[Q] ADW Launcher Issue - Anyone else? - HTC Inspire 4G

There is a strange and erratic pattern on my Inspire, involving ADW Launcher EX and the OS not maintaining its default launcher preference. I'm currently running CM 7.2.0-RC1. ADW Launcher EX is installed, alongside ADW Launcher, which I've elected to not remove from the system partition. All too frequently, the phone will present me with a selection between the two launchers upon my pressing the home button. Even after checking the box to save the default launcher preference, this will continue to happen-- even without a reboot.
The behavior is not 100% consistent. However, there are certain things I can do to force it to happen. Like for example: putting any Business Calendar widget on the desktop will immediately cause the default to evaporate. The Vlingo widget can force it as well.
For further analysis, I removed the Business Calendar and Vlingo widgets from the desktop, and now the occurrences are erratic. I cannot find a pattern.
I had no issues previously on my HTC Evo (retired March 2012). Although I'm currently running CM 7.2.0-RC1, this issue has existed through several nightly 7.1.x builds I was using. Also, this will happen for both ADW Launcher and ADW Launcher EX.
Is there anyone else out there who's having the same issue, or has some suggestion as to what might be causing it?
UPDATE: Here is the logcat that specifically shows the "preferred activity" for "MAIN" being dropped.
W/InputManagerService( 1357): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: [email protected]
I/ActivityManager( 1357): Starting: Intent { act=android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_CONFIGURE cmp=[b]mikado.bizcalpro[/b]/.WidgetConfig4x1 (has extras) } from pid 30703
I/PackageManager( 1357): [b]Result set changed, dropping preferred activity for Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] } type null[/b]
D/Kiwi (17311): Kiwi: onCreate: [email protected]
D/Kiwi (17311): ContextManagerImpl: Activity->onCreate. Activity: [email protected], Total Activities: 1
Thanks in advance.

I eventually got fed up with issue, so I wiped and reinstalled everything from scratch. Since doing so, the issue has not resurfaced.
Case closed, though I wish I could have better understood what caused it to happen in the first place.

I am also on cm7.2 and I upgraded to ex. What I did was use titanium backup to freeze the stock launcher and adw launcher. Don't have any issues.
Freezing the apps removes them from apps list and stops them from running until manually defrosted. Currently have 18 frozen apps.
Sent from Soundwave aboard Nemesis.


[Q] The application icons get jumbled

I am not sure if this is how android is designed to work. In the application launcher I have the view type set as 'customizable grid'. I rearranged the icons on to different pages to categorize them as per type of application. This left empty slots on pages which did not have enough icons to fit the complete page. All the changes were saved. Now if I power off my infuse and bring it up again I see that a lot of the icons do not stay where i fixed them before powering off. I would expect this setting or configuration to stay intact. Is it not supposed to work how I expect? Thanks for reading my post. My phone only has stock applications.
On a side note - Does android have capability of creating folders within the application launcher app. I know it can be done on the home screens.
i have a similar issue, it seems to be that applications that you pay for and have a free download with a pay key like rom manager on a reboot it loads the icon for the unlock key which disapears after you attemp to open it. it may be that the extra icon not being in the config file reapearing causes it to alter the configuration. i dont remember if this was always an issue and it minght be related to the modded launcher from gtg. try another twlauncher30 version. maybe one from the captivate/i9000 section, maybe the 5x4 app drawer version.

[Q] Apps and creating home screen folders.

Hello all, do apps have the ability to make populated folders in android or is it not allowed? I want to find a particular type of app that works similar to Auto App Category.
play.google. /store/apps/details?id=net.zalio.android.autoappsort
Thing I want it to do is when making a short cut to the category I want it to make an actual folder not a widget or shortcut to the sorting app itself. Main thing is I don't want a bunch of unnecessary clutter taking up cpu cycles or ram. Besides most of the "folders" from those apps are really ugly. I am running ADW and can do it manually, however ADW hasn't seen an update since July '13 and I want to move on to a new launcher. Unfortunately the ones I like don't allow home screen migration.
No ideas?

[Resolved] [Q] Custom Shortcut to an action in an app? (Intent Sniffing? Macro Recording?)

Hey everyone,
I am using a fitness-tracker called the "Misfit Shine" (www.misfitwearables.com). The tracking itself works quite well (it has some flaws), but especially the sleep tracking surprises me, as it is pretty accurate. And this is the one I'm most interested in
As this little device uses BlueTooth LE without a constant connection, the battery life with a little CR2032 is amazing.
If caters to my needs, as I don't need yet another device to flood me with notifications and the overall look is elegant, not-clunky and unobtrusive so that it can be worn in every situation (even at work).
However I would want to speed up the process of triggering the synchronization by using a homescreen shortcut. :fingers-crossed:
Right now one needs to open the app (PlayStore Link) and tap a little button in the top right corner (see screenshot).
Upon checking the available "activities" for shortcuts, using my preferred Launcher Nova, I only saw one activity: "MainActivity", which just opens the app and displays the current day's activity log.
Is there a way to "sniff" for other actions that could be called by using an app like "Manual Intent Shortcuts" (PlayStore Link)?
Or any way to record a macro that can be linked with a shortcut?
Maybe I could guess the action's name somehow?
How do I find out what the correct values (action name, component name, component class etc.) for the shortcut, created with "Manual Intent Shortcuts" are? (I tried it with "com.misfitwearables.prometheus" and some variations of it with "...action.mainactivity". I always get "App not found" as a Toast-Error message. To be honest...all that was just trial and error, as my knowledge in that field is not really founded.)
I'm not sure what's possible at all.
I just hope it's possible to access actions externally at all.
I would highly appreciate every hint given
Thank you in advance.
Using Takser to create a task that does following did the trick:
Open App
wait 1s
run shell command "input tap x-coord y-coord" as root
The coordinates can be determined by activating "display of touch inputs" under settings / developer options.
It's pretty much a very basic form of macro recording, but it works flawless.
The task can then be selected as a custom homescreen shortcut or as a bound swipe-guestore for an existing icon on Nova Launcher.

[APP][4.1+] SwiftOpen - Fast Launcher BETA [v0.9.3]

To speed lovers: this is the app you thought didn't exist but always wanted.
SwiftOpen is a launcher (not a home launcher) that allows you to launch apps, shortcuts, contacts, calls... very, very fast.
Not only is it fast at launching whatever you want, but its interface also allows you to choose it quickly, without even looking at the phone. And this applies to as many shortcuts as you wish.
It is also lightweight and battery friendly!
Awesome video by Android Hackz:
Video "Life is Short":
Appearing on XDA-TV:
I can provide native translations for Spanish and Catalan. If anyone wanted to contribute translating the app to any other language it would be very helpful. If so, please pm me or send me an email. Thanks!
Very fast launching
App launching
System toggles such as torch, wifi, autorotate...
Did I say fast?
Shortcut launching
Recent apps and calls
Guided setup
Folders that allow even more shortcuts
Multiple detectors
Multiple actions per detector
Custom icons for folders
Icon pack support
Alt-tab to switch to the previous app
Tablet (and phablet) mode
Intuitive settings
Battery friendly
Plenty of customization
I have already incorporated many features suggested by xda members. Any suggestion is welcome, and if I have time and I find it appropriate, I'll add it!
Since v0.8.3 SwiftOpen launches apps in their previous state instead of restarting. Some apps behave different than expected, and need to be treated in a different manner so that they are resumed instead of restarted (like Whatsapp and gReader). I have a white list of these apps, so if you find an app that is restarted tell me and I'll try to verify that they'll be resumed if treated differently, to add them to the whitelist.
The app does not work on some Huawei phones because of the rom -apps with floating windows don't work there. At least with those that I've tested. If someone has a Huawei phone with stock rom and it works, please tell me.
It does not work with some Xiaomi Redmi either. If someone has a Xiaomi phone and finds that the app works with the stock rom, please also tell me.
It is not because of the code in the app, but the rom those phones have...
v0.4 and v0.5 have not been optimized for Lollipop.
From v0.5.1 and up it is optimized for Lollipop.
In v0.6 the signature and the package name have changed (among other stuff) which means you'll have to configure it again, as it won't install on the previous version but in parallel. I'm sorry about this. The apk is also larger, because of the icons and all the changes in the project structure; it'll improve in next versions, I hope.
0.6.2 uses more ram than it should, and there are a few other issues.
If you go to the home launcher and then launch an app, it won't be launched until about 5 seconds after going home. It's how Google wants it to be, and I'll try a workaround in the future but I'm not sure if it'll work. Nevertheless, the point of this app is not needing to go to the home launcher
This app is currently in beta. All your feedback will be more than welcome.
And you can also suggest new features...
If the app crashes it asks you to send me an email, with the Logs. You can see what is being send, so don't worry about your privacy, it is safe!
Now I have to fix some bugs, add a bit of functionality, and clean up the code. Whenever this is done (in a few weeks, I hope) the app will be open source.
I am also working on bringing material design to the app.
Nevertheless the priority is bug-fixing and functionality.
Planned features:
Improve aesthetics and animations
Add missing translations
Bottom detector
17/07/17 [0.9.3]:
New!!! Notification of new version available!
New!!! Animations for opening launcher, changing grid.
New animations for launching apps.
Improving look and feel of settings.

Added pinch to resize, when editing the floating window size.

Website label can be edited.
Pausing SwiftOpen allows to grant permissions and install apps.
Added refresh button to list of apps.

Added analytics.

Multiple select of apps opens correct folder, now.

Small touch bug with fullscreen fixed.

Top most common crash bugs fixed!

Several bugs fixed.
15/05/17 [0.9.2]:
New!!! Files, folders, websites, volume, brightness, auto brightness, split windows, quick settings, system back, system recents, power dialog, contact, direct call, direct sms, direct email, navigate to address.
New!!! SwiftOpen controls.
Restructure of the cell\'s content activity.
Added optional background to folder icons, with editable color.
Added small icon to recent apps and calls.
Granting permissions and installing apps should be possible again.
Highlighted cell matches transparency.
Background color issue fixed.
Recent contacts fixed.
Cell names are displayed again on apps and shortcuts.
Apps multiselect fixed.
Launcher appearance bug fixes.
Bugs fixed.
17/01/17 []:
New!!! Each detector may have its own color.

New!!! Accessibility should allow to keep SwiftOpen alive!

Speed improvement.
It is possible to choose the backup folder (and have multiple backups).
Bug reports can be sent without user interaction.
Appdrawer is closed on navigation buttons or touch outside.

UI changes.
Cell color works, as well as tablet mode colors.

Bugs in automatic setup fixed.

Many other bugs fixed.
21/11/16 [v0.9.1]:
Improved fluidity
Action bar transparency issue fixed.
Fixed many bugs.
21/08/16 [v0.9.0]:
Attention! Most code of floating interface rewritten from scratch.
It should be more stable in the future but it may contain bugs. Please report them!
New!!! Multiple border detectors!
New!!! Multiple and customizable actions per border detector!
New!!! App drawer!
Bug fix: folder cells should not remain highlighted.
Language can be selected.
Launcher top bar background may be changed.
Option to show notification icon in statusbar.
Semitransparent border detector has same color than thin line, with alpha.
Aesthetic improvements
Fixed bug in "disable detector in landscape".
Fixed bug with "remove action bar".
Fixed a ton of other bugs.
01/02/16 [v0.8.3]:
Apps are opened in their previous state!
Added showcase of some features.
Checked apps (multiple selection) are not lost when searching.
Autosetup asks to add apps manually if necessary.
Some shortcuts like google translate work now.
A lot of bugs fixed.
25/10/15 [v0.8.2]:
The colors of the detector, highlighted cells, and non highlighted cells may be changed
The detector may be disabled in landscape.
Added on long click help
Issue: some translations are incomplete
Compatible with M permissions
App search searches all words and in word too. It also highlights the matching caracters
Settings are much more fluid
Better management when going to permissions settings
More material design
German translation
Improved: send email
Some preferences were not properly backed up
Fixed transparency issue
Minor bugs
10/09/15 [v0.8.1]:
The border detector will no longer cross the display
More material design and colours change
Added thanks section
Translation to Russian
Recent Call bug that made crash, fixed.
Old, occasional back button bug, fixed.
20/08/15 [v0.8]:
Recent apps and recent calls
Icon packs support
Guided setup
All-grid folders
Possibility to swap all cells from left to right
Shadows pre Lollipop
Chinese translations
Bugs fixed
15/04/15 [v0.7.3]:
Multiple selection of apps
Back up + restore of settings
Option to remove app labels.
Some material transitions
Fixed: Launch on boot setting not working.
Fixed: Drag distance going back to default.
Other bugs fixed
07/03/15 [v0.7.2]:
System toggles to switch: wifi, torch, autorotate, bluetooth and airplane (go to settings if android does not allow switching) and to go home (to the launcher).
Added a changelog in the app.
A trash to delete in "Apps & Shortcuts", when doing drag and drop.
Reduced ram usage.
Fixed: cells changed didn't look OK until relaunch of SwiftOpen.
Fixed: Changing the number of rows or columns now updates
Many other bugs fixed.
17/02/15 [v0.7.1]:
Drag and drop, when configuring grids.
Added dark theme.
More material design.
The animation for launching apps may be choosen.
Alt-tab on lollipop works much better now.
Fixed some bugs in tablet mode and border detector.
Fixed other bugs and known issues from 0.7.
07/02/15 [v0.7]:
Brand new shiny settings!!
Search in app list.
Option to remove action bar in tablet mode
Tablet Mode should work after reboot, now.
Fix a bug that made the app crash when an app in a folder was uninstalled.
Known issues:
Ok and Cancel FABs may be too close in some roms.
Tablet mode in Landscape may get a bit out of the screen.
08/12/14 [v0.6.3]:
Added "back folder"
Going back last app no longer stays highlighted.
App would crash in android API lower than 16.
Tablet mode now is active after reboot.
Tablet mode would activate without being active.
All apps' names are aligned now.
Fixed crashes when changing a cell or a grid.
Minor changes and fixes.
Settings to configure grids have been redesigned. A glimpse of what is coming
Reduced ram usage (and removed shadows before lollipop)
20/11/14 [v0.6.2]:
Fixed shadow for kitkat.
Improved eficiency (when drawing cells)
Some animations added.
17/11/14 [v0.6.1]:
Huge code changes for the future and for optimality.
Title marquee when it doesn't fit, and hidden when too small.
No notification icon in statusbar (will add setting to opt in or out).
Shadows and improved look (prior to android L it may not look very well, yet).
Other minor bug fixes.
07/11/14 [v0.6]:
Fixed when the launcher didn't start on boot (in v0.5).
Fixed bug when creating a new table and adding an app with the launcher running.
Fixed: the list of apps sometimes wouldn't load some apps.
Speed improved.
Tablet Mode (allows the launcher to be smaller than fullscreen!)
Multiple folder icons to choose.
Relaunch when killed by system should work better.
New package name + signature + code structure == you'll have to set the app up again. I'm really sorry about this.
26/10/14 [v0.5.2]:
Showing better text and icon position in big or small App-cells.
New icon.
Folder cellView and CellView "behind" of folder (after it is opened) now get Highlight.
20/10/14 [v0.5.1]:
Ready for Lollipop.
20/10/14 [v0.5]:
This version is not ready for Lollipop yet.
Icons were sometimes drawn in bad quality. Now they are ok.
Updating the launcher and detector when changes in settings are performed.
Notification leads to settings instead of closing the launcher.
Fixed: crash on tables with less than 4 cells.
Fixed: alt-tab would crash when recents was empty.
Notification icon is smaller.
The cell of the last opened app no longer stays highlighted.
Other minor bug fixes...
13/10/14 [v0.4]:
This version is not ready for android L yet.
Cells efficiency should be better, but will improve it further.
Back stack should be fixed.
Back from folder should be fixed except when in a folder inside of another folder.
Updating the launcher when changes in the table settings are performed (was harder than I expected!) (soon).
Choosing folder icons (soon).
26/9/14 [v0.3]:
UI improvements.
Minor bug fixes.
10/9/14 [v0.2]:
fixed: Sometimes apps didn't open (when closed through back button).
Other minor bug fixes.
Known bugs:
Direct calling on some samsung devices doesn't work.
A shortcut to soundhound may not work?
screen shoots please ?
wts1 said:
screen shoots please ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Great job
I'll keep an eye to see how it evolves. By now it looks promising.
It would be great to include the ability to add widgets as well.
Yes, it's planned. I will add the features I have planned so that you know them. But that's after bug fixing, when the app is open source. So it'll take a while yet. At least a month.
Awesome! (some feedback)
I've been looking for something like this for so long. I simply love shortcuts. I've been trying it for a day now and here is my feedback (and some suggestions):
- Settings don't apply inmediately. You have to turn off and close the app and then restart it for them to work. (It would be awesome to see real-time changes (i don't know how difficult that is), for example, for the vertical position of the border detection).
- The alt+tab function is simply genius, i use it more times than i expected. Keep that up.
- Rows and columns could be editable for each table. For example, i got a "Contacts table" (where a folder in my main page redirects to) where i'd like 6 contacts but i want 4x3 icons in my "Main table". So that would be a cool feature too.
- The permanent icon: I don't know it's purpose. If it's only to close the app, maybe an in-app long press button or something will do better and be less invasive for the drawer?
That's all for now, i will edit, if you want, with more feedback on the next days. :good:
theJackalope said:
I've been looking for something like this for so long. I simply love shortcuts. I've been trying it for a day now and here is my feedback (and some suggestions):
- Settings don't apply inmediately. You have to turn off and close the app and then restart it for them to work. (It would be awesome to see real-time changes (i don't know how difficult that is), for example, for the vertical position of the border detection).
- The alt+tab function is simply genius, i use it more times than i expected. Keep that up.
- Rows and columns could be editable for each table. For example, i got a "Contacts table" (where a folder in my main page redirects to) where i'd like 6 contacts but i want 4x3 icons in my "Main table". So that would be a cool feature too.
- The permanent icon: I don't know it's purpose. If it's only to close the app, maybe an in-app long press button or something will do better and be less invasive for the drawer?
That's all for now, i will edit, if you want, with more feedback on the next days. :good:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thank you very much for your feedback. About settings, I know that and its in the bug list to be fixed.
Rows and columns editable for each table is also into consideration. Nevertheless I don't think it is intuitive because the cells would not be in the same position.
And if the permanent icon means the notification, it is because to ensure that the app is not killed by the system, it is required to have a permanent notification.
If you give me more feedback it will be highly appreciated
Here's some more
Here are two more things i noticed:
- The border detector sometimes gets graphically buggy and it shows a big rectangle where the thin line should be. I assume it's the detector losing its transparency. I have a Nexus 4 running cm11 M10 (maybe it's only my problem)
- And second, sometimes when you accidentally fast click the border, it opens youtube (in my case the top central shortcut) instead of the one that belongs to the very edge of my screen (which i have empty to prevent this cases in particular, though it seems not to work)
I leave a screenshot with my config also.
About the big rectangle in my phone it happens very very rarely. But I'll fix it as soon as I discover what causes it.
And about launching YouTube, I'll look into it. Nevertheless it shouldn't be necessary to leave that cell empty if you use the "distance to drag necessary..." preference. I know the name is not intuitive but it prevents the detector from opening the launcher when the drag is very short (taps).
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
Nice work
Awesome app, I'd love to see it fully perfected!
Here's my feedback:
1. When the launcher is activated when in SwiftOpen Settings, the activity stack is all messed up, (especially if you go into creating a new table and opening the launcher while configuring it). While pressing back, the same activities come repeatedly and I have to press back a lot of times to exit the settings. Not a big issue, but a rough edge to be polished. I think it can be solved by providing a separate task stack for the launcher activity alone, by specifying a
for the launcher activity in the manifest file.
2. Android limitation of launching an activity from a service only after at least 5 sec, is unfortunate. I was riddled with the same problem, however to overcome that, I replaced the activity and made the entire thing "draw over other apps". I am not sure whether it'll work properly in this case, but worth a try anyway.
I'll come back soon for the updates.
Edit: I guess point 2 is in place, since I don't see the delay anymore.
I noticed the stack issue and forgot to write it down, so haven't tried to fix it. I'll try as soon as possible. Thanks for the feedback!
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
The "Distance of drag necessary..." works just perfectly fine!
I also noticed the stacking-back problem but i thought it was only me...
Keep up the awesome job!
Edit: Trying out the new v0.3 and noticed one thing, it's hard to explain so i'll try my best.
When you swipe away the apps from the "recent menu" (i dont know how to call it, it's the bottom right soft button on a Nexus4) and you leave it completely empty, using the Alt+tab function closes the app everytime.
It may be silly but that's a bug i think (although not very critical )
theJackalope said:
The "Distance of drag necessary..." works just perfectly fine!
I also noticed the stacking-back problem but i thought it was only me...
Keep up the awesome job!
Edit: Trying out the new v0.3 and noticed one thing, it's hard to explain so i'll try my best.
When you swipe away the apps from the "recent menu" (i dont know how to call it, it's the bottom right soft button on a Nexus4) and you leave it completely empty, using the Alt+tab function closes the app everytime.
It may be silly but that's a bug i think (although not very critical )
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks! I hadn't noticed that. I'll try to fix it as soon as possible! It's not a typical scenario, though
Liking it very much so far. Looking forward to new updates!
Swift Open L cannot be installed if downloaded through tapatalk. The total size is 6bytes.
Sent from my LG-D802 using Tapatalk
Just wanted to add that the name is already taken in the GOogle Play market => https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.epicunlock.rx24race&hl=en
Apart from that, awesome app but I really would like to see drag and drop re-arrangement options for setting up my tables its a bit of a pita to remove and re-add when setting thigns up :-/
ovizii said:
Just wanted to add that the name is already taken in the GOogle Play market => https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.epicunlock.rx24race&hl=en
Apart from that, awesome app but I really would like to see drag and drop re-arrangement options for setting up my tables its a bit of a pita to remove and re-add when setting thigns up :-/
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for telling me about the name. When I looked for it it didn't appear (or I didn't see it). Nevertheless I'll put Swift open - Launcher or something like this, in the play store.
About drag and drop, it's in the long lost of to-dos but not a priority. First I have to fix some bugs. Thanks!
Sent from my Nexus 5 using XDA Free mobile app
Folder suggestion
Great App! Please consider allowing custom icon for each folder.

[Q] Possible with folders in Appdrawer? (Solved ,diff launcher)

Anyone found a way to group apps in the appdrawer ? as in folder structure and so on?
Been trying my darnedest with no luck... On the other hand my LG G3 ( also with lollipop) allows me to do what I need with no issues
Suggestions ladies and gents?
You'll need to use a different launcher...
Sent from my SHIELD Tablet using XDA Free mobile app
Any suggestions regarding a clean and simple launcher?
Wouldn't mind a recommendation
I'd wait to hear if anyone else has any suggestions, but I hear many like Nova Launcher (I believe you'd need the "Prime" version for folders/groupings in the app drawer though).
Personally, I'm using ADW Launcher Ex and like it quite a bit, but can't recommend it as it hasn't been updated in a LONG time and many suggest it's been abandoned (although the dev recently tweeted something that indicates otherwise...)
Let us know what you try.
Sent from my SHIELD Tablet using XDA Free mobile app
After testing back and forth I ended up with Nova ( paid for the Prime edition, worth it)
tested ( not in any particular order):
Google Now = Too focused on Google now features ( that I don't use), didn't add much, and I still couldn't app folders to appdrawer
ADW = Felt a tad sluggish compared to Nova, tons of themes and such but hasn't been updated for a while ( like An Droid said) still a good launcher, seems to have more options then Nova, so better for tweaking and customisation
Apex = A toss up between this one and nova. This one might have more features, but I found the functions on nova more user-friendly. I'd say "too close to call "on this one
Yahoo Aviate Launcher = In short, too automated, it tries to learn from you, predict your actions and such. Like grouping the apps based on auto defined categories and trying to constantly come with suggestions on how to use , where to use and when to use it. Most things can be tweaked and customised, like groups and folders for apps, suggestions for apps and automation level. It just wasn't for me. Too busy and a bit of a resource hog . Though some cool features were tempting, like the location based home screen and app drawer organisation. One sett of settings and home layouts for when the tab senses it's at work, and another for home, then another for evening and another for... and so on.. tons of possibilities. I'm just not into the automation stuff
Buzz Launcher= Very interesting launcher , very customisable, tons and tons and tons ....and tons of themes. But a bit too much. Though you can always tweak everything , and if you don't like your, icon pack, home design, appdrawer etc... you just download someone else's. Tons of option...but felt a bit like everything and the kitchen sink. Don't get me wrong , found some fancy stuff in there, cool themes that go far far far beyond a desktop wallpaper tweak with funky icons. I't just more for the designer that doesn't mind fussing over 30++ pages of themes and icon + wallpaper combos, then spend a while adjusting them. But it ended up being a launcher where I spent more time testing other people "launcher" setups, then actualy using the function of the launcher it self ( if you catch my drift) if I spent long enough I'm sure I would have landed on a favourite theme ..... eventually
Action Launcher Pro = A bit like aviate, but not so automated. decent set of features, some automation and habit pattern recognition ( sees what you do and tries in certain cases to predict what you need)... but left me with a bit of a "meh" feeling. Not bad, just not great
I spent 2-3 days with each ( I know it's not nearly enough time, but gives you a sense whether you might like it or not)
Well, it's
minimal resources
A decent selection of features , the the possibilities to add more
Gesture based actions and short-cut customisation
Intuitive menus and settings
In short simple enough download and leave as is, but still open to a decent amount of tweaks. very fast and responsive.
NOTE Non of the launchers were really something you would call sluggish. We are talking about a tiny margin, and a very subjective opinion! And the Shield is a beast after all
As a point of reference, I also own a note 10.1 2014 32 GB, and it's sluggish ( even after several factory resets and barely any apps / services running), not rooted though ( warranty issue ), Running stock touchWiz "enhanced" Kitkat.
Keep in mind I went on the hunt simply recourse I wanted to find a way to sort out the folders in appdrawer issue. With NovaI found that as well as a few features I didn't really look for , but welcomed non-the less.
Nova is very much Recommended!
hopes this helps
Cheers lads!

