authentication via proxy server was unsuccesful - Samsung Galaxy Tab Plus

anyone of you here using a proxy server in a university? when i move to a different building in the same university, i cannot browse anymore because it says "authentication via proxy server was unsuccessful".
our proxy server does not require auntentication.
android 3.2 from our tablet has already a built-in proxy settings, why is this happening to me when when i move to a different building with the same proxy server?
any help from this will be greatly appreciated.
thank you in advance.

I don't have any issues in my University using the WiFi =/

i dont know why it is happening to me? the tech from the university said maybe its due to number of devices accessing the wifi proxy at the same, thats why i cannot connect. but i had my rooted lg optimus black before and its running smoothly in the university's proxy server!
i think there is something wrong with android 3.2's wifi proxy?

There are wifi-related issues with some of the Galaxy Tab 7 Pluses, (namely the SOD,) but this one is new to me. I've never experienced it. Truth be told, the tech could be correct. The proxy server might have been refusing connections due to heavy load. Even if you think your phone and tablet are connecting at the same time, the phone could have made its request earlier and been the last allowed device, or if you connected after, could have taken up a spot that was just vacated by another device.
My question is then, is this an ongoing issue? By this I mean are you having this issue multiple times in the day, where your phone can connect just fine, but your tablet is throwing that error message?

thank you for your reply, rkmj!
yes, this is an ongoing issue up to now! i have been experiencing this for over a month already. when im the main library i can easily connect at the first time. but when i move to the other buildings within the same proxy server, with definitely different access points it always says:" authentication via proxy server is unsuccessful". i am using my rooted lg optimus black with this same positions in the university before, and it works flawlessly, so i doubt if it is with the heavy load?
so is there something wrong with the proxy setup of honeycomb 3.2?


Exchange and activesync issues...

Hey all,
Just an idea. Does anyone out there think that it might be a good idea to start a thread about Exchange and OTA activesync issues? I have fielded a few questions recently and just figured that I would ask. (perhaps not located here in WM6 group but since this is most active I figured I would ask here).
Yes, I think it is a good idea.
Why? What is the problem? I've have used at least 5 different WM6 Roms as well as WM5 cooked versions, all working fine with my TMobile MDA and Push/Activesync and front-end exchange server here.
Personally.... None...
Personally, I have similar setup and no issues with multiple roms as well. I have just been answering a few questions lately from people who have been having issues and rather than have them get off topic in other forums non-related to exchange / active sync issues I figured I would start one.
Ok, I am feeling ya'
Let the questions/issues begin! Will help if I can to answer questions or test.
Real World Problem
Perhaps you will allow me to jump in with a real world problem, then.
I was able to synch with Exchange 2003 SP2 no problem. I essentially have two different scenarios:
1. I have no T-Mobile service at my desk, so I hook up to my XP machine with a USB cable and run AS 4.5. That view puts me on a private network (; the pertinent server configuration is ISA 2006 front end to the network and a WS 2003 running Exchange behind it. The XP machine gets its IP address from DHCP server on the ISA machine, using the ISA address as a gateway for the local network.
2. Away from my desk, I connect via GPRS. The connection is to the ISA server using the public DNS name of mail.<domain>.com. This means a VPN connection.
So after flashing a new ROM, I can no longer synch locally. I get a 85010001 error message, bad HTTP protocol. Not much helpful information out there; I made certain that integrated authentication was not checked on the directory security tab for the IIS folder, and I went through the deletion and recreate of the IIS folders per MS article. Still won't synch up with the same error.
Additional information. RPC over HTTP is set up on the Exchange server via ISA server, and publicly purchased certificate covers the IIS DEFAULT directory. I can do OWA from inside and outside the network, synch via GPRS when I have service but can't when I use a USB connection. I had copied my WM5 settings down before I flashed, and they are set correctly. HOWEVER, when I unlocked the phone before going to WM6, I reloaded 2.26 from T-MOBILE AND THIS PROBLEM SHOWED UP BEFORE WM6! There were no reboots or changes on any of the servers or the XP machine from when it was working to when it wasn't.
Thanks, sorry if this was posted int the wrong place.
Hey rvverito, I'm an Exchange admin myself and would love to help others who had problems setting up the Exchange/OTA Sync. If you're interested in any help or just get stuck on a sticky problem, drop me a PM or email. (Both will be pushed to my device )
Unfortunately, I'm unfamiliar with ISA, I mainly service SBS servers and a WS 2003 box of my own, but with a hardware firewall. From your post it's not clear exactly what the error message is. WHen it comes to Microsoft 0x850001 is different than 850001, so if you could expand on that, it would be great.
Activesync reports the error
the 85010001 error is a windows dialogue box that comes from Activesync and not to be confused with something in one of the event files. In fact, there are no event postings on either the Exchange nor the XP boxes, and for that matter not on the ISA box, either. The error descriptions indicate a bad HTTP protocol, but I have seen other references to this error where the user wasn't even running Exchange and was trying to synch with some POP3 service. Go figure.
I know that with a certificate, there are some extra considerations, but i seemed to have had it working just fine, now not at all.
I am convinced it has something to do with Exchange and inside the local network. The WM5/6 setting capactiy is simply not rich enough to let me play with some things.
Here is another wierd thing. I am running a Netgear wireless router with WPA-PSK security. I try setting this up as a wi-fi network on my MDA and it comes back unavailable. There is a scanner on the build, and when I turn on SID broadcasting, I can see the network. However, the broadcaster says it is running WEP. If I turn off the SID, the broadcaster says it is open. And of couse, a dozen or so devices including a Nintendo Wii are all affectionately connected to the router.
thanks - L
Hmm, from the sounds of it, you may have to load the certificate onto your device. It is possible that you had it before you started the whole reflashing your phone deal, so it's worth a shot.
Of like mind
that is the conclusion I came to as well. I have been sorting out how to get the cert onto the device.
what troubles me though, is why it works over GPRS.
It could be because you have the certificate for AS/OWA, but not one for connecting to the LAN. I'm not sure what your network topology is like, so I can't really help you in that regard/
one more thing, if you have stupid tmobile proxy enable it will not let you sync with Exchange when its docked with PC, nor your pda will have access to internet. BLAME the t-zone service for blocking inbound traffic over proxy or get your self fully fledge internet for 29.99 or what you can do is disable the proxy when you connect to pc or installed battery status extended and enable option where it disables proxy when wifi is turned on. This will let you sync over wifi however again when docked with PC it can't be synced until you manually turned of proxy. Hope this helps.
wish that were it
but proxy is turned off. thanks.

School wifi problem

Just got my Samsung Captivate about a month and I got my wifi connected to the school network, but when i open the broswer or any apps need internet i didnt get any connections? at the first week it works.. and when connecting to the school wifi it should be come out with the school login page,, then the internet will work.. however the wifi is connected doesnt matter how strong the wifi singal is.. it just cant load and cant bring me to the login page..
I really need help..
and the wifi works everywhere.. except my school...
btw my friends iphone 3gs works..
I am also at college and have had the same problem. the best reason I have found is the phone itself. half of our wifi is an older standard that does not work on the phone. it shows up as wep and i can not get it to recognize it as 802.1x . in my tinkering I have also messed up the wifi that was working.
long story short it probably won't work. I have spent a long time trying to get it to work with no luck
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
Hello to both of you,
I also attend a college with an 802.1x connection and the captivate supports most of these networks; however you will probably need to configure the network settings manually (usually retrievable on your schools IT site). If you dont mind digging up your settings I would love to check to see if I can configure your phone.
FYI, you might be having a problem similar to what's seen in this post.
I definitely had this problem today. It appeared connected but no web pages would load. Going to have to investigate further. Why can't things just work
I know my school recently implemented some new security certificates that you must agree to before logging in, has anything like that changed for you? My wife's Aria is running 2.2 and can log into the school network, but my captivate cannot. It is frustrating I know.
Seems some colleges and universities are noticing issues with android devices letting the DHCP leases to expire but keeps using the IP address assigned instead of requesting a new one.
See the following links.
h t t p ://www . natecarlson . com/2010/08/27/android-att-captivates-wifi-networking-is-broken/
h t t p ://www . net . princeton . edu/android/android-stops-renewing-lease-keeps-using-IP-address-11236.html
I actually have similar issues with my Belkin wireless router at home. My laptops and other wireless devices have no problems connecting or re-connecting but the Captivate just refuses to re-connect after the connection was terminated. Even after resetting the router, the phone just keeps trying to use the same IP address for some reason.
The only way I could get it to reconnect is to either reboot the phone or to remove the AP entry which is a pain especially if you have wireless passwords.
Hopefully someone with better insight into how Eclair and Froyo handles WiFi can come up with some fix.
more solutions?
I believe the new 2.2 firmware solves this issue. I too am at College and my captivate FAILS to actually access the internet through wifi unless I statically assigned the IP.
I just updated to Froyo and it connected instantly. I'll have to do more testing to make sure, but I think Samsung finally fixed it.
captivate wifi issue at school
i just got Galaxy S (Captivate) and wi-fi is giving trouble.
when i tried at a university campus, it gives error and says can't open and try again later. it is like, i get connected to the network, IP and DNS and everything is generated. But when i open browser to open a website, instead of taking me to login page it gives the above error.
here is what i get when i try to open a website.
'web page not available'. the page might be temporarily down or it may have been moved permanently to new address.
here are some suggestions:
- check to make sure device has signal and data connection. (I made sure it is connected to wifi)
- reload page later. (i tried after 5 mins, same result)
- view cached copy from google. (doesn't work either)
i am not able to understand why is this happening. i tried restarting the phone after connecting to wifi but no luck. any pointers?
Sounds like they use a portal system which requires logon and doesn't play nice with the Captivate's browser. Unfortunately many such portal systems are written poorly and I've even seen some that only work with Internet Explorer.
You could try a different browser on the Captivate. Dolphin allows spoofing assorted User Agents, which might help.
Hey guys, I have the same problem connecting to m school's network login page. It would say connected but the website always says cant be found. But the good news is that I found a way to connect to it manually! What you need is your captivate and friends iphone 4 or 3gs. First have use your friends iphone to connect to the wifi and then go into wifi settings. You should see 2 DNS address, Ip address, netmask (subnet mask) and router address. Now jot those addresses down except the ip address. Go to settings->wireless and network->Wi-Fi settings->now tap the bottom left button under the samsung logo and click advanced. Now check use static ip. Do not enter anything for your ip address just yet (we will do this last). Now enter router address into gateway, subnet mask into netmask, DNS1 to DNS1 and DNS2 to DNS2. ok when you are done click back and tap the network you want to connect to. Once you are connected jot down your ip address by taping the network once more. now go back to where the static ip was and input the ip address you just jot down into the ip address underneath use static ip. Disconnect and reconnect to the desired network. You may have to do this a few times or reboot your phone. This has been working for me so far around different buildings but with the same school network connection. I hope this helps cheers!
sremick said:
Sounds like they use a portal system which requires logon and doesn't play nice with the Captivate's browser. Unfortunately many such portal systems are written poorly and I've even seen some that only work with Internet Explorer.
You could try a different browser on the Captivate. Dolphin allows spoofing assorted User Agents, which might help.
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Yeah, my school uses the Bradford dissovable agent. Funny thing is, some connections work perfectly, others not at all. Technically none should work, and sometimes I feel that maybe I should tell them that sometimes somehow it is possible to bypass the whole agent thing- but why rock the boat just yet
Does it need a proxy to work? If so, this app is amazing.
I figured it out a month ago, and it is actually petty easy. But you really have to change ip address manually, usually just the last number.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App

PPTP encryption fix (getting close)

For anyone interested in playing with it, I have built the ppp_mppe.ko module that is missing to make the PPTP with encryption work. My initial testing shows that it connects and passes traffic. Unfortunately, after a few minutes it stops passing traffic but remains connected. I need to investigate the logs...
To try it, open a terminal, cd to the folder where you stored it, su (YOU NEED ROOT), "insmod ppp_mppe.ko", and then go try an encrypted VPN PPTP connection. Mine failed the first time, and then worked on subsequent connections.
e081820061574b1ab1188294e62e1cff ppp_mppe.ko
I'm curious to see if anyone here cares about this and how it works for you.
I'm really interested in make my VPN work. I'm using CM7 on Galaxy Tab. I don't think your module was made for my kernel.
Is this ever going to be fixed? I'm able to connect to my PPTP VPN provider, and it requires encryption. I can ping out for a while... but as soon as I open the browser or other app the actually uses the net the pings stop and connection stops transmitting, although still connected. So frustrating...
Yeah, the module isn't going to work on other devices.
I get the same result as you when I do a PPTP connection. Actually when I posted this I hadn't dug deep enough to find that this was a long standing problem, and I just figured that getting the module loaded in would fix it.
Seems like this module should be where the bug is, but I haven't had time to look at it more closely. Apparently there aren't enough people that care about this feature.
Looks like this problem is related to the MTU. I can send/rcv 1380 byte pings, but anything bigger causes the connection to quit working. I'm thinking that rebuilding pppd with a lower MTU might be interesting, but I need to get set up to do that. pppd does not pay attention to config files, and mtpd, akaik, doesn't pass an mtu/mru arg to it.
velocityfactor said:
Looks like this problem is related to the MTU. I can send/rcv 1380 byte pings, but anything bigger causes the connection to quit working. I'm thinking that rebuilding pppd with a lower MTU might be interesting, but I need to get set up to do that. pppd does not pay attention to config files, and mtpd, akaik, doesn't pass an mtu/mru arg to it.
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I have come across this blog with some mtpd command line examples, see if it helps on manually connecting with custom MTUs.
I also tried a couple suggestions of changing MTU on the eth0 to 1480 and 1380 before and after connecting to the VPN, without any success. Also tried different MTUs on ppp0 after connection also with no success.
I just wanted to say that even though this stuff is far too above my head for me to contribute, thanks for working on this!
Now I can keep daydreaming about turning my phone into a PPTP server...
I understand that this thread hasn't been active for a while, however, I do want to say thanks for this! With the provided module, I was finally able to connect to our VPN server using PPTP with encryption. In fact, I was able to do so as well over 4G. I read through several threads on various sites regarding the commonality of this issue and possible firewall NAT restrictions on Verizon's behalf. It seems it was just a module needed that fixed all this.
On a side note, I haven't had the connection dropped so far. I'm about 1000 ping sequence in and connectivity is still up and running. Not sure if this is an effective means of validation it.
If it helps others looking into this issue as well, note, that I've tried virtually all available kernels as of date to this posting. Nothing worked. This module was the only thing that granted access to our VPN server.
Update: Spoke to soon. After attempting to log into a server, data was no longer able to pass through.
I'm glad to hear it has helped you. It didn't turn out to help me.
To test it further, I suggest you pass some real traffic over it. Regular ping traffic doesn't cause the loss of connection that I'm familiar with. If it continues to work, count yourself lucky, and you might want to convince your favorite kernel builder (imnuts, maybe) to include that module.
I spent some time looking into the dropped connection issue and was not successful at finding a solution. What I think I learned is that when the pptp server handles a packet larger than the mru and fragments the packet, the first fragment decrypts ok, but the second fragment decrypts to junk. It's supposed to be stateless encryption, but all subsequent packets silently fail to decrypt. Thus, all traffic stops moving and the link eventually times out.
This problem only seems to affect the reception of packets. The outgoing traffic seems to be unaffected.
The PPP and MPPE code in the froyo kernel is unchanged from that in the mainstream Linux kernel. My Ubuntu desktop can do PPTP with MPPE no problem. So why can't froyo?
This was absorbing too much of my time, so I finally gave in and set up L2TP.
velocityfactor said:
The PPP and MPPE code in the froyo kernel is unchanged from that in the mainstream Linux kernel. My Ubuntu desktop can do PPTP with MPPE no problem. So why can't froyo?
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I'm not entirely sure if froyo's at fault as I was able to confirm with a few of my colleagues that they were able to VPN with PPTP just fine on their non-charge device that's on froyo. Additionally, I even tried the GB leak but ended up with the same results.
velocityfactor said:
This was absorbing too much of my time, so I finally gave in and set up L2TP.
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Thanks for taking a stab at this though. It does seem that there isn't a big call for this feature within the community; a huge bummer for those that does need it.
Problem details
I have this problem with my HTC Inspire 4G and I've been researching it a lot.
The error reported on PPTP server side suggests that Android PPTP client tries to negotiate unsupported protocol:
pppd: Protocol-Reject for unsupported protocol 0xxx
but it is a misleading message since initially the protocol is negotiated correctly and the connection is established. Only after several dozens of frames are transmitted the error appears and it repeats with different value of unsupported protocol in the message.
Since then the PPTP tunnel is out of sync and Android client sends effectively random octets from the MPPE encryption module.
I will include links here to Web pages with details FYI if you are interested in more details about it.
velocityfactor said:
This was absorbing too much of my time, so I finally gave in and set up L2TP.
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Interesting that PPTP failed you, but L2TP worked. I had the opposite experience. A stock unrooted Android 2.2.2 connected to a debian pptpd just fine, mostly with default settings. (although I didn't go as far as to route traffic, just confirmed that there's an encrypted connection)
But it's ipsec that doesn't work for me. Would you please post the L2TP server configuration that works for you?
I'll post the PPTP server settings if anyone is interested.
The PPTP doesn't fail until you send traffic. Specifically, it works ok until you send a large packet that get fragmented. Then it seems the encryption becomes out of sync and things go downhill from there.
My L2TP is running on Windows Server just using default settings, so nothing to post really.
This thread should probably be closed since it doesn't really relate to the Charge specifically and the fix isn't "getting close" afaik.
At this point, I essentially gave up on PPTP on the Charge (more specifically, Froyo and Gingerbread), but I did some testing on ICS the Galaxy Nexus. The Galaxy Nexus works fine with my DD-WRT PPTP server. I didn't notice any issues with it.
But yeah, on both Froyo and Gingerbread I could get a PPTP connection to link up, but no traffic would pass.
Thankfully it seems that Google got it right with ICS, now I just have to spend more money on an ICS phone to get the features they advertise
Perhaps ICS will roll out to the Charge, but I'm not going to bet the farm on it. It would be interesting to try PPTP connectivity on JT's ICS build, but I do need the cellular radios to work so I haven't gotten around to trying it yet.
xdadevnube said:
At this point, I essentially gave up on PPTP on the Charge (more specifically, Froyo and Gingerbread), but I did some testing on ICS the Galaxy Nexus. The Galaxy Nexus works fine with my DD-WRT PPTP server. I didn't notice any issues with it.
But yeah, on both Froyo and Gingerbread I could get a PPTP connection to link up, but no traffic would pass.
Thankfully it seems that Google got it right with ICS, now I just have to spend more money on an ICS phone to get the features they advertise
Perhaps ICS will roll out to the Charge, but I'm not going to bet the farm on it. It would be interesting to try PPTP connectivity on JT's ICS build, but I do need the cellular radios to work so I haven't gotten around to trying it yet.
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I think samsung screwed it up more than the OS.
xdadevnube said:
At this point, I essentially gave up on PPTP on the Charge (more specifically, Froyo and Gingerbread), but I did some testing on ICS the Galaxy Nexus. The Galaxy Nexus works fine with my DD-WRT PPTP server. I didn't notice any issues with it.
But yeah, on both Froyo and Gingerbread I could get a PPTP connection to link up, but no traffic would pass.
Thankfully it seems that Google got it right with ICS, now I just have to spend more money on an ICS phone to get the features they advertise
Perhaps ICS will roll out to the Charge, but I'm not going to bet the farm on it. It would be interesting to try PPTP connectivity on JT's ICS build, but I do need the cellular radios to work so I haven't gotten around to trying it yet.
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Interesting, as my galaxy nexus on 4.0.4 is unable to effectively access my ddwrt based pptp Vpn server. With mppe encryption enabled, it won't connect at all. With encryption disabled, it connects but incoming traffic stalls like many people above mentioned. Nothing on the remote wan or remote LAN seem to be accessible from the phone as best as I can tell.
Ddwrt vpn server is configured correctly as my windows 7 PC can connect to it without a problem.
Haadkoe said:
Interesting, as my galaxy nexus on 4.0.4 is unable to effectively access my ddwrt based pptp Vpn server. With mppe encryption enabled, it won't connect at all. With encryption disabled, it connects but incoming traffic stalls like many people above mentioned. Nothing on the remote wan or remote LAN seem to be accessible from the phone as best as I can tell.
Ddwrt vpn server is configured correctly as my windows 7 PC can connect to it without a problem.
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I dunno, but I just got it working on ICS 4.03 CleanROM Kang Tapped Edition for the HTC Rezound.
MPPE enabled.
It passes traffic, can browse the web, copy files from a network share. Connectivity does not get lost.
It does use the remote gateway.
I didn't check on if it was possible to set a local gateway.
Anyways, I've been waiting for this damned feature for quite some time.
If all you want to do is access your PC's files, I suggest PocketCloud Explore.
It is pretty tight.
Haadkoe said:
Interesting, as my galaxy nexus on 4.0.4 is unable to effectively access my ddwrt based pptp Vpn server. With mppe encryption enabled, it won't connect at all. With encryption disabled, it connects but incoming traffic stalls like many people above mentioned. Nothing on the remote wan or remote LAN seem to be accessible from the phone as best as I can tell.
Ddwrt vpn server is configured correctly as my windows 7 PC can connect to it without a problem.
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there is a specific way to force Encryption on the PPTP server on ddwrt
More info.
Okay, for anybody interested, I did get successful VPN with encryption working on the Droid Charge with an app called VPNRoot:
Plus, this allows one to have no pin or pattern unlock, no lock screen at all actually.
It worked for me on both the Droid Charge with Tweakstock 2.0 and the HTC Rezound with an ICS ROM.
I paid for the pro version of the VPNRoot app by donating to the dev. Now I finally have the feature I wanted over a year ago when I got my Charge.
ICS works with VPN, but you have to have a pin or pattern lockscreen on your phone. If you disable the lockscreen with NoLock or via a tweak, you still have to enter your pin or pattern every time you click a notification....
VPNRoot does exactly what I want. For some reason at first I had trouble with it, but the latest version seemed to fix all the issues.
I haven't done thorough testing on speed yet, but hopefully will soon.
xdadevnube said:
Okay, for anybody interested, I did get successful VPN with encryption working on the Droid Charge with an app called VPNRoot:
Plus, this allows one to have no pin or pattern unlock, no lock screen at all actually.
It worked for me on both the Droid Charge with Tweakstock 2.0 and the HTC Rezound with an ICS ROM.
I paid for the pro version of the VPNRoot app by donating to the dev. Now I finally have the feature I wanted over a year ago when I got my Charge.
ICS works with VPN, but you have to have a pin or pattern lockscreen on your phone. If you disable the lockscreen with NoLock or via a tweak, you still have to enter your pin or pattern every time you click a notification....
VPNRoot does exactly what I want. For some reason at first I had trouble with it, but the latest version seemed to fix all the issues.
I haven't done thorough testing on speed yet, but hopefully will soon.
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VPNRoot works great, thanks! I have the same issue on my Hyundai T7 with android 4.0.4, times out connecting to my VPN, but this app solves that problem.
I'm using vpn root on a s4 with stock ics firmware.
it can connect but times out all the time.
I can do google searches fine but trying to load any Web page just hangs.
have a pptp vpn on dd-wrt.
is there any settings I need to change?

vpn issue -server hungup

Is anyone having problem connecting to vpn with transformer? My iphone can connect on the same wifi network, so it may not be the firewall or port forward issue. Any clue? Getting error -server hungup.
golam1 said:
Is anyone having problem connecting to vpn with transformer? My iphone can connect on the same wifi network, so it may not be the firewall or port forward issue. Any clue? Getting error -server hungup.
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I have several PPTP connections setup and working on my Transformer. In order for people here to help, you'll probably need to provide more details:
What type of VPN connection is giving you trouble? PPTP, L2TP, IPSEC?
What type of firewall or device are you trying to connect to? SonicWall, Watchguard, pfSense, etc
What is the verbatim error message you are getting? is it really just "server hungup"?
Can you provide any log files from the VPN server that you are trying to connect to that shows where the failure is?
I've tried both on PPTP and L2TP. The exact wording of the error message is 'Server hung up. The username and password you entered could be incorrect'. The same configuration works on my iphone and 2 other computers on the same wifi network.
Unfortunately, without being able to see log files from the device you are trying to connect to I could only make a wild guess as to what is happening.
The problem I find most frequently with PPTP connections is comming up with a combination of authentication and encryption protocols that are supported on both the client and host.
The only thing I could suggest would be to try changing some of the encryption options at both ends of the connection and see what happens.
Android dosen't support MSCHAP on PPTP, said in a different way, dosen't support encryption. Also it's a very recent issue, it's been there only since 1.6
Get encryption disabled on the server and everything will be alright. Lol.
(sarcasm: VPN support has been added in 1.6)
Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk
i already tried disabling encryption...didn't work. How do I get the log? Sorry if I sound novice.
golam1 said:
i already tried disabling encryption...didn't work. How do I get the log? Sorry if I sound novice.
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Disabled on Android or on the server? On Android only it's pointless
Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk
I use VPN L2PT every day @ starbucks
No Issues
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
I use pptp vpn for iphone connectivity it is good and fast
"server hungup" means you have a bad username/password combo
is there a way to clear just the network settings like iphone in Honeycomb without loosing the data?

Samsung - VPN Issues

As a new XDA user involved with development, but unable to post in the development boards because of minimum post restrictions, I am going to drop some general information here (getting my post count up). This is also an attempt to see how many people are frustrated with the VPN connectivity on Samsung Platforms and desire a kernel fix.
An inability to connect to a VPN concentrator, or a seemingly successful connection with a failure to pass traffic across the tunnel. You can observe the behavior by connecting to your VPN, having the interface report a successful connection, but when you attempt to access resources on the other side of the tunnel you will not be able to reach them. When you view the status of the VPN connection, you will see that no packets were encrypted and passed along the tunnel.
While I cant rule out a configuration error in every case, I can in mine. Samsung was/is creating kernels for GB and ICS with a slimmed down version of ipsec-tools/racoon. Without getting to technical, this is the module responsible for negotiating the multiple phases necessary for a fully functional VPN tunnel. Because it is slimmed down, IPsec-Tools lacks its usual level of configuration necessary to support a wider range of VPN encryption types.
Sorry, for all of you vanilla/non rooted users (really, who is that here anyway?) there is no fix. For everyone else, we need a kernel (the version depends on your rom) with a full version of IPSec-Tools baked in.
Let me know what you people think, the more responses the better my chances of getting this put together. Feel free to also give me a tl:dr
PS: I already tried and failed at compiling this myself, if anyone knows of any good places to start learning a bit more about kernel compiling please drop it here or PM me.
Thanks, I thought the problem was in my router. I am using a Linksys router with DD-WRT on it, and thought the problem was on that end.
Hawkeye9723 said:
Thanks, I thought the problem was in my router. I am using a Linksys router with DD-WRT on it, and thought the problem was on that end.
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Could be, what version of android are you on? Were you experiencing the behavior above, successful connect and no packets transmitted? Usually dd-wrt wants you to setup the vpn as SSL IPsec (RSA Certificate). I have not yet given tried that implementation but have been attempting IPsec + xAuth PSK (3des encryption).
I have in the past configured dd-wrt to work successfully using the "VPN (the easy way)" on the dd-wrt site (sorry, I'm not allowed to post hyperlinks yet).
It would be great if we could get VPN running like it should. Would make my life a ton easier for work, I wouldn't need to carry around my laptop just to diagnose a tiny problem.
PsyCl0ne said:
It would be great if we could get VPN running like it should. Would make my life a ton easier for work, I wouldn't need to carry around my laptop just to diagnose a tiny problem.
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As an IT professional, that's my motivation as well. Been following all of the leaks and releases, no fix yet. Looks like we'll have to take matters into our own hands.
I haven't tried in on ICS yet. I was running the stock GB. It would connect, bu could not access anything on my home network. I also could not access anything on the internet. Trying to access the router config page would just timeout. I had dd-wrt set up using PPTP.
Yeah, could be the same issue.
Don't mean to patronizing, if I am I apologize...
Did you try setting the advanced options? See attached image.
Leave the DNS settings alone. Try adding the forwarding route ie. If your router address is, put in that field ( or should work too).
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda premium
this issue exists on most samsung phones, from GB to ICS - not sure about JB.
ipsec is broken

