I just broke webtop - Motorola Atrix 2

Can someone who has webtop tar up thier osh and post a place I can grab it.
I have been working to get a full version of ubuntu going in webtop, and I was working on reverse engineering the way they did it with the bionic and that did not work well
I will buy a beer or coffee for anyone who can do this for me.

just got home. give me a few minutes
what file format you want?

You rock, does not matter much, a tar or zip or 7zip or bz2... whatever you put it in I can take it and put it back in place from there.

lol. while it was pulling, i was messing around with my phone and crashed it..
dd if=/dev/block/webtop of=/mnt/sdcard/osh.img

did you get it?

Yes, I did. I also gave a donation to you.

I was able to get my webtop working again, by whacking tomoyo, that is the Linux FACL that they are using for webtop.
Thanks again for your help.

I just broke webtop and I was hoping you could explain to me how to restore it using this .img.tar.gz file. I don't have a clue what to do with it. Please help! I messed up my osh file pretty miserably.

matthewsteross said:
I just broke webtop and I was hoping you could explain to me how to restore it using this .img.tar.gz file. I don't have a clue what to do with it. Please help! I messed up my osh file pretty miserably.
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it think it's a dd image, so just do the reverse;
dd if=osh.img of=/dev/block/webtop

I'm sorry. I'm oblivious as to what you're talking about... I'm am sorry for my ignorance, is that a command prompt thing for windows or is that something I would use adb for? Also, how do I thank you for replying?

matthewsteross said:
I'm sorry. I'm oblivious as to what you're talking about... I'm am sorry for my ignorance, is that a command prompt thing for windows or is that something I would use adb for? Also, how do I thank you for replying?
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This thread was from before we had the FXZ files to flash from fastboot.
I believe the proper way to restore webtop would be to grab the 55.11.16 release FXZ. Extract it and extract moto-fastboot to the same directory. Run a cmd and cd to the directory.
Put your phone into fastboot mode by holding volume down while you power it on, hook it up via usb, and
(or you can use the two button salute and choose it from the boot menu)
moto-fastboot.exe flash webtop grfs.img
You can then use motorola's faux-55.13.26 update to reapply the patches to update the webtop partition to the 55.13.25 version.
This tar.gz file would still work, you'd need to decompress it, adb shell into the phone, run su (to get root) and then run the commands from the directory where the img is stored. I don't think you need busybox to run dd... could be wrong
Flashing with fastboot is the more elegant solution.
(note it's probably not a good idea to write the img files from the fxz directly with dd.)DON'T CROSS THE STREAMS!

I got it to work by flashing in fastboot, thanks for all your help! All is well again and I even have Linux unlocked and running the XFCE-4 desktop environment. Thanks for all your help!


Android app that roots your phone

Hi all I am putting together an android app that will making the rooting process much easier. This thread is discuss issues and suggestions with this app.
I have the app near done, the biggest problem is that I cannot format the sdcard as fat32. Is formatting to fat32 required. Why do we do this? What is the real need to do this?
I have not tested the app out yet, but so far this is how it has been put together. There is a main activity with textboxes that have the urls of the files needed to root (dreaimg.nbh, recovery.img, hardsplupdate.zip, JF_RC33update.zip) and there are buttons for each step in the process to download these necessary files and extract them if needed and put them on the sdcard and renaming them properly. You can change the urls to something else if needed.
so you click the first button it downloads the .nbh and puts it on the sdcard and then prompts the user to turn off, power+camera on, flash. when phone is on then reinstall this app and go to step 2 (because it would of been lost when flashed)
you click the second button it downloads recovery.img and hardsplupdate.zip. renames the files appropriately and puts them on the sd. it runs a script to do the recovery.img flash. It then prompts you to restart into recovery mode and gives the instructions on flashing the hardspl. and tells you to reopen this app when done
you click the third button it downloads the latest JF firmware (lets just say the RC33 flavor) puts it on the sdcard and renames it as update.zip. it prompts you to restart into recovery mode and do the flash.
Anybody see any possible problems with this logic? Also what do people think about maybe packing some of these files in the app instead of having them be downloaded?
Update: app is working http://allshadow.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=5229
I am still looking for help to make it better.
I need devs to help make it nicer.
I am also looking for someone who's familiar with the update.zip package, to pack the radio, hardspl, and jf_rc33 all in one update file.
If anybody is interested in helping, PM me
I dont think its that big of a deal to format the card yourself, but why not make an app on the desktop that does some of the work for you, like formatting the card, then downloading and renaming the files needed to get started?
Packing the files into the app is going to make the app big. I like this whole idea though.
when you flash the .nbh it does a wipe on its own so one would need to re-download the app after that unless you can get it to stick somehow, i like the idea, is each button of the app just running a script? like to get the dreaimg.nbh have a script that runs:
"$wget [url to the .nbh file]
$echo 'please reboot your phone into SPL by holding the camera and power button'"
or did you have some other idea?
i like the idea but i am just not sure how easy this would be to code as i am just used to writing scripts that do everything for me.
or you could follow Kllian's advice and make a desktop program that does all this. i could easily write a script for linux that would do it, and a .bat file wouldn't be too hard either. you would just need to have adb and you could have the scipt/batch reboot the phone into recovery to do the flashing of each update.zip
pm me if you have an questions or would like me to write a script to do all this
tubaking182 said:
when you flash the .nbh it does a wipe on its own so one would need to re-download the app after that unless you can get it to stick somehow, i like the idea, is each button of the app just running a script?
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tubaking brings up a good point.
I have an idea that possibly could resolve the "wiping" issue. What you do is, the initial app would be placed on the desktop (assume RC30). From here you'd downgrade the firmware to RC29.
The problem is though, the app you are scripting will be wiped. SO...
How about saving it on the SD temporarily.
THEN modifying the .nbh file to restore the <rooting app> to desktop (from SD)
Just throwing some stuff out there.
IF you need some help, hit me up.
if anyone knows how to convert a .sh bash script from linux to a .bat batch file for windows then i already have the script written, send me a PM to get it. or we could port it into java, but i don't know how to do that stuff. tomorrow i will upload my script onto 4shared and provide a link here as long as it works. keep in mind that i am on a linux machine and my script will not work in M$ windows. i don't know a damn thing about mac, so i have no idea if this will work or not for them.
my script is nearly completely automated, the only thing you need to do is hit ENTER a few dozen times, i will also write a completely automated one that sleeps rather than waits for you to hit enter, but it will take longer to run most likely since i will have to oversetimate the sleep time.
hopefully i can find a windows machine and learn what commands in the cmd are equal to the commands in my terminal
akapoor said:
tubaking brings up a good point.
I have an idea that possibly could resolve the "wiping" issue. What you do is, the initial app would be placed on the desktop (assume RC30). From here you'd downgrade the firmware to RC29.
The problem is though, the app you are scripting will be wiped. SO...
How about saving it on the SD temporarily.
THEN modifying the .nbh file to restore the <rooting app> to desktop (from SD)
Just throwing some stuff out there.
IF you need some help, hit me up.
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modifying ,nbh files is no easy task, i tried it once and fortunately for many people GSLeon3 was able to help me fix my tilt. i think the .bat or .sh would be the easiest way to root your phone
Send over the file you have. Ill work on converting it to a .bat, useable from windows.
Email : akapoor92_at_gmail.com
I should have it soon, but since its like 3:30am here, I'm off to bed. Haha
tubaking182 said:
modifying ,nbh files is no easy task, i tried it once and fortunately for many people GSLeon3 was able to help me fix my tilt. i think the .bat or .sh would be the easiest way to root your phone
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Uh, you'd not only need to modify the nbh file, but you'd also need to sign it with the Google OTA keys - otherwise the phone will refuse to flash it.
If it were possible to create Google-signed nbh files we'd dispense with all this downgrading nonsense and just create an nbh of the latest JF firmware with root and directly flash that.
The issue is that until you've patched the recovery loader the phone won't flash anything that isn't signed by Google. The reason we can get around this is that there is a leaked signed file with the old firmware version, and that version happens to contain a vulnerability that you can use to get root access. Once you have root access you can reflash the recovery loader with a new one which accepts the test keys. At that point you can dispense with the hacks and begin directly flashing whatever you want.
In any case, rooting a phone is serious enough of a matter that we probably shouldn't be encouraging anybody who can download an app to do it. They should at least have some confidence in reading and following obscure instructions online, because of anything goes wrong later that is what they'll be doing...
Thanks for all your input. I have been trying to hold hand people through the root process and it is a real pain. Biggest issues are people not being able to unzip files correctly, rename files correctly, and the biggest thing is the recovery.img step and typing in the commands.
- .nbh cannot be patched because it is signed.
- yes my app will get wiped because of the .nbh flash. It does tell the user to reinstall this app once done with the .nbh step and then continue
- i prefer an android app, so people can do it without a computer and without having to install the sdk
- the app does not run a script to get the files. it uses some android sdk functions to download files. it does use the unzip linux command to unzip, not sure if this will work because of permissions, i may have to figure out how to do it from the sdk. the app does run a script to do the recovery.img step, during this step we should already have root so no issue there with permissions.
Biggest problem I see is Fat32 format I heard it is not absolutely necessary. Does anyone have any more information about why this needs to be done?
it IS necessary, you need the card formatted in order to do the NBH flash, after that you should be ok. most card come formatted in the box they came in so anyone that said they didn't need to format their card is lying because is was already formatted to fat 32
in the RC29 firmware is there a su command in /system/bin/ or are all commands run as root without having to call /system/bin/su ??
moussam said:
in the RC29 firmware is there a su command in /system/bin/ or are all commands run as root without having to call /system/bin/su ??
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from what i've read, in the RC29 version andything you type on the home screen gets put through a root shell as well all on it's own
I have a feeling whoever makes this app is going to sell iot for a ridiculous price on the market
My script is written but requires the user to do certain things, later I hope to have it be completely automated after a certain point and it will be free. After I get it written in linux shell I will be converting it to use in windows. Expect my automated root to be available for download by the weekend.
I got the app pretty close to done. I hope to put something up tonight or tomorrow that you guys can test. I am not going to charge for this app, I want to give it for free so everybody can have root and a more rich experience.
The place were I am stuck right now is the unzipping of the DREAIMG.NBH file from its zip file after it is downloaded. I am using java.util.zip I am not sure if the problem is because the file is so big or if I am doing it wrong. does anyone have an android java unzip code snippet?
The app now downloads files for you and unzips them if needed. THere is an issue with the unzipping though, after around 25 MB of unzipping DREAIMG.NBH i get this error...
java.io.IOException at java.util.zip.InflaterInputStream.read(InflaterInputStream.java)
anybody have any suggestions? Is their not enough memory to unzip the files or something?
For now I am not going to let the .nbh file be zipped up. THe app instead will have to download the full uncompressed .nbh file.
So it is ready to be tested, if you want to try it out PM me, I do not want to just post it and have everybody use it until it has been tested more.
Good news the app works on downloading the .nbh file and then flashing you to RC29. It then successfully downloads the recovery.img and hardspl update.zip
I had someone testing it and when they ran the recovery script the mount command gave them mount: operation not permitted. Is this correct? I know without root it is supposed to give you mount: permission denied.
If this is correct the app is working, and I just need someone else to confirm.
Does anybody else want to help with the coding of this project? If so create an open-source repository and I will add the current source in there.

Does anybody still run CM Recovery 1.3.1?

If you do, can you please do me a favor: Can you please copy the gzip executable to /sdcard and upload to this thread?
Boot into recovery and:
mount /sdcard
cp /sbin/gzip /sdcard/gzip
devsk said:
If you do, can you please do me a favor: Can you please copy the gzip executable to /sdcard and upload to this thread?
Boot into recovery and:
mount /sdcard
cp /sbin/gzip /sdcard/gzip
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ignore sig. reflashed 1.3.1. when i cp /sbin/gzip /sdcard/gzip i get cannont stat /sbin/gzip no such file or directory
edit: i found gzip in /system/bin. just take off .txt extension.
Thanks for you efforts. But the problem is I need the static binary that was present in the 1.3.1. The one in /system/bin is a dynamic one and won't run (tried it already) in 1.4 recovery.
I need to figure out where did that static binary in 1.3.1 come from. That binary is 3 times faster in compressing than the one in busybox.
sorry i couldn't find it. did you try asking cyanogen?
david1171 said:
sorry i couldn't find it. did you try asking cyanogen?
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He is on vacay until the weekend is over.
erissiva said:
He is on vacay until the weekend is over.
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can you extract it from the update.zip?
i believe the link was
edit: nvm its proly a .img inside. i believe theres an image unpacking tool out here, ill try and find it
B-man007 said:
can you extract it from the update.zip?
i believe the link was
edit: nvm its proly a .img inside. i believe theres an image unpacking tool out here, ill try and find it
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Thanks guys, you are awesome!
Hmm... [No Luck]
Devsk, I just scowered every recovery image that Cyanogen has released (using unpack.pl http://android-dls.com/wiki/index.php?title=HOWTO:_Unpack%2C_Edit%2C_and_Re-Pack_Boot_Images) for the gzip file you mentioned, however, I saw no static-binary that you speak of.
(yes, I checked every image file, including the ones in the .zip update file that cyanogen released for 1.3.1)
I'm actually curious myself, and have begun searching JF's recovery images too... still no luck...
HOWEVER, and I'm not too keen on scowering... perhaps if you ask Cyanogen if he ever released a recovery image in one of his update.zip's... perhaps thats what you're looking for?! *ponders*
good luck! I think i'm going to check it out!
rikupw said:
Devsk, I just scowered every recovery image that Cyanogen has released (using unpack.pl http://android-dls.com/wiki/index.php?title=HOWTO:_Unpack%2C_Edit%2C_and_Re-Pack_Boot_Images) for the gzip file you mentioned, however, I saw no static-binary that you speak of.
(yes, I checked every image file, including the ones in the .zip update file that cyanogen released for 1.3.1)
I'm actually curious myself, and have begun searching JF's recovery images too... still no luck...
HOWEVER, and I'm not too keen on scowering... perhaps if you ask Cyanogen if he ever released a recovery image in one of his update.zip's... perhaps thats what you're looking for?! *ponders*
good luck! I think i'm going to check it out!
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when in recovery 1.3.1, what does 'which gzip' give you? I am not sure where that executable is being gotten but doing 'gzip -h' and 'busybox gzip -h' resulted in two different things in 1.3.1 but same in 1.4.
One question: is it safe to go back to 1.3.1 and switch back & forth? I need to figure where some of the executables are coming from and how come it can load the same dynamic executable in 1.3.1 but not in 1.4.
devsk said:
when in recovery 1.3.1, what does 'which gzip' give you? I am not sure where that executable is being gotten but doing 'gzip -h' and 'busybox gzip -h' resulted in two different things in 1.3.1 but same in 1.4.
One question: is it safe to go back to 1.3.1 and switch back & forth? I need to figure where some of the executables are coming from and how come it can load the same dynamic executable in 1.3.1 but not in 1.4.
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yes, it is safe, the ONLY issue i've had is I cannot seem to be able to successfully edit a recovery.img and reflash it, it works, the only issue is I don' thave command I get the "A N D R O I D" when i try to use terminal at the recovery menu, (although everything works via adb)
I am on 1.4, I just downloaded ALL the Cyanogen.zips (I hope I don't overuse his bandwidth, I would feel so bad...) but I found no recovery images within his .zips,
try flashing a 1.3.1, (I'm not able to use my android phone, as I left it at work haha)
and trying which. just m ake sure you do a nandroid backup before you flash back to 1.3.1 (though I doubt it should make a difference)
try to mount all your partitions within the recovery command (from the phone, not adb).
# mount -a
(it'll error, don't worry its normal )
# exit
press enter, and then type "which gzip"
I think that its actually loading the /system/bin/gzip... which would make sense... but idk, can you give it a try?
ok, the reason for what I told you, is that I noticed that if you reset the terminal (exit, enter) its like re-adding the PATH to the shell, i guess? I'm still a wee bit new to linux, but I know how to search (or rather... scower)

Need Beta testers for a Mac SBF Flasher

Hi, guys. I am a new member here at XDA and would like some people to test a version of Darkonion's Dosbf script modified for Macs. I have tested this this with my Mac, and a Droid X, and everything has gone wonderfully. I need to verify that it actually works with other Macs, so if anyone would like to help me out here, I would be very grateful.
Remember to wipe data/cache after SBF to be safe.
If you've gotten the message "error: no sbf_flash program" then you'll need to restart terminal and run the command "./sbf_flash droid2.sbf" after you cd to the SBF_Flasher_1.4 directory.
Update: SBF_Flasher_1.4
MAJOR UPDATE: Using the right sbf_flash finally. If for some reason this zip doesn't work, go here:
If anyone needs support, PM me and I can help.
stuck trying to flash
I keep getting this message when in terminal
Press any number or letter key, then enter to continue.
Error: No sbf_flash program
bigoz71 said:
I keep getting this message when in terminal
Press any number or letter key, then enter to continue.
Error: No sbf_flash program
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If that happens, it basically means that the sbf_flash file is not an executable. Try this.
In terminal, type "chmod +x" and leave a space, then open the SBF_Flasher_1.3 folder and drag sbf_flash into terminal. Here's how it should look.
chmod +x /location of folder/SBF_Flasher_1.3/sbf_flash"
you don't have to put the SBF file on your sdcard, you just copy it to the SBF_Flasher folder on your computer and rename it droid2.sbf
i get to the point when it says "Press any number or letter key, then enter to continue" when i press a number or letter it gives me an error saying "Error: No sbf_flash program" any insight on what i may be doing wrong?
tried the above instructions, and still not working. my phone has been stuck in bootload all day :-(
RockTheRed52 said:
i get to the point when it says "Press any number or letter key, then enter to continue" when i press a number or letter it gives me an error saying "Error: No sbf_flash program" any insight on what i may be doing wrong?
tried the above instructions, and still not working. my phone has been stuck in bootload all day :-(
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Make sure you pull the battery in between trying, otherwise you'll have to find another battery.
What phone and software version are you running? Did you get the correct SBF file?
G7man said:
Make sure you pull the battery in between trying, otherwise you'll have to find another battery.
What phone and software version are you running? Did you get the correct SBF file?
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im using a D2 with the gingerbread leak, i was installing apex2.0 however me being careless downloaded the DX version by accident. then all hell broke lose lol.
im pretty sure i downloaded the correct SBF file. however if you have you prefer i would like to know
double post. my fault.
RockTheRed52 said:
im using a D2 with the gingerbread leak, i was installing apex2.0 however me being careless downloaded the DX version by accident. then all hell broke lose lol.
im pretty sure i downloaded the correct SBF file. however if you have you prefer i would like to know
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Well, I don't own a D2, so here is all I can say.
1. Make sure you chmod +x both the sbf_flash and the SBF_Flasher.sh files
2. Download the 2.3.20 SBF, or whatever the most current one is and copy it to the SBF_Flasher folder. Rename the sbf "droid2.sbf" case-sensetive and without quotes
3. Run SBF_Flasher.sh and tell me at what point it errors, and what it says.
G7man said:
Well, I don't own a D2, so here is all I can say.
1. Make sure you chmod +x both the sbf_flash and the SBF_Flasher.sh files
2. Download the 2.3.20 SBF, or whatever the most current one is and copy it to the SBF_Flasher folder. Rename the sbf "droid2.sbf" case-sensetive and without quotes
3. Run SBF_Flasher.sh and tell me at what point it errors, and what it says.
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this is where i am getting stuck at
Press any number or letter key, then enter to continue.
chmod +x /Users/alkap16/Desktop/SBF_Flasher_1.3/sbf_flash 1
Error: No sbf_flash program
although i am not sure if i am "chmod +x" the SBF_Flasher.sh file correctly.
sorry for all this this is my first time doing anything like this on my phone or computer.
RockTheRed52 said:
this is where i am getting stuck at
Press any number or letter key, then enter to continue.
chmod +x /Users/alkap16/Desktop/SBF_Flasher_1.3/sbf_flash 1
Error: No sbf_flash program
although i am not sure if i am "chmod +x" the SBF_Flasher.sh file correctly.
sorry for all this this is my first time doing anything like this on my phone or computer.
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Ok, you need to chmod both files before running the SBF_Flasher.sh file. Also, it should look like "chmod +x /users/alkap16/Desktop/SBF_Flasher_1.3/sbf_flash". make sure the file name is sbf_flash, not sbf_flash 1.
Sent from my DROIDX using XDA App
finally got everything to work. but when the sbf is done flasing im still stuck in the bootloader with no no way of getting into recovery mode.
RockTheRed52 said:
finally got everything to work. but when the sbf is done flasing im still stuck in the bootloader with no no way of getting into recovery mode.
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Well, if it hasn't worked, and you don't have a windows pc, you should definitely try 1KDS's live disk, or this link.
I've been trying it, and I'm getting the same error for no sbf_flash program. I've tried chmod +x on both sbf_flash and SBF_FLASHER.sh
any ideas?
The other one you posted last is still a no go, as my mac can't burn disks.
craig_s said:
I've been trying it, and I'm getting the same error for no sbf_flash program. I've tried chmod +x on both sbf_flash and SBF_FLASHER.sh
any ideas?
The other one you posted last is still a no go, as my mac can't burn disks.
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You should definitely download sbf_flash from blog.opticaldelusion.org and see if that works. It's probably an issue with you not doing "chmod +x" right. I would try typing "chmod +x" leaving a space, and dragging sbf_flash into terminal. If all else fails, get your hands on a Windows machine, or use a VM, but I've never had success with VM's. Let me know what happens.
Giving it a second go (I had my brother fix it last time, he doesn't want to do it this time). Should I replace sbf_flash that I downloaded with the old one?
Edit: still doesn't work!!! You wouldn't happen to know how to put 1kdStaz's liveboot onto an external hdd, or how to partition my hdd to boot off of that?
craig_s said:
Giving it a second go (I had my brother fix it last time, he doesn't want to do it this time). Should I replace sbf_flash that I downloaded with the old one?
Edit: still doesn't work!!! You wouldn't happen to know how to put 1kdStaz's liveboot onto an external hdd, or how to partition my hdd to boot off of that?
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I know you can boot off of a usb drive, but I'm not the person to talk to for that kind of thing. I'd recommend talking to 1KDS, he's really nice.
- G7man
Try chmod 777 on the sbf_flash file, that worked for me...
Although, I have another question, does the sbf_flash file require an Intel based system? I'm using a PowerMac G5 with PPC processors and I get
./sbf_flash: line 3: /tmp/sbf_flash_754_746/Darwin: Bad CPU type in executable
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[Q] Infuse back to stock using a mac 10.5.8

How can I get my infuse back to stock using a mac? I have tried heimdall front end and the Heimdall One-Click with no success. If there are step by step instructions on how to do this it would be greatly appreciated. I have searched and can't find much info for doing it on a mac. I have the infuse4g-backtostock-one-click.jar but when I click to open it just closes. I have restarted pc, reset permissions, updated java, put phone in download mode. Am I doing something wrong?
Open it in commands line. Open a terminal window and CD intro the directory. Type Java -jar backtostock.jar or whatever thename of that file happens to be. Clearly you didn't read the thread good enough, but at leeway you found the thread.
You may also need to set up codeless kext or something but I don't have a Mac so I don't know how to do that.
What happens when you try to run heimdall frontend?? And you can run heimdall in command line as well. Linux bozo went over that in the kj2 thread. The only difference is you won't need boot.bin or sbl.bin but may have to add param.ifs too the list. If test it to give explicit instructions but my power is out. I'm posting form my phone.
The java I get unable to access and when i put phone in download mode and open the oneclick stock boot infuse.jar file it just flashes on dock then quits. Heimdall front end gives tar header contained invalid file size. I am wondering if I can use the stock rom for i900 with heimdall such as XWJSD 2.2.1 with heimdall seeing I cannot find one specific to infuse?
thorn292 said:
The java I get unable to access and when i put phone in download mode and open the oneclick stock boot infuse.jar file it just flashes on dock then quits. Heimdall front end gives tar header contained invalid file size. I am wondering if I can use the stock rom for i900 with heimdall such as XWJSD 2.2.1 with heimdall seeing I cannot find one specific to infuse?
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Obviously you are using heimdall wrong. Did you try laughing one click from command line? That's how you nerd to open it, its covered in the thread.
Heimdall needs heimdall specific packages if you use a .tar. Don't do that plus i9000 roms don't work. Get the Odin package gtg made and extract the.tar I would make a heimdall package if I though anyone was gonna use it, but people don't like change even for the better, it drives me nuts.
heimdall 1.3 has 3 tabs, one is labeled "flash" open that tab. Get infuse.pit this is the only pit file that works. Then there is an add button, it will give you a selection of partitions to add. when you add a partition you need to add a file to that partition, the files vs partitions are as follows
I'm going off memory and there may be a couple mistakes, but once you see how it works its not hard to see where stuff goes.
If you don't feel comfortable with that then get heimdall 1.1. Just extract the Odin .tar file and add files in the GUI., it really explains itself. I dislike the new GUI, the old one was easy. The command line us easy too but i'm not sure I remember the commands exactly right.
Do I need the odin exe to do this or can I just use the file? I cannot run exe files.
thorn292 said:
Do I need the odin exe to do this or can I just use the file? I cannot run exe files.
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No just the .tar. Extract it and flash the files inside using heimdall.
If you can't figure it out you can get boot camp and run window.
I'm obviously not doing something right every time I extract the file in Heimdall 1.1 I get errors. Would AT&T put the stock rom back on if I took it in to them?
Update: I borrowed a windows pc and got it up in running back to original in about 30 minutes. Thanks for ll your help.
thorn292 said:
I'm obviously not doing something right every time I extract the file in Heimdall 1.1 I get errors. Would AT&T put the stock rom back on if I took it in to them?
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glad you got it but no att wouldn't do that. ROM flashing voids any type of warranty or insurance, sometime people get away with sending phones to Samsung if they get bricked, if you do that sort of thing make sure the phone doesn't even turn on or boot past the Samsung screen. The repair people probably don't have much time for diagnosis and would simply flash to stock and send it out the door.

how to extract system.img?

Before anyone retorts, yes i have been through the forums and googled it. Nothing has worked yet
Ok, so i got this tablet called the skypad alpha2. There is an update for ics for it but it is a. Img file that has to be installed through their program calledlivesuite. Since it is a. Img file i am assuming it is a full system image because when it is installed it completely wipes everything.
Anyway, i have tried converting it, extracting it with unyaffs and all that.
Is there an alternative to unyaffs for windows?
DontExist said:
Before anyone retorts, yes i have been through the forums and googled it. Nothing has worked yet
Ok, so i got this tablet called the skypad alpha2. There is an update for ics for it but it is a. Img file that has to be installed through their program calledlivesuite. Since it is a. Img file i am assuming it is a full system image because when it is installed it completely wipes everything.
Anyway, i have tried converting it, extracting it with unyaffs and all that.
Is there an alternative to unyaffs for windows?
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Actually that could be useful. No idea on how to do it, but good luck!
Yeah.... that was helpful. Please try and refrain from useless answers. Thank you

