Pebble and Windows Phone - Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Staright question... + Windows Phone 7.5
What do you think ?

I know I want one, and I want it to work with my HTC Titan...

Could work
I checked the technical info on their website and saw the following piece of info:
One more feature that we think is especially cool: we’ll provide a web service so that web app developers can send notifications to Pebble without having to write a single line of code for either the smartphone or the watch itself.
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If a web app can communicate with a Pebble, it should not be too hard to write a web app that communicates both with a Pebble and a WP7 phone, and a corresponding WP7 client app to drive the whole thing.
The Pebble people do not write something about a Pebble SDK on WP7, but I think if they tried they would only find out that a WP7 app does not have sufficient access to Bluetooth to communicate with the Pebble. That insanely locked-down WP7 API problem again
Update: Checked their info again. Maybe doesn't work after all, because the Pebble seems to need the smartphone to reach the Internet, and of course a WP7 phone could not provide that:
And we’ll allow Pebble to send data (such as a motion log, or recorded times from a stopwatch app) to a web service via Bluetooth and the smartphone’s internet connection.
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Depending on the Bluetooth profile, it *might* work (especially with homebrew). WP7 does have Bluetooth after all, it's just rather limited.


Android vs Windows Mobile - Functionality

Just a quick question!
How do you think Android will stack up to Windows Mobile when it comes to functionality? Android will certainly look better and be much more finger friendly,etc, but will it be closer to the limits of the iPhone when it comes to copy paste (Android has copy paste, but dont know if it works everywhere), email, contacts, and such? Will Windows Mobile fans be dissapointed or feel crippled when using Android?
Ive played around with the Android SDK a bit, but i havent really gotten a definite feeling if the functionality suits my needs
Yes I am also looking for some forum information on this matter. I would like to know the opinion of anyone who has had a hands on experience with both OS's. Found a nice article in endgadget but I like user opinions better.
I definetly want to know too!
Here is what I want to know for the Droid...
Can you use it as wifi router?
Does it do push hotmail instantly?
Is there logmein support?
Does it work with orb?
i'm moving to Android when Acer A1 liquid is out, then Sony X10a.
Android got free gps navigation with realtime traffic! nice!
segadc said:
I definetly want to know too!
Here is what I want to know for the Droid...
Can you use it as wifi router?
Does it do push hotmail instantly?
Is there logmein support?
Does it work with orb?
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1. Yes
2. No, not that I'm aware of anyway, but you can forward Hotmail email to your Google Account to receive it instantly.
3. Yes
4. Yes
Anything else anyone else wants to know then feel free to post here and I'll do my best to answer it in a reasonable time.
I swapped my Touch Diamond for my G1 and I can do everything that I could do on my windows mobile (although I didn't have WinMo for long)
I've had all of the mobile OS's and always come back to windows mobile. Android is approaching windows mobile when you think of the ability to flash other OS versions and wide range of applications on an open system. But windows mobile gives me true multitasking ability like a desktop computer, and windows mobile can be edited and programmed to be something else. Through haret windows mobile phones can run haret and even android.
dashauns said:
I've had all of the mobile OS's and always come back to windows mobile........
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Yes I'm heading this way too. Android has been quite a disappointment to me. Initially I was very happy with my new Milestone that replaced an HTC Touch Pro running WM6.1. The performance difference was staggering, there really is no comparison between them. However I just find more and more things missing from Android/Milestone note this list is just a braindump, some of it's in Android, some of it's the packaging for the Milestone, I'm guessing you can tell the difference.
No Outlook Integration, I really think that should have been there out of the box, there are third party apps that i've used with varying degrees of success.
Restricted Video viewing. I used to use coreplayer to view just about anything on WM without any conversions. Now through restricted information on APIs needed to port CorePlayer to ANdroid I'm stuck with a lengthy conversion process when I want to put video on the phone.
No contact lookup while dialing from the keypad, I really miss that.
No note taking, or word editing apps built in.
Can't save attachments in email - wtf!! this is basic functionality, everytime I want to view a word file attached to an email I have to wait while it downloads form my mail server.
Can't foreward some attachment types - crazy crazy
Can't edit original text in replies or forwards - this is basic functionality missing
Cut and paste is awful - ranging from not implemented, to badly implemented depending on where you try to use it.
Can't switch an sd card without rebooting - I don't know if this is milestone specific but you actually can't remove the sd card without removing the battery.
Tethering, I'm using PDANet, I don't think there is a WMWifiRouter equivalent without rooting the phone? So I am using PDANets blueTooth Dun service, much inferior to WMWifiRouters Personal Area Network implementation.
Can't charge from my exisiting Solar charger (Power Monkey Explorer), thats a pain in the ass, not sure why it doesn't work.
Facebook Contact integration, it claims to have it but it just doesnt work
Logmein doesnt work for me, nor do citrix support it for gotomypc
I'll add more as and when.
dashauns said:
I've had all of the mobile OS's and always come back to windows mobile. Android is approaching windows mobile when you think of the ability to flash other OS versions and wide range of applications on an open system. But windows mobile gives me true multitasking ability like a desktop computer, and windows mobile can be edited and programmed to be something else. Through haret windows mobile phones can run haret and even android.
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can you explain what you mean with real multitasking? what miss you on android?
Hi guys new to the forum and my first post
So I have both OS I just got a HTC HD2 Winmo 6.5 and a HTC g1 Android
To me the Android is a lot lot easyer to use then Winmo. And the Markit place is the best I have used. But the HD2 looks nice the layout is top notch but when I go behind the HTC front skine and in to the Winmo I get lost and it all so looks like my winmo PDA witch I dont like.
As you can tell im not realy in to phones that much so dont know the correct names for the stuff im talking about lol.
If I could have Android under the Htc HD2 skin I would be happy

Remote desktop software

Hey guys, Does anyone know if there's any decent FREE apps for the android that i can use for remote assistance? i work in IT and this would be very useful to me but im not willing to fork out cash just yet.
I know you can use VNC but this means installing software on client machines and setting that software upm which is no use to me.
thanks in advance guys
I have tried most and there are no good free RDC clients. (I started to write one myself but it was not very fun so I abandoned it.)
I would suggest biting the bullet and buying xtralogic's Remote Desktop client. At $19.95 it is the most expensive option but the controls on it are the best IMHO.
If you want cheaper ($7.98) there is Remote RDP by Walter Yongtao Wang but i find the controls are not as intuitive.
I know you said you do not want to fork out cash yet but the reality is if you want a good RDC client then for now you are going to have to pay for it. In the grand scheme of things $20 is a minor investment for the aggravation saved.
PhoneMyPC is the best one I've tried and I've played with almost all of them. Multitouch zooming makes it closest to what logmein ignition is on the iPhone. I think until logmein comes out with an Android app, it's the best bet even though it costs a few dollars.
yeah , i also use PhoneMyPC , works great , no problems
I have to agree. PhoneMyPC is extremely (surprizingly) fast and worked better than the RDP or VNC solutions from my testing.
I was very skeptical that it could perform well, but... call me a believer now.
Thanks for the answers guys, I'll try PhoneMyPc out first.
One more question, I would also like to Wake computers via LAN, Do these software's have the ability to send the "magic" WOL packets to wake a system up?
This is another feature i would find extremely useful.
Clearly my brain was not working last night. I misread what you were asking for. PhoneMyPC is nice but requires a client install.
If your goal is end client support and you do not want to require them to install an application you might consider UltraVNC single click for the client ( )+ a VNC viewer on android. While it will not perform as well as PhoneMyPC it has the benefit of being a zero foot print solution and works well in situations where the client may not want/be able to install applications on their system. I keep a build on my website and if a situation pops up that requires me to access the end user's machine have them download and run it.
Your request for WOL is a bit confusing though, which implies you are not going for end user support. What are you looking for:
- a solution to connect to your personal machine running in the same subnet as your phone
- a solution to connect to your personal machine from wherever you may be at
- a solution to connect to remote end users machines with a pre-installed application
- a solution to connect to remote end users machines without a pre-installed application
- something else.
WOL can be triggered remotely (with preparation) but regardless requires the machine to be set up properly and that you know the MAC address in advance, not likely in a remote end user scenario.
Does anyone know where can I get the PhoneMyPC installation file for the phone? I couldn't find any download link on their site.
On the market. search for "phonemypc". It is a commercial app (9.99 USD) so that is pretty much your only way to get it.
Trust me on this one, go with Remote Desktop Client from xtralogic.. I've been using it for nearly a year.. its the best RDP you will find, no client install needed.
PhoneMyPC is the BEST!
Wait... we're biased ;-)
I suspect the user base here is savvy enough to know much of this, but a few details for anybody who's interested.
PhoneMyPC uses a technology similar to VNC, but it's custom and generally performs better. It is a bandwidth-limited approach to remoting, and we chose this because (a) we wanted something that made no compromises on visual quality (no missing desktop wallpapers, no changed settings, no missing themes), and we see the trend in available bandwidth going steadily up for the forseeable future. This makes PhoneMyPC a good option for remote video, for example, because it is optimized for pictoral data rather than vector data.
RDP, on the other hand, is optimized for vector data, so typically consumed less bandwidth than PhoneMyPC, but much more CPU resources. It also has the advantage that it is built in to all Professional and Server Windows versions.
The biggest difference between the two however is how they handle the network. With RDP you must know and configure your IP, and you must update it when it changes (or use a DynDNS type solution). You must also know how to configure your router and other security mechanisms for port forwarding.
PhoneMyPC just works, because it uses our servers as a connection point between your phone and PC(s). You don't need to know your IP, or worry if it changes, becuase the PC will actually tell the phone what it's IP is every time you connect. You can use port forwarding to get a better, direct connection, but it is not required for the software to work.
Finally, RDP is a long-lasting, well established (and more or less un-changing) technology; that is an advantage from some perspectives. But if you compare what users are saying PhoneMyPC is at least as good, and it's new, still growing, always getting better, and we're not even close to done yet. That too is an advantage from some perspectives.
Makers of PhoneMyPC
I've bought all of them, and I could never get Phone My PC to connect. RDC by xtralogic, Remote VNC Pro Android VNC work great (used with TightVNC).
EDIT: Any suggestions Softwareforme? Also constant f/c's when connected via wifi on N1.

eWallet for Android?

I'm looking for an eWallet app, like Ilium Software's eWallet for PPC, which runs both Desktop (WinDOS and/or Linux) and Android PDA.
joebacsi74 said:
I'm looking for an eWallet app, like Ilium Software's eWallet for PPC, which runs both Desktop (WinDOS and/or Linux) and Android PDA.
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This looks good: Splash-ID. Has a desktop client as well. I don't use it so I can't say much else about it.
I personally use B-Folders which is a Free app and works great for me.
I am a little suspicious about installing and using certain apps. Many state that they have full access to the phone and internet, meaning they can send all of my personal information elsewhere...and in an e-wallet application, that can be devastating. A goldmine for ID theft criminals... learn some code, and write an e-wallet application. Make it free and watch the information roll right in!
Can b-wallet be trusted? They are based in Spain and Bulgaria. Not much information out there about them.
Splash ID looks great and legit, but $30 is a ridiculous price for this software. $10 maybe for both desktop and phone.
Like the other guy said, B-folders does the exact same thing Splash ID does, and it's free, they are asking way too much money for that app
Have you considered KeePass?
Open source, no internet access (internet access not requested in the manifest upon install) & has an open source desktop counterpart too!
I was a long time eWallet user and contacted them recently because they don't have Android or WebOS clients. They said that they have no plans to create anything at this time for other platforms.
Seems like they are not doing well these days. I looked at Splash ID and while it seems okay, they way they license desktop software is insane and I hear that databases are not compatible with other version of their software so if you get a new phone you'd be out of luck.
I am now using CallPod's Keeper. It is very simplistic which I hate but it works with most major phones and desktops (PC & Mac, etc) I run it on my iPhone and Android.
Having used eWallet for a long time, on all platforms (pc, iphone, winmo), I hope they make ewallet for android soon.
Otherwise I have to find a new password program as well...
If enough people mail them, they must sooner or later make an android version
Otherwise I recommend lastpass(.com). Not ecsactly the same as ewallet, but really good. However, it requires internet access...
I am actually hoping for SPB Wallet to made for Android. SPB did announce Mobile Shell for Android so I am hoping they are gonna port more of their software library over as well.
I've been hassling Illium for ages about this, they don't seem interested in the slightest
**EDIT** Hang on, Splash actually charge you more if you buy the desktop and phone client together than if you buy them seperate! How does that work!?!?!
+1 for KeePass.
It is OPEN SOURCE and it does not require internet connection.
And it has desktop app as well, which is good.
For this kind of app which we use to store "sensitive information", I cant easily trust any closed source app.
That's why I am heading to KeePass when I got my Android device (ordered).
sd00 said:
Have you considered KeePass?
Open source, no internet access (internet access not requested in the manifest upon install) & has an open source desktop counterpart too!
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Well your wish was partially granted eWallet Viewer.
You can sync with your windows PC and view on your Android, but you cannot add or edit.
awesome, at last..
Now hopefully they do a full version also.. I see a lot of WM6.x users switching to Android at the moment...
double post
Woo hoo!!!!
Viewer is good enough for me. It sync's to the desktop too (I've even paid for an upgrade to v7 so this works )
I would like to introduce keywords like AES or encryption on this post. I have been looking on and off for days for an encryption package for Android and pretty much drew a blank, with a couple of notable exceptions. It was only through trying to find out more information about JointLogic (makers of B-Folders) that I stumbled upon this very useful discussion. I also deeply distrust the anonymity of these vendors. I am deeply sorry if I offend them, but these days we are used to look a gift horse in the mouth. JointLogic is trying to make us suspicious of Google with backdoors in their engine, yet we are supposed to trust an anonymous company in who knows where?
I read somewhere that an android version of Ascendo Data Vault could be out sometime soon. Anyone know if there is any truth to that?
wonsanim said:
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Click to collapse a totally different type of app. Good addition to the conversation :roll:
worse of all, the viewer has no SEARCH function!!!
After 8 months and still not a peep.

[Q] Mobile Data Manager for Windows Phone 7

Hello There,
I've been seeking a program that can run on the Windows Phone 7.5 for a while like "My Data Manager" as a well known app on the Android Platform. I'm afraid, there is none even close alternatives. I was wondering it is possible to develop this kind of a program for the Windows Phone platform.
I'm sure it will be perfect to control data usage, set alarms and get billing notifications, track historical data consumption, count sms and monitor talkind minutes for the users that have a limited data plan of their service provider as me. Just an idea... I was dealing with some simple e Visual Basic applications in the history but I don't understand complex programming logics nowadays, so may be it is impossible to get these kind of information from the Windows Phone...
Thanks for considering.
Any comments?
dmitrium said:
Any comments?
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Because of WP7 public API limitations, regular developers can't create that kind of apps, only manufacturers and cell providers. AT&T has an ugly and slow app for this (but with very limited functionality). Probably other cell provs has similar apps, I don't know...
As I guess... Thank you for your answer.

Android 11 popup on unattended device

I have a huge problem that is making me leave android.
Since android 4 I have been developing software for devices that are stuck to a wall and spread-ed across the country, mainly price-checking and digital signage software.
The end user (the client from the retailer) cannot access menus and anything else other then what running software offers. With android 4 I was able to make updates to software remotely, and monitor control all the device, with vnc and ssh.
Recent android versions are picky and for example i cant have vnc , neither an ssh that allows me to control the system, unfortunately whit this i can live. but for example if i need to update my app with another apk which require more permissions it will show a popup asking for permissions, that is not OK on a remote device where no one from the company is using it. I cannot hope a client clicks yes on the popup for my app to run again.
Android 4 and 5 where perfect, android 10 and 11 are terrible for this. How can i bypass this, is it possible?
Thanks and sorry for the English.

