How can i disable the dialpad vibration on my lg my touch 4g i am running gingerbread
theres an option under languages and keypad in settings then under droid keypad or lg keypad depending on witch one your using.
is there a program here where it makes my phone vibrate when i dial numbers?
Touch Response covers the entire phone - I'm using Iconsoft PhonEx which has an option for the dial pad to have vibra/short tones/long tones/off.
You can configure touch response the way you like.
Hello peeps!
Has any1 here ever successfully managed to disable the awful 8 icon landscape panel the raphael switches to whenever you slide out the keyboard?
Know it's possible as it can be activated on Diamond so it's just the opposite, search for activate landscape action screen diamond or the likes.
Another option is to Hard-SPL your phone and update ROM to TF3D 2.1 as it has lanscape
Is the default on-screen keyboard an ASUS one ? if so how do i change to the default honetcomb one ?
Long press just seems to bring up copy/paste selection
settings > language & input > current input method
when your typing there will be a new notification on the bottom that looks like a keyboard, press that and you can swtich between any activated keyboards.
im just happy the swype style input is there in default keyboard loved it on my galaxy s
I'm running CM7 which has the ability to interface with Bluetooth keyboards. I have a Bluetooth numeric keypad, and it correctly syncs with my EVO. The key scancodes are accurately detected once synced.
Basically, I wanted to know if it is possible to send an event to a soft keyboard. The HTC soft keyboard IME has a T9 keyboard setting, and I wanted to link the scancodes of my physical keypad to the T9 softkeys. However, I don't have any idea how to interact with the soft keyboard IME and set up a key map. If anyone has some ideas, that would be most helpful.
Thanks! phone keyboard on sms vibrate even i have close vibrate with setting..pls hlp...
Go to Android Settings>Language & Input>Android Keyboard and unclick "Vibrate on keypress"