As the title suggests, I am looking for a vpn client that supports open VPN so I can tunnel all my traffic through it to get around chinese IP blocking. I've dl'd the one found here but it won't open on wm6.5....anyone get this or any other client working to route web traffic through a vpn service? THANKS!!!
that title should go like "go through chinese VPN blocking",
because I am in the same situation. I guess other people from other countries too. maybe we start a new thread with this title to discuss about it? Note that I am German, but lived here in Beijing now for 1.5 yrs, always annoyed by the blocking..
I tried everything:
Proxies: I could add proxies in the winmo network config, but it seems either China Mobile blocks proxy connections (is that possible?) or it's winmo's fault. I tried many proxies from various websites and lists..
Windows VPN: Thats what I use on my PC to use Twitter/Facebook/Youtube and blocked news websites. Got my server in Germany running 24/7, and its really fast and stable. On windows mobile: no connection possible. It connects for 5 seconds, but as soon as I try to access internet or mail, it just disconnects. could be the slow EDGE network which is just not supporting constant data tunnels. But I tried with WiFi and it was the same, so.. Mabye I am stupid or my WinMo is. I hope the second, hehe..
Open VPN: The client is 2 years old and I guess thats the problem. Tried it once, but already a while ago. Didn't work as I remember correctly..
Other: There's clients for cisco vpn out there. My university WAS supporting this protocol, and with a cracked client (don't remember the name, just google it), it was possible to connect. At least in Germany. But EGDE/3G/WiFi, all no problem.
So I am in the same situation. I wanna use Twitter, Facebook and maaaany news websites, bought Kinoma Play but CAN'T PLAY, .. so if anyone has an idea here how to route traffic constantly through a different country, please share!
I just checked the website again and found a VERY recent update. - did you try this? I dont have the time right now, but if I ever do I'll report back...
have you found the resolution of wm already? i am using i8000 omnia II with windows6.5. can't find a vpn working method.
could you get back to me [email protected]
same here... did u guys find any solution for it?
Do exist maybe a commercial app for WM6.5.
Gateprotect Mobile or something else that support .ovpn key.
openvpn service with ziggurat29 client official support
I've been looking for an open-vpn service which can be supported by an open vpn client for wm.
The only thing I found is the combination Witopia service, with ziggurat29 openvpn client
It looks good, but the only drawback I've found, is that the annual payment is the only subscription option, not suitable for testing purposes.
All you have to do is to first configure the service on a PC, then copy the configuration files to a new configuration file to fit the open-vpn client for Windows Mobile
Does anyone know of any similar service like Witopia, which has OFFICIAL support for ziggurat29 openvpn client, but that can be paid quarterly?
Best regards
I wanted to know if there is a way to set from what area your IP shows up as when you connect to the internet on your Android phone?
For instance, I have a T-mobile G2 and when I connect or an IP finding website, it shows the location of my IP address. Usually its close, sometimes its far away.
Is there any way to choose a static IP or range of IP's to narrow down where my IP is located? i.e. can I choose to spoof my IP to show me in another state? I'm rooted running CM6.1 so I'm down for things that need root access.
Thanks in advance for info/help. I'm gonna continue to research this as well.
Its going to show the location where the IP should be. is a good lookup to see where the IP should be coming from. (background- they are designed for charging websites, your IP says you are in Nigeria, or Flordia, or wherever, but you are having your order shipped to Washington, so we need to check for fraud more carefully, or hulu and not allowing to be viewed outside US - but same applies to any country)
Especially on celluar, its going to depend on the cell network, your phone likely is behind their NAT. If the NAT is in the same city you are, its going to be really close.
Example Rogers in Canada has 2 cities as far as I can tell with equipment in Montreal and Toronto (when I was getting external DHCP addresses it was one of these 2 cities) Now that I have a static external address, I allways show as Montreal even when I'm on the West-Coast. When using the NATted addresses (10.x.x.x) it would allways show as Toronto (or Greater Toronto area) might have been Markham.
To spoof your IP to show you're in another state, I believe Giganews offers a VPN that will be comptable with just about everything, west coast US, east coast US, one in Asia and one in Europe.
This is going off memory, if I'm found incorrect, I'll edit the post.
Thanks for the information. Makes a lot of sense. Now I just gotta figure out the proper way to set up the VPN on my phone. I've got to the VPN settings, I've just gotta figure out the proper setup
So basically the VPN settings on Android can accept any VPN address/info that I am signed up for? I don't really know if I wanna pay for a VPN and I know there are free alternatives, especially considering that I dont need any more services than what a free one offers.
Any and all of the free ones I've seen, are designed for computers, PC or Mac, they require software installed.
The reason I mentioned the Giganews VPN service, was because it is the PPTP standard vpn connection, so supported without a software application.
I am interested if you know of free ones that offer this.
Additionally, you also have to check to see if your provider blocks VPN connections on your phone. Rogers does unless you pay extra for a non-NATted IP. So its a trial and error. I know a few providers in the US have a VPN APN, which is designed for people using VPN services. I don't know which block VPN connections by default.
It should be compatible with PPTP and IPSEC VPN services.
Ok so I figured I would post my question here as this thread is already created and has keywords that pertain to my question/problem
Now I provide support for several end users and I need VPN access to their network/machine at a glance for the type of support I provide. I was thinking of something along the lines of something software based that would allow me to access their network (shared files mostly) but I cant think of anything that I can setup one time and not have to worry when they take the laptop/desktop home and their IP address changes or if their firewall is not properly configured.
Any solutions to this particular problem?
I was thinking of something Hamachi like but I do not need remote access I just need file sharing access and network access...
I know that Windows 7 and Server 2008r2 have a dial-less VPN that can be setup, the computer will connect to your VPN service, anytime it is on, and you would be able to share the files that way.
Or users dial the VPN whenever they log in, but that would stop you from connecting remotely after a reboot.
Ideally, they should be connecting to your server, and saving all their files there?
Not enough infomation to actually give you any other ideas, can PM me with what hardware and software you have to work with, mobile devices or not, ect.
Ok first off if this is the wrong place to post this I apologize but I tried searching and can't find anything about my phone.
I just purchased a Toshiba Regza phone from AU in Japan. I have changed the regional settings to English and all the menus and mostly everything is in English but the problem I am having is that the email program that everyone uses here to send instant email back and forth is still in Japanese. I have contacted AU KDDI about this and they say there is no way to change the language to English from within the email program itself. My wife is Japanese and she has looked at every setting within the email program itself and cannot find any language settings.
As far as I have found out, the "email" system here in Japan is actually a MMS messaging system on steroids that uses an email address instead of the other persons phone number like in the US. I think a very long time ago some of my friends in Japan had email addresses with there phone number(at)
I have looked on the marketplace and I can't seem to find anything that will work with the AU system.
Does anyone know if there is an app that can replace the stock email program to send and recieve email with my xxxxxxxx(at) If there is where can I find the settings for AU's email system? Do they use IMAP. POP or because it is MMS it is totally different?
I love this phone, the camera is awesome the screen rez is really great watching 1 seg TV and the video quality is great. I really don't want to have to do anything to it that will brick it because it's brand new and my wife would kill me LOL Only thing is I cannot use the email program to it's fullest extent.
thanks for taking the time to read this and for any help you might provide.
Unfortunately there is no fix or alternative, as carriers in Japan have their mobile mail services tightly locked down and you require their express authorisation to develop an application for it.
The mail application for the IS04 is as bad as it gets, as are various other software related aspects of the phone... which is a shame because otherwise it's quite a capable device.
Hopefully issues like this one will be addressed at the same time as the rather late 2.2 update, but I wouldn't keep your fingers crossed.
I've been trying to extract the carrier mail application from other the au android devices and modifying it so it can install/communicate with au's servers on the IS04, but I've gotten nowhere with the security.
In case you run into any other trouble, other problems people have had with the IS04 include battery charging issues (phone runs off battery once it reaches 100% and never starts charging again, even while plugged in), contact list problems (multiple and non interchangeable contact lists for different applications), various settings resetting themselves (aforementioned mail application mainly), lost emails/contacts and weird memory restrictions (for storage).
For the record, DoCoMo's version of the Regza phone (and their other Android devices) use a relatively decent universal phone mail application, while au has gone with letting the manufacturers put together their own. I'll let you work out which decision turned out better.
In the meantime, I suggest having your wife translate the settings so you can have it up and running the way you like, and then just memorising the basic navigation and functions.
Edit: To answer your question, correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the weird MMS system for all three major carriers in Japan is still using the I-mode transport protocol.
just FYI:
2013 is around the corner and with Android 2.2.2 now (still) on the Regza IS04 nothing has really changed much.
The mail app - and other default apps - are still in Japanese only and will not be changed.
The general feedback from their tech support is: Learn Japanese or get lost (though said very politely, with smiles and bows and not in such a direct manner )
Have a great 2013 all
I recently signed up to the SMARTY UK phone network, which is owned by and operates on Three. Great value, but for some reason I'm having issues connecting to many sites and apps - half the internet works, half doesn't! Their customer service haven't been able to help. So if you're up for a challenge, I've listed below the details and everything I've tried so far. Hopefully someone with the technical understanding will be able to advise what is happening here.
Issue: Many websites return the following error...
This page isn’t working didn’t send any data.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Note: This is a generic error meaning it can't connect to the website.
My phone: Samsung Galaxy S9 - from Australia, where I recently returned from, but is the G960F "Global/Europe, single SIM" model (specs here). Android 10.
Network: SMARTY. They use frequency bands 1 (2100MHz), 3 (1800MHz) and 20 (800MHz) according to All these are supported by my phone if I'm not mistaken.
Network status: I have a strong, 4G connection in London E10 with the recommended APN settings. The default APN is but their site says to use I've tried both, restarting phone each time. Also tried the APN Type as both 'Default' and '*'. The networks adult filter is turned OFF.
What about other UK SIMs?
Asda Mobile (EE) and Giffgaff (O2) both work fine in the phone.
What about when you try it in a different phone?
When the SIM is in my partners iPhone, all websites work.
Running through a list of most popular websites, as well as others I've tested, here's some websites that do and do not work, to see if anyone can identify some trends:
Examples of websites that load successfully:, (China), (not dot com)
Examples of websites that fail to load: (Hong Kong) (China) (Russia)
I've tried using different DNS servers - Google Public DNS (, OpenDNS,, etc. and restarting to no avail.
When I connect through Tor (e.g. Orbot app), as I am now to post this, all sites work.
Many thanks,
Germany is implementing EU-Alert (ETSI TS 102 900 [1]) at the moment and referring to the local News, it is a huge mess [2].
But let's start at the beginning.
CellBroadcast is a core component of each mobile network generation (2G,3G,4G,5G,...) and part of the 3GPP spec. CellBroadcast basically allows the network to send a simple SMS to all mobile phones connected to a specific base station. Thes SMS-CB are sent with a Message Identifier (aka Channel, aka Topic) which gives them a special purpose by convention. e.g. ID / Channel 50 is often used for area related information [3], while channel 207 might broadcast local weather information. Since not all Channels are standardized, there is also the option to broadcast an Index that lists all channels with a description. And since users probably don't want any message broadcasted, users have to subscribe to these channels.
Since decades now, CellBroadcast is also used for public Emergency Warnings. This means that, by definition of a country, a specific channel is used to broadcast Emergency Warnings. Long time ago, in many countries it looks like Channel 919 was used for this purpose. For this to work properly, mobile phones were instructed to subscribe to channel 919 by default and also use a special ringtone (even if muted) to alert such a message.
Later - over 12 years ago - additional channels from 4370-4399 were standardized in ETSI TS 123 041 [4] for public warning systems like CMAS, EU-Alert, KPAS. All using the same channels which is beneficial for global roaming.
Android of course supports these public warning systems specified in ETSI TS 123 041 [4] since at least Android 4.2.2 [5]. And nations that use these systems already, like CMAS in the US, report very high and reliable coverage.
However, referring to German news [2] and government, not many phones that are currently on the market will actually support EU-Alert in Germany, despite already supporting EU-Alert in Netherlands or CMAS in the US.
How is this possible when exactly the same SMS-CB is broadcasted, just in a different country?
Golem [2] says that Samsung and Google already confirmed that EU-Alert is currently not supported in Germany, but updates will be rolled out to recent devices.
This strongly suggests to me that OEMs like Samsung and Google actually added country specific filters/configurations for these public warning systems to their phones without deploying a reasonable fallback. Public warning systems based on ETSI TS 123 041 [4] thus may only work in countries that were known to use these systems when the phone was released.
Isn't this an obvious issue?
Google said, starting with Android 11+ it will be possible to update the CellBroadcastReceiver App via Google Play. So devices with Android 11+ will likely receive an update to support EU-Alert in Germany. For Android 10 and older, OEMs will have to supply updates.
What also confuses me is the fact that all Android Phones I own (Nexus 4 with Android 5, Nexus 5X with Android 8, Pixel 3a with Android 12) here in Germany do actually offer the setting for Emergency Warnings and they are already enabled by default. So I assume they would work? Did Google actually deploy a sane default configuration here already?
But if they did - why isn't it working on ALL Android 11+ Phones already? I'm pretty sure my Pixel 3a uses Googles CellBroadcastReceiver App which is provided through the Play Store. So all Android 11+ phones should already use the exact same App?! Or am I wrong here? So what is this update Google actually needs to provide?
And does this also mean that with Android 11+ OEMs are not allowed / cannot implement their own Emergency Warning CellBroadcastReceiver?
This topic is really confusing to me
Shouldn't it be really simple?
All phones, regardless of the OEM, should have a proper SMS-CB Application which allows you to subscribe to custom channels, view the index, and manage your SMS-CB Messages.
Phones should also be aware of special channels to apply special ringtones etc if needed, but they should have a sane fallbacks!
A phone that knows about NL-Alert and CMAS may call messages on Channel 4370 received in the Netherlands "NL-Alert". But when it receives the same message in Germany, it shouldn't just drop it! It should display it as warning and call it whatever it wants. And if it doesn't know about CMAS / EU-Alert, it should just receive it as regular SMS-CB.
Can't be that hard?
Interestingly enough, Samsung phones allow you to subscribe to custom channels. Google phones do not :/
Should there be a better / more enforced standard, so that a country that wants to implement CMAS/EU-Alert in the future doesn't have to rely on OEMs help?
And finally some technical Questions:
I found zero Apps for Android that would allow me to subscribe to custom CellBroadcast Channels on my Google Android phones. Is this even possible?
Also, is it possible to test these CellBroadcasts somehow? Is it possible to write an App that can inject SMS-CB into the system?
Sorry for the long post, but I think this an important Topic.
Let me know what you think
Do you have experience with these Emergency Warnings already?
Hey! I was just researching something about this. Thanks for your detailed post.
I am from Chile and, in my case, my operator had subscriptions to two channels: 919 and 920.
In order to see the Cell Broadcast menu in the Messages app, I had to override a CSC setting (I use a Samsung device), particularly "CarrierFeature_Message_DisableMenuCBMessage") because it seems some Chilean operators ordered Samsung to hide it.
Even then, the Google Cell Broadcast app would not let me modify settings other than test alerts.
In my country these emergency alerts are quite unreliable and are often sent by mistake or to the wrong place (i.e. sending a tsunami alert to an area more than 100 km away from the coast).
Shooting Star Max said:
Hey! I was just researching something about this. Thanks for your detailed post.
I am from Chile and, in my case, my operator had subscriptions to two channels: 919 and 920.
In order to see the Cell Broadcast menu in the Messages app, I had to override a CSC setting (I use a Samsung device), particularly "CarrierFeature_Message_DisableMenuCBMessage") because it seems some Chilean operators ordered Samsung to hide it.
Even then, the Google Cell Broadcast app would not let me modify settings other than test alerts.
In my country these emergency alerts are quite unreliable and are often sent by mistake or to the wrong place (i.e. sending a tsunami alert to an area more than 100 km away from the coast).
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Can you explain how you disabled this CSC setting and on what samsung phone/os?
You can see Googles/Androids latest default configuration for Chile (MCC 730) here:
The config.xml really has some restrictive features enabled :/
Thanks for your reply!
Please note that all the following information assumes you have rooted your device. It's impossible to override this configuration otherwise.
My device is a Galaxy Note20 Ultra (Exynos version, SM‑N985F) running Android 12, One UI 4.1.
As you might know, Samsung devices include several packages named “CSC”, which define settings according to a sales code matching with a region. For example, a device sold in Chile without a carrier uses the sales code CHO, while one sold by operator Movistar uses the sales code CHT.
In the Galaxy Note20 Ultra, the CSC packages are stored in /optics/config/carriers/single (older Samsung devices might use /omc/).
Once you find the sales code matching with your current configuration, you can grab two files: cscfeature.xml and customer_carrier_feature.json. Taking CHO again as an example, the files would be /optics/config/carriers/single/CHO/conf/system/cscfeature.xml and/optics/config/carriers/single/CHO/conf/system/customer_carrier_feature.json.
These files are encoded, but OmcTextDecoder can take care of that.
In the case of CHO, customer_carrier_feature.json has the value "CarrierFeature_Message_DisableMenuCBMessage":"TRUE", which hides the cell broadcast menu in the stock Messages application. Just replace “TRUE” with “FALSE”, save the file and push it to its location. The next time you reboot your system, it will be applied.
Regarding the link you sent, I think we could get around that configuration by decompiling the GoogleCellBroadcastApp.apk through Apktool, modifying the restrictive values, and then pushing the APK to the device, replacing the original version.
Thank you!
Let me know if you managed to patch your original CellBroadcastReceiver.apk!
I actually tried using Runtime Resource Overlays (RROs) which is described on the official docu about CellBroadcast in Android.
You can find the result here:
However, I didn't quite get these RROs. It looked like in Oreo you can use RROs to overlay any resource of any app without any permissions or matching signatures, which is quite a surprise to me?!
On my phones with more recent OS, I get signature mismatch errors and also it looks like apps now have to define what resources can be overlayed ...