tethering with or without adhoc? - Verizon Droid Charge

i would like to know if there is an app that can let me tether with infrastructure instead of adhoc? i can find one.

The current builds of 'Wifi Tether for Root Users' that everyone uses can tether in infrastructure mode if you set the profile to the Fascinate (can't remember the exact wording).

AlexDeGruven said:
The current builds of 'Wifi Tether for Root Users' that everyone uses can tether in infrastructure mode if you set the profile to the Fascinate (can't remember the exact wording).
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i had the teathering app that i can choose profile and i got the facinate profile and it works, thanks

-javier- said:
i had the teathering app that i can choose profile and i got the facinate profile and it works, thanks
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I just tried this for 5 minutes and it works LOADS better than barnacle. Too bad it was blocked off the market.

That's why you just get the version from code.google.com

I would dl and install the wifi thether 3.0 pre 12. works much better the 3.1. and like previously posted use the fascinate profile and set it up as master or auto which should use master mode.

Anyone know of a way to setup the native app to work? I know that with the Droid Bionic you use SQLite, make a few adjustments, and BOOM, it works. A buddy of mine uses that, and his connection speed is just miles faster. But we have a different file structure, and I haven't been able to find the equivalent settings.
Droid Bionic instructions: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1258624


Could we get a new user sticky guide?

IF this device is sold in the thousands on Black Friday, there will probably be a "couple" or more people interacting with this forum. Perhaps the following would be handy:
1. Start from scratch guide (CW and non-CW methods)
2. Pros and cons of CW vs non-CW (assuming non-CW will be an option with the OEM update based roms)
3. Survival kit if in boot loop
4. Links to roms & add on apps (with dates of when updated)
If Roeb, Roth and others could consider a guide and approach it from a general audience level (not clueless, but not a root vet either), this could save a LOT of posts due to questions related to how to do it or fix it when doing it wrong.
I thought i was already doing that.
If a user can't do a firmware update, then they might as well stick to TnT stock. I think the biggest issue they'd face is the infinite reboots, since the fix sometimes requires cwm or even nvflash.
EDIT: I have a general FAQ in tegratab - - I'll port it over.
Good point
BTW, anybody able to get the Gtablet to work with either USB or wifi tethering? I have struck out with both using my Incredible, which works fine with my laptop.
rushless said:
Good point
BTW, anybody able to get the Gtablet to work with either USB or wifi tethering? I have struck out with both using my Incredible, which works fine with my laptop.
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WiFi tethering worked for me using my Nexus One. I had to do nothing special to get it to work. At the time I was running Zpad 0.2. I'm on Cyanogen Beta 2 right now, but I've been running on my home WiFi. I'll try the wifi tether and report.
rushless said:
Good point
BTW, anybody able to get the Gtablet to work with either USB or wifi tethering? I have struck out with both using my Incredible, which works fine with my laptop.
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Does the Incredible (like the Droid1) only provide Adhoc (vs. Infrastructure/AP) Wireless tether???
If so, then you will need to make the 2 wpa_supplicant.conf file edits SIMILAR to what I described for the ZT-180...
I say Similar, as the ctrl_interface=wlan0 on Gtab vs. =ra0 on ZT-180... but otherwise it's just edit the same 2 files the same way...
jtbnet said:
Does the Incredible (like the Droid1) only provide Adhoc (vs. Infrastructure/AP) Wireless tether???
If so, then you will need to make the 2 wpa_supplicant.conf file edits SIMILAR to what I described for the ZT-180...
I say Similar, as the ctrl_interface=wlan0 on Gtab vs. =ra0 on ZT-180... but otherwise it's just edit the same 2 files the same way...
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Not sure, but I do know this works with my M11X, but I mainly do USB tether, which I am guessing does not work either (since I could not get it to work on the Gtablet). Not had to mess with settings before...
Dang, if I can not fix this, my love affair with the G will be but a short fling- need to be able to tether.
I can not even get the blue tooth to pair.
I was so focused on the PSX gaming and web & Flash at home, but never figured in a million years that I could not connect to my Inc.
There is a bunch of options in the app I use, simply called "Wireless Tether".
The Gtablet will sometimes say "network available", but does not show it (probably work's, but even my Inc will show the network here). Then again, I turn my Inc off and the G still says "network avialable", so go figure.
rushless said:
Not sure, but I do know this works with my M11X, but I mainly do USB tether, which I am guessing does not work either (since I could not get it to work on the Gtablet).
Dang, if I can not fix this, my love affair with the G will be but a short fling- need to be able to tether.
There is a bunch of options in the app I use, simply called "Wireless Tether". Not had to mess with settings before...
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All you need to know is the SSID... for your phones tether... I believe I used what was the default for the Droid1 which is likely the same... you can enable Wifi Analyzer on the GTab to determine the SSID when you enable tether on the phone and that should be the only thing you need to know for Adhoc with Not change of settings to the phone... then the 2 file edits... my example locks my 2 home networks and my Adhoc tether configured and overwrite/updte disabled so when I temp find roaming nets I can cannect but Not sane them for later but that works just fine for me... so I'd say copy the networks you have saved Now in your /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf and use them to replace my jtb* networks... and try just using my adhoc network as is, with same globals I show in the examples...
Are there not sub-mod's that can do this stuff on this sub-forums? If not, this will be really annoying trying to get a sticky.
jtbnet said:
All you need to know is the SSID... for your phones tether... I believe I used what was the default for the Droid1 which is likely the same... you can enable Wifi Analyzer on the GTab to determine the SSID when you enable tether on the phone and that should be the only thing you need to know for Adhoc with Not change of settings to the phone... then the 2 file edits... my example locks my 2 home networks and my Adhoc tether configured and overwrite/updte disabled so when I temp find roaming nets I can cannect but Not sane them for later but that works just fine for me... so I'd say copy the networks you have saved Now in your /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf and use them to replace my jtb* networks... and try just using my adhoc network as is, with same globals I show in the examples...
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How can I do both at the same time? Using same device (using Inc for wifi analyzer and wifi tether at same time should not work)
Gtablet does not see my phone, but connects to my home system and see area networks fine at home Traveling on the road is the killer for me
I am not understanding the file edits you mention. Is there a highlight of what parameters to edit, or is this all new script?
Even using PDAnet is a bust with Bluetooth. The devices pair, but no connection.
rushless said:
How can I do both at the same time? Using same device
Gtablet does not see my phone, but connects to my home system and see area networks fine at home Traveling on the road is the killer for me
I am not understanding the file edits you mention. Is there a highlight of what parameters to edit, or is this all new script?
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Yes, my example does both... I can turn on tether sitting in my home lab and sometimes the gtab even switches from my weaker AP to the phone adhoc... usually I just toggle wifi off/on to get it to switch... if I stop tether it jumps to my AP...
Really the only params that are required are the ones I set in the example...
These global params would be same for you...;
# Globals
This Adhoc specific network would be same for you I believe just verify your ssid all else is definitely same as default in tether from market...;
Then paste what you currently have saved for networks you frequent below these like my 2 home AP nets, so your currently saved networks would differ here...;
# Lab default
auth_alg=OPEN SHARED
# Home default
Once you have the /data/ short version of your file like above... just also paste that piece to top of the /etc/wifi sample file that the tablet uses as a starting template and comment out the 2 differing settings further down in that original template file...
# update_config=1
# ap_scan=1
And you should be good to go to work on your current saved local nets as you can now, plus your Wifi Adhoc Tether.... the update_config=0 says don't overwrite these files with any found nets, or change any of my default settings... , but you can still roam and connect... just won't save any of the temp nets you find roaming as they will change some of the critical settings like ap_scan=2 if you let them update... you can always manually edit and change or add locked down nets later...
rushless said:
Good point
BTW, anybody able to get the Gtablet to work with either USB or wifi tethering? I have struck out with both using my Incredible, which works fine with my laptop.
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Most likely an android issue.
If you are using barnicle or wifi tethering your laptop will see it fine, the laptop can normally see what is called Ad Hoc networks.
Android cannot (unless tweaked?) normally see an Ad Hoc Network, they need what is called infrastructure mode, which is what a normal wireless router transmits at (unless modified to something else), so the GTab will not see your incredible's signal like your laptop will.
I am using the droid X and the 3g hotspot app, the 3g hotspot transmits in infrastructure mode by default and the gtab sees it fine.
There are hacks to get 3g hotspot for free, but I would not guarantee Verizon can't still see a connection and charge you, use at your own risk.
rothnic said:
Are there not sub-mod's that can do this stuff on this sub-forums? If not, this will be really annoying trying to get a sticky.
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Yes there are See my profile
theimpaler747 said:
Yes there are See my profile
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Awesome, so would you rather on person PM you if we need a sticky?
rothnic said:
Awesome, so would you rather on person PM you if we need a sticky?
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Yeah, that would be the best way to do it, and then I'll review it and deem it as worthy
rushless said:
Good point
BTW, anybody able to get the Gtablet to work with either USB or wifi tethering? I have struck out with both using my Incredible, which works fine with my laptop.
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i'm connected to my incredible right now, it works fine using wifi tether from the market.
I am still having no luck with Incredible and getting the Gtab to see it. No problem with my router at home.
I am using TnT 1.02, wifi tether app and even tried the binary file add on from the EVO.
1) This thread seems to have turned from sticky to tethering -- different but extremely useful info. May I suggest the moderators to move the relevant posts to a new **sticky** thread?
2) Speaking of tether: Have anyone managed to do USB tether with the g-tablet? This could very well be the key factor in my decision to keep or return the g-tablet, and I'd be most appreciative for any help and advice from the advanced users here.
I have tried everything software likely, but still no wifi tether being seen by the device. I can activate hotspot and the Gtablet sees it and ask for a password, so at least the G can see my Inc- just not in straight wifi mode. Does not see it at all and I do think it is the ad-hoc issue. Gtablet not seeing it for some reason.
Could it be due to having TnT lite 1.02? Perhaps the people having luck are using Z-Pad .03 or CM?
Wonder if it is possible to create drivers for USB tether?
Here is what I had to do after the newest dec 2010 update
# Connecting your viewsonic gtablet to your Ad-HOC wifi
adb pull /system/etc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.com
cp wpa_supplicant.conf wpa_supplicant.conf.orig
[Edit WPA_supplicant.conf]
adb push wpa_supplicant.com /sdcard/wpa_supplicant.conf
use androot or root explorer to delete the current wpa_supplicant.conf file and copy the modified version to /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf
chown the wpa_aupplicant.conf file to owner wifi group wifi (ie #chown wifi.wifi wpa_supplicant.conf)
Your ad-hoc network should be the first in the list as outlined above. make sure that the priority is set to a high number.
when enabling your teather on your phone you may need to disable the wifi on your tablet then reenable. wpa_supplicant will always attempt to
connect to the first network with the highest priority first so it should connect right up. If you have problems you can use logcat to debug.
you will see wpa_supplicant getting enabled and if there are any errors you will see it there. You should not need to set the update_config option
but if you have problems with your conf getting overwritten you can set update_config=0 and this will not allow wpa_supplicant to update the config.
The only downside to that is that you will not longer beable to save new network blocks to the file, You can still connect it just will not save them.
I just loaded TNT 3.0 and the supplements yesterday. I jus tried the Wireless Tether app from the market on my Droid 1 and my G Tab sees and is able to connect.

WiFi Tether for CM7

Anyone know where I can get a working WiFi Tether apk for CM7? The one I have from CM6 isn't working.
The stock tethering app works fine for me
Why wouldn't you use the built in hotspot? It works great.
You just need to use the built in hotspot, under wireless settings. You have the same features, can change the ssid, and password encrypt it. I'm using it right now.
RickBaller said:
Anyone know where I can get a working WiFi Tether apk for CM7? The one I have from CM6 isn't working.
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use the built-in tether app. To make it really easy add it to a PowerControl widget (add widget to screen, select "Portable WiFi Hotspot" from the list of options).
If you don't want to use it, the other best one (in my experience) is called something like "Wireless Tether for Root Users"
Just use the built-in option under wireless settings...
Or check THIS page
Lol poor rickballer
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I don't know if this has been mentioned but the stock hotspot iis pretty nasty. I suggest that
When I try and enable the built in Portable Hotspot it immediately deselects and says "Error." Any ideas?
RickBaller said:
When I try and enable the built in Portable Hotspot it immediately deselects and says "Error." Any ideas?
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Hmmm are any other hotspots apps installed
None that are apparent to me.
What kernel are you using
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Happens to me from time to time, just reboot your phone and should fix it.
dabbill said:
Happens to me from time to time, just reboot your phone and should fix it.
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This. Thanks for the help guys and putting up with a lame thread.
Not lame for asking a question. You could have posted this in the development section.
Sweet, looks like restarting helped, my 4G speeds still sucks though in this area, i restarted and threw 4G and tethering on and tested my speed on my ipod touch and got .32Mbps/.21Mpbs and my battery was draining 1% per minute, lol.
Running CM7-n#14
I love the built in tether, but is there a way to make a widget for it? I'm just lazy and don't like having to jump through menus haha.
Its built into the power control widget.
gregs887 said:
I love the built in tether, but is there a way to make a widget for it? I'm just lazy and don't like having to jump through menus haha.
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widgetsoid makes just about every setting option as a widget.
Will I get charged by Sprint when using the stock CM7 tether capabilities?

[Q] USB Internet Tethering. Can Verizon control this like the WiFi tether?

As many of you are aware, the Thunderbolt offers USB Internet Connection mode. This allows you to connect your thunderbolt via USB to a PC and use the phones internet connection. This is similar to the WiFi tethering thats currently free for a limited time. Eventually Verizon will start charging for WiFi tethering, but I'm wondering if they have the ability to cut off (unless your pay) the Internet Connection mode once the promotion ends.
The difference I've noticed is that the WiFi tethering is an actual installed application (hence very easily controllable by VZW), whereas the Internet Connection mode is embedded into the operating system (evinced by the fact thats its in the menu options, as well as the option to change what type of connection you want when you plug the USB cable into your computer).
I think once the promotion ends for free WiFi tethering, the USB tethering will still work and remain free unless VZW pushes an update to non rooted phones preventing this?
I ask because I just switched from my Thunderbolt (very poor battery etc even when rooted) to a Droid Charge. I instantly noticed that when I check the settings for internet connection mode, its not 'integrated' in the same sense as the Thunderbolt. Instead, both the WiFi hotspot tethering, as well as USB tethering are in essence a 'third party' application, which upon being launched, present you with a message stating the ability to tether is free during the promotional period, and thereafter you will be charged for data usage.
Any input on this? It's a shame to see it completely changed on the Droid Charge.. Maybe Verizon missed out on the Thunderbolt and USB tethering will always be available for free? We shall see in the months to come.
I know the word of a VZW store associate isn't really worth anything, but, before I bought my ThunderBolt, I was told that wired tethering will go "under the radar", as long as the data usage "isn't too much". The rep directed me to download "PDANet" from Market for this functionality, and she didn't even know at the time that native wired tethering was present on the ThunderBolt.
Also pdanet has been removed from the market though you can just download the apk from their site and install it now. Also I have not herd of anything with verizon but i know AT&T did send out a message to all the people that were using free teathering apps on thier iphones a text messages letteing them know they would be charged if continuing use. I guess Cell companys can tell if your using them some how.
thetwiztidfreak said:
Also pdanet has been removed from the market though you can just download the apk from their site and install it now. Also I have not herd of anything with verizon but i know AT&T did send out a message to all the people that were using free teathering apps on thier iphones a text messages letteing them know they would be charged if continuing use. I guess Cell companys can tell if your using them some how.
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ATT never sent me a text and I dont have a tether plan. I am a heavy barnacle user at work, makes my 4gclear look like a joke. My gf just got a fascinate(galaxy s), and it seems verizons has native blocked-ish. i rooted my boss's captivate (galaxy s), and he has no tether plan, and he uses USB tether at work everyday. He didnt get a message either. But my GFs natives /ad hoc make her go to the verizon web site.
I'm worried now about using my barnacle. It should be someting like. 3g free, pay for 4g, something lame like that, rather than be phonenazis.
dumb question, how do you use the USB tethering?
Sent from my thunderbolt 4G using Tapatalk
I doubt it has anything to do with app vs. built-in functionality... they can't "easily track it" just because it's an app. I think it would have to do with the way the packets are being routed, and I don't know *how* they're (supposedly) tracking it when you use wifi tethering, so I wouldn't be so sure they won't be able to track it via USB.
It could have to do with looking for packets for protocols that apps don't support (bittorrent?). I'm really not sure. Anybody know the details of how they can tell?
dbow32 said:
dumb question, how do you use the USB tethering?
Sent from my thunderbolt 4G using Tapatalk
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in settings - > wireless & networks at the bottom there is internet connection mode.
Just bringing this topic back up, but I tried this mode today, and I got a popup like this. It seems they can find out about ICM. I guess this sucks for those of us who thought we could get away with it.
what25 said:
Just bringing this topic back up, but I tried this mode today, and I got a popup like this. It seems they can find out about ICM. I guess this sucks for those of us who thought we could get away with it.
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This, my friend, is why god invented PDAnet.
Yep... Pdanet works flawlessly. Go find it, worth the leg work. It's not in the market, but still very easy to find and set up.
miketoasty said:
This, my friend, is why god invented PDAnet.
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I don't use PDANet. I use Wireless Tether and then tunnel all traffic through an encrypted VPN, so Verizon has no way to identify the traffic. Also secures things on public WiFi.
nerozehl said:
then tunnel all traffic through an encrypted VPN,
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Can you point me to a tutorial on how to set up the vpn part of this?
I've already got wireless tether installed and working.
zxsix said:
Can you point me to a tutorial on how to set up the vpn part of this?
I've already got wireless tether installed and working.
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What O/S are you running on your server? If you're running FreeBSD, I'll gladly give you the configuration scripts/files I'm using.
nerozehl said:
What O/S are you running on your server? If you're running FreeBSD, I'll gladly give you the configuration scripts/files I'm using.
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No server of my own. Windows 7 x64 machine.
I think my router has vpn capability. I'll play with that.
Normally I use PPTP and L2TP/IPsec VPNs for work, but I used OpenVPN instead since it's easier to use and doesn't require too much server-side work. It's natively supported in CM7 and you can get a binary of openvpn with a nice GUI on the market, if you're using Froyo or the new GB leak.
Make sure your phone's kernel supports TUN/TAP. If enough people care about setting up tunnelling, I'll make a post somewhere with a full tutorial.
Here are some of my configuration files (FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE)
# OpenVPN configuration on Mephisto
# Up/Down Scripts
up /usr/local/etc/openvpn/up.sh
down /usr/local/etc/openvpn/down.sh
# Bridge/Adapter and UDP/IP settings
port 1194
proto udp
dev tap0
keepalive 10 120
# Force all-traffic tunneling and push a DNS server
push "redirect-gateway def1"
push "dhcp-option DNS"
# Certificate locations
dh /usr/local/etc/openvpn/keys/dh2048.pem
ca /usr/local/etc/openvpn/keys/ca.crt
cert /usr/local/etc/openvpn/keys/server.crt
key /usr/local/etc/openvpn/keys/server.key
# De-escalate permissions
user nobody
group nobody
# Logging information
status /usr/local/etc/openvpn/openvpn-status.log
verb 4
mute 20
/usr/local/etc/openvpn/up.sh: (chmod +x)
# xl0 is the ethernet NIC on this server
/sbin/ifconfig bridge0 create
/sbin/ifconfig bridge0 addm xl0 addm $dev up
/sbin/ifconfig $dev up
/usr/local/etc/openvpn/down.sh: (chmod +x)
/sbin/ifconfig bridge0 deletem $dev
/sbin/ifconfig bridge0 destroy
/sbin/ifconfig $dev destroy
/etc/rc.conf: (snippet to show what you need to add for OpenVPN)
openvpn_flags="--script-security 2"
Make sure the following kernel states are enabled:
net.inet.ip.forwarding: 1
net.inet.ip.fastforwarding: 1
These files are for FreeBSD, but the configurtion file should work on any implementation.
I take it apps like barnacle and wireless tether go undected right?
Sent from Desire HD or Inspire 4G or whatever this thing is called via premium XDA app.
lrs421 said:
I take it apps like barnacle and wireless tether go undected right?
Sent from Desire HD or Inspire 4G or whatever this thing is called via premium XDA app.
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So far i didn't get notices while using wireless tether. Never used barnacle tether though.
I remember reading somewhere about a 3G phone on Verizon that when you turn on the native hotspot app, the NAI used by the phone to obtain an IP address for your networked devices, and subsequently service the IP requests for those devices, is made through a DIFFERENT NAI than the phone when you are making requests from your mobile phone.
There must also be some other differences. Recall a while ago in the general forum someone made a complaint about their Thunderbolt mobile browsers being unable to access images from imgur.com. I experienced the same issue. The REALLY wierd thing though is that if I turned on hotspot and went on my laptop through the hotspot, I COULD see images on imgur.com. This means that native wifi hotspot also sends you to a different DNS server than internet requests made through the phone.
It would be interesting to see at what level that happens in the application/operating system/radio stack. It's possible (likely even probable) that wired tether apps specifically like PDAnet somehow work around these differences. If the NAI is spoofed or if the requests are masked to look like they are coming from an application on the phone, I don't see how it is possible for Verizon to know the difference, or ever limit it. They would have to do deep packet inspection and see what you are doing with your internet traffic at the application level, which I think would be much more trouble than it is worth, not to mention bordering on illegal.
tl;dr: I don't think Verizon can ever stop PDAnet.
I know that so far I have not had any issues on my Dinc using both the wired and wifi tethering native in OpenVPN. If verizon gets too smart about it all I will just set up a VPN to hide everything from them even more
I believe the native browser on the thunderbolt didn't give you the option of being recognized as a mobile browser or desktop browser, which could affect the way certain websites will show.
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App

[Q] Wireless Tethering Settings

I have searched the forums, and have not found what I was looking for so I am going to ask nicely here.
1. I have just rooted a friends Inspire. Shipped with GB
2. In searching, I can not find any (or minimal) reference to the android wifi tethering app, and I am wondering
A)if anyone uses it, and
B) if so, what settings are used to make it work.
I appreciate your time in reading this post, and thank you in advance for your relevant answers.
thats because the wifi settings will be unique to each person ie channel, encryption, passkey etc.
The tethering needs to be activated and the PC with you want to tether has to be accepted in the cel. The app gives you a password you need to use in the PC...when you try to connect the phone will prompt that device is requering permission to connect. That simple. If you cannot make to work with the hot spot app, you can use Koush's Tether app in the market.
Thanks for the replies,
I was just curious as some devices require tweaking in the settings of google's wifi tether, and didn't know if the inspire worked on the default settings....
ufkal said:
Thanks for the replies,
I was just curious as some devices require tweaking in the settings of google's wifi tether, and didn't know if the inspire worked on the default settings....
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I actually had never tethered before yesterday....and it was just for curiosity, but worked great, and didnĀ“t tweaked anything at all. By the way, I am using Coredroid V9.2 that has a default app.
I had to enable "routing fix" in the settings of the google tethering app.

Wifi Tether Option?

Hey Guys, just rooted the Photon Q, was wondering how i could set up the wifi tether? What have you guys been using?
I want wifi tether not usb, and no switching roms
also, is there a specific version of the wifi tether for root users app youre using, with specific settings?
I'm on 4.0.4 Build Number: 7.7.1Q-6_SPR-125_ASA-14
I used to use this one on stock rooted.
Edit - I haven't tried it on the Q, but this app is old school but always got the job done in the past.
arrrghhh said:
I used to use this one on stock rooted.
Edit - I haven't tried it on the Q, but this app is old school but always got the job done in the past.
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Ya using the app now but not working, it sends out infrastructure wifi, but nothing seems to actually get internet from it...
Using these settings
Change Device-Profile" and choose "Generic ICS/JB (wlan0)" then choose "Change Setup-Method" and hit "Netd (master)". And also MSS Clamping and Routing fix checked. Nothing gets internet from it
Hm, I can't remember the particular settings I was using... I did have to make some changes to get it to work infrastructure mode, I do remember that. It would always provide internet access, but the default settings would only send out an ad-hoc network. I didn't have to make any changes per se to get the internet tether to work, I only had to make changes (similar to the ones you made) which enabled infrastructure mode.
This is assuming we are talking about the Play Store app. I haven't used the other app I linked on my Q, give it a shot.
arrrghhh said:
Hm, I can't remember the particular settings I was using... I did have to make some changes to get it to work infrastructure mode, I do remember that. It would always provide internet access, but the default settings would only send out an ad-hoc network. I didn't have to make any changes per se to get the internet tether to work, I only had to make changes (similar to the ones you made) which enabled infrastructure mode.
This is assuming we are talking about the Play Store app. I haven't used the other app I linked on my Q, give it a shot.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Nah didn't work
Thanks for your help though!
Anyone else got the settings they use for their Photons ?
axtn95 said:
Nah didn't work
Thanks for your help though!
Anyone else got the settings they use for their Photons ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'm in the same boat with you with that tethering app as well as FoxFi/PdaNet+

