video chat on honeycomb????? - Android Software/Hacking General [Developers Only]

I would really like to know how I can video chat on my honeycomb tablet??


Watching Live Streaming Video

Is there an App or Browser out there that supports Live Streaming Video? I've tried using Dolphin HD, Opera, and Skyfire and I can't see the video stream. If anyone wants, check out this link (It is the website for the church I go to): Oasis Online Church
and see if you guys can watch the video. They stream video at 9:30A, 11:30AM, 2:00PM, and 6:00PM. I'm on EE4, Rooted, and Stock.
I'd appreciate this as well, a lot of people on YouTube I watch have live streams and it'd be cool to watch them from my phone :]

Skype video chat floating/multitasking app

Wouldn't that be the s%&# to be able to video chat while surfing the web with a little preview of the person you are video chating with?!?!
Has anyone herd of such a project?

Video codec: Samsung Galaxy Core.

Hi forum members,
If i use a app like Snapchat i can't see any video's from iPhones..
I think the problem is the video codec from the Samsung Galaxy core..
Is there a way to install the right video codec, wherefore i can see video's from iPhones?
I would like to hear from you!
Best Regards,

video highlights

Does anyone know how to stop phone from making video highlights when taking pictures and or video?

instagram Live help

hi guys
if u look manotoofficial
it's steaming live a video 24/7
i wanna know how to stream a video on live any idea?

