Just got notified of an update for my dock......(current version EP209)
I however stupidly canceled the prompt *facepalm
how do I get it back....and is anybody interested if I could somehow pull the update off and post it here?
GO to settings, about tablet, system update. Make sure you have the TF docked.
I just tried and got nothing.
I had the same notification two days ago, but nothing under system update. I've been checking to see if it comes back, but nothing.
Sorry to start yet another thread on it... but I didn't want the question to get lost in the shuffle.
I'm rooted, and absolutely do NOT want to run the update. I just got a text message saying an update was going to be coming and when asked to do it to say okay. I've shut down my phone for now... from other experience, when the update tries to be forced... can it be stopped?
Sorry to double post... just a bit surprised no one has answered. I saw the post with the update available to be ran through clockwork, so as soon as my phone said it was connecting to some server (red/white arrow), I shut the sucker down and downloaded the update from the thread in the developers section that is flashable with clockwork. Turned the phone back on, copied over the update and flashed it before the phone could offer me the over air update.
Worked great, so I recommend it to anyone.
Still have the question out there though... to users who got the over air update, were you given any option to stop it or not?
There was a cancel button, but all that did was stop downloading and next time you tried to re-download/continue downloading you would just go straight to install.
Just picked up the Viewsonic G Tablet. Got it back to my office, charged it, powered it on and the first thing i see is force close...wtf!
I am new to all of this so any suggestions need to be rather detailed.
uncledavek said:
Just picked up the Viewsonic G Tablet. Got it back to my office, charged it, powered it on and the first thing i see is force close...wtf!
I am new to all of this so any suggestions need to be rather detailed.
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If you can get to the factory reset in the settings menu that would the first thing to do. And then check for an update. Make sure you set the wifi to not turn off and I would keep the screen from shutting off while downloading the update. Check in settings "about Device". If your not 3389 or higher then you need to update
I had this problem back in November when I first got my tab. Even though nothing seemed to work right, I was able to connect it to my desktop and push across clockworkmod v .08 and a custom rom. So, I never used the original rom more than 10 minutes.
If you can't get it connected while booted in original rom, then Bekit's NVFLash full restore procedure works really well. Just follow the steps carefully and it's a quick and painless factory reset to a known working rom.
These things are virtually unbrickable (is that a word?).
uncledavek said:
Just picked up the Viewsonic G Tablet. Got it back to my office, charged it, powered it on and the first thing i see is force close...wtf!
I am new to all of this so any suggestions need to be rather detailed.
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badfrog is correct. If you factory reset the device it should be fine from there - then you set up your wifi and get the update.
Go into your app drawer and choose Settings. I don't remember if you can do it from the menu button as I'm on a different launcher.
Inside Settings go to Security and select Factory Data Reset. Do this, the unit will reboot and come back up at which point you'll be asked to set it up. It may take some time. Set your Date and Time correctly and set up your Wifi and such.
Once that's done you'll likely get a prompt to update very soon after Wifi connects. DO NOT DO IT, yet.
Within Settings, go into Display and set the Display Timeout to Never.
This ensures that the tablet doesn't sleep or turn off your wifi while it's downloading the update. It's not likely to happen but if your connection is on the slow side and the timeout is set too low, it can mess things up.
Once you've done that, proceed to let the tablet update itself. Again, it may take a bit of time.
Once it's done, make sure you take not of what you have. You'll find this information under Settings in the About section. The last version I got was 3389 - but something newer MAY be there for you. If you get anything less than 3389 then you will have to wait until you get another notification for an update. I don't remember how they work - but I THINK you should get the newest one there.
Once you've confirmed you're on the most current build, It may not be absolutely necessary to do it, but I would factory reset again just to clear the 'gunk' of the older TnT out in case there is actually any.
When I got mine and powered it on the 1st time, I got a bunch of FCs. I powered off and then on, and no more FCs, and it was fine after that. I think I posted asking about that, and someone (roebeet, I think) said it was a known problem. I don't remember the TNT version, but it was the one before 3389, or one before the one before 3389.
It is a known problem, especially with the older firmware. Sometimes the FC's are so bad that you can't even get into the settings to do a data wipe.
I've actually called CS about this, as an example of why they need an offline updater of some kind to get around issues like these. Suggestion: if you don't want to install clockworkmod, at least try to update the firmware to the latest and greatest, via one of the newer stock ROMs we're retrieved:
That might get you enough access to get into the Settings menu and do the factory restore.
Hi, my UK transformer said it had an update to install so I started charging it and pressed 'install update'.
A few hours have passed and its still on the screen with the orange exclamation mark and a little green android figure.
My internet is really slow at weekends, download speed is around 60kb/s. Will this be the problem?
Any idea what is happening? I don't want to reset the tablet because it might cause a brick, thanks.
EDIT> I turned it off after 4 hours of it being stuck and it restarted fine, I checked the version and it didn't update.
I went to settings and checked for an update, it said I needed to update so I clicked install again and now I'm back to where I started - Stuck on the update screen.
Your internet speed shouldn't have anything to do with your problem. The update would have completely downloaded before starting to install it. Maybe somebody around here can point you in the right direction to restore your tablet.
Ive just found this
People seem to have this problem with the first update, looks like i'll have to flash another firmware myself.
I've updated my MZ604 Xoom to an (Off)TheAir 4.1.1 ROM quite some time ago, as the official OTA in Australia is pretty slow. That's been working fine for me, and is a great step, from Honeycomb to JB on an old tablet. It has now, however, been (very persistently) informing me that later software is available (it is, 4.1.2 can now be had) and asking when would I like to install it etc. When I tried that though, the machine just rebooted back into its existing 4.1.1 ROM; I'm assuming some sort of mismatch in what the updater found and what it expected on the system.
I've looked for a way to turn off push notifications like this but can't find one. Is there going to be an easy way out of this ? I really don't want to update it again, and the message is there whenever I pick it up, or worse, appears when I'm in the middle of doing something.
I got a notification on my phone that there is a software update available for my phone. After reading up on it a bit, I decided it's not worth the hassle to update. I thought I had gone through steps to suppress firmware updates a while back but I guess not. What's the easiest way to suppress this warning? Let me know when you get the chance. Thanks, guys!
Well, a bit of an update, I found the original information on how to suppress OTA updates here:
As I thought before, I had already gone through this step and disabled it (it was disabled in the hidden menu already). However, the update still seems to have popped up. t tried to auto update this morning but reported back that it suspects my system is rooted so it wasn't able to install. That's good news to a point (at least it didn't screw anything up) but I don't like that it even attempted it without me giving it permission.
Any idea what might have changed? Or is there a difference between an OTA update and a "software update"?
I don't know the answer but I am having the same problem. My phone keeps restarting and giving the error that it wasn't able to install. This actually happened before when I was on 4.X and eventually it bricked my phone and the AT&T store couldn't fix it so they gave me a refurb. It sucked because I didn't have all my photos backed up(I have since fixed that problem.) Now I am having the same issue and I don't want it to brick my phone. I also hate that it restarts automatically...I might need to use my phone for something at the moment. I also have tried the info in the link to disable OTA both phones and neither time has it worked. If anyone can help, please do. Thanks.
The only thing I have ever done and has worked every time is to root and then freeze a file called. "software update" or "update manager". Hope this helps.
I would actually like someone to put together an update.zip that will update us to the latest version without having to go through the hassle of flashing back to stock and what not.
I like the idea of LTE voice calls but not so much that I am willing to go through the work of starting over.
sent from a location using an app
In Titanium Backup (or similar app) find the app call "Software Update" and freeze it
That is what solved me receiving software updates and I no longer see the option in the About phone area.