[Q] Building for wingray (Team EOS source code) - Xoom Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey all,
I have a Xoom (Wingray/MZ604) running Team EOS nightly.
Now I want to install my own rom (I will just be compiling the Team EOS source code & will try to flash it).
I have downloaded the source code (AOSP 4.0.3_r1 followed by Team EOS) & have started the building process.
1) I got "user tag detected on new module - user tags are only supported on legacy modules. Stop." error when I started the build.
Please see attached wingray-build-error.txt file.
I got this error for:
sdk/layoutopt/libs/uix/src (module name: uix)
sdk/layoutopt/app/etc (module name: layoutopt)
sdk/layoutopt/app/src (module name: layoutopt)
After some googling, I added "LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional" in those 3 files. Now there is no error.
But can someone confirm that this will not cause any trouble and I will still be able to install the rom?
2) I couldn't see any 'stingray' target when I run 'lunch'
Though this isn't stopping me, I was just wondering what would I choose if I had to build for stingray.
3) After the 'make' is successful, what is the next procedure? Are there any more commands specifically related to the device?
How should I generate final zip file to be able to install using cwm recovery?
If I am missing anything, please share.

One more thing,
Team EOS Rom uses Tiamat ICS Xoom kernel.
Do I have to download it separately or it's already there in the downloaded source code?


How do I get Ezekeel's patches of BLN, ...?

I want to get Ezekeel's patches of BLN, live oc to build my first jellybean kernel.
I have currently applied _thalamus' work.
I tried this http://ariejan.net/2009/10/26/how-to-create-and-apply-a-patch-with-git/
On https://github.com/Ezekeel/GLaDOS-nexus-s/tree/bln
But I get
git remote add remoterepo https://github.com/Ezekeel/GLaDOS-nexus-s.git -b bln
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
[email protected]:~/patch/bln$ git remote add remoterepo https://github.com/Ezekeel/GLaDOS-nexus-s.git
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
[email protected]:~/patch/bln$
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Am I doing something wrong?
you have to git merge the branch of Ezekeel's repo that has the feature you want
git remote add remoterepo http://.....
git remote update
git checkout your working branch
git merge remoterepo/BLN (e. g.)
Hmm thanks. I am trying it out now.
I hope it's compatible with Jellybean.
I tried to update the kernel to 3.0.38 but it prompts me every time if I am sure. And sometimes I have errors patching.
Thanks for your "How to compile a kernel" tutorial in the developers section. Using that I was able to 'roll my own' kernel the way I wanted it (stock JB kernel merged to latest linux version + voodoo.)
Although I didn't use it, I experimented with Ezekeel's BLX. I was unable to 'git merge' it into the aforementioned kernel from the BLX branch. (Every file had a conflit, and although git has a steep learning curve I am guessing the reason is it was merged into ICS.) I was able to get it to work using 'git cherry-pick', and I am guessing BLD is the same.
Once I had compiled my kernel I used 'dsixda-Android-Kitchen' as a frontend to unpack boot.img. I replaced zImage and repacked boot.img.
I registered with this forum to ask a question, but through trial and error I found that that it was important to use the ramdisk associated with the target ROM, rather than the stock ramdisk. Many CWM updater-scripts do this 'on the fly'...
(I was surprised to see that several kernel installers also copy a few .ko modules into /system/modules. One was for BLN, but I did not research the reason for the others...)
I have been reading [and reading] and 'crackflashing' for around a year, but this is my first post. I would like to thank everyone who shared up-to and including the following: CM team, koush, ezeekel, thalamus, adamg, kibmcz, legolas93, Steven676, AOKP team and mathkid. (I couldn't think of everyone, but if you have contributed then thank you!.)
--== HurryNwait ==--
Nexus S + CM10 v1.10 + my custom kernel

compile google sources with samsung ICS

i'm trying to compile google sources version 4.0.4 with samsung sources from opensource samsung
From samsung sources i've only used the platform files. I've done all the steps that are in the platform readme:
How to build Mobule for Platform
- It is only for modules are needed to using Android build system.
- Please check its own install information under its folder for other module.
[Step to build]
1. Get android open source.
: version info - Android gingerbread 4.0.4
( Download site : source android)
2. Copy module that you want to build - to original android open source
If same module exist in android open source, you should replace it. (no overwrite)
# It is possible to build all modules at once.
3. Check module is in 'build\core\user_tags.mk'
If not, you should add your module name in it.
ex1) external\libjpega : Write "libjpega \" into "build\core\user_tags.mk"
ex2) external\libexifa : Write "libexifa \" into "build\core\user_tags.mk"
4. In case of 'external\bluetooth',
you should add following text in 'build\target\board\generic\BoardConfig.mk'
5. excute build command
./build.sh user
The command user was ./build.sh eng
Before running this command i've installer jdk 6 and follow the steps from android initializing
the ./build.sh eng run with success and after this i've run the make.
Some hours later i've got a new folder "OUT", inside there is a system folder but i've tryed to flash this folder with odin
and no success.
What am i doing wrong?
Trying to build the kernel + modules?
If i understand what your trying to do, Install new kernel and modules?
!!!!!Before you try this, do some research for your device and make sure this is the correct action!!!!!
you are looking for a file called: zImage
It should be in <build path>/arch/arm/boot/
To install the new kernel, you put your device into fastboot
Code: adb reboot-bootloader
Then you can install the new kernel:
Code: fastboot flash zimage /<path to your zImage file>/zImage
Then you can boot your device and manually copy over the modules.
Note: I didn't see in your steps where you mentioned configuring the kernel, are you doing this?
Thanks for your reply.
the kernel i've already compiled like you mentioned and it is ok i've flashed the zImage.
But there is another part that is the platform module that corresponds to the system.
When you have a Rom there are 3 things inside:
- boot.img that has the zImage (kernel)
- meta-inf
- system
i'm changing the code in one file that corresponds to the nfc part and them compile the samsung sources
and google sources to get that system.
after compile the is one folder out that has system.img but i can't flash this .img file the mobile phone gets like a stone :S
All Black!
Please describe the process you are using to flash the system.img.
Have you though about just copying over the modified files?
Also, if you could create a step by step list of your process, maybe we can figure out what's going wrong.
i've compiled the google+samsung sources and this created the system.img.
Then i used Heimdall to choose only system to flash and It didn't work.
i've tryed also to change only the nfc.apk file put it in the app folder tryed to flash the ROM (in this case from Cyanogenmod) and it didn't work.
pec0 said:
i've compiled the google+samsung sources and this created the system.img.
Then i used Heimdall to choose only system to flash and It didn't work.
i've tryed also to change only the nfc.apk file put it in the app folder tryed to flash the ROM (in this case from Cyanogenmod) and it didn't work.
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have you tried to remove and install your nfc.apk using adb rather than trying to flash the entire rom? I would think all you need to do is mod the kernel, flash the kernel, then copy over any modules and replace the nfc.apk.

Unable to load wifi module for ASUS ROG Phone 1

Phone: ASUS ROG 1
Model Number: ASUS_Z01QD
Android version : 8.1.0
Firmware: WW-15.1630.1907.98
Kernel Version: 4.9.65-perf
I have an ASUS ROG 1 Phone. It came with Android 8.1 and firware version WW-15.1630.1907.98. I took the kernel source code from ASUS site. Source code version: <new user on XDA hence unable to post the src code link.>
Was able to build successfully and flash to the phone. Rooted the phone following to that. The problem is that the wifi wasnt working after flashing the new kernel .
1. I checked the modules loaded lsod, from adb and it didnt show the wil6210.ko loaded.
2. I tried insmod /modprobe wil6210.ko and was constantly getting the following errors:
a. disagrees about version of symbol module_layout android kernel
b. required key not available .
c. No such file or directory.
3. I tried building the kernel with the SIG flags disabled in the .config file and flashed to the phone. Yet ended up getting errors like no such file or directory and required key not available.
Any help will be really appreciated.
You need to rebuild the Wi-Fi module against the source that you compiled then flash it. Alternatively, you can try building the Wi-Fi source into the kernel image but that is usually broken or you can force the module to load by whitelisting it in kernel/module.c (there are commits floating around that allow this) but it can open up a security vulnerability.
nathanchance said:
You need to rebuild the Wi-Fi module against the source that you compiled then flash it. Alternatively, you can try building the Wi-Fi source into the kernel image but that is usually broken or you can force the module to load by whitelisting it in kernel/module.c (there are commits floating around that allow this) but it can open up a security vulnerability.
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Thanks for your reply.
The source code I downloaded from the ASUS website, the wifi module code was a part of it. So whille building the kernel the module <wil6210.ko> also got built along with it.
So the wifi module did get built against the same source.

Building custom kernel for lineageos 17

I need help compiling the kernel for lineageos. I have followed all the instructions on their site for payton until brunch payton, instead using mka bootimage because I just want the kernel. Regardless, using brunch payton and mka bootimage I am met with the same error
error: vendor/motorola/sdm660-common/Android.bp:220:1: module "CneApp" variant "android_common": module source path "vendor/motorola/sdm660-common/proprietary/vendor/app/CneApp/CneApp.apk" does not exist
And sure enough this file is not there.
This has to do with the proprietary blobs, however I followed the steps exactly how they said to do it. It created the folders for the blobs and got some files. I did it by connecting my lineageos running moto x4 to the pc with adb.
All I need is the Moto x4 lineageos kernel built with the
configuartion added to payton's defconfig. It should be simple, but the developer of lineageos for payton hasn't responded to me to add this in. This will enable support for DriveDroid
If anyone has experience with compiling android kernels I really need some help. The kernel that lienageos uses is msm8998. I would use the stock kernel since Moto released the latest however their tethering hardware acceleration is bugged all to hell so I'm using lineage.
I managed to get it to build with using the blobs from themuppets github, but I do not like it because they are outdated. Anyways, it built, but using the usb config settings in the defconfig did not help, DriveDroid still does not work. I'm starting to think this is just an incompatibility with android 10.
U building standalone ?
dhinesh_cool said:
U building standalone ?
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if by standalone you mean just the kernel then yes. but i gave up, somethings up with the moto x4's usb. i have problems in fastboot with it, and now in the kernel. it's like the hardware is wired way different from other phones or the kernel is handling it improperly. but i cannot get this thing to build with usb mass storage.
I had the same problem while extracting the metadata from the phone. I could solve it by using the method that extracts them from a built image as described here: https://wiki.lineageos.org/extracti...acting-proprietary-blobs-from-file-based-otas
TIP: on the step "mount" step, I found that there is no "product.img" to be mounted. I went ahead and it worked anyways.

Matching a kernel's config for compatible kernel modules

I have:
Downloaded the exact kernel version running on my device from an AOSP mirror (4.9.170) (https://github.com/aosp-mirror/kernel_common.git)
Downloaded the exact compiler used to compile the kernel from my device:
Ran `cat /proc/version`, which returns "Linaro GCC 5.3-2016.05", which I downloaded from https://releases.linaro.org/components/toolchain/binaries/5.3-2016.05/aarch64-linux-gnu/
Took the kernel configuration from `/proc/config.gz`, copied it to the kernel source directory `kernel_common` as `.config`
Ran `make ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=xxx oldconfig`
What I'm seeing:
First, the downloaded kernel source for 4.9.170 seems to think that my `config` is incomplete, since it will prompt me to answer ~15 extra configuration questions.
Second, this old Linaro compiled doesn't appear to support `-fstack-protector-strong` despite it being explicitly enabled in the `/proc/config.gz` file. So I end up disabling it with `./scripts/config --disable CONFIG_CC_STACKPROTECTOR_STRONG`
Finally, after successfully compiling, I take `net/ipv4/tcp_westwood.ko`, just as a test module, and try to load it on my Android device, and it fails:
`insmod: failed to load tcp_westwood_5.ko: Exec format error`
And in dmesg output: `tcp_westwood: disagrees about version of symbol module_layout`
My questions:
Can I assume that the `/proc/config.gz` file is not the actual file used to compile the running kernel, considering it doesn't completely configure the 4.9.170 kernel?
Am I on the right path to getting a kernel module that my kernel will load?
Background information:
I'm hoping this isn't very relevant, but just to head off some questions
This is a T95 Android TV device running what appears to be, to this newbie's eyes, a very Frankenstein'd Android 10 install (See https://www.cnx-software.com/2020/0...-comes-with-mali-g31-gpu-supports-android-10/)
I can't find any official - or unofficial - source for this device, which is why I'm going to all the trouble above.
I really appreciate any help, thank you!

