OK. I finally got my tablet back today from the repair facility only to find two of my three problems fixed. Not happy needless to say. I am still trying to figure out why I am having battery drain/android OS using so much of my battery. Used logcat and these two lines keep coming up over and over and over. Would this be causing my tablet to not go to sleep?
W/ResourceType( 5665): Failure getting entry for 0x7f020022 (t=1 e=34) in package 0 (error -75)
W/PackageManager( 5665): Failure retrieving resources forcom.sec.minimode.taskcloser: Resource ID #0x7f020022
I've looked around, but can't really find much information about this. When viewing logcat logs(via an app called aLogcat), every 5 to 10 seconds, i get the three errors listed below:
08-24 17:32:14.605 E/TrafficStats( 2906): Tx(pdpbr0) 72
08-24 17:32:14.608 E/TrafficStats( 2906): Rx(pdpbr0) 100
08-24 17:32:14.608 E/TrafficStats( 2906): dpram_stat: pending UL 0 (@4926) pending DL 0 (@5360)
For what it's worth, pid 2906 in the log above points to: com.android.phone
I am currently running on Humble 1.51, with CWM from 08-17(Orange, with restore capability). However, i've noticed this on previous versions of humble/cwm as well. I just did a factory EE4 install via Odin with .pit file, then installed an old humble (1.33) with the same results. I've tried removing the SD card completely, and it still pops up.
If I look at the network usage in Spare Parts, I see that 'Dialer' is always at the top. It sounds like it may be related, as there was a similar discussion in this thread.
Does anyone have ANY idea why the constant "E/TrafficStats" messages might be happening? If not, any idea what I can do to get more information on what is causing it?
I to noticed this and am very curious as to what it is?
I'm not sure what is causing it, unless it is some sort of hardware defect? It makes me feel better that it isn't just me though
Sent from my SCH-I510 using XDA Premium App
it's mainly debugging stuff from what i can tell, and it isn't breaking anything, just annoying when looking through logcats.
The thing is that not everybody gets those messages though. I've seen other charge users' logcats, and they aren't in there, at least not nearly as often. I've noticed that it does seem to be greatly diminished when the phone hasn't recently been used, but not consistently. For example, last night it ran from 11:30 to 2:30 without a single message. Then, it started occurring every 2 to 5 minutes. When the phone is being used though, it is consistently every 5 seconds.
The only way i've found to prevent it is to turn on airplane mode, then restart, as the numbers after pdpbr0 or pdpbr1 are like some sort of counter(they never go down, only up). Obviously, that isn't ideal.
If you have logcat look at the radio buffer instead, you will see messages that coincide in frequency with the trafficstats for "[GsmMultiDCT]NetPollStartTimer: posting again for netStatPollPeriod", with the same UID as the trafficstats.
imnuts, do you know of any tools/apps for me to investigate this further than just looking logs?
You could start decompiling framework .jar files and searching through the resulting smali output for TrafficStats to see what is creating the lines and potentially how to stop them.
I am trying to share a little info about a wakelock issue regarding mediaserver. My current rom is ARHD 6.1.1 with recommended firmware and radio. Before my wakelock issue, I was getting very good battery life until one thing changed. I happened to want to see a youtube video on my phone so I enabled networking via a whitelist on droidwall. Youtube and mediaserver both needed network access to get the video rolling. After this little event, my battery life went from about 1% per hour to around 5% per hour. Trying to get my original battery life back, I stumbled upon an issue.
Go to terminal and type the following 2 lines
dumpsys power
At the bottom of the dump, the curious line is the mediascannerservice.
PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK 'MediaScannerService' activated (minState=0, uid=10014, pid=4932)
While in terminal I ran ps, the 4932 pid shows the following line:
app_14 4932 113 316472 49720 ffffffff 400e472c S android.process.media
After doing more reading, I found this post online from almost 1 year ago. It gets into corrupted media files and mediaserver doesn’t handle them properly. Instead of recognizing an error and moving on, it gets into a permanent bad wakelock state and never recovers.
The next thing I did is pop out my 32 gig sdcard and put in a newly formatted 2 gig sdcard. After a quick reboot and a little waiting, I confirmed the wakelock issue went away and my good battery life came back. Switching back to my 32 gig sdcard, the wakelock issue comes back. Looking around on my sdcard, something in my /sdcard/.bookmark_thumb1 directory was screwing up. So far deleting this directory makes my phone happy again but opens another issue. What is this directory used for since I rarely use my browser?
delete the bad directory and replace it with a 0 byte file
in terminal run the following lines:
rm –rf /sdcard/.bookmark_thumb1
touch /sdcard/.bookmark_thumb1
Someone can try killing the process in question and see if the wakelock issue disappears.
Every time I power up my SHIELD, it give me the following error:
Unfortunately, NvStatService has stopped.
Does anyone know what this service is, or why it might be failing?
The most likely reason for this is that the /data/system/nvstat.log file is corrupted. If you are rooted, just remove it and things should go back to normal. A more formal fix should come with one of the next OTAs (I thought it would be with 51, but apparently this is not the case).
Hi all. I have Nokia 8.1 for a few months now. Updated to Android 10 immediately and it has been rock stable. Until today.
At about 11am I heard an incoming message notification but was busy and decided to look at it later.
At 11:55am I picked the phone but could not wake it up - tapping didn't work, fingerprint didn't work. Black screen. So I long-pressed the power button and it booted up.
It is working fine since but I'm somewhat concerned about the issue.
I collected a zip log file through "adb bugreport" command.
As I understand, it's tricky to find the cause after the reboot because all log files are generated fresh after boot. I looked in \FS\data\tombstones folders and found three records there, all complaining about the following issue:
signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE), fault addr --------
Abort message: 'FORTIFY: %n not allowed on Android'
But they are almost a month old and I don't remember anything weird happening at that time; except maybe some Android system update and manual reboot.
Is there any place in that log zip or somewhere else on the device (without root) where I could find some info about what happened right before the unexpected shutdown? Kernel panics? Crashes?
Hmm, nobody? Does it mean that everybody else is just ignoring random shutdowns and have never attempted to debug the problem?
AFAIK logcat output isn't persisted over reboot, and maybe that's one reason nobody replied to this thread. But you can always write log to a file every time your phone boots (via shell commands etc) and just check out that file once phone rebooted.
Regarding kernel log, /proc/last_kmsg or /sys/fs/pstore/console-ramoops might be helpful.
HALLOOO I've been having a problem for days and I can't really solve it. This problem occurs when I want to push a commit from terminal, I always get these errors:
error: RPC failed; curl 55 SSL_write() returned SYSCALL, errno = 32
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
As I understand these errors appear when the files that you want to upload to the server are quiet big, in my case they are commits of .playground files, that should not be heavy but they were accumulating because I have been dragging problems to upload files to github for a while. I'm not sure what the solution would be, but is there any way to delete everything and start from scratch?
I already tried to increase my push limit but I'm still having the same problem.