[Q] TeamSpeak 3 Server - General Questions and Answers

Hi there,
Is it possible that someone could develop a TeamSpeak 3 server for android? (Not the teamspeak 3 client, the server)
It would be awesome as you could run it on your phone and not have to run a pc 24/7. It coluld use wifi and 3G if you on the go.
I also though it may be possible that you can install in on linux for android using Linux Installer. Then install the linux server adition found here.
Please respond if you can try develop this or if you think its possible

It *might* be possible but even if you do get it to work you will most likely have to keep it on wifi to not run up your bandwidth. But that all depends on how many people you plan on having connected to your phone.
Long story short: Could be possible but might run up your phones bandwidth.

Dude this is a nice idea!
rodrigo hernandez ®

Good idea. Ill support you

Thank you for your compliments
I normally always leave my phone at home with Wi-Fi on 24/7. I don't think it would be necessary to take it with me but I am sure 1GB would be fine for 3G.
I hope some people can help start developing
I would buy it if I had to!

im searching for this, i want to use this for inside network (with wifi hotspot) it will be a nice work ! hope some one develope this soon


VPN client?

Not sure if anyone is working on a VPN client for Android, but I think this is something a lot of people would find useful. Not sure if it is even possible to do solely from the app layer, but for folks who have rooted phones, I would think that if you can run a VPN client on linux, you should be able to run one on Android, no?
Has there been any work on this? Any thoughts on this?
I'd love to see one. I'd be able to use it for work which would be awesome.
OpenVPN already exists
but that is not userspace. The problem with userspace applications is that without root there is no way to add the proper routes to force traffic over the vpn.
Of course, with root you could probably write a graphical frontend to something like OpenVPN.
Geezzzz guys this is the last thing I needed. If my employer catches wind that I can run openvpn from my phone and connect in to the office network; I will never ever get any me time outside of the office. Its nice being able to claim that I am not able to find a internet connection to help do x,y,z or troubleshoot why idiot A cannot send email to idiot B.
I see that there's been a little development here:
There's a commercial product (http://mocana.com/NanoPhone-Android.html) and there's an open-source project (http://code.google.com/p/android-vpnc/), but that one sounds a little scary.
I do have a rooted phone (RC33/JF1.41). I'm wondering if someone could simply compile vpnc and the necessary libraries for the G1. Is it more complicated than that?
So how hard would it be to get vpn setup via openvpn on a rooted phone? (for someone who's not a dev, but isn't afraid to tinker)

Remote desktop software

Hey guys, Does anyone know if there's any decent FREE apps for the android that i can use for remote assistance? i work in IT and this would be very useful to me but im not willing to fork out cash just yet.
I know you can use VNC but this means installing software on client machines and setting that software upm which is no use to me.
thanks in advance guys
I have tried most and there are no good free RDC clients. (I started to write one myself but it was not very fun so I abandoned it.)
I would suggest biting the bullet and buying xtralogic's Remote Desktop client. At $19.95 it is the most expensive option but the controls on it are the best IMHO.
If you want cheaper ($7.98) there is Remote RDP by Walter Yongtao Wang but i find the controls are not as intuitive.
I know you said you do not want to fork out cash yet but the reality is if you want a good RDC client then for now you are going to have to pay for it. In the grand scheme of things $20 is a minor investment for the aggravation saved.
PhoneMyPC is the best one I've tried and I've played with almost all of them. Multitouch zooming makes it closest to what logmein ignition is on the iPhone. I think until logmein comes out with an Android app, it's the best bet even though it costs a few dollars.
yeah , i also use PhoneMyPC , works great , no problems
I have to agree. PhoneMyPC is extremely (surprizingly) fast and worked better than the RDP or VNC solutions from my testing.
I was very skeptical that it could perform well, but... call me a believer now.
Thanks for the answers guys, I'll try PhoneMyPc out first.
One more question, I would also like to Wake computers via LAN, Do these software's have the ability to send the "magic" WOL packets to wake a system up?
This is another feature i would find extremely useful.
Clearly my brain was not working last night. I misread what you were asking for. PhoneMyPC is nice but requires a client install.
If your goal is end client support and you do not want to require them to install an application you might consider UltraVNC single click for the client ( http://www.uvnc.com/addons/singleclick.html )+ a VNC viewer on android. While it will not perform as well as PhoneMyPC it has the benefit of being a zero foot print solution and works well in situations where the client may not want/be able to install applications on their system. I keep a build on my website and if a situation pops up that requires me to access the end user's machine have them download and run it.
Your request for WOL is a bit confusing though, which implies you are not going for end user support. What are you looking for:
- a solution to connect to your personal machine running in the same subnet as your phone
- a solution to connect to your personal machine from wherever you may be at
- a solution to connect to remote end users machines with a pre-installed application
- a solution to connect to remote end users machines without a pre-installed application
- something else.
WOL can be triggered remotely (with preparation) but regardless requires the machine to be set up properly and that you know the MAC address in advance, not likely in a remote end user scenario.
Does anyone know where can I get the PhoneMyPC installation file for the phone? I couldn't find any download link on their site.
On the market. search for "phonemypc". It is a commercial app (9.99 USD) so that is pretty much your only way to get it.
Trust me on this one, go with Remote Desktop Client from xtralogic.. I've been using it for nearly a year.. its the best RDP you will find, no client install needed.
PhoneMyPC is the BEST!
Wait... we're biased ;-)
I suspect the user base here is savvy enough to know much of this, but a few details for anybody who's interested.
PhoneMyPC uses a technology similar to VNC, but it's custom and generally performs better. It is a bandwidth-limited approach to remoting, and we chose this because (a) we wanted something that made no compromises on visual quality (no missing desktop wallpapers, no changed settings, no missing themes), and we see the trend in available bandwidth going steadily up for the forseeable future. This makes PhoneMyPC a good option for remote video, for example, because it is optimized for pictoral data rather than vector data.
RDP, on the other hand, is optimized for vector data, so typically consumed less bandwidth than PhoneMyPC, but much more CPU resources. It also has the advantage that it is built in to all Professional and Server Windows versions.
The biggest difference between the two however is how they handle the network. With RDP you must know and configure your IP, and you must update it when it changes (or use a DynDNS type solution). You must also know how to configure your router and other security mechanisms for port forwarding.
PhoneMyPC just works, because it uses our servers as a connection point between your phone and PC(s). You don't need to know your IP, or worry if it changes, becuase the PC will actually tell the phone what it's IP is every time you connect. You can use port forwarding to get a better, direct connection, but it is not required for the software to work.
Finally, RDP is a long-lasting, well established (and more or less un-changing) technology; that is an advantage from some perspectives. But if you compare what users are saying PhoneMyPC is at least as good, and it's new, still growing, always getting better, and we're not even close to done yet. That too is an advantage from some perspectives.
Makers of PhoneMyPC
I've bought all of them, and I could never get Phone My PC to connect. RDC by xtralogic, Remote VNC Pro Android VNC work great (used with TightVNC).
EDIT: Any suggestions Softwareforme? Also constant f/c's when connected via wifi on N1.

ICS and Group Authentication VPN without Root (NOT AnyConnect)

I will preface this by an apology if I am putting this in the incorrect place, or this is a topic that is well covered; but I so far have not been able to get solid information on this.
From what I understand, ICS is going to include and/or support Cisco AnyConnect . However, that does not help the many users out there still using legacy Cisco VPN solution at our workplaces.
Specifically AnyConnect (at least on android, the only flavor I have had experience with) does not support Group Authentication, and neither do the default VPN clients included on Android.
So far I have had success on my Samsung Epic 4G running Froyo using VPNC to connect to my corporate network, but now I am shopping for a tablet. Likewise I have friends at work who want an android tablet but since they can't easily connect to work to do very basic things, they haven't bought.
I don't want to need root just to get a proper VPN connection up and running. For one thing that leaves me dependent upon a tun.ko being available for the tablet, not to mention just getting root in the first place isn't always easy as it was for the Kindle Fire or my Epic. And I certainly am not going to recommend that for my less technical friends.
So all that exposition out of the way, it comes down to this simple question - will ICS have a built in client that will support IPSEC group authentication , or will such client be available to install without root and needing to install modules?
Thanks for your patience if this is covered elsewhere, but most everything I have found in searches here (and elsewhere) for is based on AnyConnect and my company's VPN doesn't support that, and they aren't going to change that anytime soon.
I apologize - this should probably have been in the Question forum.
I would also like to know the answer to this to. my work uses group authentication and there is no apps or anything that will do this!
I am looking for this information as well. I certainly wish Google and Cisco could sit down and get this figured out. Apple did and the iPads at work can VPN in but not my Transformer Prime. I knew this before I purchased it, but went ahead with it hoping this would be added/fixed with ICS.
I havent had a chance to try it yet on my GN but you can now create "IPSec XAuth with PSK" (AKA Cisco VPN). If you have the GSM version of the GN you might run into problems though:
I have a VZW GN device which someone in that thread mentioned works. Since the key for my VPN is quite hard to type I'll try it tonight and post if it works tomorrow.

[Q] Request to Port Pharos to Windows RT

I'm new here, but I've visited frequently for rooting instructions and things like that. I'm very impressed by the work that this community has put out, and I figure that I'd ask a favor directly. I only assume that some, if not all, of the members simply mod for fun, nor do I don't know how difficult it is to modify code, but I'm going to ask anyways and hope that I don't come off like an idiot.
I go to school at the University of Alaska Anchorage, and the printing system here allows for mobile printing. The problem is that I traded my old laptop for a Windows RT device, and although my vivotab is jailbroken and does properly run ported apps, it doesn't want to run the mobile print exe. I looked up the problem on google to see if I could fix it myself only to learn that the exe for mobile printing installs a pharos popup client along with the printer drivers and that Ohio State University has an open source club that solved the problem for Linux laptops by installing CUPS.
I don't know if anyone is interested in helping or if this is even possible, but I thought I'd give this a shot. Also it sounds relevant since RT is somewhat catered to the college student, and it looks like at least a handful of universities use the same type of system? I don't know. I'm in over my head, so thanks!

[APP] FileZilla for Windows RT

Please find the attached Windows Rt native binaries for FileZilla. FileZilla is a great FTP client:
This port was a labor of love that I started long ago and only manged to get it finished now. I've had to cut out TLS and SFTP support because of the lack of GNU-TLS. All that aside, this should be useful/handy for people looking to transfer files on their local networks or unsecured over the internet.
I hope someone finds this useful!
Very nice! Too bad it doesn't use OpenSSL instead; a decent SFTP client would be really nice. Well done on the port; I looked at FZ myself months ago and concluded it would be a considerable project.
Doesn't the PuTTY port have SFTP support via psftp? And I think FileZilla uses psftp fork for the SFTP functionality.
Thanks It works very nice!
first of all, very thanks, and it works very nice for me.
i'm very suprised about FILEZILLA working on Surface RT.
i can feel your labor of love because filezilla source code is complex.
i wish microsoft open the surface rt without jailbroken.
best regards.
Thanks man! Some of these ports take _hours_ of effort because of how many supporting libraries I generally have to also port. FileZilla was one of the complex ones and near the end I just gave up on GNU-TLS and releasd it as is. As I get more things ported and learn more hacks/tricks I'll go back and revisit some of my ports such as FileZilla.
my sincere thank you for porting filezilla as it is a very useful program. it is because of people like you that make RT usable and not a locked down POS
bfosterjr said:
Thanks man! Some of these ports take _hours_ of effort because of how many supporting libraries I generally have to also port. FileZilla was one of the complex ones and near the end I just gave up on GNU-TLS and releasd it as is. As I get more things ported and learn more hacks/tricks I'll go back and revisit some of my ports such as FileZilla.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
And after you port us VLC-Player, you redevelop league of legends to work on rt
Jokes aside, I love your work!!! Please keep it on. I know how hard and frustating such work can be, but I think a lot of people (at least me and my friends) are sooo happy, that you make our device more usefull
Thank you so much for this great port! Finally RT got solid ftp program.
Is there any hope to get SFTP working?
First of all, many many thanks for the porting.
I extracted it like the other programs I have, but it gives me an error and doesn't initialize:
I searched but I still couldn't solve it. Did anyone have this problem too?

