[Q] Partition error, Formatting partition 2 BCT.. FAILED! - Eee Pad Transformer Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Sorry for my English.
eee pad transformer 32gb flashed on prime 1.5 everything seemed to be ok
have not yet made a wipe to get rid of the boot lock screen. It does not work.
CWM does not mount data partition. Factory Reset does not work.
With nvflash partitiontable.txt downloaded and compared it with flash.cfg, they are different.
CWM can't mount "/data" partition, and error with formating
nvflash.exe --bct transformer.bct --setbct --configfile flash.cfg --create --bl bootloader.bin --odmdata 0x300d8011 --sbk 0x1682CCD8 0x8A1A43EA 0xA532EEB6 0xECFE1D98 --go
Nvflash started
rcm version 0X20001
System Information:
chip name: t20
chip id: 0x20 major: 1 minor: 3
chip sku: 0x8
chip uid: 0x033c208344007097
macrovision: disabled
hdcp: enabled
sbk burned: true
dk burned: true
boot device: emmc
operating mode: 4
device config strap: 2
device config fuse: 0
sdram config strap: 0
sending file: transformer.bct
- 4080/4080 bytes sent
transformer.bct sent successfully
odm data: 0x300d8011
downloading bootloader -- load address: 0x108000 entry point: 0x108000
sending file: bootloader.bin
| 943193/943193 bytes sent
bootloader.bin sent successfully
waiting for bootloader to initialize
bootloader downloaded successfully
setting device: 2 3
creating partition: BCT
creating partition: PT
creating partition: EBT
creating partition: SOS
creating partition: LNX
creating partition: BAK
creating partition: GP1
creating partition: APP
creating partition: CAC
creating partition: MSC
creating partition: USP
creating partition: PER
creating partition: YTU
creating partition: UDA
creating partition: GPT
Formatting partition 2 BCT please wait.. FAILED!
command failure: create failed (bad data)
bootloader status: partition table is required for this command (code: 8) message: nverror:0x2 (0x2) flags: 0
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"my size" - from nvflash --getpartitiontable partitiontable.txt
# name my size flash.cfg
2 BCT 3 145 728 3 145 728
3 PT 524 288 4 096 !!!
4 EBT 4 194 304 4 194 304
5 SOS 5 242 880 5 242 880
6 LNX 8 388 608 8 388 608
7 BAK 5 242 880 5 242 880
8 GP1 1 048 576 1 048 576
9 APP 536 870 912 536 870 912
10 CAC 555 220 992 554 700 800 !!!
11 MSC 2 097 152 2 097 152
12 USP 555 220 992 554 700 800 !!!
13 PER 5 242 880 5 242 880
14 YTU 524 288 524 288
15 UDA 29 249 503 232 18 432 !!!
16 GPT 524 288 …
Backuped partitions with nvflash transoformer.bct:
file size name
3 145 728 02_BCT_raw.img
524 288 03_PT_raw.img
4 194 304 04_EBT_raw.img
5 242 880 05_SOS_raw.img
8 388 608 06_LNX_raw.img
5 242 880 07_BAK_raw.img
1 048 576 08_GP1_raw.img
536 870 912 09_APP_raw.img
555 220 992 10_CAC_raw.img
2 097 152 11_MSC_raw.img
555 220 992 12_USP_raw.img
5 242 880 13_PER_raw.img
524 288 14_YTU_raw.img
524 288 16_GPT_raw.img
Need help. How to fix it?
PAD is now loaded with the screen here like http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=13981326
nvflash no stitches, I made a backup, flash, then did another backup, which compared the md5 sections reflashed, nothing has changed
nvflash not working

Did you find a resolution to this problem? I'm having the same issue.

What model is your TF? B60, etc? Your SBK is correct, but it seems like your layour is different from the bct. Have you tried redownloading the files and starting from scratch? Maybe some of the NVflash files are corrupted.
Just FYI, if you use NVFlash to backup the partitions, do not restore partition 2 or 4:
Originally Posted by rayman84
Just FYI, you *don't* want to restore partition 2 and 4 at the very least. (and probably others!)
Partition 2 and 4 are encrypted. nvflash does not decrypt it when --read'ing, but at least during --create, it does encrypt it. I'm not entirely sure whether it encrypts it during --download, but if it does, the tablet will appear bricked after flashing.

msticninja said:
What model is your TF? B60, etc? Your SBK is correct, but it seems like your layour is different from the bct. Have you tried redownloading the files and starting from scratch? Maybe some of the NVflash files are corrupted.
Just FYI, if you use NVFlash to backup the partitions, do not restore partition 2 or 4:
Originally Posted by rayman84
Just FYI, you *don't* want to restore partition 2 and 4 at the very least. (and probably others!)
Partition 2 and 4 are encrypted. nvflash does not decrypt it when --read'ing, but at least during --create, it does encrypt it. I'm not entirely sure whether it encrypts it during --download, but if it does, the tablet will appear bricked after flashing.
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Mine is a B60. I originally did the nvflash and it worked great for a week. Then yesterday it gave me the 'enter your password' screen. So I tried a cwm factory reset and a hard reset, neither of which have helped. I then redownloaded the files and tried reflashing and it quits on the partition 2 error. I'm guessing I'll have to go pick up another tablet.

Gave a warranty repair, a month now picks nothing to do with it can not. Now you have a new brick.


Help - Can not unbrick TF101 B70 with Wheelie

Hi, my wife's stock TF101 went into a boot loop last night that I can't get it to break out of after multiple cold boot attempts. I also tried doing a factory reset but that gives me the sad android guy on his back (same thing when I try to boot to recovery).
I've installed tons of custom roms over the years and am generally quite knowledgeable when it comes to android, but I'm stuck on this issue (and I'm starting to wonder if my eMMC is faulty or something).
The good news is that I can get into APX mode and use nvflash
I've downloaded both the .24 and .27 firmware updates from asus and tried to to a reflash using wheelie and I keep getting the same error (I've tried this via windows and linux)
My formats and downloads go through successfully each time but then I get these errors:
failed executing command 25 NvError 0x120002
command failure: sync failed (bad data)
bootloader status: Bct Write Failed (code: 22) message: nverror:0x40005 (0x14000
5) flags: 0
I've been googling them all morning with no luck and any help would be greatly appreciated
Here's the full output from reflash:
C:\Users\panderson\Desktop\wheelie>blobunpack.exe blob
Header size: 60
4 partitions starting at offset 0x3C
Blob version: 65536
Partition 0
Name: EBT
Offset: 124 (0x7C)
Size: 1454712 (0x163278)
Writing file blob.EBT (1454712 bytes)
Partition 1
Name: SOS
Offset: 1454836 (0x1632F4)
Size: 4284416 (0x416000)
Writing file blob.SOS (4284416 bytes)
Partition 2
Name: LNX
Offset: 5739252 (0x5792F4)
Size: 4151296 (0x3F5800)
Writing file blob.LNX (4151296 bytes)
Partition 3
Name: APP
Offset: 9890548 (0x96EAF4)
Size: 536870912 (0x20000000)
Writing file blob.APP (536870912 bytes)
C:\Users\panderson\Desktop\wheelie>cd C:\Users\panderson\Desktop\wheelie\
C:\Users\panderson\Desktop\wheelie>"wheelie.exe" -2 --bct transformer.bct --bl
bootloader.bin --odm 0x300d8011
Wheelie 0.1 - Preflight for nvflash.
Copyright (c) 2011-2012 androidroot.mobi
Using SBK type 2.
Using bootloader: 'bootloader.bin'.
Using BCT: 'transformer.bct'.
[=] Chip UID: 0x252308533528241111
[=] RCM Version: 0x20001
[=] CPU Model: Tegra 2
[=] Secure Boot Key Set: Yes
[+] Sending BCT
Sending file: 100 %
[+] Sending ODMData 0x300D8011
[+] Sending bootloader...
Sending file: 100 %
[!] Done - your device should now be ready for nvflash
C:\Users\panderson\Desktop\wheelie>"nvflash.exe" -r --bct transformer.bct --setb
ct --configfile flash.cfg --create --odmdata 0x300d8011 --sync
Nvflash started
[resume mode]
setting device: 2 3
creating partition: BCT
creating partition: PT
creating partition: EBT
creating partition: SOS
creating partition: LNX
creating partition: BAK
creating partition: GP1
creating partition: APP
creating partition: CAC
creating partition: MSC
creating partition: USP
creating partition: PER
creating partition: YTU
creating partition: UDA
creating partition: GPT
Formatting partition 2 BCT please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 3 PT please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 4 EBT please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 5 SOS please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 6 LNX please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 7 BAK please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 8 GP1 please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 9 APP please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 10 CAC please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 11 MSC please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 12 USP please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 13 PER please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 14 YTU please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 15 UDA please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 16 GPT please wait.. done!
sending file: blob.EBT
| 1454712/1454712 bytes sent
blob.EBT sent successfully
sending file: blob.SOS
\ 4284416/4284416 bytes sent
blob.SOS sent successfully
sending file: blob.LNX
/ 4151296/4151296 bytes sent
blob.LNX sent successfully
sending file: blob.APP
/ 536870912/536870912 bytes sent
blob.APP sent successfully
failed executing command 25 NvError 0x120002
command failure: sync failed (bad data)
bootloader status: Bct Write Failed (code: 22) message: nverror:0x40005 (0x14000
5) flags: 0
C:\Users\panderson\Desktop\wheelie>"nvflash.exe" -r --go
Nvflash started
[resume mode]
command failure: go failed
(bad command)
bootloader status: unknown operation (code: 1) message: flags: 0

Encryption Unsucsessful - E:unable to mount /data - nothing works

Sorry for my bad English
A few weeks ago i installed TWRP and flashed the eos4 JB4,2 rom
I created 3 User on Android and it worked fine with no problems.
After 2 weeks i used the keyboard-Dock and now it boots with
"Encryption Unsucsessful"
I used the wipe Button on recovery boot - no sucsess
Then I went into Recovery Menu and used Factory Reset - no sucsess
I reflashed the eos4 - rom - failure "E:unable to mount /data"
I read in different Forums and used different ways (Easy Flasher,Peri-Tool,Wheelie,NVFlash...)
to unbrick the Transformer but nothing works for me.
(E:unable to mount /data)
I can connected to the TF101(SBK1) under win8 and Ubuntu 12.10 in adb and apx Mode
and can use the sytem and sdcard folder to push or pull files to or from the TF101.
Is there any way to swap the internalSD to externalSD (vold.fstab) and flash a rom that can access it
or knows someone another way to fix my Problem?
What errors did NvFlash return and what files did you use?
Thing O Doom said:
What errors did NvFlash return and what files did you use?
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Thank you for answer
I used so many different ways on windows and linux, i am not sure which software i used at first,
but i start from scratch.
use Ubuntu 12.10
- udev.rules created for user
Sorry cant post complete Links (min.10 posts)
- download wheelie - androidroot.mobi/download/wheelie.tar.bz2
- download recovery twrp - techerrata.com/file/twrp2/tf101/openrecovery-twrp-
- download recovery cwm - download2.clockworkmod.com/recoveries/recovery-clockwork-
- open terminal:# sudo ./blobunpack recovery-clockwork-
Header size: 60
1 partitions starting at offset 0x3C
Blob version: 65536
Partition 0
Name: SOS
Offset: 76 (0x4C)
Size: 4628480 (0x46A000)
Writing file recovery-clockwork- (4628480 bytes)
- same with trwp
- tablet in bootmode (power and vol + for 10sec.)
- terminal:# sudo ./nvflash -r --download 5 recovery-clockwork-
Nvflash started
[resume mode]
(hang - 60min. - restart)
- tablet in bootmode (power and vol + for 10sec.)
- terminal:# sudo ./nvflash -r --download 5 openrecovery-twrp-
Nvflash started
[resume mode]
(hang - 120min. restart)
-download WW_epad-user- from asus.de/Eee/Eee_Pad/Eee_Pad_Transformer_TF101/#download
-unzip the file and copy the blob to the wheelie-folder
-use blobunpack and open a terminal
-terminal:# sudo ./reflash_sbkv1.sh
Wheelie 0.1 - Preflight for nvflash.
Copyright (c) 2011-2012 androidroot.mobi
Using SBK type 1.
Using bootloader: 'bootloader.bin'.
Using BCT: 'transformer.bct'.
[=] Chip UID: 0x33c208443603097
[=] RCM Version: 0x20001
[=] CPU Model: Tegra 2
[=] Secure Boot Key Set: Yes
[+] Sending BCT
Sending file: 100 %
[+] Sending ODMData 0x300D8011
[+] Sending bootloader...
Sending file: 100 %
[!] Done - your device should now be ready for nvflash
Nvflash started
[resume mode]
setting device: 2 3
creating partition: BCT
creating partition: PT
creating partition: EBT
creating partition: SOS
creating partition: LNX
creating partition: BAK
creating partition: GP1
creating partition: APP
creating partition: CAC
creating partition: MSC
creating partition: USP
creating partition: PER
creating partition: YTU
creating partition: UDA
creating partition: GPT
Formatting partition 2 BCT please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 3 PT please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 4 EBT please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 5 SOS please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 6 LNX please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 7 BAK please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 8 GP1 please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 9 APP please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 10 CAC please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 11 MSC please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 12 USP please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 13 PER please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 14 YTU please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 15 UDA please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 16 GPT please wait.. done!
sending file: blob.EBT
| 1454712/1454712 bytes sent
blob.EBT sent successfully
sending file: blob.SOS
\ 4284416/4284416 bytes sent
blob.SOS sent successfully
sending file: blob.LNX
/ 4151296/4151296 bytes sent
blob.LNX sent successfully
sending file: blob.APP
/ 536870912/536870912 bytes sent
blob.APP sent successfully
failed executing command 25 NvError 0x120002
command failure: sync failed (bad data)
bootloader status: Bct Write Failed (code: 22) message: nverror:0x40005 (0x140005) flags: 0
Nvflash started
[resume mode]
command failure: go failed
(bad command)
bootloader status: unknown operation (code: 1) message: flags: 0
Use these files: http://xdafileserver.nl/index.php?dir=Asus/Asus+Transformer+(TF101)/STOCK+ROMS/ICS+.27
Wheelie from androidroot.mobi
Unzip first link, then overwrite with wheelie.zip files. Run reflash_sbkv1.bat
See what that does.
Thing O Doom said:
Use these files: xdafileserver.nl/index.php?dir=Asus%2FAsus+Transformer+%28TF101%29%2FSTOCK+ROMS%2FICS+.27
Wheelie from androidroot.mobi
Unzip first link, then overwrite with wheelie.zip files. Run reflash_sbkv1.bat
See what that does.
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Ok, i download and unzip the file in a new folder.
Then i copy all files from wheelie to the new folder and run "sudo ./reflash_sbkv1.sh"
Result:Wheelie 0.1 - Preflight for nvflash.
Copyright (c) 2011-2012 androidroot.mobi
Using SBK type 1.
Using bootloader: 'bootloader.bin'.
Using BCT: 'transformer.bct'.
[=] Chip UID: 0x33c208443603097
[=] RCM Version: 0x20001
[=] CPU Model: Tegra 2
[=] Secure Boot Key Set: Yes
[+] Sending BCT
Sending file: 100 %
[+] Sending ODMData 0x300D8011
[+] Sending bootloader...
Sending file: 100 %
[!] Done - your device should now be ready for nvflash
Nvflash started
[resume mode]
setting device: 2 3
creating partition: BCT
creating partition: PT
creating partition: EBT
creating partition: SOS
creating partition: LNX
creating partition: BAK
creating partition: GP1
creating partition: APP
creating partition: CAC
creating partition: MSC
creating partition: USP
creating partition: PER
creating partition: YTU
creating partition: UDA
creating partition: GPT
Formatting partition 2 BCT please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 3 PT please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 4 EBT please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 5 SOS please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 6 LNX please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 7 BAK please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 8 GP1 please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 9 APP please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 10 CAC please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 11 MSC please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 12 USP please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 13 PER please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 14 YTU please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 15 UDA please wait.. done!
Formatting partition 16 GPT please wait.. done!
sending file: blob.EBT
| 1454712/1454712 bytes sent
blob.EBT sent successfully
sending file: blob.SOS
\ 4284416/4284416 bytes sent
blob.SOS sent successfully
sending file: blob.LNX
/ 4151296/4151296 bytes sent
blob.LNX sent successfully
sending file: blob.APP
/ 536870912/536870912 bytes sent
blob.APP sent successfully
failed executing command 25 NvError 0x120002
command failure: sync failed (bad data)
bootloader status: Bct Write Failed (code: 22) message: nverror:0x40005 (0x140005) flags: 0
Nvflash started
[resume mode]
command failure: go failed
(bad command)
bootloader status: unknown operation (code: 1) message: flags: 0
That error looks like it's with NvFlash, if possible can you try running the .bat in Widoze?
If not I don't think it's going to take anything you send at it, can you try just writing the Blob.SOS and Blob.EBT partitions, then try booting into the recovery, if that works you can pick up the TWRP or Rouge or whatever recovery blob file and rename to Blob.SOS , giving you back recovery that might work.
This is a very strange issue.
Thing O Doom said:
That error looks like it's with NvFlash, if possible can you try running the .bat in Widoze?
If not I don't think it's going to take anything you send at it, can you try just writing the Blob.SOS and Blob.EBT partitions, then try booting into the recovery, if that works you can pick up the TWRP or Rouge or whatever recovery blob file and rename to Blob.SOS , giving you back recovery that might work.
This is a very strange issue.
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I reactivated my old PC with Windows XP and install the Software and Driver
Then I start "cmd" with admin rights and execute download.bat
h.exe" --bct transformer.bct --setbct --configfile flash.cfg --create --bl blob.
EBT --odmdata 0x300d8011 --sbk 0x1682CCD8 0x8A1A43EA 0xA532EEB6 0xECFE1D98 --go
Nvflash started
rcm version 0X20001
System Information:
chip name: t20
chip id: 0x20 major: 1 minor: 3
chip sku: 0x8
chip uid: 0x033c208443603097
macrovision: disabled
hdcp: enabled
sbk burned: true
dk burned: true
boot device: emmc
operating mode: 4
device config strap: 2
device config fuse: 0
sdram config strap: 0
sending file: transformer.bct
- 4080/4080 bytes sent
transformer.bct sent successfully
odm data: 0x300d8011
downloading bootloader -- load address: 0x108000 entry point: 0x108000
sending file: blob.EBT
| 1454712/1454712 bytes sent
blob.EBT sent successfully
waiting for bootloader to initialize
bootloader downloaded successfully
setting device: 2 3
creating partition: BCT
creating partition: PT
creating partition: EBT
creating partition: SOS
creating partition: LNX
creating partition: BAK
creating partition: GP1
creating partition: APP
creating partition: CAC
creating partition: MSC
creating partition: USP
creating partition: PER
creating partition: YTU
creating partition: UDA
creating partition: GPT
Formatting partition 2 BCT please wait.. FAILED!
command failure: create failed (bad data)
bootloader status: partition table is required for this command (code: 8) messag
e: nverror:0x2 (0x2) flags: 0
-r --download 5 openrecovery-twrp-
Nvflash started
[resume mode]
failed executing command 14 NvError 0x120002
command failure: partition download failed (bad command)
bootloader status: unknown operation (code: 1) message: flags: 0
-r --getpartitiontable partition_table.txt
Nvflash started
[resume mode]
I dont know what "partition 2 BCT" is ?
Is the Partitionstable completely damaged ?
and if its broken, is there a way to manually create new partitions?
same problem.
[+] Sending ODMData 0x300D8011
[+] Sending bootloader...
Sending file: 100 %, but here my device hang ... -> this line not comming -> [!] Done - your device should now be ready for nvflash
what now? try with unix system or a hardfailure emmc problem?
only apx mode running, not adb possible or start recovery ...
I'm starting to think that the eMMC is bad/Faulty chip. Which would mean a hardware problem and almost nothing you can do.. :[:[
Is RMA an option or not at all?
I'm essentially out of Software related ideas tbh, and you've been wonderful about doing things right :/
Anyone else have any ideas?
EDIT: May want to do this just in case --
Lethe6 said:
The usual... uninstall and delete the drivers, reinstall the recommended one (the universal naked drivers), and try again. Do this even if everything appears ok, there still may be corruption of some sort, like chkdsk messing up a driver file or moving it, etc.
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I had an issue like that but it turned out to be a faulty cord. Not saying that's your issue but it is a possibility.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
Thing O Doom said:
I'm starting to think that the eMMC is bad/Faulty chip. Which would mean a hardware problem and almost nothing you can do.. :[:[
Is RMA an option or not at all?
I'm essentially out of Software related ideas tbh, and you've been wonderful about doing things right :/
Anyone else have any ideas?
EDIT: May want to do this just in case --
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Thank you for your help :highfive: but RMA is no option for me.
Either I find a way to install a rom and boot from the external SD card or I must take the tablet out of operation, the repertory is too expensive ...
Some time ago I read a post of Prime Transformer where the vold.fstab file was modified, and the system ran on the sd card
but I dont find the Post currently
I will post my next steps further and if you should still have an idea what I could do, I'm grateful for any tip
The thing about that is you would need to modify the bootflags to get it to do boot from the sd card, and I'm not sure you can do that with your tab in it's current state :c
Thing O Doom said:
The thing about that is you would need to modify the bootflags to get it to do boot from the sd card, and I'm not sure you can do that with your tab in it's current state :c
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Can you specify how can I do that?
Meanwhile I started the Tablet in TWRP Recovery and use adb with folowing commands
C:\android\adb>adb shell
~ # ←[6ncat /proc/partitions
cat /proc/partitions
major minor #blocks name
179 0 30203904 mmcblk0
179 1 524288 mmcblk0p1
179 2 542208 mmcblk0p2
179 3 2048 mmcblk0p3
179 4 542208 mmcblk0p4
179 5 5120 mmcblk0p5
179 6 512 mmcblk0p6
179 7 28563968 mmcblk0p7
259 0 5120 mmcblk0p8
259 1 8192 mmcblk0p9
~ # ←[6nfdisk /dev/block/mmcblk0
fdisk /dev/block/mmcblk0
Device contains neither a valid DOS partition table, nor Sun, SGI, OSF or GPT di
Building a new DOS disklabel. Changes will remain in memory only,
until you decide to write them. After that the previous content
won't be recoverable.
The number of cylinders for this disk is set to 943872.
There is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024,
and could in certain setups cause problems with:
1) software that runs at boot time (e.g., old versions of LILO)
2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs
Command (m for help): ←[6nparted /dev/block/mmcblk0
parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
Disk /dev/block/mmcblk0: 30.9 GB, 30928797696 bytes
4 heads, 16 sectors/track, 943872 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 64 * 512 = 32768 bytes
~ # ←[6nfdisk -l -u /dev/block/mmcblk0
fdisk -l -u /dev/block/mmcblk0
Disk /dev/block/mmcblk0: 30.9 GB, 30928797696 bytes
4 heads, 16 sectors/track, 943872 cylinders, total 60407808 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Disk /dev/block/mmcblk0 doesn't contain a valid partition table ???
C:\android\adb>adb shell
~ # ←[6nmount
rootfs on / type rootfs (rw)
tmpfs on /dev type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,relatime,mode=755)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,relatime,mode=600)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,relatime)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,relatime)
/dev/block/mmcblk0p2 on /cache type ext4 (rw,nodev,noatime,nodiratime,barrier=1,
/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 on /system type ext4 (rw,relatime,barrier=1,data=ordered)

[Q] Problem flashing Elocity A7

Wanted to post this in the elocity section but not taking new threads. I have an elocity A7 (not plus). had it for a few years, always worked great, used
sparingly. from day one had it flashed to dexter's 1.41 rom. never had a problem. it has been sitting for a while
and I decided to break it out. charged it up and booted. nothing but force close errors. nothing really works.
tried to reflash with dexter and also with original rom. both go through the motions but after it reboots it's
exactly the same, no changes made. have gone into privacy menu and did a factory reset. same thing, goes through
the motions but after it reboots it's exactly the same. tried to uninstall programs using app manager. they
apprear to be gone but after a reboot they magically re-appear!! tried to use file manager to delete and same
thing. it's like it write protected or something. I used the elocty "restore from PC" batch file/imager and here
is what I get:
C:\Users\Snake\Documents\A7-restore-from-pc\A7 restore from PC\nvflash_windows_2
.2\image>..\nvflash.exe --bct flash.bct --setbct --configfile android_froyo_fas
tboot_emmc.cfg --create --odmdata 0xC0075 --bl bootloader.bin --go
Nvflash started
rcm version 0X20001
System Information:
chip name: t20
chip id: 0x20 major: 1 minor: 3
chip sku: 0x8
chip uid: 0x02804145445fa517
macrovision: disabled
hdcp: enabled
sbk burned: false
dk burned: false
boot device: emmc
operating mode: 3
device config strap: 0
device config fuse: 0
sdram config strap: 0
sending file: flash.bct
- 4080/4080 bytes sent
flash.bct sent successfully
odm data: 0xc0075
downloading bootloader -- load address: 0x108000 entry point: 0x108000
sending file: bootloader.bin
| 937544/937544 bytes sent
bootloader.bin sent successfully
waiting for bootloader to initialize
bootloader downloaded successfully
setting device: 2 3
creating partition: BCT
creating partition: PT
creating partition: EBT
creating partition: NVC
creating partition: SOS
creating partition: LNX
creating partition: MBR
creating partition: APP
creating partition: CAC
creating partition: MSC
creating partition: ER1
creating partition: UDA
creating partition: ER2
creating partition: SDC
Formatting partition 2 BCT please wait.. FAILED!
command failure: create failed (bad data)
bootloader status: partition table is required for this command (code: 8) messag
e: nverror:0x2 (0x2) flags: 0
so I'm guessing that the "failed" part is the main problem, lol. anyone have ideas? I want get this going in a
big way. My thought after seeing that was the flash ram had gone bad, but it was literally just sitting unused...I
don't see how it could have gone bad from sitting. if it does have bad sectors say, is there any utility like they
have fro hard drives that can map those areas? looking for serious help here from real experts, I think I have
gone though all the basics. Help MUCH appreciated. Thanks in advance

Bricked g2x help

I got a bricked phone from my friends and this is the error i'm getting when trying to nvflash, I think maybe the internal sd might be broken but if any of you have a suggestion it would be much appreciated.
C:\Users\Alex\Desktop\G2X_V21E_00_NVFlash>.\nvflash.exe --bct E1108_Hynix_512MB_
H8TBR00U0MLR-0DM_300MHz_final_emmc_x8.bct --setbct --odmdata 0xC8000 --configfil
e android_fastboot_emmc_full.cfg --create --bl fastboot.bin --go
Nvflash started
rcm version 0X20001
System Information:
chip name: unknown
chip id: 0x20 major: 1 minor: 3
chip sku: 0xf
chip uid: 0x0428100441c062d7
macrovision: disabled
hdcp: enabled
sbk burned: false
dk burned: false
boot device: emmc
operating mode: 3
device config strap: 0
device config fuse: 17
sdram config strap: 0
sending file: E1108_Hynix_512MB_H8TBR00U0MLR-0DM_300MHz_final_emmc_x8.bct
- 4080/4080 bytes sent
E1108_Hynix_512MB_H8TBR00U0MLR-0DM_300MHz_final_emmc_x8.bct sent successfully
odm data: 0xc8000
downloading bootloader -- load address: 0x108000 entry point: 0x108000
sending file: fastboot.bin
\ 888548/888548 bytes sent
fastboot.bin sent successfully
waiting for bootloader to initialize
bootloader downloaded successfully
setting device: 2 3
creating partition: BCT
creating partition: PT
creating partition: EBT
creating partition: SOS
creating partition: MBR
creating partition: APP
creating partition: CAC
creating partition: MSC
creating partition: EB1
creating partition: LNX
creating partition: EB2
creating partition: DRM
creating partition: EB3
creating partition: UDA
creating partition: EB4
creating partition: UDB
failed executing command 12 NvError 0x120002
command failure: create failed (bad data)
bootloader status: fatal failure to read / write to mass storage (code: 9) messa
ge: nverror:0x42008 (0x19042008) flags: 0
Press any key to continue . . .
Can the phone boot into recovery?
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
Pain-N-Panic said:
Can the phone boot into recovery?
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
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not at all it just boots into APX mode.
Check out the PDF I posted in this thread. I think I've given this to you before but under different circumstances. Let me know if it gets you anywhere
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium

[Kindle Fire HD 7] 3rd Gen (2013) SOHO - Bring it back alive with emmc adapter flash

I need some help. At the moment I am connected with the eMMC flash of my SOHO 3rd GEN tablet.
I used the exploitee.rs emmc adapter.
The problem:
-The tablet want not booting anymore. Stuck fw was on it (no idea wich fw).
-I try to bring it back with a fastboot cable but something burned on the mainboard (If you had a 3rd gen device and a microscope pls help)
What I want to try:
-I want to reflash the bootloader (are there two on this device???) and the recovery with my emmc adapter to be able to flash the stock fw again. I want to give him just manually 3.7V with a power adapter, at the battery connector.
The problem now:
I really dont know how to extract the right img-files from the stock-bin file. There are some different img files: (md5 sum at begining)
f82a8c5518a76b96b95dc0448b772d81 /media/galliumos/MULTIBOOT/Amazon_Kindle_Fire_HD_3rd_gen_SOHO/images/boot.img
a5224737ba83a65d40e3049ba6d71582 /media/galliumos/MULTIBOOT/Amazon_Kindle_Fire_HD_3rd_gen_SOHO/images/boot-prod.img
4e6181ea47c7868c2104147dc0b2fce6 /media/galliumos/MULTIBOOT/Amazon_Kindle_Fire_HD_3rd_gen_SOHO/images/u-boot.bin
38cfffa45008955f2887f7998dbd1c4e /media/galliumos/MULTIBOOT/Amazon_Kindle_Fire_HD_3rd_gen_SOHO/images/u-boot-prod.bin
aa4b135a185e5486656893f4c7101271 /media/galliumos/MULTIBOOT/Amazon_Kindle_Fire_HD_3rd_gen_SOHO/recovery_images/recovery-eng.img
5cba5636109eec7c7e5faa35104d65c0 /media/galliumos/MULTIBOOT/Amazon_Kindle_Fire_HD_3rd_gen_SOHO/recovery_images/recovery-prod.img
Here is recovery from the old system:
7e781998261c22852f6bae53e02335c6 /media/galliumos/MULTIBOOT/Amazon_Kindle_Fire_HD_3rd_gen_SOHO/recovery.img
I really think the bootloader was broken and that was the reason why the device was still black.
So I really would like to flash with
sudo dd if=/sdcard/bin-extract-stock/images/the-right.img of=/dev/sda2
the needed partitions. Like when I let the device making an update.
Can you help me to get the 100% right image files for the right partitions.
Here are some informations about the current partitions:
Disk /dev/sda: 14.6 GiB, 15634268160 bytes, 30535680 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: gpt
Disk identifier: F9F21FFF-A8D4-5F0E-9746-594869AEC34E
Device Start End Sectors Size Type
/dev/sda1 256 511 256 128K Microsoft basic data
/dev/sda2 512 1023 512 256K Microsoft basic data
/dev/sda3 1024 1151 128 64K Microsoft basic data
/dev/sda4 1152 1183 32 16K Microsoft basic data
/dev/sda5 1184 1187 4 2K Microsoft basic data
/dev/sda6 2048 34815 32768 16M Microsoft basic data
/dev/sda7 34816 51199 16384 8M Microsoft basic data
/dev/sda8 51200 67583 16384 8M Microsoft basic data
/dev/sda9 67584 2623487 2555904 1.2G Microsoft basic data
/dev/sda10 2623488 4466687 1843200 900M Microsoft basic data
/dev/sda11 4466688 30535679 26068992 12.4G Microsoft basic data
Command (? for help): ?
b back up GPT data to a file
c change a partition's name
d delete a partition
i show detailed information on a partition
l list known partition types
n add a new partition
o create a new empty GUID partition table (GPT)
p print the partition table
q quit without saving changes
r recovery and transformation options (experts only)
s sort partitions
t change a partition's type code
v verify disk
w write table to disk and exit
x extra functionality (experts only)
? print this menu
Command (? for help): i
Partition number (1-11): 1
Partition GUID code: EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7 (Microsoft basic data)
Partition unique GUID: F9F21F00-A8D4-5F0E-9746-594869AEC34E
First sector: 256 (at 128.0 KiB)
Last sector: 511 (at 255.5 KiB)
Partition size: 256 sectors (128.0 KiB)
Attribute flags: 0000000000000000
Partition name: 'xloader'
Command (? for help): i
Partition number (1-11): 2
Partition GUID code: EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7 (Microsoft basic data)
Partition unique GUID: F9F21F01-A8D4-5F0E-9746-594869AEC34E
First sector: 512 (at 256.0 KiB)
Last sector: 1023 (at 511.5 KiB)
Partition size: 512 sectors (256.0 KiB)
Attribute flags: 0000000000000000
Partition name: 'bootloader'
Command (? for help): i
Partition number (1-11): 3
Partition GUID code: EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7 (Microsoft basic data)
Partition unique GUID: F9F21F02-A8D4-5F0E-9746-594869AEC34E
First sector: 1024 (at 512.0 KiB)
Last sector: 1151 (at 575.5 KiB)
Partition size: 128 sectors (64.0 KiB)
Attribute flags: 0000000000000000
Partition name: 'idme'
Command (? for help): i4
Partition number (1-11): 4
Partition GUID code: EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7 (Microsoft basic data)
Partition unique GUID: F9F21F03-A8D4-5F0E-9746-594869AEC34E
First sector: 1152 (at 576.0 KiB)
Last sector: 1183 (at 591.5 KiB)
Partition size: 32 sectors (16.0 KiB)
Attribute flags: 0000000000000000
Partition name: 'crypto'
Command (? for help): i
Partition number (1-11): 5
Partition GUID code: EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7 (Microsoft basic data)
Partition unique GUID: F9F21F04-A8D4-5F0E-9746-594869AEC34E
First sector: 1184 (at 592.0 KiB)
Last sector: 1187 (at 593.5 KiB)
Partition size: 4 sectors (2.0 KiB)
Attribute flags: 0000000000000000
Partition name: 'misc'
Command (? for help): i
Partition number (1-11): 6
Partition GUID code: EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7 (Microsoft basic data)
Partition unique GUID: F9F21F05-A8D4-5F0E-9746-594869AEC34E
First sector: 2048 (at 1024.0 KiB)
Last sector: 34815 (at 17.0 MiB)
Partition size: 32768 sectors (16.0 MiB)
Attribute flags: 0000000000000000
Partition name: 'efs'
Command (? for help): i
Partition number (1-11): 7
Partition GUID code: EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7 (Microsoft basic data)
Partition unique GUID: F9F21F06-A8D4-5F0E-9746-594869AEC34E
First sector: 34816 (at 17.0 MiB)
Last sector: 51199 (at 25.0 MiB)
Partition size: 16384 sectors (8.0 MiB)
Attribute flags: 0000000000000000
Partition name: 'recovery'
Command (? for help): i
Partition number (1-11): 8
Partition GUID code: EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7 (Microsoft basic data)
Partition unique GUID: F9F21F07-A8D4-5F0E-9746-594869AEC34E
First sector: 51200 (at 25.0 MiB)
Last sector: 67583 (at 33.0 MiB)
Partition size: 16384 sectors (8.0 MiB)
Attribute flags: 0000000000000000
Partition name: 'boot'
Command (? for help): i
Partition number (1-11): 9
Partition GUID code: EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7 (Microsoft basic data)
Partition unique GUID: F9F21F08-A8D4-5F0E-9746-594869AEC34E
First sector: 67584 (at 33.0 MiB)
Last sector: 2623487 (at 1.3 GiB)
Partition size: 2555904 sectors (1.2 GiB)
Attribute flags: 0000000000000000
Partition name: 'system'
Command (? for help): i
Partition number (1-11): 10
Partition GUID code: EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7 (Microsoft basic data)
Partition unique GUID: F9F21F09-A8D4-5F0E-9746-594869AEC34E
First sector: 2623488 (at 1.3 GiB)
Last sector: 4466687 (at 2.1 GiB)
Partition size: 1843200 sectors (900.0 MiB)
Attribute flags: 0000000000000000
Partition name: 'cache'
Command (? for help): i
Partition number (1-11): 11
Partition GUID code: EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7 (Microsoft basic data)
Partition unique GUID: F9F21F0A-A8D4-5F0E-9746-594869AEC34E
First sector: 4466688 (at 2.1 GiB)
Last sector: 30535679 (at 14.6 GiB)
Partition size: 26068992 sectors (12.4 GiB)
Attribute flags: 0000000000000000
Partition name: 'userdata'
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Greetings by I_did_it_just_tmrrow
overlode said:
Edit - SUCCESS!!! It seems I may have had one wire touching another so I tidied up the soldering and the eMMC was recognised straight away
I have successfully accessed the Soho eMMC and can see all partitions as in the attached image!!!
Now if only I could find the commands to backup the entire eMMC...
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overlode said:
Ok, files uploaded -
Bootloader - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwMwdZJ36fBoVTNRVmNjX2FmZTQ/edit?usp=sharing
eMMC Dump - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwMwdZJ36fBoNTQyUENvbmVGY1E/edit?usp=sharing
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I found this post here.
So now I had a 100% bootloader partition and my recovery partition.
What is about 'xloader' partition name?
And the partition 8: "boot". It that "u-boot.bin" from my source?
Pls, I need some answers.
Greetings by Idijt
its been awhile since i got mine revived! soo all this is like something new to me! howeveer ill provide what little that i have
abatoir said:
its been awhile since i got mine revived! soo all this is like something new to me! howeveer ill provide what little that i have
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Did you still own your device? Can dump your partitions with dd?
Greetings by Idijt
No I don't own it anymore. But mine was an 8gb version, seems like yours is a 15gb version or something like that. I do have photos of my complete partitions.
Sent from my Redmi Note 2 using XDA Free mobile app
---------- Post added at 05:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:48 AM ----------
this is my partiton table after succesfully uploading to emmc
Hello, I'm soho everything is normal, but then teardown accidentally short after the motherboard usb boot don't boot, but the computer have a reaction, but did not show for help how to solve the screen is black, from youdao translation
Hope this helps...
I did something similar. I was using a cheap cable so I swapped them out. I got a LG cable and plugged it in, well it borked my tablet. Black Screen, I took cable apart and found a resistor soldered to a pin! Tested it and it was sending odd pulses, whatever it broke mine. Here is a list of what I backed up before testing.
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root vboxusers 35002 Sep 3 17:35 KF3_p1-xloader.rar
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root vboxusers 262144 Sep 3 17:27 KF3_p2-BootLoader-Orig.img
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root vboxusers 65536 Sep 3 17:35 KF3_p3-idme.img
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root vboxusers 16384 Sep 3 17:35 KF3_p4-crypto.img
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root vboxusers 2048 Sep 3 17:35 KF3_p5-misc.img
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root vboxusers 16777216 Sep 3 17:35 KF3_p6-efs.img
I assume you need to dd a original image to xloader &or bootloader.
I can only get mine in usb boot mode, which shows as omap4470 windows and Linux as:
Bus 002 Device 005: ID 0451:d012 Texas Instruments, Inc. I suspect I may need to mod & recompile the usbboot source. I think its hardcoded for 4430 or 4460.
*Your Method is even more promising.
I will upload the files if you need them. All except idme & efs as it contains my serials, etc. I *assume* those 2 files will work as they are stock and should have signatures intact.
Would You Post a Pic of the rs device connected to your Kindle?
I would love to find the serial and JTAG pinouts...?
any try this and did can repier of this problem
can you help me please
unimatrix725 said:
I did something similar. I was using a cheap cable so I swapped them out. I got a LG cable and plugged it in, well it borked my tablet. Black Screen, I took cable apart and found a resistor soldered to a pin! Tested it and it was sending odd pulses, whatever it broke mine. Here is a list of what I backed up before testing.
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root vboxusers 35002 Sep 3 17:35 KF3_p1-xloader.rar
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root vboxusers 262144 Sep 3 17:27 KF3_p2-BootLoader-Orig.img
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root vboxusers 65536 Sep 3 17:35 KF3_p3-idme.img
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root vboxusers 16384 Sep 3 17:35 KF3_p4-crypto.img
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root vboxusers 2048 Sep 3 17:35 KF3_p5-misc.img
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root vboxusers 16777216 Sep 3 17:35 KF3_p6-efs.img
I assume you need to dd a original image to xloader &or bootloader.
I can only get mine in usb boot mode, which shows as omap4470 windows and Linux as:
Bus 002 Device 005: ID 0451:d012 Texas Instruments, Inc. I suspect I may need to mod & recompile the usbboot source. I think its hardcoded for 4430 or 4460.
*Your Method is even more promising.
I will upload the files if you need them. All except idme & efs as it contains my serials, etc. I *assume* those 2 files will work as they are stock and should have signatures intact.
Would You Post a Pic of the rs device connected to your Kindle?
I would love to find the serial and JTAG pinouts...?
View attachment 3866692
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can you help me please
Nit an expert, mine is still bricked sitting on shelf.
arikurdi said:
can you help me please
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I would suggest reading from first post. I don't know allot about the kindle. I spent many hours reading the threads to try and fix mine. I would suggest googling for an identification guide, since kindles are hard to tell apart. To make sure you are in the correct place. The second thing when needing help is to provide a detailed description of your problem. You increase chances of more than one person helping.
kindle fire soho
unimatrix725 said:
I would suggest reading from first post. I don't know allot about the kindle. I spent many hours reading the threads to try and fix mine. I would suggest googling for an identification guide, since kindles are hard to tell apart. To make sure you are in the correct place. The second thing when needing help is to provide a detailed description of your problem. You increase chances of more than one person helping.
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my problem is my kindel fire soho is just read on pc omap4470 and idont know how to make short
and install driver on linux ihave linux but idont how is work iflashed wrong bootloader file
Hi, I also have Kindle Fire HD 7 Soho (2013). I was attempting to unlock the bootloader and install TWRP, following this thread:
I was able to get into fastboot mode, then proceeded to flash boot with the hijack image, but in the next line, where the system partition is flashed with a system image, I mistakenly flashed system image to the boot partition. I then did continue, before I realized my mistake. It doesn't boot anymore, but I believe the card reader emmc access would be able to get me back in business again.
I've read this thread, and the thread for the HD 7 2012 Tate emmc, I don't see anything pointing to the connections for the card reader to the 2013 soho motherboard. If there is something that has been posted, could someone put a link in this thread? I think it will be very helpful for those of us that want to try that method to unbrick our Kindles (2013, 3rd generation). Thank you.
EDIT: After more reading, I came across a thread which shows the points to connect an sd card reader to the motherboard of a Kindle Fire HD 7 Soho (2013, 3rd gen) in order to access the emmc of the kindle, it will show up as a usb drive when the card reader is connected to the usb port.
Here is another related link, it shows the connections using the pins of a micro-sdcard adapter, you should read the entire article because it mentions a 50k-ohm pull up resistor that is required between pins 2 & 4. This was used on a Kindle Fire HD 7 Tate (2012)
I am waiting on a fastboot cable first, and it should arrive soon. If I can't get into fastboot mode with the new cable, then I will try the card reader method.
@crackitopen any news?
I found a pin decription for the SOHO and I got a image.
Currently I had still the broken SOHO-8GB from the first post. But I got a second SOHO-16GB version. I could imagine that the bootloader ist the same but I am not sure how to read it and flash it in the right way. Could anybody help with that?
Greetings by Idijt
I_did_it_just_tmrrow said:
@crackitopen any news?
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Hi Sorry for the late reply, but yes - I waited for the fastboot cable to arrive, and when it did, I was able to get into fastboot mode, so I had only to reflash those 2 partitions. I was very careful this time around, and I was successful in updating the Soho to CyanogenMod 12 unofficial Soho, Android 5.0.2 as described in that other post that I referenced.
crackitopen said:
Hi Sorry for the late reply, but yes - I waited for the fastboot cable to arrive, and when it did, I was able to get into fastboot mode, so I had only to reflash those 2 partitions. I was very careful this time around, and I was successful in updating the Soho to CyanogenMod 12 unofficial Soho, Android 5.0.2 as described in that other post that I referenced.
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Did you have some tipps for me?
I own 2 SOHO devices and grab from the first one the following partitions:
soho:/ # df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
tmpfs 470440 480 469960 1% /dev
tmpfs 470440 0 470440 0% /mnt
/dev/block/mmcblk0p10 1251544 707172 544372 57% /system
/dev/block/mmcblk0p12 5316696 2888156 2428540 55% /data
/dev/block/mmcblk0p11 907096 15708 891388 2% /cache
/dev/fuse 5316696 2888156 2428540 55% /mnt/runtime/default/emulated
/dev/fuse 5316696 2888156 2428540 55% /mnt/runtime/read/emulated
/dev/fuse 5316696 2888156 2428540 55% /mnt/runtime/write/emulated
soho:/ # ls -la /dev/block/platform/omap_hsmmc.1/by-name
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 280 2017-10-22 01:35 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 380 2017-10-22 01:35 ..
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 2017-10-22 01:35 boot -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p8
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 2017-10-22 01:35 bootloader -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 2017-10-22 01:35 cache -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p11
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 2017-10-22 01:35 crypto -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p4
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 2017-10-22 01:35 efs -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p6
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 2017-10-22 01:35 exploit -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p9
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 2017-10-22 01:35 idme -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p3
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 2017-10-22 01:35 misc -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p5
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 2017-10-22 01:35 recovery -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p7
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 2017-10-22 01:35 system -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p10
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 2017-10-22 01:35 xloader -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p1
The following partition was to big ofr internal memory:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 2017-10-22 01:35 userdata -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p12
What would I like to do next:
I wanna solder my gtv-Hacker emmc adapter to my SOHO mainboard to fix it. Then I would like to flash "bootloader -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p2" & "recovery -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p7" & "exploit -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p9".
Commands to flash the 3 partitions?
Greetings by Idijt
Jesus christ you fixed it? You are a god to me OP.
Galaxyninja66 said:
Jesus christ you fixed it? You are a god to me OP.
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If you mean me, no I dont fix it yet. I was on the right way but then my noob-Linux knowledge or any other reason seems to destroy the one mainboard. I had SOHO mainboard, one with hardware error and one with software-Brick error.
But I think you have another kindle, I had 2 SOHO boards and you seems to have a TATE:
>KFHD 7 2012 (tate) - CyanogenMod 13 (Considering an SFOS port)
Greetings by Idijt
I_did_it_just_tmrrow said:
If you mean me, no I dont fix it yet. I was on the right way but then my noob-Linux knowledge or any other reason seems to destroy the one mainboard. I had SOHO mainboard, one with hardware error and one with software-Brick error.
But I think you have another kindle, I had 2 SOHO boards and you seems to have a TATE:
>KFHD 7 2012 (tate) - CyanogenMod 13 (Considering an SFOS port)
Greetings by Idijt
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I know we have different kindles, but raising a messed up board from the dead is an accomplishment no less
On a side note, and SFOS port might not be possible due to the nature of the Kindle fire bootloader. Each build just goes straight to fastboot which is un heard of on any other device.
Just wanted to say thank you to @overlode and @unimatrix725. Thanks to you I was able to bring my hard bricked Fire HD 3rd gen (soho) back to the land of living. I've made a mistake of flashing a wrong bootloader.
After a bit of googling I came across a thread on xda where @overlode shared an immensely helpful photo with eMMC pins mapped out - you rock! Using this mapping I was able to solder an usb sdcard reader to the eMMC and access it from gparted. Then I've found this thread where @unimatrix725 shared his original bootloader.img which I then subsequently flashed to my device. Now my Fire HD is happy again - thank you!
Glad you were able to sort it @pfoltyn, I haven't looked at this for a couple of years and have since moved on to other projects but glad it's still helping people

