Windows 7? - Eee Pad Transformer Themes and Apps

It is possibly to install Windows 7 and dual boot in tablet with Honeycomb 3.1???
I saw that the tablet its selled with windows 7 and honeycomb, i want to use both, d u know a way to do that?
Thanks a lot and sorry about my english

Windows 7 = x86
Transformer= ARM
Cant do it. The one that dual booted used an x86 processor, I think.
When Windows 8 comes out, might be able to do that.

Thanks for the quick reply ^^

Another option, since dual booting won't work, is if you have a Win7 system already, you can just remote desktop into it. There are a few threads on here that have discussed the best RDP client to use.

You can get the Iconia W500 tablet... which runs on Windows 7 with x86 platform... then you can try dualbooting Android x86 on it... I know Android x86 run pretty decent on the Asus T91 tablet.

However, you can install Ubuntu on it (the ARM version of Ubuntu that is). But still its not straight forward dual booting, where you can restart to the other OS. Read more here : DEV Thread, HOWTO Thread.
The other alternative is to use a remote desktop client, Splashtop HD is a good client if you want very a fast frame rate (for watching videos n stuff).


[Q] OS Queshtion

I know I am a noob and probably asking a dumb queshtion but is it possible to dump the whole Android os and download W7 or ?
I know with my home computer I assembled all the pieces and then bought the OS. loaded it and walla it worked. can I do the same for the Gtab? unitnstall everything and start freash on a windows platform?
liljohn said:
I know I am a noob and probably asking a dumb queshtion but is it possible to dump the whole Android os and download W7 or ?
I know with my home computer I assembled all the pieces and then bought the OS. loaded it and walla it worked. can I do the same for the Gtab? unitnstall everything and start freash on a windows platform?
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Uh?.. I'm thinking no, the ARMv7 Processor was not designed to run intel based operating systems.
short answer: no
Operating systems require drivers. This is the same reason when you install linux on a computer you have to go searching for those pesky Broadcom drivers so your wireless works. There has been some progress in porting a whole operating system to a device not intended for it (Android on HD2 is the furthest progressed as far as I know), and there are some ROM's/launchers to bring the WP7 experience to Android.
if you're talking about Windows 7 i'd say no way! even with the announcement of Windows 8 running on ARM....
Ok thanks.
Ya if your looking for the layout or widget stylings check out "7 widgets Home Plus", plus one of my coworkers just bought a windows 7 phone and has had 3 viruses in 1 week. I am by no means an anti windows person...just not the best mobile enviroment as they have proved time and time again...
Windows can not run on ARM processors as the code is not made for it. That's why you see x86 and x64 editions of Windows, it only supports those processors.
However, Windows 8 promises ARM support as well as increased tablet usability, but its Microsoft, so who knows.
You don't really need Windows anyways.

[Q] getting MS office installed on the eee pad transformer

Hi everyone,
I would like to get an eee pad transformer. However, with my previous laptop, I bought a legal version of MS office 2010, and would be a shame to loose it now.
I could find the files to create a dual boot with ubuntu on that device.
I found on a few topics that qemo could help emulate a x86 system, even on an ARM tablet.
Then I read that wine could enable installing MS designed softwares on Ubuntu.
Do you think following the 3 steps above could let me install Office 2010 on a eee pad transformer?
This would be critical for me to finally decide to buy it.
Thanks a lot for your help
I doubt it very much, there is a moderately working version of Ubuntu that moderately runs on the TF - but installing WINE and running MS Office, not a hope.
There are a few different versions of Android Office's you can install - none are anything like MS office though
Amazon, today (just a few more hours) has Documents To Go, free. I have been using it for a long while and it is very compatible with Word, Excel and Powerpoint. If that helps.
Thanks for your quick and honest answer. That sounds like a very bad news for me.
Unfortunately I can't go for Android designed office as for business purpose, I often develop some VBA programs, and I strongly doubt those are supported and possibe to edit under those softwares...
Thing is I am really looking for a good Android tablet (avoid Windows at all costs) on which I could use this only MS soft... Any solution could work for me (dual booting, emulation...)
Any idea then?
To be honest I don't think the processors they put in tablets are going to do a great job running a desktop OS (such as ubuntu) AND running emulation on top of it. Wine runs pretty clunky and buggy at best on a desktop processor. I can't imagine it's going to be a wonderful experience on a tablet, especially running Office 2010 or for developing VBA programs. Perhaps in the upcoming iteration of processors you might be able to but we won't know until they're out. Even then, it will probably still be fairly slow and buggy.
Ok so as a conclusion I should rather buy a windows tablet and emulate honeycomb using Android SDK.
Does it give the same experiance as an android tablet?
Any tablet to advise me?
There are rumors that the transformer 2 (Prime) will be able to run Windows 8
But it is only a rumor at this stage, and would be ARM based not x86 anyway
There are a few Windows 7 tablets if you Google for such, but from the video reviews I have seen they are slow and laggy at best
Maybe a touchscreen laptop / netbook would be more suited for your needs
Then when Windows 8 is released you will have the tiled Metro touch interface that is designed for touch.
You can get some touchscreen notebooks that allow swiveling of the screen, so it basically closes with the screen side facing up, giving the feeling of a tablet
Where Polaris Office fails to deliever what you need, I suggest you just switch to a Windows box for MS or Libre Office as needed. You can also use SplashTop (better than VNC IMHO) via MyNet and access your PC from your TF, that should work.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
This last solution gives me hope!! Splashtop could actually solve my issue.
Thanks a lot for your help!
As long as you don't need to track the mouse cursor's movements, SplashTop is very handy but can take getting used to. My own use of it, is mostly web surfing and video that requires a Wintel (e.g. XFinity).
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
I figured out I could connect to a NAS in my company. It is using Windows server 2008. Does it work with splashtop?
chris-france said:
I figured out I could connect to a NAS in my company. It is using Windows server 2008. Does it work with splashtop?
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Just use 2x RDP client its freeand works great for remotedesktop
Some hope for you...
Microsoft is in the process of making their Windows 8 ARM compatible, which is the architecture "mobile" gadgets run on. I will probably find a way to run Windows/ Ice Cream Sandwich dual boot, similar to what I've done in the past on laptops. Windows is your only chance of running Office. That said, the functionality offered by Google Docs, Documents To Go, and other "Lite" Office apps should provide plenty of functionality for you. This is a tablet, not a laptop. It's a great product in it's class, but not a PC replacement. Asus makes the Eee Slate EP121 (played with one, very cool!) if you want a Windows Tablet, but for $1000, it's a product without much demand. Hope this helps.

[Q] Win XP on Transformer prime

I've seen a few threads about running win 95 and even win 98 on certain android devices.
What l was wondering was is it possible to run win xp on a high powered device such as the transformer prime?
I've heard that some people have done it on HTC Evo, but haven't heard or sen any transformer / tegra based tablets doing the same thing...
Now I'm no programmer / coder of any sorts so my understanding in this field is somewhat basic.
In short l was wondering has anyone attempted / succeeded?
I truly apologise if there is a thread about this somewhere already. I've been browsing the web, but not much luck in finding user friendly info.
don't hate me for beeing a noob...
Kind regards
There are different facets to this:
1) Native (installing beside/over android) - this isn't possible as Windows XP or Vista or 7 have not been released for the ARM architecture (which is what most android devices, including tegra are). However, windows has said that they are releasing Windows 8 for ARM, so it might be possible to install that natively on the Transformer.
2) Virtualized - this could be possible, you'd just need something like Virtualbox, but for android that would allow you to create/host virtual machines. I currently don't know of anything that will allow you to do this with XP, and the ones that let you run 95/98 are painfully slow, even on the transformer / prime
3) splashtop - this might be your best bet, get Virtualbox on one of your desktop/laptops and install XP on that, then install Splashtop on the virtual machine. You can then either use ASUS MyCloud of Splashtop Remote HD to access it, and it will even reroute audio from the VM to the tablet. This is what i do for Win 7
hope this helps
Well, l have seen a few projects using boch and QEMU to setup a vm centred around win 98 and heard of one that is trying to setup xp, but performance is a question.
The splashtop idea is good, but it requires internet access , which is an issue....
DeBoX said:
The splashtop idea is good, but it requires internet access , which is an issue....
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Yeah, forgot to mention that
Splashtop is what i use though... I use it to watch blurays on my TF101, works like a charm, even from the other side of the world though
Evo 3D owners most likely lucked out in terms of the proprietary graphics tech behind the screen matching up with the XP spec. Windows bears no direct relation to Android or Linux, as such there's more that needs to be rendered independent of the CPU. XORG, the main window rendering component of most linux UIs, is able to piggyback off the usual Terminal Emulator in Android. While the Evo 3D/Milestone 2 Global Windows exploit is pretty great in the eyes of this DOS nerd, it's not the only way. I routinely run Backtrack5 (Ubuntu based :angel and I've made some progress getting WINE terminal up and running therein, so EXEs and MSIs shouldn't be far behind.

[Q] windows any for and android tab???

hi guys, sorry for the newb question, but i am wondering if it possible to get any windows os on a nexus 7 or is there any cheap tablet out there that will install windows? i put xp tablet edition on a o2 joggler for a friend of mine who uses it in his garage, but he wants to now run some of his diagnostic gear on a tablet if there is one that can run windows? sorry again in advance. .
kindest regards
No most tablets use an ARM processor which is incompatible with Windows which requires an Intel type x86 or x64 processor. While there is a version of Windows 8 for ARM devices its very closed source so it cannot be ported to other devices. Plus the ARM version of Windows 8 won't run any existing Windows programs.
You'll probably need a tablet with an Intel x86 processor, something with an Intel Atom should suffice unless you need a lot of power.
Pick up tablet
Break open through middle
insert window
Insert another window
Voila. Windows in tablet

[Q] Windows via QEmu

I know there are like 60billon topics about Windows RT running on the TF101 but this is different. (I think)
I was experimenting with QEmu on my Nexus 5 the other day and it run Windows 95 lightning fast, so it got me thinking: would it be (theoretically) possible to emulate Windows XP Tablet Edition/Windows 8 (not RT)/Ubuntu x86/any other x86 OS "almost navitely" on our TF101s? ie Android (or a super-stripped down version) starts up but straight after the boot screen it starts libSDL and emulates the OS of the users choice - or would the TF101 be just too slow (and would need a lot of overclocking) to run a x86 OS?
Just an idea - if anyone has anything to say; like if it's not possible/very slow or if anyone has any idea how - reply!

