Can anybody tell me how to calibrate my phone s accelerometer? (Operating system is ics)
Hi I want to mount a small accelerometer on my finger and send the readings to an android app. Is there some sensor kit that might help me do this?
my phones Accelerometer sensor does not work as well and i want to calibrate that with any way app or ... plz help me
my phone model is vika l1-2 anroid 4.3.1
how to recalibrate accelerometer on Android devisees that don't have any recalibration app n no option also in bootloader????
Hmm can i know what kind of problem you are having with accelerometer.
Hello does anyone have uncalibrated gyro? Phone is in horizontal position but in some games or even in pro camera level option is slightly off position. Any way to calibrate?
hello, my px5 unit only has gps (no magnetometer or accelerometer) and it is difficult to know what direction to turn sometimes. when I use my phone as a navigation everything is super smooth, I can easily see which direction the car is turning etc... is it possible to get sensor data by bluetooth or wifi and use on hu unit? or is it possible to add accelerometer and magnetometer externally?