Looking for the original kernel that I can flash through clockwork that came with the 3.2 update. I can't seem to find it anywhere. Help?
I have a Nexus S phone with Honity15 kernel, and rock solid at 1500. With stock ROM.
But now I have tried to install the update to 2.3.4 and I have had a update check error.
I think that the reason is that the installer detects a modification in the stock Android installation. Is this true?
Can I download the sotck kernel again from anywhere?
I have a nand backup but, if I restore I will loose all the change that I have done it.
Thx for all.
Nobody knows is I can install the stock 2.3.3 kernel in the nexus s without restore the full nand backup?
Thank you
no i dear my friend
Hi, mates.
I have updated the Transformer to 3.2, with root and recovery.
My question is if I can install a kernel (eg Clemsyn) leaving the original rom. And if there is any way back to the stock kernel if there is any problem.
i got a custon kernel downloaded for the iconiaN rom i just need a stock kernel downloaded so if somthing happens i can flash back to the stock kernel please help
If there are any differences between ics and jb stock recovery? I want to install small update which i got but I don't know if i can replace twrp with recovery_signed.img which is attached to forum and which is dedicated to ics. If no can anyone give me a link to jb stock recovery?
Can Anyone Post Link Of The Stock Kernal On Wich Has TWRP Built In? I Remember I Saw Someone Make A Stock Kernal With TWRP, Now I Dont Remember Where I Saw It, Been Searching Alot Still Cant Find It :crying: