No HDMI on wingray nightly 127 - Xoom Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I just up dated teameos wingray from 126 to 127 and now my HDMI connection is not working, it was fine on 126I has anyone else see this issue?
How can I fix it?
Motorola xoom on Teameos wingray nightly 127


Xbmc on eos jlly bean build 119

Got xbmc apk, works fine on ics on note but does not start on xoom with eos 119
Anything specific to this build?
I have seen it running on other jb devices.

Microphone in cm10 nightly (tab 2, 7")

I already install ROM cm10 nightly build I tab 2 7.0. I have one problem, that is microphone in handsfee. I can not use microphone, while I talking. Please give the solution or suggestion to me for solve this problem.

[Q] Lagging with 4.2 JB MR1 Team EOS 4 *JELLYBEAN MR1* Nightlies - Wingray / WiFi

I am still unable to post in the actual developer thread so I hope someone sees this and replies. I am having trouble with serious lag in the most recent and the previous nightlies (175/174). Any suggestions from those who are not experiencing ths problem?

slimkat beta 1 - no 3g

After installing slimkat and slim minimal gapps my 3g network not working. only wifi is working... HELP PLZ!!!

[Q] no wifi since

Until yesterday I never have problems. Nightly 20140212 and 13 also my p5110 cannot find my fritzbox 7270 wifi.
Return to 11 and all works fine.
What can/must I do?

