The installation patching instructions look pretty annoying. Has anyone done this and has a CWM flashable patch I could use?
This is what I get when using the patch generator:
PDroid Patcher v0.3 - Patch v1.27
Patching C:\Users\Ryan\Desktop\
Extracting framework files from ROM
inflated: system/framework/core.jar
inflated: system/framework/framework.jar
inflated: system/framework/services.jar
inflated: META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script
inflated: META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary
Decompiling original files
I: Baksmaling...
I: Copying assets and libs...
I: Baksmaling...
I: Copying assets and libs...
I: Baksmaling...
I: Copying assets and libs...
Cleaning up smali
C:\Users\Ryan\AppData\Roaming\PDroidPatcher\tmp>..\tools\sed "/^\s*\.\(line\s[0-9]\{1,\}\)\s*$/d" framework.mod.jar.out\smali\android\app\ContextImpl.smali 1>framework.mod.jar.out\smali\android\app\
C:\Users\Ryan\AppData\Roaming\PDroidPatcher\tmp>move /Y framework.mod.jar.out\smali\android\app\ framework.mod.jar.out\smali\android\app\ContextImpl.smali
1 file(s) moved.
C:\Users\Ryan\AppData\Roaming\PDroidPatcher\tmp>..\tools\sed "/^\s*\.\(line\s[0-9]\{1,\}\)\s*$/d" framework.mod.jar.out\smali\android\content\ContentResolver.smali 1>framework.mod.jar.out\smali\android\content\
C:\Users\Ryan\AppData\Roaming\PDroidPatcher\tmp>move /Y framework.mod.jar.out\smali\android\content\ framework.mod.jar.out\smali\android\content\ContentResolver.smali
1 file(s) moved.
C:\Users\Ryan\AppData\Roaming\PDroidPatcher\tmp>..\tools\sed "/^\s*\.\(line\s[0-9]\{1,\}\)\s*$/d" services.mod.jar.out\smali\com\android\server\am\ActivityManagerService.smali 1>services.mod.jar.out\smali\com\android\server\am\
C:\Users\Ryan\AppData\Roaming\PDroidPatcher\tmp>move /Y services.mod.jar.out\smali\com\android\server\am\ services.mod.jar.out\smali\com\android\server\am\ActivityManagerService.smali
1 file(s) moved.
C:\Users\Ryan\AppData\Roaming\PDroidPatcher\tmp>..\tools\sed "/^\s*\.\(line\s[0-9]\{1,\}\)\s*$/d" services.mod.jar.out\smali\com\android\server\ServerThread.smali 1>services.mod.jar.out\smali\com\android\server\
C:\Users\Ryan\AppData\Roaming\PDroidPatcher\tmp>move /Y services.mod.jar.out\smali\com\android\server\ services.mod.jar.out\smali\com\android\server\ServerThread.smali
1 file(s) moved.
C:\Users\Ryan\AppData\Roaming\PDroidPatcher\tmp>..\tools\sed "/^\s*\.\(line\s[0-9]\{1,\}\)\s*$/d" core.mod.jar.out\smali\java\lang\ProcessManager$ProcessImpl.smali 1>core.mod.jar.out\smali\java\lang\ProcessManager$
C:\Users\Ryan\AppData\Roaming\PDroidPatcher\tmp>move /Y core.mod.jar.out\smali\java\lang\ProcessManager$ core.mod.jar.out\smali\java\lang\ProcessManager$ProcessImpl.smali
1 file(s) moved.
Applying PDroid patches
patching file smali/android/app/ContextImpl.smali
Hunk #2 succeeded at 155 (offset 8 lines).
Hunk #3 succeeded at 695 (offset 20 lines).
Hunk #4 succeeded at 1270 (offset 112 lines).
Hunk #5 succeeded at 1294 (offset 112 lines).
Hunk #6 succeeded at 1570 (offset 161 lines).
Hunk #7 succeeded at 1823 (offset 161 lines).
patching file smali/android/content/ContentResolver.smali
patching file smali/android/privacy/IPrivacySettingsManager.smali
patching file smali/android/privacy/IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub$Proxy.smali
patching file smali/android/privacy/IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.smali
patching file smali/android/privacy/PrivacyFileObserver.smali
patching file smali/android/privacy/PrivacyPersistenceAdapter.smali
patching file smali/android/privacy/PrivacySettings$1.smali
patching file smali/android/privacy/PrivacySettingsManagerService.smali
patching file smali/android/privacy/PrivacySettingsManager.smali
patching file smali/android/privacy/PrivacySettings.smali
patching file smali/android/privacy/surrogate/PrivacyAccountManager$PrivacyAccountManagerFuture.smali
patching file smali/android/privacy/surrogate/PrivacyAccountManager.smali
patching file smali/android/privacy/surrogate/PrivacyActivityManagerService.smali
patching file smali/android/privacy/surrogate/PrivacyContentResolver.smali
patching file smali/android/privacy/surrogate/PrivacyCursor.smali
patching file smali/android/privacy/surrogate/PrivacyLocationManager$PrivacyLocationUpdater.smali
patching file smali/android/privacy/surrogate/PrivacyLocationManager.smali
patching file smali/android/privacy/surrogate/PrivacyTelephonyManager$PrivacyPhoneStateListener.smali
patching file smali/android/privacy/surrogate/PrivacyTelephonyManager.smali
patching file smali/com/android/server/am/ActivityManagerService.smali
Hunk #1 succeeded at 12780 (offset 92 lines).
Hunk #2 succeeded at 18937 (offset 104 lines).
patching file smali/com/android/server/ServerThread.smali
Hunk #1 succeeded at 43 with fuzz 1.
Hunk #2 succeeded at 522 (offset 139 lines).
patching file smali/java/lang/PrivacyInputStream.smali
patching file smali/java/lang/PrivacyProcessManager$PrivacyFileReader.smali
patching file smali/java/lang/PrivacyProcessManager.smali
patching file smali/java/lang/ProcessManager$ProcessImpl.smali
Creating updater script
Original mount statement not found, using default updater script
Building modified framework.jar
I: Checking whether sources has changed...
I: Smaling...
W: Unknown file type, ignoring: framework.mod.jar.out\smali\android\app\ContextImpl.smali.orig
W: Could not find resources
I: Building apk file...
created: META-INF/
inflated: preloaded-classes
adding: preloaded-classes(in = 65693) (out= 11977)(deflated 81%)
updated manifest
Building modified services.jar
I: Checking whether sources has changed...
I: Smaling...
W: Unknown file type, ignoring: services.mod.jar.out\smali\com\android\server\ServerThread.smali.orig
W: Unknown file type, ignoring: services.mod.jar.out\smali\com\android\server\am\ActivityManagerService.smali.orig
W: Could not find resources
I: Building apk file...
created: META-INF/
updated manifest
Building modified core.jar
I: Checking whether sources has changed...
I: Smaling...
W: Could not find resources
I: Building apk file...
created: META-INF/
inflated: org/apache/harmony/dalvik/ddmc/README.txt
inflated: com/ibm/icu4jni/ThirdPartyProject.prop
inflated: org/apache/xalan/Version.src
inflated: org/apache/xalan/processor/XSLProcessorVersion.src
inflated: org/apache/xalan/res/
inflated: org/apache/xml/serializer/
inflated: org/apache/xml/serializer/
inflated: org/apache/xml/serializer/Version.src
inflated: org/apache/xml/serializer/
inflated: org/apache/xml/serializer/
inflated: org/apache/xml/serializer/
inflated: org/apache/xml/serializer/
inflated: org/apache/xml/serializer/
inflated: java/security/
inflated: java/util/logging/
inflated: org/xmlpull/ThirdPartyProject.prop
inflated: org/kxml2/ThirdPartyProject.prop
inflated: org/xml/ThirdPartyProject.prop
inflated: classes.dex
adding: com/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: com/ibm/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: com/ibm/icu4jni/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: com/ibm/icu4jni/ThirdPartyProject.prop(in = 318) (out= 202)(deflated 36%)
adding: java/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: java/security/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: java/security/ = 5084) (out= 1837)(deflated 63%)
adding: java/util/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: java/util/logging/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: java/util/logging/ = 3123) (out= 1129)(deflated 63%)
adding: org/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: org/apache/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: org/apache/harmony/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: org/apache/harmony/dalvik/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: org/apache/harmony/dalvik/ddmc/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: org/apache/harmony/dalvik/ddmc/README.txt(in = 78) (out= 69)(deflated 11%)
adding: org/apache/xalan/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: org/apache/xalan/processor/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: org/apache/xalan/processor/XSLProcessorVersion.src(in = 4126) (out= 1696)(deflated 58%)
adding: org/apache/xalan/res/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: org/apache/xalan/res/ = 1061) (out= 606)(deflated 42%)
adding: org/apache/xalan/Version.src(in = 4999) (out= 1909)(deflated 61%)
adding: org/apache/xml/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: org/apache/xml/serializer/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: org/apache/xml/serializer/ = 11338) (out= 3094)(deflated 72%)
adding: org/apache/xml/serializer/ = 4353) (out= 2220)(deflated 49%)
adding: org/apache/xml/serializer/ = 1841) (out= 922)(deflated 49%)
adding: org/apache/xml/serializer/ = 1525) (out= 832)(deflated 45%)
adding: org/apache/xml/serializer/ = 1769) (out= 948)(deflated 46%)
adding: org/apache/xml/serializer/ = 1818) (out= 943)(deflated 48%)
adding: org/apache/xml/serializer/Version.src(in = 4720) (out= 1869)(deflated 60%)
adding: org/apache/xml/serializer/ = 1086) (out= 647)(deflated 40%)
adding: org/kxml2/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: org/kxml2/ThirdPartyProject.prop(in = 209) (out= 173)(deflated 17%)
adding: org/xml/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: org/xml/ThirdPartyProject.prop(in = 224) (out= 178)(deflated 20%)
adding: org/xmlpull/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: org/xmlpull/ThirdPartyProject.prop(in = 224) (out= 179)(deflated 20%)
updated manifest
Creating flashable patch zip
added manifest
adding: system/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: system/framework/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: system/framework/core.jar(in = 1908530) (out= 1897353)(deflated 0%)
adding: system/framework/framework.jar(in = 4087409) (out= 4062341)(deflated 0%)
adding: system/framework/services.jar(in = 883227) (out= 882283)(deflated 0%)
ignoring entry META-INF/
adding: META-INF/com/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: META-INF/com/google/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: META-INF/com/google/android/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary(in = 224244) (out= 144112)(deflated 35%)
adding: META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script(in = 239) (out= 142)(deflated 40%)
Creating flashable restore zip
added manifest
adding: system/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: system/framework/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: system/framework/core.jar(in = 1925304) (out= 1915877)(deflated 0%)
adding: system/framework/framework.jar(in = 4066524) (out= 4044700)(deflated 0%)
adding: system/framework/services.jar(in = 901158) (out= 900324)(deflated 0%)
ignoring entry META-INF/
adding: META-INF/com/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: META-INF/com/google/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: META-INF/com/google/android/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary(in = 224244) (out= 144112)(deflated 35%)
adding: META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script(in = 240) (out= 142)(deflated 40%)
Successfully created PDroid patch.
PDroid Patch: C:\Users\Ryan\Desktop\PDroidPatcher\
You can flash it through recovery (for example CWM).
To restore your ROM and remove PDroid, flash
One of the first things I did for the phone was trying to get this to work. It didn't haha, but I was a novice compared to my level of comfort with modifying apks etc. I might give it another go.
Me three
I would be really interested in seeing this work in the Skyrocket as well! From reading through the posts last night it appears one needs to have DEODX'd ROM to make this work.
What is pdroid?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
remf4i said:
What is pdroid?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
permissions manager that doesnt load as an app (aka block facebook from using gps, reading contacts, reading phone status, IMEI, etc).
I.E. LBE privacy guard loads once the phone boots, Pdroid would effectively block once the phone receives power and doesnt wait for the phone OS to start.
This stemmed from a fear that LBE privacy guard wasnt very honest, but I went back to it and used droidwall from allowing LBE to communicate any data.
orlandoxpolice said:
permissions manager that doesnt load as an app (aka block facebook from using gps, reading contacts, reading phone status, IMEI, etc).
I.E. LBE privacy guard loads once the phone boots, Pdroid would effectively block once the phone receives power and doesnt wait for the phone OS to start.
This stemmed from a fear that LBE privacy guard wasnt very honest, but I went back to it and used droidwall from allowing LBE to communicate any data.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for the heads up on LBE, after some more research. It scares me that it's written by a Chinese source, and isn't open sourced, their website doesn't even work. I'm too leary of the Chinese Gov sponsored hacking against US targets.
creedicd said:
Thanks for the heads up on LBE, after some more research. It scares me that it's written by a Chinese source, and isn't open sourced, their website doesn't even work. I'm too leary of the Chinese Gov sponsored hacking against US targets.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Just use droidwall and block its ability to send any info packets from your ohone
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
Anyone have a patch for sky ics 7 speed- faux 10u- ucla3 modem?
I have yet to understand how to make it
Sent from my samsung-sgh-i727 using XDA
orlandoxpolice said:
The installation patching instructions look pretty annoying. Has anyone done this and has a CWM flashable patch I could use?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Why would you use this???
odeccacccp said:
Why would you use this???
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Do you like to have any control over the information on your phone?
I am using Pdroid on Sky-ICE 7.4 in addition to LBE. So far, I have have no problems running both on this ROM.
Also, whenever I flash a new ROM, I use Pdoid.
However, I have a T989...but I would assume it would work just as well on on an I727.
My method (when installing a new ROM):
1) Open PdroidPatcher.exe on Windows
2) Select a ROM of your choice (Pdroid prompts you for the file)
3) Patch
4) Copy both the original ROM and the Pdroid generated .zip file to your SD
5) Reboot into CWM
6) *** BACKUP ***
7) Wipe (I use darkside's superwipe)
8) Install ROM from SD card
9) I let the ROM boot up and then reboot again into CWM
10) Install Pdroid generated .zip file
11) Reboot and make sure you install the Pdoid app from the market (play store)
12) Enjoy!
It really isn't that complicated - but if it doesn't work for you, don't blame me
This script and the attached statically compiled zip program are able
to create a backup file named on your sdcard containing
all your phone's proprietary files I'm aware of. If you know about
other files that need to be added to the list please let me know.
Roms with odexed apk packages are not supported as deodexing
them is not trivial and legally dubious.
# Removed because under Apache v2 license
# Removed from list, we usually flash modded versions, could be readded if needed
The purpose of this script is to enable devs to backup all proprietary files
before flashing a updated rom and restore them after the flashing process.
The restore script must still be developed, one thing to take care of is that
during restore you have to set the correct file permissions and ownership
yourself if choose to create a zip archive. If you create a tar.gz archive
(-t) the file permissions and ownership will be restored correctly.
adb remount
adb push zip /system/bin/
adb push /system/bin/
adb shell
chown /system/bin/zip
chown /system/bin/
chmod 755 /system/bin/zip
chmod 755 /system/bin/
adb shell
~ # -h
Usage /system/bin/ [OPTIONS]
-t create a tar.gz
-v print version
-h this help
~ #
or in the terminal
~ #
zip warning: name not matched: /system/app/VoiceDialer.apk
zip warning: name not matched: /system/app/VoiceSearch.apk
adding: system/app/BugReport.apk (deflated 1%)
adding: system/app/checkin.apk (deflated 1%)
adding: system/app/Gmail.apk (deflated 16%)
adding: system/app/GmailProvider.apk (deflated 0%)
adding: system/app/GoogleApps.apk (deflated 1%)
adding: system/app/GoogleContactsProvider.apk (deflated 1%)
adding: system/app/GooglePartnerSetup.apk (deflated 1%)
adding: system/app/GoogleSettingsProvider.apk (deflated 1%)
adding: system/app/GoogleSubscribedFeedsProvider.apk (deflated 2%)
adding: system/app/gtalkservice.apk (deflated 1%)
adding: system/app/ImProvider.apk (deflated 3%)
adding: system/app/MediaUploader.apk (deflated 1%)
adding: system/app/NetworkLocation.apk (deflated 1%)
adding: system/app/SetupWizard.apk (deflated 9%)
adding: system/app/Street.apk (deflated 2%)
adding: system/app/Talk.apk (deflated 4%)
adding: system/app/Vending.apk (deflated 3%)
adding: system/app/YouTube.apk (deflated 3%)
adding: system/framework/ (deflated 1%)
adding: system/framework/ (deflated 0%)
adding: system/etc/permissions/ (deflated 41%)
adding: system/etc/permissions/ (deflated 41%)
adding: system/bin/akmd (deflated 67%)
adding: system/etc/firmware/brf6300.bin (deflated 37%)
adding: system/etc/gps.conf (deflated 44%)
adding: system/etc/wifi/Fw1251r1c.bin (deflated 40%)
adding: system/etc/wifi/tiwlan.ini (deflated 67%)
adding: system/lib/ (deflated 59%)
adding: system/lib/ (deflated 70%)
adding: system/lib/ (deflated 58%)
adding: system/lib/ (deflated 61%)
adding: system/lib/ (deflated 53%)
adding: system/lib/ (deflated 46%)
adding: system/lib/ (deflated 55%)
adding: system/lib/ (deflated 62%)
adding: system/lib/ (deflated 55%)
adding: system/lib/ (deflated 55%)
adding: system/lib/ (deflated 44%)
adding: system/lib/ (deflated 68%)
adding: system/lib/ (deflated 50%)
adding: system/lib/ (deflated 53%)
adding: system/lib/ (deflated 45%)
adding: system/lib/ (deflated 50%)
adding: system/lib/hw/ (deflated 73%)
adding: system/lib/hw/ (deflated 51%)
adding: system/lib/hw/ (deflated 62%)
~ # cd sdcard/
/sdcard # ls -la
----rw-rw- 1 system system 4620298 Sep 27 08:59
v1 initial release
v2 remove some packages and add a warning about odex files.
v3 added ability to create tar.gz archives, check if dest exists,
check for missing files when using tar.Added command line parsing.
v3.1 Minor bugfixes
I'm a crash test dummy!
Well, you did great with the Fix_permissions....
I'LL be trying it here in a min. I don't have adb so I'll b doing it thru terminal.
or would it be better to do it thru recovery?
You don't need to backup all the propriatary HTC libs, as they are needed to boot up android correctly.
Until HTC C&D's us, we don't need to exclude these files ;-)
Cyanogen is working on an app which backups the GApps for us.
If you want to improve your script, you'll have to let it look after the Google Apps.
Don't back them up if they are odexed, because you then would have to unodex them, which is hard to do for most users here as you have to install a daemon which helps your PC to unodex on your Android device.
Hi! The script is great, maybe we should add an UI or something like that to make thing easy for the novel kids, but this is a great start, good job!
Btw, I've found some packages you list as conflictive but in the Android source tree they come with a NOTICE file with the Apache License in it:
You can check it out if you want, just do a "repo sync" first
/system/app/GoogleContactsProvider.apk -> packages/providers/GoogleContactsProvider
/system/app/GoogleSubscribedFeedsProvider.apk -> packages/providers/GoogleSubscribedFeedsProvider
/system/app/ImProvider.apk -> packages/providers/ImProvider
/system/app/VoiceDialer.apk ->packages/apps/VoiceDialer
Hope it helps to clarify.
maxisma said:
You don't need to backup all the propriatary HTC libs, as they are needed to boot up android correctly.
Until HTC C&D's us, we don't need to exclude these files ;-)
Cyanogen is working on an app which backups the GApps for us.
If you want to improve your script, you'll have to let it look after the Google Apps.
Don't back them up if they are odexed, because you then would have to unodex them, which is hard to do for most users here as you have to install a daemon which helps your PC to unodex on your Android device.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I was thinking about unodexing, but have to test. OTOH this is specific to
Cyanogen mods that are not odexed so there is no problem.
0Vw3 said:
Hi! The script is great, maybe we should add an UI or something like that to make thing easy for the novel kids, but this is a great start, good job!
Btw, I've found some packages you list as conflictive but in the Android source tree they come with a NOTICE file with the Apache License in it:
You can check it out if you want, just do a "repo sync" first
/system/app/GoogleContactsProvider.apk -> packages/providers/GoogleContactsProvider
/system/app/GoogleSubscribedFeedsProvider.apk -> packages/providers/GoogleSubscribedFeedsProvider
/system/app/ImProvider.apk -> packages/providers/ImProvider
/system/app/VoiceDialer.apk ->packages/apps/VoiceDialer
Hope it helps to clarify.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Will check and remove them. Thanks for hint.
ran ok
Pushed and ran thru terminal. Everythings a ok!
Great to see this project moving forward so quickly. As a Linux user though, I'm wondering the logic behind using a .zip instead of a .tar.gz or lzma though, is there any advantage to zip? I can't think of any.
Vash63 said:
Great to see this project moving forward so quickly. As a Linux user though, I'm wondering the logic behind using a .zip instead of a .tar.gz or lzma though, is there any advantage to zip? I can't think of any.
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Click to collapse
All the flashing is done with zip archives, nonetheless adding a command line switch to create a tar.gz is trivial. Maybe in next version.
I'm gettin lost when you talk about odex files. As far as I know, odex files are optimized binaries for the dalvik vm, generated the first time you run them in your device from the dex files contained in the apk, and stored in /data/dalvik-cache (This could be some kind of compilation process (¿?))
So, (sorry for the noob question(s)) what's the problem about that? what do you mean when you talk about odexed - unodexed apks? And the most important, why is it a problem when backing up the apps?
0Vw3 said:
I'm gettin lost when you talk about odex files. As far as I know, odex files are optimized binaries for the dalvik vm, generated the first time you run them in your device from the dex files contained in the apk, and stored in /data/dalvik-cache (This could be some kind of compilation process (¿?))
So, (sorry for the noob question(s)) what's the problem about that? what do you mean when you talk about odexed - unodexed apks? And the most important, why is it a problem when backing up the apps?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Some apk are preoptimized and don't have the usual dex file inside,
instead there is a .odex file in the /system/app/ directory.
This odex files are not portable as they refer to the specific
framework from which the they was created.
farmatito said:
Some apk are preoptimized and don't have the usual dex file inside,
instead there is a .odex file in the /system/app/ directory.
This odex files are not portable as they refer to the specific
framework from which the they was created.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for the explanation. So I suppose the great JesusFreke can help with this.
I know that's reverse engineering, but even if it's I'm not sure we'd be breaking any copyright law as we paid for these apps and should be able to run them everywhere we'd want / could.
ezterry's 2708-enabled kernel
Patching kernels to make them support USB Host on the G1
I've been working on this for about a week.
I patched his kernel source with the patch suggested in the guide, and manually patched what wouldn't go in. Then I took the kernel config from the guide and merged anything that said USB on it with the other using Deltawalker,(which is a very handy tool), to make sure I didn't screw up anything to do with the processor.
Attached is the text that resulted after trying to compile the kernel.
Nothing concerns me that much as most of the errors seem to say things like "defined but not used."
The errors that don't are listed below in order of appearance:
scripts/kconfig/conf.c: In function ‘conf_askvalue’:
scripts/kconfig/conf.c:105: warning: ignoring return value of ‘fgets’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result
scripts/kconfig/conf.c: In function ‘conf_choice’:
scripts/kconfig/conf.c:307: warning: ignoring return value of ‘fgets’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result
scripts/kallsyms.c: In function ‘read_symbol’:
scripts/kallsyms.c:112: warning: ignoring return value of ‘fgets’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result
arch/arm/kernel/return_address.c:61:2: warning: #warning "TODO: return_address should use unwind tables"
arch/arm/mach-msm/acpuclock-arm11.c:69:5: warning: "force_turbo" is not defined
arch/arm/mach-msm/clock.c: In function 'clk_set_rate_locked':
arch/arm/mach-msm/clock.c:248: warning: 'ret' may be used uninitialized in this function
arch/arm/mach-msm/pm.c: In function 'msm_pm_init':
arch/arm/mach-msm/pm.c:861: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type
arch/arm/mach-msm/board-trout.c: In function 'trout_fixup':
arch/arm/mach-msm/board-trout.c:913: warning: format '%x' expects type 'unsigned int', but argument 2 has type 'long unsigned int'
arch/arm/mach-msm/board-sapphire.c: In function 'sapphire_fixup':
arch/arm/mach-msm/board-sapphire.c:1426: warning: format '%x' expects type 'unsigned int', but argument 2 has type 'long unsigned int'
mm/ashmem.c:380: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
And this one which makes me the most nervous:
In file included from drivers/media/video/msm/mt9t013.c:28:
arch/arm/mach-msm/include/mach/camera.h:231: warning: 'struct msm_camera_sensor_flash_data' declared inside parameter list
arch/arm/mach-msm/include/mach/camera.h:231: warning: its scope is only this definition or declaration, which is probably not what you want
drivers/media/video/msm/mt9t013.c: In function 'mt9t013_sensor_probe':
drivers/media/video/msm/mt9t013.c:1479: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type
drivers/media/video/msm/mt9t013.c: In function '__mt9t013_probe':
drivers/media/video/msm/mt9t013.c:1490: warning: passing argument 2 of 'msm_camera_drv_start' from incompatible pointer type
arch/arm/mach-msm/include/mach/camera.h:259: note: expected 'int (*)(struct msm_camera_sensor_info *, struct msm_sensor_ctrl *)' but argument is of type 'int (*)(const struct msm_camera_sensor_info *, struct msm_sensor_ctrl *)'
CC net/802/p8022.o
CC drivers/media/video/msm/mt9t013_reg.o
CC drivers/media/video/msm/ov9665.o
CC [M] fs/nfs/nfs4xdr.o
In file included from drivers/media/video/msm/ov9665.h:23,
from drivers/media/video/msm/ov9665.c:27:
arch/arm/mach-msm/include/mach/camera.h:231: warning: 'struct msm_camera_sensor_flash_data' declared inside parameter list
arch/arm/mach-msm/include/mach/camera.h:231: warning: its scope is only this definition or declaration, which is probably not what you want
CC net/802/psnap.o
CC net/802/stp.o
CC drivers/media/video/msm/ov9665_reg.o
In file included from drivers/media/video/msm/ov9665.h:23,
from drivers/media/video/msm/ov9665_reg.c:19:
arch/arm/mach-msm/include/mach/camera.h:231: warning: 'struct msm_camera_sensor_flash_data' declared inside parameter list
arch/arm/mach-msm/include/mach/camera.h:231: warning: its scope is only this definition or declaration, which is probably not what you want
drivers/media/video/msm/ov9665_reg.c:206: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
CC drivers/media/video/msm/msm_camera.o
In file included from drivers/media/video/msm/msm_camera.c:33:
arch/arm/mach-msm/include/mach/camera.h:231: warning: 'struct msm_camera_sensor_flash_data' declared inside parameter list
arch/arm/mach-msm/include/mach/camera.h:231: warning: its scope is only this definition or declaration, which is probably not what you want
LD net/802/built-in.o
CC net/bluetooth/af_bluetooth.o
CC net/bluetooth/hci_core.o
CC drivers/media/video/msm/msm_v4l2.o
CC net/bluetooth/hci_conn.o
In file included from drivers/media/video/msm/msm_v4l2.c:30:
arch/arm/mach-msm/include/mach/camera.h:231: warning: 'struct msm_camera_sensor_flash_data' declared inside parameter list
arch/arm/mach-msm/include/mach/camera.h:231: warning: its scope is only this definition or declaration, which is probably not what you want
drivers/media/video/msm/msm_v4l2.c: In function 'msm_v4l2_qbuf':
drivers/media/video/msm/msm_v4l2.c:337: error: expected expression before '<<' token
drivers/media/video/msm/msm_v4l2.c:343: error: expected expression before '==' token
drivers/media/video/msm/msm_v4l2.c:346: error: expected expression before '>>' token
drivers/media/video/msm/msm_v4l2.c:346:9: error: invalid suffix "ddb..." on integer constant
make[4]: *** [drivers/media/video/msm/msm_v4l2.o] Error 1
make[3]: *** [drivers/media/video/msm] Error 2
make[2]: *** [drivers/media/video] Error 2
make[1]: *** [drivers/media] Error 2
make: *** [drivers] Error 2
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
net/core/rtnetlink.c: In function 'do_setlink':
net/core/rtnetlink.c:1044: warning: 'err' may be used uninitialized in this function
With that many errors, I don't consider it safe to load this on to my G1.
Well, even if it were safe, I'm not sure I'd get much function out of it. My guess is that the video camera wouldn't work.
Anyway, what can I do to fix these messages, and, after I have, what is the next step?
I have been told that I have to merge it with a ramdisk. I assumed that I would need to pull it from my current phone (which uses the 2708 kernel) because it is likely that it would work.
Unfortunately, after trying this I discovered I don't have the privileges as the SPL is S-ON.
Will using the ramdisk provided in the Android SDK work, and if not, what will?
EDIT: Forgot to attach the full text.
Looks like you haven't understood yet how patch/diff files work.
This message:
drivers/media/video/msm/msm_v4l2.c:337: error: expected expression before '<<' token
drivers/media/video/msm/msm_v4l2.c:343: error: expected expression before '==' token
drivers/media/video/msm/msm_v4l2.c:346: error: expected expression before '>>' token
tells me that the file msm_v4l2.c is broken between lines 337 and 346. You couldn't "put" the resulting kernel in your G1 even if you wanted, since the kernel doesn't even get built due to that error!
Okay, I thought about it for a while, and I couldn't believe that it was the patch file causing this to happen, because the patch file is adding support for the USB Host function, why would it mess with video?
Anyway, I compiled the kernel 3 times after that. I compiled it the way it was meant to be compiled; 2708 config with no patching which obviously worked with little error (although it was surprising to see how many there were anyway), I patched it then I compiled it using the 2708 config to see if it was the merged config at fault, and it was.
So what I decided to do after is merge the two config files again but be a little more careful not to merge anything that doesn't have to do with USB Host.
After I did this, I used the newly merged configuration file, compiled itand it worked!
There was probably about the same amount of errors as the original.
Moving on, what do I do next?
I'll attach both the output text when compiling the original kernel and original config file, and the output text when compiling the patched kernel with the merged config file.
Also, what does "module" mean? I was given many options to compile many device drivers (I'm assuming? that's what it looked like) with three options, N/m/y.
I'm also assuming that N is capitalized because it's default, but I decided to choose m for most of them, because I thought I might use them, and module sounded like a compromise between no and yes.
Maybe what I'm really asking is, where do the modules get stored?
Your modules are here:
Building modules, stage 2.
MODPOST 80 modules
Kernel: arch/arm/boot/Image is ready
LD [M] drivers/block/ub.ko
LD [M] drivers/bluetooth/ath3k.ko
LD [M] drivers/bluetooth/bcm203x.ko
LD [M] drivers/bluetooth/bfusb.ko
LD [M] drivers/bluetooth/bpa10x.ko
LD [M] drivers/bluetooth/btusb.ko
LD [M] drivers/cpufreq/cpufreq_userspace.ko
LD [M] drivers/hid/hid-gaff.ko
LD [M] drivers/hid/hid-microsoft.ko
LD [M] drivers/hid/hid-monterey.ko
LD [M] drivers/hid/hid-mosart.ko
LD [M] drivers/hid/hid-ntrig.ko
LD [M] drivers/hid/hid-petalynx.ko
LD [M] drivers/hid/hid-ortek.ko
LD [M] drivers/hid/hid-pl.ko
LD [M] drivers/hid/hid-quanta.ko
LD [M] drivers/hid/hid-samsung.ko
LD [M] drivers/hid/hid-sony.ko
LD [M] drivers/hid/hid-stantum.ko
LD [M] drivers/hid/hid-sunplus.ko
LD [M] drivers/hid/usbhid/usbhid.ko
LD [M] drivers/net/usb/asix.ko
LD [M] drivers/net/usb/catc.ko
LD [M] drivers/net/usb/cdc_eem.ko
LD [M] drivers/net/usb/cdc_ether.ko
LD [M] drivers/net/usb/cdc_subset.ko
LD [M] drivers/net/usb/gl620a.ko
LD [M] drivers/net/usb/hso.ko
LD [M] drivers/net/usb/dm9601.ko
LD [M] drivers/net/usb/int51x1.ko
LD [M] drivers/net/usb/ipheth.ko
LD [M] drivers/net/usb/kaweth.ko
LD [M] drivers/net/usb/mcs7830.ko
LD [M] drivers/net/usb/net1080.ko
LD [M] drivers/net/usb/pegasus.ko
LD [M] drivers/net/usb/plusb.ko
LD [M] drivers/net/usb/rndis_host.ko
LD [M] drivers/net/usb/rtl8150.ko
LD [M] drivers/net/usb/smsc75xx.ko
LD [M] drivers/net/usb/smsc95xx.ko
LD [M] drivers/net/usb/usbnet.ko
LD [M] drivers/net/wireless/tiwlan1251/wlan.ko
LD [M] drivers/net/usb/zaurus.ko
LD [M] drivers/net/wireless/zd1201.ko
LD [M] drivers/staging/ramzswap/ramzswap.ko
LD [M] drivers/staging/udlfb/udlfb.ko
LD [M] drivers/usb/core/usbcore.ko
LD [M] drivers/usb/mon/usbmon.ko
LD [M] drivers/usb/host/ehci-hcd.ko
LD [M] drivers/usb/serial/cp210x.ko
LD [M] drivers/usb/serial/ftdi_sio.ko
LD [M] drivers/usb/serial/usbserial.ko
LD [M] drivers/video/fb_sys_fops.ko
LD [M] drivers/video/syscopyarea.ko
LD [M] drivers/video/sysfillrect.ko
LD [M] drivers/video/sysimgblt.ko
LD [M] fs/cifs/cifs.ko
LD [M] fs/fuse/fuse.ko
LD [M] fs/lockd/lockd.ko
LD [M] fs/nfs/nfs.ko
LD [M] fs/nfs_common/nfs_acl.ko
LD [M] net/ipv4/ipcomp.ko
LD [M] net/ipv4/tunnel4.ko
LD [M] net/ipv4/xfrm4_tunnel.ko
LD [M] net/ipv6/ah6.ko
LD [M] net/ipv6/esp6.ko
LD [M] net/ipv6/ip6_tunnel.ko
LD [M] net/ipv6/ipcomp6.ko
LD [M] net/ipv6/mip6.ko
LD [M] net/ipv6/ipv6.ko
LD [M] net/ipv6/sit.ko
LD [M] net/ipv6/tunnel6.ko
LD [M] net/ipv6/xfrm6_mode_beet.ko
LD [M] net/ipv6/xfrm6_mode_transport.ko
LD [M] net/ipv6/xfrm6_mode_tunnel.ko
LD [M] net/ipv6/xfrm6_tunnel.ko
LD [M] net/sunrpc/auth_gss/rpcsec_gss_krb5.ko
LD [M] net/sunrpc/auth_gss/auth_rpcgss.ko
LD [M] net/sunrpc/sunrpc.ko
LD [M] net/xfrm/xfrm_ipcomp.ko
If you choose Y you'll build-in this modules in kernel. When you choose M you must load modules with insmod in particular order.
Okay - thanks. That seemed fairly obvious. If only I looked had at it some more.
Can I use the ramdisk provided in the SDK?
Something tells me that these two methods:
Now, get the kernel on the phone:
1. use fastboot to boot from RAM (not persistent)
~/android-sdk-linux_86/tools/fastboot boot arch/arm/boot/zImage
2. use fastboot to flash it to NAND (boot.img from a nandroid backup)
~/android-sdk-linux_86/tools/fastboot -b flash:raw boot ./zImage ./ramdisk.img
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
aren't going to work because of the S-ON SPL that is required.
I'll try ZipBuilder in a bit though as ideally, it would be nice to just be able to flash it in a zip.
Okay, I think I got it working with ZipBuilder!
I flashed it, and it still booted so that's a good sign.
I'll attach the
Is there any for sure way I can see if it worked? (other than loading up the modules and plugging something in - I need to get a cord soldered first).
I copied the modules from my kernel build directory and placed them directly in the system/lib/modules directory. Were they supposed to have the hierarchy like they did in the kernel build directory?
Anyway, here's what ZipBuilder said:
Directory Check: OK - 'kernel'
Directory Check: OK - 'META-INF'
Directory Check: OK - 'META-INF/com'
Directory Check: OK - 'META-INF/com/google'
Directory Check: OK - 'META-INF/com/google/android'
Directory Check: OK - 'system/'
Directory Check: OK - 'system/lib'
Directory Check: OK - 'system/lib/modules'
File Check: OK - 'kernel/dump_image'
File Check: OK - 'kernel/mkbootimg'
File Check: OK - 'kernel/'
File Check: OK - 'kernel/unpackbootimg'
File Check: OK - 'META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary'
File Check: OK - 'META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script'
zImage exists!
cp: cannot stat `../drivers/net/wireless/bcm4329/bcm4329.ko': No such file or directory exists!
adding: system/ (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/ (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/ (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/bfusb.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/fuse.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/usbserial.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/hid-pl.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/hid-quanta.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/sunrpc.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/hid-mosart.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/ub.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/hid-gaff.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/lockd.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/usbhid.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/usbmon.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/btusb.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/asix.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/smsc95xx.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/xfrm6_mode_tunnel.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/ah6.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/int51x1.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/cifs.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/sit.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/smsc75xx.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/catc.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/cdc_ether.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/tunnel6.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/auth_rpcgss.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/xfrm6_mode_transport.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/syscopyarea.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/ehci-hcd.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/nfs.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/ipcomp6.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/hid-ortek.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/kaweth.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/gl620a.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/usbcore.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/hid-petalynx.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/mcs7830.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/ipheth.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/ath3k.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/hid-sunplus.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/ftdi_sio.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/hso.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/usbnet.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/rpcsec_gss_krb5.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/plusb.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/xfrm6_tunnel.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/hid-ntrig.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/hid-monterey.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/zd1201.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/ipcomp.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/zaurus.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/cdc_eem.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/pegasus.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/xfrm4_tunnel.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/wlan.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/cdc_subset.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/esp6.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/mip6.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/dm9601.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/hid-sony.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/rtl8150.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/udlfb.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/cp210x.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/nfs_acl.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/sysfillrect.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/cpufreq_userspace.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/bcm203x.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/tunnel4.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/ipv6.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/xfrm6_mode_beet.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/ramzswap.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/sysimgblt.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/hid-microsoft.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/net1080.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/bpa10x.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/fb_sys_fops.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/rndis_host.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/ip6_tunnel.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/hid-samsung.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/hid-stantum.ko (stored 0%)
adding: system/lib/modules/xfrm_ipcomp.ko (stored 0%)
adding: META-INF/ (stored 0%)
adding: META-INF/com/ (stored 0%)
adding: META-INF/com/google/ (stored 0%)
adding: META-INF/com/google/android/ (stored 0%)
adding: META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary (stored 0%)
adding: META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script (stored 0%)
adding: kernel/ (stored 0%)
adding: kernel/unpackbootimg (stored 0%)
adding: kernel/dump_image (stored 0%)
adding: kernel/zImage (stored 0%)
adding: kernel/ (stored 0%)
adding: kernel/mkbootimg (stored 0%)
Let me know if I did it wrong.
I'm assuming the wireless driver didn't load because it wasn't supposed to for the G1 (e.g. the G1 doesn't have that wireless chip?).
Also, what does "stored 0%" mean?
EDIT: Oops! I just looked at the guide by kodovoimeji again and realized I wasn't supposed to put the modules in the zip at all, I was supposed to copy them over to the SD Card which makes a lot more sense anyway.
Hi, is this allready done? I didn't understood at all. I know how Android platform works, but I am a big dummy in English yet.
michael-knight's is final?
Adding USB HOST support to the kernel is one thing, the next step is to actually add drivers for various USB DEVICES, otherwise USB HOST isn't going to do much for you. One of the drivers that I find particularly useful, especially for something like a phone, are the various USB-to-RS232 adapter cable drivers. This would turn the phone into an INCREDIBLE debugging device.
Keyboard need too some drivers?
thank you very muchhh
I recently installed a new rom on my HTC Desire. MildWild V5
Now I'm trying to get Pdroid installed on it, but I can't get the ROM patched with the patcher (haven't tried the auto patcher, since I don't have a virtual machine at hand a.t.m.)
Since I haven't made enough posts to reply in the development section I ask it here.
Below is the log file of the 1.32 patcher
PDroid Patcher v0.321 - Patch v1.32
Patching C:\Users\BlaBla\Downloads\MildWild
Extracting framework files from ROM
inflated: system/framework/core.jar
inflated: system/framework/framework.jar
inflated: system/framework/services.jar
inflated: META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script
inflated: META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary
Decompiling original files
I: Baksmaling...
I: Copying assets and libs...
I: Baksmaling...
I: Copying assets and libs...
I: Baksmaling...
I: Copying assets and libs...
Cleaning up smali
C:\Users\BlaBla\AppData\Roaming\PDroidPatcher\tmp>..\tools\sed "/^\s*\.\(line\s[0-9]\{1,\}\)\s*$/d" framework.mod.jar.out\smali\android\app\ContextImpl.smali 1>framework.mod.jar.out\smali\android\app\
C:\Users\BlaBla\AppData\Roaming\PDroidPatcher\tmp>move /Y framework.mod.jar.out\smali\android\app\ framework.mod.jar.out\smali\android\app\ContextImpl.smali
1 bestand(en) zijn verplaatst.
C:\Users\BlaBla\AppData\Roaming\PDroidPatcher\tmp>..\tools\sed "/^\s*\.\(line\s[0-9]\{1,\}\)\s*$/d" framework.mod.jar.out\smali\android\content\ContentResolver.smali 1>framework.mod.jar.out\smali\android\content\
C:\Users\BlaBla\AppData\Roaming\PDroidPatcher\tmp>move /Y framework.mod.jar.out\smali\android\content\ framework.mod.jar.out\smali\android\content\ContentResolver.smali
1 bestand(en) zijn verplaatst.
C:\Users\BlaBla\AppData\Roaming\PDroidPatcher\tmp>..\tools\sed "/^\s*\.\(line\s[0-9]\{1,\}\)\s*$/d" framework.mod.jar.out\smali\android\telephony\PhoneStateListener.smali 1>framework.mod.jar.out\smali\android\telephony\
C:\Users\BlaBla\AppData\Roaming\PDroidPatcher\tmp>move /Y framework.mod.jar.out\smali\android\telephony\ framework.mod.jar.out\smali\android\telephony\PhoneStateListener.smali
1 bestand(en) zijn verplaatst.
C:\Users\BlaBla\AppData\Roaming\PDroidPatcher\tmp>..\tools\sed "/^\s*\.\(line\s[0-9]\{1,\}\)\s*$/d" framework.mod.jar.out\smali\android\telephony\PhoneStateListener$1.smali 1>framework.mod.jar.out\smali\android\telephony\PhoneStateListener$
C:\Users\BlaBla\AppData\Roaming\PDroidPatcher\tmp>move /Y framework.mod.jar.out\smali\android\telephony\PhoneStateListener$ framework.mod.jar.out\smali\android\telephony\PhoneStateListener$1.smali
1 bestand(en) zijn verplaatst.
C:\Users\BlaBla\AppData\Roaming\PDroidPatcher\tmp>..\tools\sed "/^\s*\.\(line\s[0-9]\{1,\}\)\s*$/d" services.mod.jar.out\smali\com\android\server\am\ActivityManagerService.smali 1>services.mod.jar.out\smali\com\android\server\am\
C:\Users\BlaBla\AppData\Roaming\PDroidPatcher\tmp>move /Y services.mod.jar.out\smali\com\android\server\am\ services.mod.jar.out\smali\com\android\server\am\ActivityManagerService.smali
1 bestand(en) zijn verplaatst.
C:\Users\BlaBla\AppData\Roaming\PDroidPatcher\tmp>..\tools\sed "/^\s*\.\(line\s[0-9]\{1,\}\)\s*$/d" services.mod.jar.out\smali\com\android\server\ServerThread.smali 1>services.mod.jar.out\smali\com\android\server\
C:\Users\BlaBla\AppData\Roaming\PDroidPatcher\tmp>move /Y services.mod.jar.out\smali\com\android\server\ services.mod.jar.out\smali\com\android\server\ServerThread.smali
1 bestand(en) zijn verplaatst.
C:\Users\BlaBla\AppData\Roaming\PDroidPatcher\tmp>..\tools\sed "/^\s*\.\(line\s[0-9]\{1,\}\)\s*$/d" core.mod.jar.out\smali\java\lang\ProcessManager$ProcessImpl.smali 1>core.mod.jar.out\smali\java\lang\ProcessManager$
C:\Users\BlaBla\AppData\Roaming\PDroidPatcher\tmp>move /Y core.mod.jar.out\smali\java\lang\ProcessManager$ core.mod.jar.out\smali\java\lang\ProcessManager$ProcessImpl.smali
1 bestand(en) zijn verplaatst.
Applying PDroid patches
patching file smali/android/app/ContextImpl.smali
Hunk #2 succeeded at 151 (offset 5 lines).
Hunk #3 succeeded at 683 with fuzz 3 (offset 40 lines).
Hunk #4 succeeded at 1166 with fuzz 2 (offset 61 lines).
Hunk #5 succeeded at 1190 with fuzz 3 (offset 64 lines).
Hunk #6 succeeded at 1466 (offset 123 lines).
Hunk #7 succeeded at 1714 (offset 129 lines).
patching file smali/android/content/ContentResolver.smali
Hunk #1 succeeded at 2850 with fuzz 3.
patching file smali/android/privacy/IPrivacySettingsManager.smali
patching file smali/android/privacy/IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub$Proxy.smali
patching file smali/android/privacy/IPrivacySettingsManager$Stub.smali
patching file smali/android/privacy/PrivacyFileObserver.smali
patching file smali/android/privacy/PrivacyPersistenceAdapter.smali
patching file smali/android/privacy/PrivacySettings$1.smali
patching file smali/android/privacy/PrivacySettingsManagerService.smali
patching file smali/android/privacy/PrivacySettingsManager.smali
patching file smali/android/privacy/PrivacySettings.smali
patching file smali/android/privacy/surrogate/PrivacyAccountManager$PrivacyAccountManagerFuture.smali
patching file smali/android/privacy/surrogate/PrivacyAccountManager.smali
patching file smali/android/privacy/surrogate/PrivacyActivityManagerService.smali
patching file smali/android/privacy/surrogate/PrivacyContentResolver.smali
patching file smali/android/privacy/surrogate/PrivacyCursor.smali
patching file smali/android/privacy/surrogate/PrivacyLocationManager$PrivacyLocationUpdater.smali
patching file smali/android/privacy/surrogate/PrivacyLocationManager.smali
patching file smali/android/privacy/surrogate/PrivacyTelephonyManager.smali
patching file smali/android/telephony/PhoneStateListener$1.smali
patching file smali/android/telephony/PhoneStateListener.smali
Hunk #2 succeeded at 64 (offset 1 line).
Hunk #3 succeeded at 173 with fuzz 1 (offset 23 lines).
patching file smali/com/android/server/am/ActivityManagerService.smali
Hunk #1 succeeded at 13018 with fuzz 1 (offset 962 lines).
Hunk #2 succeeded at 19222 with fuzz 2 (offset 1384 lines).
patching file smali/com/android/server/ServerThread.smali
Hunk #1 succeeded at 44 (offset 4 lines).
Hunk #2 succeeded at 396 (offset 44 lines).
patching file smali/java/lang/PrivacyInputStream.smali
patching file smali/java/lang/PrivacyProcessManager$PrivacyFileReader.smali
patching file smali/java/lang/PrivacyProcessManager.smali
patching file smali/java/lang/ProcessManager$ProcessImpl.smali
Hunk #1 succeeded at 57 (offset 5 lines).
Hunk #2 succeeded at 79 (offset 5 lines).
failed to apply PDroid patches
I got my hands on a XP pc and tried it on there. That worked just fine.
So I asume that was the problem, the patcher doesn't work correctly with win7.
Hi all,
I am trying to use the Flashtool (had a link to the homepage here but forum doesn't allow it) to flash a newly bought Sony Xperia S to Android 4.
I am stuck on a java error that I can not see anyone else having. I have tried on an OpenSuse 12.1 system (running java-1_6_0-openjdk- and an Ubuntu system running java 7 (liveCD).
The same error occurs:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: foxtrot/Job
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: foxtrot.Job
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
Could not find the main class: gui.FlasherGUI. Program will exit.
I have found the foxtrot.jar library but putting that in the same path as the Flashtool or the JAVA_HOME/lib did not help at all.
It doesn't seem to be a needed step anyway.
So I am unsure what I am missing in regards to this foxtrot library.
I can't see anything on the wiki over on github.
Any advice appreciated.
DaveQB1 said:
Hi all,
I am trying to use the Flashtool (had a link to the homepage here but forum doesn't allow it) to flash a newly bought Sony Xperia S to Android 4.
I am stuck on a java error that I can not see anyone else having. I have tried on an OpenSuse 12.1 system (running java-1_6_0-openjdk- and an Ubuntu system running java 7 (liveCD).
The same error occurs:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: foxtrot/Job
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: foxtrot.Job
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
Could not find the main class: gui.FlasherGUI. Program will exit.
I have found the foxtrot.jar library but putting that in the same path as the Flashtool or the JAVA_HOME/lib did not help at all.
It doesn't seem to be a needed step anyway.
So I am unsure what I am missing in regards to this foxtrot library.
I can't see anything on the wiki over on github.
Any advice appreciated.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Ok I ran an strace on this and found this line
[pid 23778] stat("/home/david/Android/SonyXperia/FlashTool/x10flasher_lib/foxtrot-core-4.0.jar", 0x7f1e22081ec0) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
I found "foxtrot-core-4.0.jar" and downloaded it.
Now I am getting a different error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: se/marell/libusb/UsbSystem
at gui.FlasherGUI.main(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: se.marell.libusb.UsbSystem
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
... 1 more
This looks libusb related though, so I will pursue that.
DaveQB1 said:
Ok I ran an strace on this and found this line
[pid 23778] stat("/home/david/Android/SonyXperia/FlashTool/x10flasher_lib/foxtrot-core-4.0.jar", 0x7f1e22081ec0) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
I found "foxtrot-core-4.0.jar" and downloaded it.
Now I am getting a different error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: se/marell/libusb/UsbSystem
at gui.FlasherGUI.main(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: se.marell.libusb.UsbSystem
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
... 1 more
This looks libusb related though, so I will pursue that.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Ok got back to this and again ran and strace on the FlashTool process and all of it's children. I found this error interesting:
[pid 28274] stat("/home/david/Android/SonyXperia/FlashTool/se/marell/libusb/UsbSystem.class", 0x7fa78baf2b60) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
In fact doing an strace on file calls only we get this sub section of calls that might be of interest:
[pid 28512] stat("/usr/lib64/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk-1.6.0/jre/lib/", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=3835, ...}) = 0
[pid 28512] stat("/usr/lib64/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk-1.6.0/jre/lib/", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=3835, ...}) = 0
[pid 28512] open("/usr/lib64/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk-1.6.0/jre/lib/", O_RDONLY) = 21
[pid 28512] stat("/home/david/Android/SonyXperia/FlashTool/se/marell/libusb/UsbSystem.class", 0x7f4e6b663b60) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
[pid 28512] stat("/home/david/Android/SonyXperia/FlashTool/x10flasher_lib/jna.jar", 0x7f4e6b662a90) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
[pid 28512] stat("/home/david/Android/SonyXperia/FlashTool/x10flasher_lib/jopt-simple-4.3.jar", 0x7f4e6b662a90) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
[pid 28512] stat("/home/david/Android/SonyXperia/FlashTool/x10flasher_lib/libusb.jar", 0x7f4e6b662a90) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
[pid 28512] stat("/home/david/Android/SonyXperia/FlashTool/x10flasher_lib/log4j-1.2.16.jar", 0x7f4e6b662a90) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
[pid 28512] stat("/home/david/Android/SonyXperia/FlashTool/x10flasher_lib/platform.jar", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=913475, ...}) = 0
[pid 28512] stat("/home/david/Android/SonyXperia/FlashTool/x10flasher_lib/platform.jar", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=913475, ...}) = 0
[pid 28512] open("/home/david/Android/SonyXperia/FlashTool/x10flasher_lib/platform.jar", O_RDONLY) = 27
[pid 28512] stat("/home/david/Android/SonyXperia/FlashTool/x10flasher_lib/rsyntaxtextarea.jar", 0x7f4e6b662a90) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
[pid 28512] stat("/home/david/Android/SonyXperia/FlashTool/x10flasher_lib/x10flasher-res.jar", 0x7f4e6b662a90) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: se/marell/libusb/UsbSystem
at gui.FlasherGUI.main(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: se.marell.libusb.UsbSystem
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
... 1 more
I feel like my downloaded Flashtool is missing a bunch of extra libraries that x10flasher.jar binary is expecting.
Ok maybe this is what I am having issue with
"Apply the latest update (each update is cumulative)
Updates will not be functionnal if full is not installed"
So I only downloaded 9.3.0 as it said above it:
Full install :
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Looking at the previous release tabs I only see 9.0.0 as the most previous release version. Hmmmmm
I work in IT, I wouldn't have thought this would be so challenging to me.
DaveQB1 said:
Ok maybe this is what I am having issue with
"Apply the latest update (each update is cumulative)
Updates will not be functionnal if full is not installed"
So I only downloaded 9.3.0 as it said above it:
Looking at the previous release tabs I only see 9.0.0 as the most previous release version. Hmmmmm
I work in IT, I wouldn't have thought this would be so challenging to me.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
PS the md5sum of my download of 9.3.0 checks out ok.
Ok don't mind me.
Something must have gone wrong in the untarring.
[email protected]: ~/Android/SonyXperia/FlashTool#
find x10flasher_lib -type f | wc -l
[email protected]: ~/Android/SonyXperia/FlashTool#
find ../FlashTool.orig/x10flasher_lib -type f | wc -l
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For I9305
Flash on your own risk!
Based on cyanogenmod smdk4412 source.
This is port from i9300 phone!!!
I don't own I9305.
I need testers for this phone.
Hi. My name is Rafał, I'm from Poland.
I want to present You my harfix kernel for i9300.
This version is ported to i9305 and come with semi support from me.
Found bug? I will fix, but... I don't know if I will really fix bugs without phone.
Kernel is in beta state but working great on daily usage.
- ANYROM and AROMA installers (mostly by @psndna88)
- UBERTC GCC 7.0 toolchain
- 300HZ kernel tick (thanks @arter97)
- CPU OC/OV (100-2100MHz) (more then 1.6GHz is NOT recommended!!!)
- Boeffla-sound engine 1.6.7 (app in download section) (Disabled for I9305 for a moment)
- governors: intelliactive, SmartassV2, lulzactiveq, adaptive, interactive, Darkness, Yankasusq, GoogyQ, conservative, ondemand, performance, pegasusq (lulzactiveq and ZZmoove is recommended)
- support F2FS (disabled in i9305 at the moment)
- support NTFS (disabled in i9305 at the moment)
- TCP - westwood
- SElinux - permissive
- -03 optimalizations
- TouchWake
- Increase USB charging rate to 900 from 475mAh
- 1 second to halt core instead of 4 sec.
- opitmalizations and tweaks
- other misc
More in future!
- Can't change voltage for 100MHz freq.
You tell me
Not working:
INSTRUCTION (for i9300)
boot into TWRP
make a backup
flash kernel
reboot and wait until boot is finish
F2FS (thanks @Schwester_Gabi)
boot into TWRP
make a backup
wipe dalvik/ART cache
format /system with ext4 (if you chose f2fs the rom will automatical format it to ext4)
format /data with f2fs (this will erase Your all data!!)
format /cache with f2fs
flash rom (no reboot)
flash gapps (no reboot)
flash kernel
reboot and wait until boot is finish
Full changelog
0.7 05.06.16
- start develop RafiQ governor (based on Yankasusq)
- implement memory v3 script (still WIP) (more smooth and better work on memory)
- implement GoogyQ governor (ported version of intellidemond)
- implement more I/O schedulers (fifo, vr)
- implement CPU-boost
- implement CPU-boost sys interface
- readd boeffla-sound (now works!)
- reduce Wi-Fi wakelock
- optimize do_csmu
- fix some leaks
- fixes in slub
- enable ARCH_POWER
- fixes in cpufreq
- higher led brightness
- 64-byte L1 cacheline
- fix deadlock in panic (if any)
- implement fast random number generator 1.1 (frandom)
- implement native exFAT support (samsung OSRC 1.2.4)
- implement LZ4 and snoppy compressions for zram (snappy in disabled)
- enable lz4 compression for zram
- implement timer slack controller
- enable cgroup timer slack
- fixes in cgroup
- enable NOSEC opti
- steal writing sem (performane fix)
- remove compressed copy from zram in-memory (more free zram to use)
- replace stock nr_running table with nvidia alternative in pegasusq
- a lot of modifications for zram (too many and too big to write here detailed changes)(mostly by
- enable -O3 instead of -Ofast (more stable)
- disable auto name (again)
- fix: can't change i/o scheduler
- fix: can't change governor
- remove useless internet formats (size reduction)
- remove "+" in kernel version
- speeds up and optimalizations
- lot of fixes
- source update (updated modem_if, fixes and clean up code)
0.7pre2.1 15.05.16
Thanks a lot @FAFAŁ who found all there bugs
- fix reboots
- add cache refresher at sleep
- restore governors
- restore TCP
- restore NTFS support
0.7pre2 15.05.16
Thanks a lot @FAFAŁ who found all there bugs
- set kernel tick to 300HZ (thanks @arter97)
- Graphite optimalizations
- disable optimize for size
- disable generic spinlock
- back to gzip
- disable ntfs
- disable interactive and conservative govs
- camera fix
- remake config file
- remove almost all tcp
-------try fix nameless-------
- enable KSM
- enable profiling
0.7pre1.2 14.05.2016 aka "let's fix again"
- wifi fix
- add checker at boot
- remove useless governors (powersave, userspace, adaptive)
0.7pre1.1 14.05.2016 aka "only fixing"
- GCC 7
- update ubertc to 21.04.16 version
- fix boot.img builder
- enable thermal
- disable thermal for exynos
- disable auto local version (in settings will be only version name, nick of builder and build pc name)
- disable quickboot (same problems at the moment)
- set 0.2-1.4 freqs when installing
0.7pre1 11.05.2016 aka "clean installation"
In settings will be still 0.6 as name
- add Harfix Bash Commander
- more effective GPU (~10%)
- add quick boot script (speed up boot time)
- enable touchwake as default
- make to aroma work faster
- delete unnecessary scripts and files in installers
- add material theme to aroma
- disable and delete all backups in aroma
- enable 4 device of zram, one with 200MB
- set swappiness to 80
- enable dynamic fsync
- delete thermal in config
- delete checks on boot to reduce boot time
- many many work in installers
- source update (fixes)
- reduction in size
- fixes
- new machine to build
- CPU freqs
- visual updates for future settings
0.6.1 (27.04.16)
- fix audio
- fix governors
- disable compability check (@psndna88)
0.6 (26.04.16)
- add aroma and anyrom installers (thanks @psndna88)
- rework SmartassV2 gov
- add Touchwake
- LZMA compression
- speed up screen off
- zram allow 4 devices
- fix touck wake incall
- Activate additional TCP congestion algorithms
(westwood, bic, cubic, htcp, hstcp, vegas, scalable, lp, veno, yeah, illinois)
- westwood now default
- fix .config files
- disable KSM
- 160MHz on L2 cache
- tweaks from i9300i 3.4 kernel
- small optimalizations
0.6pre2 (21.04.16)
- Power_ignore is now as default build-in
- Boeffla-sound is off as default (audio fix)
- SElinux is now permissive as default
- revert optimized CRC (battery drain fix)
- TCP is now westwood (faster network)(not working)
- enable 0fast optimalizations
- small fix for hotplug
- improve intall script
- ramdisk back to official CM
- update ramdisk to 20.04.16
- source update
0.6pre1-fix (17.04.16)
- remove LZ4 compression (will be back in future)
0.6pre1 (16.04.16)
Look above
- add GPU OC/OV (use andromizer pro or something else that support mali gpu)
- LZ4 compression algorithm
- Boeffla-sound is enable by default (need SElinux set to permissive, see second post)
- Max charge levels set to 2600
- CRC32 optimized algorithm
- added darkness governor
- improve intall script
- Fixed: sometimes not charging at 900 on USB
- RAMDISK update to 6.5
0.6pre1-power_ignore have ignore unstable power and ignore margines as default
0.5 (09.04.16)
- add ZZmoove governor (very high recommend to use as default)
- RAMDISK changed from official CM to Temasek (6.0)
- tweaks MDNIE
- add Boeffla charge script
- source update
0.5pre2 (06.04.16)
- need less time to wake up screen
- NTFS support
- try to fix 100MHz overvolt (really fix will be in next pre)
- a lot of optimalizations
- a lot of tweaks
- global speed improvements
- small fixes
0.5pre1 (02.04.16, updated ramdisk on 04.04.16)
- Add OV CPU
- fixes logic table (now You can OC on all freq)
- add support for GCC 6 and 5
-small optimalization
0.4.1 (01.04.16)
- delete OV CPU
0.4 (31.03.16)
- add interface for GPU (will be deleted in future and added other interface)
- wait just 1 second for other CPU to halt
- add Boeffla-sound engine 1.6.7
- add OV CPU (buggy)
- increase USB charging rate to 900mAh
0.3.1 (30.03.16)
- small fixes
0.3 (29.03.16)
- add OC CPU up to 2.1GHz and UC to 100MHZ
0.2.1 (28.03.16)
- trying to fix very slow working (really fixed in 0.3.1)
0.2 (27.03.16)
- add intelliactive, lulzactiveq, SmartassV2 and active others governors
- disable cache synch when phone is in write protected
Like my project?
hit thanks!
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or want notification on site update?
follow this project!
XDA:DevDB Information
Harfix2, Kernel for the Samsung Galaxy S III I9300
Source Code:
Kernel Special Features:
Version Information
Status: Testing
Created 2016-06-09
Last Updated 2016-06-09
XDA:DevDB Information
Harfix2 elite kernel, Kernel for the Samsung Galaxy S III I9300
Kernel Special Features:
Version Information
Status: Testing
Created 2016-06-20
Last Updated 2016-06-20
Nothing for now
Somewhere is the future
- ABB control - Adaptive Body Bias
- kexec -hardboot
To do
- add hotplug gov
- add smartassH3 gov
- implement UKSM (ultra kernel samepage merging) (only for tests)
- source update (fixes)
Plans specific for i9305:
Somewhere is the future
- no idea
To do
- enable all things that is actually disabled for this phone (f2fs, ntfs, boeffla-sound)
- clean up differents from i9300
- move some modules to kernel (frandom)
Harfix Bash Commander by Mieta & Jach00
This app allow control harfix2 kernel settings.
App is packed in kernel (0.7pre1 and above) so You don't need to download separately from here.
With this app You will be able to set all values what harfix kernel allow to set.
This is still Work In Progress state so if You find some bugs, tell me
- CPU freqs
- governor selection
- full TouchWake control
- full charge control
too many to write them here
Reserved #3
0.7 on xda and mediafire is up. Please test this. I don't own that phone so I can't say if that kernel boot.
Will test when I get homr, but is it possible to flash this over agni and vice versa?
Mrxyzl said:
Will test when I get homr, but is it possible to flash this over agni and vice versa?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Propobly yes, but agni use other zram so if You have some problems, download /preload wipe tool in agni site and then install this tool and without rebooting flash harfix.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA-Developers mobile app
Guys. It's work?
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA-Developers mobile app
Will try it now I edit this comment when I recognize a bug or anything else and thx for your work.
Error when flashing but I think it's easy to fix
AROMA Installer version 2.70RC2
(c) 2013 by amarullz xda-developers
ROM Name : Harfix2 Elite Kernel
ROM Version : 0.7
ROM Author : rafciowis1999/wisniew
Device : GT-I9305 SAMSUNG Galaxy SIII LTE
Start at : Wed Jun 8 18:56:58 2016
script aborted: assert failed: getprop("ro.product.device") == "m0" || getprop("") == "m0" ||
getprop("ro.product.device") == "i9300" || getprop("") == "i9300" ||
getprop("ro.product.device") == "GT-I9300" || getprop("") == "GT-I9300"
assert failed: getprop("ro.product.device") == "m0" || getprop("") == "m0" ||
getprop("ro.product.device") == "i9300" || getprop("") == "i9300" ||
getprop("ro.product.device") == "GT-I9300" || getprop("") == "GT-I9300"
Installer Error (Status 7)
I think i fixed the error right but after flashing the kernel then I get a bootloop at the begining when the Samsung logo appears
View attachment
xVitja said:
Will try it now I edit this comment when I recognize a bug or anything else and thx for your work.
Error when flashing but I think it's easy to fix
AROMA Installer version 2.70RC2
(c) 2013 by amarullz xda-developers
ROM Name : Harfix2 Elite Kernel
ROM Version : 0.7
ROM Author : rafciowis1999/wisniew
Device : GT-I9305 SAMSUNG Galaxy SIII LTE
Start at : Wed Jun 8 18:56:58 2016
script aborted: assert failed: getprop("ro.product.device") == "m0" || getprop("") == "m0" ||
getprop("ro.product.device") == "i9300" || getprop("") == "i9300" ||
getprop("ro.product.device") == "GT-I9300" || getprop("") == "GT-I9300"
assert failed: getprop("ro.product.device") == "m0" || getprop("") == "m0" ||
getprop("ro.product.device") == "i9300" || getprop("") == "i9300" ||
getprop("ro.product.device") == "GT-I9300" || getprop("") == "GT-I9300"
Installer Error (Status 7)
I think i fixed the error right but after flashing the kernel then I get a bootloop at the begining when the Samsung logo appears
View attachment 3777002
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Ok, I will fix this today. Thanks!
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA-Developers mobile app
AGNi and Archikernel both use ANYROM method and they do not like being flashed over each other, so I would recommend people dirty-flash their ROM back in to remove any custom kernel before installing another custom kernel from a different family. Flashing newer versions of the same kernel is usually OK.
Its good to see that some one start making kernel for our device.
Do you own the 9305?
Sectorian said:
Its good to see that some one start making kernel for our device.
Do you own the 9305?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No, I have i9300 so bugs and any other problems You guys have to tell me because I can't see bugs without phone.
For 10-15 minutes will be fixed version. Guys pls stay tuned and test it.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA-Developers mobile app
0.7 v2 is up only on xda. Try and tell me if working or not working. And pls give log if not working.
rafciowis1999 said:
0.7 v2 is up only on xda. Try and tell me if working or not working. And pls give log if not working.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Still the same stuck at logo
AROMA Installer version 2.70RC2
(c) 2013 by amarullz xda-developers
ROM Name : Harfix2 Elite Kernel
ROM Version : 0.7
ROM Author : rafciowis1999/wisniew
Device : GT-I9305 SAMSUNG Galaxy SIII LTE
Start at : Thu Jun 9 06:31:45 2016
Harfix2 kernel for i9305
Mounting /system
about to run program [/sbin/busybox] with 3 args
mount: mounting /dev/block/mmcblk0p13 on /system failed: Device or resource busy
run_program: child exited with status 255
Extracting and preparing tools...
Extract: /tmp/
Extract: /tmp/bootimgtools
Extract: /tmp/
Extract: /tmp/packing/init.agnimounts.rc
Extract: /tmp/packing/res/misc/silence.wav
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/busybox
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/e2fsck
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/f2fstat
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/fibmap.f2fs
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/fsck.f2fs
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/make_ext4fs
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/mkfs.f2fs
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/mount.exfat
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/ntfs-3g
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/rootro
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/rootrw
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/sysro
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/sysrw
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/tinyplay
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/
Extract: /tmp/
Extract: /tmp/workboot/init-append
Extract: /tmp/workboot/init.rc.patch
Extract: /tmp/workboot/init.smdk4x12-append
Extract: /tmp/workboot/system-sysinit-replace
about to run program [/tmp/packing/sbin/busybox] with 3 args
rm: can't remove '/system/etc/init.d/*001bk*': No such file or directory
Extract: /tmp/bootimg/zImage
Patching existing flashed kernel...
about to run program [/tmp/packing/sbin/busybox] with 3 args
touch: /data/.harfix/log.txt: No such file or directory
chmod: /data/.harfix/log.txt: No such file or directory
/tmp/ line 44: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 45: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 46: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 47: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 48: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 49: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 50: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 51: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 52: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 53: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 54: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 55: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 56: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 57: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 58: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 59: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 60: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 61: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 62: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 63: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 64: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 65: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 66: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 67: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 68: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 69: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 71: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
2048+0 records in
2048+0 records out
4194304 bytes (4.0MB) copied, 0.096915 seconds, 41.3MB/s
/tmp/ line 73: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 74: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 76: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
Segmentation fault
mv: can't rename '/tmp/oldboot/boot.img-zImage': No such file or directory
mv: can't rename '/tmp/oldboot/boot.img-ramdisk.gz': No such file or directory
/tmp/ line 80: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
du: /tmp/oldboot/old_zImage: No such file or directory
/tmp/ line 81: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
du: /tmp/oldboot/old_ramdisk.gz: No such file or directory
/tmp/ line 82: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 84: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
gunzip: /tmp/oldboot/old_ramdisk.gz: No such file or directory
/tmp/ line 91: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 93: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
ls: /tmp/extracted/sbin: No such file or directory
/tmp/ line 115: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 117: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
grep: /tmp/extracted/init.rc: No such file or directory
patching file init.rc
patch: can't open 'init.rc': No such file or directory
/tmp/ line 122: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
grep: /tmp/extracted/init.rc: No such file or directory
/tmp/ line 127: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 133: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
grep: /tmp/extracted/init.smdk4x12.rc: No such file or directory
awk: /tmp/extracted/init.smdk4x12.rc: No such file or directory
/tmp/ line 144: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
grep: /tmp/extracted/fstab.smdk4x12: No such file or directory
awk: /tmp/extracted/fstab.smdk4x12: No such file or directory
/tmp/ line 169: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
grep: /tmp/extracted/lpm.rc: No such file or directory
awk: cmd. line:1: Unexpected token
/tmp/ line 181: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 186: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
chmod: /tmp/extracted/charger: No such file or directory
chmod: /tmp/extracted/init: No such file or directory
/tmp/ line 202: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 204: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 205: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 208: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 209: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 210: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 212: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 213: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 217: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 218: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 219: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 220: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 221: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 222: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 238: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 239: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 240: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 241: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
run_program: child exited with status 1
Patched existing flashed kernel !
Extracting Required /system Files...
Extract: /system/etc/init.d/S47enable_001bkgov_016-zzmoove_zzopt
Extract: /system/etc/init.d/S48enable_001bkschedint_005-row
Extract: /system/etc/init.d/S55enable_001bkgputhreshold_020-on_battsave
Extract: /system/etc/init.d/S56enable_001bkledfading_002-fade
Extract: /system/etc/init.d/S74enable_001bktouchwake_030-on_10sec
Extract: /system/etc/init.d/S75enable_001bkintreadspeed_020-512
Extract: /system/etc/init.d/S76enable_001bkextreadspeed_030-1024
Extract: /system/lib/modules/auth_rpcgss.ko
Extract: /system/lib/modules/btlock.ko
Extract: /system/lib/modules/cifs.ko
Extract: /system/lib/modules/dhd.ko
Extract: /system/lib/modules/frandom.ko
Extract: /system/lib/modules/lockd.ko
Extract: /system/lib/modules/nfs.ko
Extract: /system/lib/modules/sunrpc.ko
Extract: /system/priv-app/HBC/HBC.apk
Setting Permissions...
/system unmounted !
Flashing AGNi pureCM kernel patched boot.img...
about to run program [/sbin/busybox] with 3 args
Flashed AGNi pureCM kernel !
A logfile has been placed at
/data/.AGNi for your reference.
* Enjoy *
script result was [1.0]
Installer Sucessfull (Status 0)
End at : Thu Jun 9 06:31:52 2016
Sectorian said:
Its good to see that some one start making kernel for our device.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
They are like London buses - you wait ages for one and then two come along at once.
Today we get this and Boeffla!
xVitja said:
Still the same stuck at logo
AROMA Installer version 2.70RC2
(c) 2013 by amarullz xda-developers
ROM Name : Harfix2 Elite Kernel
ROM Version : 0.7
ROM Author : rafciowis1999/wisniew
Device : GT-I9305 SAMSUNG Galaxy SIII LTE
Start at : Thu Jun 9 06:31:45 2016
Harfix2 kernel for i9305
Mounting /system
about to run program [/sbin/busybox] with 3 args
mount: mounting /dev/block/mmcblk0p13 on /system failed: Device or resource busy
run_program: child exited with status 255
Extracting and preparing tools...
Extract: /tmp/
Extract: /tmp/bootimgtools
Extract: /tmp/
Extract: /tmp/packing/init.agnimounts.rc
Extract: /tmp/packing/res/misc/silence.wav
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/busybox
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/e2fsck
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/f2fstat
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/fibmap.f2fs
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/fsck.f2fs
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/make_ext4fs
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/mkfs.f2fs
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/mount.exfat
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/ntfs-3g
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/rootro
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/rootrw
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/sysro
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/sysrw
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/tinyplay
Extract: /tmp/packing/sbin/
Extract: /tmp/
Extract: /tmp/workboot/init-append
Extract: /tmp/workboot/init.rc.patch
Extract: /tmp/workboot/init.smdk4x12-append
Extract: /tmp/workboot/system-sysinit-replace
about to run program [/tmp/packing/sbin/busybox] with 3 args
rm: can't remove '/system/etc/init.d/*001bk*': No such file or directory
Extract: /tmp/bootimg/zImage
Patching existing flashed kernel...
about to run program [/tmp/packing/sbin/busybox] with 3 args
touch: /data/.harfix/log.txt: No such file or directory
chmod: /data/.harfix/log.txt: No such file or directory
/tmp/ line 44: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 45: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 46: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 47: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 48: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 49: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 50: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 51: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 52: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 53: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 54: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 55: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 56: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 57: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 58: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 59: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 60: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 61: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 62: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 63: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 64: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 65: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 66: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 67: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 68: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 69: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 71: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
2048+0 records in
2048+0 records out
4194304 bytes (4.0MB) copied, 0.096915 seconds, 41.3MB/s
/tmp/ line 73: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 74: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 76: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
Segmentation fault
mv: can't rename '/tmp/oldboot/boot.img-zImage': No such file or directory
mv: can't rename '/tmp/oldboot/boot.img-ramdisk.gz': No such file or directory
/tmp/ line 80: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
du: /tmp/oldboot/old_zImage: No such file or directory
/tmp/ line 81: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
du: /tmp/oldboot/old_ramdisk.gz: No such file or directory
/tmp/ line 82: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 84: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
gunzip: /tmp/oldboot/old_ramdisk.gz: No such file or directory
/tmp/ line 91: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 93: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
ls: /tmp/extracted/sbin: No such file or directory
/tmp/ line 115: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 117: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
grep: /tmp/extracted/init.rc: No such file or directory
patching file init.rc
patch: can't open 'init.rc': No such file or directory
/tmp/ line 122: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
grep: /tmp/extracted/init.rc: No such file or directory
/tmp/ line 127: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 133: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
grep: /tmp/extracted/init.smdk4x12.rc: No such file or directory
awk: /tmp/extracted/init.smdk4x12.rc: No such file or directory
/tmp/ line 144: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
grep: /tmp/extracted/fstab.smdk4x12: No such file or directory
awk: /tmp/extracted/fstab.smdk4x12: No such file or directory
/tmp/ line 169: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
grep: /tmp/extracted/lpm.rc: No such file or directory
awk: cmd. line:1: Unexpected token
/tmp/ line 181: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 186: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
chmod: /tmp/extracted/charger: No such file or directory
chmod: /tmp/extracted/init: No such file or directory
/tmp/ line 202: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 204: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 205: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 208: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 209: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 210: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 212: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 213: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 217: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 218: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 219: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 220: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 221: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 222: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 238: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 239: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 240: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
/tmp/ line 241: can't create /data/.harfix/log.txt: nonexistent directory
run_program: child exited with status 1
Patched existing flashed kernel !
Extracting Required /system Files...
Extract: /system/etc/init.d/S47enable_001bkgov_016-zzmoove_zzopt
Extract: /system/etc/init.d/S48enable_001bkschedint_005-row
Extract: /system/etc/init.d/S55enable_001bkgputhreshold_020-on_battsave
Extract: /system/etc/init.d/S56enable_001bkledfading_002-fade
Extract: /system/etc/init.d/S74enable_001bktouchwake_030-on_10sec
Extract: /system/etc/init.d/S75enable_001bkintreadspeed_020-512
Extract: /system/etc/init.d/S76enable_001bkextreadspeed_030-1024
Extract: /system/lib/modules/auth_rpcgss.ko
Extract: /system/lib/modules/btlock.ko
Extract: /system/lib/modules/cifs.ko
Extract: /system/lib/modules/dhd.ko
Extract: /system/lib/modules/frandom.ko
Extract: /system/lib/modules/lockd.ko
Extract: /system/lib/modules/nfs.ko
Extract: /system/lib/modules/sunrpc.ko
Extract: /system/priv-app/HBC/HBC.apk
Setting Permissions...
/system unmounted !
Flashing AGNi pureCM kernel patched boot.img...
about to run program [/sbin/busybox] with 3 args
Flashed AGNi pureCM kernel !
A logfile has been placed at
/data/.AGNi for your reference.
* Enjoy *
script result was [1.0]
Installer Sucessfull (Status 0)
End at : Thu Jun 9 06:31:52 2016
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
When I will back home (now at school) I do something with this. First I will add full agni installer and We will see.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA-Developers mobile app
Glenn2 said:
They are like London buses - you wait ages for one and then two come along at once.
Today we get this and Boeffla!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Or like the trolleybuses in Bucharest: you wait 15 minutes and none comes. And 10 minutes after the 15 you already waited before, they literally come one after each other until there is none to come for another 2 hours.
Glenn2 said:
They are like London buses - you wait ages for one and then two come along at once.
Today we get this and Boeffla!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
well, boeffla was done 2 months ago I just had to take 1 file from 1 other location and compile and I didn't realise that all long...
Well, enough of off-topic, OP are your kernel sources uploaded to github? I want to take a look at your fixes and compare them to mine, as there are some bugs in my boeffla kernel port.
I envision a kernel development community evolving from these 3 kernels here......
limjh16 said:
well, boeffla was done 2 months ago I just had to take 1 file from 1 other location and compile and I didn't realise that all long...
Well, enough of off-topic, OP are your kernel sources uploaded to github? I want to take a look at your fixes and compare them to mine, as there are some bugs in my boeffla kernel port.
I envision a kernel development community evolving from these 3 kernels here......
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Github is in first post. The same source for i9300 but other config. I think this is propobly installer script but if You look into I will be happy.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using XDA-Developers mobile app