Question 2: why can't I connect to my NAS via my wireless LAN? - Samsung Galaxy S (4G Model)

My new T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S 4G will not connect to the WD-NetCenter on my home LAN.
I've tried 4 apps: ES File Explorer (which worked fine on my husband's cheap e-reader, although it's a slightly earlier version), Total Commander with the LAN plug-in, X-Plore File Manager, and File Manager by Rhythm. None of them can connect to my NetCenter.
I've tried scanning on all of them and none of them see anything at all on my LAN. Scanning works fine with ESFE from hubby's ereader. I've tried setting them up by hand, but even if they allow me to put in the info and make an icon, they still can't find any data if I try to connect. I figure that, since ESFE works on another device in our system and 4 different apps won't set up on this phone, it must be the phone.
WiFi is on, as that's how I connect to the net — haven't paid for a data plan. There are no user names or passwords for the NetCenter.
I'm not knowledgeable about networks and protocols, so here I am. What do I need to check to see how to connect to my NetCenter? Or is there a bug in this hardware or this version of Android that is in my way?

Since android is Linux based you need to make sure that your nas is capable of using samba to share. Your nas is probably reconfigured to use windows sharing.
Sent from my one horned SGS4G

Samba is "Windows sharing" for non_windows platforms.
I'd first check that you are properly connected to the same network as your NAS with your wireless.
If your ROM doesn't have it, I would install Terminal Emulator
Once you have started it (you don't need root, as I recall), type "ifconfig" after the $ prompt, then a return
$ ifconfig
Should give you your IP address, probably up near the top of the output. For me, I see eth0 as the first interface described and the second line starts with inet addr:192.168.mmm.nnn -- that tells me I'm on subnet 192.168.mmm -- that should be the same as your NAS. Yours might be also be something like 10.0.mmm.nnn -- as long as both your phone and your NAS have the first three of the four numbers between the dots matching, you're OK.
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 50:e5:49:54:e6:f3
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
If you are on the same subnet, then, if the address of your NAS is 192.168.mmm.NNN, try
$ ping 192.168.mmm.NNN
You can stop the output by holding the volume-down toggle on the left of your phone while you type the letter "c" on the phone's keyboard.
If you see lines like
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=0.260 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.129 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=3 ttl=64 time=0.177 ms
as long as the "icmp_req=" numbers don't miss many, your phone is reaching the NAS. 1 in 10 is probably OK, much more than that you have some network issues.
If your phone is reaching your NAS, they you probably should ask for support from your phone application and/or the NAS.
If the NAS is wireless to the WiFi access point, then another possibility is that you have "client protection" or the like enabled on your wireless access point. This prevents one wireless client from "talking" with another. Can other wireless devices access the NAS?

Sorry, candler33w, but your reply makes no sense to me since, as I said, our other Android device connects to the NAS just fine, and I know I made no changes to the NAS or the device for that to happen. ???
jeffsf, I picked up Terminal Emulator, thanks. It's like going back to the DOS command line; ah, those were the days. I'm reading the Wiki, but assimilation will take me some time.
$ ifconfig returned nothing at all.
Am I perhaps not in the right directory to access that command?
$ echo $PATH returned this: /data/local/bin:/sbin:/vendor/bin:/system/sbin:/system/bin:/system/xbin
and $ ls gave me a list of commands(?) that did included config, but not ifconfig.​
Any assistance here will be appreciated. I know just enough to get myself in trouble if I'm not real careful here, and since I got this thing 2 days ago, I don't really want to brick it from carelessness.

Thank you, Gentlemen, for taking pity on a poor fool who can't keep track of her own networks.
jeffsf, my apologies for wasting so much of your time on that detailed answer to a problem that really didn't exist.
My router puts out two networks, a primary using WPA2 and the guest using WEP which has a much easier password. Thoughtlessly, I had logged my phone into the guest, not thinking that guest only has web access and no ability to get to my PCs or NAS.
Well, as I stated, I'm not that great on networks.
If this gray-matter deterioration continues apace, I'm going to have to move closer to the grandkids to have them maintain my systems for me. Bummer.

Not that great at networks with two ssid's broadcasting on the same router Hahahaha. Made my morning.

Well shoot! The stock ROM apparently doesn't have the ifstat command.
I use WiFi Widget and find the 2x1 widget shows information in a compact way. It will give you your IP address.
I found Fing on "Play" that seems like it might be helpful. I haven't used it nor heard of it before today.

Nice widget, FB. Thanks.
As for the second network, it's for the kids when they come loaded with their "stuff." The smarter ones leave that at home and just log in on one of our desktops, but some seem to be tethered to their laptops. Not hard to set up.

FBis251 said:
Not that great at networks with two ssid's broadcasting on the same router Hahahaha. Made my morning.
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lol... I bet the router is a Netgear... they by default broadcast 2... I have a Netgear 7550 that does that exact thing.
Sent from my Cyanogen9 SGH-T959v

gabrielshaste said:
lol... I bet the router is a Netgear... they by default broadcast 2... I have a Netgear 7550 that does that exact thing.
Sent from my Cyanogen9 SGH-T959v
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DD-WRT software will allow you to broadcast multiple ssid's.
Sent from my SGH-T959V using Tapatalk 2


Windows Mobile 6, "internet Sharing", Bluetooth And Suse (linux)

To those that might not know one of the major changes to windows mobile 6 from windows mobile 5 was the removal of bluetooth DUN (dial up networking) which has worked quite well under linux forever and the addition of a new tool called "Internet Sharing" which uses bluetooth pan. Linux has a tool called PAND which is supposed to allow us to use bluetooth pan but previously I had not had success in making it work. Recently I read the following page and used it as a guide and was able to get it working on Suse.
0) Run the kde bluetooth server (system, desktop applet, kbluetoothd) because when you run the pand command the first time the phone is going to prompt you for the "access code" you assigned on the pc and then the pc is going to ask you for the SAME access code to pair them. In yast under hardware, bluetooth you can set the access code it will expect. Make sure bluetooth is on and phone can be found by other devices.
1) Go into Yast, Network cards and create a Bluetooth network card..this should be "bnep0" when all is said and done..this has to be setup ahead of time because it won't exist until pand is called. My /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-bnep0 looks like this:
2)On the command line type "sdptool search NAP" and write down the device address which is in the format xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
Example output:
Inquiring ...
Searching for NAP on XX:121:2A:XX:XX ...
Service Name: Network Access Point
Service Description: Bluetooth NAP Service
Service RecHandle: 0x10000
Service Class ID List:
UUID 128: 00001116-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
Protocol Descriptor List:
"L2CAP" (0x0100)
PSM: 15
"BNEP" (0x000f)
Version: 0x0100
SEQ8: 0 6 dd
Language Base Attr List:
code_ISO639: 0x656e
encoding: 0x6a
base_offset: 0x100
Profile Descriptor List:
"Network Access Point" (0x00001116-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
Version: 0x0100
3)On the command line type "pand --role PANU --connect xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx" replacing the XX's with your actual device address. (In my example that would be XX:121:2A:XX:XX) Pair the device when prompted. You will only have to pair it once..after that connects will be automatic.
4) On the command line type "route add default gw" and hit enter.
If you run ifconfig you should see the bnep0 device..on mine it gave me IP and the phone is
You should now have a bnep0 interface..and it should be the default route for internet....if you are running a firewall make sure it is the external zone..
Example ifconfig:
bnep0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr XX:11:F6:05:XX:XX
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: 2002:48fa:6048:8:211:f6ff:fe05:7e97/64 Scope:Global
inet6 addr: fec0::8:211:f6ff:fe05:7e97/64 Scope:Site
inet6 addr: fe80::211:f6ff:fe05:7e97/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:427958 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:354277 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
Advantages of Internet sharing over bluetooth big one...bluetooth dun would drop connection about every 20 minutes and have to be manually reconnected..or it would hang and have to be manually dropped and reconnected....Internet sharing creates an "always on" device and I've been connected for the last 6 hours without a hitch.
I hope this helps someone else and if it does please let me know
...and for further "tinkering" your phone now has an actual IP address... so theoretically you can run software such as ssh server's and proxies on the phone and access it from the example would be running the compressing proxy toonel from The phone version acts as both a http proxy and a socks proxy and compresses text to speed up surfing. The linux/windows versions only acts as a http proxy.
I tried to use Internet sharing via USB but it does not carry the proxy server I have on the phone. I have to add proxy address manually to my laptop IE. Is there ant way that my phone acts as proxy server?
hey fame, you find a working version of linux for our phones yet? lol
Shabe_syah said:
I tried to use Internet sharing via USB but it does not carry the proxy server I have on the phone. I have to add proxy address manually to my laptop IE. Is there ant way that my phone acts as proxy server?
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What your asking has nothing to do with the original topic and should be in it's own thread. That being said..even if you ran a proxy on your pocketpc you would still have to point to THAT proxy on the pc so whats the difference in that and pointing to the isp one?
nottoosmart said:
hey fame, you find a working version of linux for our phones yet? lol
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I wouldn't bet my retirement on it.
well, ive been trying to watch the linux thing in the forum but no one seems to be updating. im kinda depressed lol
famewolf said:
To those that might not know one of the major changes to windows mobile 6 from windows mobile 5 was the removal of bluetooth DUN (dial up networking) which has worked quite well under linux forever and the addition of a new tool called "Internt ...... proxy.
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What kernel are you using with that version of SuSe?
The reason I ask, is that I'm using Debian Etch with a 2.6.18 kernel, and I get connected fine.. however...
I can't ping anywhere, or connect in any fashion anywhere, unless I first run tcpdump or ngrep on bnep0. Once I've done that, I can do a few things, for example, I seem to get DNS queries through (and with my own DNS on the net at large).
However, I can't seem to connect to anywhere, although oddly tcpdump seems to show packets coming in.
Anyone have any ideas. There is zero in the way of an iptables firewalling on this box...
BRad Barnett said:
What kernel are you using with that version of SuSe?
The reason I ask, is that I'm using Debian Etch with a 2.6.18 kernel, and I get connected fine.. however...
I can't ping anywhere, or connect in any fashion anywhere, unless I first run tcpdump or ngrep on bnep0. Once I've done that, I can do a few things, for example, I seem to get DNS queries through (and with my own DNS on the net at large).
However, I can't seem to connect to anywhere, although oddly tcpdump seems to show packets coming in.
Anyone have any ideas. There is zero in the way of an iptables firewalling on this box...
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I have a handful of cheap chinese knockoff bluetooth dongles that I got for $5 each..they ALL have mac id's of all 11:11:11:11:11:11 and will not work with internet sharing..they can get an ip address but even with default route they don't seem to be able to get anywhere...the good news is bluetooth dun has been hacked BACK into wm6 and those same cheap dongles work fine using bluetooth DUN because it doesn't care about the mac id.
I have one airnet $15 bluetooth adapter I got from is the one dongle which I have that will work with internet sharing and it has a real mac id....I have used the same dongle on both a desktop and laptop to verify the dongle is the issue and not the pc' make sure you get a name brand dongle with it's own mac id and not a cheap clone....hope this helps.
famewolf said:
I have a handful of cheap chinese knockoff bluetooth dongles that I got for $5 each..they ALL have mac id's of all 11:11:11:11:11:11 and will not work with internet sharing..they can get an ip address but even with default route they don't seem to be able to get anywhere...the good news is bluetooth dun has been hacked BACK into wm6 and those same cheap dongles work fine using bluetooth DUN because it doesn't care about the mac id.
I have one airnet $15 bluetooth adapter I got from is the one dongle which I have that will work with internet sharing and it has a real mac id....I have used the same dongle on both a desktop and laptop to verify the dongle is the issue and not the pc' make sure you get a name brand dongle with it's own mac id and not a cheap clone....hope this helps.
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That's it.. thanks.
Crappy chinese garbage!!!
Internet Sharing vs Bluetooth DUN
BRad Barnett said:
That's it.. thanks.
Crappy chinese garbage!!!
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The specific model of bluetooth dongle I have is the Airnet's about $15 on ebay..there is also the ABT201 which is $9 on ebay but it has the shorter range.
Internet sharing has some definite pluses over bluetooth dun....for one it doesn't drop the connection every 20 minutes like dun did..for another your phone still has access to the internet while you it can still sync..get email etc....lastly your phone has a real ip address ( so you can run sync software like finchsync under linux to sync to thunderbird etc where previously you had to have a wifi connection.

Linux and HTC Touch Pro - Help

I just bought myself a new webbook (a CnMbook) and want to use my TouchPRO as a modem so I can surf the net at work.
I've been routing round the internet to find an answer - which I have done but my webbook doesn't have the option to get to terminal.
Can anyone else help?
Simple solution, which I'm using is >
Thanks for your reply - but I already pay for unlimited internet with my phone contract, so I don't want to pay again.
Well, you could try other ways of getting to the terminal... without fixing that module, it won't let you get online via USB.
Otherwise, you can just use Bluetooth if your laptop has it, or the free version of WMWifiRouter, while plugging in to charge.
what is the latest free version of wmwifirouter? <- is that it?
walking hot spot is a trial, but even when it expires it still works
@ldrn - thanks for suggesting WMWifiRouter, that's a great app!
After an hour of messing about with it, I'm about 95% of the way there, but when my laptop tries to connect it says "invalid IP address"
Any ideas how to fix this?
GreenSaints said:
@ldrn - thanks for suggesting WMWifiRouter, that's a great app!
After an hour of messing about with it, I'm about 95% of the way there, but when my laptop tries to connect it says "invalid IP address"
Any ideas how to fix this?
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Just had a quick look at the link for WifiRouter you posted. In the change log the author says: "- Made the use of DHCP Allocator disabled by default."
This would mean your Netbook basicly guessed an IP address when it's DHCP request failed. Look around for an option to enable the DHCP. I have no idea where it is, never used the app.
Good luck.
Alex is right (and so is Jack, I think) -- and just go to "Options", "Configuration", then "Use DHCP Allocator".
Glad I was able to help.
@Alex_w and ldrn
Thanks for your responses - however, I am still having issues.
I tried my Vista laptop to connect using WMWiFiRouter and it worked first time, however my little webbook can't get an IP address - whether the DHCP is ticked or not, or DNS.
I've now spent about 6 hours trying to work this out and it's annoying not to mention wasted a Sunday!
Are you using any type of encryption on the Ad-hoc connection? That's normaly my main problem when I work with WiFi on *nix. Just seems like the config tools aren't very polished TBH.
Thanks for your reply - do you mean like WEP or Firewall?
Either/or - I have none enabled.
I found out that my webbook runs on "debian" - does that make a difference? I'm a total newbie when it comes to Linux
No more answers?
Hmm... that is strange. I have had trouble connecting with wcid and WEP, but not with NetworkManager (and NetworkManager is usually the default.) Are you sure you are seeing the network name correctly and there is no encryption? A lot of versions of the NetworkManager fail to see Ad-hoc connections.
If that fails, I could walk you through how to *make* your laptop go to the terminal for the fix, but there would be a big risk of breaking something.
* Edit * Okay, this is pretty unslick and inefficient, but if you only use it for web browsing, the awesome Socks Proxy Server pchasco wrote works great for me on a machine without a fixed rndis module -- I am posting using it right now -- although it looks off on a VGA device like ours and the setup on the other end is a bit clunky.
Plug in your Touch pro and tell it to do activesync with internet sharing turned off, download that and run it on your Touch Pro -- leave the defaults and press "start proxy". Then on your linux laptop, go into firefox, type "about:config", and find network.proxy.socks_remote_dns and set it to true (you will only have to do this the first time.) Then in firefox, go to edit, preferences, advanced, network, settings (under connection) and write the IP address Socks Proxy has in its box near the top on your phone in under "SOCKS Host" -- leave the rest blank -- and the port Socks Proxy has as the port (should be 1080.) Make sure it is SOCKS v5 and press okay, and you should be good to browse.
You have to turn proxy mode off on firefox when you are on a normal connection, though. There are some extensions around to make it easier.
Another useful WindowsMobile-side free software I've found really handy for linux is Mocha's free FTP server -- you can use it to browse around on your phone as if you had activesync without telling it to pretend to be a disk.
Thanks for your detailed response and sorry for my late reply.
I'm going to try this tomorrow and will let you know the outcome.
Fingers crossed!
I am using Ubuntu 8.10 on my Thinkpad notebook and on my eee 900 ("easypeasy 1.0"). I had 2 months with internet sharing nd other connection problems until i changed the MTU to 1392 - that did it! I made a new entry "TouchPro" (instead of the "Auto eth2" it used to create by itself), put the correct MAc address and MTU in it - ready.
zh1975 said:
I am using Ubuntu 8.10 on my Thinkpad notebook and on my eee 900 ("easypeasy 1.0"). I had 2 months with internet sharing nd other connection problems until i changed the MTU to 1392 - that did it! I made a new entry "TouchPro" (instead of the "Auto eth2" it used to create by itself), put the correct MAc address and MTU in it - ready.
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How were you able to change the MTU settings on your touch PRo? I am trying to tether w my xbox 360 and it keeps saying MTU fail!!!

Internet on G1 via USB cable (Reverse Tethering)?

Would it be possible to get Internet on the device, through PC, instead of Internet on PC, through device?
Is there any way to do this its very important as I live in India, there is no 3g and edge is very slow so can't download themes, updates directly on my g1
Sure there is a way, WiFi
No you cannot give the phone internet via USB
Can you be more specific on how to do it with WiFi? And without a router
I tried using the AdHoc connection created for the Tethering (Internet from G1's 3G/EDGE to PC), but with no luck.
The laptop and phone can ping each other, I have done all the necessary steps to share my LAN and WiFi connection, remounted the /system partition as rw, edited /etc/resolv.conf (/etc is in fact on /system/etc and if not remounted as rw you cannot edit /etc/resolv.conf), added the IP of the laptop, but then I have some trouble adding default route to it. No matter what settings I try "route add ...", they change nothing...
No internet, no ping.
Did you set the gateway?
You have the SDcard that you can use to move files to the phone, I don't see any need to download directly to the sdcard, especially if you have the phone hooked up via USB anyways.
Kind of pointless no>?
but then I had some trouble adding default route to it. No matter what settings I try "route add ...", they change nothing...
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So, I have tried at least.
How do you do it without Wi-Fi, over the USB cable? I can't set up a Wi-Fi node at work or the network security guys will send a SWAT team after me.
If you have access to a computer that has internet, and you have your usb cable, why don't you just download whatever theme/update to the computer, then plug in the usb cable and transfer it to your phone?
You have a PC or laptop with access to the internet. Why not just download stuff on to the PC/Laptop and move onto SD card.
If you want it to get on the market or watch youtube to test it out etc then join the laptop/PC's connection. Simple.
There is no solution for getting internet from laptop to the phone....
I wonder that with technology improving at such a fast pace, why any developer at corporations or independently hasnt thought about it yet. Any app, gadget or software providing a solution for this problem will sell like a hot cake especially in developing countries like south asia, middle east and africa.
Brock Samson said:
If you have access to a computer that has internet, and you have your usb cable, why don't you just download whatever theme/update to the computer, then plug in the usb cable and transfer it to your phone?
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But how do I sync my Gmail and Contacts without a Wi-Fi or data connection?
dilwaladoctor said:
There is no solution for getting internet from laptop to the phone....
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Are you sure? There is a solution for getting internet from phone to laptop over USB, so why not from laptop to phone? This blog post claims it can be done, but I haven't ever seen it working:
I wonder that with technology improving at such a fast pace, why any developer at corporations or independently hasnt thought about it yet. Any app, gadget or software providing a solution for this problem will sell like a hot cake especially in developing countries like south asia, middle east and africa.
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This isn't a matter of "technology improving". Other phones already have it. Windows Mobile has had it for years.
dilwaladoctor said:
There is no solution for getting internet from laptop to the phone....
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You have no idea what you're talking about.
I have know idea if this will work or not, but I have found this on a few different forum all posted by Diyism, so if it does work he deserves all the credit.
My android os is CyanogenMod,
1.Enable "Settings\Wireless controls\Internet tethering"
2.Install HTC Remote NDIS based Device driver([url][/url])
3.Set the HTC adapter as: IP:, Mask:
4.Set the PC ethercard as shared connection
5.Run these codes in terminal:
ifconfig usb0 netmask
busybox route delete default
iptables -F
iptables -F -t nat
busybox route add default gw
setprop net.dns1
setprop "net.gprs.http-proxy" ""
6.Now your g1 could open browser to view any web pages on the internet, and update apps in the Market.
highlandsun said:
You have no idea what you're talking about.
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Those instructions are only for a Linux computer, though?
I have used the setups as Brock Samson has indicated and it works for me.
I was asking the same question one year ago and I think I've posted somewhere a similar method to Brock Samson's, so it will definitely work.
In fact it will be less hussle if you don't enable internet tethering in settings and just bring usb0 up using ifconfig. You must set a correct IP address and netmask before the port is up though. Otherwise the driver on the PC end will freak out.
Generally Android never uses /etc/resolv.conf. Only console programs originated from Linux use it. DNS server must be set through setprop and has to be set everytime network status changes (e.g. mobile data network reconnect, etc).
Some programs will also use Android API to detect network availability and will back out if neither mobile data nor Wi-Fi is connected, so make sure you don't turn both of them off.

Help! Android tethering! Double nat! 100% packet loss

I'm having issues with my internet and am unable to do certain things that are sensitive to the NAT type. I have an LG Stylo 2 (Sprint), Windows 7 PC, Linksys router, Xbox One. Here's the order things are connected in
LGLS775>USB Tethered via PDANet>Windows 7 PC>Ethernet wire>Linksys router>Ethernet wire>Xbox One
I'm not sure how to set things up to fix the NAT type. Connection details: 60ms ping. 28 download. 7 upload. 100% packet loss.
I can still play certain games and access certain websites. But not everything. PLEASE DO NO TELL ME TO GO TO A DIFFERENT FORUM! ONLY POST HELPFUL ANSWERS
3 years later.
This is almost the same setup I'm working with but im using the wifi instead of usb on those parts.
For anyone having these issues I've got a couple things to try.
You can connect directly to pdanet via WiFi with pretty much any device (that I've seen so far) if you're able to set the proxy setting to manual using the ip given in pdanet with the port 8000. For me it would be
Or if you have to or just prefer to use a PDANet -> PC -> Router -> Device setup.
I used to have a much worse time with disconnects and error codes playing Destiny 2 on Steam, I still have problems here and there, sometimes often still. Ive got a good feeling though that what i did, actually improved my situation at least a bit.
In pdanet top right little menu with "Help" and "Dev Code", select IPv6 Support, then Prioritize IPv4.
Then in Windows, head to Network and Sharing, Change adapter settings, right click > properties on the adapter doing ICS then (what i did) uncheck "Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6)", "QoS Packet Scheduler", and anything else that isn't default, in my case, Npcap Packet Drivers.
I actually can't be sure that any of these really did anything but im much less frustrated than i used to be.
Also in my case im using a Netgear in AP mode, which ends up with a different local ip than ones that pdanet give. For me, after pdanet is adequately connected to the router, it seems that most of my Android devices work without further setup but some devices require setting a static ip, which should be easy to find using "arp -a" or "ipconfig" in cmd.
-In My Case-
The gateway was so i choose any 2 digit number after 137. for the main (connecting device's) ip. Example.
So when connecting device to router via WiFi you will choose to set Manual/Static IP then after that the settings should look something like...
Secondary DNS:
If v these v are set automatically or not required then you should be able to ignore them
Network prefix length: 24
Subnet mask:
I'm still trying to find other ways to set things that may be better but so far these are working okay for me. Don't hesitate to ask any question if clarification is needed, i understand a lot of things i post can be confusing. I hope at least some of this was helpful in any way!
CornholeOS_x86 said:
3 years later.
This is almost the same setup I'm working with but im using the wifi instead of usb on those parts.
For anyone having these issues I've got a couple things to try.
You can connect directly to pdanet via WiFi with pretty much any device (that I've seen so far) if you're able to set the proxy setting to manual using the ip given in pdanet with the port 8000. For me it would be
Or if you have to or just prefer to use a PDANet -> PC -> Router -> Device setup.
I used to have a much worse time with disconnects and error codes playing Destiny 2 on Steam, I still have problems here and there, sometimes often still. Ive got a good feeling though that what i did, actually improved my situation at least a bit.
In pdanet top right little menu with "Help" and "Dev Code", select IPv6 Support, then Prioritize IPv4.
Then in Windows, head to Network and Sharing, Change adapter settings, right click > properties on the adapter doing ICS then (what i did) uncheck "Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6)", "QoS Packet Scheduler", and anything else that isn't default, in my case, Npcap Packet Drivers.
I actually can't be sure that any of these really did anything but im much less frustrated than i used to be.
Also in my case im using a Netgear in AP mode, which ends up with a different local ip than ones that pdanet give. For me, after pdanet is adequately connected to the router, it seems that most of my Android devices work without further setup but some devices require setting a static ip, which should be easy to find using "arp -a" or "ipconfig" in cmd.
-In My Case-
The gateway was so i choose any 2 digit number after 137. for the main (connecting device's) ip. Example.
So when connecting device to router via WiFi you will choose to set Manual/Static IP then after that the settings should look something like...
Secondary DNS:
If v these v are set automatically or not required then you should be able to ignore them
Network prefix length: 24
Subnet mask:
I'm still trying to find other ways to set things that may be better but so far these are working okay for me. Don't hesitate to ask any question if clarification is needed, i understand a lot of things i post can be confusing. I hope at least some of this was helpful in any way!
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So I actually figured it out a while back but now I'm in the same boat since I've moved to a place with no highspeed again. Same basis except I'm now T-Mobile, using a VPN and the Hotspot VPN APK. Same connection route. If I remember correctly there was an IP address error with the 137.anything. I'll post an update soon.
Anything better then pdanet ? That bypass data speed throttle after using so much???

Working Options for Unlimited Tetherting, Hotspot, Carrier Check Bypass Methods

Some research into bypassing T-mobile’s tether restrictions reveals there are several things carriers can do to detect hotspot usage and block those packets:
-is hotspot data sent through a second anp?
-does carrier mark the packets coming through the wlan interface?
-do they filter by user agent strings?
-do they view the ttl?
-do they block urls that phones do not use?
-do they have a monitoring app pre-installed? (ex delete via titanium backup)
Getting around these restrictions while using the native hotspot functionality requires work-arounds that I did not go far enough to successfully implement. One cannot by default edit the APNs for instance. I had to set up a duplicate, but theorize T-mobile was still routing to the hotspot APN I could not edit. With root access (which I have) it should be possible to achieve success, but I have found satisfactory non-root ways of achieving unlimited internet with MetroPCs (owned by T-mobile). I have, however, compiled a number of resources and may look back into what hacks must be used on the native app in the future. If anyone has a good guide on how you're getting hotspot with the Nougat LG V10 please post!
It stands to reason that one must use a non-native application to disguise the tether usage, or significantly modify the native one. After stalling with the mods, I pursued the non-native of attack and found (2) independent working ways to get unlimited tethered internet.
Wifi Tethering apps
I tried various wifi tether apps and without additional modifications or configuration I could not get them to work including:
-native hotspot (which works despite not having a hotspot plan, but t-mobile blocks)
-Wifi tether router by Fabio Grasso ($2.90) (requires root access)--(t-mobile was blocking the connection)—in discussion with developer on how to get working, will update. UPDATE: After back and forth with dev, he recommended using a VPN. His app does route the VPN through the hotspot connection if that feature is toggled. I have not tested. Potentially, changing the TTL of the computer may do something.
-Open Garden Wifi Tether—crashed when attempting to start service
Wifi Direct apps:
Wifi apps such as NetShare (red-themed play store entry is completely free, several paid versions) which use the native wifi direct functionality create a proxy server through which you can connect to via wifi. These DO WORK without additional modifications, but most native desktop apps on your computer cannot access the internet. All websites will load however. You have to set up your internet connection as through a proxy server on the client side but do not need to install additional software. A GOOD OPTION TO HAVE. I have found that one sometimes may need to stop and start the service to get it to give you internet access. The way I do it is start then quickly bring up the wifi menu, computer recognizes the network and connects quickly. If there is too much of a delay between starting and connecting via the client Netshare(Pro) doesn’t seem to work without a quick disable/enable afterwards.
USB tethering apps:
Rely on the phone’s native USB debugging feature in the hidden developer tools menu. (Go to about phone, software info, and tap on build repeatedly until enabled.) NO ROOT required. I tested Easy Tether ($9.99) and ClockWorkMod Tether ($4.99). Both worked well. PDAnet+ may also fall into this category but I have not researched. THIS IS MY PREFERRED METHOD so far. It is also possible to USB tether to certain types of wifi routers and thus get wifi for the home.
-There are PC, Mac, or Linux applications and drivers which must be installed on the computer side.
-Must have USB debugging enabled, and USB options set to Photo Transfer (Media Transfer does not work, and why I originally failed with ClockWorkMod…otherwise probably would have not pursued root!)
-These USB tether apps have the benefit of reducing the heat generated by your phone (no wifi signal generation), so runs cooler (think chips last longer) and uses less energy than when you have wifi hotspot enabled. For this reason, and for the phone being so handy when connected to my laptop, I actually prefer this method. Plus you have access to the pictures and DICM folders of internal storage so you can transfer stuff to the phone fairly immediately. To get full access, however, you’ll have to switch to MTTP mode, which on LG phones such as this V10 will break the internet connection. Other phones may not have this particular issue.
Bluetooth Tether apps:
Easy Tether and probably PDAnet+ support Bluetooth tether. With easy tether I wouldn’t suspect any issues at all using this.
Potential other methods WHICH SEEMED PROMISING, I sorted through a lot! For your inspiration:
-One youtuber mentioned using a desktop hospot application + PDAnet+ to get legit wifi hotspot functionality. The desktop PDAnet+ application apparently disguises the tethering operation. Video here:
-Exposed framework and tether for rooted devices (did not try):
-Claims you’ll be able to tether any rooted android with this rooted wifi app and particular settings (similar to wifi tether router) (UPDATE: I tried, app is not compatible with the phone)
See comments section of this article for the below quotes:
“The main issue I see people having is the lack of apn editing. This has been my setup for four years now
-Dd-wrt with iptables to edit the ttl value to 65 -Change TTL on windows PC to 65 so that it appears data is coming from the phone. (41 in hex = 65 in dec)
-Changed apn of hotspot to match the apn of normal mobile date. Doesn’t matter if you use or alpha/beta BUT YOU CANT USE THE ORIGINAL HOTSPOT APN it’ll say mobile web or some ****. If you do you will be routed through their hotspot server and tracked. I’ve done this on iOS and android.
-FOR THE FOLKS THAT SAY THE VPN DOESNT WORK. Once again you MUST change the apn AND you have to make sure that your traffic is actually being routed through the VPN, in my experience on both android and iOS hotspot traffic bypass your phones VPN, and VPN on the router/computer traveling through the phone can be tracked if the phone isn’t the one using the VPN, to make it force traffic through the VPN I had to use the for data option in the tether me app on iOS. These things all work if you do it properly.”--Wifi tether router does have this VPN routing function but I have not tested.
"My COMBO works for me on T-Mobile unlimited.
Nexus 5x – rooted 6.01 with “settings put global tether_dun_required 0”
Asus n31u router (w/ net.ipv4.ip_default_ttl = 65, bridge mod)
Works for Window 7 desktop and laptop, chromebook, and tablets. All about 80 Gigs last month”
“The TTLstands for “time to live” it is a counter on the data you send for its maximum hop count, or the number of devices it can travel through, for ever device it goes down by one, windows has a default TTL of 128, while Android has one of 64, if you change the TTL for windows to 65 when it gets to the phone the TTL will go down by one makeing it equal 64 the same as the phone. There are more adwanced way to do this so you can run a whole network off this by using a router with either DD-wrt, Tomatos or open-wrt or a dedicated pc running either pfsense, linux, or freebsd to act as a router and mangle the TTl on the fly, the benefits of this is it gets ALL of the data(windows seem to miss a small amount arohnd 5%) and its possible to edit the User agent in ways that dont mess up websites with squid and just appending the device.”
For USB tether clients, ClockWorkMod seems to be programmed in a lower-level fashion and produce significantly less heat than running Easytether. I will be monitoring and update.
Arr123 said:
Some research into bypassing T-mobile’s tether restrictions reveals there are several things carriers can do to detect hotspot usage and block those packets:
-is hotspot data sent through a second anp?
-does carrier mark the packets coming through the wlan interface?
-do they filter by user agent strings?
-do they view the ttl?
-do they block urls that phones do not use?
-do they have a monitoring app pre-installed? (ex delete via titanium backup)
Getting around these restrictions while using the native hotspot functionality requires work-arounds that I did not go far enough to successfully implement. One cannot by default edit the APNs for instance. I had to set up a duplicate, but theorize T-mobile was still routing to the hotspot APN I could not edit. With root access (which I have) it should be possible to achieve success, but I have found satisfactory non-root ways of achieving unlimited internet with MetroPCs (owned by T-mobile). I have, however, compiled a number of resources and may look back into what hacks must be used on the native app in the future. If anyone has a good guide on how you're getting hotspot with the Nougat LG V10 please post!
It stands to reason that one must use a non-native application to disguise the tether usage, or significantly modify the native one. After stalling with the mods, I pursued the non-native of attack and found (2) independent working ways to get unlimited tethered internet.
Wifi Tethering apps
I tried various wifi tether apps and without additional modifications or configuration I could not get them to work including:
-native hotspot (which works despite not having a hotspot plan, but t-mobile blocks)
-Wifi tether router by Fabio Grasso ($2.90) (requires root access)--(t-mobile was blocking the connection)—in discussion with developer on how to get working, will update. UPDATE: After back and forth with dev, he recommended using a VPN. His app does route the VPN through the hotspot connection if that feature is toggled. I have not tested. Potentially, changing the TTL of the computer may do something.
-Open Garden Wifi Tether—crashed when attempting to start service
Wifi Direct apps:
Wifi apps such as NetShare (red-themed play store entry is completely free, several paid versions) which use the native wifi direct functionality create a proxy server through which you can connect to via wifi. These DO WORK without additional modifications, but most native desktop apps on your computer cannot access the internet. All websites will load however. You have to set up your internet connection as through a proxy server on the client side but do not need to install additional software. A GOOD OPTION TO HAVE. I have found that one sometimes may need to stop and start the service to get it to give you internet access. The way I do it is start then quickly bring up the wifi menu, computer recognizes the network and connects quickly. If there is too much of a delay between starting and connecting via the client Netshare(Pro) doesn’t seem to work without a quick disable/enable afterwards.
USB tethering apps:
Rely on the phone’s native USB debugging feature in the hidden developer tools menu. (Go to about phone, software info, and tap on build repeatedly until enabled.) NO ROOT required. I tested Easy Tether ($9.99) and ClockWorkMod Tether ($4.99). Both worked well. PDAnet+ may also fall into this category but I have not researched. THIS IS MY PREFERRED METHOD so far. It is also possible to USB tether to certain types of wifi routers and thus get wifi for the home.
-There are PC, Mac, or Linux applications and drivers which must be installed on the computer side.
-Must have USB debugging enabled, and USB options set to Photo Transfer (Media Transfer does not work, and why I originally failed with ClockWorkMod…otherwise probably would have not pursued root!)
-These USB tether apps have the benefit of reducing the heat generated by your phone (no wifi signal generation), so runs cooler (think chips last longer) and uses less energy than when you have wifi hotspot enabled. For this reason, and for the phone being so handy when connected to my laptop, I actually prefer this method. Plus you have access to the pictures and DICM folders of internal storage so you can transfer stuff to the phone fairly immediately. To get full access, however, you’ll have to switch to MTTP mode, which on LG phones such as this V10 will break the internet connection. Other phones may not have this particular issue.
Bluetooth Tether apps:
Easy Tether and probably PDAnet+ support Bluetooth tether. With easy tether I wouldn’t suspect any issues at all using this.
Potential other methods WHICH SEEMED PROMISING, I sorted through a lot! For your inspiration:
-One youtuber mentioned using a desktop hospot application + PDAnet+ to get legit wifi hotspot functionality. The desktop PDAnet+ application apparently disguises the tethering operation. Video here:
-Exposed framework and tether for rooted devices (did not try):
-Claims you’ll be able to tether any rooted android with this rooted wifi app and particular settings (similar to wifi tether router) (UPDATE: I tried, app is not compatible with the phone)
See comments section of this article for the below quotes:
“The main issue I see people having is the lack of apn editing. This has been my setup for four years now
-Dd-wrt with iptables to edit the ttl value to 65 -Change TTL on windows PC to 65 so that it appears data is coming from the phone. (41 in hex = 65 in dec)
-Changed apn of hotspot to match the apn of normal mobile date. Doesn’t matter if you use or alpha/beta BUT YOU CANT USE THE ORIGINAL HOTSPOT APN it’ll say mobile web or some ****. If you do you will be routed through their hotspot server and tracked. I’ve done this on iOS and android.
-FOR THE FOLKS THAT SAY THE VPN DOESNT WORK. Once again you MUST change the apn AND you have to make sure that your traffic is actually being routed through the VPN, in my experience on both android and iOS hotspot traffic bypass your phones VPN, and VPN on the router/computer traveling through the phone can be tracked if the phone isn’t the one using the VPN, to make it force traffic through the VPN I had to use the for data option in the tether me app on iOS. These things all work if you do it properly.”--Wifi tether router does have this VPN routing function but I have not tested.
"My COMBO works for me on T-Mobile unlimited.
Nexus 5x – rooted 6.01 with “settings put global tether_dun_required 0”
Asus n31u router (w/ net.ipv4.ip_default_ttl = 65, bridge mod)
Works for Window 7 desktop and laptop, chromebook, and tablets. All about 80 Gigs last month”
“The TTLstands for “time to live” it is a counter on the data you send for its maximum hop count, or the number of devices it can travel through, for ever device it goes down by one, windows has a default TTL of 128, while Android has one of 64, if you change the TTL for windows to 65 when it gets to the phone the TTL will go down by one makeing it equal 64 the same as the phone. There are more adwanced way to do this so you can run a whole network off this by using a router with either DD-wrt, Tomatos or open-wrt or a dedicated pc running either pfsense, linux, or freebsd to act as a router and mangle the TTl on the fly, the benefits of this is it gets ALL of the data(windows seem to miss a small amount arohnd 5%) and its possible to edit the User agent in ways that dont mess up websites with squid and just appending the device.”
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I recently been looking into this as well. I've currently been using the new pdanet with with wifi direct but it seem to be hit or miss when getting a internet connection when using the proxy method. I have a few devices where i cant install the interface so im looking for reliable method
Few scenarios im looking at. The first one you cover quite a bit, was wondering if your using IPV4 or IPV6 with your different apn settings? 2nd scenario is being able to tether when connected to wifi like from a hotel and being able to pass that to other devices and the 3rd is being able to pass along a vpn connection if connected to free wifi places
Sorry for the necropost, I just wanted to point out that currently the only method you can use to hide tethering from T-mo is PDANet with it's "Hide Tether Usage" feature.
All other methods are detected and if you have tethering, will count against your tethering allotment.
majikfox said:
Sorry for the necropost, I just wanted to point out that currently the only method you can use to hide tethering from T-mo is PDANet with it's "Hide Tether Usage" feature.
All other methods are detected and if you have tethering, will count against your tethering allotment.
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Thanks for the heads up. Just wanted to make sure since I wanted to try the TTL method, but that is also blocked by T-Mobile correct?
TTL 65 didn't work on my computers, but 85 and 99 did. So don't be afraid to try different things.
However, the phone should be able to modify the TTL before it forwards the packet. How is there not an app that does this, or is there a setting or hack we can do to make it change the TTL as it passes through the phone?
edit: have searched more and learned some apps do, but they don't work on my phone. Not sure why.
I have metro pcs with 15gb of hotspot data.. i run out every month.. once my data runs out i use hotspotvpn. A free app on the google play store and it works for everything.. been doing it for months..never had any issues
I have metro pcs with 15gb of hotspot data.. i run out every month.. once my data runs out i use hotspotvpn. A free app on the google play store and it works for everything.. been doing it for months..never had any issues
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Which one do you use? I saw a few that had the same name
Same here metro
13crigby said:
Which one do you use? I saw a few that had the same name
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Im also wondering which app you're referring to. Theres quite a few with that name
I have metro pcs with 15gb of hotspot data.. i run out every month.. once my data runs out i use hotspotvpn. A free app on the google play store and it works for everything.. been doing it for months..never had any issues
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Let me third the request. I just clocked through 8 or 9 different apps with that name. Who is the publisher?
Bypass With Termux
I've done this for ever and it's not going to be restricted to who you have but it will 100 percent get around any data throttling.
Download Termux app and install openssh-server on it. Go ahead and hotspot your phone, then run ifconfig inside Termux to get your current tethering local IP. It will be the only 192. spit out when you run ifconfig. Save this. Run sshd -dD inside Termux which starts an openssh server waiting to be connected to in debug mode to audit traffic. Now pop onto a PC or router you can SSH into, whatever and connect it to your hotspot from your phone. Now SSH tunnel all the traffic from the device back through the openssh server your running on the Termux app. Now that you are on the same local network you can SSH tunnel into that IP address you saved earlier. As long as you make sure all your traffic passes through the tunnel it 100 percent shows that all your internet is being used by Termux app not your hotspot app so you need no other spoofing of hops or anything because to your phone and carrier you are just using a bunch of data in termux, you do it right you will never be throttled I've used 150GB data multiple times.
Step by step >
RiFi2k said:
I've done this for ever and it's not going to be restricted to who you have but it will 100 percent get around any data throttling.
Download Termux app and install openssh-server on it. Go ahead and hotspot your phone, then run ifconfig inside Termux to get your current tethering local IP. It will be the only 192. spit out when you run ifconfig. Save this. Run sshd -dD inside Termux which starts an openssh server waiting to be connected to in debug mode to audit traffic. Now pop onto a PC or router you can SSH into, whatever and connect it to your hotspot from your phone. Now SSH tunnel all the traffic from the device back through the openssh server your running on the Termux app. Now that you are on the same local network you can SSH tunnel into that IP address you saved earlier. As long as you make sure all your traffic passes through the tunnel it 100 percent shows that all your internet is being used by Termux app not your hotspot app so you need no other spoofing of hops or anything because to your phone and carrier you are just using a bunch of data in termux, you do it right you will never be throttled I've used 150GB data multiple times.
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This is amazing. How do I use my Windows PC to connect to the openSSH server to create the traffic tunnel? Also, how do I force my Windows 10 traffic through the tunnel?
I am guessing with Putty and then setup SSH proxy in a browser to force traffic? Won't that only allow browser based traffic through the tunnel and not all traffic from the Windows computer?
VICosPhi said:
This is amazing. How do I use my Windows PC to connect to the openSSH server to create the traffic tunnel? Also, how do I force my Windows 10 traffic through the tunnel?
I am guessing with Putty and then setup SSH proxy in a browser to force traffic? Won't that only allow browser based traffic through the tunnel and not all traffic from the Windows computer?
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So I am an everyday linux user and for me personally I use sshuttle to route everything back through the tunnel because it already handles the TCP over TCP problem because the guy that wrote it is a boss. This here explains that.
If I was on windows I would go with their vagrant solution because then you get the benefit of sshuttle and all your responsible for is making sure all traffic goes through the VM. Also you could use something like proxycap and putty works as well although I guess it's slow people have said.
Browser traffic can be handled with SOCKS proxies.
I feel like it's a pretty great solution overall and can benefit some people so I started a repo and I'll fully document how it works, I'm just too tired tonight so keep an eye out and I'll step by step linux and windows for everyone as much as possible, plus if anyone else has scripts and whatnot feel free to contribute.
RiFi2k said:
So I am an everyday linux user and for me personally I use sshuttle to route everything back through the tunnel because it already handles the TCP over TCP problem because the guy that wrote it is a boss. This here explains that.
If I was on windows I would go with their vagrant solution because then you get the benefit of sshuttle and all your responsible for is making sure all traffic goes through the VM. Also you could use something like proxycap and putty works as well although I guess it's slow people have said.
Browser traffic can be handled with SOCKS proxies.
I feel like it's a pretty great solution overall and can benefit some people so I started a repo and I'll fully document how it works, I'm just too tired tonight so keep an eye out and I'll step by step linux and windows for everyone as much as possible, plus if anyone else has scripts and whatnot feel free to contribute.
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Thanks a lot, will read up on this. Adding your github to my bookmarks as well. :good:
RiFi2k said:
I've done this for ever and it's not going to be restricted to who you have but it will 100 percent get around any data throttling.
Download Termux app and install openssh-server on it. Go ahead and hotspot your phone, then run ifconfig inside Termux to get your current tethering local IP. It will be the only 192. spit out when you run ifconfig. Save this. Run sshd -dD inside Termux which starts an openssh server waiting to be connected to in debug mode to audit traffic. Now pop onto a PC or router you can SSH into, whatever and connect it to your hotspot from your phone. Now SSH tunnel all the traffic from the device back through the openssh server your running on the Termux app. Now that you are on the same local network you can SSH tunnel into that IP address you saved earlier. As long as you make sure all your traffic passes through the tunnel it 100 percent shows that all your internet is being used by Termux app not your hotspot app so you need no other spoofing of hops or anything because to your phone and carrier you are just using a bunch of data in termux, you do it right you will never be throttled I've used 150GB data multiple times.
Step by step >
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Had any user tried this already and confirm that it works with metropcs?
Pdanet+ documentation details that only usb tether+hide tether usage works with metropcs. It took me a while to go around all of it, but I haven't tested due to I want to switch carriers to metropcs.
RiFi2k said:
I've done this for ever and it's not going to be restricted to who you have but it will 100 percent get around any data throttling.
Download Termux app and install openssh-server on it. Go ahead and hotspot your phone, then run ifconfig inside Termux to get your current tethering local IP. It will be the only 192. spit out when you run ifconfig. Save this. Run sshd -dD inside Termux which starts an openssh server waiting to be connected to in debug mode to audit traffic. Now pop onto a PC or router you can SSH into, whatever and connect it to your hotspot from your phone. Now SSH tunnel all the traffic from the device back through the openssh server your running on the Termux app. Now that you are on the same local network you can SSH tunnel into that IP address you saved earlier. As long as you make sure all your traffic passes through the tunnel it 100 percent shows that all your internet is being used by Termux app not your hotspot app so you need no other spoofing of hops or anything because to your phone and carrier you are just using a bunch of data in termux, you do it right you will never be throttled I've used 150GB data multiple times.
Step by step >
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Hey bro!! Thank you !!
This is great idea, I would try it on my country to see if this works
myself379 said:
Hey bro!! Thank you !!
This is great idea, I would try it on my country to see if this works
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For sure! See the nice thing about this method is that your phone doesn't register any of the data used as coming from the tethering app, it 100% all gets attributed to the Termux app because of the SSH tunnel. So basically there is no way for anyone at your carrier to know, or prove that you actually were tethering at all. If you open up the apps section and check out the part where it shows you how much data each app used you will see what I mean. So basically it really doesn't matter what country / carrier / phone you have, as long as you have access to be able to tether and you have a computer you can use for the SSH tunnel it's impossible for them to throttle you because they can't prove you actually used the data tethering. When you read the fine print about them throttling it basically says the same thing, if they can't definitively prove the data came from tethering it doesn't go on your tethering cap.
Hello RiFi2k,
OK, thanks for the information. I'm trying to translate this into a windows environment(Windows 10 phone and PC).
Here is what I have so far, but a few of your points are unclear. A little clarity would be fantastic.
Translation for Windows 10 phone
Since, I'm on a windows phone there is no Termux app. I guess Termux is used to install the SSH server and gain access to a command prompt, correct?
1. Ok since openssh server is built into the windows phone OS and I can access the command prompt via putty, I should be fine, right.
2. Generate key pair and stored public key on phone. Working fine.
3. Hotspot connection to phone.
4. Run ipconfig(windows) on phone or local machine. On local machine, gateway address is the needed ip, same as hotspot address on phone.
5. SSH Server is started on phone once the phone is placed in development mode.
Can't put server in debug mode on phone, but I'm pretty certain that it's hard coded to listen on port 22.
6. Your instructions on have duplicated the step number 5, which should be 6 and I am having a little trouble sorting through it.
7. I guess the only way to tunnel to the phone is to run a putty session from the Windows machine configured per your instructions.
Are these commands executed on the device or phone?:
ssh -D 8123 -fqgN [email protected].1 -p 22 (ssh client)
sshuttle -r [email protected].1:22 (sock proxy)
Either way, I will need to use putty for the SSH Client portion. What are the switches in your example "-fqgN"? Are the switches concatenated?
-f Specifies a per-user configuration file.
-q Quiet mode
-g Allows remote hosts to connect to local forwarded ports.
-N ???
And finally, depending on where the above commands are run, I will need to find a sock proxy solution, if I want all traffic going through the tunnel.
Again, thanks for all your hard work.
davy4620 said:
Hello RiFi2k,
OK, thanks for the information. I'm trying to translate this into a windows environment(Windows 10 phone and PC).
Here is what I have so far, but a few of your points are unclear. A little clarity would be fantastic.
Translation for Windows 10 phone
Since, I'm on a windows phone there is no Termux app. I guess Termux is used to install the SSH server and gain access to a command prompt, correct?
1. Ok since openssh server is built into the windows phone OS and I can access the command prompt via putty, I should be fine, right.
2. Generate key pair and stored public key on phone. Working fine.
3. Hotspot connection to phone.
4. Run ipconfig(windows) on phone or local machine. On local machine, gateway address is the needed ip, same as hotspot address on phone.
5. SSH Server is started on phone once the phone is placed in development mode.
Can't put server in debug mode on phone, but I'm pretty certain that it's hard coded to listen on port 22.
6. Your instructions on have duplicated the step number 5, which should be 6 and I am having a little trouble sorting through it.
7. I guess the only way to tunnel to the phone is to run a putty session from the Windows machine configured per your instructions.
Are these commands executed on the device or phone?:
ssh -D 8123 -fqgN [email protected].1 -p 22 (ssh client)
sshuttle -r [email protected].1:22 (sock proxy)
Either way, I will need to use putty for the SSH Client portion. What are the switches in your example "-fqgN"? Are the switches concatenated?
-f Specifies a per-user configuration file.
-q Quiet mode
-g Allows remote hosts to connect to local forwarded ports.
-N ???
And finally, depending on where the above commands are run, I will need to find a sock proxy solution, if I want all traffic going through the tunnel.
Again, thanks for all your hard work.
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Ok, so the N is `-N Do not execute a remote command. This is useful for just forwarding ports (protocol version 2 only).` reference
It's completely fine if you don't have debug mode on when you start the sshd server on your phone, you actually don't technically need any flags. One is debug and one is detached so it runs in the background, which you are generally going to want.
Both those commands are run on your computer, but you only use one or the other. Follow my link to sshuttle they have information for using it on Windows, it will transparently route all your traffic through the tunnel for you already so it's way better than anything else.
So just to recap, you start the sshd (ssh server) on your phone and it will spit out a port. Then you go to your PC and ssh or sshuttle (ssh client) connect to your phone.
I'm around if you need more help!
---------- Post added at 12:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:40 AM ----------
Also once you get it working on Windows with your phone if you don't mind letting me know what version of Windows and what model your phone is, and where the directions hung you up, because I'll mention it all to help the next person.
Thanks for the quick reply. I'm going to have to dig a little deeper. It looks as if Microsoft is doing some kind of filtering on the WiFi interface and blocking this approach. Again, thanks for the great start.

