[ROM][KDZ][ZIP]Official? Optimus 3d rom LGP920 (?/?) Latest? V10F_00/V11A_00 - LG Optimus 3D

[/B][ROM][KDZ][ZIP]Official? Optimus 3d rom LGP920 (?/?) Latest? v10F_00/11A_00
10F_00.kdz T-Mobile branded and has some extras (demos) TESTED by wencel
11A_00.kdz - V11A_00.zip TIM branded TESTED by Fab985 and nandroid backup by auras76
THANKS "zizouth"/"alvyweb"/"Fab985"

hi thanx, just tried that one.
Its T-Mobile branded and has some extras (demos).

Hi John. Can you make CWM V10F_OO.ZIP???? Thank you ^^.


how install this .kdz?

Try this guide:
I had troubles with it on Windows Vista and Windows 7 but when i tried on Windows XP SP3 it worked fine

Thank you, if someone can test v11A_00
And post feedback ...

thanx for the guide but, i have win 7
i hope you can make .zip for us
take your time bro. and Thanks for keeping us updated.

Have any tested the 11A rom?
Sent from my LG-P920 using Tapatalk


11A works but I dont like the tim branding and moved back to 10E

Well I tried the 10F and its quite fine, except the startup & shutdown logo of T-Mobile you don't even notice its branded (except some other T-Mobile apps and Market initial T&C agreement in German)

prosím o pomoc trochu
Dobrý den ..... mám tak trochu zvláštní dotaz - nebylo by možné trochu podrobněji popsat způsob flešování - měl jsem dříve HD2 + Sensation a tam nahrát CWM nebyl zvlášť nějaký problém ale tady pořád tápu .jednou jde ...jednou nejde flešnout KDZ ...fakt nějak asi nevím pomalu co dělám ))

čau, návod na flešnutí KDZ firmware máš tady: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1186406
Samotný program je ale plně funkční jen pod Windows Xp, u jiných woken to většinou nejde spustit (ani v kompatibilním režimu). Já si proto na druhou mašinu nainstaloval Xp

What is v 11A? Is this newer then v10e?
Sent from my LG-P920 using XDA Premium App

Hi, nein ist es nicht, 11A ist ein altes firmware (vom Juli) das für italien modifiziert ist, die E version ist dann z.Z. die neuste (August).

Guys, Is there any thread about official ROM, version, realease date etc?
and another Custom ROM.... it's too many ROM and i was new about android....
there are few information about my P920
Android Version
Baseband Version
Kernel Version
Build Number
Software Version
it's official ROM from LG....
want to trying another ROM....
any Suggestion? TIA....


Czech WM6.1 ROM ported from HTC Kaiser

Hi, I've made this ROM for MDA Vario from HTC Kaiser ROM RUU_Kaiser_HTC_CSY_3.28.462.1_radio_sign_25.83.40.02_1.65.16.25_Ship.exe
OS: 5.2.318 Build 19212.1.0.3
Known problems:
1) SYM key on hardware keyboard doesn't work - you cannot write local letters
2) auto complete doesn't work
- these are quite common problems with ported Kaiser ROMs, I don't have any solution yet, if you figure out how to get it work, please contact me or write your ideas in this thread
What you get:
- very fast WM 6.1 Czech ROM for MDA Vario
- very fast boot
- all WM 6.1 features
- integrated applications:
Adobe Reader LE 2.5
ArcSoft MMS
Bluetooth FTP
HTC Camera 3.0
Esmertec Java
HTC Streaming Media
HTC Touch Dialer + Jimm98y's patched Smartdialing CZ
IntelliPad 1.0
Pocket RAR 3.60
SAP Settings, Smartskey + VJ Calibrula
Total Commander 2.5 Beta
WM5torage 1.75
- all integrated apps are in Czech language
- Remote Desktop Mobile and Irda support included
Thanks very much for your tools guys, without these tools I would never make it.
Download links:
This ROM includes ExtROM, SplashScreen, HTC Splash and OS:
Prosím, abyste jako poděkování stahovali ROM přes free z rapidshare.com, mirror na leteckou poštu je zde pro ty, kteří kvůli IP adrese nemohou služeb rapidshare využívat. Děkuji.
Please use rapidshare.com mirror if you can, the other link is for those users, who cannot use rapidshare because of shared IP address.
G3 mirror:
This ROM includes only OS:
If you want to thank me for my work, encourage me or if you just like my work, you can donate me using the link bellow.
Pokud mi chcete poděkovat za moji práci, nebo mne motivovat v dalších úpravách a nebo jen máte rádi mojí práci, můžete zvážit malý příspěvek použitím linku v mém podpisu. Děkuji.
v nedeli urcite otestuju, momentalne nemam cas :-( (kazdopadne diky)
great work, I'll test it on sunday, I'm too bussy now :-(
Krasna, prace, uz jsem se bal ze to nikdo neudela.
Rychla, cista.
Nezklamals, Diky moc
Very nice job. I was afraid thet no one make it.
Fast, clear.
BT sync
Great job, thank you. But i found some other issue: BT sync doesn't work.
BT Sync works fine for me, I use it almost every day - check settings in your PC if everything is ok, but this problem isn't in ROM...
A screen by nebyl ?
crea_wizard said:
A screen by nebyl ?
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Screeny doplněny.
Pekna prace, dopurucuji vsem. FUNKCNI, RYCHLA a bez chyb
Mohol by to niekto upnut niekde inde ako na RS ???
Nainstaloval sem si MortPlayer a kdyz spustim Zpravy tak se zavre MortPlayer co s tim , pak taky kdyz dam napsat novou sms a zacnu psat do "komu" zacatecni pismena tak mi to neda navyber jmena v kontatech.
Díky za rady.
Šlape na jedničku fak dost dobrá práce
crea_wizard said:
Nainstaloval sem si MortPlayer a kdyz spustim Zpravy tak se zavre MortPlayer co s tim , pak taky kdyz dam napsat novou sms a zacnu psat do "komu" zacatecni pismena tak mi to neda navyber jmena v kontatech.
Díky za rady.
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OK takže ještě jednou - než to flashnete, tak se podívejte na známé chyby uvedené v prvním příspěvku zde nebo na ce4you - je tam jasně uvedeno, že NEFUNGUJE navrhování slov při psaní - z toho vyplývá, že nefunguje ani navrhování kontaktů při psaní sms, protože se jedná o jednu a tu samou aplikaci - zajišťuje to jedna a ta samá knihovna, která zde nepracuje. MortPlayer neznám a pokud nefunguje jak má, je to vinou WM6.1 nebo MortPlayeru, ne ROM - zkus použít google, pravděpodobně někdo už tu samou chybu někdy řešil.
PS. A pokud chcete psát česky, tak prosím pište na ce4you, popř. přidejte anglický překlad... Děkuji.
OK so once again - before you flash it, read the first post - there are known problems and word completition, which allows you to add contact name in Messaging, is one of them. I don't know MortPlayer, but if it doesn't work, it's probably incompatible with WM6.1 or some error of MortPlayer, not the problem of this ROM - try to use google, please.
AS pres BT
Jimm98y said:
BT Sync works fine for me, I use it almost every day - check settings in your PC if everything is ok, but this problem isn't in ROM...
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Synchronizaci pres BT jsem rozchodil az po aplikovani patche z Bluetooth.zip v tomto vlakne http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=374373
V ntb mam integrovany BT modul s chipsetem Widcomm. V pda mi nabizi sluzby Seriovy port, Telefonicke vytaceni site a Sada handsfree. Po aplikovani patche se zmeni Seriovy port na Activesync a vse bezi jak ma.
Sync over BT only works after i use patch Bluetooth.zip from this topic http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=374373
I have integrated BT with Widcom chipset and on pda i see BT services Seriovy port, Telefonicke vytaceni site a Sada handsfree. Seriovy port has changed to Activesync after i applied patch.
pgard said:
Synchronizaci pres BT jsem rozchodil az po aplikovani patche z Bluetooth.zip v tomto vlakne http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=374373
V ntb mam integrovany BT modul s chipsetem Widcomm. V pda mi nabizi sluzby Seriovy port, Telefonicke vytaceni site a Sada handsfree. Po aplikovani patche se zmeni Seriovy port na Activesync a vse bezi jak ma.
Sync over BT only works after i use patch Bluetooth.zip from this topic http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=374373
I have integrated BT with Widcom chipset and on pda i see BT services Seriovy port, Telefonicke vytaceni site a Sada handsfree. Seriovy port has changed to Activesync after i applied patch.
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Bluetooth - mne stačí v active sync na ppc zvolit "Připojit pomocí bluetooth", najde mi to počítač a kliknu na připojit a je to.
CAB z extended rom - problém je již opraven, viz první příspěvek - stahni si novou rom a flashni jí, pak již vše bude fungovat i při dalším hardresetu.
Bluetooth works fine for me, all I have to do is choose "Connect via bluetooth" in active sync in ppc, then choose my computer and that's all.
Extended rom - this problem is already fixed, look at th first post, download new ROM, flash it and all should work fine.
Good job, working nice. After installation of this rom, I had to restart device (wizard freeze with making custom settings on the first run). Thanks anyway!
spectrum123 said:
Good job, working nice. After installation of this rom, I had to restart device (wizard freeze with making custom settings on the first run). Thanks anyway!
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In the latest version (link in the first post) it should be OK.
EN: Super
mirror jinde nez na rapidshare
I ja bych byl rad poukud by se dala romka sosnout odjinud nez z rapidsharu, pac jsem na siti se sdilenou IP a porad tu nekdo neco sosa, takze neamm sanci si stahnout byt jen jeden soubor.
songo said:
I ja bych byl rad poukud by se dala romka sosnout odjinud nez z rapidsharu, pac jsem na siti se sdilenou IP a porad tu nekdo neco sosa, takze neamm sanci si stahnout byt jen jeden soubor.
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Tady mas G4 verzi ...
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po urcite nahodne dlouhe dobe prestane zvonit, pomuze jen restart, jako zvoneni je mp3 skladba

ROM for Touch Cruise

Hi everyone, here at XDA Developers, I found more threads on this subject but none helped me. As the name suggests its own HTC Touch Cruise Polaris. I use Windows Mobile 6.5 recently but the phone freezes. I'm looking for a drive. Top in the Czech language, but of course the English would not say no.
Please help. I have experience with one even really knows what he is. Therefore I ask you this thread of your experience with ROM for this phone. This is my only Windows Mobile 6.5. Please share your experience with the specific drive and as far as possible and link to it.
BTW: In this area I am a beginner. And sorry for my english is not very good ...
durmisek said:
Ahoj všichni, zde na XDA Developers jsem nalezl víc vláken na toto téma ale ani jedno mi nepomohlo. Jak už název napovídá vlastním HTC Touch Cruise Polaris. Používám windows mobile 6.5 ale v poslední době telefon zamrzne. Sháním nějakou ROM. Nejlépe v českém jazyce ale samozřejmě anglickou nepohrdnu.
Prosím vás o pomoc. Mám zkušenosti jen s jednou ani pořádně nevím co to je zač. Proto vás tímto vláknem žádám o vaše zkušenosti s ROM pro tento telefon. Jedná se mi pouze o windows mobile 6.5. Prosím o vaše zkušenosti s konkrétní ROM a pokud to bude možné tak i odkaz na ní.
btw: V této oblasti jsem začátečník. A omlouvám se za mou Angličtinu není moc dobrá ...
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Moved of: HTC Polaris: Touch Cruise > Touch Cruise ROM Development
To: HTC Polaris: Touch Cruise > Touch Cruise General
Please put your questions to: Touch Cruise General
i everyone, here at XDA Developers, I found more threads on this subject but none helped me. As the name suggests its own HTC Touch Cruise Polaris. I use Windows Mobile 6.5 recently but the phone freezes. I'm looking for a drive. Top in the Czech language, but of course the English would not say no.
Please help. I have experience with one even really knows what he is. Therefore I ask you this thread of your experience with ROM for this phone. This is my only Windows Mobile 6.5. Please share your experience with the specific drive and as far as possible and link to it.
BTW: In this area I am a beginner. And sorry for my english is not very good ...
Ahoj všichni, zde na XDA Developers jsem nalezl víc vláken na toto téma ale ani jedno mi nepomohlo. Jak už název napovídá vlastním HTC Touch Cruise Polaris. Používám windows mobile 6.5 ale v poslední době telefon zamrzne. Sháním nějakou ROM. Nejlépe v českém jazyce ale samozřejmě anglickou nepohrdnu.
Prosím vás o pomoc. Mám zkušenosti jen s jednou ani pořádně nevím co to je zač. Proto vás tímto vláknem žádám o vaše zkušenosti s ROM pro tento telefon. Jedná se mi pouze o windows mobile 6.5. Prosím o vaše zkušenosti s konkrétní ROM a pokud to bude možné tak i odkaz na ní.
btw: V této oblasti jsem začátečník. A omlouvám se za mou Angličtinu není moc dobrá ...
Merged Threads...
Please do not be posting the same subject on various topics.
Just a warning.

[Resolved] LG Optimus Me P350 root problem

i have been trying to root P350 but SuperOneClick v1.9.5 just stucks on "Running psneuter", i tried to let it for a wile but still not working. I also used Z4root but when i press Temporary or permanent root it's working for a little (until acquiring root shell) and then just crashes and when i trying to open it again it doesn't work and i have to reboot it to work.
Any ideas? I just bought it and i really want to root it.
Thnx anyway!
With SuperOneClick try using the rageagainstthecage exploit
i have SuperOneClick 1.9.5 and it's only has Gingerbreak and psneuter....
UPDATE: i downloaded SuperOneClick 1.6.5 that has rageagainstthegace exploit but it starts adb server and then says waiting for device and SOC crashes
does anybody know something?? plzz
Look here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=13086954&postcount=1
Use this apk: GingerBreak-v1.20.apk
Run apk with some file manager.
Phone is rooted
I root my LG Optimus Me P350 and everything works fine.
I hope this help
@jad it works !! thanks !!any custom rom p350??
I still have not tried yet,waiting for someone else to do and tell the result
ethan1234 said:
any custom rom p350??
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Look here:
What have i done...
Don't suppose anyone knows how to get into recovery mode on a p350? ive accidentally frozen the home launcher with titanium now phone os stuck on loading screen!! Any help gratefully received
sorry i forget to post that i find the solution(which is the one that Jadran32 said) thnx anyway
Jadran32 said:
Look here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=13086954&postcount=1
Use this apk: GingerBreak-v1.20.apk
Run apk with some file manager.
Phone is rooted
I root my LG Optimus Me P350 and everything works fine.
I hope this help
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i istalled the gingerbread apk but the antivirus said that it is infected,is that what should happened.Trans.instalirao sam gingerbread apk,a antivirus mi je javio da je program zaražen virusom.je li se to trebalo dogoditi?
Jadran32 said:
Look here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=13086954&postcount=1
Use this apk: GingerBreak-v1.20.apk
Run apk with some file manager.
Phone is rooted
I root my LG Optimus Me P350 and everything works fine.
I hope this help
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I installed the gingerbread app but the antivirus said it is infected.was that supposed to happen?Trans.instalirao sam gingerbread aplikaciju,ali je antivirus je rekao da je inficirana virusom.je li se to trebalo dogoditi??
in mine there was no problem
i think that your antivirus finds it as a threat because it's "indrudes" in your phone... i think that there will be no problem
shadik555 said:
I installed the gingerbread app but the antivirus said it is infected.was that supposed to happen?Trans.instalirao sam gingerbread aplikaciju,ali je antivirus je rekao da je inficirana virusom.je li se to trebalo dogoditi??
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Ja tih problema nemam jer nemam instaliran anti virus na mobitelu.
Translate:I do not have these problems because do not have installed anti virus on my mobile.
Jadran32 said:
Look here:
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There is also writte"n:
This is a recovery. It is not a ROM. Installing this won't help you with any of your browser or any other problem. I suggest you read the dictionary first before you blindly follow any instructions and put your phone at risk.
moze na hrvackom druze sta si tu napisao ja imam optimus p350 jel moze ovo sto si postavi kako radi jel ne jede bateriju
hi,i am having some problems with my lg p350,i have rooted my phone with gingerbreak 1.2and all seemed to be fine
when i updated my software to v10f,the root is no longer working
i have tried gingerbreak again but no use
plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me
same thing here.
and now i cant do a thing
help anybody? hrvati?
Same case on my phone after last firmware update cant root. Help pls with last firmware in phone installed couple games but cant remove without root.
Help anybody ? Srbi ?
p350-zadnji firmware - root - rješeno.
dakle, nakon muke sa gingerbreakom, pokušao sam sa superoneclickom. sa programom koji nije mogao rootati model p500. ali, na kraju je bitno da sam ga riješio.
u fajlu je sve što je potrebno, uz pretpostavku da su driveri za mobitel instalirani na kompjuteru.
kako postoji fajl sa uputama, neću previše pisati:
-pokrenuti, ovisno o operativnom sustavu, u folderu ADB "cmd7.exe" ili "cmdxp.exe".
-u fajlu "upute.txt", sa copy&paste "odraditi" tri naredbe "adb devices", "adb shell" i "echo 1 > /data/local/lge_adb.conf".
-NE GASITI taj prozor. možda se i može, ali radije ne.
-ugasiti-upaliti mobitel, s time da je cijelo vrijeme spojen sa kompjuterom.
-pokrenuti "superoneclick", i desno u prozoru, u padajućem meniju odabrati "gingerbreak".
-kliknuti na "root".
postupak je trajao ne više od pola minute.
eto, nadam se da ćete uspjeti.
inače, mobitel je od t-coma, prvo sam napravio update na zadnji FW (10f, ako se ne varam), nakon toga je otključan, mada to nije bitno za root.
in this file is all what is needed to root P350. whit presumption that all lg drivers are installed on pc. in archive is file "upute.txt" with english-written instructions.
phone is android 2.2.2, latest t-mobile (croatia) fw v10g, unlocked.

Today screen - Weather data no refresh

last 15 days my Touch 2 don't refresh weather data in today screen,
I was tray several options (off HTC location service.... clear storage....) but not work...
Weather in tab work normaly, data conection is OK...
Please help
Maybe you didn't set it to always update automatically !! try to check in settings
My device has the same problem
I've looked at all the possibilities, but I could not solve the problem
I have update automatically
No weather today
Even to me by a week since I updated weather today, and either tried hard reset but nothing.
If I update automatically goes on for days and nothing happens is written the "heater it to update weather" I do not know what to do, any of you not following that?

I have the same problem
It looks like the service provider support issue
Same problem as igorficko
I have the sam problem for last few weeks as igorficko described. I can see that we live in the same country (Slovenia) so I was wondering if this could really be an issue due to service provider or something similar? I would like to be sure before I addres my problem to my mobile provider.
Thanks for any help or info regarding this.
best regards,
pinty said:
I have the sam problem for last few weeks as igorficko described. I can see that we live in the same country (Slovenia) so I was wondering if this could really be an issue due to service provider or something similar? I would like to be sure before I addres my problem to my mobile provider.
Thanks for any help or info regarding this.
best regards,
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Pinty, izgubi vsako upanje....
poskusil sem pri mobitelu, celo urco so na novo vnašali nastavitve... brez pomoči
bil sem na HTC servisu (Emonagram), brez uspeha, edino kar so mi rekli je da imajo na servisu še enega Toucha2 in da ima iste težave, niso vedeli za težave in so obljubili da bodo ontaktirali HTC (bomo videli)
Po moje je napaka na relaciji HTC-Windows mobile in se bodo najverjetneje delali neumni...
Upam da bomo našli rešitev
Can not
It is not possible that this problem that we have so many has never been solved in one way or another, or it may be that resolves itself, but I do not think I lasted three weeks as well. Hopefully someone will give us a hand!
Hvala za info. Mi vsaj ne bo treba zgublja časa okrog.
Ja upajmo, da bojo zadevo lahko zrihtal tudi zato, ker WM 6.5 ne vem kako dolgo več ne bo ravno supported
pinty said:
Hvala za info. Mi vsaj ne bo treba zgublja časa okrog.
Ja upajmo, da bojo zadevo lahko zrihtal tudi zato, ker WM 6.5 ne vem kako dolgo več ne bo ravno supported
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Please you can write the translation, but next time write in English.
Hi everybody
I heard that the HTC Touch 2 production stopped.
Gelen.Benton said:
Hi everybody
I heard that the HTC Touch 2 production stopped.
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HTC WM 6.5 no longer uses the latest Mega models and then to others and over.
Originally Posted by pinty
Hvala za info. Mi vsaj ne bo treba zgublja časa okrog.
Ja upajmo, da bojo zadevo lahko zrihtal tudi zato, ker WM 6.5 ne vem kako dolgo več ne bo ravno supported
Please you can write the translation, but next time write in English.
He just said thanks for the info, so that he wont loose any more time in finding the solution. He also hopes that they will fix it, because WM 6.5 is already a dead OS
Snupk said:
Originally Posted by pinty
Hvala za info. Mi vsaj ne bo treba zgublja časa okrog.
Ja upajmo, da bojo zadevo lahko zrihtal tudi zato, ker WM 6.5 ne vem kako dolgo več ne bo ravno supported
Please you can write the translation, but next time write in English.
He just said thanks for the info, so that he wont loose any more time in finding the solution. He also hopes that they will fix it, because WM 6.5 is already a dead OS
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What do you mean, all the people who have the WM 6.5 terminals must throw away!
I believe that sooner or later the problem is resolved, I believe in guys that work to take forward work on the house because those HTC do not want to do more.
No i havent said that. Actually i own HTC Mega with WM 6.5 and i think its quite good. Of course its no match for Android but hey - it still offers quite good experience. But if the problem will be solved...thats another question. Let it give some time or try alternative applications
Snupk said:
Originally Posted by pinty
Hvala za info. Mi vsaj ne bo treba zgublja časa okrog.
Ja upajmo, da bojo zadevo lahko zrihtal tudi zato, ker WM 6.5 ne vem kako dolgo več ne bo ravno supported
Please you can write the translation, but next time write in English.
He just said thanks for the info, so that he wont loose any more time in finding the solution. He also hopes that they will fix it, because WM 6.5 is already a dead OS
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Sorry for my Slovene without translation.
Thank you for your translation.
As for other posts later on I also do hope that this will get resolved because I plan to stick to WM 6.5 at least for a while.
My goal was that of the previous posts, it is possible that this model does not support with htc service.

Failed root....

Při pokusu o root jsem si omylem zaškrtl více políček a vymyzal OS i přístupy.....posílám foto a prosím o radu...
Translation: When trying to root, I accidentally checked more boxes and deleted the OS and accesses ..... I am sending a photo and please for advice ...
I'd suggest you to put up a post in English as XDA is using English for all its content. You will receive most responses when everyone understands what you say.
You can use any translator site, Google Translate or Bing Translate or etc.
standa245 said:
Při pokusu o root jsem si omylem zaškrtl více políček a vymyzal OS i přístupy.....posílám foto a prosím o radu...
Translation: When trying to root, I accidentally checked more boxes and deleted the OS and accesses ..... I am sending a photo and please for advice ...
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you will have to start over. Download stock and flash it through Odin.
Don't download the last one, but the one that has the same bit. (maybe I take the first one that has bit 4).
Then log in to wifi and unlock the bootloader and turn on USB debugging.
Then you can start flashing / restoring the backup. For root, you basically just flash the kernel, if you only need stock ROM.
budeš muset začít odznovu. Stáhni si stock Osdud a flashni ho pres Odin.
Hlavně nestahuj tu poslední, ale tu, která má stejný bit. (já třeba beru první co má bit 4).
Pak se přihlas na wifi a odemkni bootloader a zapni ladění ADB.
Poté můžeš začít flashovat / obnovovat zálohu. Pro root ti v podstatě stačí flashnout kernel, pokud ti stačí stock ROM.
Jo a můj předskokan má pravdu, tady piš raději anglicky. I nadpis.
Korny(CzE) said:
you will have to start over. Download stock and flash it through Odin.
Don't download the last one, but the one that has the same bit. (maybe I take the first one that has bit 4).
Then log in to wifi and unlock the bootloader and turn on USB debugging.
Then you can start flashing / restoring the backup. For root, you basically just flash the kernel, if you only need stock ROM.
budeš muset začít odznovu. Stáhni si stock Osdud a flashni ho pres Odin.
Hlavně nestahuj tu poslední, ale tu, která má stejný bit. (já třeba beru první co má bit 4).
Pak se přihlas na wifi a odemkni bootloader a zapni ladění ADB.
Poté můžeš začít flashovat / obnovovat zálohu. Pro root ti v podstatě stačí flashnout kernel, pokud ti stačí stock ROM.
Jo a můj předskokan má pravdu, tady piš raději anglicky. I nadpis.
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will this version work with the galaxy SM-A750GN/DS?
in the site it says its for SM-A750FN
and does odin work with arch linux?
itamarBL8844 said:
will this version work with the galaxy SM-A750GN/DS?
in the site it says its for SM-A750FN
and does odin work with arch linux?
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