X10A did the upgrade to 2.3, it does not receive a signal operator, appears to
the signal as full, but when I make a call or lock the screen, it loses
signal. Baseband I've tried, I tried other roms and nothing! I made up the
system before updates, anyone know how to solve?!
I'm from Brazil
I have noticed that the switch between GPRS and HSDPA does not work good if i receive a call. Lately it has happend often, that phone calls only last a few seconds and then the connection fails. I normaly have medium signal strenght and the "H" in the statusbar and after the short phonecall the "G". When I call back the phonecall works fine. The ROM is Fallout and the Radio I'm in Germany and use the vodafone-network with 1+1.
Would a radio update help? When yes the one to 20.4801.30.0822U_3822.10.08.04 or the virtous-rom one(that update-file contains more elements are they all needed or just the radio.img?).
Has someone expirienced the same issue?
Thanks alot!
Seems like either a radio issue or a simcard problem.. Had the same disconnecting calls isuue as you and turned out that the sim itself was the culprit. Try having the sim replaced at your operator and if that doesn't work you can do a radio upgrade. I'm currently on the virtuous leaked radio and it worked wonders for me in terms of reception and battery life also so i recommend it..
Hi there,
yesterday i received my new samsung relay. The Android version was 4.0 so the simlock was pretty easy. After the sim unlock i do the ota update to jelly bean.
At my home i receive 3g. Mobile works, as well as in and outgoing calls.
In my workplace i only have 2g and nothing works. No mobile data or calls. The phone shows some signal strengh (2-3 colums). but when i call the mobile phone, i get "partner not avaiable"
Till now, i havn't found a solution for this problem.
My actual baseband is T699UVBMC5
Could somebody help ?
best regards from germany
Big Facepalm for me
There is a known disturbance in my area.
so i must be patient......
Please close thread. 2G Connection works fine, after providers fixed its stations
I have H60-L02 version with B307 from some time now and lately I noticed that, without warning, one or both sims are been disconnected from network, putting me in the situation in which I cannot make or receive calls. If I change from 2G to 3G on sim 1 it reconnects.
The fact which is more annoying is that in disconnected state on the status bar it shows that I have network signal on both sims. For checking if I'm effectively connected to network I have to go in "Settings-About phone-Status-Network" and verify the Service state.
Anyone had this problem, and if so, is there a workaround ?
Thank you.
I got similar problems with the SIM card. I've got the international h60-l04 on stock firmware with one SIM slot and the mobile connection fails every time. The Status Bar says there is a connection, but it isnt stable. It switches every few seconds.
I tried to delete the APN, forcing 2G and 3G and havent got a sollten, yet. I first thought it's a firmware failure.
Is there any solution for this? I have the similar problem as well... My model is H60-L02.
Hi there,
I have updated my phone through "Wireless Update" found in the System menu and since it's been updated I have either low signal or no signal at all (depending on location). For example, at my workplace there isn't much signal strength by originally but my phone was available at 3/5 signal strength marks. Now I have Zero marks and no network, nobody can call me all day long. At home, the signal strength was 5/5 before now it's 4/5 constantly but if someone calls me it drops to 1/5 or 2/5 immediately.
My phone is a THL4000 with KitKat 4.4.2, MTK6582KK
Would you please help me how can I solve this problem?
Today I found out it's a phone issue and not the carrier.
I tried to switch my SIM with my colleagues' phones and my sim worked just fine, while I tried their SIM in my phone too and still no signal even with another carrier. I also contacted to my carrier and they made zero change to the signal strength or anything else in my area.
I also did a Factory Reset to my phone from the system menu. I'm not sure it reverts the recent system update that may cause this issue, but nothing has changed - again. No signal at all at my office. It worked just fine until last week and I made zero damage/fall/etc, only a system update.
So please, does any of you have idea what causes this or how on Earth can I fix this?
Thank you.
Hi, after install cm13. My device dont show HSPA or HSPA+ networks, only 3g or 4g. In stock it doesnt happens, only on custom ROMs (cm13, cm14.1, AOSP...)
There's a fix for this? Xt1543
It's not a "signal problem" it just displays it differently... if you want stock indicators, go back to stock, or deal with the fact the CM displays the signal a different way. You can always use Network Signal Info app to verify the correct signal.