Please port this - Samsung Galaxy Fit GT 5670

Can someone port this version of Miui
Sent from my GT-S5670 using xda app-developers app

I think its high time you learn to port stuff on your own...
That way, you won't need to depend on anyone else...
Typed using a small touchscreen

a.cid said:
I think its high time you learn to port stuff on your own...
That way, you won't need to depend on anyone else...
Typed using a small touchscreen
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my pc is damaged so i am waiting for a new pc to port by myself so until that please help me in porting my favourite roms
Sent from my GT-S5670 using xda app-developers app

I agree with a.cid. By my count, this is the fifth or sixth thread you've created asking to have specific ROMs ported. At least combine future requests into a single thread, or better yet, do what you can to learn to port yourself.

hey i port this rom and its working fine just the one thing is wifi never turn shows error..!!!
can anybody help..?

arhant said:
hey i port this rom and its working fine just the one thing is wifi never turn shows error..!!!
can anybody help..?
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Is there any other bugs?? Is it smooth?
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TeeJay3800 said:
I agree with a.cid. By my count, this is the fifth or sixth thread you've created asking to have specific ROMs ported. At least combine future requests into a single thread, or better yet, do what you can to learn to port yourself.
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First I excuse for disturbing u guys but the problem as i said is that my pc is totally damaged so untill getting a new pc please help me in porting my favourite roms
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asdfglkjhg said:
Is there any other bugs?? Is it smooth?
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now wifi is working...!
i used two roms from mini and fit, port it and made miui..
exactly same though..!!
844mhz kernel but after oc to 806 it reboots after every 10mins.!!

arhant said:
now wifi is working...!
i used two roms from mini and fit, port it and made miui..
exactly same though..!!
844mhz kernel but after oc to 806 it reboots after every 10mins.!!
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Good news but excuse me i have another question . Is the task manager still not optimized and in chinese? And what about smoothness without overclocking
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asdfglkjhg said:
Good news but excuse me i have another question . Is the task manager still not optimized and in chinese? And what about smoothness without overclocking
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Click to collapse i have been using this rom from last reboot until 787mhz.
super fast no lag even at 600mhz..
n yes the task manager is still in chinese ..!!
but it has gb task manager and its working fine..!
rest all working good n smooth..!
Can someone port this awesome rom?
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asdfglkjhg said:
Can someone port this awesome rom?
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Before posting your wish, just give a look at that rom details .. nothing is working in that ..
Edward Cullen


Porting MIUI Room

As miui is open source and there is a guide on how to port it can some one give it a try
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Mr.Oug said:
As miui is open source and there is a guide on how to port it can some one give it a try
Sent from my GT-S5670 using xda premium
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Yes this rom is a dream for all gfit users
Can any one port it for us ?
Mr.Oug said:
As miui is open source and there is a guide on how to port it can some one give it a try
Sent from my GT-S5670 using xda premium
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gr8 news folks...
So whose interested?????
Lets hope asad can help
Sent from my GT-S5670 using xda premium
i'll try to make this as my first ROM
lomash said:
i'll try to make this as my first ROM
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But i don't think it will be the same for ldpi devices
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lomash said:
i'll try to make this as my first ROM
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good luck!! hope ur successful. and this is gonna be hard.
Just so you know its libs are compiled for armv7 devices you have to compile new libs for armv6 devices ask squadzone for help
Sent from my GT-S5670 using xda premium
I dont think thats a good idea
MIUI is a great ROM,I mean the UI is superb way better than most of the other mainstream Custom ROMS.
But performance wise,its not that good.
I once read somewhere that a guy running MIUI on his HTC Desire Z (800Mhz,512mb RAM,Ardreno 205) had some problems with it.Like slow boot up,sluggish interface etc.
Hence I think a 1Ghz processor is a minimum requirement for smooth operation of MIUI.
And a friend of mine told me that MIUI eats up battery a lot faster than stock or CM7/CM9...(friend's phone- LG Optimus 2x).
lomash said:
i'll try to make this as my first ROM
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Could anyone port XperiaTized to Galaxy GT-I5800???
gjhita1996 said:
Could anyone port XperiaTized to Galaxy GT-I5800???
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Hey this is really awesome rom which would i love to have it on our phone but i think that nowbody will port it since most off devs are on CMX project. So if you want to have it you could try porting it
Edit: if you will port this rom try with this:
Sent from my Viper HOX
Interesting...I send a PM to CoolCatGetHome, so if he allows me to port, then I might give it a try Anyone want to be a tester? cause I don't have my g3 right now :\
Jason-EX said:
Interesting...I send a PM to CoolCatGetHome, so if he allows me to port, then I might give it a try Anyone want to be a tester? cause I don't have my g3 right now :\
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Won't mind testing
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gjhita1996 said:
Won't mind testing
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Won't mind testing too, I'm even looking forward to buy an Xperia later, so if I can get a taste of the UI that cannot be useless.
How long would it take to port the rom?
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gjhita1996 said:
How long would it take to port the rom?
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It depens on how much time would porter put in and for compiling and etc... not to long ^_^
Sent from my Viper HOX
turboblaz said:
It depens on how much time would porter put in and for compiling and etc... not to long ^_^
Sent from my Viper HOX
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yes, not to long, but CoolCatGetHome didn't read my PM
What android version would it be? 2.2 or 2.3?
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gjhita1996 said:
What android version would it be? 2.2 or 2.3?
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2.3.6.....but i think it'll work with 2.3.7 based CM7
Are u working on it jason
amarendar94 said:
Are u working on it jason
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I'm working on it. Download it if you want
Based on CM7 so a lot of it works but I'm still modding it
You will lose all data and might need to flash gapps. First boot will take a while.
Currently just themed to look like it. Stock Music player or Video player doesn't work.
For the theme, go onto Theme Chooser and select Xperia S
amarendar94 said:
Are u working on it jason
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Sorry, he didn't answer my PM, so I have no permission to port it :\
when V13 comes i allow Everyone to port it but when its done and booted go to my original thread and post a link of the thread of your port
so i can keep a track of it
and might make official verions to
the rom is based on 2.3.6 samsung stock rom
so what i think is
use the xperiatized rom
replace some libs in the rom with some libs of cm7
and adjust it a bit
so it would work
CoolCatGetHome said:
when V13 comes i allow Everyone to port it but when its done and booted go to my original thread and post a link of the thread of your port
so i can keep a track of it
and might make official verions to
the rom is based on 2.3.6 samsung stock rom
so what i think is
use the xperiatized rom
replace some libs in the rom with some libs of cm7
and adjust it a bit
so it would work
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Awesome! Please also announce it here
Some test versions of xperiatized where released
Up now i must say i am really proud of v13
Added patch for quickpanel to * for the people who wants that *
Withmedia controll etc
But still need to fix / dp some stuff
Also working on universal camera app wich looks like xperia cam
Maybe tomorrow it will be released on ace and then lets port
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
Would it have the Walkman music app from ics?
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jumper62 said:
Would it have the Walkman music app from ics?
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Nope but i moddified miui music player
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium
Just seen an ICS version of this.
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jumper62 said:
Just seen an ICS version of this.
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Ics version is not my work
And only theme + launcher and some widgets
Mine is hardmodded
And has no preinstalled cm9 theme but fully framework port of xperia u
Sent from my GT-S5830 using xda premium

JOYOS on optimus 3d

Hi I have some questions . Can I port JoyOS to our device using this guide?
Wich device is it best to port from? O2x? Is it a chance that I will hardbrick my phone using this guide? (It shouldn't)
Also have any1 tried it on this forum? Let me now so I know the problems or bugs it had.
Sent from my LG-P920 using xda app-developers app
lzzar said:
Hi I have some questions . Can I port JoyOS to our device using this guide?
Wich device is it best to port from? O2x? Is it a chance that I will hardbrick my phone using this guide? (It shouldn't)
Also have any1 tried it on this forum? Let me now so I know the problems or bugs it had.
Sent from my LG-P920 using xda app-developers app
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Use this its from the GS II
For Working FM Radio do not delete fmradioif.jar in the framework folder and FmRxApp.apk , FmService.apk in the APP Folder also you might want to keep torch from CM7 other than that the GUIDE Should work
---------- Post added at 04:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:54 PM ----------
also DianXin OS
Did you give it a go Izzar? I cant get beyond the apple logo using cm-7-20121007-NIGHTLY-p920 as base ROM and BlindJOY v1.1
kidkoala_uk said:
Did you give it a go Izzar? I cant get beyond the apple logo using cm-7-20121007-NIGHTLY-p920 as base ROM and BlindJOY v1.1
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No I have not. I have not had so much time lately but I will try it. Did you print a logcat?
Edit: I will try to find time this week or this weekend.
Did you try to not using a nightly?
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lzzar said:
No I have not. I have not had so much time lately but I will try it. Did you print a logcat?
Edit: I will try to find time this week or this weekend.
Did you try to not using a nightly?
Sent from my LG-P920 using xda app-developers app
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No I didn't print a logcat, i'll give it a go using the stable build.
Go ahead and do that and if that doesn't boot run a logcat and see what errors that comes up
Sent from my LG-P920 using xda app-developers app
Downloading JoyOS from SGS2 now
defcomg said:
also DianXin OS
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Yeah, I dont really like that ROM
Good luck Izzar, I got further with the JoyOS than I did with the SII. Not had much more time to have another go.
i got a working port but it keeps Force Closing think it has something todo with the launcher
defcomg said:
i got a working port but it keeps Force Closing think it has something todo with the launcher
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The ROM fc or the launcher?
Did You copy the and correctly?
Sent from my LG-P920 using xda app-developers app
I've tried the port of JoyOS of defcomg. I've just a FC when you turn on on wifi. No other Fc discovered
JoyOS help
:cyclops: Ive also tried defcomg's port of JoyOS and love it. Id keep using it too if it weren't down to the fact that my wifi doesn't work nor does it allow me to plug in and use it as a USB device I can select the option but nothing happens on the other end (PC) Is there a fix for the wifi that im missing? Great work either way :highfive: any help would also be great too.
Post any bugs in the rom's thread and defcomg will fix it for you
Sent from my LG-P925 using xda app-developers app
Wish I could I have to get my posts up before I can have access to the Dev forums :cyclops:
PM him in the mean time haha
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yourguitarist said:
PM him in the mean time haha
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:silly: Doh! That would have been the obvious thing to do

Need an Official CyanogenMod ROM....

Is it possible to having official ROM for our SL i9003...
Sent from my GT-I9003 using xda app-developers app
Yea it is. Head on over to all the official cyanogenmod devs and buy them each a Galaxy SL. Then its possible.
Sent from my GT-I9003 using xda app-developers app
((( RedDeviL ))) said:
Is it possible to having official ROM for our SL i9003...
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I have been searching answer for this from my joining date of xda
Who cares if the rom is official or not.. the fact is Cm9, which I'm currently using, is completely stable with no issues other than wifi .. And with a dev like Dhiru constantly working in it, what difference does it make that its not official ....
Hey guys why don't you understand actually I was checked at CyanMod website it only stated SL i9000 why not our set that's all....
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More of this first time enter to galaxy world dude previously from xperia....
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((( RedDeviL ))) said:
Hey guys why don't you understand actually I was checked at CyanMod website it only stated SL i9000 why not our set that's all....
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The Cyanogenmod's web site did not write our phone name on the web site because our Cyanogenmod are still in Alpha. First, WiFi didn't show strength, our Kernel is not for Jelly Bean and ICS, front camera improper and many other. Second, There's nothing we can do now, the only thing we do is pray that Kernel 3.x released soon and all/most of the problems are fix. Third, if you don't like using CM (The CM is not a problem for your daily life except if you used it as a camera or try to make a vlog with it front camera), try using stock ROM.
Thanks for your reply....
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((( RedDeviL ))) said:
Thanks for your reply....
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No problem Happy to help
Send from Galaxy SL powered by Jelly Bam
Need an Official CyanogenMod ROM....
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vishal24387 said:
I have been searching answer for this from my joining date of xda
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its not the question of official or unofficial
If the chicken fry tastes good
why you bother if its (hen) blind or not.
The thing is.. Our cyanogen will never been official 'cause dhiru and the other devs are not dependent on the cyano crew. On the cyano site our device is not present cause they've never worked on it.
Maybe if we reach the 3.x Kernel it will probably be better than i9000 official's.
Sent from my GT-I9003 using Tapatalk 2

port of aokp 4.2 ???

I tried to port for personal use from a Samsung att galaxy s3 with has the same chip set and an amoled screen but I couldn't sign my zip after I created the ROM . could somebody else please please please port this rom over to our device ? the one benefit would be a working 4.2 camera .
any thoughts ?
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raidrom said:
I tried to port for personal use from a Samsung att galaxy s3 with has the same chip set and an amoled screen but I couldn't sign my zip after I created the ROM . could somebody else please please please port this rom over to our device ? the one benefit would be a working 4.2 camera .
any thoughts ?
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Turn off signature checking in recovery settings and you will be able to flash it without a signature check.
Sent from my HTC One S using Tapatalk 2
I tried . but you know what I used a cm10 as a base for a kernel . should have used like a 10.1
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raidrom said:
I tried . but you know what I used a cm10 as a base for a kernel . should have used like a 10.1
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that's most likely gonna cause some issues somewhere, I don't think it'll stop you from flashing though.
ohh and when I did the port I followed the guide to a "t" and the one thing I might have messed up was the updater script . cause it seemed as if the partition details were incorrect or something . I dunno .anyone else want to try ? there is lots of guides here on xda in just the android development section
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raidrom said:
I tried to port for personal use from a Samsung att galaxy s3 with has the same chip set and an amoled screen but I couldn't sign my zip after I created the ROM . could somebody else please please please port this rom over to our device ? the one benefit would be a working 4.2 camera .
any thoughts ?
Sent from my One S using xda app-developers app
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Their cam wont work on ours...almost certain...or else xkonni and the other devs would have done this already and had it working for our devices.....but good luck on the porting
droidkevlar said:
Their cam wont work on ours...almost certain...or else xkonni and the other devs would have done this already and had it working for our devices.....but good luck on the porting
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I was thinking the same but the ATT S3 does have the same chip as us.
Darknites said:
I was thinking the same but the ATT S3 does have the same chip as us.
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They are not the same...just asked xkonni about it on irc but he said they are making moves on getting it working for 10.1
Why port? Just compile it! There are also alot of guides to do so.
Sent from my HTC One S using Tapatalk 2
droidkevlar said:
They are not the same...just asked xkonni about it on irc but he said they are making moves on getting it working for 10.1
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Must of been half asleep lol somehow miss it was on about camera, I know they not same.
to compile do you need Linux ? I was just using Windows
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raidrom said:
to compile do you need Linux ? I was just using Windows
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Oh yes you do. I'm trying to compile it since 4.2 Aokp is out.
Sent from my HTC One S using Tapatalk 2
You must use Linux or a virtual machine
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