question


CUSTOM Script on Custom Roms

whenever i flash a new rom i edit the zip to replace keylayouts, apps in /system and /data , bootscreens and some other stuff......
i now want to symlink some directories with a script which will be loaded during rom flash because otherwise i would need a pc to access it through adb...
the script i want FOR NOW (i may use it for other things in the future)
is about symlinking the
/system/customize/resource/bootanimation.zip to /data/local/bootanimation.zip
/system/customize/resource/android_audio.mp3 to /data/local/android_audio.mp3
i can do this through adb as i said but i'd prefer it to be done automatically by a script during flash.... i know the commands to use but i need a way to implement the script into the rom.....
i think it's like the a2sd+ script but i am not sure....
if anyone knows please help me
you need to split open your boot.img and modify the init.rc (the file where services are initialised at Android startup)
See this link for notes on working with the boot.img
you can create the symlinks directly in this file, have a look at the syntax and you should be able to work it out. The ln command doesn't work though, use the format:
symlink /system/customize/resource/bootanimation.zip /data/local/bootanimation.zip
Or you can create a dummy 'service' which executes a file on your filesystem (like /etc/rc.local) and put your "ln -s" commands in there.
Why not just create a custom update.zip with your changes only, then you can apply it after flashing any rom.
Klutsh said:
Why not just create a custom update.zip with your changes only, then you can apply it after flashing any rom.
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How would you do this?
Say I wanted an update.zip that would remove plurk and add a certain app. How would I go about creating that?
removing and adding is easy with the update signer app.....i just want to add a script that symlinks directories at boot in order to avoid the use of a pc.....i tried the trick st0kes said and i am waiting for the flashing now to complete and send my feedback
nope it didn't work.....is there any specific place to put the command ????
i put it at the very end of the init.rc file
ok after a lot of reading i created a service which runs a folder with scripts...where i have the script that symlinks the files.....
service myscripts /system/bin/logwrapper /system/xbin/busybox run-parts /system/etc/myscript.d
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this is the service code
and here is the code i have into the "bootanimation" script which is inside the myscript.d folder
mount /system
mount /data
ln -s /system/customize/resource/bootanimation.zip /data/local/bootanimation.zip
ln -s /system/customize/resource/android_audio.mp3 /data/local/android_audio.mp3
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what am i doing wrong here ????? please someone with knowledge enlighten me!! the script does not run
damn....it's been a long night and still haven't found a way to do it !!!!!!
i tried all the followings:
1) added a file called "myscript" (it contained two lines with the symlink commands) in init.d folder in order to execute when the boot is complete - FAILED
2) added the same file into another folder and added a service at the bottom of the init.rc file that called it
service myscript /system/etc/myscripts/myscript
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3) added the SYMLINK commands into the init.rc file
a)at the bottom -FAILED
b) before the bootanim, bootsound services -FAILED
c) before the bootcomplete = 1 value in init.rc -FAILED
d) after sysinit execution in init.rc -FAILED
e) before sysinit execution in init.rc - FAILED
f) at the top after some lines of code in init.rc - FAILED
i read that HTC change the boot process and to run custom scripts at boot you must add their commands in "bootcomplete.bravo.rc"
i tried that too but FAILED again....i think this is logical cause these scripts are executed after the boot and just when the phone is gonna show the pin dialog....
i think it's something to do with the init.rc file...but i dunno what else to add....
is there anything i have to mount in order to symlink ???? add busybox to something or anything ??????
PLEASE someone with success at scripting like a2sd+ please help me
Try naming your script
and place it in
Also don't forget to chmod +x it
how to chmod +x ??? nvm i did it...i am now signing it to try it
in adb
adb shell chmod +x /system/etc/init.d/03BootAnim
chmod 755 does the same, makes it executable by the system
Klutsh said:
Try naming your script
and place it in
Also don't forget to chmod +x it
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hey klutsh i tried what you said but it didn't work...
look i created the file
and placed it into the
the commands i have into the file are these
ln -s /data/local/bootanimation.zip /system/customize/resource/bootanimation.zip
ln -s /data/local/android_audio.mp3 /system/customize/resource/android_audio.mp3
ok i edited the commands like these but no result too.....
busybox mount /system
busybox mount /data
busybox ln -s /data/local/bootanimation.zip /system/customize/resource/bootanimation.zip
busybox ln -s /data/local/android_audio.mp3 /system/customize/resource/android_audio.mp3
i checked with the
ls -l /system/etc/init.d
command and the permissions are all the same (they are all enabled i think, -rwxr-xr-x )
i wiped everything, flashed, rebooted but no bootanimation!!! the default android logo with the moving shade appears (i have deleted the animation in the system/customize/resource folder in order for the symlink to work)
what am i doing wrong ???? is there something with the script ?
I'm trying to get this working, and so far it is running before the bootanimation, but I get
run-parts: can't execute '/system/etc/init.d/03BootAnim': No such file or directory
Yet it is available...
what commands do you have in yours ????
maybe a reboot will fix it o yours since it will rescan ?
edit: hey klutsh i logcated my boot and i see that the symlinks do not work cause it says that /system/customize/resource/bootanimation.zip and android_audio.mp3 directories are read-only file systems
That's the problem then.
Already got a fix that you apply once only to a flashed rom then the boot anim runs from /data/local and can be replaced.
Flash that after any Sense rom that normally has bootanimation in /system/customize
It will delete the 2 files in /system/customize/resource
flash my own bootanimation to /data/local
create the required symlinks that survive reboot's.
You can then just replace the files in /data/local as needed.
as i see you made it with the update sign and packager isn't it ????
nice idea....
BUT why can't we access /system files through boot ???? is there any way to get root access at booting ???
THANKS YOU VERY MUCH for the great effort you made....
is there a way to implement the update-script into the 03BootAnim in order not to have to flah anything ????
the reson i want this is cause i am cooking my roms on my own and i want them to have all i need inside....not having to flash mod1, mod2 etc
It's a feature of the desire, no write access to /system unless in recovery.
You can just take those bit's from my update-script and add them to your own rom's script.
oh yes...this is what i was asking i have tow update-scripts though, one old and one in the android.new folder
i am using dsixda kitchen....in which should i put it ??? does it matter where is it?
edit: found it....signing to flash
hey klutsh i thank you a lot.....
it was so easy to do it just copy paste the update-script but we (I) took the hard way of READ-ONLY file system....anw i learned A LOT (if you think that i am reading 15hours constantly about this)
You can delete the android.new folder, it isn't used.

[Q] My init.d script does not work, why?

I want to change my voodoo colors at boot, so I made a script in init.d folder:
echo 2447339790 >/sys/devices/virtual/misc/voodoo_color/red_multiplier
echo 2159029280 >/sys/devices/virtual/misc/voodoo_color/green_multiplier
echo 2782492160 >/sys/devices/virtual/misc/voodoo_color/blue_multiplier
echo -14 >/sys/devices/virtual/misc/voodoo_color/red_v1_offset
echo -17 >/sys/devices/virtual/misc/voodoo_color/green_v1_offset
echo -18 >/sys/devices/virtual/misc/voodoo_color/blue_v1_offset
And here is my init.d folder : http://i.imgur.com/nhkdy.png , 99voodoo is my script.
When I paste this codes to android terminal emulator, it is working flawlessly.
But it does not work in init.d folder. Tried different roms which support init.d scripting, but no luck.
What is wrong with it? Can anyone help?
I had the same issue with couple of kernels not sure why im prety sure they even support (Eugene and glados)
you have to set full permissions on the script also but still didn't work for me
I gave up and just used ROM toolbox and made it run at startup works no problem
There must be a solution. What am I doing wrong!?
Do you have Busybox installed?
Hostile89 said:
Do you have Busybox installed?
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Yes, preinstalled with the rom I've been using:
features "root, busybox, zipalign, Bash, init.d scripts ... etc".
Any help? No solution?
What is your ROM and kernel combination?
I was using Aosp+ Rom and ICUP-Speedy-3 kernel.
Now, I have just flashed CyberGR rom. Comes with GLaDOS 2.7 kernel. Feature list says "Init.d scripts support", but no luck for me. My script doesn't work with this rom too. What is wrong with it :S
I found the solution.
I was trying to move my script to init.d folder manually via RootExplorer app.
But pushing the same file via adb just worked.
Thanks to this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1424032

[GUIDE] How To Add Init.d Support to Your Kernel & Rom

What is init.d ?
Init.d is a feature which allows you to run brunch of scripts at boot . Thats really useful while you want to set values which reset at boot or run/do any thing at every boot or install tweaks , engines and....
There are some ways to add this feature to you rom but always best way is to add init.d support directly by your kernel . I want to help you to do this
1- Ability to unpack boot.img & ramdisk
2- Some basic linux shell knowloedge
3- Having Busybox located in /system/bin/busybox at your rom
Step 1: Making kernel ready
1- Unpack kernel then ramdisk
2- Open Init.rc with a text editor
3- Add this codes at the end , before the paragraph which there is "stop bootanim" command in it :
service sysinit /system/bin/sysinit
4- Save , Exit and repack ramdisk and boot.img
Step 2 : Making Rom Ready !
1- Open /system/bin/sysinit
2- Add this codes :
export PATH=${PATH}:/system/bin:/system/xbin
chmod 777 /system/etc/init.d/*
logwrapper busybox run-parts /system/etc/init.d/
3- Set permissions of sysinit to 777 or 755 ( rwxrwxr-x | rwxrwxrwx )
4- Make a directory at system/etc and name it init.d
Now you have init.d support !
Bull*hit. JUST INSTALL pimpmyrom and finish ..Easy.:victory:
Someone had to document this ^^, good job
RobyRc said:
Bull*hit. JUST INSTALL pimpmyrom and finish ..Easy.:victory:
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Pimp uses one of the worst method to add this feature to your ROM ! it doesn't effect on kernel so : 1- running init.d is slower 2- init.d is not stable at all 3- not usable for ones want to add this feature to his/her kernel 4- not run init.d at end of boot so some script which needs some binaries that are not loaded yet doesn't work 5- Can not be used for room devs
This method is the official method which is used on most famous kernels such as brood kernel . and best for devs and users
any way that depends on users idea that this is good or not
RobyRc said:
Bull*hit. JUST INSTALL pimpmyrom and finish ..Easy.:victory:
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Why are you so rude?
There are ways and ways to express own opinions... And alireza has just explained you why this method is better then PIMPMYROM.
Sent from my AriesVe using xda premium
alireza7991 said:
Pimp uses one of the worst method to add this feature to your ROM ! it doesn't effect on kernel so : 1- running init.d is slower 2- init.d is not stable at all 3- not usable for ones want to add this feature to his/her kernel 4- not run init.d at end of boot so some script which needs some binaries that are not loaded yet doesn't work 5- Can not be used for room devs
This method is the official method which is used on most famous kernels such as brood kernel . and best for devs and users
any way that depends on users idea that this is good or not
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You are wrong.
RobyRc said:
You are wrong.
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well, if he is wrong you can explain why, he explained why according to him is better this way, you could explain why not
What happens if your ROM doesn't have /system/bin/sysinit?
vMAC said:
What happens if your ROM doesn't have /system/bin/sysinit?
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* Your rom has sysinit -> You have already init.d support and no need to this guide
* Your rom has'nt it -> You need to do my guide to get init.d support
alireza7991 said:
* Your rom has sysinit -> You have already init.d support and no need to this guide
* Your rom has'nt it -> You need to do my guide to get init.d support
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And is it possible to create sysinit and init.d folder with an updater script?
GT-af said:
And is it possible to create sysinit and init.d folder with an updater script?
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sure but do'nt forget :
1- your kernel must support init.d ( look at first post step 1)
2- do step 2 at fist post on sys init or you wo'nt have init.d support !
I have MTK 6577 device this will work ?
andrman1 said:
I have MTK 6577 device this will work ?
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all android devices are supported
alireza7991 said:
all android devices are supported
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In init.rc file I haven't code "stop bootanim" why and where I put this code ?
And I haven't in /system/bin file "sysinit" ?
andrman1 said:
In init.rc file I haven't code "stop bootanim" why and where I put this code ?
And I haven't in /system/bin file "sysinit" ?
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Place those codes on the middle of init.rc ; the only difference is execute order . if you put it at first init.d wont execute becuase we have'nt system mounted still and if you put it at the end you will stop at your homescreen for a few secound so its better to execute it while you are seeing bootanimation
make new file name it sysinit and put codes siad in OP inside it .
Step 2 : Making Rom Ready !
1- Open /system/bin/sysinit
2- Add this codes :
export PATH=${PATH}:/system/bin:/system/xbin
chmod 777 /system/etc/init.d/*
logwrapper busybox run-parts /system/etc/init.d/
Is this needed?
I've seen some ROMs not having /system/bin/sysinit but init.d kernel support, and I've tested a ROM myself not having this file, but the
99test init.d script gave some output to /data/tmp. So I guess it was executed properly.
t-ryder said:
Step 2 : Making Rom Ready !
1- Open /system/bin/sysinit
2- Add this codes :
export PATH=${PATH}:/system/bin:/system/xbin
chmod 777 /system/etc/init.d/*
logwrapper busybox run-parts /system/etc/init.d/
Is this needed?
I've seen some ROMs not having /system/bin/sysinit but init.d kernel support, and I've tested a ROM myself not having this file, but the
99test init.d script gave some output to /data/tmp. So I guess it was executed properly.
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There are many ways to get init.d working , you may include sysinit in init.rc or you may completely remove it and use a direct code in init.rc to execute init.d scripts or ....
Here in this method , I used sysinit in user-space to let init.d be dynamicly modifed or removed without repacking the kernel
alireza7991 said:
There are many ways to get init.d working , you may include sysinit in init.rc or you may completely remove it and use a direct code in init.rc to execute init.d scripts or ....
Here in this method , I used sysinit in user-space to let init.d be dynamicly modifed or removed without repacking the kernel
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So just the file
export PATH=${PATH}:/system/bin:/system/xbin
chmod 777 /system/etc/init.d/*
logwrapper busybox run-parts /system/etc/init.d/
would make it run (having busybox in /xbin) without having to mess around in the kernel using e.g. virtous ten studio?
t-ryder said:
So just the file
export PATH=${PATH}:/system/bin:/system/xbin
chmod 777 /system/etc/init.d/*
logwrapper busybox run-parts /system/etc/init.d/
would make it run (having busybox in /xbin) without having to mess around in the kernel using e.g. virtous ten studio?
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there are many strange and not suggested methods which add init.d without repacking kernel but the best method is using init.rc .
But I have some ideas on getting init.d working withouy messing around kernel . I am going to test them ;
alireza7991 said:
there are many strange and not suggested methods which add init.d without repacking kernel but the best method is using init.rc .
But I have some ideas on getting init.d working withouy messing around kernel . I am going to test them ;
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Hi; I googled for a while to find a way to add init.d to my ROM and found your thread. Can you also explain how to adjust the source tree before compilation that I get the init.d? I am compiling AOSP with the stock kernel. I saw a few posts before that this method just works for a kernel which supports init.d. I have no clue if the stock kernel does. Thanks

Impossible to get the init.d support in ramdisk

Hello guys!
I am not new in the Android and Nexus world but at this time I need some help.
I am used to root any Nexus phone in this way:
1. Put su, daemonsu, busybox on /system/xbin/ path;
2. Create the init.d folder in /system/etc/ path;
3. Add a script file to start the superuser daemon at the boot;
4. Edit the kernel ramdisk adding the sysinit script to add the init.d support at the boot;
5. Edit the updated-script for the right permissions to the new init.d folder (and its content) and to the su binary file.
I never had problems with Galaxy Nexus and LG Nexus 4 but today I am having troubles with the Nexus 5.
Is this a common issue?
I hope to get answers,
kalo86 said:
Hello guys!
I am not new in the Android and Nexus world but at this time I need some help.
I am used to root any Nexus phone in this way:
1. Put su, daemonsu, busybox on /system/xbin/ path;
2. Create the init.d folder in /system/etc/ path;
3. Add a script file to start the superuser daemon at the boot;
4. Edit the kernel ramdisk adding the sysinit script to add the init.d support at the boot;
5. Edit the updated-script for the right permissions to the new init.d folder (and its content) and to the su binary file.
I never had problems with Galaxy Nexus and LG Nexus 4 but today I am having troubles with the Nexus 5.
Is this a common issue?
I hope to get answers,
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fastboot oem unlock
flash custom recovery
flash SuperSU in recovery
Of course I have unlocked the bootloder but the init.d script does not work.
Neither a test script works...
This is the test script that I am using to verify if the init.d support is working. The file 00test is placed in /system/etc/init.d/.
#Init.d Test
busybox mount -o remount,rw -t auto /system
if [ -e /system/Test.log ]; then
rm /system/Test.log
echo "kalo86 @ XDA 2014" > /system/Test.log
echo "Init.d is working !!!" >> /system/Test.log
kalo86 said:
Of course I have unlocked the bootloder but the init.d script does not work.
Neither a test script works...
This is the test script that I am using to verify if the init.d support is working. The file 00test is placed in /system/etc/init.d/.
#Init.d Test
busybox mount -o remount,rw -t auto /system
if [ -e /system/Test.log ]; then
rm /system/Test.log
echo "kalo86 @ XDA 2014" > /system/Test.log
echo "Init.d is working !!!" >> /system/Test.log
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You're making it way too difficult. Just flash supersu in a custom recovery
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
You could install an application such as Universal init.d from the playstore. It works for me on both my Nexus 5 and 10. Initially works without issue.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using XDA Premium HD app
jd1639 said:
You're making it way too difficult. Just flash supersu in a custom recovery
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
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Why difficult? This is the same identical mechanism that Chainfire uses to root your phone but I like to share a rooted-ROM ready to use.
The init.d folder is not supported at the moment. This is the truth.
And I don't want a workaround since the init.d support is very useful also for other stuff which is not only root access.

INIT.D SUPPORT Kernel method *adds INIT.D folder*

HI guys
I just discovered a way to make init.d work on my rom and it should work on other roms as long as everything is followed down to the T
Basically there are 5 things you need to do
1: BootImageExtractor *links to follow* need to get it from my other laptop
2: Notepad++ *ask google*
3: Rashr *or any other apps that can flash kernels I just use this one*
4: Rooted Device
5: Rootexplorer *or any apps that let you dig deep into the root of THE android*
Ok lets start
First up is to unpack your boot.img and you should see your RAMDISK folder
now go ahead and look for init.rc and open it with notepad++ now add this code either at the very top or below the import scripts.
import /init.d.sh
You can use any name really as long as you have the same import script and name of the sh file
Now on to the next step which is to create a .sh file
Open up notepad++ and add this code in
on property:sys.boot_completed=1
start sysinit
service sysinit /sbin/sysinit.sh
class late_start
user root
group root
Now save as and use all types and name it init.d.sh and be sure its in the ramdisk folder
Having fun yet?
now last but not the least the sysinit.sh file!
same method as above but with a different code and is saved in the sbin folder
mount -o remount,rw /;
mount -o rw,remount /system
# init.d support
if [ ! -e /system/etc/init.d ]; then
mkdir /system/etc/init.d
chown -R root.root /system/etc/init.d
chmod -R 755 /system/etc/init.d
# start init.d
for FILE in /system/etc/init.d/*; do
sh $FILE >/dev/null
And there you have it folks!
I would like to credit where I got the idea from but alas the guy who gave me the boot.img says he got it from another site and got it randomly.... so would like to thank my buddy Car *actually a human not a machine*
I already tried using the 00test script by Ryuinferno to see if it works and after two reboots I found the test log file in /data
I am new at this so please be gentle and I am still working on this because I want to integrate the scripts of Ryuinferno into the kernel *scripts being the 00test and the 00setperm* he will allow me to use them.
Again thanks XDA! my new home
Feedback please ^_^
Where is the difference to the easy to use apps from other devs?
-CALIBAN666- said:
Where is the difference to the easy to use apps from other devs?
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This is just an alternate method
and there are some phones who cant get init.d to work even with the universal init.d app * i know cause my device has that problem*
I am not saying those apps are not working, infact I use those when I help mates with their phones performance *its easier yes*
and this is something like kernel injection so just flashing a kernel will add init.d and would/could be useful for some devs or guys who just want to know how things tick *like me*
Ok,cool,thanx for answer bro.greeetz!

