GPS Completely Stopped - HTC Inspire 4G

I recently upgraded to VU 2.35 from their beta and my GPS has become non existent. I've changed radios, rils, AngelDeath fix, reflashed rom, everything. I use GPS Status and can't even pick up a single satellite. I can't see it being my radio as my data and cell works fine. Does anybody have any ideas about what it could be?

I found a link today in this forum because i too had lost gps. It was a hardware fix involving removing the flash cover, cleaning the gps antena contacts and repositioning the spring contacts. I went from 0 sats to 8 right after fix!!!! I will try and give you a link if i can find it again. Very good thread with video so its worth trying and easy to do.
This is the thread link:​

I saw that and was hesitant to try it. I went for it and I think I almost bent one too much, but now I get a lock in less than 15 seconds in my house. I recommend this to anybody having gps issues.


Radio - Excellent results

When I made the switch from the AT&T Tilt to the Fuze in December the one thing that I missed was a working GPS. I travel a lot and with the Tilt I could mount the phone in my rental car and by the time I was out of the lot everything was working. I never even thought about it.
As many of you know by now the Fuze GPS is, shall we say, challenged. Some people have worse results than others. Mine would usually get a fix but it took a while, and the lag was also an issue.
I tried various fixes that I found here and none of them did any good, they have all been removed now. I finally decided to bite the bullet and install the radio that some people were raving about. I noticed very little, if any, improvement.
Then I tried the radio. That was a big improvement. It could get a fix in places that even my Tilt couldn't and it got it quickly. I tried it in the car using Tomtom and was surprised that the lag was almost gone. I never looked at the Tilt this closely, it just worked, but it seems that now the Fuze is working as well as the Tilt.
I have seen reports here saying that isn't as good as some others, but it is worth a try if you are already experimenting with radios.
For the record, I have the stock rom without bloat and started with the radio. And I didn't change the rilphone.dll.
Now if we could just get the Tilt buttons onto the Fuze this device would be perfect.
sdbe said:
Now if we could just get the Tilt buttons onto the Fuze this device would be perfect.
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ae button!
What part of the US are you in? I'm in Southern California, have the .19 radio and GPS fix is under 10sec when using Google Maps. However, it didn't improve my phone reception very much (my wife's iphone gets 1-2 bars more than I do). Curious to know whether it improved your phone reception at all?
sdbe said:
When I made the switch from the AT&T Tilt to the Fuze in December the one thing that I missed was a working GPS. I travel a lot and with the Tilt I could mount the phone in my rental car and by the time I was out of the lot everything was working. I never even thought about it.
As many of you know by now the Fuze GPS is, shall we say, challenged. Some people have worse results than others. Mine would usually get a fix but it took a while, and the lag was also an issue.
I tried various fixes that I found here and none of them did any good, they have all been removed now. I finally decided to bite the bullet and install the radio that some people were raving about. I noticed very little, if any, improvement.
Then I tried the radio. That was a big improvement. It could get a fix in places that even my Tilt couldn't and it got it quickly. I tried it in the car using Tomtom and was surprised that the lag was almost gone. I never looked at the Tilt this closely, it just worked, but it seems that now the Fuze is working as well as the Tilt.
I have seen reports here saying that isn't as good as some others, but it is worth a try if you are already experimenting with radios.
For the record, I have the stock rom without bloat and started with the radio. And I didn't change the rilphone.dll.
Now if we could just get the Tilt buttons onto the Fuze this device would be perfect.
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I am in Central Florida where we have good reception almost everywhere. I didn't notice any difference among all three radios that I tried, reception was always the same, which was good.
One thing that I noticed about the radio was that the gps was inaccurate. When I used google maps with my Tilt I could see what room in the house I was in. With the original radio,, it was almost as good, at least I could see that I was in the house. The radio would sometimes put me 1/4 mile away from where I actually was. This even happened when I was outdoors. Tomtom seemed to be able to compensate for the errors but with Tomtom it would get 'lost' occasionally. was my least favorite radio. The radio is quick and accurate at least for me.
The doesn't require anything to get an accurate fix. I used to have to use gpstest or some other program to 'prime' the gps. Now I don't have to worry about it. I just turn it on and a few seconds later it is working.
the gps issue has been resolved and proven over here
princeasi said:
the gps issue has been resolved and proven over here
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Sorry, I tried it and it didn't do a thing for me with either of the first two radios that I tried. So I guess you could say that I proved that it doesn't work.
The strange thing about this problem is that what works for some doesn't for others.
For me the radio made the gps work like it should have in the beginning. None of the other fixes had any affect. Also note that I used the original rilphone whereas others tried changing theirs. That may be why I had better luck.
At this point I have to say that the Fuze has a very good gps with little or no lag. That is not something that I would have said a few weeks ago. Everything on my phone is original except the newer radio. Maybe HTC discovered this but didn't advertise it.
Im using the stock fuze rom 5.08.502.1 with radio If your looking to speed up the gps lock and have a similar setup, I would recommend using the gps hack first, before flashing a different radio, its much safer, Duces!
Thank you!!!
I can get a fix indoors!!
it was nice of you to share, you helped me a lot.
1.14 is better for me too.
second the original commenter
Both & worked fine for me. However was slightly better. I am also using the registry hack and I set the poll interval to 500.
I recommend this radio to anyone facing problems with GPS.
Thanks for sharing.
This is strange. I live in central florida too, 1/4 mile away from cell phone tower and in the house I'm getting signal strength 2-3 bars, even if phone laying next to the window. From that window I would be able see the tower if it wouldn't be for the huge oak tree in front.
The GPS gets lock in about...5-15 MINUTES! and only outdoors.
With radio I don't get better signal strength, but GPS locks in 10-20 seconds, even indoors.
GPS is definitely better with radio. That radio is by far the champion in overall experience - GPS, GSM signal, HSDPA signal...
As someone already mentioned, it seems results can vary by user. I tried several radios after reading the suggestions on this forum. For my .02 it's the It gets me a really fast gps lock with usually about ten sattellites. Also, the RF is a little better, calls are clear and whats not to like. I'm stickin' with it.

[Q] Help: very poor gps performance (compared to another desire s)

I'm suffering from really bad GPS reception in the last couple of months.
I've read all the topics I could find about these kinds of problems and tried lots of fixes but nothing helped me so far.
I'm trying to understand if it's a software issue or possibly a hardware issue.
I managed to get a hold of another desire s for comparison.
It's S-ON, HBOOT-0.98.0000, RADIO-, stock rom (Doh)
My phone is s-off and rooted so to make the comparison as fair as possible I restored a backup from when I bought the phone (stock) and flashed the same radio like the other phone. Before restoring I made sure to wipe everything (including SD!).
Then I factory reset both phones and put gps test on them.
The comparison:
S-On phone :
Around 10 second after I started the gps, gps test already showed 3 satellites and it improved to a max of 5 after a minute.
Gps test showed "yellow" for most of the satellites signals, red for others..
My Phone:
It found 1 satellite after what looked like 2 minutes, then improved to a max of 2 satellites after a couple of minutes.
Gps test showed "red" for all of the satellites signals.
I don't understand why my phone's GPS reception is so crappy.
Could anyone give me any ideas on why this is happening? for more tests i should try? other fixes i should attempt?
I'd appreciate any help with this!!
I'm working on turning my phone back to S-ON so the comparison would be even more fair
I guess you don't have a case or anything else obvious right? Anyway, a have 2 desire s in the house, one pure stock, one rooted s-off. Neither got GPS until I installed the agps fix posted by crypted in the development section on the rooted phone, now that gets a good GPS signal, though I have to reflash the fix every few days. Have you tried that fix?
I flashed the latest patch (3.1) and left gps on for around 10 mins.
0 satellites... worse than stock...
I'll try the 2.1 and the non ssl patches tomorrow.
blu3zy said:
I flashed the latest patch (3.1) and left gps on for around 10 mins.
0 satellites... worse than stock...
I'll try the 2.1 and the non ssl patches tomorrow.
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there is actually a app on the market for rooted devices this is called faster fix and it changes your gps pol to your region of choice
here is the link
FasterFix simply changes 1 setting which you can do yourself if you have root acess. It is also not recommended if you use any other form of GPS fix such as AGPS as it overwrites the changes.
Tried all the agps patches, non of them helped.
The non ssl ones didn't even get 1 sat to show up...
I reverted to S-On and used the RUU to flash to the version my phone came with:
I've factory reset both phones.
I believe now both phones should be same exactly...
But the problem remains, compared to the other phone my phone constantly shows less satellites and with poorer signal on gps test.
Is there anything else I can try?
Or should I give up and hand in the phone to HTC for repairs/checkup?
If everything is the same on both phones and it sounds like you have tried the other fixes that have worked for most people it does seen like a hardware problem you would have to get repaired. Hope you at all under warranty, good luck.

GPS Unable to Keep Satellite Signal

I'm having trouble with my GPS and after searching forum after forum I can't seem to find anyone with the same issue as me, specifically: my GPS not being able to keep the satellites signal.
First off I'm running NexusMod 5.0.4 Beta2 on UCLF6. I've tried both: GPS Fix for Nexus and AGPS Patch. Both work, especially the GPS Fix for the Nexus. I get a lock on satellites quite fast, up to 11 sometimes.
But I am ALWAYS losing satellites. I am constantly going between 5 to 11 satellites and my accuracy is constantly ranging anywhere from 20m to 60m. It's absolutely infuriating looking on GMaps and Navigation and to see that damn blue circle growing larger, smaller, larger, smaller...
Anyway, after two days of searching I'm hoping someone has the same issue as me and hopefully a solution. If not, does anyone have any suggestions as to what in the world could be causing this? I'm hoping it's not a simple solution as the ROM itself since I absolutely love my current ROM; however this was happening when I was running Sky-ICS Themed Gingerbread as well.
Did you ever figure out what was going on?
Were the 5 to 11 satellites seen while inside or in the open?
I am having similar GPS issues and was wondering what the "normal" number of satellites is. Mine seem to range between 0, 2 and 7, and is constantly varying.
At this point I am not sure if in my case it is some sort of hardware issue, or if there is something going on in software.
These symptoms initially showed up while still on stock GB 2.3.5. I made the plunge, wiped everything x3, and tried one of the JB ROMs. GPS seemed to lock on immediately, but would intermittently drop off. I've tried numerous of the GPS fixes out there, but same problem.
I've read elsewhere to wipe even the external SD card, so I am in the process of trying this as a last ditch effort.
If you found any answers or solutions, would very much appreciate what worked for you.

[Q] GPS troubles

Hi guys. I've been using Sensation 4G for well over a year and modded roms for almost as long. I use GPS functions extensively and have always had good results but in the past week and a half my GPS is having trouble getting a lock or even keeping a lock once it has enough satellites to position within 10 feet or less. I'm in NYC area and I don't know if it's related to the UN summit and the military is scrambling GPS signals to keep us "safe" or is it another solar flare that's messing things up? One thing that I did do, is to reformat the external SD card because I was getting some weird errors when apps tried to access the card to store data.
Is anyone else experiencing anything similar?
I'm on insertcoin 2.4 currently.
Going to try to re-apply GPS fix to see if it fixes the issue.
amelnik said:
Hi guys. I've been using Sensation 4G for well over a year and modded roms for almost as long. I use GPS functions extensively and have always had good results but in the past week and a half my GPS is having trouble getting a lock or even keeping a lock once it has enough satellites to position within 10 feet or less. I'm in NYC area and I don't know if it's related to the UN summit and the military is scrambling GPS signals to keep us "safe" or is it another solar flare that's messing things up? One thing that I did do, is to reformat the external SD card because I was getting some weird errors when apps tried to access the card to store data.
Is anyone else experiencing anything similar?
I'm on insertcoin 2.4 currently.
Going to try to re-apply GPS fix to see if it fixes the issue.
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If it's a military issue every GPS device would be effected. You can rule that out by grabbing any other phone or Garmin device and testing it.
Alternatively, go elsewhere if you can and see if the problem fixes. There are weird dead spots in the GPS network. I get one on the way to work every day. GPS drops out in the exact same spot for about 2000 feet of highway.
Skipjacks said:
If it's a military issue every GPS device would be effected. You can rule that out by grabbing any other phone or Garmin device and testing it.
Alternatively, go elsewhere if you can and see if the problem fixes. There are weird dead spots in the GPS network. I get one on the way to work every day. GPS drops out in the exact same spot for about 2000 feet of highway.
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Well, after applying agps fix v3.1 it's much better now.
It still looses signal while in Manhattan sometimes but most gps' do, other than that, gps fix is usually done in under 10 seconds.
Glad you got it worked out. When I first started flashing the Sensation, from ICS to MIUI stuff, along with random kernels, I had all types of GPS issues. Because of that, I was involved with a few betas for gps 'fix' testing by another member here and a small group of people with different phones/devices.
What I found out is that in ICS anyway, that the kernels play a big part in the functionality of gps. Next is the gps.conf file. Depending on how many servers on that file, will depend on how many servers you can connect to depending on your local.
When I was living in NY, I had decent coverage as well. GPS like you worked for the most part in NYC.
What I do whenever I see that my gps is not connecting within a minute, I check to see if there is any supl.cert in your system/etc. That file is not needed really (Im on tmo).
Then check to see which kernel you are using. Are you using a custom kernel? Or a stock one? Rule of thumb is to revert back to the bundled kernel/stock kernel if I have any GPS problems.

GPS Stopped working

Friend of mine recently told me her GPS on her verizon S3 stopped working. she brought it by, i flashed the newest build of cleanrom on it today and sure enough the GPS still doesnt work. everything needed is turned on but it doesnt get a lock. i checked it with the GPS Status app and it shows like 0/20 satellites and doesnt lock to any. only way i was able to actually get somewhat of a lock on google maps was to hook it up to WiFi and let it gather from that.
any suggestions?
Somewhat common problem. I haven't found a fix as of yet. There is a gps fix somewhere in these forums though that sort of helps. my phone had the same problem. Going back to stock or to any custom rom, nothing worked, the gps was just dead. After flashing one of the fixes I finally managed to get it to get locks, but it needs like 7-8 satellites to get a fix, is highly inaccurate, and loses gps lock a few times on every trip.
Here's the gps fix page
I use Galaxy s3 test 3 alt, it's the only one that gets any lock for me. The first time and other intermittent times can take up to 10 minutes or more though, and rebooting the phone or trying again another day does sometimes help.
I know it is definitely the phone, as my pantech marauder which has the same SoC which should be very similar for gps location, finds and locks on to 6-8 towers in like 10 seconds or less all the time, even indoors, and gets location accurate to less than 100ft with 4 satellites while the gs3 needs 7-8 satellites to get a lock to 300-600ft
If none of the software fixes work. And the stock unrooted software does not receive GPS lock.
I would highly recommend replacing the GPS antenna just in case.
I'm 90% sure the headphone jack. External speaker. WiFi antenna and GPS antenna are all in one unit.
This piece is sold for cheap on Amazon. Or eBay or whatever.
Replacing is simply a removing a couple screws and popping the old one out.
Here is a link to eBay
Possibly you could find one cheaper.
Hopefully this is it for you.
Let me know how it goes.
Sent from my SCH-I535 using xda app-developers app
I too have this problem: the GPS no longer gets a fix w/o a data connection
the phone recently did an update to jb 411 and now no gps fix w/o data.
I do NOT believe its the antenna.
does anyone else with the os in sight have any info?
palm2droid said:
I too have this problem: the GPS no longer gets a fix w/o a data connection
the phone recently did an update to jb 411 and now no gps fix w/o data.
I do NOT believe its the antenna.
does anyone else with the os in sight have any info?
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I too have the same problems on this rom

