S voice galaxy note issues - General Questions and Answers

Hi there
I have downloaded s voice for my galaxy note and keep getting "cannot install" message. Anyone have a solution for this?
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How in the world did you get S Voice fore Note. last I heard it was SIII exclusive? So Im assuming that you took the app from thirdn parties. Is tat so?
Sent from my ipad 2 using safari

apk file? Did you uninstall VoiceTalk and any other apps of that sort?

Its all over xda with plenty of links to downloads
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How do you uninstall voice talk from unrooted note?
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adam.male said:
How do you uninstall voice talk from unrooted note?
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You can't. Also guessing that's why you can't install S Voice. Pretty sure you need to be rooted to have it. Works great on my Note.
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TJBunch1228 said:
You can't. Also guessing that's why you can't install S Voice. Pretty sure you need to be rooted to have it. Works great on my Note.
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I'll second this! I was assuming it was rooted for some reason lol

I currently have OnlyOne custom rom on my I717 and S Voice comes pre loaded...its been working great so far! Awesome rom also btw!

Same issue, but my Note is rooted. I have rocket rom v10 - svoice was preinstalled, but now I lost it and I'm not able to re-install it.
What should I uninstall first?

You shouldnt install it! You should move it to /system/app. Then set permissions to rw-r--r-- and reboot and it will work.
Please hit the thanks button if Ive helped you!
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Uninstall it s voice is a peice of **** trust me compares to suri its a cheap nock off.
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Is there any way to get Svoice back? Current Currently running the following (see screenshots)
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Nope. S voice is only compatible with stock touchwiz and only on galxy s3. I think...
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b4silver said:
Nope. S voice is only compatible with stock touchwiz and only on galxy s3. I think...
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Incorrect, I had it on my RAZR. All you have to do is install the app.I just pulled it from a synergy zip I had and made a test call and it worked. And I am in the latest cm10 nightly
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Why would you want S-Voice its pretty much useless (not that it wasnt before either) on 4.1.1
kintwofan said:
Incorrect, I had it on my RAZR. All you have to do is install the app.I just pulled it from a synergy zip I had and made a test call and it worked. And I am in the latest cm10 nightly
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Oh my b. Also Yah y would u want it? Just get the newest Google now...
Galaxy s3
Nexus 7
Hp touchpad
b4silver said:
Oh my b. Also Yah y would u want it? Just get the newest Google now...
Galaxy s3
Nexus 7
Hp touchpad
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No problems and I agree why would you want it, but if you want to have it you can
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Why don't you just use Google Now? It does everything SVoice does and more, plus it is actually responsive. If you must have SVoice then try pulling the apk from a stock rom.
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Do you still need the APK?
Do you still need the APK? I am willing to provide it.
how do you get google now? im on cleanrom
chaplngrillsgt said:
Why don't you just use Google Now? It does everything SVoice does and more, plus it is actually responsive. If you must have SVoice then try pulling the apk from a stock rom.
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Actually S Voice does a little more but Google Now is more responsive but yea S Voice should work no problems on CM10
hypertek said:
how do you get google now? im on cleanrom
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You need to be on a AOSP Rom running 4.1.1
icomputerz said:
Do you still need the APK? I am willing to provide it.
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I downloaded a stock rom and just used the apk in the zip but thanks tho, and I just wanted Svoice for a have it just because reason lol
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fr8cture said:
You need to be on a AOSP Rom running 4.1.1
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Or you could go here and get it for ICS.
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Yea that would work too. Too much hassle IMO.
kintwofan said:
Or you could go here and get it for ICS.
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Worked great, thanks. Its decent, i suppose I just gotta get used to it.. but S Voice is a nice novelty to brag to iphone users lol
fr8cture said:
Yea that would work too. Too much hassle IMO.
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You just flash in cwm.
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S Voice "Server Error"

Is anyone else having issues with S-Voice? Its been working fine up until today. I'm rooted, running Clean Rom 4.0.
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Did you change your build. Prop model id? It had to say that you're on a SGS 3
Sent from my SGS3 running Eclipse 2.1
Internet Guy said:
Is anyone else having issues with S-Voice? Its been working fine up until today. I'm rooted, running Clean Rom 4.0.
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Don't expect anyone else to notice since you are probably the only person trying to use this.
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Internet Guy said:
Is anyone else having issues with S-Voice? Its been working fine up until today. I'm rooted, running Clean Rom 4.0.
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Yes , been having it all day .
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beaups said:
Don't expect anyone else to notice since you are probably the only person trying to use this.
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Thanks for your input.
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kintwofan said:
Did you change your build. Prop model id? It had to say that you're on a SGS 3
Sent from my SGS3 running Eclipse 2.1
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No, everything is good. Its been working for a while, just getting some errors today.
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Internet Guy said:
Thanks for your input.
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There's one in every crowd
bricked s3 need help or forum thread
i have a vzw gs3 and i apparently got a bad flash from cwm recovery and now my phone just says SAMSUNG then goes blank. help?!?!?!?
Go to settings > application manager > S Voice and clear data. That should fix it!
Sent from my GeeEssThree
I was getting the same thing earlier for a little bit.
And to the person who said he's the only one using s-voice..... I use s-voice every single day several times a day. It's very useful for my purposes
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S-Voice from Galaxy S4

Here is the new S-Voice APK from the GS4, credit due to sammobile
[dot] com
Just install it like a normal APK, replace the existing S-Voice if prompted. May want to do a Nandroid prior to trying this. I have only tried this on JB, probably WILL NOT work on ICS!
Please hit thanks!
I tested this on the Axis ROM, working properly.
NEW LINK : http://www9.zippyshare.com/v/3526834/file.html
teejaymarx said:
Here is the new S-Voice APK from the GS4, credit due to sammobile
[dot] com
Please hit thanks!
I tested this on the Axis ROM, working properly.
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Any special instructions to get it ti work? Or just regular install?
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I'm sure you need to push to system.
How is it different from the svoice on gs3?
Id est quod est
samsgun357 said:
I'm sure you need to push to system.
How is it different from the svoice on gs3?
Id est quod est
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I just installed it like a regular apk. So far its got a few more settings and a different ui look to it. Has a built in driving mode that you can activate.
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Link is down!!!
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda premium
Some screen shots of the settings and main page
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda premium
There ya go. Link to the new s voice
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Anyone try this with beans 13
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germster said:
Anyone try this with beans 13
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I have. It works. Animation hangs a little on the mic button but ither than that works fine. Havent fiddled with all the settings but so far just an update to the stock one we already had
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Link is dead again.
Edit, not dead but can't download? Strange. Chrome worked, so all good, thanks!
Sent from my S3...like a BOSS.
Will this install on non rooted as normal apk?
Carbon ROM, trying to open settings causes a force close. Bummer.
Sent from my S3...like a BOSS.
New link in OP!
Works on clean rom
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lucky13 said:
Carbon ROM, trying to open settings causes a force close. Bummer.
Sent from my S3...like a BOSS.
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Probably a safe bet that this will only work on TouchWiz roms.
Working on beans 13, thanks
Want to see the new Galaxy S4 S-Voice in action??
New Video Up!
Is it me or is this version a bit sluggish?
is this the same as the Note 2's SVoice?
as this looks very similar to the Svoice that is in the latest synergy which i belive has note2 framework to get multiwindow
I tried this, but all I get is No Network Connection. Please connect to a network and try again.

Cydia Substrate

So cydia has made its way to android, has anybody used it yet and is this going to do anything special for us?
If I helped please press the thank you button.
I've used it. It's malware.
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Stop spreading malware rumors. Saurik, creator of cydia for iOS, announced this app on his blog.
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h4ckers said:
Stop spreading malware rumors. Saurik, creator of cydia for iOS, announced this app on his blog.
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Link please
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salas2324 said:
Link please
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+1 on the link. Lastime i used it, it was malware. It made 4 apps on my homscreen for games and online deals and such.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda premium
Cydia on android??
It's not malware. Is this enough proof for you? http://www.xda-developers.com/android/cydia-substrate-released-by-saurik-for-android/
I tried it but it gave me an error called frowny pants and nothing else. Supposedly winterboard is available but I couldn't get past frowny pants.
via galaxy siii
salas2324 said:
Link please
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Here is the announcement from his twitter account: https://twitter.com/saurik/status/334357924287750144
Here is the official site: http://www.cydiasubstrate.com/
You will need to make sure you are on a 4.2.2 ROM. Any ROM I tried it with that was using 4.1.2 would give me frowny pants. I also know its not malicious. I have used it during for my iPhone forever with no problems.
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bbqsfire said:
You will need to make sure you are on a 4.2.2 ROM. Any ROM I tried it with that was using 4.1.2 would give me frowny pants. I also know its not malicious. I have used it during for my iPhone forever with no problems.
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We don't care about the iPhone here. We know what cydia is, what we were asking was, if the android Cydia app was malicious of some sort. We must be careful of Apps that require root
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bbqsfire said:
You will need to make sure you are on a 4.2.2 ROM. Any ROM I tried it with that was using 4.1.2 would give me frowny pants. I also know its not malicious. I have used it during for my iPhone forever with no problems.
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I'm on a 4.2 ROM. I installed cydia and winter board.. And nothing happens
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salas2324 said:
We don't care about the iPhone here. We know what cydia is, what we were asking was, if the android Cydia app was malicious of some sort. We must be careful of Apps that require root
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If you knew what cydia was you wouldn't even be making that statement.
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Atamagaokashii said:
If you knew what cydia was you wouldn't even be making that statement.
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I own an iPhone 5 along with an iPod touch 5g, I KNOW what it is, and I didn't make the statement, all I asked for was a link. Literally my first comment was "link?". And just because an app has a name doesn't mean anything. I can easily make a malicious app name it "iTunes" throw it out there. Are you going to say "well I know what iTunes is so its safe!". No. Please leave now.
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NightxFall said:
I'm on a 4.2 ROM. I installed cydia and winter board.. And nothing happens
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Same here
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salas2324 said:
I own an iPhone 5 along with an iPod touch 5g, I KNOW what it is, and I didn't make the statement, all I asked for was a link. Literally my first comment was "link?". And just because an app has a name doesn't mean anything. I can easily make a malicious app name it "iTunes" throw it out there. Are you going to say "well I know what iTunes is so its safe!". No. Please leave now.
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Then I misread. But I'm not leaving.
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Atamagaokashii said:
Then I misread. But I'm not leaving. View attachment 1983743
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I got them both installed fine but have yet to get a theme to work.
via galaxy siii
salas2324 said:
We must be careful of Apps that require root
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Like Titanium Backup, WiFi Tether, ROM Manager, AdFree, and more..... In the case of saurik's app, his reputation should give people little hesitation in installing it.

Can someone provide me with the new s note app from the note pro 12.2

I have the note 10.1 2014 edition and wanna install the new s note. . I don't wanna root. Is it possible?? My s note lags badly to the extent I can't use the tablet properly
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Btoulidene said:
I have the note 10.1 2014 edition and wanna install the new s note. . I don't wanna root. Is it possible?? My s note lags badly to the extent I can't use the tablet properly
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S Note is a system app, so you need root.
Hmm. . Guess even that's not happening then thanks for the help anyway . Should probably take it to the service center
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Btoulidene said:
Hmm. . Guess even that's not happening then thanks for the help anyway . Should probably take it to the service center
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I have root.... Give me a quick second, i'll update this reply with a link.
There is a root method available btw, flashed through Odin. For what it's worth, I've had no issues or adverse effects since rooting.
and2 said:
S Note is a system app, so you need root.
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Are you positive? Usually true but it may detect it and try to install it as an update...worth a try. Its not much different though. Smoother transitions but that may just be kitkat
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Didn't work
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Didn't work. Thanks for trying though. My note 10.1 2014 is gonna take the tough path to the Sammy service center
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Btoulidene said:
Didn't work. Thanks for trying though. My note 10.1 2014 is gonna take the tough path to the Sammy service center
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Maybe needs the. Odex file? I hardly ever work with odexed systems, so I wasn't positive if it was required. A quick Googleing suggests it may be needed, so I'll put it up just in case. Gimme just a sec.
Oh btw, the odex file was in the system app folder, right along with the apk.
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How should I proceed?? Install the first one and this too??
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