[Q] Idea for hacking 64GB storage to an Android phone - Android Software/Hacking General [Developers Only]

Hi Guys.
What I was thinking is blooming genius, but I need an Android and electricial engineer to look over it to se if the theory is sound.
What I want to ask is could android support a JBOD array through it's Microsd (theorectically)?
My plan is basically to get a PhotoFast GM-5500 (see below) and use it's array and controllers as a base remove the casing and USB port and then either:
1 - Create a microsd interface so that it plugs into the current microsd sd slot
2 - solder it onto the micro USB pins to it's always connected.
Anyone interested in the practically of this, I was thinking of doing it to a Desire and then getting the back cover for a battery extender (see below) to create the space to house the array.

Mostly impossible because the OS, and the processor doesent know how to understand memory larger then 32Gb.

I've seen that the Samsung Galaxy Tab comes in a 64GB flavor with additional 32gb MicroSD slot. Is it just honeycomb that can support it or are you saying its a physical limitation imposed by the SOC?

In windows, or on Linux - what limites the HW expansions?
If you have a HD movie like 6Gb and you want it to be on a FAT16 partition it's imposlible. So if you have an 64Gb of RAM on a PC do you use it all??
It's about 0 and 1

I'm not sure what point you are trying to make...
Firstly, I'm talking about Android as this is the Android hacking forum.
Secondly I never mentioned HD files, this is irrelavent to my quesiton.
Thirdly, I didn't talk about file systems, however I will now, I was thinking 90% FAT32 ( Easily supported) and the rest EXT3 for system and apps.
Fourthly, I never mentioned RAM, I'm on about Storage.
I've tried to find a tear down of a 64GB Galaxy tab to see if they are using an SSD or flash memory ( i know they're mostly the same).
The galaxy proves it's possible to store more, I'm just wondering how the devil they did it and can it be replicated on the cheap?

Ok, m8 how will you tell the mother board, and the processor to alocate that extra storage, and how to write partition on it? It's not the OS itself, it's the whole thing.
Dont you think that Android development didn't think of that? To lets say put a small SSHD (solid state hard disk) to Android performance with dual core processors, and stuff
If tou think of extra lagre OS - then take a PC and run a Linux distro or a Windows.
For that mater buy an new Azbox STB with Android on it

This is what i was wondering, if it's only honeycomb that's able to do it then updating will soon be possible .
If we say theoretically we have Honeycomb on it, and the cards are partitioned correctly ( using gParted before being installed in the phone).
I know it's not possible to start swapping major components out of the phone.
I'm thinking of an SD array as it's already got the firmware to address SD, an SSD would require some serious OS tweaks.
I think we're getting a bit off topic of my original question, which was would/could Android support JBoD array?

Ok - there is no difference is there an 64Gb, 160Gb of an external storage - is it an SD, or an SSD, or a floppy. The point is that OS+CPU+MB of any now available phone is able to understand addressing 0-es and 1-es to extra storage.
It's like with old PC mother boards with old BIOS-es, HDD then couldn't be reckognised if larger then 30Gb.

So are you saying its possible?
Lets simplify it a bit, will android support a JBOD (Just a bunch of Disks) array?
Yes or no.
Forget the size of the storage, is really irrelavant to what I'm asking.

From simple to complicated.
Android OS - Yes (rewriten to match CPU and MB)
Android Hardware - NO
Android completly new level of development - Yes.

Any ideas if this is possible?
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App


Can someone please explain the SD Card issue to me....

What exactly is the problem? Im thinking of getting the focus and I keep hearing these SD card issues but what "exactly" is the problem? I understand that once you put it in, your SD card is done, and that if you want to remove it you have to wipe everything, I understand all that, but what are the problems that arise? I have a 16gb micro sd that I have used on all my devices no problem, do files get corrupted or something? Does it just not read it?
There aren't any problems in that sense. The only real "problem" is that not all MicroSD cards work with WP7. In addition, hot-swapping isn't supported, because in effect, the MicroSD's memory is added to the internal memory, and the system then doesn't differentiate between storing on the sd card and that that's built into the phone, and thus stuff is spread all over all of them.
There aren't any "problems" as such that I know of though.
On an ending note - WP7 is awesome ^__^ Honestly the best user experience I've ever had with a phone (esp. having come from Android >.<) ^__^
loading a microSD card will turn it into a secure card. once this happens no other device will even read it (except a nokia n8) making it extremely difficult to format if it doesn't work nicely with windows phone 7. That is the main issue. rest already mentioned.
GenkaiMade gave his version which is correct but I thought I would explain it my way.
Take your average memory card and device. What are some of the default expectations you have when using one?
1) You should be able to get any MicroSD card on the market and be able to put it into your phone with it working.
2) You should be able to remove the memory card from the device and put it in a different device (such as another phone or PC) and have it still work like normally.
The problem with Windows Phone 7 is that it breaks these two rules.
1) Many of the higher rated MicroSD card flat-out don't work on WP7. This is because of the method WP7 uses to read/write to memory card. You can find more specific details on why this is but I will just keep it simple. There are many user-created lists which list which MicroSD cards do work with WP7.
2) You can NOT hot-swap your memory card once it is inserted into phone. Why? SD stands for Secure Digital which means there is a security aspect capable on the card. Microsoft takes advantage of this in WP7. Once you put your new card in your phone automatically reformats and locks it down. If you then take out the card and place it in another phone or a PC it will not be recognized, almost as if it is invisible. And the worst part, there is nothing* you can do about it. Once you pair a memory card and WP7 phone they are joined for life.
Why does this suck? If you buy a 8GB card now you simply can't upgrade to a 16/32Gb one down the road without losing all of your data and having a useless MicroSD card. The old card would become a better Frisbee than data storage device. This is why most WP7 phones don't let the users have access to the memory card. Microsoft knew this would happen and thus pushed manufacturers to not have the card easily accessible. There is even much talk that the memory card in the Samsung Focus was meant to be glued to the phone to prevent swapping but somewhere along the line that idea was scrapped.
* Note: Technically there is ONE thing you can do. If you own or have access to a Nokia N8 phone it can read the locked down MicroSD card and reformat to something any device can recognize. Essentially undo the problem. But how many people have easy access to one? The answer, almost nobody.
Quicksilver4648 said:
GenkaiMade gave his version which is correct but I thought I would explain it my way.
Take your average memory card and device. What are some of the default expectations you have when using one?
1) You should be able to get any MicroSD card on the market and be able to put it into your phone with it working.
2) You should be able to remove the memory card from the device and put it in a different device (such as another phone or PC) and have it still work like normally.
The problem with Windows Phone 7 is that it breaks these two rules.1) Many of the higher rated MicroSD card flat-out don't work on WP7. This is because of the method WP7 uses to read/write to memory card. You can find more specific details on why this is but I will just keep it simple. There are many user-created lists which list which MicroSD cards do work with WP7.
2) You can NOT hot-swap your memory card once it is inserted into phone. Why? SD stands for Secure Digital which means there is a security aspect capable on the card. Microsoft takes advantage of this in WP7. Once you put your new card in your phone automatically reformats and locks it down. If you then take out the card and place it in another phone or a PC it will not be recognized, almost as if it is invisible. And the worst part, there is nothing* you can do about it. Once you pair a memory card and WP7 phone they are joined for life.
Why does this suck? If you buy a 8GB card now you simply can't upgrade to a 16/32Gb one down the road without losing all of your data and having a useless MicroSD card. The old card would become a better Frisbee than data storage device. This is why most WP7 phones don't let the users have access to the memory card. Microsoft knew this would happen and thus pushed manufacturers to not have the card easily accessible. There is even much talk that the memory card in the Samsung Focus was meant to be glued to the phone to prevent swapping but somewhere along the line that idea was scrapped.
* Note: Technically there is ONE thing you can do. If you own or have access to a Nokia N8 phone it can read the locked down MicroSD card and reformat to something any device can recognize. Essentially undo the problem. But how many people have easy access to one? The answer, almost nobody.
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You're wrong. It has nothing to do with what you said. Lol @ breaking rules. They aren't breaking anything...
SD Card DRM is in the spec, it is only given to people who license it. That's what WP7 uses. It's locks down the storage system with a DRM key and that's why other devices (barring Nokias) can't see it - most SD Card clients don't support SD Card DRM.
Nokia (Symbian, and maybe Maemo, but I'm unsure on that) is the only other mobile OS that supports it, and that's why it can reformat the card (but cannot read any data on it, of course, since it doesn't have the decryption key). When you power on the phone, the WP7 pre-boot environment unlocks the card via a key on the device the same way you unlock an encrypted system drive on a PC. If a device cannot supply this key, they cannot mount the card.
If you swap the card, you have to hard reset the device because the storage is spanned and the decryption key on the device no longer corresponds to the SD card in the device (but due to spanned storage the device would malfunction even if it were to boot up). The new card is encrypted and added to the pool on a hard reset, and the [new] key is put on the device so that it can be mounted when the device is powered on.
It's pretty damn simple, and has been written in plain English in many threads; yet people still FAIL to understand it.
Have you ever thought there must be a reason why they call them SECURE Digital Cards? Or did you think Secure = taking it out one device and just plugging it into the other and taking the data off of it?
The Storage in WP7 was never meant to be swappable. Microsoft has always said it would not be. It's your own business if you want to play around swapping cards like Russian Roulette.
As far as which work with WP7. It requires higher Random I/O speeds than most SD Cards provide, and that doesn't correspond to Class Type. Also, a card can work fine for sometimes weeks at a time and then start to fail, so replacing it yourself is at your own risk.
And most manufacturers and carriers will void you warranty if you mess with the SD Card.
In that respect using memory cards is nonsense on WP7.
If you cannot do what you want with this, what was a rule and still is a rule on the market today,
they should just build devices with inbuilt memory like iPhone and don't talk about memory cards anymore. That would be simple.
Current situation is a mess.
So what cards are compatible now? I Googled it and the first response was 'San Disk Pulls WP7 compatible memory cards' and I figured that wasn't a good sign.
williammel said:
So what cards are compatible now? I Googled it and the first response was 'San Disk Pulls WP7 compatible memory cards' and I figured that wasn't a good sign.
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they only pulled it because MS wants to do official testing and release an official list.
refer to this webpage for more info: http://mobilitydigest.com/the-sd-cards-that-dodont-work-with-windows-phone/
Here it is in KB form from Microsoft:
N8ter said:
You're wrong. It has nothing to do with what you said. Lol @ breaking rules. They aren't breaking anything...
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It was a figure of speech. I know Microsoft didn't break any real "rules". This is what I posted:
Quicksilver4648 said:
What are some of the default expectations you have when using one?
The problem with Windows Phone 7 is that it breaks these two rules.
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When I said "rules" I implied "expectations". Microsoft did nothing wrong, outside of communicating with the end users, with how WP7 manages MicroSD cards.
And I clearly know why certain MicroSD cards will or wont work. I just didn't feel like explaining it because it would take a lot of time.
It's time to start expecting people to use these technologies in a secure manner.
The media industry does not support platforms that leave them open to be attacked by software pirates.
Information is power, and no one likes their info stolen.
There are many reasons.
iOS phones encrypt their storate. And the reason why they don't support external storage cards is probably the same reason why Microsoft uses the SD-DRM and encrypts the WP7 storage.
I don't know how Symbian handles its storage, but I'm pretty sure that OS at least supports Encrypting the file system on SD cards. It supports pretty much everything ele.
Right, let me give my own perspective on this.
Until recently I was a WM6 user. I regularly upgraded my phone, and the last one was an HD2. WM phones never came with any real amount of storage, just a piffling amount of internal memory (what, 500MB?). I was therefore faced with the added cost and hassle of having to purchase a memory card and insert it into the phone. This was a bit like buying a PC without a hard disk and having to buy and install your own. It was an added hassle and expense.
Once you had your SD card inserted, you were then faced with the decision of where to store the data for each of your apps. Take email - do you store all your emails and attachments on the internal memory, thus using up a good chunk of that precious resource, but having it work quickly, or do you store it all on the SD card, where there's a lot more room but it's slow and clunky, and if anyone steals your phone they can pop the card out and get at the data? When you install apps, you're again given the choice of where to install it. Do you go for the speed of internal storage? Do you put it on the SD card, knowing if you ever pop out the card, your app will be unavailable? Decisions, decisions.... Too much damned complexity. The average user shouldn't be faced with these choices, if I install an app, it should just go on the phone wherever, period.
Not only that, once my card was in there, I never once removed it. The majority of my apps were on it, my emails, and all my media. I totally filled it with media. Popping out that card would more or less break my phone. My apps wouldn't work, my emails would be missing......so I never did. Nor did I ever use it as a mass storage drive....because there was never any free space on it. Instead I had a 32GB USB memory key hanging from my keychain - that was my portable mass storage solution.
Not only this, if I wanted to put media onto the card, I had to connect to the PC and drag and drop my stuff directly onto the phone. What a hassle! Doing this didn't optimize the size of the photos for the phone's screen. It didn't drop the bitrate of my mp3s, it didn't convert videos to the right size and format. All that had to be done manually, and I never bothered, so my media took up a lot more room than it had to. So inefficient.
So, given that I never removed the card, and that doing so would hose my phone, and that it was always full, so never got used as mass storage, and that it was insecure, and an added expense and hassle, and putting media on the card was a manual process, what would I have done in a next generation phone to cure all these issues?
Well, I would have made sure the phone came with plenty of onboard memory, and I would have removed the distinction between internal memory and the "card" so it was all one storage container. I would have secured the memory so even if it could be removed, the data couldn't be read in another device. I would have made sure the memory was fast enough to deal properly with a modern OS. I would automate the process of converting and downsizing media by using software on the PC to automatically perform those tasks. I'd also make the process wireless and fully automatic. I'd.......oh wait, that's what Microsoft already did in WP7.
So I'm happy, even if you lot ain't.
I just got 2 Focus's for the Wife and I. Using the SD card sticky in the Focus forum here as a general help, I purchased a PNY 8Gb C4 for the Wifes, and a Patriot 16Gb C2 for mine (Frys, and the Patroit was the last one in the store from the Display! No one buys C2 anymore).
The back overlay on both devices mentions memory cards, and quick startup quide shows you how to install them and what happens if you remove them.
I put the Cards in last night (phones just arrived yesterday), formatted (hold the Power/Camera/Vol Down at the same time, answer questions) and in a few seconds each system was formated. Both are working fine right now.
Right now though doesn't mean much, many in the SD thread are having issues after several weeks, though it seems it more prevalent with the 32Gb cards. YMMV...
What I find goofy about the whole thing is that it has been stated that 7 needs random read/write, which is not measured by class rating, and can vary even within the same type of card, but very few people have posted numbers showing that they tested their cards at all before gleefully sacrificing them to the hungry maw of the Focus. Seriously guys, do more testing and post more numbers before rendering your cards unreadable to a PC. It'll help us all to better understand what works and what doesn't.
This bites.. I always knew that the card inside the wp7 was secured, but I always had faith in the power of this forum. Especially in recovery situations. Now I have lost a lot of irreplaceable data, like dozens of pictures of my young child. It seems I had a little too much faith.
Thank you for this information. it was very helpful. I have already moved away from Windows phones to android, and am going to start using nandroid. Hopefully this won't happen again.

Biggest problems forseen with Honeycomb conversion?

To all the Devs:
What do you all think will be your biggest hurdle to overcome with the advent of the Honeycomb ROM? I tend to think the two gnarliest parts will be the video and the accelerometer.
Just curious as I'd like to try dipping my feet into the ROM cooking waters and was wondering what y'all most have the problems with.
Not a dev, but:
Storage management may be a biggie. Honeycomb apparently changed from fixed allocations to dynamic storage management. Motorola is trying get Android to create a mod for them and their Xoom so the microsd works. Question may be is the space treated as a total of the storage or its own logical location? If the former, the card will not be able to be removed, since part of the storage total system (some data and media will be on the card, some on internal, but no based on location).
rushless said:
Not a dev, but:
Storage management may be a biggie. Honeycomb apparently changed from fixed allocations to dynamic storage management. Motorola is trying get Android to create a mod for them and their Xoom so the microsd works. Question may be is the space treated as a total of the storage or its own logical location? If the former, the card will not be able to be removed, since part of the storage total system (some data and media will be on the card, some on internal, but no based on location).
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Now I somewhat understand why iDevices haven't had a SDCard slot and why WP7 devices have non-removable SDCards.
Why exactly is it so difficult to have dynamic storage management, alongside a SDCard with it's own logical location? Would that maybe create issues for each specific vendor or make it so Honeycomb would have to be more tailored for different configurations of devices?
Is it that much different from say, Windows 7 or Linux being on a drive, able to use as much space as possible on that drive but allowing for usb storage and sd card storage on drives of their own?

[Q] S-OFF on p3110 possible?

I am not sure if this post is placed right. If not I hope that Moderator can move it to the right place...
I have just rooted my Galaxy Tab 2 7" (P3110 - Android 4.0.4) as I wanted to be able to use my external memory card for apps and not for music, films and photos only. I must say that I got a little bit dissapointed when I failed to get link2sd to work and started to google for som epossible solutions.
The most reasonable one I could come up with us that my tab2 have S-ON?
Is it possible to see it that's the case?
If so that it has S-ON, is there any way to make it S-OFF?
I am kind of new to Android and don't really know what to look for or if it's even possible on the p3110 to use the external memory card for apps. The interlan memory of 8gb, shared with the system, is kind of low (only 4gb left) and I can't even install apps like TomTom, various games etc on a clean system with the amout of memory I have available.
I have Googled and didn't find much of info regarding S-ON/OFF on the Galaxy Tab 2.
S-Off/S-On is only on HTC devices and not applicable to Samsung devices. As for using external memory for app storage rather than internal, you would need a changed kernel to swap them, or a start-up script that will switch where the two devices are mounted.
imnuts said:
S-Off/S-On is only on HTC devices and not applicable to Samsung devices. As for using external memory for app storage rather than internal, you would need a changed kernel to swap them, or a start-up script that will switch where the two devices are mounted.
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Ok. That explains why I couldn't find any help by googeling.
So one need either a kernel that swaps the mem card or a start-up script...? I will search for those options, unless you already know where to find suiteful info regarding this?
Is this also the only way to get link2sd to work with the p3110? ...maybe I am asking too much now but I recently bought my first Android device since an old phone with some 2.x version where I could move to mem card as I wanted, rooted it and really don't know where to go from here
a0rta said:
I am not sure if this post is placed right. If not I hope that Moderator can move it to the right place...
I have just rooted my Galaxy Tab 2 7" (P3110 - Android 4.0.4) as I wanted to be able to use my external memory card for apps and not for music, films and photos only. I must say that I got a little bit dissapointed when I failed to get link2sd to work and started to google for som epossible solutions.
The most reasonable one I could come up with us that my tab2 have S-ON?
Is it possible to see it that's the case?
If so that it has S-ON, is there any way to make it S-OFF?
I am kind of new to Android and don't really know what to look for or if it's even possible on the p3110 to use the external memory card for apps. The interlan memory of 8gb, shared with the system, is kind of low (only 4gb left) and I can't even install apps like TomTom, various games etc on a clean system with the amout of memory I have available.
I have Googled and didn't find much of info regarding S-ON/OFF on the Galaxy Tab 2.
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this seems to be exactly what you're looking for but I don't know how to actually do it. Configuring permissions is not something I know to do. Would be great if someone comes up with app to do this.
p-3113 Swap ExternalSDCard 2 Internal

[Q] About swap space, this device and cyanogenmod

This may be a general question for all android devices or not but I was curious about adding swap space to this device. It has 1 gig of ram and many may consider that to be enough, and it might be. I have cyanogenmod 10.2 installed and tried to enable zram, 10% seems to be the best setting as anthing higher caused a game to pop up a notice saying something about low memory and defaulting to lower values. When I checked to see if zram was used however it turns out it was, about 25mb - 34mb after booting. The issue with zram is when multitasking with lecturenotes and moonreader, The tablet would reboot and my notebook that was open in lecturenotes would be missing notes I took or the settings would be greatly messed up, or both. This was with 10%.
I am thinking since it was used, it might be helpful to have an sd card for this reason, to aid in multitasking. This is important to me because I run several apps at once (I wish cyanogenmod had multi windows, and google wouldn't threaten over it). So the question is will there be a benifit to buying an sd card on ebay (class 10 of course) and using it as swap space. It seems this tablet might be on the cusp of the memory being enough. Also I am thinking this might help to future proof it a bit when updating to newer releases of gyanogenmod. The sd card I was thinking of is 4 gigs and may plan on having 1gb swap space (this tablet is for school and other work). The tablet has 32gb storage and that is more than enough for me (I am only using 3gb of space) so I wont need to add anymore storage.
I should also add that when multitasking without zram enabled, the tablet reboots less but still has done it, and so far nothing has been lost in my notebooks. I am thinking that the memory of 1gb is starting to reach its limit, with no apps running I am consuming about 600mbs of it.
vanquishedangel said:
This may be a general question for all android devices or not but I was curious about adding swap space to this device. It has 1 gig of ram and many may consider that to be enough, and it might be. I have cyanogenmod 10.2 installed and tried to enable zram, 10% seems to be the best setting as anthing higher caused a game to pop up a notice saying something about low memory and defaulting to lower values. When I checked to see if zram was used however it turns out it was, about 25mb - 34mb after booting. The issue with zram is when multitasking with lecturenotes and moonreader, The tablet would reboot and my notebook that was open in lecturenotes would be missing notes I took or the settings would be greatly messed up, or both. This was with 10%.
I am thinking since it was used, it might be helpful to have an sd card for this reason, to aid in multitasking. This is important to me because I run several apps at once (I wish cyanogenmod had multi windows, and google wouldn't threaten over it). So the question is will there be a benifit to buying an sd card on ebay (class 10 of course) and using it as swap space. It seems this tablet might be on the cusp of the memory being enough. Also I am thinking this might help to future proof it a bit when updating to newer releases of gyanogenmod. The sd card I was thinking of is 4 gigs and may plan on having 1gb swap space (this tablet is for school and other work). The tablet has 32gb storage and that is more than enough for me (I am only using 3gb of space) so I wont need to add anymore storage.
I should also add that when multitasking without zram enabled, the tablet reboots less but still has done it, and so far nothing has been lost in my notebooks. I am thinking that the memory of 1gb is starting to reach its limit, with no apps running I am consuming about 600mbs of it.
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Well in my own personal testing i could not see any benefit while extracting 700mb archives under android with 4gb swap space on a 40mbs microsd card, while under full linux desktop with a same workload, swap differently helps keep the system smooth under heavy io load. The conclusion i drew was the android platform deals to memory management differently than the typical desktop os, due to slower emmc chips used as a boot disk for the majority of android devices using this slow, already bottlenecked memory as swap space doesn't make sense (not to mention the use of 2gb swap space on a limited 16gb storage etc), so android runs almost completely in ram, with stricter memory management and allocation allows android to run fine without swap space, although because of this, androids memory management makes little uses of available swap space
JoinTheRealms said:
Well in my own personal testing i could not see any benefit while extracting 700mb archives under android with 4gb swap space on a 40mbs microsd card, while under full linux desktop with a same workload, swap differently helps keep the system smooth under heavy io load.
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I've been running my desktop without swap for the last 10 years, and as long as you have enough RAM for all your running programs, there will be no problem at all.
Extracting an archive is a mostly sequential operation (single read stream, single write stream), so it also doesn't benefit from caching, which could use the memory that is freed by swapping.
_that said:
I've been running my desktop without swap for the last 10 years, and as long as you have enough RAM for all your running programs, there will be no problem at all.
Extracting an archive is a mostly sequential operation (single read stream, single write stream), so it also doesn't benefit from caching, which could use the memory that is freed by swapping.
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Ahh that makes sense. I wasnt sure if swap had an effect directly on the extraction, but seem keeped the rest system more stable/ smooth duing the process in the case of GNU/Linux, with swap off similar operations such as installing packages would more oftern lock the tablet up. Might be a placebo though
I also dont set swap on my Linux desktop, as it has plenty of ram but the benitfit of swap space is somewhat more noticable due to the lack of ram on the tf700.
JoinTheRealms said:
I also dont set swap on my Linux desktop, as it has plenty of ram but the benitfit of swap space is somewhat more noticable due to the lack of ram on the tf700.
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I just want to share my user experiences on the swap space... It does seem to improve the tf700 with swap space due to the lack of RAM (1GB)..
Thanks for all the useful posts
Thanks for all the posts, I have my sd card on the way. I will post my experience when I get my sd card but I am sure it is safe to say there will be a benefit. I use linux to at home and have 8 gigs of ram on that computer, I lessen the swap after install to about 512mb because 8 gigs is more then enough. I leave some however just incase of any issues like ram going bad. On another computer in the house that has limited ram (1.5 gigs) I have enabled zram (384 mb) and added two old flash cards (1 gig each) to a pci raid card and those were converted to swap. I then altered the fstab to reflect the order of priority I wanted them used in. The reason is that when the swap is used from the hard drive, and the hard drive is being written to, can cause a slow down. So with the 2 flash cards at 1 gig each (the swap seen as 2 gigs) it seemed to speed it up. I just posted that because of the nix users and it seemed like a good plan to run it that way.
Ok, got the sd card
So I recieved the sd card today and applied the swap space to it using root swapper (max setting is 256mb, I figured i can find a way to increase it later if I need to). The defaut location in many of the swap applications will not work on this device however, the sd card mounts at /storage/sdcard1 in my case. So it has to be entered manually (might just be cyanogenmod). Also the device was picky when insalling the card, it would only say blank sd card or cannot read filesystem. I had to install the card in the dock, format it from cwm recovery, (vfat if I remember correct, ext2 and ntfs had issues, avoided ext3 and ext4 cause journaling will cause more wear and tear).
The sd card is a scandisk ultra sdhc uhs-1 8 gigs. From my research that is the fastest this tab can handle. I also use optimising programs like greenify (epic save everything app), pimp my rom (almost every tweak applied), and some pretty efficient tweaks in the settings as well. I also have HALO))) installed and working (epic multiwindow app that works with native programs and almost any rom).
The resuts:
I tested it many ways, I rebooted to see use (none was used because swap starts after boot), I opened apps normally (browsers and things), and it showed 9kb's was used. I then put it to the tests, I open four windows in halo, these were youtube, moonreader pro with a pdf ebook, lecturenotes (awsome note and handwriting app with tons of functions), and Supernote pro (not the best note app). Constantly switched between the apps and messed with settings with them open. The max of swap used was around 10mb(keeping in mind that when I switch windows the app(s) I leave get paused making it hard to tell actual usage because I had to swith the terminal and type "free". I then ran antutu bechmark and gpubench (my tab stills score pretty well) and got a little higher swap usage but not much.
As for the feel of it, it seemed to help when opening many windows in halo, this is the primary reason for my doing this. As for other more normal uses I really didnt see too much of a difference, I did test games however and they did seem a little better (could be placebo) but I am not really sure why they would except android cached other apps to free memory. Reopening apps seemed faster. Also because of apps like greenify my memory usage is decreased so I am sure typically swap would have seen more use.
The conclusion is that at this point I really didn't notice much of a boost for any normal use, but I will definately keep the swap space on due to the boost when using halo and not to mention that I will be updating to android 4.4 soon and it might need more memory. Swap at this point seems more like a pre emptive strike, but it does help with multitasking.
about swap
://androidforums.com/boost-mobile-warp-all-things-root/610449-ram-swapping-without-swapper2.html I actually followed a guide on android central and redid the swap file to 1 gig to swap instead of using a program, this worked better. (add http in front), when i disabled swap it was noticeable that there was a boost. then reenabled it this method.

[Q] Why does no Mod Rom or Custom ROM allow official ext4 external?

Dear All,
I have a simple question to open a discussion here. We all know that modern android phones are having the ability to understand ext4 (and if my research is right - the internal storage in most Android 4.x phones is formatted in ext4). Why is dev or mod build like Cyanogenmod or even a OEM like Xiaomi which develops MIUI not removing emulated sdcard functionality (optionally) and instead allow users choose to reformat their actual sd to ext4 when inserted (and mark that as internal SD - to allow standard App2sd)? Thereby enabling secure app + media storage a reality? And in the same way as Internal Storage, I think we can use MTP to read the external storage (ext4) when connected to PCs.
Furthermore, we can have a setting to warn the users about this compatibility change (that once they take up/choose this method)- they will not be able to read cards in normal way when connected directly via card reader to Windows PCs because of no direct ext4 support in Windows.
Additionally, can't we at least have this as an advanced or developer only setting, if we want novice users to not mess with the functionality?
Do you all agree? Or am I having a over-simplified understanding of making such a change?
Lastly, given an option, I would definitely choose such a change at the cost of compatibility rather than paying tons of extra money for higher internal flash storage
Nobody wants to answer this? We have so many experts here - I am really surprised to see no replies

