[Q] CWM Can´t mount SDcard and Rom is broken - General Questions and Answers

I have readed so many post, but haven´t found any help. So I dare to ask you some help.
I have S-OFF and rooted my HTC-Desire several days ago using Revolutionary. Everything went well and phone worked fine. Phone is 1 year old.
Then I did tried to install new ROM- leedroid, and it did started nicely, but after restarted few times, It didn´t start at all. Only showing that starting screen over and over again. And now it won´t do even that. I can´t flash new rom cos ClockworkMod recovery says can´t mount SDcard. SDs are working fine another phones, and I have formated them several times. I have all stuffs from that SD that was in phone, backups etc. Can´t do anything which uses sdcard. And otherwise it acts like there´s no ROM at all. When started it only flashes android text on blackscreen.
Error mounting /sdcard, E:Can´t mount /sdcard/ etc.
I also tried to connect it with computer, but it won´t connect properly. I thought that mayby that way using adb.. but not now how to and how to make connection right. It says E:Unable to write lunfile (No such file or directory) if you try to mount USB storage.
Is there anything else to do than go to do some phone shopping?
Please, if you have any ideas...
And I wish answers to be simple enough english to understand.. I´m not native english speaker.
And the only things that I can tell you about this piece of ****:
ClackworkMod Recovery v5.0.2.0
Bravo Pvt3 Ship S-OFF
Aug 10 2010, 17.52:18

tristran said:
I have readed so many post, but haven´t found any help. So I dare to ask you some help.
I have S-OFF and rooted my HTC-Desire several days ago using Revolutionary. Everything went well and phone worked fine. Phone is 1 year old.
Then I did tried to install new ROM- leedroid, and it did started nicely, but after restarted few times, It didn´t start at all. Only showing that starting screen over and over again. And now it won´t do even that. I can´t flash new rom cos ClockworkMod recovery says can´t mount SDcard. SDs are working fine another phones, and I have formated them several times. I have all stuffs from that SD that was in phone, backups etc. Can´t do anything which uses sdcard. And otherwise it acts like there´s no ROM at all. When started it only flashes android text on blackscreen.
Error mounting /sdcard, E:Can´t mount /sdcard/ etc.
I also tried to connect it with computer, but it won´t connect properly. I thought that mayby that way using adb.. but not now how to and how to make connection right. It says E:Unable to write lunfile (No such file or directory) if you try to mount USB storage.
Is there anything else to do than go to do some phone shopping?
Please, if you have any ideas...
And I wish answers to be simple enough english to understand.. I´m not native english speaker.
And the only things that I can tell you about this piece of ****:
ClackworkMod Recovery v5.0.2.0
Bravo Pvt3 Ship S-OFF
Aug 10 2010, 17.52:18
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I know this thread is old, but I got exactly the same problem now ... and nobody did answer here yet.
A friend gave me his htc ace and I tried to repair it, since it's not booting anymore.
The bootloader is unlocked and I tried several recovery systems: CWM, modded CWM and TWRP.
The problem: I can't mount/format the storage/sdcard or /sdcard.
In CWM it says "Unable to write lunfile. Can't mount /sdcard",
In TWRP it shows 0 MB for the total/free size of the sdcard partition.
In modded CWM it says something like: Can't format/access non fvn(?)-format sdcard.
I can't access the phone via adb, since I just get "error: closed" (twice)
fastboot is working (so I could (re-)unlock the bootloader and flash custom recoveries) and so seems adb-sideload (it sends the new rom but doesn't do anything with it -> probably because it can't write to the sdcard).
Anyone might got an idea how to fix it? Maybe reformat the whole internal sdcard somehow?

Sewrizer said:
Full wipe or try to connect it to a flash drive with an OTG cable and use twrp to access it.
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I already tried a full wipe, but every access to the sdcard just errors.
Even usb mount doesn't work, so I really couldn't find any way to access/format it yet


HELP: is my Magic bricked?

I was running a hero ROM on my device, and wanted to try an Eclair ROM. I wanted to flash it but in the process I saw something like: E: Can't open /cache/recovery/command on the screen. I went ahead and performed a wipe because I read it was harmless. But then the installation was aborted because the file update.zip couldn't be found (even though it was on my phone). So I went ahead and rebooted my device. Now it always gets stuck at the little green android, then he disappears and I get a black screen. The device remains on however and I need to pull out the battery for it to turn off... COULD ANYONE PLEASE HELP ME
After doing all you did your device should boot normally. Obviously it didn't. I don't know what went wrong, but if you boot into recovery you should be able to flash a ROM.
Just make sure you have the right recovery and right ROM files.
I only have that Eclair rom on my device (which can't be flashed).
My PC won't read the SD card anymore so I can't put any rom on it...
ernestnwanu said:
I was running a hero ROM on my device, and wanted to try an Eclair ROM. I wanted to flash it but in the process I saw something like: E: Can't open /cache/recovery/command on the screen. I went ahead and performed a wipe because I read it was harmless. But then the installation was aborted because the file update.zip couldn't be found (even though it was on my phone). So I went ahead and rebooted my device. Now it always gets stuck at the little green android, then he disappears and I get a black screen. The device remains on however and I need to pull out the battery for it to turn off... COULD ANYONE PLEASE HELP ME
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Your not bricked... you basically just failed the update process then wiped your current installed rom with the Wipe. Now you rebooted the phone but there's no rom to load. You now see only the boot starting up and hitting the wall with no rom to load.
That makes sense.. How can I fix this issue?
thank you
Would help if you could give us some info on your phone.
Can you enter recovery or fastboot again ?
phone model, spl & radio version ?
this is why Iphones were invented.... For people who cant understand simple directions or even read for that matter.
What recovery do you have? Get another rom, go into recovery, hit the USB toggle switch and put anothe rrom on. It doesnt have to be named update.zip...
Nevermind.. Doesnt matter what I type here you'll go an do what you want anyway.
I have the htc Magic
How do I get to see my radio and spl?
Yes, I can enter recovery mode.
thank you
I can enter fastboot!
SPL 1.33.2005
btw it's a 32A
Where is this USB toggle switch??
Android system recovery utility
Use trackball to highlight:
click to select.
reboot system now [Home+Back]
apply sdcard:update.zip [Alt+S]
wipe data/factory reset [Alt+W]
E: Can't open /cache/recovery/command
That's all I see.
Only the latest recovery has the Usb option in it.
How can I do it as I can't put the recovery on my SD card?
crypysmoker said:
this is why Iphones were invented.... For people who cant understand simple directions or even read for that matter.
What recovery do you have? Get another rom, go into recovery, hit the USB toggle switch and put anothe rrom on. It doesnt have to be named update.zip...
Nevermind.. Doesnt matter what I type here you'll go an do what you want anyway.
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+1 to that.
You wipe your phone, couldn't boot it and you did not know the reason for this. You wiped your ROM, there's nothing to load up when you boot it. It's so simple.
ernestnwanu said:
I have the htc Magic
How do I get to see my radio and spl?
Yes, I can enter recovery mode.
thank you
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ernestnwanu said:
How can I do it as I can't put the recovery on my SD card?
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Wow, just wow. If you need spoonfeed after spoonfeed, How in the world did you root your phone in the first place? You run into problems at EVERY step. Honestly, get the iphone (It's not that badddddd of a phone! Just agreeing with what crypt said!) or don't root your phone. You fail to even look for instructions. I don't understand how your PC can't read your SD card? That probably means it's dead (Which means you need a new one) OR the thought of taking it out and plugging it into an sd adapter never occured to you. I bet you even wiped your SD card somehow.
How come you can't put the recovery on your SD card? Or the rom or anything else
ernestnwanu said:
But then the installation was aborted because the file update.zip couldn't be found (even though it was on my phone).
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And why was the ROM (update.zip) on your phone and not your sd card? I believe that you fail fail fail to look at any instructions the awesome people have posted here. If you fail to follow instructions given on these forums, how will you follow instructions given from members trying to help you? I find it useless to bother helping any further.
I don't have an sd card adapter and since my phone won't start up, my pc won't recognize my device anymore. Take it easy btw, I'm only looking for help
If help is what you're looking for, then go look around under these forums. I suggest you go and buy an adapter as well, it'd help a lot. May even be your only choice. (I believe there's another way but I'm not going to bother with that as it may be too complicated for you. I dont' think it'd work either with your recovery)
I don't mean to be an ass but when questions like this are posted, I hope you understand. It's as bad as asking how to turn your phone on vibrate. The manual is with your phone and everything, take a look or get some common sense and try the volume buttons.
The forum is your manual. You wiped your ROM, well if you think about it, of course it wont boot up all the way. It has nothing to load. Can't put stuff on your sd card? Get an adapter. It's simple.
ernestnwanu said:
How can I do it as I can't put the recovery on my SD card?
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I thought people would think right away that they would need an sd adapter to somehow get it onto their computer once they have no other choice lol.
okay that's clear, thank u for your time
For now I don't have an sd adapter, so I stuck the sd card in my brother's phone and tried to put the necessary files but now it seems I have to format the sd card.. Is this harmful or should I just go ahead?
I have the latest recovery but I get a popup message on my PC saying I should format the SD card. Will I still have the 'data' file where I need to put the recovery file under?
ernestnwanu said:
I have the latest recovery but I get a popup message on my PC saying I should format the SD card. Will I still have the 'data' file where I need to put the recovery file under?
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what ever you have on it will be erased.
You can also use fastboot to flash the recovery without having to import it into the sdcard. I would not recommend it to you do since lack the basic android knowledge. (all the command are listed in the thread i posted earlier)
If I format the SD card, where should I put the recovery.img if there is no /data anymore? (using the reboot method)

[Q] Help! Desire S Not Booting - Possible eMMC issue.

I'm having problems with my girlfriend's Desire S. I installed CyanogenMod the day it was purchased, and have had no major problems with it at all, up until last night. Apps from the Market wouldn't update, throwing out a standard error with the option to force close. On restarting the phone thanks to it crashing, the phone now boots to the HTC logo and doesn't get any further.
I have CWM installed and I'm still able to access the bootloader. I've scoured this forum and many others trying to find a solutions, and wouldn't be posting for help if I knew there was some way of getting this sorted without bothering you guys. It appears to be a somewhat common problem, but some of it goes straight over my head. I've tried flashing a new recovery, wiping the cache, a factory reset but none of it seems to register. Can't install a new ROM
It appears it's the dreaded "eMMC" issue, but before I'm reluctant to send it off given it's S-OFF, so thought I'd throw it out there. I understand it's an issue that's cropped up a fair few times but I'm tearing my hair out trying to sort it and really don't know what to do with it. Any suggestions would be super helpful.
Not sure if this information helps at all:
Revolutionary Hboot 6.98.1002
Hboot Factory Rest option just freezes phone.
Fastboot seems to register with PC, but trying to install a new recovery or new hboot brings about an "error: cannot load 'hboot.img/recovery.img' in cmd.
Install ZIP from SD Card brings the following error:
"E:Error in /sdcard/updatecm-7.1.0-DesireS-signed.zip
(Status 1)
Installation aborted."
Attempted to install 4EXT Recovery via CWM though when restarting phone it's still just CWM. Probably doing this totally wrong but again not really sure how to go about it to fix Cache issue.
Also get the standard E:Can't mount /cache/recovery/command, etc errors on using CWM.
Thanks in advance, any help is absolutely appreciated, and would stop my girlfriend having to use, in her words, a "crappy, dying, useless Sony Ericsson," after only having this one for less than a month.
Flash 4EXT recovery via fastboot. Use search.
If you still can access recovery and/or bootloader, there may still be hope. Based on research, complete eMMC failure will just give you a vibrating phone, that's it.
Check my signature
Sent from my HTC Desire S using Tapatalk
Thanks guys for the quick replies, really appreciate the help.
Skanob, I've tried to Flash 4EXT recovery via flashboot, but it never seems to move past "writing 'recovery'. . . Should it take a particularly long time or pretty much straight away? Also, when in flashboot USB I find I'm unable to move up or down, as if flashboot has crashed as soon as it attempts to flash recovery.
amidabuddha, when I boot into recovery and use cmddmesg | grep mmc0, I get the error message "'cmddmesg' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Again, really appreciate the help. I try to steer clear of starting help threads if possible but as it's not my phone I really wanted to get this fixed for her as soon as possible, and I'm a complete noob.
NathanRandom said:
amidabuddha, when I boot into recovery and use cmddmesg | grep mmc0, I get the error message "'cmddmesg' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
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the command is:
dmesg | grep mmc0
copy it from here and paste it to your command prompt
Sorry, I get the same error with that command. Really at a loss as to what I should do now.
NathanRandom said:
Sorry, I get the same error with that command. Really at a loss as to what I should do now.
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sorry, my miss I did not add the "adb shell" command in my guide
type in the command prompt:
adb devices [I](your device serial number should be listed)[/I]
adb shell
dmesg | grep mmc0
try this and if the output is positive continue with the steps described in the guide
Help, I Broke My phone!!
A big hello to the fans of this forum, I would like to explain my problem and I will so much appreciate your answers:
I try to flash-Android_Revolution_HD 4G_6.1.5 [ROM] on my HTC_Desire_S, after I reboot and waited several minutes, the screen remained blank with no access to my phone several times but no available and more when I reboot in recovery mode, i push on recovery but the screen remains blank and I can not access the ClockworkMod menu to uninstall the ROM bleow.!.
My God, what shall I do??
viadora13 said:
A big hello to the fans of this forum, I would like to explain my problem and I will so much appreciate your answers:
I try to flash-Android_Revolution_HD 4G_6.1.5 [ROM] on my HTC_Desire_S, after I reboot and waited several minutes, the screen remained blank with no access to my phone several times but no available and more when I reboot in recovery mode, i push on recovery but the screen remains blank and I can not access the ClockworkMod menu to uninstall the ROM bleow.!.
My God, what shall I do??
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search for RUU
amidabuddha said:
sorry, my miss I did not add the "adb shell" command in my guide
type in the command prompt:
adb devices [I](your device serial number should be listed)[/I]
adb shell
dmesg | grep mmc0
try this and if the output is positive continue with the steps described in the guide
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Thanks for that, I don't get any of the error messages that would indicate a fried chip which is a relief!
However I'm still a little confused as to the next best step. The SD card had an error on it when connecting it to a PC and needed to be formatted, there isn't a backup of the ROM on their. I've got Revolutionary Hboot 6.98.1002.
When I try to factory reset using Revolutionary, it seems to just stall and not do anything, crashing and not letting me select any other options.
I've also tried flashing a stock ROM via fastboot USB with the RUU, and it again just crashes and needs a hard reset.
Trying to install CM7 via ClockworkMod also doesn't work. Says it's installing update then after about 5 minutes get the following:
"E:Error in /sdcard/update-cm-7.1.0-DesireS-signed.zip
(Status 1)
Installation aborted."
When I switch on the phone and it boots to HBOOT, I get an error stating that "Loading... P88IMG not found. No image or wrong image." When I place P88IMG onto SD Card and start hboot, it says it's updating and then just stays that way, crashing the phone. Again.
Sorry to throw a wall of errors at you guys.
NathanRandom said:
Thanks for that, I don't get any of the error messages that would indicate a fried chip which is a relief!
However I'm still a little confused as to the next best step. The SD card had an error on it when connecting it to a PC and needed to be formatted, there isn't a backup of the ROM on their. I've got Revolutionary Hboot 6.98.1002.
When I try to factory reset using Revolutionary, it seems to just stall and not do anything, crashing and not letting me select any other options.
I've also tried flashing a stock ROM via fastboot USB with the RUU, and it again just crashes and needs a hard reset.
Trying to install CM7 via ClockworkMod also doesn't work. Says it's installing update then after about 5 minutes get the following:
"E:Error in /sdcard/update-cm-7.1.0-DesireS-signed.zip
(Status 1)
Installation aborted."
When I switch on the phone and it boots to HBOOT, I get an error stating that "Loading... P88IMG not found. No image or wrong image." When I place P88IMG onto SD Card and start hboot, it says it's updating and then just stays that way, crashing the phone. Again.
Sorry to throw a wall of errors at you guys.
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Do not be sorry the purpose of this forum is to ask and answer The good news are that your eMMC is still in shape!
Now wipe the cache partition from ClockworkMod (there is an option in the menu) and reboot the phone
If no sucess follow the steps described here
This will bring you back to Stock.
Then you can S-OFF and flash a custom ROM again if you like
Good luck
But which of those steps I mentioned is the correct thing to be doing? I'm confused as to what I should do now once I've wiped the cache and rebooted the phone.
Also I've tried the steps you mentioned, but the file it created on the SDCard was 0bytes and brings up nothing when I open it in Hex Editor. It's only actually written the file once, other times it's appeared to but nothings there when I move the card to the PC.
I'm fairly certain of the ROM needed as it was a branded Vodafone unit sold in the UK. Using the links provided to change hboot, in what order should they be used? When trying to flash hboot I receive the following error:
2767 KB/s (1048576 bytes in 0.370s)
chmod: /data/local/tmp/hboot.img: Not a directory
Please accept superuser request on your phone
/sbin/sh: su: not found
Press any key to continue . . .
And when placing PG88IMG onto SD Card, when phone attempts to update it simply crashed hboot, which I'm assuming is to do with the hboot being the wrong version needed.
NathanRandom said:
But which of those steps I mentioned is the correct thing to be doing? I'm confused as to what I should do now once I've wiped the cache and rebooted the phone.
Also I've tried the steps you mentioned, but the file it created on the SDCard was 0bytes and brings up nothing when I open it in Hex Editor. It's only actually written the file once, other times it's appeared to but nothings there when I move the card to the PC.
I'm fairly certain of the ROM needed as it was a branded Vodafone unit sold in the UK. Using the links provided to change hboot, in what order should they be used? When trying to flash hboot I receive the following error:
2767 KB/s (1048576 bytes in 0.370s)
chmod: /data/local/tmp/hboot.img: Not a directory
Please accept superuser request on your phone
/sbin/sh: su: not found
Press any key to continue . . .
And when placing PG88IMG onto SD Card, when phone attempts to update it simply crashed hboot, which I'm assuming is to do with the hboot being the wrong version needed.
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Ok, since I am not much experienced with branded devices I made some research across the forum and probably flashing this hboot on a branded device will be risky.
Create a GoldCard (look in the index thread in Android Development subforum for a guide). Then download and install RUU_Saga_Vodafone_UK_1.32.161.1_Radio_20.28b.30.08 05U_38.03.02.15_M_release. With the GoldCard it should overwrite everything on your device.
Try this and post back.
EDIT: note that not every SDcard is suitable for a GoldCard. Recommended is a 2 GB one.
After trying multiple lutions I decided to pop into the Vodafone store yesterday and get it sent away. I'm sure they'll probably send it back and claim a void warranty but it's worth a shot, I got the guy there to mention it was due to the Update All Market error, so hoping the fact it was rooted doesn't play too much of a role.
Thanks for your help, may not have managed to sort it myself in the end but it was definitely appreciated.

[Q] Phone is partially bricked...?

Hey guys,
I think my phone is partially bricked. I know that sounds weird, but here's the situation:
I was able to unlock my bootloader (faced multiple write errors using fastboot but it did unlock eventually), I can't reflash using Odin (it fails Error is "Complete Write Fail"), when I tried to format some partitions using clockwork I get:
E: format_volume: make_extf4fs failed on /dev/block/platform/s3c-sdhci.0/by-name/system
Error formatting /system!
No linux newb here, so I'm guessing my internal partition is fubared..
Here's what's funny... I can flash a rom and boot into the rom usually on the first try. If I boot into the rom, it runs fine until I reboot the phone. Then it takes another *LITERALLY* 10 times of pulling the battery and rebooting the phone because the phone sticks at the Google boot logo. I can boot into recovery, fastboot, no problem.
As my phone sits right now: I can flash clockwork, bootloader unlocked. I'm having to try the NAND restore to 2.3.1 to get it to work. I rebooted the phone multiple times, no problems but then after a phone call...get a notification that the sd card was suddenly removed and now I'm back to square one..
Does anyone have a clue as to why my phone decided to unmount the internal storage and why I can't get this thing to work correctly 100%?
Thanks guys..
Btw, I usually can't mount the USB storage using clockwork when I get these errors. I have to keep rebooting the phone until I get lucky enough to format the /sdcard, then try and mount it up to my computer.
Just rebooted the phone, flashed /system, and mounted up the USB..
Can anyone explain this??
otisranson said:
Hey guys,
I think my phone is partially bricked. I know that sounds weird, but here's the situation:
I was able to unlock my bootloader (faced multiple write errors using fastboot but it did unlock eventually), I can't reflash using Odin (it fails Error is "Complete Write Fail"), when I tried to format some partitions using clockwork I get:
E: format_volume: make_extf4fs failed on /dev/block/platform/s3c-sdhci.0/by-name/system
Error formatting /system!
No linux newb here, so I'm guessing my internal partition is fubared..
Here's what's funny... I can flash a rom and boot into the rom usually on the first try. If I boot into the rom, it runs fine until I reboot the phone. Then it takes another *LITERALLY* 10 times of pulling the battery and rebooting the phone because the phone sticks at the Google boot logo. I can boot into recovery, fastboot, no problem.
As my phone sits right now: I can flash clockwork, bootloader unlocked. I'm having to try the NAND restore to 2.3.1 to get it to work. I rebooted the phone multiple times, no problems but then after a phone call...get a notification that the sd card was suddenly removed and now I'm back to square one..
Does anyone have a clue as to why my phone decided to unmount the internal storage and why I can't get this thing to work correctly 100%?
Thanks guys..
Btw, I usually can't mount the USB storage using clockwork when I get these errors. I have to keep rebooting the phone until I get lucky enough to format the /sdcard, then try and mount it up to my computer.
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otisranson said:
Just rebooted the phone, flashed /system, and mounted up the USB..
Can anyone explain this??
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yup, this ones explainable. classic symptoms of a ns with its internal sd card dying/dead. it happens way too often unfortunately. luckily its a fairly easy and inexpensive repair, if youre not under warranty.
Any direction on how to fix it while not under warranty?
Or take it to tmobile?
otisranson said:
Any direction on how to fix it while not under warranty?
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check out any local mobile device repair shops. you could probably do it yourself if you dont fear taking the phone apart, it should be to difficult of a repair. its just a matter of buying a replacement(ebay?), taking the phone apart, and replacing the sd.
Found this breakdown, but I don't see where the internal storage is..
I've been having similar issues..what is the exact part name for the SD?...I wanna search to buy one
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using XDA Premium App
I think its:
Samsung KB100D00WM-A453 memory package and S5PC110A01 1GHz Cortex A8 Hummingbird Processor.
I'm going to try to find another nexus s mother board as a whole, that's my only option.
otisranson said:
Found this breakdown, but I don't see where the internal storage is..
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I think it's in step 10
i seen something a few weeks ago online on how to replace this...it was a video..i just cant remember where i seen it!
I ended up just purchasing a new phone on ebay.. If I find a nexus s with a cracked screen, I will swap out the mobo.
You can check whether there are blocks flagged as bad by FTL (Flash Translation Layer) in recovery. Check recovery.log file (it can be, the bad blocks will show up after formats).

[Completed] [HELP] Lenovo K5 "Encryption Unsuccesful" + cant wipe /data

So recently my old phone died and i just bought this one, maybe i can take it to warranty but im not sure because i did root it and tried to changw the Rom.
So, I tried to changw the rom but I didnt realise that wiping /system would delete the Rom file too bc i didnt have an external sd, so my phone is stuck in TWRP. My computer is slow and adb doesnt seems to work, whenever i tried to sideload a Rom my pc would freeze and adb would stop with no explanation other than "adb Failed"
I got an external sd, upooad the stock and miui roms and tried to install em both (separately) but none seemed to work, my phone boots and i get the "Encryption Unsuccessful" message, but whenever I try to do a factory reset i cant wipe "data".
I already tried to partition data to the external sd but it doesnt works either...
Is there any other way I can fix this? Ive been trying for days, digging up every forum, but I cant find a solution.
I really need to make it work, im quite desperate at this point.
Thanks in advance, and sorry for my weak english skills haha
JoeBrand said:
So recently my old phone died and i just bought this one, maybe i can take it to warranty but im not sure because i did root it and tried to changw the Rom.
So, I tried to changw the rom but I didnt realise that wiping /system would delete the Rom file too bc i didnt have an external sd, so my phone is stuck in TWRP. My computer is slow and adb doesnt seems to work, whenever i tried to sideload a Rom my pc would freeze and adb would stop with no explanation other than "adb Failed"
I got an external sd, upooad the stock and miui roms and tried to install em both (separately) but none seemed to work, my phone boots and i get the "Encryption Unsuccessful" message, but whenever I try to do a factory reset i cant wipe "data".
I already tried to partition data to the external sd but it doesnt works either...
Is there any other way I can fix this? Ive been trying for days, digging up every forum, but I cant find a solution.
I really need to make it work, im quite desperate at this point.
Thanks in advance, and sorry for my weak english skills haha
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Greetings and welcome to assist. Is your bootloader locked ? that may be the problem. I did find this thread that has a twrp flashable stock rom if that helps to recover the device
Good Luck

Limited to fastboot and only CWM recovery cant mount /data partition or /sdcard

Ill start from the beginning and try to include as much information as possible. I have a LTE shield, screen was cracked. Found a wifi model and bought it from someone. When I met up with him, it was on the setup screen, I hit a few things to make sure the screen was working. I swap out the motherboards and some other small stuff. With my LTE motherboard in the non-cracked screen now, I go to tap icon and seems only the top half of the screen works. Used my controller to get to the touch calibration, that failed. Don't know why, but I figured I'd just just restore to stock and see what happens. I got the firmware from the nvidia download center and tried to flash the firmware via fastboot and got "remote: insufficient memory". Tried a bunch of suggestions people had on other threads/forums, but nothings worked so far. I figured I'd try to install a custom recovery and try a custom rom or look for a flashable stock rom, TWRP installs successfully but doesn't boot. After many failed attempts I tried CWM and it booted! Tried flashing a custom rom put on a SD card but everything time I select to install from sdcard or sdcard1 it says it cant mount, same thing when I go into advanced options and try to mount. Cant mount as a USB and, and theres nowhere where I sideload to since nothing will mount. I'm open to suggestions.
Thanks in advance!

