Galaxy S III Apps [Need Help Dodexing] - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket SGH-I727
can get all the system apps from the new galazy s III here.
was hoping to expiriment with the mms and maybe gallery and who knows what else might work.
but its odexed. and I cant for the life of me figure out how to deodex this, I tried quite hard

try the android apps forum. think they have deodexed files there

I got them all but slide show and memo
Edit: did it last week too lmao
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nrm5110 said:
I got them all but slide show and memo
Edit: did it last week too lmao
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great, can you post a zip or something?

Its 435mb worth of apps you couldn't flash it if you wanted too
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Originally from the android Alps and games section
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greekunit690 said:
Originally from the android Alps and games section
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Are these deodexed ??

remf4i said:
Are these deodexed ??
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Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium

a flashable zip???

Good luck flashing those apps to your system you don't have the space our system partition is only 598mb theirs has to be at least a gig because that's the size of the system folder installing one by one to test out though should be fine
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djoneal said:
a flashable zip???
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Its a folder full of individual zips
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Nope. They are not .
Most of them cannot be installed.
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Yeah I tried to find a way to port over the entire s3 software package but alas its just too big
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nrm5110 said:
Yeah I tried to find a way to port over the entire s3 software package but alas its just too big
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Should try to debloat as much as possible and try again. Lol. Probably impossible.
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Anybody confirm which ones are compatible and which are not?


Galaxy S3 4.0.4 rom released

Jesus 800mb file lol
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using XDA
Already, Fawk.
and we still dont have an ota. smh
Somebody should port it........
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Can only port from US version, which if I'm not mistaken isn't out yet (that one will have an S4 and LTE), the international is 4G and is quad core exynos based
icenight89 said:
Can only port from US version, which if I'm not mistaken isn't out yet (that one will have an S4 and LTE), the international is 4G and is quad core exynos based
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It depends on ones definition of ported lol they just want software right so likely we could system/app and system/framework and system/media and see what happens on our libs and hw but tw is fugly I dunno why y'all care at all about this
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nrm5110 said:
It depends on ones definition of ported lol they just want software right so likely we could system/app and system/framework and system/media and see what happens on our libs and hw but tw is fugly I dunno why y'all care at all about this
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I was only joking lol **** TW
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Does it work for GSII Sky?
And yes, I probably know what the answer is already, but no harm in asking, right?
-Dr. Doctor
No not as is
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OK ladies I'm in the kitchen now gonna try and port this bad boy with team wafflehouse
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nrm5110 said:
OK ladies I'm in the kitchen now gonna try and port this bad boy with team wafflehouse
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Good luck
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nrm5110 said:
OK ladies I'm in the kitchen now gonna try and port this bad boy with team wafflehouse
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never mind then.
nrm5110 said:
OK ladies I'm in the kitchen now gonna try and port this bad boy with team wafflehouse
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The mod would love to help
M0D1441 said:
The mod would love to help
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Pm sent mod
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Using any ROM with to after using AOKP or CM is a serious downgrade :-\
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727
Lol don't worry it seems as though it can't be ported the system for sgs3 is a gig
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Mod Close Thread Please

Just flash
This may or may not work on Infuse.
Does not work on GB
You have to extract the TouchWiz app and lib file from zip with Root Explorer or something similar.Place the TouchWiz apk in System/app and give permissions RW--R--R. Place the lib in System/libs and give permissions RW--R--R. Reboot device.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
Wll see wat it has gt..
Sent from my SGH-I997 using XDA
Didn't do anything on Dark Knight
Same here did nothing
Sent from my SGH-I997 using XDA
You have to move the lib to system/libs with root explorer
Edit: Give me a sec
It will not work on GB just on ICS roms. I couldn't get it to work on Dark Knight or INFINITUM v2.2
Will someone check to see if it works on CM9 or Nuns AOKP?
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bigfau said:
You have to move the lib to system/libs with root explorer Edit: Give me a sec
It will not work on GB just on ICS roms. I couldn't get it to work on Dark Knight or INFINITUM v2.2 Will someone check to see if it works on CM9 or Nuns AOKP?
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bro you bricked my phone...this **** suc's...bad bad
bigjoe2675 said:
bro you bricked my phone...this **** suc's...bad bad
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That's [email protected]$& up Joe. Lmfao. All I seen was mad emoticons. Hahah. I said oops. Lol
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bigfau said:
That's [email protected]$& up Joe. Lmfao. All I seen was mad emoticons. Hahah. I said oops. Lol Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
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LOL, gotcha... but I am wondering on this I need to put some yoghurt on my phone to use this...
btw did you update your op on know you know...
Doesn't work for me either. I manually installed it.
Sent from my SGH-I997 using xda premium
Can someone do a step-by-step? :$
Sent from my SGH-I997 using xda premium
I just reset my phone back to stock, using Odin, and added the files perspectively into a Custom Version of UniPorn I have and rezipped it, I'll get back with you to see if it all works or not.. BTW, I also added S Voice to the mix.
In Addition, not sure if everyone else is having the same problem, but I noticed that when I go into recovery and Factory reset all user data, Wipe Cache and Dalvik cache, then Flash a Rom, the Rom will start up no problem, but it'll be like I didn't flash another Rom, it'll load up exactly the way it just was as if I didn't even do a wipe or anything, I've never experienced that, it's really weird. So all that being said, I'm using Odin to go back to stock and see what happens after I finally get back to ICS.. lol..
Where would I put the META-INF folder?
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Crinkypops said:
Where would I put the META-INF folder?
Sent from my SGH-I997 using xda premium
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You do nothing with it. Its only there for flashing the zip, which only installs the app and not the needed lib file.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
Still doesn't show up for me.
Sent from my SGH-I997 using xda premium
It possible it does not work on the Infuse yet. It could just require an edit to build.prop.Idk. I didn't get to mess with it long on my wife's Infuse before she ripped it from my hands. Lmao. She didn't really, it was a great visual though huh? So I didn't try any edits to build.prop to check.
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I tried it on cm9 followed your instructions and rebooted and it's not working
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Mod Close Thread Please
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Aeonit said:
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It works on G-Note but nobody seems to be able to get it working on Infuse or Captivate. Yet
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SGSIII source

Im looking for the Full ROM/KERNEL/APK file for the SGSIII. I swear I saw it somewhere on here recently. I want to start pulling apart the files and working on them. Can anyone lead me where to go? Im sorry if this is easy to find but all i could find was a 250 MB file and I thought I saw someone say its closer to 750 MB? Thanks for the help!
I haz lol
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nrm5110 said:
I haz lol
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Feel like hooking a bro up?
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Google gs3 firmware find the Turkish s3
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nrm5110 said:
Google gs3 firmware find the Turkish s3
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Will do, thanks!
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[Q] Should I try flashing the rom i ported from htc vivid?

Okay, so I was playing with dsixda's kitchen and I tried to port a rom from vivid to skyrocket (stock vivid rom). I tried it because I like how sense looks and the phones are kind of similar. I am not sure if I want to try to flash it. honestly I'm scared s**tless to flash it. I know what could happen. What do you guys think, should i flash it? how safe is it? any other tips? anyone wanna try it?
Okay, I get that I shouldn't do it, but why? (Sorry I'm a noob too this stuff)
I'm no dev, but I would say no lol
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Illnevertell said:
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+1, unless u have $, then what the heck, try it and post back to tell us what happened
Did you use the port tool in the kitchen if so it will destroy your phone
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Post the rom or link and i will try it and tell u if it works :thumbup:
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using XDA
Illnevertell said:
Did you use the port tool in the kitchen if so it will destroy your phone
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Yeah, I used the port tool. Why will it kill my phone?
Sent from my SGH-I727 using XDA
Because I took a look at what it does and it will not work the way you hope trust me or not its your $600 device not mine lol
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I am for sure taking your advice, it would be stupid not too. I didn't get this phone to waist my money. Lol I was just wandering what's wrong with the port tool.
Sent from my SGH-I727 using XDA

New Update

Just got a text from AT&T saying theirs a new update for our phones. Anyone else get this? I think we got a new radio heading our way.
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specter07 said:
Just got a text from AT&T saying theirs a new update for our phones. Anyone else get this? I think we got a new radio heading our way.
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Wow you must have been under one heck of a rock.
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mtdew said:
Wow you must have been under one heck of a rock.
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Got that text today to..just thought oh noooo not again! Delayed text I guess.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
WTF, well I just got it right now. They must be slow here in San Diego.
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specter07 said:
WTF, well I just got it right now. They must be slow here in San Diego.
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My girlfriend just got it today too. Shes stock, on ICS still I believe.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA
I got it on Monday. But I was well aware of the update before I received the text. Not like it matters, I think most of us are running some form of 4.2.2 already.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2
I'm on slim and got it today. Not like it matters.
Sent from low Earth orbit with my Skyrocket.
Also got it today...on slim 3.4 in long island, NY
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Still haven't gotten it. On rooted gingerbread
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jd1639 said:
Still haven't gotten it. On rooted gingerbread
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Balls! I'm on Eclair, unrooted! What sorcery brought forth Gingerbread?!
mrfeuss said:
Balls! I'm on Eclair, unrooted! What sorcery brought forth Gingerbread?!
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I don't even have the phone anymore and I got a text to update my skyrocket.
Sent from my SGH-I927 using xda premium
spitfire2425 said:
I don't even have the phone anymore and I got a text to update my skyrocket.
Sent from my SGH-I927 using xda premium
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Maybe you could send the text to me so I can update my rocket
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda app-developers app
If that was a joke then haha. If not I doubt you need the text to update, just odin it.
Sent from my SGH-I927 using xda premium
spitfire2425 said:
If that was a joke then haha. If not I doubt you need the text to update, just odin it.
Sent from my SGH-I927 using xda premium
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It was a joke
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda app-developers app
I thought so. I wasn't paying attention and didn't see who posted it. Lol
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
Odin Instructions and TAR
androidromupdate . com /2013/04/10/install-stock-i727ucmc1-android-4-1-2-jelly-bean-on-samsung-galaxy-s2-skyrocket-sgh-i727/ the tar and the odin instructions just remove the spaces
malikf69 said:
androidromupdate . com /2013/04/10/install-stock-i727ucmc1-android-4-1-2-jelly-bean-on-samsung-galaxy-s2-skyrocket-sgh-i727/ the tar and the odin instructions just remove the spaces
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jd1639 said:
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THANK YOU! I was concerned that I was just too much of a noob to know what that meant. Glad it's not just me!
I think I figured it out-he's trying to avoid linking to another site by breaking up the address. Seems a little phishy to me.

