[Q]How to download any file type on wp 7.5 Mango - Windows Phone 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I just got samsung omnia w with windows mobile 7.5 mango
but nor it has file manager nor i can download any files types from internet connection .i.e .rar,.torrent, etc. It just says file type not supported and then does not download it.
What I only want is to download any file types of any file size over a 3G network, and then access it from PC .i.e copy the downloaded from Mobile to PC.
Is it Possible?? If yes Please tell how.
If needed i am also ready to hack .i.e jailbreak the phone.

The only file types that I know WP7 supports are Office (.doc, .docx, .ppt, etc.), images, videos, audio, text, and some kinds of HTML / XML. It will also open ZIP files (but not RAR) and can open any file of the above types that is contained in them.
To add additional file types, you need to access the registry. On the Omnia W, it's possible but somewhat difficult to write to the registry, and that's assuming your firmware is a little bit out of date. If it's not (although your phone might *appear* to be fully updated anyhow), we don't currently have registry write access. However, even with registry access, there's not a lot you can currently do. For example, my phone will open .LOG files as if they were .TXT, but still can't open most other filetypes.
Trying to torrent on your phone sounds like a phenomenally good way to get your carrier pissed at you and/or blow your data connection (remember, it includes upload too), but I suppose you could write a torrent app. You'd also need a PC client to transfew the files off the torrent and onto the PC. However

You got me curious, so I looked into HKCR again and have cracked it enough to allow me to do whatever I want, more or less. Here's the basic provxml template that you need to add a filetype handler to the registry. You need to replace the values inside { } with the values you want; there are examples given after the equals signs.
<characteristic type='Registry'>
<characteristic type='HKCR\{FILE_EXTENSION=.rar}'>
<parm name='' value='{FILETYPE=RarArchive}' datatype='string' />
<characteristic type='HKCR\{FILETYPE}'>
<parm name='' value='{FILETYPE_DESCRIPTION=RAR Archive}' datatype='string' />
<characteristic type='HKCR\{FILETYPE}\BrowseInPlace'>
<characteristic type='HKCR\{FILETYPE}\shell\open\command'>
<parm name='' value='app://{APP_GUID=5B04B775-356B-4AA0-AAF8-6491FFEA5665}/_default?file=%s' datatype='string' />
If you just want to add a new extension that the phone will treat like an existing one (such as me adding .LOG to my phone and hving it act like .TXT), use the following template:
<characteristic type='Registry'>
<characteristic type='HKCR\{FILE_EXTENSION=.log}'>
<parm name='' value='{EXISTING_FILETYPE=txtfile}' datatype='string' />
It really is that easy. Now, writing an app that can actually decode .RAR... that's up to you. Also, you'll need to add ID_CAP_FILEVIEWER to the app's manifest if you want the app to be able to open the file in place, isntead of first copying it to the isostore. Of course, that's not needed on a custom ROM with full unlock.

Thanks GoodDay
I just wanted how to download file any extension.And it seems you just gave me the right direction.
The only thing i want to know is, after adding the rar or any extension manually to phone's registry,
will i able to download it with Internet Explorer??
if yes will it support pause resume
and if i successfully downloaded the rar file, where will it be saved in phone's memory??
and will I able to transfer that downloaded file to PC??
If the answers of above question is yes, then please post it here step by step it will really a Great help and time saving for me.

Yes, you'll be able to download the files with IE (or from email).
However, they won't offer a "Save" option; they'll just open in the registered program (like how .doc opens in Word). That program may offer a Save option, though.
Mobile IE does not support pause/resume for file downloads, so far as I know. If the file is so big that it takes more than a few seconds to download, your phone probably isn't the right device to download it on.
Downloaded files are temporarily saved into a location under your phone's \Application Data\Volatile\ directory. Apps with the FILEVIEWER capability will be able to access these files (on a fully-unlocked ROM, any app can access them of course).
Transferring the file to the PC will require that the app that opens it be able to do the transfer. Alternatively, an app like Root Weberver could be used to allow you to access the file from the PC and download it off the phone.

Once Again Thanks GoodDay,
You just gave me the exact piece of information I was looking for.
Now the only problem is Big Files to download. Anyways I will manage it.
I am just quite upset as i can't use a phone so costly,which claims to be the most feature full and has an inability to download files beyond its known list and also can't download big files even if we change registry to make OS recognize those unknown file extension.
As I can't Use a phone only for listening musics and watching Videos.
Maybe I should consult some good WP7.5 app developers to make a download manager to download files without limits of file extension and file size.It will be just like a revolution for me and i will just be waiting for that day when this app will be released.
Some trouble for you once
Can WP7.5 be able to compile Python programing??, if it would may be I can develop my own Download Manager App for me,as know python.
Does Samsung Omnia W can be loaded with other mobile OS like Symbian or Android??
Where Can I learn about app Development for WP7.5?? may be its time I would learn it in order to Use a windows mobile full potential.

Well, you could certainly write a download manager app, though it would be a bit tricky. I'm surprised you feel that big downloads are needed, though; aside from apps (which the OS handles) I very rarely download a file more than ~5MB, which only takes a few seconds on 3G.
Generally the way things like torrents are handled is that the phone doesn't actually download the big files. Instead, it acts as a remote control to some torrent app on the PC. You might use the phone to fetch the .TORRENT file and send it to the PC, but the bit download is done there. Some torrent software already supports some of this functionality (for example, uTorrent allows running a simple webserver on the PC so you can control it from any web browser anywhere).
Python is not supported on Windows Phone. It's possible that IronPython will be supported soon (IronPython is an implementation of Python in .NET), but currently the only options are C# and VB.NET for Silverlight or XNA apps, and C/C++ for native code. However, if you're reasonably familiar with Python, picking up C# shouldn't be too hard.
Currently, the Omnia W can't even be loaded with custom ROMs of WP7. Switching it to fully another OS is probably not going to happen soon. First, it's bootloader must be unlocked. Then, somebody must build a ROM with all the right drivers. Most people who are interested in Windows Phones also aren't Android developers or ROM chefs...
There are lots of tutorials for getting started with WP7 app development. The tools are free, though they only run on Windows. Learning to use native code will be required for the "full potential" that you speak of, but once you know WP7 development in general, it's not that hard to get started going native.

hello again I finally unlocked my Omnia w
and installed wprootools.now I want to run some apps like ucweb in background...but I am not getting it.
can you help me in this direction .i.e running any app in background continuously under cellular network below the lockscreen.
as it will help me in downloading files more efficienty while doing other tasks. what I want is the true multitasking.

where are all developer gone...
can't you help out for this situation

still no answers...... xda on crisis

still waiting for reply

well no one got a reply..
But I am near the solution buy still want a suggestion by one who had really implemented or try this.


Hyperlink code to force ftp download

What is the proper format for html hyperlink code that will cause a file to download to the phone and not have the browser try to open it? I have files that are text, they are GPS files, but they don't have a TXT extension and IE keeps opening the files as text.
If it matters (but I don't think so) I'm running a reasonably stock HTC WM 6.0 ROM on a Hermes.
You want to do this server-side? Or client-side?
FTP download code
I'm trying to write html code that will cause a file on my web site to download directly to the phone file directory without the browser trying to open it. It would be extra useful if I could make it download to a specific existing directory.
Well, I hate to say this but you can't. That's the simple answer.
The complicated answer is that you need to set up some sort of server-side script to place the headers manually, or you need to modify some of the settings for your server's remote access handler. On Apache servers, this can be done via a file called .htaccess.
If you have a .htaccess file that you can modify, just enter this at the top of it:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} \.(gps|cab)$
RewriteRule .* - [T=application/octet-stream,L]
Note that I didn't know the extension you're talking about so I put "gps" up there. I also added "cab" because many servers have a tendency to not send the proper headers for cab files. Feel free to add other extensions using this same method.
Again, this is assuming you have an Apache server, and you have the privileges to modify a .htaccess file.
Forcing ftp type download
No Apache server so isn't there some other way?
Anyone got a good Java script?
Hi there,
as far as I know, you don't need java:
ftp-links are always proposed to "Save File", so your link should be ftp://www.domain.com/folder/filename.txt
This will cause any browser to download the file instead of opening it.
In that case, you definitely need an real ftp access to your file ... (ftp = FIleTransferProtocol).
Best regards,
I've encountered this before and resorted to zipping the file. You can also spoof the system by renaming the file to *.AAA The user, of course, will have to rename the file on their end. I have better luck with .zip unless it's for my own use. Any file which is recognized natively by the browser will open within the browser. This includes .txt, .htm, .html, and any other file associations you've successfully loaded.
gepp said:
No Apache server so isn't there some other way?
Anyone got a good Java script?
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That's what I'm tellin' ya. It's IMPOSSIBLE to do this with client-side scripting, i.e., Javascript.
I'd like to help you get this resolved. Can you clarify some things for me?
Are you using Geocities, Fortunecity, Google Pages, or one of the other free site services out there?
Do you understand the distinction I'm making between client-side and server-side scripting?
What server software are you using, if not Apache?
Are you able to utilize a PHP or Perl engine? (I can tell you how to send the file headers manually through either of those.)
I promise I'm not trying to be rude or anything. I just want to make sure we're both on the same page here. I can tell you the best way of getting this resolved, but I need to know where you stand, and I need to know the extent of your web development knowledge.
PHP or Perl will work
I'm on a Yahoo small business server. I've used PHP so that will work on my site and I know enough to fiddle with it if need be. Less proficient with Perl but have some exposure.
Awesome. That works. Here is what you will basically be doing with PHP then.
$GPSFile = '/path/to/file.gps'; //This is where the file is located on your Yahoo Business server
$DownloadName = "File.gps"; //This is the name that pops up when you're prompted to download the file (it can be different than the name above).
$TypeOfFile = 'text/plain'; //If you still have issues, change this to 'application/octet-stream'
header("Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate");
header("Pragma: hack");
header("Content-Type: " . $TypeOfFile);
header("Content-Length: " .(string)(filesize($GPSFile)) );
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $DownloadName);
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\n");

Possible to use "Save" method in a local .htm file to save XML updates?

I am researching the possibility of using MSXML to update XML records on Windows CE devices using only pocket internet explorer. I was able to open and edit XML files using a local web page, but could not successfully save the results of an update. I tried the "save" method of a ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDom") object. This works fine on a PC as long as I save the webpage with the .hta extension, but results in a Permission Denied error when I save the web page with the .htm/.html extension. Win CE doesn't seem to support the .hta extension.
The two biggest restrictions for my project are:
1) Cannot "install" software (.cab,.exe) on the devices due to security policy and
2) There is no data connectivity on the devices.
So my questions are, "Is it possible to save a file using javascript inside a local web page on a Win CE/Windows Mobile device? If so, how?" The file happens to be XML, but the solution need not involve only XML objects as I can readily access the content as plain text.
My best guess is that it is not possible without some sort of windows CE equivalent of the pc .hta file. Anyone? I appreciate any hints/comments that can help.

[Q] the best tablet for editing wordperfect documents

Help, I'm a lawyer who uses wordperfect (I know not many of us out there) and can't seem to find a tablet that will let me create, edit, convert back and forth from word to wordperfect, etc. Does anyone know if I can edit wordperfect files on an android tablet? On an I-Pad tablet? Or on a Windows based or Windows Based/ Android tablet like the ASUS EEETransformer? Any suggestions?
alexz2229 said:
Help, I'm a lawyer who uses wordperfect (I know not many of us out there) and can't seem to find a tablet that will let me create, edit, convert back and forth from word to wordperfect, etc. Does anyone know if I can edit wordperfect files on an android tablet? On an I-Pad tablet? Or on a Windows based or Windows Based/ Android tablet like the ASUS EEETransformer? Any suggestions?
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Also a lawyer and would love to see this happen. Corel should make an Android app.
Currently I use a txt based program. Which is fine you just copy and paste all the text and format later. But it would be nice to be able to finish the job on the Android app.
woops I shouldve searched google first....
Its just a viewer though and 6.99 for just a viewer. weak.
WordPerfect files open on Android
alexz2229 said:
Help, I'm a lawyer who uses wordperfect (I know not many of us out there) and can't seem to find a tablet that will let me create, edit, convert back and forth from word to wordperfect, etc. Does anyone know if I can edit wordperfect files on an android tablet? On an I-Pad tablet? Or on a Windows based or Windows Based/ Android tablet like the ASUS EEETransformer? Any suggestions?
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WordPerfect viewer/editor on Android? For long-time WordPerfect users, it has been virtually impossible to read or write WPD files on an Android device. The only official option, thus far, has been the official and commercial Corel WPD viewer, but the user reviews have been mixed, to say the least.
This problem has prompted me to research and experiment, based on the fact that a free Windows MS Office-compatible suite like Libre Office [or Open Office, or Apache Office] has, for some time, had the ability to open WordPerfect files seamlessly [and save them, sometimes]. I formatted and saved a few basic WPD files, simply renamed the file extension to .ODT, and opened them in Libre Office – virtually perfectly [only experiencing importing issues with some complex tables]. Apart from that, formatting features like different fonts, graphics boxes, numbered outlining? No problem.
Then I proceeded to Android: I copied these test WPD files [simply renamed as ODT files, not exported as Open Office files, remember] to my device/cloud storage services like Dropbox and Google Drive. I installed a number of Open Office/ODT compatible office apps, and tried to open the "new" ODT files.
The best result so far [only been testing for the last 2 days] has come from OOReader [free via the Google Play store]. Opening a disguised WPD file as an ODT file takes a few seconds to convert, and – success! Almost every file I've tossed at OOReader has imported successfully, with WP formatting and graphics intact.
Interestingly, the official Libre Office viewer app [also the beta one] chokes on these FrankenFiles, as well as most other allegedly ODT-compatible office viewers and editors.
And so my 48-hour conclusion and advice are this: If you're a die-hard WPD user and would like to access your files on an Android device, follow these kludgy and hack-ey steps: (1) upload your WPD file AS IS to your device or the cloud; (2) install OOReader on your device; (3) when you need to do so, simply rename the WPD file to an ODT extension, and import into OOReader.
Savvy users might even write a batch script or CMD file beforehand which automatically renames or mirrors important WPD files as ODT files in one's PC Dropbox folder, which will save precious seconds when accessing that beautiful WPD data...
When (if) I find an app which can then also correctly and perfectly edit and save these hacked WPD-as-ODT files, a follow-up report will, well, follow.
Date: 28 May 2016 / Hein / [email protected]

[Q] how execute/apply xml file?

I have a lot of problems with omnia 7 due to app profile network of samsung haven´t got the profile of my operator. I can set it thanks to a post of here, but I think that it is a bit difficult and you need the computer to set it. As I have studied some of programming c#, I decided to make an app that set mms and internet. I have already done the screen and I´ve get to make that app create the file xml with the code in order to set mms and internet, but I haven´t found information about how execute/apply the file xml with the app. Where can I find about it?
PD: Sorry, I do not control English very well
I guess it's a topic a bit complex, but can not someone help me with this?
You use an OEM COM interface, accessed from C# by using Microsoft.Phone.InteropServices.ComBridge. One easy way to see how this is done is to look at the source of an app that does it. If you can't get the source to DiagProvXML, you could always just decompile it (decompiling .NET code is pretty easy and there are several tools that can do it). There are several other apps that also use provxml; one or more of them may offer source access.
Thank for your help and I can select the services that I have load, but I have a small problem that I hadn't taken into account. I know c# but my apps are a lot of more easy that diagprovxml, and I can´t find the part of program that I´m interested. I use "JustDecompile" to decompile the app. Could you tell me what class(or classes) is (are) what I'm looking for?
Thank you very much again
Hmm... it's not linked in my SIG because it's out-o-date, but you could try using Search to find my old DeployProvXml app. It includes a pretty straightforward example of using provxml.
Essentially, you need the following things:
The interopservices DLL (allows you to use the ComBridge class).
The OEM DLLs (DMXMLCOM.dll and such).
COM class and interface definitions for them in C# (this is the stuff with the [ComImport] attributes and the GUIDs).
WPInteropManifest.xml file in your project.
Use the ComBridge to register the COM interfaces, then create an instance of the COM class(es), cast to the appropriate interface type(s), and use a variable of the interface type like any other .NET object.
You can read a bit more about COM and native code in Heathcliff74's guide. It's aimed at making your own native libraries, so skip all the stuff about creating your own COM classes and writing native code. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1299134
Hi again, Does the method WP7RootToolsSDK.Environment.ProcessConfigXml allow to set the parameters that have a tipical xml file?
thank you again
I'm not sure what you mean by "set the parameters" but the Root Tools SDK does in fact allow you to consume ProvXML files now (I think it even supports the query provXML and returns the output, though I haven't tried).

Continuum (budget) & a simple c# webserver (w/desktop remoting)

Just found this site and got root on surface rt so thanks to all the effort put into this.
I rebuilt Continuum to target .net 40 (anycpu) and works great... no problems from zedgraph component. Its kind of a budget simulator with a lot of charts. You can download this here : https://continuum.codeplex.com/releases/view/107743 (or click on home from that link to see screenshot) and description.
I was looking for a webserver and haven't had much luck with mono xsp yet, but I did find a simple webserver that has an odd additional capability of a built in desktop remoting (view only display of the windows rt screen from browser so you could view it from other computers in your house). You can download it here here or view info on it here here.
Both those files have readme.txt files.
I have noticed any files downloaded from the web get flagged by IE SmartScreen that says the file was downloaded by and unsigned source and cannot be validated... I had to click more info to allow the program to run when I tested it this way. Earlier when I copied over usb, I got no such warning.

