Once connected to a PC the contents of my SD card are multiplied when viewed through Windows explorer!! All multiple folder seem to hold the same data. In device explorer there is no multiplication. All this started after upgrading to A 4.0.4. ICS..
I tried to fix it through the USB connection/fault correction setting but no result.. Any idea?
I am using the Darkforce ROM of WM 6.1, after I insert a SD in my Universal, I found that aa file generated automatically called "EncFiltLog.menc". It will continuous exist no matter I deleted it or not.
Anyone know what is "EncFiltLog.menc"??
By the way, I am using Transcend 16GB SDHC. Today, I found that my PPC can't detect it suddenly, I tried to insert it on my NB, but there are some files halt! When I double click it and wait for a moment, a messege box appear and say there are some problem about I/O device. No any device can detect my card now, anyone know what's the issue? I even can't format it now...
Please HELP!!
.menc files
.menc files are encrypted files.
When you set the option to encrypt files (Start\Settings\System\Encryption) then anything new that is saved to your SD card will be encrypted (and will have this extension - although this extension doesn't appear when viewing from the device that encrypted the files).
To read the file, you must view it via your device. (You can view/transfer it onto your PC via active sync from the device that encrypted it).
If you have reflashed your device without backing up your SD via active sync, then I don't think there is any way of recovering the file . (NB. I copy everything from my SD card to my computer before reflashing, and then copy it all back again ).
Hi my friend!
I had the same issue but with things 4.1 ROM. I don't know how, but i tried every day to format my sd card, and after 5 days it worked I have also this file in the root... It's the encryption file i think...
Mine was a 2GB panasonic SD not an SDHC... Keep trying!
Thanks for all reply!
But I found that I haven't tick the option of"Start\Setting\System\Encryption" , but the file still exist! I don't know why...
Any my SD issue....
I an using this ROM for few weeks already, but not newly flashed. My SD have no problem before. Haven't backup the datas is my mistake! I am so regreted. My SD is now can't detect from all device, and I can't format it also.
ALL DATAS ARE LOST!! Just wanna cry!
damaged sd-card!
Hi! Had the same problem with my new kaiser. Also thought about problem of ROM or the device itself. But it was just the SD-Card itself. Bougth a new one - no probs anymore...
any true solutions to this?
I have this same problem, so the only way to fix it is to get a new card?
Step By Step To Delete File EncFiltLog.menc (EFLG.m)
1) Insert your SD into Card Reader Cut EFLG.m
2) Paste insde your PC
3) Defrag your SD card
4) Select Option Tools>Folder Options>View Select Show hidden file
5) Now you can see new folder ie File 0000
6) Delete the folder
7) Now your SD card become as original
I read somewhere (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=2718217&postcount=9) that the hidden file "EncFiltLog.menc" is stored on every SD-Card by WindowsMobile weather encryption is activated or not.
So it should be no problem to have it on the card - as long as everything works.
Hi guys...
just started having an issue when connecting to my work PC... it worked normally up until today.. .
plug it in as usual then select disk drive.. and it does nothing...
have also noticed after a soft reboot i get a message "failed to open US english" and all my shortcuts lose their pictures...
have also got a message saying the explorer had crashed...(on my phone)
And after that i cant get into resco or any apps installed on my sd card...
I have had a search on the forum but cant see anyone with the same issue so apologies if it there is a post already....
mm just rebooted my pc.. ok now... mmmmm weird
i had exactly the same problem yesterday. connected as disk drive, then explorer.exe crashes, and cant run resco, coreplayer and some other apps on sd... how exactly did yiu solve this?
just rebooted my PC... shall keep an eye out for it again though...
rebooting pc solved problem on your phone? rebooted with phone connected? rebooted phone too? i tried turning phone off & on again, didnt work. not currently connected to pc...
ok, ive found the problem: the opera cache was saved on storage card.
when connecting as diskdrive, the sd is not available on phone, so when i started opera it creates a folder "storage card" on main memory to put cache files.
when disconnected from pc sd comes available again. and is then named "storage card 2"
solution: delete the faulty "storage card" folder, then restart phone
Okay, I'm sorry if this should be in another forum, but I figured the minds in develpoment would have a better answer.
I have a G Tablet, running TnT lite 2.0.0 + 2.0.3 Sup, Launcher Pro, ES File Manager. I was trying to load some files onto the internal SD card using a standard USB connection to my laptop. It connected fine, I used the 'Mount SD Card' option that popped up in the notification section, and it appeard on my laptop fine.
The problem comes that I know the file structure of the External SD Card, Internal SD card, and System sections. So I KNOW I was looking at the Internal SD Card. I copied my files and deleted a txt file that was at the root of the card. Once I properly unmounted the card and checked it using ES Filemanager, none of the changes took place. My new files gone, and the deleted file still there and readable. So I pluged it back in, and the laptop shows the new files are where they should be and the txt file still gone. WTH?!?!
If I load the files the External SD (by removing it and moving them using a seperate SD reader), then transfer the files to the internal using ES File Manager, it works fine. I don't get it.
Okay, used the refresh option in Filemanager, nothing. Rebooted, now I can see the new files, but they have a 0 byte size. ??
Tapple said:
Okay, used the refresh option in Filemanager, nothing. Rebooted, now I can see the new files, but they have a 0 byte size. ??
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Did you 'eject' the disk in Windows before unplugging the cable? Windows has been known to cache writes up and not perform the actual disk open until you eject or stop the device from the icon in the system tray. It caused me to lose some data on a jump drive, so ever since I make sure to force Windows to flush the cached operations by ejecting and waiting for it to tell me it is safe to remove.
The problem is 2.03. USB storage mode was broken with 2.03 and you will probably also notice some installed apps have vanished (another issue with 2.03).
Install 2.04 or the new and awesome 2.20. Both fix the problems. 2.20 is just as fast, but more stable than 2.03.
good morning all!
i have a Samsung 10.1 GT-N8010 that i am running 4.4.2 on (updated via kies and rooted). it has a 128gb microsd card in it for storage (which by the way was seen in full capacity when inserted)
i have a topo GPS program on the tablet (Atlogis Topo USA) that i had previously purchased for my mega and note 3 phones. works super. when i first purchased the program , i went on and downloaded like 3gb of high res map tiles on my phone. i copied the map tile files off of the phone in the past, in hopes that id be able to copy them BACK to another device in the future (such as the N8010) and not have to go thru re-downloading them again as i live in the hills and while i do have DSL , it is SLOW SLOW SLOW, almost as bad as the frickin days of dial up sometimes.
i can get the files copied off of my computer onto my SD card, BUT i cant figure out how to copy them from the SD card TO the devices root. when i go thru the file explorer, i can explore the root of both the SD and device of course, and when im on the SD card, i can copy the files, but when i then go to the root of the device, there is no option to "paste" the files. (i am running 4.4.2 and have already set the permissions to fix the previous update problems)
of course i can copy the file set over to the device via USB cable plugged in to the device and my computer, but when i try to do that, the file set is so large that its like an 8-10 hour file copy.
any way to copy files like this directly from the SD card to the devices root?
Im not sure which file manager app you're using but I suggest one with root browser capabilities. You can move anything with those. Search play store for one
downloaded solid explorer. looks like it will work. copying the files to the SD card now , i will keep you updated.....
I can't edit, remove or format my new SD card.
after I bought a new SD card and moved my backup files from a PC, I connected it to my Sony Xperia Z5 (Android 7 (not rooted)
then a notification came asking to select if I want to set my new SD as internal or external storage and I ignored it.
and from that time it is not allowing me to do anything to it except reading it files (it doesn't even show photos in photos app (just show files in file manager)
anyway I tried formatting it through PC and it keep saying "device is write protected"
tried regedit and diskpart methods and nothing worked.
tried formatting it through other android device and still unable to format it.
any solution?