[Q] Looking for today screen program - Xoom Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

one apk in android software dev and hacking that would allow user to place fully functional web page widgets on screen...
wondering if any of you knew what it was called/where to find

not entirely sure what you meant but check this out it is a floating browser widget, hope this helps.


[Q] New to Android; need customization tutorial

Longtime WinMo user (now with TP2). Just bought each kid an Android phone.
Been using XDA for a long time to modify my WinMo, add apps, etc...
Not familiar with the Android OS lingo and need to bone up so I can hook my kids up with some cool stuff
Did SEARCH but didn't find specific thread to read. Little help?
DLTempler said:
Longtime WinMo user (now with TP2). Just bought each kid an Android phone.
Been using XDA for a long time to modify my WinMo, add apps, etc...
Not familiar with the Android OS lingo and need to bone up so I can hook my kids up with some cool stuff
Did SEARCH but didn't find specific thread to read. Little help?
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With android (especially with HTC Sense, HTC's UI) you can add plenty of little things to customize your phone. From the top
You can move application icons from page to page on the homescreen along with widgets. to add an application to the homescreen you can open the app drawer/list and longpress it and drag it to the homescreen. Once on the homescreen you can move it around.
Along with Apps you can add widgets to the homescreen, a widget is an app that runs in the homescreen it can do things like display a news ticker, enable/disable settings (power control widget), and other things like play music and search boxes. these can be very useful for getting a quick glance at information without opening up the app.
To change the background you can longpress the homescreen and select wallpapers.
If your phone supports it you can use live wallpapers, search for them on the market or on XDA.
One tip is dont install lots of apps! dont go and download every app you see it will slow down your phone, also dont use task managers as it messes with android native application closing process.
Also the biggest customization of all if your phone is rooted (IE: full permissions and access to the system) and has a hacked bootloader you can load custom roms that are themed or have a big performance boost.
Best of luck!
If you have any questions PM me and I will be glad to help!
I spent the weekend tearing through other forums
Found a program called Sideload Wonder Machine that allows apk files to be put into the Aria without having to "root" the phone or otherwise dcik around with it. Worked pretty good after I found the USB Driver to sync it up with my laptop. that was a bit of a process in and of itself.
At the end of the day (weekend) I didn't really find too much to load into the phone that was not already available at the droid market. Swype, yes, but not for this phone. Loaded F-Secure anti-theft too but that, too, is not for this phone.
I am not sure how business savvy these droids can be but they are cool. Kids love them. The UI operates much like the iPhone and much less like WinMo.
I'll keep dciking around with it and see what happens. Thanks again.
DLTempler said:
I spent the weekend tearing through other forums
Found a program called Sideload Wonder Machine that allows apk files to be put into the Aria without having to "root" the phone or otherwise dcik around with it. Worked pretty good after I found the USB Driver to sync it up with my laptop. that was a bit of a process in and of itself.
At the end of the day (weekend) I didn't really find too much to load into the phone that was not already available at the droid market. Swype, yes, but not for this phone. Loaded F-Secure anti-theft too but that, too, is not for this phone.
I am not sure how business savvy these droids can be but they are cool. Kids love them. The UI operates much like the iPhone and much less like WinMo.
I'll keep dciking around with it and see what happens. Thanks again.
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They can be quite business oriented (IE: Exchange, Calendars, Productivity Apps) If you want help PM me
Cap'n Krtek
Captainkrtek said:
They can be quite business oriented (IE: Exchange, Calendars, Productivity Apps) If you want help PM me
Cap'n Krtek
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i agree dont let the inteface fool you, android works as a tool just as well as winmo if not better

Acer Netbooks with Insyde Android

Just got an Acer Netbook that's got Android installed as a bios quickboot OS.
It's provided by InSyde and is truely dreadful.
- No Google Apps or Market
- Icon spacing not fixed to cope with the bigger screen, so icons are about 5 miles apart.
- Some really pants apps added in, such as a hacked firefox that's used to access webmail (i mean, the normal android browser copes perfectly well and looks a lot better) and a really poor file browser.
- doesn't look like it's instructing all apps to run in landscape.
- no decent widgets and what's there is small and also stupidly spaced.
No idea which version it's based on, but it's really unimpressive. I mean, did Acer actually pay them for it?
As it is, I've added in the poor InsydeMarket and copied some apps over from my phone. Launcher Pro makes a decent stab at giving it a decent home screen, but the wallpaper doesn't quite fit and you lose the link to launch windows. Also, apps are hanging all over the place.
Anyway, I'm sure people here could do much better. Has anyone looked at doing a decent rebuild?
I also bought this one, but I have some different thinking points with you.
- The Android is design for X86 platform and it's not easy to porting than your thinking. You can check the android-x86.org for more detail information if interesting.
- The Android Marketplace just only can use on OHA member devices such as smartphone not for tablet and netbook. You may found the Samsung Galaxy Tab is also using their own app market.
- The original android doesn't provided the "File Manager" and USB devices support. It's good for me due to I can access some files from USB storage. Of course, I can root my phone to install the third party app as file manager. But now I don't have do this and got the same function with USB support.
- What kinds of widget you need?? Something like HTC Sense?? Nothing is perfect I think. As I know, most of the widgets are developed by third party not OSV.
Do you use the other Android devices with white box? It's really bad than your thinking.
- Most of phone apps are using lower resolution for small LCD panel display, but this one is using 1024 x 600 for display. As I know, the apps should be re-art design and size for high resolution display.
It's my personal thinking for your reference.
I'm not asking the earth from a current Android on a netbook, but what has been delivered is markedly behind anything else I've seen (and I have 3 different Android phones)
As I said, Launcher Pro already improves the experience dramatically, but it would need a few tweaks to get it to work smoothly. I'm sure other alternative launchers would be able to do the same thing.
My expectations from a quick access os would be:
- switch on quickly (kind of obvious, but Android isn't that good for this)
- set to work in landscape for everything
- nice looking, useful desktop that covers the bases, i.e. clock, calendar, browser, notepad, filemanager. Widgets are good for this because it leaves things out in the open - if you need to wait for an app to open you could likely have got into windows in the same time.
- GMail, Google Maps - i mean, it is Android.
- Market, which can run on pretty much any device, but needs a profile option to restrict the options down to what works. That way you retain the reviews that have been built up. There is no point in doing a different one.
- At least a few video codecs
For your info, a good few of the apps I have loaded work fine. The browser's good, Astro runs fine, and i could go on. The apps pretty much always run full screen, so the screen size doesn't make that much difference. And, if you run web apps with your browser agent not set to Android, those work great. Indeed, I'd be tempted to strip most of this os down and just run things via a decent browser - ie dolphin.
So, going back to my original post, I'd love to see that someone was looking to improve this woeful experience. For now, I'm thinking of scrapping Android for Unity.

Android Brower Issue-multiple pop up windows

Hey Guys,
I have an issue with some of the browsers available for the android phone.
I would like to access work through my phone via VPN web access. I am sucessfull at this.
When I open my work page, it opens up in a popup window. This is okay too as I allow pop ups under settings.
The issue is, when I click on a case in this pop up window, there is an error thats comes up saying"Cannot open another pop up window, only one pop up window at a time". It is trying to open up my case in another pop up window, which it blocks.
I have used froyo 2.2 on a Nexus one, dell streak, galaxy s tab and motorola droid.
I also used Dolphin HD and Dolphin, with the same results.
I downloaded opera, and there was not even an option for allowing pop ups.
Do you guys have any ideas?
I would like to be able to do my work with out having to lug around a laptop everywhere I go.
Thanks again and Happy Holidays!
I would love to find out if this is an Android restriction or there are indeed browsers that support multiple pop ups (or can be tweaked to do so). There are some legit websites that actually rely on pop ups for various purposes (chat rooms for example). Old fashioned and annoying yes, but why punish the end users for it?
Darn, I have the same issue on my HTC EVO. My work website uses pop-ups, but I can't open the link on the pop-up that uses another pop-up! All legitimate pop-ups, not ad-ware. There must be a way to allow trusted sites or something.
Is there a solution to this issue??
Has anyone found an answer/fix to this issue? It is definitely an Android issue b/c I have the new HTC Sensation running Android Gingerbread 2.3, and everyone I know w/ an Android phone from 2 years ago to present has had this same issue....we can not open more than 1 popup window at a time. Like all have posted in this thread, I'm trying to access a number of different applications within my job's website (SWAlife - website for Southwest Airlines employees but specifically for flight attendants to change/trade their trips) and it relies on opening popups within popups but it just doesn't work w/ Android devices.
I've tried the stock browser, Dolphin, Opera mini, Skyfire, rotating the phone horizontally, keeping the setting in Landscape only mode while browsing, and of course, allowing Popups in the browser settings. I also need the browser to allow double-clicks to be just that - a double-click.....not a zoom in and out function.
Please, can someone tell me if there is a fix somewhere to this problem??? I'm interested in buying the new Samsung Galaxy S II but refuse to if I'm not able to access all elements of my job's website. Oh, and someone made a SWAlife app that's accessible with iPhone only (works perfectly & allows popups to open within popups) but I HATE to have to buy an iPhone just b/c of this app. :-(
Thanks in advance for any help anyone can provide!!
You know the SWAlife app is in the Android market too, but you will not be able to check the overtime call out list, not built in to the app yet, same with from iPhone app.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
Yea, I've used the Android SWAlife app for some time but it only employees to make non-rev listings, provides company news and operational updates. No Crew Web Access or FA scheduling. In otherwords, this app is pretty useless :-( The one for iPhone, however, is EXACTLY what we need for Android. It allows pilots and FAs to manipulate their schedules in CWA (Inflight Crew Web Access)....it looks identical to what's in SWAlife on the web and functions just as if you were on a PC. Are you aware of another app in the Market that I might be missing that allows that? Thanks for your help!
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I know this is an old problem, but try xScope browser in the market. I needed to be able to open more than one popup window and the website I was trying and failing to access with about 10 other browsers would not work until I tried this one.
I have the same problem. Your tip sounds good. I will give this browser a try. I hope that the search has an end.
This browser works for my sites where I need more than one pop-up. Thanks for the valuable information.

(req) task/process list widget

I can't imagine something like this doesn't exist but I've been searching the market and appbrain for one and I haven't found one yet. The idea is simply to see currently running apps (like the task manager) with the option to kill them from a widget on a desktop. Anyone know of one or even want to get rich making one? I would think plenty of people would find it useful.
search for active apps. it does the same thing at what you want.
anyway, the link is here.
I appreciate the suggestion, but that's not quite what I'm looking for. I'm needing something that will show the active apps and "end" button in the widget itself instead of in a new window.
I need exactly the same app, I have been looking tht for many hours and nothing
I've found plenty of widgets that launcha custom task manager but nothing like this...looks like Dual's gonna learn some java

[Q] javascript / browser security advice.

Hey guys, I'm currently using a HTC sensation with the default browser.
The other day a website I was on redirected me to an untrustworthy site which then (via javascript) started an automatic download (virus) I quickly killed my connection and deleted the partial download.
So on my PC I run Google chrome with a "click to play" plugin to avoid rogue javascripts, I am looking for something similar for my phone.
I know chrome is available for my phone however it does not support flash player which is a requirement, I am aware my current browser has a "on demand" option for plugins but I have tested it and it doesn't work.
I tried opera today and couldn't get along with it.
Could anyone tell me the best way to control what gets downloaded from websites on my phone.
Thankyou in advance for any helpful replies. D
I mean, maybe I have been amiss, but I was under the longstanding impression that hijacks, viruses, and all such malware really didn't effect Linux systems. Like, at all.
Well I don't know much about these operating systems but an executable that downloads itself is not something I want on my phone, regardless of its capabilities.
It was an android application package I do not know if its able to extract itself or if it relies on the user to click on it in the download section, don't know what it installs but I'd rather not find out.

