HTC Dropbox Questions - AT&T, Rogers HTC One X, Telstra One XL

Ok my biggest reservation left on the one x is the storage. I keep alot of audiobooks (for me) and I even keep some of my childrens shows on my phone in case we are waiting at Dr office or someplace for a long period of time. I keep most of these things on my 16 gig sim card. I imagine that trying to keep this stuff on the cloud and transfering it from phone to cloud is going to take crazy amounts of time. My current phone is in its death throws but this not having the 32 gig storage offering or internal sd storage is really bugging me. Can dropbox handle these kinds of transfers or can it be streamed from dropbox? I am concerned about streaming on the data side as I am a grandfathered unlimited on ATT and they will cap me at 5 gig.

jpinks said:
Ok my biggest reservation left on the one x is the storage. I keep alot of audiobooks (for me) and I even keep some of my childrens shows on my phone in case we are waiting at Dr office or someplace for a long period of time. I keep most of these things on my 16 gig sim card. I imagine that trying to keep this stuff on the cloud and transfering it from phone to cloud is going to take crazy amounts of time. My current phone is in its death throws but this not having the 32 gig storage offering or internal sd storage is really bugging me. Can dropbox handle these kinds of transfers or can it be streamed from dropbox? I am concerned about streaming on the data side as I am a grandfathered unlimited on ATT and they will cap me at 5 gig.
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yes you can stream, i do it all the time. i will say with all the google music, pandora, dropbox streaming, browsing, photo uploads, and games that require internet, i have yet to break 2 gb. i will say though, i have wi-fi at home, school, and work with wi-fi always on so it always connects automatically. but i have never had trouble keeping to my limits on my unlimited plan (that is so wrong at&t).

Thanks for the info. I posted this question on another forum and got a curve thrown at me. Does dropbox have limits on up and download? I know its a subscription service but since we are getting 2 yrs worth of time do you think they will cap us on up/down speeds?

jpinks said:
Thanks for the info. I posted this question on another forum and got a curve thrown at me. Does dropbox have limits on up and download? I know its a subscription service but since we are getting 2 yrs worth of time do you think they will cap us on up/down speeds?
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that i don't know. streaming is fine for me, so it's fast enough for that, and when i export it isn't "slow" but depends on what your use to. i get about 1 mb down per sec on average. it is rarely higher or lower. but i don't export full movies, i just stream them so most of my downloads are pretty quick.


How Much Data do you use?

How much Data do you use in a month. I finally made the plunge to a Pocket PC Phone, an HTC TYTN. So far I am loving it. It takes a lot of getting use to the way you dial phone numbers vs my old Motorola V3i flip phone, but none the less this is a great phone.
Back to the question at hand. How much data do you use in a month, what do you do with your phone.
I am trying to justify the size of the data plan I should be on. I am on some sort of Starter plan for the moment which I know won't be enough.
Average I plan to download about 20 emails a day and respond to about 5, use MSN Messenger for a few hours at least.
Spend an hour a day on websites. (no heavy graphics pages)
So how much do you use,
I'm currently using around 75-100megabytes a month sending/receving 20-40 emails a day, as well as heavy browsing of HoFo, XDA, and various blogs during downtime. I also subscribe to various RSS feeds via Outlook 2007, and then syncing those folders via Exchange.
when I was using my hermes with pieplus and images off i was going to about 200mb a month. After allowing images that jumped to 400-500mb a month. I am now doing everything on it and using it as a modem and i am up to 2gb a month. I download a lot of podcasts every week and youtube really burns the bandwidth.
The only affordable way I know of to do this is with three. it costs me $40 aud a month and I also get 4000 minutes of unmetred skype that I cant actually use because they only do it with a preconfigured symbian version of skype. there are also email and tv bundled with my account but i have not used those yet. the email is supposed to be unmetered so I guess that would mean that attachments would cost nothing to download, are there any other three members who can confirm this?
I'm suprised we haven't seen any of the 10GB slingbox users represent yet. Come on you guys, we know you're in the woodwork.
I signed up for unlimited data package for a fixed monthly rate.
Using push mail ( on all the time), browsing the net using Opera Mini (eurosports and this wonderful forum most of the time ).
Unless you're downloading a ton of attachments, email is most likely not going to push you over 10MB, even with a few hundred a month. Push adds a little overhead, but assuming a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week connection, thats still only around 1MB of data.
Well on Rogers in BC Canada, 500mb plan would be $210, which is way more expensive than I wanted to go. I am looking at the 100mb plan,
$60 25MB per month additional $7 per MB 101 to 300 e-mails per day
That is on top of the $100 per month for my regular cell contract.
Ouch, that really sucks. At those rates, it's probaly cheaper to get a Blackberry or something from Cingular with the Unlimited International Roaming, which I believe is only $70. However, that's probaly not what you want to do, so you're best bet is probaly to get something like SPB GPRS Monitor and have it cut off data usage at 95% of maximum alloted.
Thanks Urthwhyte
I will have to look up that app and install it. Right now I don't have a clue how much data I am using.
For reference here is a link to the data plans available to me. (note that does not include my $100 per month for my voice contract.)
Link to Rogers Data Plans and Pricing.
I'm currently using but I also beleive the newest beta version of batterystatus also does monitoring. If you only intend to use email, you should be more than fine with 25MB of usage. However, anything other than extremely light webbrowsing will go through that in a heartbeat.
I use a Trinity Wm6 PDAVIET 3.07.17
I'm a heavy data user.. from 5-20 Gb a month.
I use MyMail Visto Mail for my corporate work email, hotmail and yahoo mail as personal. about 60 emails a day
I constantly download mp3 mainly from Google search and projectplaylist hack. (copying the url of the song and downloading it)
I constantly download flash games mainly from Google search of .sfw and using the flashlite player.
I use GoogleMaps with the built in GPS
Custom 401/DVP/427 traffic monitoring every 1 min via PIE
I check stocks on every 30min.
I also use for Live TV. via a WM6 WinMobile Torrent for movies.
looks like bit throttling over UMTS isnt active yet... I get great download speeds of 1mb+
nightly download of ebook reading via Google Scholar search of PDF in my area of interests.
I do tons of general surfing..
Yup I'm addicted!!!!!
At the Canadian data rates?
When it comes to raw downloading that will all be done by my home server, I have a 10mb (speeds of roughly 1000kBps) cable internet connection and 2tb of data storage at my house. I could never see trying to do torrents on my cell. However it is a neat concept.
Thanks again for the monitoring link, that should come in really helpful.
I have not noticed any throttling when on my phone internet either. I occasionally use it to finish off a torrent and it seems that it just goes full speed. My greatest enemy is other users. When nobody knew about the service i use i could easily get onto hspda with my trinity or hermes, speeds of 800kbs+. now there are adds everywhere for the $30 1gb data modem pack i find that in normal hours i can only get standard umts speeds of 256-300kbs.
it does not matter for the bulk of my use. when used purely as a pda it seems windows mobile can not get anywhere near the speed my laptop sees. it feels like a 56kbs dial up connection when opening pages. I don't know if its the rendering in pie or just wm, if i use minimo it is MUCH slowers still.
edit: i just downloaded a 24mb podcast in the time it took to type this post!
No problem, have fun with your new phone!
So far the most data I have used is just over 22GB.
I use my device as my home internet connection. I run xbox live gaming and stream video to my laptop connected to my TV for home television. Works great! I have unlimited data (AT&T) on Samsung Captivate with HSDPA/UPA enabled and run it with wireless tether.
Can easily use 1 GB in a day
Usually a little less than 20MB but my boyfriend has unlimited data on his iphone so if I wanna stream something i usually don't use my iphone
Im currently near the end of my billing Cycle, and Tmobile is listing me as using 3.1GBs. Last month I had 8.3GBs.
I stream lots of youtube, and Pandora. As well as stream animes from animenewsnetwork when im bored. I have email set up for my dad's business since I handle all emails / invoices for him.
Dont really tether since I dont have any other device to connect to it, other then my PC, but it has its own connection.
as per my usage i can get 18gb per month with only 50kbps with unlimited data plan on airtel edge

Tethering with Rogers: Extra Fee?

I've just pulled my laptop out of storage, and was playing around with tethering it to my iPAQ 910c. Using WinMo's built in internet sharing was a breeze. However, I'm a bit concerned over whether or not I'll be charged anything additional fees for tethering this way (as I've read the data traffic looks different via tether to a wireless provider, and some may charge extra for it).
I'm with Rogers Wireless on their 500 MB smartphone data plan, and couldn't find any solid info (though I did come across this CBC article - - from last fall mentioning that Rogers was changing their data plans to allow tethering as part of your data plan). I called Rogers and they didn't really know (I spoke with both CS and a "Data Department" person, neither of which instilled me with confidence in their knowledge). All they said was that it could cost alot and they don't support (ie: technical support) tethering, but they wouldn't elaborate on whether the "cost alot" would be from extra charges specifically for tethering, or simply from exceeding my data bucket.
So I'm looking for any input from people here who are on Rogers and use tethering, as to whether the traffic is indeed part of my data bucket, or if there's an extra charge (and what that might be). Any comments are greatly appreciated.
Tethering policy
I found this the other night.
It looks like you may have to upgrade to at least a 1GB package or higher in order to "legally" tether.
I am going to see about my plan as I signed up for the $30/6GB plan on June 5th. If I just lost out on "legally" tethering due to adopting a phone a few days early I am going to be right pissed.
Here is the page where they allow tethering on the iPhone.
So I called up and had the "tethering" feature added to my plan at no charge as it is available "free" for all smart phone accounts with data plans one GB or higher. She could not help me with the fact that my phone can not tether, but that will be fixed when I root it. From what she said, this is free until December 31st.
No word yet as to how much this feture will cost after the interm perioud is up. At least this will allow us to test and see how much we really use it, though it sounds like a cash grab to me. I won't mind if it is like an extra $5, but any more would be pushing it if you ask me. Glad to hear they are at least willing to charge us for it rather than prohibiting and penalizing us.
Tethering test
r4nd0mn4me said:
Ok so I just had to see what this tethering is all about.
I just ran a speed test from speakeasy and here are the results.
Last Result:
Download Speed: 197 kbps (24.6 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 45 kbps (5.6 KB/sec transfer rate)
This was with signal strength of three out of seven bars from my house. I must say page loading seems much faster than on my phone...though not nearly fast enough to watch Youtube with.
And before I get mass mails about how I did it....well, I cheated
I popped my Rogers sim into my Nokia N95-8GB and used the built in USB tethering app.
I can't wait for ze roots!Oh and apparently this wont help
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Thought I would copy this bit here as it pertains to this thread as well.

Thunderbolt for home ISP

I was curious to know if anyone was using their Thunderbolt for their home ISP. I have been using it today as a trial run since it worked so well for me when I was out of town. If I can save a few hundred dollars a year and get close to the same, if not the same speeds with LTE as my source of home internet access, it doesn't really make much sense to me to keep Comcast around. I am rooted and using Wireless Tether. Mobile Hotspot and its data cap can suck it. I called Comcast and asked how much data I used, the past 3 months were all under 25GB. Thoughts?
All I can say is do it while you can - I know I would be if I lived in an area that had better than 3G coverage.
Desire Cm7
I've been thinking about the same exact solution for about a month. Time Warner is charging us $99 for 50/5mbps "wideband" connection, and I'm pretty much getting the same speeds at home on my Bolt. Actually my uploads goes up to 10mbps so it's even better. I think I will probably end up downgrading the cable service to the cheapest $30 a month and see how the Bolt is holding up during the next billing cycle. I've used 53GB on my Bolt during the past month. Speeds still going strong.
nice thoughts, but when there are a few million devices on the network I don't think reliability will be there to be honest. It all depends on what you are doing, and how many computers you have at home.
If you are me and have 10 devices that have internet access at your house, I doubt thunderbolt will be the solution for me. I doubt the hotspot will give me enough range to cover my whole house, if I was alone then it would be a different scenario to be honest and I would probably do it.
I have 2 NAS servers at home that is used for remote access so that right there kills it for me since me and my thunderbolt cant be in two different places at the same time.
even if I was able to get a 4g lte router to plug my thunderbolt in to, they just dont have the horsepower as other routers to provide enough bandwidth for my home network.
nkd said:
nice thoughts, but when there are a few million devices on the network I don't think reliability will be there to be honest. It all depends on what you are doing, and how many computers you have at home.
If you are me and have 10 devices that have internet access at your house, I doubt thunderbolt will be the solution for me. I doubt the hotspot will give me enough range to cover my whole house, if I was alone then it would be a different scenario to be honest and I would probably do it.
I have 2 NAS servers at home that is used for remote access so that right there kills it for me since me and my thunderbolt cant be in two different places at the same time.
even if I was able to get a 4g lte router to plug my thunderbolt in to, they just dont have the horsepower as other routers to provide enough bandwidth for my home network.
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I should have clarified that. I usually only have one thing connected at a time. Mostly my Macbook, sometimes I might connect my PS3 and watch netflix or something. My internet demands aren't really that high.
Been thinking along these same lines. Time Warner Cable - what a rip off. I barely watch TV and have only basic cable. That plus the ISP and speed boost is $100+/mo. What we need is someway to have the Tbolt provide network access to an existing or new type of wireless router. The Bolt would basically replace the cable modem but not the WiFI router (if you have two different boxes). This would make the transition for folks who have multiple computers, NAS, DLNA devices, etc. almost transparent and probably totally workable.
Cradlepoint? If you can plug in a USB cellular modem, perhaps you can connect your phone. I have an MBR-1000 here at work that I may spend some time playing with later if I have some time. . .
Dont expect to get away with it forever... once the wireless hotspot trial runs out I think Verizon will be cracking down on rooted users using tethering. If you really want to replace your cable line with LTE through the Thunderbolt your going to have to pay the $20 a month and then I believe you only get 2GB
You do realize that using your phone as a hotspot was never intended to replace your home ISP, right?
Why do you think all these companies are now starting to do tiered data?
I have a netgear wnr3500l and flashed dd-wrt to it. It allows you to bridge two wireless connections or have it join another wireless network. That would allow you to use your TB as your ISP on your home network.
I work from home so its not an option for me, and I have nearly 20 devices on my network.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA Premium App
nkd said:
If you are me and have 10 devices that have internet access at your house, I doubt thunderbolt will be the solution for me. I doubt the hotspot will give me enough range to cover my whole house, if I was alone then it would be a different scenario to be honest and I would probably do it.
I have 2 NAS servers at home that is used for remote access so that right there kills it for me since me and my thunderbolt cant be in two different places at the same time.
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Me, too. The Thunderbolt as an ISP is a decent idea, and very fast when used, but unless you live alone and have no "always on" internet devices (Servers/Netflix Streaming) then everytime you leave with your cell phone, no one at your house has internet (assuming you got rid of your other ISP - of course, if you didn't you would still be paying for two and defeating the purpose)
I guess it depends on the individuals scenario. I have a maximum of 2 devices connected at a time and they are in the same room. I only live with my dog so I don't need a stationary ISP. Obviously it wouldn't really work for a family or a person with a very high demand such as a home office.
meowlamp said:
I guess it depends on the individuals scenario. I have a maximum of 2 devices connected at a time and they are in the same room. I only live with my dog so I don't need a stationary ISP. Obviously it wouldn't really work for a family or a person with a very high demand such as a home office.
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Agreed - If I wouldn't get in trouble from the Mrs. about taking the internet with me, I'd be all over this provided that $20 still gets unlimited tethering and not the 2GB cap some were talking about. Guess it's more of a wait-and-see approach.
Engenius EOR7550 does it
I start out by saying please do not everyone start dumping your fixed ISP bandwidth needs on the TB because it will cause problems from system and bandwidth issues to policy changes with how VZW deals with all of us, resulting in a bad experience with a good system. That said, the EOR7550 is a dual radio commercial grade outdoor repeater. It would be the perfect device for such a test as it is meant to establish a link with one wireless network and repeat it out as another. I use these units quite often to make RV park wi-fi go all over the place.
What is the big deal..
If you can live with the total pain in the ass of always having your phone be your internet then go for it.
I like to have my internet always on and on (to download stuff) when my phone and I are not there.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
If you are just going to browse web pages, maybe check email.. then its something to consider.
But 25gig? I'm guessing you download files, stream stuff, etc.
So then you have to think...
Well the mobile hot spot feature on the TB is only FREE until May 15. After that they will likely charge... either $20 for 2gig like 3G MHS is, or possibly more. i.e. more data used = more $$ per month, so that could add up quick.
VZW's TOS for using the "unlimited data" plan with smart phones stipulates that it is not for tethering, and meant to only be used for the phone, and has some other things around "acceptable use". Rooting and doing "un-authorized tethering" and racking up 25 gig per month might draw attention to yourself. So if VZW does start cracking down on this, you'll be right in the cross hairs and violating their TOS.
Then there is the rumor that VZW is throttling data for the higher data users... so where does 25gig come in? will you be able to live with being throttled if it hits you?
Not to mention having to keep your phone plugged in at all times, since battery wont last long using data constantly.
At that point is it still worth it?
I might suggest you'd be better if you think about brokering a deal with your neighbor to share his/her internet via wifi and splitting the cost instead...
KidJoe said:
If you are just going to browse web pages, maybe check email.. then its something to consider.
But 25gig? I'm guessing you download files, stream stuff, etc.
So then you have to think...
Well the mobile hot spot feature on the TB is only FREE until May 15. After that they will likely charge... either $20 for 2gig like 3G MHS is, or possibly more. i.e. more data used = more $$ per month, so that could add up quick.
VZW's TOS for using the "unlimited data" plan with smart phones stipulates that it is not for tethering, and meant to only be used for the phone, and has some other things around "acceptable use". Rooting and doing "un-authorized tethering" and racking up 25 gig per month might draw attention to yourself. So if VZW does start cracking down on this, you'll be right in the cross hairs and violating their TOS.
Then there is the rumor that VZW is throttling data for the higher data users... so where does 25gig come in? will you be able to live with being throttled if it hits you?
Not to mention having to keep your phone plugged in at all times, since battery wont last long using data constantly.
At that point is it still worth it?
I might suggest you'd be better if you think about brokering a deal with your neighbor to share his/her internet via wifi and splitting the cost instead...
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+1. Just the thought is a recipe for disaster. Tiered data is on it's way and suggestions such as this are a good part of the reason why.
My $0.02
KidJoe said:
If you are just going to browse web pages, maybe check email.. then its something to consider.
But 25gig? I'm guessing you download files, stream stuff, etc.
So then you have to think...
Well the mobile hot spot feature on the TB is only FREE until May 15. After that they will likely charge... either $20 for 2gig like 3G MHS is, or possibly more. i.e. more data used = more $$ per month, so that could add up quick.
VZW's TOS for using the "unlimited data" plan with smart phones stipulates that it is not for tethering, and meant to only be used for the phone, and has some other things around "acceptable use". Rooting and doing "un-authorized tethering" and racking up 25 gig per month might draw attention to yourself. So if VZW does start cracking down on this, you'll be right in the cross hairs and violating their TOS.
Then there is the rumor that VZW is throttling data for the higher data users... so where does 25gig come in? will you be able to live with being throttled if it hits you?
Not to mention having to keep your phone plugged in at all times, since battery wont last long using data constantly.
At that point is it still worth it?
I might suggest you'd be better if you think about brokering a deal with your neighbor to share his/her internet via wifi and splitting the cost instead...
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+2 keep your isp.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App

list your plan for media consumption

so, you have a brand new galaxy s4 with 42mbps hsdpa, 100mbps LTE if applicable in your area... and probably at least a 32gb sd card to match the rest of its specs.
so list what your preferred way of consuming movies and music will be
i'm probably going to try it all but it looks like downloading movies straight to my sd card will be my preferred way.
also with 50gb dropbox storage i wont need to lose them after i watch them to save room i can just upload it. (if im not near my computer for an extended period of time)
i might even try out motocast, and i also like pandora/netflix. those will come in handy. im not sure if i want to leave my beast gaming computer on all day for motocast though. the video card uses quite a bit of power even when idle.

AT&T throttled my data cause I sync'd my Spotify Playlist :/

This "unlimited data" is a joke if I used 5gb in under a half hour setting up my new phone.
First thing Monday I will call and tell them that I will stream Netflix 24/7 with my 1mb/s crap connection they are giving me just to use more data unless they remove the limitation
Not going to stand for this crap. Anyone else had similar situations?
That sounds like a childish way of handling the situation. Unless your head's been in the sand for the past 6 years, you should have known full well what your contract with AT&T lets you do and not do. It's not a secret what 'unlimited' means to these carriers you know...
Tell them you're going to T-Mobile. Even on their plans that aren't unlimited high-speed, music streaming on most popular services (including Spotify) doesn't count against your allotment.
You'll end up losing in a pissing match.

