Black Facebook! - T-Mobile LG G2x

Just thought I'd pass this onto you guys, it was posted a little earlier today, and its working perfectly on my G2X.
I have no affiliation with the developer, but I just thought I'd pass it on to my fellow G2X users!


Thank You

I just wanted to take a minute to thank everyone at xda. You have opened a new world to me, ever since I stumbled upon your site I have really started to enjoy my TP2.
Welcome and beware it's very addictive Have fun!

Droidcon London 2012

Hello Everyone!
Some of you may already know about Droidcon London and maybe already have your tickets... to those who do, good job you're awesome.
To the people that don't know about Droidcon London... Get with the times and check you our new website!
Droidcon is also giving away a FREE ticket this year! How to enter is located on our G+ page.
Come do Droidcon and support you beloved Android!

<APP> NFL Highlights

Hey guys I made this a while ago thought I'd share it here for xda football fans
I hope you find it of some use
Sweet, thank you. I've been irritated by the lack of highlights since the NFL went to Verizon, probably wouldn't have found this without this post. Thanks again.

[GAME] Squirt The Celebrity

First off, wanted to say thank you to everyone one here for the support to me, the devs I work with, and for kindly providing feedback for apps I've posted in the past. Today my friends and I released our new game:
Its exactly what it sounds like . I truly hope you guys enjoy it!
We got a few downloads, thanks! Any comments? We are very committed to making this game fun for you, and are eager to make any changes you think will make it more enjoyable .
We got our first video review! If it was one of you guys, thanks!

[APP][2.3+] Super Block Fall

Hello all. I recently got into game development a few months ago and made this Game using Unity software.
I'm wondering if someone can take a look and be as brutally honest as possibly and tell me what they think about it. All reviews.
Just Please let me know what you think, whether you think its good , bad or has potential.
Here's the link :
:fingers-crossed: Thank you if you even considered it and do have a great day.

