[Guide] Windows XP - Fresh Dev Computer setup. - T-Mobile myTouch 4G Slide

Post 1 - Pre(r)amble
Post 2 - Setting up the Windows XP environment
Post 3 - Time to make some backups
Post 4 - Install Android SDK on WinXP
Post 5 - Getting started: Using the SDK
Post 6 - Other programs to consider
Post 7 - doubleshot Specifics.
This is the time of year where people just decide to buy a new computer, for those computers that are 5-10 years old. Instead of letting that old box go to waste, just reformat and install a fresh copy of Windows XP on it and have a fantastic dev box. Most people just throw out their 'old' computer if it's that old, and with a new computer being cheap this time of year someone you know might be doing this.
Don't let it hit a landfill when it could be put to work as a machine you can do anything you want to in learning how to develop for Android... all without impacting your current expectations of use in your current computing environment.
Windows XP being about a decade old now, you probably have one or more copies of it laying around, but this guide is a Windows XP Home version. Obviously being the most basic version, any other version of Windows XP will work as well or better.
If you just want to re-install your Windows XP computer fresh what follows is one method.
This is a long read, but it's recommended to read through it before following along. If you don't have the time to read through it, you certainly don't have time to do it.
Not all of the mentioned software is freeware. Please check licensing requirements of all software before using.
Also, this guide is not quite finished, but there is enough here to get started with - i'll get the rest in when I get time.

Setting up the Windows XP environment
Post 1 - Pre(r)amble
Post 2 - Setting up the Windows XP environment
Post 3 - Time to make some backups
Post 4 - Install Android SDK on WinXP
Post 5 - Getting started: Using the SDK
Post 6 - Other programs to consider
Post 7 - doubleshot Specifics.
So, just got ahold of a cast-off desktop recently, you know, one that was new sometime in the last decade ... owner upgraded and had no use for it. It's a 32-bit system and doesn't have crazy specs... and that's just fine for what we will be doing with it.
Compaq Presario SR1750NX
Amd Athlon 3500+ 2.2 GHz processor
512 MB of RAM.
A lot of this stuff is pretty lightweight if you approach it the right way - both for you and the machine.
It's really easy to bog down your system if you install things in a less efficient manner. Chances are you didn't even know it was done out of order since a lot of us are self taught simply because we're curious.
This stuff is all a lot of fun, but you only learn what you come across. There may very well be gaps in knowledge that you don't even realize you have - it's a problem I run into all the time. This document hopes to fill those gaps in setting up a Windows XP system to work on, because we all just want to have fun with this.
Who wants to spend time cleaning up after a bad install that would've been fine if the order of something was just different? So here is a pretty detailed step by step on how I built a Windows XP machine up from a freshly formatted hard drive.
You would be expected to know how to install Windows XP on your computer, that is not covered, but I pick up right after a fresh install. This is not the only way to set it up, and I do focus on taking your time and doing it by the book.
If you have never installed Windows XP before, you may want to become comfortable with that before doing so. Bootdisk.com may be a good place to start looking some information up - but you can scan down and pick up changes you can make or add to an existing install as well from this guide.
Since I just went through setting up a dev computer from scratch on Windows XP, I figured i'd lay out the steps I took for others to refer to. I've learned so much in such a short time - thanks to XDA and helpful people here. Writing these guides is helping me summarize what i've learned and lock the knowledge in, I do this anyway as part of my learning process. Having a place to share them where other people can make use of the information is fantastic, and i'm glad to be able to conribute something to a place that has helped me so much.
Here is a link to another Windows XP setup description I wrote for MicroSD card testing in the Nook Color forums that may be worth referencing: MicroSD Test Environment
Reboot = Save
- In Windows, when you make changes to the system - such as adding or removing programs or changing system settings, those changes are not saved until you successfully write all of the data from RAM back to disk. A reboot or power off the right way accomplishes this. Given that if this operation fails, the install is questionable, it seems like rebooting after every program or every other makes sense - especially ones that add shortcut menu functions.
Do not plug the doubleshot into the computer until prompted to do so by the guide to ensure the right drivers are installed the first time.
Windows XP Initial Configuration.
1 - Install Windows XP fresh.
2 - Ensure all necessary drivers for the computer are installed, rebooting as necessary.
3 - Plug in USB HDD/Flash drive, or any cds and so forth that may have Microsoft Updates or drivers for Windows XP and install these.
4 - Run disk cleanup, and disk defragmenter.
5 - Reboot the computer.
Introducing the doubleshot to the desktop computer:
Done in this specific order it lets Windows XP install the correct drivers the first time you plug the doubleshot in to the desktop machine.
1 - Install the doubleshot Fastboot Drivers.
2 - Install HTC Sync. *Complete install.
3 - Reboot computer.
4 - Exit HTC Sync
5 - Plug doubleshot in to the computer through USB for the first time.
6 - Allow windows to find and install the phone completely.
7 - Safely eject the phone from the computer.
8 - Reboot the computer.
9 - Exit HTC Sync.
1 - Reboot the doubleshot.
* - Optimal performance on a fresh install of your current ROM or a factory reset on stock prior to first talking to the computer.
Not mandatory. You will have an all around better dev experience just starting fresh with a clean slate across both computer and device, from most development standpoints.
NOTE: Always make sure to always exit HTC Sync on the computer before connecting the doubleshot.
NOTE 2: If the doubleshot is the storage medium for getting the fastboot drivers and HTC Sync program on the computer, do this to make sure the drivers are installed before connecting the doubleshot the first time:
0 - Download the driver files on to the MicroSD card on the device.
1 - Power down the doubleshot.
2 - Remove the battery cover, and the battery.
3 - Eject the MicroSD card from the phone.
4 - Use your USB card reader to plug the MicroSD card in to the computer. It will load drivers for the card reader the first time you plug it in, so let that finish before proceeding.
5 - Copy the doubleshot Fastboot Drivers and HTC Sync program from the MicroSD card to the desktop of the computer.
6 - Safely eject the MicroSD card from the computer.
7 - Insert the MicroSD card back in to doubleshot, then replace the battery.
8 - Power the doubleshot back on.
9 - Install the drivers in the order listed above, making sure not to connect the doubleshot until called for.
This will ensure that Windows installs the correct drivers the first time the doubleshot is connected to the computer. You won't have to uninstall a generic driver Windows may have tried to use instead.
Using the doubleshot as a local wifi access point:
NOTE: This will work on a non-rooted stock doubleshot.
You can use the doubleshot's wifi and usb cable to your desktop to connect to your wifi router. If your dev box is in an inconvenient location and you have a wifi network, the doubleshot itself provides the solution.
After introducing the doubleshot correctly to your computer, and having safely disconnected and rebooted both, do this:
1 - Enable wifi and connect the doubleshot to your wifi network.
2 - Plug the doubleshot in to your computer.
3 - Go to Settings -> "Wireless & Networks" and select "Internet Pass-through"
3A - Give it a moment to properly set up the function on your computer
3B - Un-check "Internet Pass-through", let it all close out.
4 - Select "USB tethering", give it a moment to start up.
4A - Make sure the USB tethering setting is set to Windows first.
On the computer:
5 - Right click the "My Network Places" icon and select "Properties"
5B - Alternate: Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> "Network Connections"
6 - Right click on your HTC connection, select "Properties"
7 - Click the "Advanced tab", then click the Windows Firewall "Settings" button.
8 - Turn the firewall off, select "OK" back to the "Network Connections" window and close it.
You should now be connected to your home wifi network using the doubleshot as a local wifi access point.
NOTE: When doing updates to the computer, you will need to select "restart later" and then safely eject the doubleshot before turning off the computer.
Follow these steps:
0 - Choose "restart later"
1 - Turn off "USB tethering" on the device.
2 - Safely eject the doubleshot from the computer.
3 - Unplug the doubleshot.
4 - Then reboot the computer.
This procedure is how I got my desktop box on the internet at my house without running a cable, though I did have it plugged in to the router direct for the Windows Updates part. The rest of the guide I did through the doubleshot as the bridge between my desktop and the wifi router. Pretty cool
This will work without a SIM card, you just need a wifi home network.
Updating the Windows XP computer:
Connect to Windows Update, and bring all critical updates current. Reboot as necessary.
NOTE: If you have redistributable update packages saved to cd or other media, installing them first before connecting to Windows Update will save a lot of time.
Make sure to keep checking back until it says no critical updates are remaining. Make sure all drivers are up to date.
Also get:
* - .net framework 4.0 update.
* - Recommend the other .net frameworks available for compatibility.
* - Internet Exploerer 8.
After the final updates are complete, and no new critical updates need to be installed, reboot the computer again even if it doesn't ask you to.
1 - Right click "My Computer" and select "Properties" to display the "System Properties" window.
1B - Alternate: Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> "System"
2 - Click the "Advanced" tab.
3 - Under "Performance", click "Settings"
4 - Choose "Adjust for best performance" and click "OK", then "OK" again to acknowledge the changes in the "System Properties" window.
5 - Set any preferred display settings, choose a different background if desired.
6 - Run "Disk Cleanup" and then "Disk Defragmenter".
7 - Reboot the computer.
8 - Install Google Chrome Browser and make it default.
9 - Reboot the computer.
Final Programs: Download and Install
1 - Download and install Notepad-plus-plus. Reboot the computer when install finishes.
2 - Download and install 7-Zip. Reboot the computer when install finishes.
3 - Download and install the Bulk Rename Utility. Reboot the computer when install finishes.
4 - Download and install the Revolutionary: S-OFF & Recovery Tool 0.4pre4
5 - Run "Disk Cleanup" and then "Disk Defragmenter".
6 - Reboot the computer.
7 - Stop. Follow the directions below to wrap up the Windows XP Initial Setup.
Wrapping up Part 1:
We have done all of our Windows Updates, and installed the other necessary Microsoft packages to continue. We have also set up the computer to talk to the doubleshot. Some system settings were configured and you basically have a fresh Windows XP computer waiting for you to build on it. We will use Chrome as our browser, but keep Internet Explorer for the ftp capabilities. A few necessary dev programs have been installed.
Now is a good time to plug in a USB hard drive or from other media add any graphics to your "My Pictures" folder in "My Documents".
Also add any current project files and other programs you may have downloaded previously.
Install a cd-burning program of your choice, if applicable. If not, when you see a recommendation to make a cd-backup, use some other media instead.
Now would also be the time to install a disk imaging utility of your choice, if you plan on using one. Make your first system image now.
This is also a good time to create a system restore point if you are using them.

Time to make some backups
Post 1 - Pre(r)amble
Post 2 - Setting up the Windows XP environment
Post 3 - Time to make some backups
Post 4 - Install Android SDK on WinXP
Post 5 - Getting started: Using the SDK
Post 6 - Other programs to consider
Post 7 - doubleshot Specifics.
Time to make some backups:
This post is dedicated to a lot of the things i've backed up at this point. Let's go over that for a post and get ourselves all set up in that department.
I have laid out some recommendations for what to put on your backup cds to get started. We choose optical media as the preferred type of backup, and then try to bring it down to the most universal level.
Since Windows XP will run on machines that didn't necessarily come with even a DVD reader standard, or it may have burnt out, you should at least be able to come up with a plain-jane cd-rom drive.
This also has the benefit of not installing random USB devices to our system after a fresh Windows XP install if we don't want to.
Bootdisk.com is a good resource for some tools you may wish to include on some of these disks or others you make.
Remember - spaces are bad in your file and folder names.
Connect everything with either an:
Underscore _
Hyphen -
Try to refrain from using:
Period . It may trick something down the line to look for a non-existent file extension.
Any odd characters or symbols. Numbers, letters, hyphens and underscores can make your whole file and folder names. Let's make everything easy for everybody.
Windows XP users should:
Try to hold true to the 8.3 rule as much as feasable. Old DOS rule of length for filename.extension
While not often possible on bigger projects, keep this in mind in striving for the maximum range of readability and compatibility whenever you can. Simple is better.
[B]8.3 example:[/B]
1 through 8 = Filename
Period . = Switch telling the computer to read next the file type.
1 through 3 = File Extension - tells the computer what type of file it is and how to read it.
[B]Simple Folder ( Directory ) examples:[/B]
[B]Simple File examples:[/B]
[B]Folder ( Directory ) examples:[/B]
[B]File examples:[/B]
Empty spaces between parts of your filename may not seem like a big deal if you've always worked within a Windows environment. Try to get away from this.
If you are starting with a fresh approach, and a fresh system new and ready, try keeping it as simple as possible when you can. Make sure not to make things too generic and lose organization - hyphens and underscores become your friend.
Some other operating systems you may use or need to use will not be so forgiving of empty spaces as Windows XP.
If you share files with people on other operating systems, or one day need to switch over yourself, you will find not having a naming issue is ... a hurdle you have overcome with knowledge.
Recommended Backup cds to Burn:
5 total cds at less then 700MB each.
Three tips:
1 - Recommended to copy the web link and keep it with the software for reference.
2 - Also make sure to copy any license files with the program when you download it ( PDF, txt and so forth ) as a seperate file and keep it with the software.
3 - Each software package should have it's own folder and should have at minimum the software, license and internet shortcut to the author or company web page. The internet shortcut ensures that support goes to the right place and credit goes where it should.
Drivers Disks:
2 Disks Listed.
Disk_D01 - PC Drivers
- All current drivers for Windows XP for the computer from the manufacturer.
- All current drivers for Windows XP from the manufacturers of any aftermarket parts or peripherals.
- Notepad-plus-plus
- 7-Zip
- Bulk Rename Utility
Disk_D02 - doubleshot Drivers
- HTC doubleshot User Manual
- Revolutionary: S-OFF & Recovery Tool
- doubleshot Fastboot Drivers
- HTC Sync
- Stock doubleshot recovery image
- Clockworkmod
- Notepad-plus-plus
- 7-Zip
- Bulk Rename Utility
- And as much documentation as you want.
Microsoft Updates and Software:
3 Disks Listed.
Disk_M01 - Microsoft Redistributables 1 - Service Pack 3
- Windows XP Service Pack 3 Redistributable
- Windows XP Service Pck 3 Debug Build
- Windows Installer 4.5 Redistributable
Disk_M02 - Microsoft .Net Frameworks
- Microsoft .Net Framework 1.1 Redistributable
- Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 Redistributable
- Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 Redistributable
- Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 Redistributable
- Microsoft .Net 4 Standalone Installer
- Microsoft .NET Framework Client Profile Offline Installer
Disk_M03 - Microsoft Updates
- Other Microsoft updates or software packages that are user specific.
- Includes service pack and security updates for Microsoft Office if used.
- DirectX End-User Runtimes
Backup Notes:
If you took the time to read the guide through first, before following it, you will see that making these cds first if possible will save you a considerable amount of setup time. Since you will already have on hand some of what you would get through Windows Update the download time is shorter and you are less traffic on the server.
If you do this several times a week you should have whatever redistributable Microsoft Update software packages available on disk to allow others that bandwidth to connect to Microsoft Update.
You will also have on hand some of the necessary programs to get your dev station started, even if you install completely off-line.
If your computer has a burner, even just a cd burner, which is very likely... and given how cheap a cd is... the value of having these few cds containing the software they do sitting next to your computer is pretty sizable.
This is a development computer, one set aside and at any given time you might decide to do this process over from scratch and use different tools. You want to be able to install any drivers from a flash drive at least, but cd preferably. Installing from a cd doesn't have to contaminate the fresh Windows XP installation with device drivers for an aftermarket USB device, as they are installed on first use of one. The cd as optical media is the cleanest entry method of data to a fresh computer, and it can be done without internet or network access.
Sometimes this is desireable, the offline part speaks for itself, but your dev project may force you to be conscious of the USB card reader installing drivers like in the thread I linked to above where I was testing USB drives and MicroSD cards. That's a perfect example of how one driver installed in the wrong order could throw a whole test, and they have to be kept track of by the serial number of the device physically in front of you - I had to make sure I tested the USB Readers themselves evenly in addition to the MicroSD cards.
Your development computer is whatever environment you need it to be, and you should be prepared to change it from project to project.
Windows - install fresh as often as feasable for best use. The longer it's installed, the more unstable it becomes. You basically avoid all the problems people suffer who have their computer longer then a year by never having your operating system installed that long.
Windows version of the iPhone "you're holding it wrong" speech.
This is one method among many, but strives to reach the lowest common denominator in compatibility. These cd backups should not be your only ones.
Feel free to reply to this thread with links that would fit and be helpful here. I'll cycle them up as I can.

Install Android SDK on WinXP
Post 1 - Pre(r)amble
Post 2 - Setting up the Windows XP environment
Post 3 - Time to make some backups
Post 4 - Install Android SDK on WinXP
Post 5 - Getting started: Using the SDK
Post 6 - Other programs to consider
Post 7 - doubleshot Specifics.
How-to: Install the Android SDK on a Windows XP machine.
First, read the Android SDK Requirements.
Then go to the Android SDK download page. Download both the Installer and the Zip.
Then go to the Java JDK download page. Download the Java SE 6 Update 30 package.
Backup the three downloads (Java JDK, Android SDK installer and Zip.)
Next, install the Java JDK 6. Just follow the instructions on-screen and it'll all be great.
Reboot the computer.
Now, install the Android SDK installer package.
I like to change the default path to
This makes it easier to call on the tools involved, saving you from typing a longer path into the command line every time.
Once this finishes installing, you will need to update the install.
It should automatically open the Android SDK Manager, which is what you use to download your SDK packages.
You need to get the Platform-Tools package, at the very least, and also make sure to get each API all the way back to 2.3.3 to work with the doubleshot.
(unfinished - more forthcoming...)

Getting started: Using the SDK
Post 1 - Pre(r)amble
Post 2 - Setting up the Windows XP environment
Post 3 - Time to make some backups
Post 4 - Install Android SDK on WinXP
Post 5 - Getting started: Using the SDK
Post 6 - Other programs to consider
Post 7 - doubleshot Specifics.
All set up: What can I do with it?
First, you should familiarize yourself with the tools at your disposal.
You can find ddms in your Tools folder of the Android SDK. This is the Dalvik Debug Monitor, and will teach you a lot about your device. Double click this and it launches a terminal window, which loads a graphical user interface. Launch after the Android is connected to the computer, but it can function being open prior to plugging in the device. You should play with this and see what you can learn.
adb is a command you find in the Platform-Tools folder of the Android SDK. It is the Android Debug Bridge, and is a way of interacting with your device through the computer. This is the folder you should be in when using the command.
One initial thought: The app Wifi ADB By: ttxapps is something to consider before you go plugging in your cable a hundred times a day and stressing the connection point. You can use the WifiADB app for most of your adb functions wirelessly over the same network your dev computer is attached to.
Go and read my Backup Guide for a very in-depth explanation of how to use the adb "pull" command in post 1.
You may then find learning other adb commands to be easier, having had one focused explanation.
To get you started with adb:
[LIST][*] - [B]adb help[/B]
[*] - [B]adb devices[/B]
[*] - [B]adb remount[/B]
- remounts the /system partition on the device read-write.
[*] - [B]adb push <local> <remote>[/B]
- copy to device.
[*] - [B]adb pull <remote> <local>[/B]
- copy from device.[/LIST]
Here are three graphics tutorials I wrote that can make use of the Android SDK and other tools mentioned in this thread:
1 - Beginner level - Custom Sense Lockring on the MT4GS - easy step-by-step.
2 - Intermediate level - Edit .9.png files for the MT4GS - step-by-step.
3 - Advanced level - Edit Mode10 Files for the MT4GS - step-by-step
Here is a link to my guide index that will have a list of how-to's and such i've written.
The MT4GS Stock App Developers Reference may be helpful at this point.
Also take a read back through the MT4G Slide Compendium to re-familiarize yourself with some terminology, and for links to things throughout the doubleshot forums.
The thread Splash Image in the dev section has fastboot flashing instructions for a splash image, and references to other SDK guides.
... and the Partitions - memory address listing thread is a works in progress but may still help you to understand your device better at this point.
Unfinished - more to come.

Other programs to consider
Post 1 - Pre(r)amble
Post 2 - Setting up the Windows XP environment
Post 3 - Time to make some backups
Post 4 - Install Android SDK on WinXP
Post 5 - Getting started: Using the SDK
Post 6 - Other programs to consider
Post 7 - doubleshot Specifics.
Links to what I already had you install:
- Notepad-plus-plus
- 7-Zip
- Bulk Rename Utility
- Revolutionary: S-OFF & Recovery Tool 0.4pre4
- doubleshot Fastboot Drivers
- HTC Sync
Here are some other programs to consider for your dev station:
- Winrar
- SD Formatter 3.1 for SD/SDHC/SDXC - Thanks! Also needs this Microsoft XP Update
- EASEUS Partition Master
- WinImage 8.1
- Win32 Disk Imager
- Seagate DiscWizard
- Acronis True Image
- Crystal Disk Mark - Thanks!
- HxD - Freeware Hex Editor - Thanks!
- Freeware Hex Editor XVI32 - Thanks!
- Image Magic - Thanks!
- Photoshop
- Font Creator
- Acrobat
- Microsoft Office
- Filezilla
Gotten into Portable Apps yet?
Here are some to consider:
SQLite Database Browser
Google Chrome
The portable apps, if installed on a thumb drive ( or maybe the doubleshot memory card... ) will let you work on your projects at any windows computers you come across. Some are 32 bit only, some have 64 bit versions - most are for XP, some will work on 7.
All listed portable apps will work on the Windows XP install this thread details.
More forthcoming...

doubleshot Specifics.
Post 1 - Pre(r)amble
Post 2 - Setting up the Windows XP environment
Post 3 - Time to make some backups
Post 4 - Install Android SDK on WinXP
Post 5 - Getting started: Using the SDK
Post 6 - Other programs to consider
Post 7 - doubleshot Specifics.
doubleshot Specifics.
This assumes an S-OFF device, and you just want a fresh start on your doubleshot with your dev computer.
1 - Fresh (S-OFF) ** for an already S-OFF device.
What you need:
- MicroSD card.
- Stock Image
How to make it:
1 - Download the Stock Image to your computer.
2 - Rename it to PG59IMG.zip
3 - Format your MicroSD card in the computer.
4 - Transfer the image from the computer to the MicroSD card.
How to use it:
NOTE: Make sure you have a full battery!!!
1 - Power off the doubleshot. Remove the battery and MicroSD card.
2 - Insert new card from above. ( or back up current card, make, and re-insert )
3 - Replace battery and backplate.
4 - Holding the 'Volume Down' button, press the 'Power' button.
5 - Wait for the loading bar to fill.
6 - When ready, it will ask you if you want to start the update.
7 - Select yes by pressing the 'Volume Up' button. Press 'Volume Down' if you just realized you have a low battery.
8 - Allow the update time to flash to your doubleshot.
9 - Let it sit for a minute or two after it says finished, then press power to reboot.
10 - Follow on-screen instructions until finished.
1 - Reboot the doubleshot.
2 - When fully booted, open the settings menu.
3 - Go to "SD & phone storage" and choose "Factory data reset"
4 - Yes, wipe the sdcard too.
5 - Follow on-screen instructions until finished.
You now have the doubleshot as close to factory as you can get for testing. You will still have S-OFF but stock recovery.
Replacing Stock Recovery: Clockworkmod
If you have S-OFF but stock recovery, the easiest method is to:
1 - Follow the instructions in This Thread to get temp root.
2 - Without rebooting, add your market account to the device.
3 - Install ROM Manager from the market.
4 - Flash Clockworkmod through ROM Manager.
5 - What you do next is up to you (but a clockworkmod backup isn't a bad idea.)
doubleshot Drivers Disk:
Burn this information to a disk for backup:
doubleshot Drivers
- HTC doubleshot User Manual
- Revolutionary: S-OFF & Recovery Tool
- doubleshot Fastboot Drivers
- HTC Sync
- Stock doubleshot recovery image
- Clockworkmod
- Notepad-plus-plus
- 7-Zip
- Bulk Rename Utility
- And as much documentation as you want.
Some Device / Documentation Links:
- HTC doubleshot Product Page
- HTC doubleshot User Manual
- HTC Dev
- T-Mobile
- T-Mobile doubleshot Marketing Page
- T-Mobile product pages for the doubleshot: Black or Khaki colors.
- T-Mobile doubleshot Specifications Page where you can download the user manual.
- Qualcomm
- Qualcomm Snapdragon Product Page
- Qualcomm doubleshot Product Page
- Snapdragon S3 Processors Overview
- Snapdragon MSM8x60 APQ8060 Product Brief
- Snapdragon Fact Sheet
- PDAdb entry for the doubleshot
- PDAdb entry for Snapdragon Processors
- Revolutionary: S-OFF & Recovery Tool
- doubleshot Fastboot Drivers
- HTC Sync
Unfinished - more to come...

Grabbed one just in case.
If anyone finds any broken links, please post below and i'll fix it.
Any suggestions, feel free to post below.

Thanks for this, Any other guides coming out? I'm really interested in ROM development but no idea of where to start.

OShocke said:
Thanks for this, Any other guides coming out? I'm really interested in ROM development but no idea of where to start.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yea, I got a few more in various stages of finished - they take time to get typed up and posted.
I'm starting to pick up shifts again at work, and after being essentially unemployed since thanksgiving I have to jump on everything coming my way.
Takes time away from the things i'd like to be doing, like this kind of stuff, so i'll be posting and participating as much as I can.
Typing and posting these guides are my way of trying to help as my work schedule becomes ever more demanding.
The best thing you can do to get started on ROM development is just start reading all over XDA and doing whatever you can - even something as simple as changing a single graphic in some part of the ROM is a great first step.
Also, I realize I used the term "disk" instead of "disc" in a lot of places - sorry.
Disk = hard drive, or other physical disk.
Disc = CD, DVD, other optical media and the like.

Good guide, but this looks like a lot of work. I just have to unzip the SDK on Ubuntu, set permissions to rwx, and create 51-android.rules. :3
Sent via smoke signal.

blackknightavalon said:
Good guide, but this looks like a lot of work. I just have to unzip the SDK on Ubuntu, set permissions to rwx, and create 51-android.rules. :3
Sent via smoke signal.
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Click to collapse
Thanks but - it's not a linux guide and setting up the SDK is only a small part of what the guide covers.
It's more of dumping the knowledge gained from my time spent deploying and servicing XP workstations into a guide to teach people how to reclaim older computers.
It also covers ideal naming conventions and good habits to get into, as well as sourcing a ton of links to windows software to be used in conjunction with the installation.
As Windows XP has been around for some time now, it's likely that people have a copy of it around, and also very likely they can get their hands on an older computer - especially with the holiday season just passing where there's a chance people are tossing older computers that can make perfectly serviceable dev computers.
I use Ubuntu for dev work too, but also XP - I know at least some of the people rolling up their sleeves to start devving haven't had real-world experience or training on how to do this kind of stuff so I was hoping to bridge some of the knowledge gaps for the hobbyist.
The less people that get turned away because they are fighting with a buggy OS install, the more we can grow our small dev community around the MT4GS. A sound base to work from is necessary for a productive dev environment.
Besides, I also wanted one of my own guides to point to instead of saying "search XDA for how to do this"

You forgot step one of using a Windows XP computer: Disconnect the network cable at all times.

Blue6IX said:
Thanks but - it's not a linux guide and setting up the SDK is only a small part of what the guide covers.
It's more of dumping the knowledge gained from my time spent deploying and servicing XP workstations into a guide to teach people how to reclaim older computers.
It also covers ideal naming conventions and good habits to get into, as well as sourcing a ton of links to windows software to be used in conjunction with the installation.
As Windows XP has been around for some time now, it's likely that people have a copy of it around, and also very likely they can get their hands on an older computer - especially with the holiday season just passing where there's a chance people are tossing older computers that can make perfectly serviceable dev computers.
I use Ubuntu for dev work too, but also XP - I know at least some of the people rolling up their sleeves to start devving haven't had real-world experience or training on how to do this kind of stuff so I was hoping to bridge some of the knowledge gaps for the hobbyist.
The less people that get turned away because they are fighting with a buggy OS install, the more we can grow our small dev community around the MT4GS. A sound base to work from is necessary for a productive dev environment.
Besides, I also wanted one of my own guides to point to instead of saying "search XDA for how to do this"
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The only reason I use Windows is to update my jailbroken iPod Touch. Ubuntu handles everything else I need.
raduque said:
You forgot step one of using a Windows XP computer: Disconnect the network cable at all times.
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*snorts* This is true.

Blue great write up. This is an amazing guide I wish I had it when I started.
Does eclipse not run well on xp? I didn't see you mention it. What are your reasons if you didn't add it? I'm curious.
Ill be sure to add this its with some other updates.
Excellent write up.
Sent from my ICS Splashed using xda premium

Great guide. Glad I found it.
Sent from my ICS Splashed using Tapatalk

I had intended to include eclipse as part of the SDK install part, I still have to polish off a lot of the postings in this guide - especially the SDK part as they are incomplete as of yet. Eclipse runs fine on XP.
I just haven't had the chance to type out the rest of it yet, but I figured there was enough here to get people going with. I meant to add to it last night, but instead got lost in AOSP documentation and before I knew it the sun was up and I had to run.
I'll keep adding to it as I get the time, at least the way it sits someone can get a good XP install and the SDK installed, if not fully configured - for the time being referencing other guides around XDA to get the SDK configured after install will have to do.

Blue6IX said:
I had intended to include eclipse as part of the SDK install part, I still have to polish off a lot of the postings in this guide - especially the SDK part as they are incomplete as of yet. Eclipse runs fine on XP.
I just haven't had the chance to type out the rest of it yet, but I figured there was enough here to get people going with. I meant to add to it last night, but instead got lost in AOSP documentation and before I knew it the sun was up and I had to run.
I'll keep adding to it as I get the time, at least the way it sits someone can get a good XP install and the SDK installed, if not fully configured - for the time being referencing other guides around XDA to get the SDK configured after install will have to do.
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Ah okay, was just curious. I did not see android kitchen as well. Although, it's not easy to use and is out-dated. I dont use it anymore, so I don't blame you.
I added this to the sticky, excellent write-up once again!!!! You should make a video tutorial as well and get some extra cash from you tube.

thanks, this is a VERY helpful guide! I will be putting it to good use on an old machine in the next week or so.

Hoq much of this is XP specific? I want to do this on Win 7... Should I be smart enough to figure out which parts are in different locations in Win 7?


GUIDE: In the beginning... There was ROOT

So you’ve got a nice, shiny, new G1 and you’ve been hearing about all the amazing things you can do with it but you “MUST HAVE ROOT”. As far as you know, you’re not a plant (although you may feel as smart as one at this point) and beyond that, you have no clue what any of the terms or concepts mean in context.
Well, I’m bored so I’m going to try and clear some things up.
There are a lot of threads that cover each of these things but I’m going to try and put as many basics into one post as possible. Hopefully it can be a perfect start for n00bs and good reference in lieu of search for others. Please feel free to correct any semantic (or blatant) mistakes I make.
I’ll keep the glossary here and update terms as I add to this post:
Android OS - Like Windows Mobile but based on Linux, using a Java based front end.
Linux - Open Source operating system used instead of Windows XP/Vista, Mac OSX etc... it's free (as in beer).
Open Source (From Wiki) – Free and open source software, also F/OSS, FOSS, or FLOSS (free/libre/open source software) is software which is liberally licensed to grant the right of users to study, change, and improve its design through the availability of its source code.
Root (as in access)- root is like the administrator account on a windows machine (also referred to as su, or superuser). It allows you to have complete access to the underlying OS of a linux or *nix based machine. For the G1, it allows for the use of themes, native backup functionality, manually selecting which apps can utilize root access, auto-rotate screen, multi-touch in browser, moving applications/caches to the sd card etc...
Root (as in location)- the 'root' of a folder or drive is the top most area of that location. In windows, C:\ is the 'root' of your hard drive. The 'root' of your SD card just means you haven't moved into any subfolders.
Shell – (also heard as terminal, bash, command line) This is a loose definition, but it’s basically a command line to run specific actions against the OS.
Bootloader – the SPL and IPL of a flash based device. See jashu’s description here.
SPL (Secondary Program Loader) - You get to the SPL by holding the camera button while powering on your phone. This is where you flash NBH images. See bootloader above.
Recovery Mode - Holding the 'Home' key while while powering on the G1 will take you into Recovery Mode. From here you can perform a NANDroid backup, wipe your phone, access a command line and of course, flash your phone with an update.zip file.
RC## (or release candidate) – In context to the G1, it is an official release of Android from T-Mobile meant specifically for the G1 (not ADP).
ADP (Android Developer Phone) – A Google specific (or carrier non-specific) version of the G1/Dream that has root access by default and is meant for developers writing apps for the G1, or Android in general.
ADP vs. RC## - Neither RC’s or ADP versions are tied to their respective hardware. With the right bootloader, you can flash an ADP image to a G1 or an RC image to an ADP.
JFV1.## - Is a specific Version of a JesusFreke ROM. JesusFreke is a developer on this website that has graciously spent his time to modify the G1 OS to allow us to have root access to our phones. This gives us the ability to explore and modify our phones via a command line.
Cupcake – a development branch of the Android OS that contains many improvements that was merged into the master build of Android and is currently being released to new phones as Android 1.5.
Nandroid – a utility, accessible through Recovery Mode, that allows you to backup your phone and restore to the exact condition at backup.
Apps2SD – Applications moved to your SD card instead of internal memory. Some people like the extra room, some people don’t want to hassle with the partitioning.
Partition – just like the partitions that separate cubicles in an office, a partition separates parts of a drive.
File system – there are many. It’s basically a specific way of organizing data on a partition. FAT(32) is generally windows, ext2 is generally linux. This is not a hard and fast rule, just most common in context with what you’ll see here.
Scripts – scripts are text files that contain a list of commands to perform. Instead of typing each command out multiple times, a script can be run that will initiate all steps listed in the script.
Android SDK (System Developer’s Kit) – This includes all tools (sans fastboot) that a developer needs to create applications for the G1. It also has tools for interacting with the phone via a command line (ADB).
ADB - is a part of the SDK that allows you to run commands against the G1 in lieu of using the terminal on the phone itself.
Fastboot - is a tool used to flash system images (.img files) to the G1 from a command line on your pc. IMG files are created when you do NANDroid backups and official images can be downloaded from HTC as well. To get to fastboot mode on your phone, hold the back button while powering on.
When T-Mobile first released the G1, they left a bug in the Android OS that allowed anything typed on the keyboard to be passed on to a root shell running in the background. This really was a major flaw and needed to be patched. Unfortunately, when they patched it, they really patched it. RC29 was the last version that still had root. With all versions RC30 on, it was removed. It completely denied us any hope at modding our “open-source” phone.
Somehow, the base image for RC29 (dreaimg.nbh) was leaked and some enterprising developers were able get access to the bootloader and return an updated G1 (RC30+) to RC29 and use this to regain root.
Somewhere along this road, Google released the ADP (Android Developer Phone), which has root enabled and uses a specific SPL (EngineeringSPL) that was the base for the modified HardSPL that most of us use now. Nandroid was included to allow us to back up our phones and shortly after, JesusFreke modified RC30 to keep root and still provide the fixes and improvements that came with it.
I’m not sure where it all started, but eventually, LucidREM released a modified version of JesusFreke’s ROM. This made moving applications to SD painless and freed up system storage and now we can have 32 flashlights and 62 tip calculators installed all at once.
Apps2sd has been the bane of many peoples existence. It requires you to partition your SD card in to separate file systems (FAT32 to remain compatible with windows computers as a mass storage device and ext2 to maintain compatibility with the underlying linux OS of the G1). It also requires you to move your apps to the SD card and then create symbolic links (similar to a windows shortcut) from the internal location pointing to the SD card. Lots can go wrong in this process and that’s why LucidREM, MartinFick, MarcusMaximus04 and others have created tools to help simplify the process.
Now of course, to achieve any of the things you want to do with the G1, you have to interact with it. There are at least 2 main ways to do this. Some prefer to do everything from the phone itself using a terminal, while some prefer to use their PC with the phone connected via USB. Others avoid both of these, as best they can, and use other peoples apps or scripts anywhere they can get away with it. This is why you may find many different explanations of the same goal.
In order to interact with your phone from a pc, you need the Android SDK, which includes ADB. ADB is basically a linux shell that communicates with the G1. It is easier to copy and paste from threads and insert commands without worrying about making typos. It also requires it’s own bit of hoops to jump through (unless you use a mac or linux ;-)) and sometimes scares people away. It is highly recommended if you plan on hacking at your phone with any regularity.
Of course, there are some sadists (I once was one) that like to type line after line of code on a tiny keyboard and use the terminal directly from the phone. This is fun and it makes you feel 1337, but it also leaves a lot of room for error. Remember, you are a root user now, and any mistake you make can be potentially huge.
Well, that’s all for now folks. Please feel free to add, subtract, reorganize, correct anything I’ve said, in the comments. Also, I’ve tried to add links to any relevant threads and sources that I used in making this… this, whatever you wanna call it.
Thanks to everyone in this community for doing what you do. We are all geeks and enjoy doing this stuff. It's good to have so many talented people taking an interest in Android and the G1 in general. It is open source communites that keep technology interesting and exciting.
Thanks to Haykuro, TheDudeofLife, all the theme devs, and all the big players that I didn't reference in this post. Oh, and SolemWishing for the Timeline! It helped, thanks!
Reserved for future posting
Awesome post for nuubs. This should be permanently stickied!
Very cool. a couple terms you should add:
Recovery mode
(including what key strokes you need to hit to get into spl and recov. modes)
Thanks for the feedback!
I added SPL and Recovery... let me get my facts straight on fastboot and I'll add that tomorrow.
I don't know if it is the right place for it, but there seem to have been lots of question about "radio" or more specifically "radio update".
I feel smarter already.
I particularly found the file system explanation useful, i put it together that fat32 and the other were the two partitions but didnt realize which was for cpu. Not ready to attempt but definitely closer (although Im not even sure if I want to partition i have no need for all that space at this point) It doesnt affect performance does it?
Agreed. Good stuff. Definitely noob required reading material.
Yes, indeed a very nice guide for the beginners. Hell we ALL started that way...i remember when I first got this phone ~6 months ago (no root), and there was almost nothing about it, no support, no add-ons, no hacks, nothing. It was boring, and for me I was coming from a motorola (motomodders?), so going to something that was far superior but didnt have community support made me almost cry.
Though look now, 3 months later the market was filling up and being abundent of new stuff to play with (I didnt even try rooting for a while, until it became a lot more well-known [fixes and the likes], and themes became a necessity because they started to get really good), and now 6 months later people are hacking away figuring out soo much stuff about it. Amazing work everyone, seriously.
Something good: It all starts at the roots .
Well, I added info on fastboot and exceeded my 10000 character limit. Now I understand why so many people reserve the second post. lol...
I'll make some changes so I can add info about the radio, however the link to fastboot explains the radio fairly well.
Thanks for the feedback everybody, I hope this helps some people out.
skri11a said:
So you’ve got a nice, shiny, new G1 and you’ve been hearing about all the amazing things you can do with it but you “MUST HAVE ROOT”. As far as you know, you’re not a plant (although you may feel as smart as one at this point) and beyond that, you have no clue what any of the terms or concepts mean in context.
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When i read those lines i knew that this post would be worth reading
It was a really nice n00b guide, though ive done some WiMo flashing so some of the terms sounded familliar i certanly learned a thing or two
I would say it should be stickied and put on the wiki - oh and perhaps list it in alphabetic order, it would make it more usefull as a "I dont understand this term so ill just look it up"-thread...
Perhaps you can get a mod to give you post #2 & #3
DMaverick50 said:
I feel smarter already.
I particularly found the file system explanation useful, i put it together that fat32 and the other were the two partitions but didnt realize which was for cpu. Not ready to attempt but definitely closer (although Im not even sure if I want to partition i have no need for all that space at this point) It doesnt affect performance does it?
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I'm glad it helped. As far as performance issues, I've had none. In fact, when I was skating along with 12-19MB of free space, my phone would crall and cause me all sorts of grief. Since I've moved the apps and dalvik-cache, it's been very responsive and reliable. That being said, get a GOOD sd card. I see a lot of people having problems using cheap or < class4 sd cards.
m.klinge said:
When i read those lines i knew that this post would be worth reading
It was a really nice n00b guide, though ive done some WiMo flashing so some of the terms sounded familliar i certanly learned a thing or two
I would say it should be stickied and put on the wiki - oh and perhaps list it in alphabetic order, it would make it more usefull as a "I dont understand this term so ill just look it up"-thread...
Perhaps you can get a mod to give you post #2 & #3
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lol... I'm glad you liked it.
And thanks for the tips. I'm gone for the weekend, but I'll alphabetize it when I get back. Not sure what I can do about getting it stickied but I'll look into the wiki on monday too.
can you add busybox
in the nandroid instructions it requires busybox but I didnt see an explanation for what busybox is. Thanks and this thread has already been very helpful for me
speaking of stickying this....
who is in charge of stickies? A lot of stickable topics aren't stickied and a lot of topics that should be unstickied are still stuck...
DMaverick50 said:
in the nandroid instructions it requires busybox but I didnt see an explanation for what busybox is. Thanks and this thread has already been very helpful for me
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Hey sorry for the late reply... Been pretty busy since Friday.
I'll try and add this to the first post shortly. I may have to remove some of the history lesson if I can't get a mod to give me the second/third post.
BusyBox - This is a single executable utility that contains many common Linux commands, instead of having an individual executable for each command. As far as I know this is built into all of the JF releases, as well as Dude's. It is also usable in the JF recovery console by hitting alt-x. To use busybox, just type "busybox" in front of the command you want to use (i.e. #busybox ls -L --to get a list of your directory).
AbsoluteDesignz said:
speaking of stickying this....
who is in charge of stickies? A lot of stickable topics aren't stickied and a lot of topics that should be unstickied are still stuck...
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If you figure this out, let me know. I haven't tried to PM a mod or anything but I'd still be curious to know what the magic requirements are.
This will definitely help a lot of newcomers. Thanks for taking the time to make it.
Way to get stickied! Now I can stop copying pasting updates worrying I might not be able to find the post...
BusyBox - This is a single executable utility that contains many common Linux commands, instead of having an individual executable for each command. As far as I know this is built into all of the JF releases, as well as Dude's. It is also usable in the JF recovery console by hitting alt-x. To use busybox, just type "busybox" in front of the command you want to use (i.e. #busybox ls -L --to get a list of your directory).
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Wouldn't "Unix utilities" be more correct than "Linux commands"?
And saying Android is "like windows mobile" is blasphemy! You can't compare Unix to Micro$oft Windoze (Yes, that's a very sophisticated and mature way to express my hatred of the OS )! >:|
Anyway, it's good that you wrote this, theres probably a lot around here not having a clue about how things work in the world of unix

Official Sense Rom (Indonesia, Malaysia & Vietnam only)

Link here:
Someone share ur serial no. please~
An updated ROM is now available for HTC Magic customers to download. As always, HTC is committed to providing customers with the best possible mobile experience.
Installation Instructions:
ROM Version: 3.03.728.4 (For Indonesia, Malaysia & Vietnam only)
Improved Functions
This ROM Upgrade for your HTC Magic will let you experience HTC SenseTM on your phone. HTC SenseTM lets you create a phone just right for you. You can customize your experience to be any way you like. Discover intuitive experiences that make everything you do on your phone effortless and delightful.
1. There are two steps for the RUU:
* First step will upgrade three programs (At the end of this step the screen will show “Boot-Fail” about 5 seconds, and this is the normal scenario, please let the Magic keep running to second step.)
* Second Step will continue updating 5 programs, and it will spend around 10 minutes for the whole upgrade process, please be patient for the upgrade.
2. This is a generic software update. Any additional software or settings provided by your mobile operator or company will be lost. If you require this customization, please contact your supplier first before upgrading.
Please note that this upgrade will erase any data stored on the phone. We recommend that you back up all your data before performing this upgrade.
3. The update will take up to 10 minutes, DO NOT interrupt the update process, make/receive phone calls, disconnect the phone from the PC, or press any buttons until the process has been completed.
1. Hardware Requirements (PC)
1 GHz or higher processor clock speed recommended
512 MB of RAM or higher recommended
Super VGA (800 x 600) or higher-resolution video adapter and monitor
150 MB of available free hard disk space
USB 2.0 is required
2. Software Requirements - Supported Operating Systems (PC)
Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 2
Windows XP Professional Edition Service Pack 2
Windows XP Media Center Edition Service Pack 2
Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate Edition
Microsoft Windows Vista Enterprise Edition
Microsoft Windows Vista Business Edition
Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium Edition
Microsoft Windows Vista Home Basic Edition
3. Installation Instructions
Before you proceed the ROM Update Utility (RUU), please confirm the following items:
(1) This software upgrade is a newer version than what is currently installed on your phone. If it is the same version and your phone is operating normally, there is no need to reinstall the software.
To check what version is installed on your phone, press Home > Menu > Settings > About phone > Build number, and note the Build number.
(2) HTC Sync has been installed on your PC. HTC Sync can be found on the MicroSD card that was shipped with your phone. You can also download and install HTC Sync at www.htc.com/www/support/
(3) Your phone is connected to your PC using a USB cable. The PC must recognize your phone. You will see a sync icon in the taskbar once the phone has been connected.
(4) Standby and hibernation mode on your PC has been disabled.
(5) Close all running applications on the PC.
(6) The Screen unlock pattern has been disabled, press Home > Menu > Settings > Security and uncheck Require pattern
(7) Make sure that the battery level of the phone is at least 30% (at least 3 green blocks). To check the battery level, tap Home > Menu > Settings > About phone > Status > Battery level.
(8) Once the RUU is downloaded, launch the application on your PC and follow the instructions on screen.
* Click View Readme when executing the ROM Upgrade Utility (RUU) to view detailed upgrade procedure, error message information or Q&A.
Serial Number please!

[INFO] "New User Guide Terms Android"

Hi! I saw that many (myself initially) fail to understand the discussions of various topics of modding on this and other forums because of certain terms that are now characteristic of speech in any argument.
-Android operating system for mobile devices based on Linux kernel. Android is an open source project developed by the Open Handset Alliance (OHA). Google was the first company to work on Android and HTC has designed and implemented the first Android phone.
-AOSP: The term stands for AOSP Android Open Source Project, which is an initiative created to guide the development of the Android mobile platform.
-ADB (Android Debugging Bridge): application via command line (command prompt, DOS), is used to flash rom, make changes to the system, backup, install applications (using the command: adb push nomeapp.apk / system / app /), copy files from your device to PC (via the command: adb pull / path / inside / of / Android / filename nome_file_destinazione) and more. ADB is a tool included in the SDK of Android that allows you to manage your phone simply by connecting it via USB. For programmers, ADB is also used to execute commands on a virtual machine Android. detailed instructions.
- Apk (short for Android Package): is the file format used to install the Android software (it works similar, more or less, that is for Windows. Exe). Renaming the extension of this file. Zip you can open it with any operator of compressed files.
-App or Apps: abbreviation of the term application or applications
-App2sd (A2sd): procedure inherent in many Roma coocked, to move applications installed, or install later, the memory card instead of phone memory. to use it you must have an ext2 or ext3 or ext4 on the memory card. part of the application (the Dalvik cache) is still stored in the smartphone does not reduce the speed of execution. app2sd this is not to be confused with the various applications on the market, as those of the market allow the movement or storage of only applications that allow it.
-Bootloader (FASTBOOT): phone mode (while connected to USB mode with usb debug enabled) through which you can do many things, including obtaining root permissions, flash ROM, make backups, pushare files, remove files etc. ... the bootloader mode varies from terminal to terminal, refer to those sections for how to go into bootloader on your device.
-Brick (brickare, brickato): literally (translated in Italian) "BRICK". making the cell like a brick, a something of unusable if not as paperweights.
-Digital compass: The digital compass is able to detect the direction in which the device is pointing. This information can be used together with an appropriate mapping software to assist in navigation to unknown places.
-BusyBox: BusyBox is important because it lets you install it on your Android poteziare with many basic Linux commands. In fact, some powerful programs, such as Titanium backup and others, use busybox to carry out the instructions. In virtually a few kb there are so many beautiful little programs. guide: using titanium or backup.
-Cache: a temporary memory in which data are stored as may be eliminated without compromising the functionality of the system.
-Digital certificate: encrypted code issued to two or more parties by an authorized organization, and used to verify the identity of those parties by exchanging their public keys.
-Cupcake: Android 1.5 or relaise first official operating system pounces April 13, 2009
-Encryption: Procedure for the encoding of a systematic bit stream before transmission, aimed at avoiding that the contents can be decrypted by third parties.
Dalvik-Cache: cache used by the system to increase the execution speed of programs.
USB-Debug: mode of Android that is (turning the feature on your device via menu / settings / apps / Development / Debug USB) to allow the system to undergo special modifications.
Direct-Push Technology: Direct Push technology (push e-mail capabilities), developed by Microsoft, lets you receive new e-mail messages on their device, they are not received by your mailbox Inbox or Exchange Server. Items such as contacts, calendar and tasks are immediately updated on the device if they are changed or added on the Exchange Server.
-Emulator: it is found in the SDK and is a software that allows you to emulate (simulate) an android device. usually serves to developers (developers) to test applications.
-Digital Signature: A digital signature assures the recipient about the identity of the person who sent the file, and the absence of alterations made ​​after signing this.
-Firmware: Software comlpleto the phone, android rom often contains (the only operating system) the radio (software designed to handle all communications) and hboot (the part on the base, and boot management and partition of the phone) . The format depends on the parent company that issues them and shall be flashed through the tool or program.
-Flash (flash, flashed): install, installed.
-G. E. often written or GE (Google Experience): There are those phones that have the OS (see ROM for a definition) fully developed by Google without any addition or customization by the manufacturer that sells the device (for example the number of mobile Nexus is entirely GE). This designation often means that these phones are the first to receive updates of new versions of Android, because there being no additional software, as well as those developed by Google, the release is much quicker.
Another (more common) is that With Google.
Are those phones that despite having some customization software by the manufacturer, are fully compatible with the Google software and services with Android.
-GPRS: GPRS (General Packet Radio Systems - Radio systems for generic packages) is a data service for mobile devices. It is available for the devices that meet the GSM standard.
-GPS: GPS (Global Positioning System - Global Positioning System) is a radio navigation system based on satellites that allows the DENTIFICATION of a geographical position through a triangulation of points. The GPS is used on mobile devices for applications software for navigation.
-GSM: Short for Global System for Mobile communications (Global System for Mobile Communications), is the platform for mobile computing worldwide.
-HSDPA: HSDPA (High-Speed ​​Downlink Packet Access) is a technology for mobile devices that allows higher data speeds than traditional networks. Often referred to as 3.5G for faster downloading.
-HSPA: HSPA (High-Speed ​​Packet Access - High Speed ​​Packet Access) is a technology for mobile devices that improves the speed at which you can send and receive information on their mobile device. HSPA technology is used in 3G networks.
HSUPA: The HSUPA (High-Speed ​​Uplink Packet Access - access to packages for the high-speed) is a technology for mobile devices that provides (along with HSDPA) the possibility of having connections with fast download and upload very high by optimizing use of bandwidth.
-HVGA: The HVGA (Half-size Video Graphics Array) indicates a particular display resolution of 480 x 320 pixels.
-hboot: the part on the basis of partition and boot management and the phone
-Kernel: is the essential part of any operating system. Without going into technicalities, it manages hardware (drivers and other information about the hardware, for example). Android uses a modified Linux kernel and is entirely open source (ie source code is freely available and modifiable).
- Launcher: It 's the software that handles the desktop (icons, widgets, wallpapers etc..) Android operating system. In essence, is what appears when you access the phone after the unlock screen, called Lock Screen (see below) if it is enabled.
Android allows for excellent customization Lacuncher. Although all versions of Android will already have a default, it is possible (when this option is not blocked by the manufacturer) install as many as you want from those in the Market. Launcher The best known of those owners are not ADW Launcher, Launcher Pro, Helix Lancher.
Most producers customize more or less heavily, their phones (as long as they are not GE, see above), and modification of the launcher is usually the most common personalization. Motorola for example sviluppaMotoBlur (non-removable, and includes an additional set of changes including the Launcher), the HTC the Sense (removable; this also includes modifications to the deepest only launcher which also include the framework), Samsung TouchWiz the (removable) etc..
The change of Lacuncher makes it very often no longer available widgets developed for another Launcher.
-Leak Leaked or (escaped): this refers to the ROM or firmware that (strangely) escape to the Mother House, and is circulated on the net. are semi-official, in the sense that they are developed directly from 'manufacturer, but are not officially released (and therefore not fit to restore the guarantee of a device).
Screen-Lock or unlock screen: is the screen that appears after turning on and / or whenever you press the on / off the phone. Used to not press the keys when not using the phone. It requires a combination of specific touches, or gestures to be "removed"
-Nandroid (found in the recovery as amended): application that creates an image of the entire operating system, like norton gost and true image for windows.
-ODEX: type of compression that is used to free up memory and speed up your system. ODEX unzip the file compresses everything and creates a file. ODEX dall'apk deleting the file. dex then you end up with after launcher.apk and launcher.odex (so 'you have saved so much space and improved
the speed reading application). rom the ODEX can not be changed the subject.
-OTA: Over The Air - system that allows applications to receive updates directly from the network or system
Ext2/ext3/ext4-partition: partition on the memory card (which usually can be made using modified recovery) used to install applications on this media instead of filling up the phone memory. the ext is a type of file system used on Linux and is seen as part of the Android smartphone's internal memory. to partition the SD card in the sections and guides for your device.
-Profile A2DP: Advanced Audio Distribution profile (Advanced Audio Distribution) is a specification that refers to how two Bluetooth devices can transmit and receive streaming high quality audio. The A2DP allows the transfer of a unidirectional stream audio in stereo with two channels, such as music from one phone to a headset.
-Pull: used command in command prompt (eg adb pull / path / inside / of / Android / filename nome_file_destinazione) copy to your PC for a file or folder in the Android system.
-RUU: (Rom Updater Utility): A RUU is an executable for Windows, used by service centers, which basically formats all phone memory and you install an image of the official system. In general, the RUU ROM version containing a specific stock, the image of the baseband and radio, and bootloader, the versions are listed in the file name.
Radio-or banda or baseband (not the FM radio): software designed to manage all the communications device (phone, wifi, bluetooth, gps, etc. ...
-Recovery: a kind of mini operating system that is used to retrieve the cell from critical situations (brick, malfunction, etc. ....), do nandroid backup, perform the wipe, flash rom coocked and file format. Zip. The Recovery is properly called Recovery Mode and means the recovery mode in which you can perform actions such as, installing updates, format the phone, format and partition the SD and more. Updating the recovery.img (you can also do without the root) with a different and we have modified provisions advanced features without having to do other steps.
-RSS: RSS (Really Simple Syndication - Guild simple): indicates an Internet protocol used to distribute information that is updated frequently, such as a blog on the Internet, audio or video broadcasts or news headlines.
-Rom: the operating system. coocked roms are usually in. zip and go through recovery flashate
Coocked-Rom: cooked rom, created by chefs (who put together parts of rom applications, modifications, patches and so on) composed and enriched with new features
-ROOT (I take verbatim from androidpedia): What is root? In Unix-like operating systems is denoted by the root user with the highest privileges, ie, system administrator, also known as super user or superuser. (Cited in Wikipedia). Android being a linux system, then the user is root, which allows you to have total control of the phone. What a privilege we have to have root permissions? We have TOTAL control of the telephone. rootare the procedure for your device varies from terminal to terminal, consult the relevant sections to find out how to make your root device ..
G-sensor (gyro): The G sensor detects the position and movement of your device. It helps to orient the display to view both vertically or horizontally depending on how you hold the device. The G-sensor can be used in games to control the actions and other applications that require a movement to be able to be activated.
-SDK (software development kit): Software development kit, which we find in the tools folder that contains the file ADB. You can download it from for all platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac OS).
-S.O. (operating system): see ROM. In fact ROM and SO tend to coincide but while the first term is used to indicate the contents of any memory or the memory itself (it is in fact for Read Only Memory), the second indicates more specifically at a very specific piece of software and not any content that a memory can accommodate.
-Streaming: The term indicates the transmission of streaming audio or digital video using the Internet.
-Superboot: method to become the superuser (root-administrator) of your smartphone, with which you can make changes to the system, such as flash ROM, modify system folders etc. ...
-Tap (capped, plugged): equivalent of left-click on PC, then click in, clicked. TAP LONG = equivalent to right click on pc
-Thetering (wifi, bluetooth and usb): Mode is a connection between the phone is another device (mostly PC), through which you can take advantage of the internet's first, and basically use it as a modem, the second ( which as I said before can be a PC or another phone yet). May be predominantly via USB connectivity, bluetooth or wifi phone.
-Tablet is a tablet device that differs from a smartphone to the screen size (usually greater than the 5 "and for its strong propensity to navigation and document management. It usually does not incorporate a module for telephone calls (one exception is the Galaxy Tab), but often have a data connection via 3G or 4G as well as the WIFI.
Google has developed a special version of Android, called HoneyComb (3.X) for release in 2011. Nevertheless, there are Tablet with Froyo.
-VGA The VGA (Video Graphics Array) indicates a resolution of the display of 640 x 480 pixels.
-WCDMA: The WCDMA (Wideband Code Division Multiple Access) is a protocol for the transmission of data in a 3G cellular network.
-WVGA: The WVGA (Wide Video Graphics Array) indicates a display resolution of 480 x 800 pixels.
Wipe Dalvik-CACHE: reset the system cache. amended by recovery takes place.
Wipe-DATE (factory reset): hard reset (reset phone to factory settings, deletes all data and applications in your phone, no memory card). some recovery in the wiping the data format factory, not a complete hard reset, but a reset of all data in your phone, for a complete hard reset you should also wipe the system and boot from the recovery of the advanced settings or proceed with the procedure manual keystroke! how to do the hard reset via keyboard shortcut see the guides in their respective sections of your smartphone.
-ZIPALIGN: A form of compression that is used to speed up execution of applications. zipalign unzip the file and aligns the compressing apk file limit so 4byte 'Android takes up less ram to read and read more' quickly and then recreates the file. apk ^ ^
If you know other terms that do not understand, this thread is yours.
P. S. I hope to be helpful
this is actually pretty helpful words kinda like a mini dictionary for newbies coming into the modding world of android thank buddy
This should be stickied! :good:
I will see if I can not get mf2112 to add a link to this in his new user thread here.
Kudos for the effort & the great thread. Voted for sticky!
T-Macgnolia said:
This should be stickied! :good:
I will see if I can not get mf2112 to add a link to this in his new user thread here.
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is a good idea, it would be useful
Couple of people asked me to direct them to a guide or something else which explains these terms and I literally searched pretty hard to find a good one
Now I have no worries
Thnx stempox
Sent from my pyramid.. Through blazing fast sonic waves
ganeshp said:
Couple of people asked me to direct them to a guide or something else which explains these terms and I iterally searched pretty hard to find a good one
Now I have no worries
Thnx stempox
Sent from my pyramid.. Through blazing fast sonic waves
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Thanks man, I'm writing 'cause today I finished shots thanks
T-Macgnolia said:
This should be stickied! :good:
I will see if I can not get mf2112 to add a link to this in his new user thread here.
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Very helpful, great work, added it just now. Rated it 5 stars and added a couple of thread tags. Stempox, you might also want to add more thread tags to make this more searchable.
mf2112 said:
Very helpful, great work, added it just now. Rated it 5 stars and added a couple of thread tags. Stempox, you might also want to add more thread tags to make this more searchable.
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very nice thanks, good idea, because it is often difficult searching for material
Great guide ! Nice job!
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using xda premium
realsis said:
Great guide ! Nice job!
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using xda premium
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for new users is very useful
if you suggest other terms to write
new updated
Very helpful indeed...took quite a while to read and I had to subscribe to it since I won't remeber everything...but now I have something to go to when I have doubts...as a newbie, I sincerly give my thanks...
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
This is a great guide for those transitioning from iOS to Android... In other words, noobs.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
Mattix724 said:
This is a great guide for those transitioning from iOS to Android... In other words, noobs.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
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In did it is...I am one of those!!
Sent from AT&T Galaxy S3 SGH-i747, just in case you were wondering...
I can only say the same as in thread "What does * mean? - GLOSSARY" by benjamingwynn...
I have some problems to understand all of this, because my English is not so good. But the parts I understand, are very helpfully for me. So many thanks for this informations and spending so much time for it.
Greetings, 77777772
What is virtual SD ?? I read on some instruction to place the "ROM and Gapps" in your virtual SD .
There is no thanks button for the author of this list .

[Release] RT Jailbreak Tool

RT Jailbreak Tool
By Netham45, Version 1.20
An all-in-one program to jailbreak Windows RT tablets using the method recently released by clrokr​
Boot your RT device and log in, allow it to sit on the desktop for about a minute.
Extract all files out of the latest version of the .ZIP attached to this post. To do this on Windows RT, right-click on the .zip, choose 'Extract all', and select the destination folder.
Run runExploit.bat. It'll prompt you to either install the jailbreak to run on login, uninstall it not to, or run the jailbreak once.
Choose an option and follow all subsequent prompts. They're all quite easy and self-explanatory.
Q) What does this do, in layman's terms?
A) It allows non-Microsoft ARM-compiled .exes to run on the desktop. That is it.
Update (03/01/2013): The jailbreak now allows unsigned drivers to load.
Q) Can I use this to run Photoshop, Steam, AutoCAD, <Insert commercial product here>?
A) While it is -technically- possible for the companies to port their stuff over to Windows RT using the hack it is extremely unlikely. As a rule of thumb, if it's a commercial piece of software it won't run on the ARM.
Q) Can I use this to run PuTTY, VNC, X-Chat, <Insert open-source product here>?
A) Yes! Open-source programs are ones that you, having the source code, can recompile to work on the ARM. If it's not already available (A small but growing number of programs are) it's easy to get started. There are some useful threads in the Windows 8 Development and Hacking board on XDA-Developers.
Please note that not all programs can reasonably be ported over to ARM, due to either program complexity, overuse of inline assembly, or the current lack of a GNU Compiler
Q) Can I use this to run any random x86 app I find on the internet?
A) No. Apps must be recompiled for ARM. Stop asking why Chrome doesn't run.
Q) Can I use this to hack my Android tablet?
A) Not really. Most Android hacks require custom kernel-mode drivers (APX, Odin, ADB all require drivers that are unavailable), and this hack only allows us to run unsigned User-mode code.
If you don't know the difference between User-mode and Kernel-mode, I'm sure Wikipedia has a good article on the subject.
Q) Will Chrome/Firefox be ported over?
A) I don't see any major technical hurdles for those, but I probably won't be the one to do it.
Q) Are there any precompiled apps for this available?
A) Check out THIS THREAD for a list of all currently known compiled apps.
Q) I ran the jailbreak, now where can I download pirated apps from?
A) Nowhere. This jailbreak does not allow for pirated apps, and it is a long ways off from actually supporting pirated apps. If you manage to get pirated apps to run on Windows RT you will be doing the entire community a large disservice, along with ruining what credibility this hack may have in Microsoft's eyes.
Q) I don't know how to recompile code, can I get someone else to do it?
A) If it's a simple project you can likely find someone who will be more than happy to recompile it for you. If it's a large project with numerous dependencies, or a commercial project, I will be willing to take a look at it and quote a price to do it. (On that note, please realize that I am not affiliated with XDA-Developers at all.)
Q) I keep BSoD'ing! What's up?
A) I haven't managed to track down the cause of the BSoDs, except that they seem to happen when the exploit is ran within the first minute or so of the tablet booting and logging in. If you're getting BSoDs, boot your tablet to the desktop and wait 2 or 3 minutes before trying the exploit. Also, make sure that you're up to date with Windows Updates, as of 2/26/2013.
Q) I ran the .bat and it told me it couldn't find it's bin folder. What's wrong?
A) Extract the ZIP in entirety. Don't just open the ZIP and double-click on the runExploit.bat.
Q) It's not working! What do?
A) Post in this thread describing what you're doing and the issue you're having, do not PM me, even if you don't have the number of posts to post in the developer sections. I'll consider it spam and disregard it. Don't message me on Twitter either, the only place that I will provide support for this tool is in this thread.
Q) Is this persistent across reboots?
A) No, it resets every time the device reboots.
Q) Is this a tethered exploit?
A) No. Tethering is connecting the device to a computer, or other device to jailbreak it. This is done entirely on the device. It just has to be redone at reboot.
Q) Will this work with all the latest updates, as of 02/26/2013?
A) There was an updated .zip posted for the latest update (Patch Tuesday, Feburary 2013.) It should work.
Q) How do I compile apps for the Surface RT? It says I'm missing a bunch of .libs!
A) Visual Studio 2012 does not come with all the required ARM .libs for compiling most desktop apps. Please see THIS post by _peterdn for a useful utility for generating .libs and .exps from the .dlls on the tablet.
Q) Why would you want desktop apps? They suck for touch.
A) Mainly for the library of easily ported software, along with the things that metro apps just can't do. I agree, they're more inconvenient to use with touch, but that's the tradeoff for having a huge library of software. You also don't have to use desktop mode, the tablet still is quite good without it (Except the mail client). I also believe that since it's my device I should be able to do whatever I want with it, regardless of what MS says. Traditionally MS has leaned the same way with Windows, which makes it rather disappointing they chose to lock this platform down.
Q) Will this void my warranty?
A) Since it doesn't persist across reboots chances are the support center will never know, though it may be against the terms of your devices warranty.
Q) Is there any warranty for this program?
A) No express or implied warranty exists.
Q) Your hack caused the paint to chip off my tablet, the felt to peel off my type keyboard, the kickstand to fall off, and my tablet to display nothing but satanic messages while it's on! I want you to buy me a new one!
A) No it didn't, and see my warranty policy.
Q) Can Microsoft patch this?
A) Yes and no. They can patch it through Windows Update, but since we have the ability to reinstall from recovery partitions we can revert any Windows Updates they release.
Q) Will this allow people to run viruses on my tablet?
A) Yes and no, if something malicious is compiled and ran while jailbroken it could act like a virus, yes. Once you reset, though, it'll be gone.
Q) I came across a malicious RT application! Who do I tell?
A) If it's a jailbroken application then the most you can do is make a post informing about it. That's one downside to having unsigned code, there's no one regulating body who can decide what is and isn't available, and manage safety. If it's a store application then I suggest you contact Microsoft. If it's a Modern UI app that requires the jailbreak to run you still may have luck contacting Microsoft, as they can blacklist the developer's certificate.
Q) Can any random Store app do this?
A) No, this requires tools and privileges that Windows Store apps can't possess. The appcontainer model that MS uses is very strict and good at preventing things like this from happening. There's a number of things that flat-out aren't possible to do from a Store app that this uses, not to mention that it would get rejected by MS.
Q) Will I (The user) get my developer license banned?
A) It's possible, though I doubt that MS will do that.
Update: With the new payload (as of 1/18/2013) users no longer need to get their own developer certificate.
Q) Won't you (Netham45) get your developer license banned?
A) Time will tell, I knew the risk when I posted this. I suspect that their banning system is more geared towards piracy, though, which this doesn't really enable.
Update: With the new payload (as of 1/18/2013) my developer certificate is no longer required.
Q) I've got this great feature/idea for the jailbreak! Where can I tell you at?
A) Post it in this thread. Note that the area where we can script and such before the exploit is limited and restricted to pretty much batch scripts, and that I am under no obligation to implement a feature if you suggest it. And, seriously, do not PM me about it. If you don't have the prerequisite number of posts to post in the developer section then go get them.
Q) Can I throw money at you for writing the tool to automate this?
A) There's a donate link on the side of this post. (I'd love to get a Surface Pro. )
Q) Can I throw money at clrokr for documenting the exploit?
A) You'll have to talk to him about that.Here's his profile.
FAQ last updated 2/26/2013 10:17 PM MST
Thanks to clrokr for documenting the usage of the exploit, and to the numerous people who contributed positively in the [Q] Hacking Windows RT to Run Desktop Apps thread
Download is attached to this post.
Update log
Update 1.01(1/10/2013): Uncommented pause in the PS script to install the ModernUI app -- It was causing it not to prompt to install a developer license/my cert for some reason.
Update 1.02(1/10/2013): Fixed issue on non-English devices.
Update 1.03(1/11/2013): Fixed issue with usernames with spaces in them, fixed issue where the user running the jailbreak isn't the first user logged in
Update 1.1(1/18/2013): Redid functionality; it now gets the kernel base inside the payload, instead of requiring a Metro application. Added a startup folder that gets ran after jailbreak. Cleaned up output. Click for more info
Update 1.11(1/18/2013): Added commandline options, added a simple interface to handle creating scheduled tasks to run, added a powershell script to keep it from running if the system hasn't been up for two minutes, added missing startup folder, added sanity check so it doesn't freak out if the startup folder isn't there
Update 1.12(2/12/2013): Fixed the scheduled task to not require AC power to run, tweaked script to not crash on latest patches, Fixed startup folder not getting executed properly
Update 1.12a(2/12/2013): Fixed it to actually work on the latest updates. Oops.
Update 1.13(2/14/2013): Added the ability to dynamically get the signing level. It now requires internet on the first launch, and after an update changes ntoskrnl.exe. This version is slightly experimental, so if it doesn't work use one of the older versions.
Update 1.13a(2/15/2013): Tweaked the script to return from the hook in a way that seems more robust. If 1.12a or 1.13 work for you there's no need for an update.
Update 1.20(3/01/2013): Made the bat use registry keys instead of files in system32, added registry-based startup folder, altered payload to support unlocking kernel-mode code
Click here to download the latest version​
Older versions may be downloaded here
(Note: If you wish to mirror this post please retain a link to it at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2092158 so users can always get the latest version.)
Nice job! Good to have an all-in-one. Is this tool using the decrement by 0x80000 or trying the option of a slightly lesser decrement?
Also, it would be good to have a unified selection of RT-compiled desktop apps. I'm working on porting Pidgin (the Windows Store IM clients kind of suck...) but it's not easy; the "build under Windows" instructions boil down to "make your Windows system as Unix-y as possible, then build it there". There may be a way to target RT from GCC, but I am not aware of it.
EDIT: What I meant to say is, perhaps a thread linking all the various apps that people have built (preferably with links to their source, for those of us mildly paranoid types who like to see what other peoples' code is doing on our systems) would be a good idea.
GoodDayToDie said:
Nice job! Good to have an all-in-one. Is this tool using the decrement by 0x80000 or trying the option of a slightly lesser decrement?
Also, it would be good to have a unified selection of RT-compiled desktop apps. I'm working on porting Pidgin (the Windows Store IM clients kind of suck...) but it's not easy; the "build under Windows" instructions boil down to "make your Windows system as Unix-y as possible, then build it there". There may be a way to target RT from GCC, but I am not aware of it.
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I'm decrementing by 0x7EFF0, it seems to not get the 0x18 bugcheck at all with that number. The one it gets if you run it too soon is a different bugcheck.
Install Fails
I tried running it but it keeps going in an endless cycle because the Metro app fails to install.
Using a Surface with the latest patches from Microsoft.
merill said:
I tried running it but it keeps going in an endless cycle because the Metro app fails to install.
Using a Surface with the latest patches from Microsoft.
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Does it give you any error messages when it fails to install?
netham45 said:
Does it give you any error messages when it fails to install?
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When installing the metro app, the installation fails because the certificate isn't added to the cert-store by default and the batch just tries again.
I uncommented the #Pause in PrintMessageAndExit to read the error message and that made it possible to choose to install the certificate, the powershell just closed otherwise.
After that the metro app installs fine, and tries to start it. I can see the app start, though the cmd still doesn't recognize it and tries to install it again...
I wrote my own metro app for that today and installed it instead of yours and it worked fine with mine.
My App is just this:
protected override void OnFileActivated(FileActivatedEventArgs args) {
private async void WriteAddress(StorageFile file) {
using (Stream s = await file.OpenStreamForWriteAsync()) {
using (StreamWriter wrt = new StreamWriter(s)) {
uint adr = GetKernelAddress.Address.Get() + 0x19FFBC;
await wrt.WriteAsync((adr & 255).ToString("X2") + " " + ((adr >> 8) & 255).ToString("X2") + " " + ((adr >> 16) & 255).ToString("X2") + " " + ((adr >> 24) & 255).ToString("X2"));
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sebmaster16 said:
When installing the metro app, the installation fails because the certificate isn't added to the cert-store by default and the batch just tries again.
I uncommented the #Pause in PrintMessageAndExit to read the error message and that made it possible to choose to install the certificate, the powershell just closed otherwise.
After that the metro app installs fine, and tries to start it. I can see the app start, though the cmd still doesn't recognize it and tries to install it again...
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Having the same issue, uncommenting the pause seems to fix it all for me. I'll update the zip in the top in just a second.
Edit: New zip with that uncommented uploaded.
Metro app failed to run. Trying to (re)install the metro app...
Found certificate: C:\Users\Merill\Downloads\RT_Jailbreak\bin\ModernUI_App\Get Kernel Base_1.0.
Before installing this package, you need to do the following:
- Install the signing certificate
Cannot invoke method. Method invocation is supported only on core types in this language mode.
At C:\Users\Merill\Downloads\RT_Jailbreak\bin\ModernUI_App\Add-AppDevPackage.ps1:497 char:9
+ $IsAlreadyElevated = ([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent() ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: ) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MethodInvocationNotSupportedInConstrainedLanguage
merill said:
Metro app failed to run. Trying to (re)install the metro app...
Found certificate: C:\Users\Merill\Downloads\RT_Jailbreak\bin\ModernUI_App\Get Kernel Base_1.0.
Before installing this package, you need to do the following:
- Install the signing certificate
Cannot invoke method. Method invocation is supported only on core types in this language mode.
At C:\Users\Merill\Downloads\RT_Jailbreak\bin\ModernUI_App\Add-AppDevPackage.ps1:497 char:9
+ $IsAlreadyElevated = ([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent() ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: ) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MethodInvocationNotSupportedInConstrainedLanguage
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Try the new zip I just uploaded, I believe I fixed that.
Edit: I see what happened. The file that MS distributes has a signature at the bottom which allows it to make unrestricted system calls and when I commented out the pause I broke that.
Very Nice job! Thank you again!
Yahoo!!! Works. Have PuTTY running. Now to get all ARM compatible apps in one place!
merill said:
Yahoo!!! Works. Have PuTTY running. Now to get all ARM compatible apps in one place!
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Glad to hear it's working.
Now, 6 AM, time to go to bed.
merill said:
Yahoo!!! Works. Have PuTTY running. Now to get all ARM compatible apps in one place!
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I agree! If anyone gets Utorrent working ill be eternally greatful
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
vincepg13 said:
I agree! If anyone gets Utorrent working ill be eternally greatful
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With 7Zip, Putty and an .Net 4.0 FTP Uploader app... all I need now is a Transmission console and I no longer really need my laptop.
Would be great to associate .torrent with Transmission on the Surface.
What other "needed" apps that are projects (like SourceForge) that people can think of?
MediaInfo would be handy... wonder if it could also integrate with explorer...
Perhaps this discussion needs its own thread
I'm actually starting a thread for this topic... but since we're here, one thing that would be awesome (instantly add support for a ton of software) would be a Java runtime. Unfortunately, they're huge and complex beasts, and tend to either require assembly or be buildable only on Linux (sometimes both...).
in asus vivo tab rt , I can not go where I say,
please press the volume down now
Silverlight ideally. But it sounds like thats a no go.
Also Chrome or Firefox would be good!
Filezilla would also be nice.
Nice work guys.
It works, but I still get the SmartScreen filter when I try to run apps from Explorer. When I run them from command line, it works fine.
I believe there's a registry entry that needs to be changed, but I don't remember what it is.
randomned said:
It works, but I still get the SmartScreen filter when I try to run apps from Explorer. When I run them from command line, it works fine.
I believe there's a registry entry that needs to be changed, but I don't remember what it is.
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in the pop up, click more info then click 'run anyway' - itll never bother you again for that app.
will this work with the latest updates installed

[Guide] Debian Kit & Limbo PC Emulator (QEMU x86) for Dual-booting Linux on Android

[Guide] Debian Kit & Limbo PC Emulator (QEMU x86) for Dual-booting Linux on Android
Note to mobile readers: view in light mode with XDA app (settings, near the top), view online with a browser (press menu and view online), or download google drive from the marketplace and follow the link to the main document in this guide, you should be prompted what to open that link with, choose google drive and you'll be greeted by an very friendly formatted and constantly updated guide. You can also check a box within the google drive app that allows you to view offline... and on with the show.Legend/Key/Guide for Guide
Yep that's happening. This is designed to avoid most questions about the excessive use of colour coding throughout the guide.
Orange text=chapter titles & section titles.
Yellow text=things that are partly under construction but complete enough to be used with caution
Red text=under construction and for education purposes only when used in the table of contents
Red text=example command that should be modified based on system that you are running on before being used
Green text=complete aside from a missed or stray preposition.
Cyan text=text that can be copy/pasted into a terminal without any modification except for 2 cases
Cyan_text&Red_text=the red text should be modified for your system before use
# and $ should be ignored when copying as that symbol will already be on your terminal
Blue text=examples of what your terminal will output when using a supplied command. This is contextual to the guide and I try to include the command once in the document and a second time near the top of the dump.
Blue text=when used in table of contents denotes things that likely are completely aside from making additions and are low on the priority list to update for the author of this guide.
Grey text=are full dumps of what a command should output and do without errors. These dumps have a reference pointer at the beginning of each so that you may find where in the guide they their relevant to
Pink text=when used in the table of contents this is to show what sections are completely new.
Note to mobile readers: view in light mode with XDA app (settings, near the top), view online with a browser (press menu and view online), or download Google drive from the marketplace and follow the link to the main document in this guide, you should be prompted what to open that link with, choose Google drive and you'll be greeted by an very friendly formatted and constantly updated guide. You can also check a box within the google drive app that allows you to view offline... and on with the show.
Link to Full Guide on google docs:
Link back to XDA thread
Public Editable doc
[Guide] Debian Kit & Limbo PC Emulator (QEMU x86) for Dual-booting and more
Draft2 Linux android multi-node cloud computer tutorial.
1.Setting up base system(functional/\under construction)​1:1 Updates (05202013) XDA Sync happening 8:30pm- added subsection 5:10. added descriptors to section 4:4:* Added/Completed two new mini guide to section 1:5:1:*{{XDA content sync happened 05182013} google document sync will happen after some time}
1:2 - Downloads for android device (functional)
1:3 - Installing Linux system to Android Device (functional)
1:3:1 Verify no major errors are present (functional)
1:3:2 Start ConnectBot (functional)
1:4 Manual install (functionally complete/partially under construction)
1:5 Other methods of running Linux alongside Android (All sub sections Under Construction)
1:5:1 Using Limbo PC Emulator (QEMU)
1:5:1:1 Apps & Files to download for QEMU
1:5:1:2 QEMU Linux Install Guide
1:5:1:3 QEMU Linux Setup Guide(new)(functional)
1:5:1:2-1 Method one: Install to virtual hard drive with QEMU(new)(functional)
1:5:1:2-2 Method two: use a computer to make a virtual install(new)(functional)
1:5:1:4 QEMU Integrating with the rest of Main guide
1:5:1:5 QEMU tips and tricks
1:5:2 Using Complete Linux Installer
1:5:2:1 Apps & Files to download for Complete Linux Installer
1:5:2:2 Complete Linux Installer Installer Guide
1:5:2:3 Complete Linux Installer Setup Guide
1:5:2:4 Complete Linux Installer Integrating with the rest of this guide
1:5:2:5 Complete Linux Installer tips and tricks
2.Installing additional packages​2:1 installing packages before devstack or openstack (Under Construction)
3. Setting up cloud system(Under Construction)
4. Additional notes and hints​4:0 Sites that have been exceptionally (updates contently)
4:1 apps for android that make things easier (functional)
4:2 linux software and or packages that I've tested (under construction)
4:3 commands for apt-get and others I've found useful (functional)
4:3:0 Android command line commands (new)
4:3:1 Apt-get commands (functional)
4:3:2 Command line commands for linux (functional)
4:3:3 Connectbot optimization guide (functional)(newly modified)
4:3:3-1. Linux Boot/Mount automation (newly modified)
4:3:3-2 Linux Un-mount/Kill automation (newly modified)
4:3:3-3. Connectbot “Local” SSH setup (newly modified)
4:3:3-4. Other good combos to use after using 'linuxBoot’ (newly modified)
4:3:4 Remote RDP debian kit guide (functional)
4:4 Rom Tool Box user Tips (brand new and no where else)
4:4:1 Scripts (new content)
4:4:2 Performance Mods (under construction)
4:4:3 General guidelines (under construction)
4:4:4 Useful tips (under construction)
5.Debugging\Known issues with solutions(Constant Construction:Completion Relative)​5:1 debian install problems
5:2 debian manual install issues
5:3 additional packages problems
5:4 reinstallation problems
5:5 How do I solve [My device/linux] issue(s)?(functional)
5:6 How to do a dump like the author?(functional)
5:7 Can I use this to completely replace my Android OS(new/\functional)
5:8 How do I add repositories to Debian?(new/under construction)
6.Introduction, Disclaimer, note to forum Moderator(functional)​6:1 Introduction
6:2 Disclaimer
6:3 Note to forum Moderator
6:4 Statement of long term goal for this project
6:5 Distillation of current project completion
7.Getting comfortable and customizing your new system​7:1 Connection Methods(under construction)(Mini-intro added)
7:1:1 Connecting locally
7:1:2-2.1 Connecting wirelessly through wifi(functional)
7:1:2-2.2 Remote RDP in from a second computer (New)(functional)
7:1:3 Connecting wirelessly through bluetooth(Mini-intro added)
7:1:4 Connecting wirelessly through data network
7:1:5 Connecting wirelessly through atana directly
7:1:6 Connecting through USB with computer
7:1:7 Connecting through USB with USB host mode
7:1:8 Connecting through visible light spectrum
7:1:9 Connecting though invisible light spectrum(New links added)
7:1:10 Connecting though directed/focused light
7:1:11 Connecting through audible sound
7:1:12 Connecting though inaudible sound
7:2 Customization of GUI(under construction)
7:2:1 Saving Electrons(functional)
7:2:2 Making it Pretty(functional)
7:3 Making things happen without excessive user input(under construction)
7:4 Methods of installing or unpacking(under construction)(New)
7:4-4. Installing from sources.(functional)(New)
7:4-4.1 Unpacking tar.gz files(functional)(New)
7:4-4.2 Installing Java for ARM from source(functional)(New)
7:4-4.3 Adding Commands to Bash(functional)(New)
7:4:4.1- Installing Map Tools(under construction)(New)
7:4:4:2 Solved Installing jMonkey on Android(functional)(New)
8.Sources of information and content(functional, nearly up to date)​8:2 Dumps I’ve taken and Pictures worth sharing (under construction)
8:2:1 example: installation without errors (complete)
8:2:2 Example of running fdisk -l (complete)
8:2:3 Example of running mk-debian (complete)
8:2:4 Example of the first time you run deb command (complete)
1:1 Updates
Here I’ll try to keep you up to date with where I am with this project. (Date) in the table of contents reflects the last time that I made a significant update to this guide. {notes} in the table of contents states the nature of the update, if the change is significant it will be referenced here so that you may find the modifications to the guide quicker.
UPDATES APPENDED: see Main Doc for full list of all updates.
05182013- manual install of java has issues with running '.jar' files from the command line, there seems to be another version or method to try or it may be a matter of downloading and applying new libraries to the java install itself, I'll be trying bothe (first the lib or dependency search) but will also end up doing a reinstall of the entire debian os again. Installing from source packages is very use at your own risk and running ontop of a rooted android which you've already been warned is use at your own risk; seems like it be risky, yep, but I've yet to re-root my device for what feels like 2 months (I tell you this because I believe the install instructions to be nearly complete and completely reliable) installing things after that seems hit and miss but so long as you're not foolish much of this guide elsewhere is safer than instructions found elsewhere.
Did some polishing of section 7 and added usefull links that I hinted in the past.
Moved section 6:6 Legend/Key/Guide for Guide to the top of the guide, mostly so I can keep the formatting consistent without loading back and forth between sections. Going to Update the XDA forum posts tonight, Google to google sync still pending...
05192013- Added some links to section 4. The commands in section 7 with red text in only one spot cannot be trusted and the commands right now are suspect right now, they'll be updated as I figure out what's wrong and this statement will be struck though. Java support with development tools and install instructions not far off now...in unrelated news, added new sections 1:5:* & 4:4:*, these right now are place holders for what is to come in the future, I'll be focused on the Java thing that's a bit weird on my system and wrapping up the install from source as well, just bouncing round the other places we'll go. Added new section with a little content; 4:3:0 Android command line commands, I'll be adding more as eventually I'd like to have linux tell android what to do and android to be able to do the same.
05202013- added new subsection to section 5:10 to help update answers to questions received through XDA. Added a bit of content to sections 4:4:* mostly intor fluff so I don't forget where I was going. Did some work for money so new content is still pending for the guide, will likely end up with more time tomorrow...
05212013- currently adding some content to 1:5:1, just couldn’t leave it alone added a bunch of content to that section... think I can call the two new guides functional for Limbo QEMU Linux Installation, comments welcome if it barfs on your device... so yeah made/completed a new section “7:4:4:2 Installing jMonkey” you can now install and run jMonkey naively on Android using Debian Kit and openjdk packages installed on your rooted phone or tablet, using directions in section ‘7:1:2-2.2 Remote RDP in from a second computer’ you can connect into it and develop on your Android device but with the full keyboard experience, then if ya need to go on the go you can save your work and reconnect locally on the device with directions from section ‘4:3:4 Remote RDP debian kit guide’ and continue your development project anywhere you’ve got time hope this helps game makers and app developers as this program outputs in formats that can then be run on the android side with full graphical bliss ... back to work on java compatibility?, looks like I might have to re-install Debian as I've mucked around in the system in a bad way but that's what the guide is for and I'll be working almost all day on the guide, check back often as content will be flowing in. XDA postings updated today 05212013 sorta, the character limit on XDA is now a limiting factor, I will split the document between posts for now and work on making the sections in the Google doc split correctly or something... Updates successful to all educational postings on XDA thread, google drive internal sync still pending but I've been at this for 14 hours or so today so I’ll be off my computer for a little while to let it cool down.
06122013- Section 3 nearly completed, script runs for installing cloud services to android but returns a few errors and is ready for others to test with me, send a PM, e-mail, Google+, what ever and I'll hook you (the reader) up with a preview of the draft script that I've been writing to install openstack to android. Still under heavy development and re-writing but should work now, I'll be posting the beta version publicly when I've done enough testing or had enough testers confirm that it works without problems.
____Update: Bellow Link
____ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A64GMgcVUKbZrTG2WDWfY_g9vABuRx78ULULu-Ir-kE/edit?usp=sharing
____is a script to be tested for controlling the Crazyflie Quad-Copter with Android using Debian Kit's Squeeze or others
____for now see Page 10 for the discussion related to this development.
____if found to work, then merging into the Main Guide and full description on how to get started will be included as well.
Setting up base system (partially under construction)
1. Setting up base system:​
1:2 - Downloads for android device.
Debian kit
Remote RDP free
Root browser (or use your prefered file browser)
Hacker's Keyboard
1:3 - Installing Linux system to Android Device
1:3:1 Verify no major errors are present
Open Debian Kit: check that there are no red X's; tap on anything in the list for more info and/or press menu and tap read me for the developers original doc.
Check that you've enough memory: from the home screen press menu and tap settings; Scroll down to application settings, tap it and view storage use; try to have as much available memory as possible by, moving/removing apps, ruffly 100MB+ worked for me. Note after the initial install you should be able to reinstall/restore the removed apps with little ill effect.
Remove data consuming tasks from the equation either by freezing them with an app like rom tool box or turning off their sync options or uninstalling them. Mainly this step helps insure that while you're downloading the necessary data that your connection doesn't flip out and cause an error that could have been avoided.
1:3:2 Start ConnectBot (rom toolbox terminal emulator also works well for this part with some modification)
Tap on the lower left corner where ssh button is and select local instead.
Tap in the text field next to the bottom now displaying local and type in a nickname like 'debInstall', hit enter and be presented with-
Type su, hit enter, and permit superuser permissions.
$ su
Unpack the installer with sh /sdcard/download/debian-kit-* note: if downloaded with dolphin browser or some other browser then you'll need to change the file path to reflect that.
# sh /sdcard/download/debian-kit-*
# sh /sdcard/Dolphin_Browser_Mini/download/debian-kit-*
# sh /mnt/sdcard/download/debian-kit-*
See 8:2:1 for example of what your screen should look like without errors.
Choose your path:
Input 2s will install a debian.img file 2gb in size to your sdcard. Note: this option is suggested as for the first try as this will allow for a stable and fairly sized environment to test and play with, furthermore I will be writing this guide first for the debian squeeze option and later add the others as I've the time. If choosing this option scroll down to step 6. when the installer starts asking questions.
If 2gb sounds to small and you're willing to brave the manual install, then you'll want to abort the auto installer at this point and scroll further to step 1:2 Manual Install
Once the install has finished you'll be given three options yes, ovpn, q choose one and only one. When yes or ovpn is used things will be removed, when q is used the debian image is unmounted just as it will be automatically unmounted at the end of either yes or ovpn option. Note: when I install to debian.img file I choose ovpn as this allows for the most amount of space to be freed.
Now providing everything is error free the debian.img can be remounted with either of the two commands
# deb
# /data/local/deb/deb
Note: to see what it will look like the first time you run deb and not encounter errors see section 8:2:4
Now to first
update the list of packages currently installed,
second upgrade everything,
third install andromize for compatibility,
forth install andromize-lxde for a gui,
fifth install ssh,
sixth auto remove unnecessary packages,
seventh clean up,
and all that in one step that will take more than a few minutes to complete. Note: andromize at some point is going to request input from you;
tap on your screen and tap on the control button that briefly shows up in the lower corner, the hit the 'i' button on either you hard keyboard or onscreen keyboard. This will put you in insert mode so that with a d-pad and the spacebar or enter key you can select a highlighted option, I suggest: ctrl+i then space (or enter) as that has worked everytime for me.
# apt-get update; apt-get upgrade; apt-get install andromize; apt-get install andromize-lxde; apt-get install openssh-server; apt-get autoremove; apt-get clean
So you're set to rock and roll as root and have a lot of options if ya know what you're doing.
At some point with all this you may feel uncomfortable with running under sudo root user. Scroll down to '4:3:2 Command line commands for linux' and run those commands to secure yourself some.
Start your new ssh server. Now that the basic requirements to run linux have been met and you've a clean OS we need a way to 'open and 'close' terminal windows that aren't going to remount the system a bunch or run us into out of memory or space errors.
Start ssh with one of the following commands
# deb s
Stop ssh with one of the following commands (when you're done)
# deb S
Once ssh is on you can connect to your device from any other ssh compatible device. For now we are going to use identical directions, almost, to section 4:3:3-3
Make or open a new or existing ssh connection with connectbot with your username that you want to log in as then the @ symbol followed by "localhost"
Make sure that in the lower corner that the option is set to ssh and hit the enter key
Connectbot or whatever local running ssh app you're using (I'll be testing or hearing about a few I'm sure) should now prompt you for a password. Put in the one you (I hope setup before in step 4:3:2... yeah I'm going to have to fix that...) set up and you should be greeted by a few lines of text and a # with your username before it. This is where many of the linux commands should be run.
Note: this method is prefered because you can connect and disconnect without sending multiple "deb" commands in the local connection that we only should use for installation and starting the system (first boot and after reboots). Sending multiple "deb" commands can cause all sorts of issues without sending "deb u; deb k" commands between. The other issue that arises with sending multiple "deb" commands followed by a "deb u; deb k" is that you can fill folder structures on the linux OS and your SD card that are designed to rescue unintentionally deleted files, cache, and junk files, which in other circumstances is really good to know like when a picture disappears from your gallery, but in this case is a real pain. You'll get all sorts of errors so remember one "deb" command per boot and connect through ssh or remote RDP once your system has mounted linux and you'll have a happier experience. Okay moving on.
1:4 Manual install
Unmount and eject the sd card from your device
Plug the sd card into enough adapters to plug it into your computer. I've used micro to sd adapters and then plugged that into yet another adapter sd to usb with success.
Backup all data. You're about to delete it all.
Using gParted on ubuntu 12.04
Ensure that gParted has selected the sdcard and not your hard drive... don't select your hard drive that would be bad.
Check out the current partition layout, perhaps even make note of it somewhere incase something goes wrong. My sandisk started out with a 4mb empty zone and a fat32 partition for the rest.
Reformat original partition to fat32 by either write clicking the main partition or selecting the partition drop down menu at the top of the window.
Resize first first partition (pay close attention to not accidently remove, overwrite, or move over the little bit reserved at the start of your sdcard) to the desired amount of space for the android side of your device such as space for; downloads, app cache, apps to sd, photos, and music. This space is all that my android recognizes by default so think about it.
Second make a second partition filling up the trailing bit left over, you can try something fancy but I chose a fat 32 bootable.
Apply the three operations with the green checkbox in the upper left quadrant of the window and let it run.
When gParted finishes unmount and eject the sd card, wait a second or two and plug it all back into your computer.
If you left gParted open then your sdcard and it's partitions should now show up as selectable in the drop down for devices. Close gParted.
Open a file browser or two; one for your sd card's first partition and another for where you saved the backup of your sd card's contents.
Copy your backups back over to the first partition of your sdcard. I'd advise copying the important things first, app backups folders and system and/or nandroid backups. The things you can live without for a day or two you can come back for because you're here to get to the next step.
Unmount and eject from computer. Plug back into phone and remount.
Run through the first part of the guide and about when given the option to make a debian.img file.
Run the following commands in connectbot under superuser to figure out what the installer uses to identify the second partition on your external sdcard, format it and install linux to it.
This may show the uuid, drive letter, date modified. Make note of todays date and check for three dates in the list that match from when you were repartitioning. Take note of everything.
/data/local/deb/armel/busybox fdisk -l /dev/block/vold/*
Results may vary try navigation to /dev/ with a root browser on the android side of things, take a look around and adjust the bit after 'fdisk -l' to reflect your device's folder scheme and rerun till you get something that looks like this: (or see section 8:2:2 for full example)
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/block/vold/179:0p1 1 1279 10264576 c Win95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/block/vold/179:0p2 1279 1925 5189632 b Win95 FAT32
Now to run the mk-debian -h script and change settings until satisfied. Note: I had one issue when I didn't tell the installer what 'drive' letter to install to;the letter preceding 'Win95 FAT32' in above example or in the below example command you can see the drive letter delineation specified at the end with '-L b' because on my device setup that's the letter in which I need to install to. (see section 8:2:3)
# /data/local/deb/mk-debian -i /dev/block/vold/179:2 -s 5310 -L b -h
Which if configured correctly will look like the dump took and pasted below.
Script to format a loop disk file or disk partition with ext2/3/4 and install a Debian Linux there.
mk-debian [Options]
-d <distro> specify squeeze/lucid/precise
-m <path> specify mount point for disk/device
-s <megabyte> specify size for new loop disk file
-i <file|dev> specify loop disk file name or device
-t <ext2/3/4> specify file system to be created
-L <label> specify disk label for formatting
-D <ip> specify DNS server to be used
-M <url> specify Mirror URL for downloading
-u update /system/bin/deb script and exit
-U uninstall Debian kit (not debian.img!)
-C clean files not required to run Debian
-h display usage text and settings
-d squeeze
-m /data/local/mnt
-s 5310 Mb
-i /dev/block/vold/179:2
-t ext4
-L b
-M(squeeze) http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian
-M(lucid/precise) http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports
Action: install
For creating a loop disk file, you may want to change the default size (in Mb, 512-2047). For formatting a device (-i /dev/xxx) or if overwriting an existing loop disk file, the size is ignored. The loop disk file name or the device name will be written to the bootdeb script's IMG= line if this script succeeds.
If you specify a device, the UUID of the formatted device is instead saved into bootdeb (IMG=uuid:<hexid>). With this, the correct device can be found even after some mixed USB drive/SD card eject-insert sequences.
Check your settings by adding '-h' as the last switch.
Remove the '-h' from the tail end of the command to run when you believe all is good and if all is good then scroll back up to step 7 of the main install guide where it talks about remounting debian.
1:5 Other methods of running Linux alongside Android
Contents​_______SPLIT FOR POSTINGS______
1:5 Other methods of running Linux alongside Android​These sections that follow ( 1:5:* ) will detail the other methods the author has installed Linux Environment.
Note: at this point I've only one device that is capable of developing a guide to install and integrate cloud services; if you wish to see that change you may make additions on the publicly editable version of this document, or, research it on your own time, or, make a donation to the author; my time can be purchased , or, wait for me to document it in my own time.
1:5:1 Using Limbo PC Emulator (QEMU)​Note: I did not originally include this method as it is a slower way to run linux on android. Its good but emulation always comes at a cost. There are many devices on the market now that will support this app smoothly but like I've said you'll still see a cost.
Note: run-on list of “Cost”
Slow: The nature of emulation causes this. To understand the details of this one will have to delve into some of the details of how machines talk to one another and within themselves, machine language(s), and, the details of what a processor actually does.
I’ll try to sum it up though; a processor type (CPU - ARM/Pentium/AMD and even GPU - Nvidia, iSBX 275, S3 89C911) has a specific structure in how the components and pathways are laid out. This causes each manufacturer to have their own way of sending electrons across the internal structure that makes up the processor, this is usually kept private or proprietary (Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo are good examples of this) to the manufacture, which is the machine language that I was talking about. Compatibility with the other components that the processor connects to is usually achieved by standardization of “shape” meaning the little wires that come off of CPU chip itself and connect to the rest of the circuit board, and the internal firmware of the CPU chip.
To make a processor process a “native” task one must be speaking its language or a language that it understands (many come with what’s called ‘channels’ that handle; Flash, Java, or other human readable programming language) and tell it where to get information and how to handle it and where to send it and what to do next and have all that on the “native” hardware. To make a processor process a “alien” task one must have a way of translating all the processor’s calls for data and handling of data to a completely different set of physical pathways and methods of handling data; this would be like if you and I were placed in completely different parts of the same city and were given the exact same set of instructions (north 5 kilometers, east 12 meters, south east 1 kilometers) and be expected to arrive at the same location; just doesn’t compute, you would end up in a location relative to your start point just as I would but the relative distance wouldn’t change between us. And more than likely one of us would run into an obstacle not far from the start and where we programs and not humans the one of us to hit an obstacle would, like a lemming, just keep failing until killed off.
An emulator bridges the language and hardware divide (visual here: like an octopus wriggling through a small hole when viewed through x ray photography) by wrapping up the data being handled in such a way that another processor doesn’t try to natively run the data being wrapped up (visual here: like the internal organs, of the before mentioned imaginary octopus, not rupturing through the skin and spilling out into the water that it’s entire body is encapsulated in) and then giving the data within a way to communicate with other data that has been wrapped up.
It's not an exact description of emulation but an analogy and how I think about it.
Electron Expensive: The very act of emulation causes the processor that is running the emulation to pull double duty. For every task that has to be carried out by the emulated machine. a task must first be started on the host machine, then the emulated task is started, then the emulated task makes a call for more data or tries to write data, that emulated task ‘call for more’ is sent back to the host machine, the host machine then must make the required translations to compute the request, after computing the request the task is performed, if the task being performed makes ‘calls for more’ then those are then handled just like the parent task (making more calls and translations back and forth) and so on. When done coded properly; emulators can emulate a processor very near the host’s megahertz level and the emulated tasks show very little lag from all this back and forth that the data must first go through, however, due to the closed source nature of hardware and internal firmware, making a well coded emulator is very difficult and usually involves trial and error combined with a little reverse engineering. In most cases when running an emulator, you’ll want a host machine capable of much greater megahertz range than the machine you are trying to emulate (it’s why next gen console emulation is so difficult for most home PC’s) to allow for the back and forth that happens with emulation. This back and forth that the data goes through is what will cost you in battery life because data is transmitted with electricity and there is a finite amount that your battery will store and output.
Hair Puller: As wonderful as it can be to run emulators; eventually things just go wrong and debugging how to work around it can be an exercise in futility.
Note: run-on list of “Benefits”
Extended Compatibility: Being able to run non-native machine code and system tasks gives an enormous amount of flexibility to the host machine. With QEMU you can even emulate the old floppy disk drives on Android and I doubt most households have a fiscal one of those anymore.
Development Options: Emulating hardware allows for development to take place on a set of hardware that doesn’t need to be physically owned thus reducing the cost of development to time, education, and workforce.
Hardware Virtualization:Because the operating system is running on virtualized hardware you are more free to convert the image file that the OS is saved to and run on multiple devices or computers with very little work once you’ve got an installed OS image. I’ve even seen work done to sync system files between clones so that one can login to each clone and after a few minutes have the exact same programs to access and run between devices.
Games:Yep you can play games with this, like mine sweeper and other low memory intensive games, but further development and a faster device will alow for many more titles to be added to the list of “working and fun” that I’ll be compiling here.
1:5:1:1 Apps & Files to download for QEMU​Limbo from the Google Marketplace
Limbo in my opinion is of the one of the best apps out there for novice on up to master rooted phone users. In short its like a "game console" emulator for your pc only with a big twist the "game console" Limbo emulates is actually normal PC processors like a pentium 3 and it runs on android so you can play pc hardware dependent content such as windows if you've got the specs on the go.
Pick A Linux Distribution
The links provided are here for convenience and should be considered untested unless accompanied by a statement that it has worked on android. I will try to test as many as possible and document the; pros and cons; methods of installation if they varied from the main QEMU install guide provided in this main guide.
DSL (Damn Small Linux)
Worked for me on my Epic 4Gs
Ubuntu (12.04)
Kali (like backtrack)
There is a live boot ISO for PC, a ARM variant that’s being tested by others, and a network install that I’ve found. For this method (QEMU) I would suggest the PC version; I’ll be testing the network install in the future so I can attempt a “Debian Kit” port for the ARM native version of their distribution.
Just ran across this one. It’s android for PC processors instead of the ARM processor. But QEMU is a PC emulator, so if we want a slow Android OS running on top of the normal one for that could be possible. Don’t know yet if it will work but it’s worth a shot as this would allow developers to mobily develop for this variant of Android and normal root users the chance to make drastic changes to the emulated Android environment without too much fear of fouling up their main Android environment.
1:5:1:2 QEMU Linux Install Guide​1:5:1:2-1 Method one: Install to virtual hard drive with QEMU
1. Download Limbo from the market place
2. Download a Linux distro to start with or try an ISO that you already have if you're feeling adventurous
3. Open Limbo
4. Tap on ‘Load VM’ and choose ‘New’
5. Name your new Virtual Machine and tap ‘Create’
6. Scroll down to ‘RAM Memory (MB)’ tap ‘64’ and choose 512
7. Scroll down to ‘CDROM (*.iso)’ and tap ‘None’
8. Tap ‘Open’ in the new pop up and using the folder navigation window that pops up; navigate the the ISO file that is on your device (usually in your downloads folder) and tap it
9. Back in the main Limbo app screen scroll down to ‘Hard Disk A(*.img/*.qcow2)’ and tap ‘None’ and tap new
10. In the new pop up (Image Name) title your hard disk somthing that will tell you that it’s an emulated hard drive of that distribution, such as ‘DSLhdEmu’ and set a size that you’re willing to sacrifice to running Linux and tap ‘Create’
11. Scroll down to ‘Boot from Device’ tap ‘Default’ and in the pop up choose ‘CD Rom’
12. Scroll down to ‘Network Configuration’ and tap ‘None’ and choose ‘User’
13. Scroll down to ‘VGA Configuration’ tap std and choose ‘vmware’
14. Scroll up, all the way up, on the Limbo main screen and choose start. If everything goes well you’ll be presented with a linux live boot environment that you can then use to install onto the virtual hard drive that you made. Once you install you can remove the ISO from the parameters in Limb and change the boot order to the virtual hard drive.
1:5:1:2-2 Method two: use a computer to make a virtual install
and then converting it to a qcow2 file and install linux to it before moving it over to the device to run it. This is a bit round about but it's my method when I can't run the install but can run the OS due to emulation not being perfect and my device not being powerful enough.
1. Download and install ‘VertualBox’ to your PC from:
Note: You’ll want to choose the one that is for your PC’s hardware and operating system
2. Open ‘Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager’ and click ‘New’
3. Click ‘Next’ and title it something you’ll remember is for this purpose, such as ‘DSLforQEMU’
4. Mouse over to ‘Operating System’ and click on ‘Microsoft Windows’ choose ‘Linux’ in the drop down
5. Mouse over to ‘Version’ and click on ‘Ubuntu’ choose ‘Other Linux’ in the drop down
6. Mouse over to the ‘Next’ button and click it
7. Mouse over to the box with ‘256’ click it and input 512; mouse over to next and click it (unless you’re computer has less than 2 gigs of RAM)
8. Click the ‘Next’ button again because we’re creating a new ‘Start-up Disk’
9. Mouse over to the ‘VHD (Virtual Hard Disk)’ and click the little circle next to it to select that option and mouse over to the ‘Next’ button and click it
10. Click the ‘Next’ button again unless you really want a ‘Fixed size’ image taking up a bunch of space or if you’ve had issues with ‘Dynamically allocated’ option not converting to qcow2 format properly.
11. This next page titled ‘Virtual disk file location and size’ you’ll want to set up yourself based on how much space your hard drive has and how much space your Android device has. I shrank mine down to 3 gigs though and left everything else alone.
12. Mouse over to the ‘Next’ button and click it then ensure everything looks ok and click the ‘Create’ button too. If there is a second window behind that go ahead and click the ‘Next’ and ‘Create’ buttons too to set up the virtual machine
13. Mouse over to the new virtual machine that you’ve created and ‘right click’ it and select settings or select the new virtual machine and select the ‘Settings’ button which should be between the ‘New’ and ‘Start’ buttons
14. In the new ‘Settings’ window, you’ll find oodles of things to tweak and feel free at a latter time, for now mouse over to the ‘Storage’ and click it
15. In the storage settings mouse over to the ‘Storage Tree’ part of the window and look for a disk icon that says ‘Empty’ and select it (this is the virtual machine's CD drive)
14. With the virtual CD drive selected mouse over to the ‘Attributes’ part of the window and select the checkbox to enable ‘Live CD/DVD’, mouse over to the disk icon just to the right and a little above the checkbox and click it to set up where the ISO is for installing Linux, select ‘Choose a virtual CD/DVD file...’
15. Use the new window titled ‘Choose a virtual CD/DVD file’ to navigate and select the ISO file that you wish to use to install Linux to the virtual hard drive image that was created in step 11
16. Mouse over to the ‘Open’ button and click it then click the ‘Ok’ button in the ‘Settings’ window that was behind it.
17. Back in the main window for VirtualBox titled ‘Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager’ ensure that the virtual machine that we’ve been making is still selected and then mouse over to the ‘Start’ button and click it.
18. Interrupt the boot with one of the function buttons on your keyboard when the new window pops up and starts to paint in what will look like a computer starting up in a window (usually ‘F2’ or ‘F10’ or ‘F12’)
19. In the interrupted boot menu within the “VM” window choose the option that corresponds with the CD drive to make the virtual machine boot from CD this time around only
20. Let the live boot process process for a bit and eventually you should be presented with a window that looks like a linux desktop is inside of it
21. Follow the instructions for installing your specific distribution to a hard drive and when that guide states to install to a hard drive just remember to be selecting the virtual hard drive that was created in step 11
22. After installation to the virtual hard drive has finished test that it installed correctly by shutting down the virtual machine and getting back into the settings described in step 15 and “eject or remove or unmount” the linux ISO file from the virtual CD drive
23. Start the virtual machine again and check that it boots correctly from the virtual hard drive image. If it does shut it down again properly. If it doesn’t try again or try a different distribution.
24. Open the ‘Settings’ window again and select ‘Storage’ again, this time though under the ‘Storage Tree’ part of the window select the virtual hard drive image (its the *.vdi file that was created in step 11) and mouse over to the disks icon to in the ‘Attributes’ part of the window to the far right of where it says ‘Hard Disk’ and select ‘Choose a virtual hard disk file...’ and make a note of the full folder path to the *.vdi file; somewhere like in a notepad or scrap of paper or memorize it.
25. Open a terminal window on your PC and convert the *.vdi file to a *.qcow2 file with the following command structure
Example : Syntax
# qemu-img convert -O qcow2 *.vdi *.qcow2
Example : useable
# cd /home/dev/dumps
# qemu-img convert -O qcow2 DSLforQEMU.vdi DSLforQEMU.qcow2
26. Let the converter convert and come back to it after a few minutes
27. Once the converter has converted it’s time to transfer the qcow2 file to your Android device, use a cable or a SD card adapter to get it over to the folder that Limbo saves virtual hard drive
28. Start up Limbo and create a new machine much like the steps in method one but you’ll not need to select a ISO file, instead select the virtual hard drive image as the hard drive to boot from and set the other setting the same as method one and start the virtual machine to test it on your Android device.
2. Installing additional packages & 3. Setting up cloud system
Contents​2. Installing additional packages
These packages should be installed if you’re following the entire guide for setting up a wireless private mobile cloud server. At this point the author is still debugging error messages with some of the services/packages that are being trialled for this making this project a reality and the author is still working on educating himself on dependencies/configurations; so use section 2 and section 3 use at your own risk.
2:1 installing packages before devstack or openstack
First we'll need some git for our flavor of debian
#apt-get install git-arch
Devstack.org directs to use the following comand to get a clone of devstack onto your device
#git clone https://github.com/openstack-dev/devstack.git
Then to deploy and install use
#cd devstack && ./stack.sh
Debian has got some errors so I'll have to figure out where to go from here. Resources that I'm using:
devstack.org compatible with ubuntu 12.04 form of debian kit posibly, still working out kinky install errors with ubuntu on myTouch 3g.
openstack.org states that its compatible with debain and ubuntu forms of debain kit posibly, still reading and obsorbing information. Could run into processor, memory, and storage constraints if the guides are to be believed, don't care round hole meet square pag.
stackgeek.com/guides/gettingstarted.html ran accross it, might have something...
Google.com yep google gets it done with well constructed quaries. Use the 'solved' 'distro' with 'issue' and refine from there, adding 'similarweb address) or (something)' or 'siteweb address specifically)'
Contents​3. Setting up cloud system
This is under construction...
Note: looks like you'll need access to a total of three devices for this; be it three rooted android phones or a combo of computers and rooted devices all of which seem to at this point need to be running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
I'm now looking into installing the componits that are required to run openstack on Ubuntu to other distrobutions such as Squeeze by downloading the sorce .deb or .sh files and installing from sorce. This is because after reading though the bootdeb (wich you can find after unpacking the debian kit under the file path: /data/local/deb/bootdeb) by opening as a text file with rom toolbox; there seems to be a way of shifting the way that super user requests are handeled by the android system that alow for devices (such as the myTouch 3g) with system read/write protection enabled (sOff/sOn) to handle read/write permitions diferently. This has adverse side effects so avoiding it and using a stable reliece of debian squeeze is the sogested method at this point and fixing the depindencies manuely.
Un-orginized notes
What dependencies or pacages that shold be satisfide
Info taken and used from
keystone nova glance nova-network cinder
and it does not include
horizon quantum ceilometer
4. Aditinal notes Part 1
Contents​4. Additional notes
The following sub sections are dedicated to the more common tasks: interacting with android linux as a whole, helpful links, linux command line commands, and helpful tips for the apps that you’ll be using to set up and interact with your linux android system that would have broken the flow of reading the main install steps.
4:0 Sites that have been exceptionally helpful
This section has the following organization patterns:
new links = descending order, older links near the top newer links towards the bottom
small font with link embedded = older links that likely are up to date between all versions of this guide
medium font with link embedded = links that I’ve formatted but have yet to update to other mirrors of this guide
medium font with link not embedded = links that I’ve most recently added and likely have not been updated anywhere else
4:1 apps for android that make things easier
Note: these apps are not necessary to follow the guide as of yet, so don’t go paying without considering all the good it’ll do you.
ROM Toolbox Pro
XDA Developers
Shark for Root(native)
BusyBox Installer
TUN.ko Installer
Google Drive
4:2 linux software and or packages that I've tested
Very powerful programing and development toolkit for programing, if you run into issues after installation go to help update in the jmonkey window and that should resolve it, the developer states it on the download page but i and many others have filled google search bars with error searchs when mostly that one step will save you a lot of heartache, after of course resolving the other dependencies... I’ll be updating this in a bit with full directions on how to install .sh packages from the downloads folder in android to a full programing environment.
Wireshark (linux & android? yep)
updates eventually. so far I’ve been able to use wireshark from the android market to capture my home network info’s, saved it and then using wireshark on the linux side of things to view and interact with the pcap files as I at this moment don’t know how to resolve all the dependencies for running wireshark on the linux side solely.
4:3 commands for apt-get and others I've found useful
4:3:0 Android command line commands
Here will be commands that can be run from the Android command line, independent of the Linux system, some in fact many will also work on the Linux system. At this point the "____" will be the break between subsections for sectio 4:3:0:* as organization will have to happen after there's enough content to organize.
Download from web to a specific directory and attempt to reconnect if connection is interrupted.
The -cO = 'c' to reconnect if interrupted, 'O' to 'output' to a specific file path.
The '/sdcard/Download*' = path you want to save the file to; adjust it based on where your device saves downloads to by default or change it to a custom path.
The 'http://' = the web address you wish to download from. Some may not support it but most should.
Example : Syntax
# wget -cO /sdcard/Download/[Name-of-file-you-are-downloading].[file-extention-of-the-file] "http://domain.com/path/to/file/to/download.zip"
Example : Usable
# wget -cO /sdcard/Dolphin_Browser_Mini/download/photobomb-cat1fxb.jpg " http://www.justsaypictures.com/images/photobomb-cat-1fxb.jpg "
4:3:1 Apt-get commands:
Search for package or package description (still working on condensing and organizing this part)
#apt-cache search "web server"| grep something
Install commands
#apt-get -i {package-name}
Removal commands
#apt-get remove <package_name>
Removes an installed package, leaving configuration files intact.
# apt-get purge <package_name>
This command completely removes a package and the associated configuration files. Configuration files residing in ~ are not usually affected by this command.
If you want to remove package1 and install package2 in one step:
# apt-get remove<package1> <package2>+
Remove unnecessary or abandoned data that isn't necessary to keep
# apt-get autoremove
This command removes packages that were installed by other packages and are no longer needed.
#apt-get autoremove <package_name>
This command removes an installed package and dependencies.
While there is no built in way to remove all of your configuration information from your removed packages you can remove all configuration data from every removed package with the following command.
# dpkg -l | grep '^rc' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs dpkg --purge
auto-apt commands
# auto-apt run<command_string>
When invoked, the auto-apt command automatically installs packages upon missing file access. If a program tries to access a file known to belong in an uninstalled package, auto-apt will install that package using apt-get. This feature requires apt and sudo to work.
Auto-apt keeps databases which need to be kept up-to-date in order for it to be effective. This is achieved by calling the commands auto-apt update, auto-apt updatedb and auto-apt update-local.
Usage example
You're compiling a program and, all of a sudden, there's an error because it needs a file you don't have. The program auto-apt asks you to install packages if they're needed, stopping the relevant process and continuing once the package is installed.
# auto-apt run./configure
It will then ask to install the needed packages and call apt-get automatically. If you're running X, a graphical interface will replace the default text interface.
dpkg command to get package information such as description of package, version etc. The syntax is: dpkg --info {.deb-package-name}
Pull up the man page for adding repos to apt-get
# man add-apt-repository
Note: at this point this command doesn't work, will look into it at some point soon.
At some point if you don’t know better you’re going to try and make apt-get install more automatically than it really needs to; you may succeed. Before you waste your time like I did and then go searching round for ways to undo safely the same way take a look at this quoted and condenced from hear (http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/debian-26/how-to-configure-apt-get-to-install-suggested-packages-169746/)
I think that automatically adding all suggested packages would put a lot of cruft on your system. However, if you want it, you can get that behavior by adding a line to /etc/apt/apt.conf: Code: APT::Install-Recommends "true"; APT::Install-Suggests "true";
The second line will automate suggests and the first would automate installation of recommends. You can use either or both, though again, lots of cruft. If you don't yet have an /etc/apt/apt.conf file,you can create it and add just the one line.
If you have apt.conf setup like this, you can avoid installing recommends via: Code: apt-get --no-install-recommends install package
This will prevent apt from considering recommended packages as dependency for installing,even if apt.conf is configured to do so via "APT::Install-Recommends".
you can also specify the option on the command line, like this: sudo apt-get install <package> -o APT::Install-Suggests=true but apt-get install will follow the "suggests" for all installed packages, not just the one you are adding now.
4:3:2 Command line commands for Linux (part 2)
4:3:2 Command line commands for Linux
Set password for root
# passwd
Add a normal user. This command will also start a chain of user input requests to set up the user's "profile" its easy and better than running round as root all day.
# add-user[new-user-name]
# adduser[new-user-name]
Give normal user sudo permissions. Note depending on which environment you run this command you will need a password for root or the user's password for the sudo permissions or the password for the user, try'em all till one works and make a note of it.
# add-user sudo[user-name]
I've also used
# adduser [user-name] sudo
Login to new user. It will then request a password from you. Note when you type in your password there will be no indication on your display, this is a security feature.
# login[user-name]
Install packages to new user once logged in
#sudo apt-get install [package-name]
Get a list of installed packages
#dpkg --get-selections
Get some help with dpkg
#dpkg --help
4:3:3 Connectbot optimization guide
By this point I hope you've poked around in Connectbot and seen some things. We're going to use some of them here to make the boot and shutdown processes a bit easier. For theses steps you’ll want to follow steps 4:3:3-1 though 4:3:3-4 and then scroll down to the specific automation example and copy/paste it.
4:3:3-1. Linux Boot/Mount automation
Open Connectbot
Make a new local connection and title it 'linuxBoot' or something that will remind you not to open it more than once (if you do, don't worry, we can fix it)
Disconnect from 'linuxBoot' and then press and hold on it until a dialog pops up.
Select Edit Host, scroll down to ‘Post-login automation’ and select that too.
Past the following lines with the line breaks intact (you may have to go in with your finger and hit 'enter' in order to have the correct line breaks between commands) if your device took well to the system shortcut that the installer attempted to place for 'deb'.
deb s; deb x
Past the the following if you get errors saying that 'deb isn't recognized'. This is usually to do with not having full read/write permissions while your device is operating (sOff and sOn for example on some HTC devices)
export PATH=/data/local/deb:$PATH
deb s; deb x
The deb s causes linux to mount and start openssh-server so that you can connect to it from any ssh compatible device and get to the command line.
The deb x starts up lxde, which gives you a graphical user interface to interface with.
The export path command is kinda like a short cut. You can use that one for many things and is well worth experimenting with.
Save your settings by hitting 'ok' and backing out to connect bot's main screen.
Make a new local connection and title it something like 'linuxShutdown'
Repeat steps 3-5 or 6 and past one of the following
4:3:3-2 Linux Unmount/Kill automation
Paste the following lines into the separate new local connection’s ‘Post-login automation’ titled ‘linuxShutdown’ for a quick connection that you can use to safely shut down your connections, unmount the OS from where it hooks into the android system, and kill any remaining tasks.
deb S; deb X; deb u; deb k
export PATH=/data/local/deb:$PATH
deb S; deb X; deb u; deb k
capitalizing the 's' and 'x' from the 'linuxBoot' example sends the shutdown command to those two services
Unmount from system is what 'deb u' does, sometimes you'll see some errors
And 'deb k' forcibly kills whatever's left (usually whatever was causing the errors from running the 'deb u' command
Save and back out yet again to the main connectbot screen.
4:3:3-3. Connectbot “Local” SSH setup
Make a new connection, this time select ssh, if its not already selected by default and title it something like '[email protected]' just change the debian part to the name of the user you want to login as, such as root perhaps.
1. If you've left ssh running then skip to step 4:3:3-2. If you haven't started it then start it by
Selecting your 'linuxBoot' let it do its thing for a sec or hit 'enter' on your keyboard and let it do its thing for a second.
2. Once you've got ssh server up you can connect to it one of two ways that I know of.
First to test and daily for quick command line access: click on the ssh connection that was made in step 4:3:3-3 of this mini-guide and type the password for that user... and your in.
Second way is to connect with a different device: see section 7:1:2-2
Once you're in you may interact with it like a terminal window and most linux commands will work here with little to no modification. So utilize linux specific sources of information as I'd exhaust myself enumerating and cataloging all the things you can do.
4:3:3-4. Other good combos to use after using 'linuxBoot’
these are connections that I set up with connectbot to quickly run other repetitive tasks that I've saved and used as their own separate local connections. These can also be copy/paste into the command line usually too.
upgrade, update, start a search for something new to install
apt-get upgrade; apt-get update
apt-cache search
Clean out temp and cached files, remove unnecessary junk
apt-get clean; apt-get autoremove; apt-get update
Displays the manual for displaying manuals and the "| less" should make it display a bit frienlyer.
man man | less
4:3:4 Remote RDP debian kit Guide
1. Open Remote RDP, Press menu, Tap add and input the following modifications to the options:
Password=[please-don't] can be a security risk
Screen=800X600 (though try others based on the physical size of your device)
Compress=checked On
Name=[[email protected]] (think you can name it whatever you like)
2. Back out to main Remote RDP screen and tap on the new connection you've set up.
3. There you will be greeted by either an error prompt (in which case check your settings in step one of this mini guide or run the boot commands described in step 4:3:3-6, specifically deb x) or you will see part of a desktop, window, and or mouse cursor. At this point; verify the username is correct, input your password for that user name, and hit enter.
Note if when you tap or drag on the screen and the mouse cursor follows your finger and not the gesture:
Back out to the main screen on Remote RDP
Press menu, tap settings; or tap the gear icon
Scroll down to Touchpad mode and either enable or disable
Familiarize yourself with some of the other settings while you're here as there are many user interface tweaks you can use.
4. Once you've successfully made a connection, chill for a sec. You're going to at first see a grayish screen, maybe a window bar at the bottom, and then (depending on the speed and available memory of your device) all the sudden it'll paint in a desktop for you to poke around in.
5. On the desktop that Remote RDP has wonderfully supplied; let's get rid of one pesky thing, the screen saver, its a resource and battery drain.
Mouse over to the lower left corner of the screen
There you will see a little 'symbol' click it and in a second it'll pop up a dialog.
Mouse over to options, then screen saver settings, and tap it
In the upper right quadrant of the new window you'll find a drop down menu with disable screensaver being one of them.
Select your choice, then exit out.
Note if logged in as root in Remote RDP you'll receive an error pop up window. In which case instead of mousing over to screensaver settings; mouse over to disable x screensaver under the other directory of the 'start bar' menu and click it. That should resolve having the screen saver coming on in the background while the screen is off and in no need of saving. Other methods welcome.
4:4 Rom Tool Box user Tips
If you've got it then you know its the best; if not, then try the free version and see if it will meet your needs before making the plunge to pro version.
4:4:1 Scripts
Here I will document scripts that I use or am working on.
Boot script
: '
starts the remote desktop protocol server and openssh server services and exits the bash automaticly
written for personal use by strangerthanbland 05182013 Use at own risk.
see guide for details on why this script is useful
Comments and suggestions can be directed to either of the above links
_set this to run at boot with rom tool box by copy/pasting in a new script file and tapping on it and selecting Run At Boot Option
_add a new script to rom tool box by opening the app on your device
__scrol down to scripter under the tools tab and tap it
___tap on add then create
____title it what you want and copy past this example from hash sine to the exit command
export PATH=/data/local/deb:$PATH
deb x; deb s
ShutDown Script
: '
Listens for the device's shutdown command and executes this as one of the shutdown processes
4:4:2 Perfomence Mods
The mods explained here are as always a "use at your own risk" sort of affair. What will be contained here? Governors, overclocking and undervolting, memory management, ad blocking, and many more when time permits.
4:4:3 General guide lines
The things that I suggest for ROM Tool Box are only from a user's perspective and are here for easy reference, documentation purposes, and to offer a different perspective. The guide lines for using the material found in sections 4:4:1 - 4:4:4 may be modified but are as follows:
Don't be foolish; this app can be dangerous
Understand your device(s) and my device(s) are different
Comments/problems about the app itself likely should be directed to the developer of that app
Comment/problems about the content here should be directed here to this document or one of it's mirrors
4:4:4 Useful tips
5. Debugging\Known issues with solutions
5. Debugging\Known issues with solutions​
5:1 debian install problems
So the first part of unpacking debian kit didn't work?
Troubleshoot it;
check that you're connected to a stable source of internet
check that the file path is correct and that there's no typos
check that the file downloaded is the correct file, redownload after deleting if not
5:2 debian manual install issues
So the second part where I'm making the loop image failed somewhere and things don't work right or left, do I toss my phone in disgust?
I've had this happen multiple times, kinda sucks when it's nearing the finish line, but to solve this
run the mk-debian -h command for manual install, edit the options until satisfied just like normal, except, you'll be presented with an option to format the existing, abort, and create new.
Choose your destiny like hitting e (format existing) and trying again with the install process.
Aside from that the other solution that I had to resort to was
reflashing my phones rom, kernel, gapps, and reinstalling only the apps required to perform the installation process.
This worked the best as it freed up most of the phones memory and kept the amount of background running tasks to a minimum. Fear not though as after installing linux and testing that it works I was then able to restore and redownload all the apps I had previously, it just meant that I had to re-unpack, re-install; so step one reset is what it turned out to become.
You may also try to create new with that command. I’ve yet to try this but I expect that running the mk-debian -h and changing the name of debian.img to a slightly different name than the one already on your storage device might allow you to test multiple distributions from the root of your sd card without having to uninstall the previously installed one. This is untested but may be useful for saving time and testing all of them by only sitting though the install process for each once instead of the uninstall, reinstall, and repeat fashion that I’ve had to use so far, think of it like installing multiple OS’s to different hard drives in your computer at home. The biggest issue that may be faced is mounting one specifically and keeping the others from mounting if one is already running and mounted, otherwise we’ll run into major slowdowns and errors I’m sure.
5:3 additional packages problems
So I tried to download and install a bunch of things with apt-get and things were going great until a (phone call, text message, random error, or disconnected prompt) shot everything I was plotting down, what do I do to complete the install or download?
Fret not once linux is installed and behaving itself(mostly) you're atop the shoulders of giants and all that is usually required is
re-running the apt-get command.
There should be a difference in size of archives to be downloaded or installed from the first time that the command was commanded, there may also be errors stating that some of the items are already present in which case we can ignore them(mostly).
If that doesn't work try running the
shutdown example in connectbot after logging out of any other things accessing the linux system, rebooting the device and trying again.
5:4 reinstallation problems
Things worked once then I thought I'd be clever and run the mk-debian command to format and replace the old debian img file because I filled the original and wanted, but I must have told it to do a bad thing because now I get errors like this (dump below). Can I recover or am I screwed?
ln: /system/bin/deb: Cannot allocate memory
Cannot create symlink /system/bin/deb. You need to start with /data/local/deb/deb
Everything looks fine. Type "deb" to start the second installation stage. Refer to /data/local/deb/debian-kit-*.html for further hints.
# /data/local/deb/deb
e2fsck 1.41.11 (14-Mar-2010)
/dev/block/vold/179_2: clean, 7402/432640 files, 92578/1297408 blocks
Segmentation fault
chroot: can't execute '/usr/bin/apt-get': No such file or directory
chroot: can't execute '/usr/bin/apt-key': No such file or directory
cat: write error: Broken pipe
Screwed. Going to have to try again, double check everything;
Devices kernel compatibility
Stable network connection
Distributions' compatibility
See section 8:2:4 and see if you can resolve it through brute force
maybe try a different distribution of linux. I'm still working on methods to recover without reinstallation, suggestions welcome.
5:5 How do I solve [My device/linux] issue(s)?
The google links provided can be used for quickly starting a search. Input the specifics of your search either by clicking the link and modifying the loaded pages' search bar or copy/paste them into your address bar and placing plus (+) signs between word instead of spaces.
XDA solved search link
XDA similar sites solved link (input modifications after solved)
Linux solved search link
5:6 How to do a dump like the author
You’ve put up a lot of text from the phone running linux, but whenever I try to select a bunch of connectbot it takes way too much time and never gets everything on the screen, especially the text that is off the screen, how do I make a dump like the author so I can get help with debugging?
I don’t dump with Connectbot; it just doesn’t work for that one task, instead I use ROM toolbox pro because I already purchased it for other tasks (best money I ever spent on an app) if you too have ROM tool box then follow the following directions for making dumps like mine.
open ROM toolbox pro and make sure you're under the ‘tools tab’ (far left hand side)
scroll down to ‘Terminal Emulator’ and tap it
input your “deb” command not “deb s or deb x” just “deb”
This should log you right into root after a second
log in as a user with sudo or skip to next step in this sequence
input the command that you want to investigate and let it run or produce error messages however it’s been doing so far
once the command is finished with outputting results; press and hold on your devices: screen
tap copy all
open a document creator like google drive and paste it in.
Note: if you run lots of commands in sequence and try to copy/paste over 15000 characters into a google doc it might force close out on you as that will tax most devices’ abilities.
Go through your log of everything that you pasted. For personal debugging I use color formatting and font sizing to show things that I can ignore, delete from the dump, highlight errors, that sort of thing.
Note: Once you've begun the last step its a good idea to be looking up solutions at the same time as at some point you'll be interrupted and seeing where the formatting modifications suddenly stop is a good bookmark for where to pick up again.
Take notes for personal use and compile solutions or methods to not encounter the issues again, past it into an educational forum with a "solved" or "mini guide" apart of its title so it can be quickly found and deployed freely.
5:7 Can I use this to completely replace my Android OS
All that I've read about this would lead me to say "no" . However, the device that you are working on is yours and you can try. Some things to consider though:
Debian Kit is dependent on Android for hardware compatibility
If you mess with your devices' internal partition tables and fail somewhere, then likely the device will be bricked
If you do succeed, then the device that you now have would lose many of its capabilities
Worst case scenario is perma-bricked
Best worst case scenario is semi-bricked or boot-looped
Mainly if you're after a native linux experience without Android fluff you'll likely want to seek out projects similar such as "ubuntu touch" or making your own custom kernel and rom that has the bare necessities for compatibility for your devices' hardware. This last option is an extencive project to undertake, but, thankfully many other people have posted guides along those lines.
5:8 How do I add repositories to Debian?
So I want to add repositories to Debian but I get error messages or I don’t want to manually edit the sources file; how do I do that? Answer; this requires that we first install ‘mr’ because squeeze unlike Ubuntu doesn’t come stock with an easy way to mess with repositories.
First open a command terminal or ssh connection with connectbot under your normal username
enter the following command to install
# sudo apt-get install mr
input your sudo password and accept that it will take about 3404kB on your system
once the install has completed run the following command to pull up the help page. Press ‘q’ on your keyboard at any time to exit the help.
# mr help
Now we can add or edit repositories with the following command.
# mr config
5:9 I get java vertual machine errors when trying to open jar files after following 7:4-4.2 Installing Java for ARM from source.
So I followed the directions to the letter now when I run a 'java -jar [path to jar file] I get the following errors
5:10 Sooooo what's the difference between the arm(hf) and arm(el) that's all over development sites and projects?
6 Introduction, Disclaimer, note to forum Moderator
6 Introduction, Disclaimer, note to forum Moderator​6:1 Introduction
Yep I put this near the end, mostly so we don't have to look at this every time that we load the page.
There be a guide within the Debian Kit and some of this is very similar, however, typos and customization directions left me wanting a little more. So this all in one start to finish compilation and distillation of information is my contribution after months of google searching reading and hitting errors.
This is a guide for all devices capable of downloading Debian Kit from the android marketplace and for those users of android and linux hybrid systems that need a little help from time to time.
All credit for actual projects referred in this tutorial should of course go to the respective development teams and individuals, this guide is here to serve as a one stop shop of hints, links, and direction for starting your own dualboot mobile system of fantasticness . Some of the combinations of ideas and methods i would consider mine in the sense that i would consider a best seller cookie recipe that I cooked up to be mine, that being stated, I welcome you to use, test, and co-develop with me.
Feel free to question and or assist with this project as i’m no expert.
The Google Document that this is posted from is constantly being updated and should be used to keep the most current with this project. I will be doing updates to the XDA postings of this guide as often as I am able.
6:2 Disclaimer
I will accept no blame for what you of your free will choose to will yourself to choose to do... that being stated what follows assumes that root if not already achieved will be achieved before proceeding to download any of the suggested apps/packages/programs, furthermore you'll need a external source of of storage to install the Linux OS (like a sdCard), yet another prerequisite is considerable patience and time.
6:3 Note to forum Moderator
To the XDA Mod reading this: if posted in wrong section, please notify author and move as necessary; if incomplete and missing references, please notify author and be a little patient as this is still in construction and will continue to be updated until I feel its complete. Thank you and hello.
6:4 Statement of long term goal for this project
To the reader that is unsure as to what the author of this document is suggesting that we do with this (upon completion) full guide. Personal, private, mobile, cloud server is the tree of descriptors that most succinctly names the end goal. Starting from base rooted android system we'll install linux on to three or more "computers" from there we'll install cloud services; one will be the master or host or server, and the remaining two "computers" will have linux with cloud services and be designated as pupets or node. After that its a matter of networking the host and nodes to securely pass data and processes between one another so that when a process is run within the networked cloud system the result is a distributed workload across all the devices. Once that's up and running and debugged we'll install a GUI on top of the cloud system and run some desktop games using one device as a screen and as many other devices as user controls and process load distributors. In short turning recycled android phones into a supercomputer capable of doing super things; gaming just being the example task that I'll likely use to tax the all the devices as much as possible, bend it till it breaks kinda thing. From there its about looking for new ways to leverage such system to perform novel tasks because the android os is still there as well as all the hardware that can still perform tasks, such as your mic, camera, speakers, wireless antennas; I'll be looking into utilize as many inputs as possible, perhaps a mobile Watson that can see, hear, sense location velocity and orientation of each separate device... yep that's the challenge. The “cookie recipe” that I spoke of earlier is rooted and tangled in this concept; running cloud services on the arm processor has already been done, running cloud services on linux has been done, running linux has been done, gluing it all together while still having a cellphone or tablet to play on or text message with (to my knowledge) has not been done... yet...
6:5 Distillation of current project completion
Currently the guide can be followed as a companion to the readme that comes with debian kit, you can get up to the point that I am now. That means for every rooted android device you own you can have linux running operations along side by side, it's like having a pocket computer in every way... almost. From there you can use the apt-get commands much like we use the. Google play store market place (or whatever they renamed it to) to download and install programs (games, network pen testing software, image/video/audio converting and authoring software to suggest a few) or you can use it as a development platform for making games or applications for your phone on your phone, sky should be the limit, at least that's what I'm here to test
7. Getting comfortable and customizing your new system (Part 1)
7. Getting comfortable and customizing your new system​This section is dedicated to making your life easier if you're new to running Linux on Android. Many of these following guides will function no matter what method you use to run Linux on your device; for example I'll be testing ‘Limbo QEMU’ and ‘Linux on Android’ from the android marketplace, which use outright emulation or chroot “under the hood” so to speak to serve up a Linux environment, essentially giving you the same experience as ‘Debian Kit’... However, there will be some key differences in how the device’s hardware is accessed and I’ll have to split out the eccentricities in those methods so the main goal of the entire document can be achieved.
7:1 Connection Methods
Here will be a culmination of all the ways to connect to your linux system from another device or computer or make more than one linux device communicate with one or more devices.
7:1:1 Connecting locally
7:1:2 Connecting wirelessly through wifi
7:1:2-1: find your android's IP address
At some point you'll need the IP address for your device. To get this information back out to your devices' home screen:
Press menu and tap settings
Tap 'Wireless & networks'
Tap 'Wi-Fi'
Press menu and tap 'Advanced'
There you should find your device's IP address and have the option to 'Use static IP' if you know how to use such things. For now make note of your device's IP address and continue on with some of the ways to use this set of numbers.
7:1:2-2.1 Remote RDP in from a second android device
To do this you'll want to have; already started linux on the Host machine with a 'deb x' command though Connectbot, connected to a wifi access point, and know your IP address.
Open Remote RDP on the device that is not running Linux
Make a new connection by either tapping the plus (+) sign in the lower right of the screen or by pressing menu and tapping ‘add’
Type in the IP address of the device that is running linux into the 'Host' line at the top.
You may press back and then tap on your new connection to test it.
Note: you can always modify the other fields such as 'User' and 'Name' at a later time by disconnecting and then pressing and holding on the connection in Remote RDP main screen and tapping edit
Input your credentials (sometimes you have to do it twice, don't know why) and be amazed that the interface is actually a little peppier.
Now that you have remote access to the device you can now leave it on a charger somewhere and connect into it from rooms away; even if someone else is using it for browsing, and some gaming... I have yet to try it while receiving a phone call though so you may have to reconnect after the call disconnects and that could loose you a session of whatever you were doing, other's comments encouraged.
7:1:2-2.2 Remote RDP in from a second computer
Internal update: tested wile access point received call. Result, internet access dropped, connection between other device and computer stayed alive.
To perform these steps you’ll want a computer running a Remote Desktop Client. I’m using a laptop running Ubuntu 12.04 and I’m connected to the same wifi network as the device (myTouch 3gs) that I wish to connect to. The Android device and computer are connected to the same wifi access point. The program that I’m using on my laptop is ‘Remmia’ which came stock installed with my operating system. To call up the help documentation:
1. Open a terminal window on your computer
2. input the following command
# remmina --help
3. This will either result in your system saying that you don’t have that package installed and maybe a message too stating that it can be installed through an ‘apt-get’ command OR you’ll receive a helpful message.
if you get errors; then search on google for an equivalent application that comes on your operating system and see if you can’t use that instead of installing yet another thing to your computer.
if you get a helpful message; then continue to the next step of this mini-guide.
4. type the following command in your computer’s terminal window to open a new window for creating a new connection.
# remmina --new
5. There will be a bunch of options but right now we’re concerned with the ‘Server’ line. Input your device’s IP address (see section 7:1:2-1 if you need help finding that)
6. Under ‘Resolution’ choose ‘Custom’ and pick something reasonable or leave it at ‘640x480’
7. Mouse down to the ‘Color depth’ option and choose ‘High color (16 bpp)’
8. Click ‘Connect to test without saving or click ‘Save’ to save it for later
9. Once you click connect a new window should appear, and, if you’ve already used ‘Remote RDP’ on the android side of things you’ll likely know exactly what to do here... if not follow the next steps
10. Input your username and password and simit. You may receive the usual error message stating that it couldn’t connect; just try it a second time, input your username and password and try logging in.
11. Once logged in; jump to any other part of this guide and enjoy your linux box on a bigger screen.
12. To re-open and re-connect to the device after shutting down or being disconnected, run the following command to open ubuntu’s RDP
# remmina
7:1:3 Connecting wirelessly through bluetooth
Using the ‘apt-cache search’ command and adding bluetooth seems to return results for obtaining drivers and I’ll be updating this section with source file install instructions when I get around to it. I worn you things of of this nature have the potential for abuse just like wireshark in end result, however, the other much more pressing matter is transmitting data such as audio to another device based on location data from the GPS so we can make a surround sound system that automatically transmits and plays the correct audio from the correct direction to the point selected as center or main listener compensating for the speed at which sound travels at your specific altitude. (this is another cookie recipe I’ll be cooking up)
7:1:4 Connecting wirelessly through data network
7:1:5 Connecting wirelessly through atana directly
7:1:6 Connecting through USB with computer
7:1:7 Connecting through USB with USB host mode
7:1:8 Connecting through visible light spectrum
Saw a presintation on ted.com that leads me to believe the software to make the screen of one phone talk to the front facing camera on another phone and back again may already be availible for linux somewhere. Found some links so the interested can dream with me.
7:1:9 Connecting though invisible light spectrum
This is nothing fancy just another name for 'beaming' files though inferred. It might require that I take apart some remote controls for old tvs and usb charging cable, but it be sweet to have a universal tv remote pug for android.
7:1:10 Connecting though directed/focused light
Yep we're talking about linux android hybrids with frickin lasers shooting out of them.
7:1:11 Connecting through audible sound
Were talking modum squeal and phone line compatibility as there are already good directions for a USB phone line adapter and USB host mode for many android devices, so why not.
7:1:12 Connecting though inaudible sound
Think really high frequencies for device to device communication of live location short range radar like setup.
Think really low frequencies for communicating through solid objects such as tables.
Think multi touch table when you set your phone down. Seen some development.
Think keylogger from across a conference table; project already exists.
7:2 Customization of GUI
Order and numbering of this subsection is subject to change, thus any comments should also reference it's subsection title. Here we'll have a compilation of ways to make your mobile viewing and interaction a more pleasant experience. These commands and directions will either be run on a terminal window or on the linux desktop within Remote RDP.
7:2:1 Saving Electrons
1. Turn off the screen saver.
Mouse over to the lower left corner of the screen
There you will see a little 'symbol' click it and in a second it'll pop up a dialog.
Mouse over to options, then screen saver settings, and tap it
In the upper right quadrant of the new window you'll find a drop down menu with disable screensaver being one of them.
Select your choice, then exit out. (See note and source above 4:3:4-5)
2. Turn off the CPU monitor
Open Remote RDP and login as your user with your password
Once the GUI has loaded send the right click command to the window bar and select 'Add / Remove Panel Items'
Select 'CPU Usage Monitor'
Click on remove
Close the window
3. Set auto lock
Mouse over to the lower left corner of the screen
There you will see a little 'symbol' click it and in a second it'll pop up a dialog.
Mouse over to options, then screen saver settings, and tap it
In the 'Display Modes' tab select the check box 'Lock Screen After'
Set the time to the desired amount of inactivity in minutes
Close the window and wait that long to test it.
4. Set auto shutdown?
7:2:2 Making it Pretty
1. Change your background
Open Remote RDP and login as your user with your password
Once the GUI has loaded send the right click command to the virtual desktop by either
Double tap+hold for a second or two, then release OR
Pressing menu on your device
Tapping ‘Mouse’
A circle will appear that you may tap and drag to control the mouse
4 options will briefly pop up when you lift your finger away from that circle
3 option from the left will send a right click command to the mouse, use it AND
Mouse down to ‘Desktop Preferences’ and tap it
A new window will appear after a moment
Within the new window under the Appearance tab you’ll find your ‘Wallpaper’ settings and an option to set it.
when you choose the option to change your wallpaper a new window/file browser will open. And there you may set a new one and discover where to put pictures from your android side so that they may be quickly accessed for wallpapering your desktop.
2. Change your theme
3. Change the location of your Task Bar
4. Task Bar customization
Open Remote RDP and login as your user with your password
Once the GUI has loaded send the right click command to the window bar and select 'Add / Remove Panel Items'
From here we can do a great many things to customize your experience but for now I'll step ya through duplicating my setup.
Mouseover to 'Add'
In the new pop up dialog choose 'Application Launch Bar' and click 'Add'
In the main window now select 'Edit' and minimise the Panel Preferences window for now.
In the Application Launch Bar window that popped behind select 'Accessories' and select 'Root Terminal'
Click the 'Add' button
Select 'LXTerminal' and click the 'Add' button
Close out of the Application Launch Bar when you're done adding shortcuts and restore the Panel Preferences window
Click on the 'Up' button until the selected application shortcuts are where they should be
7:3 Making things happen without excessive user input
1. Automount script that prompts then runs linux mount after device boot?
2. Disabling the prompt for the automount script.
7:4 Methods of installing or unpacking (Part 2)
7:4 Methods of installing or unpacking
1. Moving files between android and linux when their dual-booted.
2. Un-zipping packages and the .rar's that sometimes get in the mix.
3. Installing or running .sh formated installers or scripts.
7:4-4. Installing from sources.
Apt-get is great for installing and uninstalling a plethora of fun and usefull software, however, it’s not going to be the magic bullet for installing everything you may want on your new linux system. What follows are the steps that I take when installing experimental and unsupported software to my devices. As always be careful when copying what I suggest here as your system may have differences to mine.
7:4-4.1 Unpacking tar.gz files
At some point you'll run into the need to extract or unpack something that you can't normally install. For this example I'll show you how to unpack java from sun built to run on ARM linux; you may find it at the link bellow and then download and copy to a new folder in your home directory named 'SourceFiles' or something that you'll remember.
1. Run the following commands to back out with change directory to the root comand line, then the next to extract the file
# cd /home/[username]/SourceFiles
# sudo tar -xzvf /home/[username]/SourceFiles/ejre-*
2. Input your password and let it sit for a bit
3. Next we'll move to the next section; installing Java for ARM
7:4-4.2 Installing Java for ARM from source
1. First to make sure my system is cleaned or purged of openjdk I ran the following command.
# sudo apt-get purge openjdk*
2. Make a new folder in the "usr/lib" called "jvm" by first "cd" over to it in the command window
# cd /usr/lib
3. Then make the directory or file with:
# sudo mkdir /jvm
4. Then we move the extracted source files over to jvm folder found under the [root directory of your device]/usr/lib/
# sudo cp -rv /home/[username]/SourceFiles/ejrel1.7.0_21/ /usr/lib/jvm/
Note: if you get "cp: cannot stat..." errors; then run
# cd ~
To get back to the root of your bash screen and try again.
Note: the letter 'v' in both the "cp -rv /home*" and the "tar -xzvf /home*" commands can be removed to keep the amount of text whizzing by to a minimum.
5. Then we create a system link in “sbin/java” that points back to where java is located (think of it like a shortcut that your system can use to run Java commands without asking you where it’s installed) with the following command
# sudo ln -fs /usr/lib/jvm/lib/java /sbin/java
Note: in the above command; the "-fs" part = 'f' forces the link, this makes it so that you can re-run this command if it messes up the first time and the 's' part = create a symbolic link, this is like a short cut... sort of, there are different kinds and you can find more by using
# ln --help
in a terminal window.
Note: the "/usr/lib/jvm/lib/java" part of the command = the full path to wherever the java executable really is and the "/sbin/java" part = where your system normally puts links in. These parts may need changing in odd cases, but, if you've followed along so far without issue then it should be 'safe' to continue.
6. Finally we check that the system can now find java with the following command
# java -version
7. Lone behold you'll likely get an error message stating how "java" isn't a bash command. All is not lost though; we just need to take this to the next guide... 4:2-4.3 Adding Commands to Bash... I know this because you can check your java version by running
# /usr/lib/jvm/lib/java -version
7:4-4.3 Adding Commands to Bash
There be two ways to go about this; one is temporary and uses the alias command in a terminal window, it lasts until your connection ends; the other is getting into your linux bash command file and adding the commands, this will last until you overwrite it again or restore it from a backup of the original or reinstall the entire linux distro, this carries small risk of breaking your install but it seems worth the trouble...
1. Open Remote RDP and log in as a normal user
2. Open the file browser (navigate to the home directory for your user if you're not already there)
3. Mouseover to 'view' at the top of the window (its between 'bookmarks' and 'tools') and select 'show hidden files'
4. Make a new folder for backups of linux system files and a new folder in that explaining where to put the back up. For example mine looks like this: /home/[username]/BackItUP/found_in_home.[username]/[file-that-i-backed-up]
5. Find the file called ".bashrc"
6. Copy the file to the backups folder
7. Open the file ".bashrc" under the original file path eg: "/home/[username]/" with leafpad
8. Ensure the part about aliases has the 'if' statement not commented out. Meaning that if you scroll all the way down in leafpad there should be no '#' before the 'if [ -f ~bash_aliasas*' where you to find one remove it and save the changes
9. Make a new file in your home directory titled '.bash_aliases' by sending the right click command to a blank spot in your home directory and selecting new and selecting create new blank file
Note. If you don't still have hidden files set as visible then the new file will not show up until you do.
10. Open the new file with leafpad and add aliases using the following format
# alias<desired alias>='<linux_command>'
So for this case we'll use this following command to make an alias for java so it can finely run free.
alias java='/usr/lib/jvm/lib/java'
Note: the single quotes around the file path need to be there.
11. Save and test.
Note: you may have to restart your connection ie: log out and back in for the changes to take effect. Totaly worked for me though
Note install prossess not yet compleat; running '.jar' files still return errors. Now trying some new commands:
To let the system know there's a new program to play with we'll use the following command
# sudo update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/java" "java" "/usr/lib/jvm/lib/java" 1
And to make it the default runtime for java commands we'll use the next command
# sudo update-alternatives --set java /usr/lib/jvm/lib/java
Navigate to the /ect folder on the root of your device and open the enviroment file with LeafPad; add the following lines and save it (of course make a back up befor aplying changes) log out and log back in for changes to take effect
Edit your bashrc file with:
nano ~/.bashrc
And add the following two lines to the tail end and sava and exit:
export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm"
export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
7:4:4.1- Installing Map Tools
Map tools is Java dependent, meaning that the first steps will involve searching and installing a Java runtime environment with the steps in 7:4-4.1. Then we'll download a map tools zip, unpack it and run the '.jar' file NOT the .sh or .exe as the former is broken and the latter is for windows.
1. Navigate your android browser or iceweasel over to the following link and download ‘maptool-1.3.b89.zip’
2. Once the download has finished open up a file browser on either OS and copy/past the .zip file over to the following example file path
3. Now to unpack/unzip the file...
if this is the first time that your linux distribution you’ll be prompted to select an application to open .zip files with.
in which case you can select the triangle next to ‘other’
scroll down to ‘xarchiver’ and select it and move to step 4 of this mini guide
... or
if this is not the first time that you’ve unzipped something with your linux distribution
just send the ‘right click’ command to the ‘.zip’ file
select extract and move to step 4 of this mini guide
4. Select where you want to extract maptools.zip by ‘clicking’ on the folder icon and in the new window that pops up navigate to the location that you want to extract to.
5. Once maptools has been extracted its time to open a terminal, either though connectbot ssh or by clicking on the programs menu button, mousing up to accessories and clicking on either terminal window option.
7:4:4:2 Solved: Installing jMonkey on Android
1. Download jMonkey from their website. For Linux you’ll want the one ending in ‘*.sh’ and then transfer it to the linux os partition or file structure so you have full read/write permissions over it from the linux side of things
2. Open a file browser in your prefered RDP GUI application and navigate to the ‘jME3_SDK_3.ORC2-linux.sh’ file; for me I put it in ‘/home/[user-name]/Downloads
3. Right click the ‘*.sh’ file and click ‘Properties’
4. In the ‘File Properties’ window that pops up, after a sec, click on the ‘Permissions’ tab and mouse over to the box that has the words ‘Make the file executable’ and click the box so that it shows a “check mark” instead of a “minus sign or dash”
5. Click the ‘Ok’ button on the ‘File Properties’ window and open a new terminal window (it’s best not to use connectbot ssh or a terminal emulator for running this command as it will need a GUI in a second to load in) and put in the following commands, adjusting the file path to yours would be a good idea.
# sh /home/[user-name]/Downloads/jME3_SDK_3.ORC2-linux.sh
# sudo sh /home/[user-name]/Downloads/jME3_SDK_3.ORC2-linux.sh
it’s going to hang out and do nothing for a minute right around line ‘Configuring the installer...’ and again at line ‘Extracting installation data...’ but will eventually start a GUI installation window with a red loading bar and stuff or it’ll throw-up a message like...
...(authers reminder to self ?/home/[UN]/Downloads/jmonkeyUserDump)...
If so then:
6. Assuming all is well and slowly moving you’ll be presented with the jMonkey installation wizard and you can run through the process of selecting where java runtime files can be found and where to extract the jMonkey collection of development tools. It's going to take a minute or sixty but, if you sit back and let it do it’s thing without much else going on on the device, jMonkey will eventually install successfully.
7. It’s not over just yet, once jMonkey is unpacked, installed, knows where “openjdk” or “Java JDK” is (I successfully tested this with openjdk-jdk and it’s family of openjdk packages installed on the device; using an ‘apt-get install’ command’ before running the jMonkey installer) and opens for the first time; you need to mouse over to ‘help’ at the top of the jMonkey window and mouse over to ‘check for updates’ and click it. This step is the one that everyone forgets in their excitement and one of the top reasons for people to search for error fixes right after installing jMonkey. The author on the main page of jMonkey’s install help guide states these steps but there be a lot of words there and it’s right near the top of the text block so I and many others have missed it.
8. After updating jMonkey though the help drop down menu you are ready to rock and roll. Try mousing over to ‘File’ click it and mouse down to ‘new project’ click it and click ‘Next’ and ‘Finish’ to keep default settings, wait a second or two, and start making stuff that can then be exported out to formats that are compatible on just about any device and any os you may want to write a game for.
9. For help with this specific program “jMonkey” you should direct your attention to:
and for help with getting jMonkey to run on android with linux dual booted; then direct your attention here on this document and it’s mirrors.
You can comment on the program itself here too but, as I’m not the developer of the program, my knowledge of what make’s it work and not work is very trial and error at times. My primary concern is making it easy to install on your device so that developers on that site have another method/platform to do developing with.
Next up?... Syncing files between your android, dual booted Linux distro, And your home PC.
Why? Because being able to sync between all your devices seamlessly will allow quicker development for these systems on the whole.
8:2:4 Example of the first time you run deb command
8:2:4 Example of the first time you run deb command (see sections 5:4 , 1:3:2-7)
# /data/local/deb/deb
e2fsck 1.41.11 (14-Mar-2010)
b: clean, 5498/432640 files, 99548/1297408 blocks
I: Installing core packages...
I: Unpacking required packages...
I: Unpacking libacl1...
I: Unpacking libattr1...
I: Unpacking base-files...
I: Unpacking base-passwd...
I: Unpacking bash...
I: Unpacking libbz2-1.0...
I: Unpacking coreutils...
I: Unpacking dash...
I: Unpacking libdb4.8...
I: Unpacking debconf-i18n...
I: Unpacking debconf...
I: Unpacking debianutils...
I: Unpacking diffutils...
I: Unpacking dpkg...
I: Unpacking e2fslibs...
I: Unpacking e2fsprogs...
I: Unpacking libcomerr2...
I: Unpacking libss2...
I: Unpacking libc-bin...
I: Unpacking libc6...
I: Unpacking findutils...
I: Unpacking gcc-4.4-base...
I: Unpacking libgcc1...
I: Unpacking libstdc++6...
I: Unpacking grep...
I: Unpacking gzip...
I: Unpacking hostname...
I: Unpacking insserv...
I: Unpacking lsb-base...
I: Unpacking liblocale-gettext-perl...
I: Unpacking libselinux1...
I: Unpacking libsepol1...
I: Unpacking libtext-charwidth-perl...
I: Unpacking libtext-iconv-perl...
I: Unpacking libtext-wrapi18n-perl...
I: Unpacking mawk...
I: Unpacking libncurses5...
I: Unpacking ncurses-base...
I: Unpacking ncurses-bin...
I: Unpacking libpam-modules...
I: Unpacking libpam-runtime...
I: Unpacking libpam0g...
I: Unpacking perl-base...
I: Unpacking sed...
I: Unpacking sensible-utils...
I: Unpacking login...
I: Unpacking passwd...
I: Unpacking libslang2...
I: Unpacking initscripts...
I: Unpacking sysv-rc...
I: Unpacking bsdutils...
I: Unpacking libblkid1...
I: Unpacking libuuid1...
I: Unpacking mount...
I: Unpacking liblzma2...
I: Unpacking sysvinit-utils...
I: Unpacking sysvinit...
I: Unpacking tar...
I: Unpacking tzdata...
I: Unpacking util-linux...
I: Unpacking xz-utils...
I: Unpacking zlib1g...
I: Configuring required packages...
I: Configuring ncurses-base...
I: Configuring sensible-utils...
I: Configuring libc-bin...
I: Configuring gcc-4.4-base...
I: Configuring libc6...
I: Configuring debianutils...
I: Configuring bsdutils...
I: Configuring libsepol1...
I: Configuring libgcc1...
I: Configuring libncurses5...
I: Configuring libattr1...
I: Configuring e2fslibs...
I: Configuring base-passwd...
I: Configuring libcomerr2...
I: Configuring mawk...
I: Configuring libdb4.8...
I: Configuring hostname...
I: Configuring libacl1...
I: Configuring libslang2...
I: Configuring libss2...
I: Configuring liblzma2...
I: Configuring insserv...
I: Configuring gzip...
I: Configuring libbz2-1.0...
I: Configuring libselinux1...
I: Configuring libstdc++6...
I: Configuring coreutils...
I: Configuring ncurses-bin...
I: Configuring diffutils...
I: Configuring tar...
I: Configuring zlib1g...
I: Configuring base-files...
I: Configuring xz-utils...
I: Configuring dpkg...
I: Configuring sysvinit-utils...
I: Configuring dash...
I: Configuring perl-base...
I: Configuring libtext-iconv-perl...
I: Configuring sed...
I: Configuring grep...
I: Configuring findutils...
I: Configuring liblocale-gettext-perl...
I: Configuring bash...
I: Configuring libtext-charwidth-perl...
I: Configuring libtext-wrapi18n-perl...
I: Configuring lsb-base...
I: Configuring debconf-i18n...
I: Configuring debconf...
I: Configuring libpam0g...
I: Configuring sysv-rc...
I: Configuring libpam-modules...
I: Configuring tzdata...
I: Configuring passwd...
I: Configuring libpam-runtime...
I: Configuring initscripts...
I: Configuring login...
I: Configuring libuuid1...
I: Configuring sysvinit...
I: Configuring libblkid1...
I: Configuring util-linux...
I: Configuring mount...
I: Configuring e2fsprogs...
I: Unpacking the base system...
I: Unpacking adduser...
I: Unpacking apt-utils...
I: Unpacking apt...
I: Unpacking aptitude...
I: Unpacking libboost-iostreams1.42.0...
I: Unpacking bsdmainutils...
I: Unpacking cpio...
I: Unpacking cron...
I: Unpacking libcwidget3...
I: Unpacking debian-archive-keyring...
I: Unpacking libgdbm3...
I: Unpacking gnupg...
I: Unpacking gpgv...
I: Unpacking groff-base...
I: Unpacking ifupdown...
I: Unpacking iproute...
I: Unpacking iptables...
I: Unpacking iputils-ping...
I: Unpacking isc-dhcp-client...
I: Unpacking isc-dhcp-common...
I: Unpacking logrotate...
I: Unpacking libept1...
I: Unpacking libnfnetlink0...
I: Unpacking libsigc++-2.0-0c2a...
I: Unpacking libusb-0.1-4...
I: Unpacking man-db...
I: Unpacking manpages...
I: Unpacking module-init-tools...
I: Unpacking nano...
I: Unpacking libncursesw5...
I: Unpacking net-tools...
I: Unpacking netbase...
I: Unpacking netcat-traditional...
I: Unpacking libnewt0.52...
I: Unpacking libssl0.9.8...
I: Unpacking libpopt0...
I: Unpacking procps...
I: Unpacking libreadline6...
I: Unpacking readline-common...
I: Unpacking rsyslog...
I: Unpacking libsqlite3-0...
I: Unpacking info...
I: Unpacking install-info...
I: Unpacking libudev0...
I: Unpacking libxapian22...
I: Unpacking whiptail...
I: Unpacking tasksel-data...
I: Unpacking tasksel...
I: Unpacking traceroute...
I: Unpacking udev...
I: Unpacking vim-common...
I: Unpacking vim-tiny...
I: Unpacking wget...
I: Configuring the base system...
I: Configuring module-init-tools...
I: Configuring libgdbm3...
I: Configuring isc-dhcp-common...
I: Configuring libpopt0...
I: Configuring libusb-0.1-4...
I: Configuring libxapian22...
I: Configuring install-info...
I: Configuring libssl0.9.8...
I: Configuring vim-common...
I: Configuring netbase...
I: Configuring libudev0...
I: Configuring adduser...
I: Configuring traceroute...
I: Configuring manpages...
I: Configuring libsqlite3-0...
I: Configuring iproute...
I: Configuring wget...
I: Configuring groff-base...
I: Configuring libnewt0.52...
I: Configuring net-tools...
I: Configuring bsdmainutils...
I: Configuring libsigc++-2.0-0c2a...
I: Configuring netcat-traditional...
I: Configuring libncursesw5...
I: Configuring info...
I: Configuring iputils-ping...
I: Configuring cron...
I: Configuring nano...
I: Configuring udev...
I: Configuring libboost-iostreams1.42.0...
I: Configuring rsyslog...
I: Configuring cpio...
I: Configuring isc-dhcp-client...
I: Configuring vim-tiny...
I: Configuring readline-common...
I: Configuring libnfnetlink0...
I: Configuring man-db...
I: Configuring procps...
I: Configuring whiptail...
I: Configuring ifupdown...
I: Configuring libreadline6...
I: Configuring logrotate...
I: Configuring libcwidget3...
I: Configuring iptables...
I: Configuring gpgv...
I: Configuring gnupg...
I: Configuring debian-archive-keyring...
I: Configuring apt...
I: Configuring libept1...
I: Configuring apt-utils...
I: Configuring aptitude...
I: Configuring tasksel-data...
I: Configuring tasksel...
I: Base system installed successfully.
Your next steps: enter 'apt-get update' to fetch package lists, and 'apt-get install andromize' to add a small packet that further adapts Debian to the Android environment.
Dear Sir,
Good day.
This is Suresh from India. First I thank you verymuch for your wonderful project :good: and I use now. Anyway I thanked you 6 times for this thread, which may make you happy.
I have tested 3 linux images through 'complete linux installer' project and 2 linux images through your 'Debian Kit' project.
I couldn't get root access and access to SD card content through 'Complete linux installer' project, but other things are good.
But in your 'Debian kit' project only, I got root access to linux system and got SD card content access.:good: Thank you.
Actually I installed the Linux images through the guide from this link - http://sven-ola.dyndns.org/repo/debian-kit-en.html.
Is this your's link ? Because,name is different, 'Sven-Ola', thatswhy, I asked.
Ok. first I tried 1GB disk image with Debian Stable version in my SD card. It was good until installing some programs through 'apt-get' command, then I got issue,the connectbot didn't start RDP (through 'deb x' command) and gave 'out of space' error in /var folder, actually I forgot that exact error. Sorry.
Then I installed 2 GB disk image with Ubuntu Lucid version in SD card (fat32 file system,8 GB). It was also well upto installing 2 programs,(Open office and Epiphany browser), because, there is no 'office' preinstalled in package. But , Yesterday, I tried 'docky' (like as Cairo dock) package through Synaptic. It downloaded, but during installing, it hanged at some point. I have attached the screenshots herewith. It hangs for ever. So, I typed exit. After that I tried some commands as 'apt-get autoremove', 'apt-get upgrade' and some commands. But, It give the same error - 'dpkg was interrupted, so you have to reconfigure through 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' for correction. But, after typing that command, again it hangs at some point. After that I couldn't remove the 'docky' package and also I couldn't use synaptic. the synaptic couldn't start through terminal. It gives the same error and hangs.
So, please help.
Issues for me in 2GB, Ubuntu lucid version.
1. There is no Office installed in package. So, I manually installed openoffice through 'apt-get' command (but, it is not a big deal)
2. Firefox crashes at starting, even at single time, it didn't open. (it is not only in 'Debian Kit', also in 'Complete linux installer' for in my Dapeng A9230+, 5 inch mobile, MTK6575, ARM V7 Cpu, 1 Ghz using Custom ICS 4.0.6). So, I removed firefox. Installed chromium-browser, but, chromium also didn't open. Finally installed 'epiphany browser' through 'apt-get' and it works good. (It is also not a big deal for me )
3. Synaptic package manager and Software sources, both didn't open. I have to open through 'Terminal' as 'Sudo synaptic' and for 'software sources' - another command... I forgot that. But, 'sudo synaptic' also gives some error, please see screenshot, But it opens synaptic.
Last Question - For safety, I have copied the downloaded 'Debian.img' from SD card to my PC. If suppose, I want to reinstall in another ROM,, what exactly I have to do ? ..... Yes, you have already mentioned.......
The following is Ok ? from this page - http://sven-ola.dyndns.org/repo/debian-kit-en.html
"To remove the kit from your Android device later on, start a root shell and enter /data/local/deb/uninstall. After this, do not forget to remove the debian.img file from your SD-Card, e.g. by using a file manager app."
Then , this
"If you upgrade/change your Android ROM, typically the debian.img file on the SD card isn't lost. However, you may miss the deb link and also, there may be stray symlinks in your Debian file system pointing back to now non-existing files. Download and unpack the debian-kit*.shar file, run /data/local/deb/mk-debian -u to re-create the deb link and deb c to remove all backpointing symlinks (they will be re-created on the next turn)."
After this, Will it again start to download some packages in New ROM ?
Ok. Again thanks for your hardwork.:good:
Love your guide worked out well for me. I uninstalled and reinstalled like 30 times to memorize the prosses incase somthing happend so I can fix it. I was just wondering if you going to get more distros working using this method. Linux Mint is at the top of my list and of course Fedora, Open Suse, Arch, LMDE, Gentoo, Slax(or Salix), FreeBsd. I know all dont have arm ports yet but I know Fedora does, and Linux mint is a modified version of ubntu. Lastly I realy hate LMDE desktop enviroment is there a method to get other desktop enviroments and remove the one installed at the same time to prevent conflicts. I know I am asking alot I am just throwing ideas out there that Im sure other people who read you guide would be asking.
added bunch new content and formating, interduced new sections and consepts
howdy all; really good to get some responses as I understand this to be on the super-tech side of life. I posted some longstanding solutions above in the RESURVED3 post of this thread to some of the issues that where brought up (their up there and will eventually be edited for easier readability as the organization of the proposed solutions are a bit "mind dumped" as I was reading solutions and my other notes)
Love the screen shots, I've yet to try any applications on android for this task so the guide right now is a bit of a novel and I'd like to bring in more of a picture book like experience for some of the more complex tasks. Suggestions welcome as always.
Excited that you're all enjoying this project. I've been working all day today in order to reorder and bring new updates and I've just finished updating all effected posted changes (at this point every-time I do that it's going to mess with the visibility on the mobile side) all other changes tonight can be found live on the google doc side of things if you use the google drive app in chrome on pc or the google drive app from the market place. There you may also make specific notes by highlighting a sections' title (please only highlight the section title unless otherwise specified for making notes) and beside near the top of your screen you'll have a speech bubble that may also pop up when highlighting words within the document. This speech bubble will allow us all to comment on specific parts and see other's comment's in a nearly live format.:highfive:
the other things I'll be trying out and have tried out to some extent is QEMU for pc and android now, see the links. My epic 4g has no problem running a full GUI with Limbo, the mytouch 3gS though only can handle command line interface so I bailed on it when debian kit crossed my radar and loaded without a problem on a 600 mhz processor. Once I've a good guide that we can all use for installing linux to one system at a time I'll be working on some of my command line knowledge so that I can run android, QEMU, and debian kit all at the same time and all on the same hardware... really going to tax the system but it will allow me to make each one of my devices act as though it has two linux systems, effectively doubling the number of virtual machine nodes that I can debug on, however, doing so causes me to predict enormous slowdowns and possibly overheating of the hardware. But the benefits will be that I'll be able to have one real master and two real puppets or a system with one virtual master and five virtual puppets (this is because I'm currently limited to three devices at my disposal; one epic 4g slide and two mytouch 3g slides) or any combo between. Once I've a stable way of linking and assimilating new hardware whether it be virtual or real I'll be able to really expand this protect and make custom cloud servers for those that want one but don't want to learn the nitty gritty details because the applications that one could use such a system should get the imagination revving.
Didn't want to leave ya hanging without a full response to some of the things that I'm working on and with, hope it helps.
Limbo PC Emulator (QEMU x86)
I've been busy as of late, sure you'll see some changes all over, posted some options at the top of this page that may resolve some of your questions RESURVED3... think I may have mentioned that before in this post... let me know if there's something that I missed; kinda juggling all aspects of this protect (but I've got some teem mates catching up quickly:highfive at the moment so some answers will take longer for me to be able to test and debug so google and self improving attitude is the best bet aside from keeping up with the changes I make to the "doc" not to put you off or anything, just got to be 100% good and honest to humans :cyclops::silly: I'll be kicking round on the mobile side of things so updates to the "doc" first as always.
Ok all I'm shutting down my laptop as its become a knee-toaster and moving over to one of my device. You can find me on the google document that I'm writing and I'll be checking back from time to time on XDA.
I know the things i proposed will take time but one issue I am having is the small partion it creates. I tried expanding the partion to the whole disk but it just shrinks it down again. As i said I hate LXDE and would like to put a different desktop enviroment but most take up more space than given. How do you expand the partion size I need more space to work with I need 12 gigs. Lastly I really want linux to be the only sytem on my tablet, I hate android, I full linux tablet is my dream so not resorces are waisted on android. Thanks for taking the time to read my post and comment on it, I look foward to see the progress you make and I look forward to testing it.
alchemygear said:
I know the things i proposed will take time but one issue I am having is the small partion it creates. I tried expanding the partion to the whole disk but it just shrinks it down again. As i said I hate LXDE and would like to put a different desktop enviroment but most take up more space than given. How do you expand the partion size I need more space to work with I need 12 gigs. Lastly I really want linux to be the only sytem on my tablet, I hate android, I full linux tablet is my dream so not resorces are waisted on android. Thanks for taking the time to read my post and comment on it, I look foward to see the progress you make and I look forward to testing it.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Added updates to "doc"
Heh, glad to know that we're on the same wave length on expectations.
Partitioning is a tricky bit to the install process; one of the reasons I covered it in a different fashion than the one that can be found in the "debian kit readme" you can find my way in section 1:4 I think.
Remember for partitioning
~leave that tinny space at the beginning alone.
~leave make a partition for android to use the first partition
~make the android partition large enough that you can fit your: backups, re-flashing zips and recovery directions with files for recovering from a soft brick, and android system info that automatically likes to save there... about 3 gigs for me at the slimmest
~make the second partition the size of remaining space after the android partition.
~ensure all partitions are at the correct size and that you didn't accidentally move or over write that beginning few magabites during any of your edits (this is important)
~ensure that all have labels of some sort and drive letters you'll remember and that don't cause conflicts with your currently mounted drives on your computer (had errors when my sdcard remounted after partitioning on my computer because the second partition of the sdcard and the drive letter for my computer's cd read/write drive where the same.)
~hit apply and hope no background task on your computer makes things barf. (Try turning off your computer's internet, or, starting these steps from a fresh reboot, or, in a live cd environment whether it be real or running in VM)
Hope it helps, I'll be working on partitioning again as my myTouch's debian install has gotten chubby again with all my testing. Updates will be where they always are first
As for LXDE I encourage you to experiment. I've seen methods around for installing other GUI's to the "armel" flavor of linux but I've been on other tasks with this guide as of late. I'll be back on it as I'm going to be trying to link one of my phones as a secondary keyboard and the other spare phone I have as a 3D mouse (both are myTouch 3Gs) so that I can use my epic 4g as the main screen. Currently LXDE serves my purposes fine but I like you will want something a bit more snazy... added a sub section in section 7 so I can add info related to this as I've time to do so.
Running Linux as your rom is still in development stages and very risky for your device as it wipes everything off your device and I mean EVERYTHING you'll want to know how to recover from a full brick or super brick on your device though a computer and you'll want to have been though re-partitioning your system memory, re-flash your boot loader, re-flash your stock rom and kernel and programing, and re-rooting. You can find an Ubuntu flavor of Linux that will do just what you are asking, just google search "Ubuntu touch" and read up about it. Last I checked things where going really well for that team and there is already a lot of documentation on it.
Furthermore google search "linux android kernel merging" you'll find exciting news that the linux and android kernels are soon to become one. There is a big push for this from all over the dev communities and news is constantly being updated for it as this is very good, very good indeed for us all.
Hope I can make your heart beat a little faster with excitement for the future of mobile computing and thanks for the feed back I'll be working off and on throughout the day on the "doc"
More content on "doc" emailed the developer of Debian Kit
Sent from either my SPH-D700 or myTouch3Gs
Debian Kit Install guide for all
Thanks for the speedy response, first dont worry I have bricked my tablet, hard and deep a few times and figured out the secret to fixing it. I have to use my wifes computer and Pheniox Suit(she has windows and I cant fast boot my tablet as its a chinese tablet that has something like a rockchip which needs speacial softwar) to fix it but all I have to do is power down by holding the power key for 12 seconds, then pugin in too the computer with home pressed and then while home and power for 12(my tablets weird not 10 12 ?) seconds and then clicking the flash firmware button in the software even though its says no device detected it force flashes the rom everytime. My tablet only has 2 keys home and power. I will have to play around with the formating methods as I have tried what you said a few times but cant seem to get it right. I have been useing gparted as it has done well for me in the past few years, if you have a sugestion as to something better or point me to a guide for using the command line(im not affraid of it, it gives so mutch more power and controll). Thanks again for interacting with me and being knowedgeable about what your doing, I can't count how many sites and forums I have been to that have either no resoponses or just bull**** me because they dont really know what there doing and want to seem smart. I know I have years to learn about linux itself mutch less tablets eventhough I have been on linux for about 10 years(anyone who uses linux knows there is no end to what you have to learn).
Welcome, I lurk like a spider on this thread.
Neat I know very few with the combo of working knowledge and desire to abuse it perhaps you might be able to get the last puzzle peace in place for the tablet user in below link's thread, device is Chinese build 9 inch model #A13F9 or just A13, the user having issues has gotten past the dreaded kernel panic screen and has a working android boot, touch drivers is where this user and many others have gotten stuck and at this point it's so device specific that I'm almost out of general knowledge and long term memory stores, check it if you got time don't if you don't.
OK back to our regularly scheduled programing:
So if I get you right your device has no external (real external like sdcard slot-less) if that's the case then Debian Kit as an app will not serve your stated goals; instead let's go on a montage of protects that I know of:
Ubuntu touch
Dig around I found directions once to do a full flash of Ubuntu touch that over wrote everything.. I'll find it eventually or you will as this is exactly what I think you are asking for.
They are doing something savage. I've said plenty elsewhere.
Complete Linux Installer
I used this one second I think out of the history of apps I've used to push my processor. Uses a virtual loop disk drive mount like system that tagges along with the android OS. Much like installing to debian.img with Debian Kit as far as needing android in the mix, but, the methods between the apps for mounting a second OS are different. Compare the descriptions of each in the android market place to see what I'm talking about.
Limbo PC Emulator
This one is really cool as it allows you to create virtual hard drives in a couple formats, emulate a whole list of pc processors including Pentium 3, install nearly any OS to the virtual hard drive if you've got a working iso, and best of all if you do the install to virtual hard drive (and in some cases convert the pc's vm hard disk to a compatible format for Limbo to read... not actually that hard with google on my side) with a pc using a program like virtual box from oracle; you can then 'run' that virtual hard drive and it's installed OS on on an android system that doesn't have the capability to do the install process (usually this work around is really useful for older and low memory devices) very round about but useful if you want to boot gParted as though it where on a Pentium 3 computer and mess with partitions though USB host mode linked usb hard drive.... ok now to get where this gets dangerous use and no one and I mean it
Let's say that you've calculated the size of your ram on your device to be adequate to: run a striped android OS, Limbo, and a striped down linux kernel with just enough wits to run: partitioning, mounting and un-mounting, one to one duplication of files, and full USB support, screen output (those will be tricky but necessary as your willing your device into a brick). Let us also for arguments sake that you've full root and full read write permissions wile in this state to the 'real' android OS... that means you can then re-partition 'locally' all of your real system partitions, mount a secondary storage (can also be an sdcard for other devices; such as if you where to run though all these very knotey steps on an emulated android system identical or similar to yours on a safe virtual machine for debugging on a pc) though usb and either pull from the device side or push from the pc side: all the scripts and hardware drivers and directories to run Linux on your build, verify a complete and full clone has been made and pray to the dieaty of your choose, because when you reboot your device it will either be bricked (possibly for good this time) or it will chug away until the screen starts scrolling text and prompts you for input.
Things you'd want to look in to likely is first building a custom kernel that is stable, play around for a bit with it because it may distract you long enough for android and linux kernels to finely merge, by that point or when you tire of customization to your kernel you'll want to move on to: kernel rebuilds and building custom kernels. When you've all three of those to the point of understanding that you can read most of it and write some of it you should probably divide your attention some and dive into the same subject matter for your Linux distro of your choice, try to pick one that supports active development in kernel rebuilds specifically as what will need to happen is a mirage or hybridization of many disparate machine code language specific hardware resource calls and user interface listeners that maybe difficult to find any documentation on. In any case don't try that as mounting usb wile running android from ram is... incredible
End montage... for now...
Glad I can meet or exceed expectations. Most of my linux training comes from years of playing with it and lots of google searching, I'll post up a copy of my bookmarks worth having backup eventually for you to pick though and update ya on good guides from time to time. The thing I heard somewhere about linux "good friend don't let their friends linux"
With that, good night and enjoy the falling stars if you look up.
Sent from either my SPH-D700 or myTouch3Gs
Debian Kit Install guide for all
Some nice reading you provided. With linux on arm my major issue is that there is not a lot of support for 4 core proccesors yet or so I have been told. The full flash ubuntu is for duel core prossesors so no luck for me. Thanks again for continuing to update and inform on a not so well know system.
Here is the build of my device http://gfxbench.com/device.jsp?benchmark=gfx27&D=Onda+V812+Core4&testgroup=system. It has all the details.
Dear Mr.SoAndSo and All,
Mr.SoAndSo, you are updating the thread well. Greetings.
I can't solve my 'dpkg interrupted' error in 2GB Ubuntu Lucid Version. So, I uninstalled that and downloaded, installed New 2GB, Ubuntu Precise through 'Debian Kit'. Installed, Libre office, Synaptic, Epiphany browser. But, Epiphany design is not good for me, compared to firefox, Iceweasel. If I try to install, Iceweasel through 'apt-get', It asks to install firefox. But, you know that, firefox, chromium didn't work.
Anyway I enjoy this OS. I have attached the screenshots here.
Sent from my Dapeng A9230+ through XDA mobile.

