[DEV] FULL Ice Cream Sandwich /system dump - HTC Desire S

Here you go!
From the SDK, you can download it here.
Any mod who has some experience with porting ROM's, try this! A lot of people want to test ICS on their Desire S.
If you try to run the .apks in /system/app with your current setup, they won't install or Force Quit. (Android 2.3.5 has SDK 10, and 4.0.1 has SDK 14!!!'
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You need to add a warning advising users that these applications will not run on their current android setup. Any attempt to install will most likely result in force closing.

zeekiz said:
You need to add a warning advising users that these applications will not run on their current android setup. Any attempt to install will most likely result in force closing.
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a friend of mine told me he got it booting on DS but touchscreen isnt working... soon enough we will have ICS Roms xD

Hope this can help...

Loving the new music player... but prefer Coverflow on Sense


[ROM][MyTouch3G / 32B] Android 1.6 App Pak (Donut) Powered by CyanogenMod v4.1.11.1

This Rom is CyanogenMod v4.1.11.1
See thread here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=539744
I've not had much time to Do much to this rom, But Calendar is working now for me ( Was getting error's ).
Change log will follow when I get more time to play with it.
as always, Be sure to thank Cyanogen if you enjoy this Rom.
Now, If you encounter an issue with the Flipclock widget, Don't delete!!!
Just reboot the Phone & it will load correctly, same for other widgets as well.
Android 1.6 App Pak Rom:
Is this rom for 32B devices?
should work fine.
Rom works fine-verry good job
Thank's eugene373&Cyanogen.
I was able to update from CM-4.0.4 without much difficulty, but now getting FC error when trying to switch from Android keyboard to Touch Input:
(process com.htc.android.htcime)
I am googling to see if there are known issues, but will mess with it some more. The new Market is pretty slick.
Edit: Just realized this isn't a thread for itself.
atleastzero said:
I was able to update from CM-4.0.4 without much difficulty, but now getting FC error when trying to switch from Android keyboard to Touch Input:
(process com.htc.android.htcime)
I am googling to see if there are known issues, but will mess with it some more. The new Market is pretty slick.
Edit: Just realized this isn't a thread for itself.
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I had this issue as well. You need to actually unzip the CM- ROM and locate the HTC-IME.apk and install. This HTC keyboard will then work after using this .apk
mightykc said:
I had this issue as well. You need to actually unzip the CM- ROM and locate the HTC-IME.apk and install. This HTC keyboard will then work after using this .apk
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Ah, the one I tried to install was the HTC-IME.apk from the CM-4.0.4 stable ROM, and also the one from the SDK. I may try the one from a little later, but when I tried the other two, it kept saying it would replace a file that already exists. I tried uninstalling using AppManager, but whenever I opened AppManager it would just load and load and not actually show me what was installed. After switching back to CM-4.0.4, AppManager and the HTC-IME work fine.
I'll try again with the ROM and the HTC-IME.apk from the ZIP and post back with my results.
EDIT: I am still having trouble with AppManager, but at this point I could care less about that. I did get installed again, and got the HTC_IME to work using this thread:
Is the App Manager no working in this build? Please post issues regarding this Rom in Cyanogen thread if you are using his Build.
If using mine Please Let me know and I'll try and get it Fixed for you.
keep getting bootloops when i flashed this HELP HELP!!!
sxmdl6 said:
keep getting bootloops when i flashed this HELP HELP!!!
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That's Really Odd, Did you Format you Fat32 ext2 /3 Partition.
Be sure to do this, Wipe, Flash. Reboot & Format is my Rule of thumb.
oh the only thing ive done was wipe and flashed my bad lol
Fast, seems stable.. Appmanager doesnt work with 1.6! Very Nice. Have to download the apppack next. Great work, keep it up!!!
I've tried everything still getting bootloops
Sorry I don't understand, what's the difference between this and cyanogen's own release?
I've been running (with enochx theme) for the last few days and it is by far the best ROM out. Who needs Hero bloatware when this is available?
Well if you would have downloaded it you would have saw the Apps.
I Reverted the Calendar to an older build as I got FC.
As for now, I've not had time to do much to it.
dude, can i port this rom using cyanogen port update?
limkoksoon said:
dude, can i port this rom using cyanogen port update?
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sure, knock your self out.
as Cyanogen is the owner of the rom
eugene373 said:
sure, knock your self out.
as Cyanogen is the owner of the rom
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dude, i tried wipe and apply android 1.6 and apply rad-
but it can't load. now using cynogen exp rom everythg seem fine but the end key can't be relocate as home key.. too bad...
so any help for this rom? or can someone pls port it to 32A?
limkoksoon said:
dude, i tried wipe and apply android 1.6 and apply rad-
but it can't load. now using cynogen exp rom everythg seem fine but the end key can't be relocate as home key.. too bad...
so any help for this rom? or can someone pls port it to 32A?
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Didn't say it was for 32a, I've really not had time to play with it, Just repacked it with tons of apps.
Any problem switching to this from JACxROM 1.4r3?
I have a2sd, partitions and compcache enabled, will everything run just fine? I'm asking because I found somewhere in the xROM post to be careful when using a2sd from other sources...
Two lines y bold red
I really wanted to try Cyanogen since a long ago, but the search box in Donut just sold me!

Installing Honeycomb Apps on ICS

I guess I am more green than I thought when it comes to this stuff, but I have an OG Asus TF101 with ICS 4.0.3. All my old apps from Honeycomb are there, work fine, but when I try to update or if I uninstall and go to re-install I am told they are incompatible for many, like HBO Go.
Am I missing a setting somewhere that will let me install these? That's for helping me out in advance with my noobery.
Did u try using AppBrain and fast web installer That is what we use when we modify build.props and change density's and the market gives us incompatibility issues so it may work the same when going from HC to ICS
Still tells me that my device is incompatible.
what ics means?
CM 9? yes?
jameslord said:
what ics means?
CM 9? yes?
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Ice Cream Sandwich (android 4)
Sent from my U8800 using xda premium

[Q] CM7 in emulator (AVD)

Hi all, this is a question even if i smell development spirit...
Maybe you know that i was about releasing KMApp v2.0 but didn't. This is because i cannot debug with my phone as i need it up and running fine for my job / university. I can't do testing so i asked people to do it for me and they were very kind. Unfortunately, tests i wanted to do are difficult to explain, resulting in wrong results.
So i changed point of view and started to think about AVD.
Is it possible to run CM7 for our device in emulator?
Did someone ever try it?
If you succeded please post detailed steps, if you know it is not possible explain why.
PS: i say CM7 and not samsung froyo because i don't see the point on being stuck with froyo. CM7 is stable enough to be used so KMApp v2.0 will be tested only in CM7. I will move to CM9 when it will be as stable as CM7 because now i don't feel it is.
You can try this - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=553366
ak700 said:
You can try this - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=553366
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RapidShare link broken :/
ak700 said:
You can try this - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=553366
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I see this is for android 1.5... Are you sure it still works with GB??
A LOT has changed since then!
Probably not. I had a look at it blog /website. It some what made use of the android sdk but with a better UI. The only way to simulate a rom would be to force it run instead of the os that runs in the sdk.
When ics was released many devs created a rom from the sdk by some how extracting the os from the sdk. So if you are able to some how replace that os with cm7 and then run the avd you would have your cm7 simulated. It's pretty hard but I think that's the only way.
Sent from my GT-I5800 using xda premium

No flash player for Jelly Bean??

As stated in google play while downloading latest flash player update.
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That was Adobe, they want to move over to HTML5 for mobile. In fact flash player (for Android) is being killed altogether August 15 so it makes sense for them not to make it work on JB.
I thought they just going to remove it from the Play Store after August 15th, meaning you could still keep it backed up in Titanium Backup and just restore and use it. Will this not be the case?
gullu101 said:
I thought they just going to remove it from the Play Store after August 15th, meaning you could still keep it backed up in Titanium Backup and just restore and use it. Will this not be the case?
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Yes, you could do this, but you'd probably have to be in 4.0.4 at the latest.
I can confirm that flash still works on version 4.1.1 on the Galaxy Nexus. I assume it will be the same for the Nexus S.
Google said that flash support isnt needed on jb! The browser will fill in that part!
Sent while eating an ice cream sandwich in the matr1x!
I flash roms therefore i am!!
Best feature in Jelly Bean by far!
4I-I said:
Google said that flash support isnt needed on jb! The browser will fill in that part!
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Yeah, it will fill in that part with an empty space
ekerazha said:
Yeah, it will fill in that part with an empty space
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if you restore Adobe flash from Titanium Backup seems to work on 4.1
adobe dropped support for mobile flash player before the galaxy nexus even launched,but they promised an update to support ICS and they did that and they said they will keep making security updates until finally removing the app from the playstore on august 15,they never said that the current flash player will not work on jelly bean,so installing the apk or restoring it from backup may and may not work.and with a linux porting kit available (as far as i know) maybe some dev will port it or maybe google will integrate it in chrome for android like firefox did for their mobile version.
i have test the port of Jb on nexus s and the flash player not working ... i try to find it from google play and isnt here ... then i install apk and no work on website .... i open site with flash and crash ... also no broswer open site with flash ...
No online tv ... no online game on website ... no miniclip ... site not view good because flash plugin needed...
Best way to get rid of the dependency on dying technology is to force everyone to stop using it
Flash ain't going anywhere period. Just a Steve jobs talking point for not allowing it on iOS.
Flash is a dying technology - still push QuickTime.
Flash not on mobile anymore but you won't see it off the net anytime soon.
But i want to see site that need flash player what i can do ?
I think this might be the case: In android 4.1, Chrome is the default browser. no unnamed android browser for Nexus 7, just chrome. And chrome doesn't support flash. that is why adobe says they won't support flash beyond 4.0.x.
BUT on the GN and nexus s, we still have the unnamed webkit browser on jb roms/ports, which were the same ones from 4.0. and it can handle flash just like it did in 4.0 since all the 4.0 api were compatible with 4.1.
Billchen0014 said:
I think this might be the case: In android 4.1, Chrome is the default browser. no unnamed android browser for Nexus 7, just chrome. And chrome doesn't support flash. that is why adobe says they won't support flash beyond 4.0.x.
BUT on the GN and nexus s, we still have the unnamed webkit browser on jb roms/ports, which were the same ones from 4.0. and it can handle flash just like it did in 4.0 since all the 4.0 api were compatible with 4.1.
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u mean the stantard broswer ?? no its not working !! you can install flash player but no open site....
i test it ...
Mmmm fresh air...
Getting so close to daily drivers with the jb roms so exciting. A bit off topic, but anyone having issues with bluetooth media running? I have latest jbrom (i think) running on my ns4g and that is one issue I have run into. I can take phone calls running through my car kit but media does not work. It says it's working but it's not. I have tried anything common sense would ask of a human being. Something is definitely wrong. pm me with any responses please I dont want to clutter up this thread. Thanks in advance!!
Flash is old tech. Adobe is just forcing us to switch to newer teach like HTML5 is what I heard...
Sent from my Nexus S using xda app-developers app
Yea they removed it with jellybean sorry
Hit the thanks button
I'm running JB 4.1 on a Nexus S 4G and I don't even see Flash Player in the GPlay Store.

[Q] run android 4.0 apps on gingerbread

hi ! Members
pleas :laugh: is there is any way to run android 4.0 apps on gingerbread and thanks
Running Android 4.0 on Gingerbread doesn't particularly make any sense.
What you really mean is, is there any way to run Android 4.0 on your phone? Assuming it's a yes, yes it is possible. It all comes down to what phone you have and if your phone has aftermarket firmware or official updates of the newer os.
If you want the feel of Android 4.0 then j suggest you download a launcher called "Holo Launcher" from the Play Storeā„¢.
If that's not what you want, and you want the full package, whole android update of 4.0 then yeah as said. It comes down to your device if it had enough support from members here or the manufacturer itself.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
krishneelg3 said:
Running Android 4.0 on Gingerbread doesn't particularly make any sense.
What you really mean is, is there any way to run Android 4.0 on your phone? Assuming it's a yes, yes it is possible. It all comes down to what phone you have and if your phone has aftermarket firmware or official updates of the newer os.
If not then the answer is no.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
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i forget to write apps i mean is there is any way to run app which require android 4 to run on gingerbread
If that is the case then no, android 4.0 uses new API, and therefore it will not work on gingerbread. If you attempt to install an Android 4.0 app it will come up with and error "problem parsing package".
So once again, nope, you cannot install android 4.0 ( ICS ) Apps on gingerbread.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
my phone is samsung gt-5360 but i can't find real ics with no bugs thanks for you so much krishneelg3
There are Applications on the Play Store which is from new android platforms, but will work on older platforms. Search for ICS messaging, camera, gallery. From there you'll find more. And no worries.
Also keep track about the info given fro aftermarket Roms, as developers try to fix everything and soon enough most of the bugs are gone and the ROM can be used a a daily driver.
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
there are lots of ics+ roms for your device, they all cant be completely buggy, you even have kitkat which is awesome for this small phone.

