[App] Tasker | The Deep-Sleep-Detective | V13 | Root || - Android Apps and Games

Profile Aim
Tasker will use a number of triggers to detect, log, monitor and report when your device has been in a deep-sleep state, and more importantly; when it hasn’t. The profiles identify both potential and actual deep-sleep-behaviour, providing statistics and real-time alerts should your device fail to enter deep-sleep in the absence of any common preventing factors. The alerts will enable you to identify the troublesome processes and applications that love to kill your battery.
Pushing Tasker to its Limits?
Composing this after just uploading V13, I can confidently say that I'm pretty sure I've now pushed Tasker to its limits when it comes to using its functionality and to build as close as I believe you can get to a fully fledged application:
* Installation tasks to inject binary and set permissions
* Tasks dynamically compose and execute shell scripts
* Automated and ad hoc error logging
* 'Self-checking' error loops
* Tasker/shell generated reporting
* Media and interactive notifications
* 28 intertwining tasks totalling 500+ actions triggered by 11 contexts
Finding out when your device has entered deep-sleep, is rather like asking someone to drop you a quick text as soon as they’ve died. As impossible as that sounds, you can of course always get them to let you know they aren’t dead; establish they are doing something else so currently can’t be dead; or discover they are indeed still alive and therefore conclude they weren’t dead in the first place…
I’ll stop talking in riddles and start where I started, which is when your device has the potential to enter deep-sleep:
* When the display is off
Yes, I know that was a pretty obvious one to start with, but if we just record potential deep-sleep-time as ‘screen off time’ we will be left with major inaccuracies such as:
* Media Playing
* During Call
And more importantly:
* Device charging
Those example factors already start to narrow down the times of when your device enters the zone of deep-sleep-potential (DSP).
We can retrospectively establish the amount of time the device has spent in deep-sleep, by looking at the file:
Next to each available scaling frequency is the amount of time in milliseconds the device has spent at that frequency since last boot. This is my example file:
245760 319834
384000 4651
576000 3736
768000 2271
998400 6983
1113600 24953
The up-time of the device, less the sum of the individual frequency times, provides us with the amount of time that the CPU was not active = Total-Deep-Sleep-Time. We can compare this proportionally to the up-time and simply report deep-sleep as a percentage of the current usage (since last boot).
That is all well and good, but if the percentage is very low, it immediately suggests poor device performance and that may not be a true reflection. To make this figure more accurate (and perhaps less alarming) we first need to establish the DSP your device had and base our statistics on that.
Dealing with the obvious first, we know that DSP occurs only when the screen is off and ends when it turns back on. At the point the display goes off, we can take a log of the current up-time and compare it to the total time in frequency state. Subtracting one from the other gives us a constant we can refer to.
If the device does not enter deep-sleep prior to the screen turning back on, then performing the same calculations at the display on trigger should provide the same constant.
Any difference between the display off/on constants will notify us not only that the device has been in deep-sleep, but also for how long. This information can be immediately relayed and/or totalled up to be used against DSP times to build a more accurate, real-time and ongoing reflection of your device’s deep-sleep-behaviour (DSB).
Already starting to narrow down DSP times, and we can further exclude the events that were listed above (such as charging) from our DSP calculations.
Profiles and Tasks
I think I may have permanently damaged my brain making these profiles work, report and intertwine correctly… I have many further plans which I’ll list below – albeit theoretically….
Unlike my other Tasker posts, I’m not going to make this a tutorial (*group sigh?*), as in brief terms (which does not reflect the extent of my hair-loss), it keeps checking the time-in-state files against constants whilst making sure no DSP excluding factors or events are active. It performs a sh*t load of comparable percentages, converting a lot of milliseconds to hours and minutes to make it user-friendly for you. Yes, that was my hint to you to hit the thanks meter
Honestly, the thought of writing this one out in detail makes me feel bored, so I doubt it would make very exciting reading… The logic in the profiles is there to follow of course and I’ll be happy to answer any of your questions, but for once this really is just a ‘plug and go’ – there’s nothing for you to edit, other than perhaps choosing to align triggers with your existing set-up.
Future Development
It's my understanding that power management and wakelock debugging can only be implemented when Android is compiled and therefore we have no specific "I'm about to fall asleep, quick take a log" trigger to work with (I'd love you to tell me otherwise) for analysis, so as the profiles develop, more deep-sleep preventative 'events', such as receiving an SMS will be included in order to build a greater picture of what is happening before and after deep-sleep.
The ultimate goal would be to gather comparison logs to flag up the likely suspects for the device not entering deep-sleep in the first place or waking up from it too often. You can almost see the UI notification now:
YouPorn Mobile and has been killing your battery - uninstall it by clicking here
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That may be a few versions away, but we've all got to have a dream... and preferably one that involves every noob with battery issues downloading my application for a dollar from the market
What? You didn't think I was doing this all for the love of the community did you?!

Simple Preparation
Before importing the profiles and tasks:
* Make sure you are running the latest version of Tasker 1.2u2
* Install the Glossy Silver HD icons apk (Open any existing task, click on the icon selection button - Download More Icons)
* Backup your profile data and tasks and a recent nandroid never does any harm.
* Ensure Tasker has 'Accessibility' and 'Administrator' permission on your device.
Installing instructions are in post #3
I've added in an ad-hoc task from V3, so you can check the statistics at any time. Easiest way to launch it is via an icon from your homescreen using a Tasker 'run task' widget, available in the widget options on your launcher. DSDAdhoc should be triggered first, which in turn will trigger further tasks and information will appear on your display.
Trigger Information
The profiles currently use the following triggers:
* Display On
* Display Off
* In Call
* Call End
* USB Plugged Power
* Device Boot
* Device Shut-down
* Media
Depending on your current set up, you may already have most of these contexts, so assuming you wish to keep the profiles installed, you may wish to use Perform Task actions as opposed to doubling them up. You must make sure these profiles run with a higher priority than your others to avoid the loops catching one another...
Files and Logs
The Deep Sleep Detective writes files to your SDCard:
DeepSleepDetective.txt is triggered when your device has not been in DS for more than 80% of DSP. It provides a list of your running applications, historic wakelocks, statistics and active wakelocks at the point the display was turned off - The information provided will become more specific and user friendly as the version go on.
DSD-BootLog.txt is triggered when the device boots up. It writes DSD statistics taken prior to the last shut-down.
A DSD directory is set-up that contains relevant files. There is also a back-up folder where previous Detective Reports will be stored so they are not overwritten.
I'll add more to the above when I get time
waydownsouth - HUGELY MASSIVE Terminal & Script help
nobnut - HUGELY MASSIVE amount of testing
Pulser_g2 - Solving my toolbox woes

Change Log
* Direct execute shell commands via Tasker (no longer use locale plugin)
* Changed logic for end call to prevent 'display off data stolen' errors
* Removed incorrect %DSCOFF variable clear in TIS tasks
* Corrected the DSDAdhocTIS upload
* Cleared errorlog.txt to avoid file failures
* Included toolbox generic tests in error log
* Populated XDA Username in error log and ReadMe
* Included busybox version in error log
* Let DisplayOff handle %NOCOUNT clearing
* Calculated time_in_state using shell (too many frequencies on recent devices)
* Included IF/ELSE logic in certain tasks
* Added failsafe for missing time_in_state files
* Set permissions using busybox to avoid permission to set permissions error!!
* Corrected binary PS request
* Increased data collected in error logging (nothing personal of course).
* Tried my best to make notification click work correctly...
* Collected DSP data when incoming call wakes from sleep and display goes off.
* Included Tasker version number in error log - credit [URL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/member.php?u=2440628"]fubaya[/URL]
* Replaced all Test File actions
* Improved logic in almost every task
* Lots of other things I can't remember...
* Uploaded [B]DSDAhocTIS [/B] in the V11 .zip file instead of [B]DSDAhTIS[/B] :mad:
Credit - [URL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/member.php?u=2824949"]1337GamingNinja[/URL]
Please got to [URL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=16089263&postcount=760"]this post[/URL] for the additional [B]DSDAhTIS[/B] download to the V11 .zip below
* Inserted IF to deal with %CPUDSD being set to 'EOF' in DSDADhoc & DSDDO
* Inserted 'variable add' in DSDNotify to deal with %DSCOFF being set to zero on first display off'
* Included uptime output in error log
* Included %DSDDO & %CPUDSD in error log
* Added %UTEOF, %TISW & %UTW variables and loops to diagnose read/timing errors
* Added uptime fail-safe with routed task to time_in_state
* Added notification short-cut 'on-click' actions
* Included DSD version number in error log
* Added standard 2 second reduction to %DISPOFFINT due to lag
* Stopped scrolling notifications when in call
* Changed permissions levels
* Added flag-pass variable to prevent overlap
* Added 5 second wait to display off/on profiles to handle screen on/off 'flicks'
* Increased intelligence of loop checks
* Added sound to certain events
* Included ROM version in error reporting
* Removed %DSCL loop in favour of odd/even flag-pass
* Fixed %NOCOUNT prevention
* Included a second shutdown profile in case toolbox method is failing
* Moved binary folder inside DSD folder for ease
* Included Adhoc error reporting to save user requests
* Prevented cancelling all Tasker notifications on display off
[B][U]To Do[/U][/B]
* Make the information in the Detective Report more user friendly and understandable
* Receivers for wakeups during deep-sleep
* Solve Tasker media 'bug'
* Include Tasker version number in error log - Dev including in next beta
* Called time in state data via script to avoid permission errors
* Reverted DSDDO, DSDShutdown, DSDAdhoc to the above
* Added wait times and loops to allow for delays
* Removed DSDXDAUN as it was too buggy
* Reordered tasks to allow for multiple calls of single script
* Removed directory/file making tasks to minimise possible set-up errors
* Removed unnecessary permissions from script
* Added further dynamic script controls to increase speed of shutdown task
* A few more bits and bobs...
* Added missing files! Thanks [URL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/member.php?u=2393301"]nobnut[/URL]
* More notifications of what is going on to update the user and identify error sources
* Error logging and request to email the details included
* Updated reporting tools and information
* Increased intelligence of tasks
* Included 'self-checking' of necessary actions
* Standard binary injection
* Standard file permissions on boot
* Fixed screen off/on/power/on/off entanglement
* Updated aesthetics
[!] Sorry to those that have already downloaded V8, but I needed to make changes for the reports to function correctly - Damn those SU requests!
* Changed set-up tasks to try and ensure SU requests are approved.
* Added preventative for %DSCOFF failing to populate in DSDDO
* Added notification to DSDDisplayOn if DSP was unavailable during screen off time
* Added wakelock capture to DSDDisplayOff
* [strike]Added IF != 0 to %DSCON in set to % action of DSDNotify[/strike]
* Added wakelock hunter to DSDDisplayOff
* Changed multiple locale commands to shell script dynamically composed by Tasker
* Added script to match wakelocks to owner applications/processes - BIG thanks to [URL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/member.php?u=3390610"]waydownsouth[/URL]
* Cut report building time down to under [strike]10[/strike] 5 seconds
* Added IF and GoTo actions to avoid the bad maths eval errors on constants
* Added DSDSetUp task with ReadMe.txt
* DSDSetUp to create directories and files
* Added 'spoiler' preventing to DSDNotify
* Added display off media context
* Added Further test file actions to avoid empty reports
* Changed collision handling and task priorities
* Added additional variable clear actions to avoid possible data corruption
* Too many more to list...
* Removed due to a patent infringement claim by Apple
* Removed additional % in DSD-BootReport - credit [URL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/member.php?u=2393301"]nobnut[/URL]
* Reverted to linux/locale 'toolbox' commands for report information - credit [URL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/member.php?u=2178960"]Pulser_g2[/URL]
* Reverted to Tasker handling all calculations - Speed Test proved Locale Plugin to be much slower
* Removed pop-up tasks as they are fugly
* Added 'wait until' actions before %CPUTIS to ensure data from file is written
* Changed PSD to DSP in Flash action #33 in DSDAhMaths - TYPO! Thanks [URL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/member.php?u=2393301"]nobnut[/URL]
* Removed unneeded variable clear action in DSDNotify
* Ticked missing 'do maths' in action #13 of DSDAdhoc
* Added minimal uptime threshold until tasks are expected to perform maths to avoid data corruption
* Corrected %CPUDSDD error in action #8 of DSShutdown
* Corrected adding X% in DSD-Shutdown write file action as '%' is looked for for errors... Oops.
* Removed append from above write action to minimise possible errors.
* Added functionality to sum scaling frequencies using locale
* Added above command to DSDSuperuser, DSDAdhoc & DSDDO
* Added additional variable clear caution in DSDDO to avoid %CPUDSDD1 & %CPUTISD1 being used.
* Append box should be unticked in action #1 of DSDShutdown
* Corrected variable clear data in %DSDDO
* Added variable clear %DSDDOS to end DSDDispOn
* Added file existence check to DSDDeviceBoot
* Added safety value to %DISPOFFT to prevent knock-on failures if not set
* Reverted to V1 DSDDO due to toolbox differences in devices
* Reverted to V2 DSDAdhoc due to toolbox differences in devices
* Removed unneeded actions from DSDSuperUser due to revert
* Added '+' '-' & 'Zzzz' popups to confirm task flow
* Added DSDAdhoc into .zip
* Reverted to V2 DSDShutdown due to toolbox differences in devices
* Removed 'append' from action #1 of DSDShutdown to avoid looping data corruption
* Corrected error in IF statement in the task DSDIntMaths
* Added 400ms wait task after locale fetch in #2 of DSDDO
* Ad-hoc tasks added so information can be viewed at any time
* Restructured A LOT of the tasks
* Included more information in report files
* Lots more I've forgotten
* Changed 'between boot report maths' to boot instead of trying to rush them in before shutdown
* Used locale/linux to perform some of the maths as I assume it's quicker?
* Cut down task sizes due to above
* Altered structure of output files for easy reading
* MASSIVE boot task that hurt my brain
* Transition power on/off / display on/off + incall - Solved in V9
* Binary package differences from device to device - Solved in V6 - Credit Pulser_g2
* DSDAdhoc providing erroneous results on first run after charge - Solved V6
* SGSII needs different files - post if you need them - Solved in V4
* DS Data Failure Notification on boot - Solved in V2
* I'm getting a prompt to click on a file at boot, but it fails? - Solved in V2
* I'm getting Not Numeric errors when I open Tasker - Solved in V3
* I'm getting an error %CPUDSDD is not numeric? - Solved in V3
* DSDDeviceBoot is not running correctly? - Solved in V3
* The boot file isn't being written? - Solved in V3
* Media profile is deactivating when the music application is no longer in the foreground - Dirty solution for now is to switch the screen off only when you are in the application... - I'm on it
Installation Instructions
* Delete all profiles and DSD* tasks from Tasker
* Delete all DSD* profiles and DSD* tasks from the folders Tasker/Profiles & Tasker/Tasks
* Unzip the latest version download
* Place the task files in /sdcard/Tasker/Tasks
* Place the profile files in /sdcard/Tasker/Profiles
* Place the folder DSD on the root of your storage card (after deleting/renaming any current folder from a previous version)
In Tasker, from the menu options/profile data 'Import One (15) Task':
In menu options/profile data 'Import One (11) Profile':
The above profiles also contain the following 13 tasks, which will be automatically imported:
First Run
* Ensure all of the task and profiles imported correctly
* Save out of Tasker to preserve the changes made
* Load Tasker and select the task DSDSuperUser
Thanks to nobnut and his testing, I've been able to establish that the SuperUser requests can take up to 30 seconds to appear. There is only one command that needs permission. DSDSuperUser has a 30 second wait time to give the SuperUser application a chance to prompt. If it hasn't appeared by the end of the wait time, there is a pop up asking if you want to run the task again - I hope you'll only need to run it once though!
* Press 'test' in DSDSuperUser and follow the instructions from there! PLEASE do read the readme file as it contains other important instructions!
Let's get detecting...
The thanks meter lets me know I'm appreciated!

Oooh, me likey.
It's a shame you decided against the tutorial part as normally I just read that bit, nick the ideas, and write my own profiles.
Still, this could come in extremely handy. Keep up the good work.

neilix said:
Oooh, me likey.
It's a shame you decided against the tutorial part as normally I just read that bit, nick the ideas, and write my own profiles.
Still, this could come in extremely handy. Keep up the good work.
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Maybe I'll explain a little... Perhaps a YouTube video is the way forward...

What should have been provided within Android by default. Excellent idea.

@ Brandall
you should look into the output of these terminal commands:
cat /proc/wakelocks

waydownsouth said:
@ Brandall
you should look into the output of these terminal commands:
cat /proc/wakelocks
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Thanks waydownsouth, you were already getting a big credit in this thread as it was! Knowing I could output sleep-time would have saved me a few lines of maths!
Understanding how the cat /proc/wakelocks output could identify a deep-sleep preventer is probably going to take a few more nights on Google! You best sign out of G-talk

Watching with Interest as I've noticed (since I've got Gingerbread battery logging that actually shows such info) that *something* has been keep my device on partial-wake at night, but not EVERY night, just some nights. Haven't been able to identify WHAT yet, as it isn't making itself known through any abnormal CPU usage, just by the fact my device doesn't go to deep sleep and thus drains battery more than it should.

Hi, I'm getting the notification on reboot that shutdown didn't go correctly.

nobnut said:
Hi, I'm getting the notification on reboot that shutdown didn't go correctly.
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Thanks for letting me know - At least I know the boot notification is working!
Attached is the V2 version I'm working on. In case you need instructions (I never know anyone's level): After you've imported it, click on DSDReport in the profile screen, click add, select DSDReportV2 - then delete DSDReport.
I hope this one runs quicker... You'll need to give it SuperUser permissions as normal, so please 'test' it a couple of times before trying out a reboot...
Please let me know it works!

lotherius said:
Watching with Interest as I've noticed (since I've got Gingerbread battery logging that actually shows such info) that *something* has been keep my device on partial-wake at night, but not EVERY night, just some nights. Haven't been able to identify WHAT yet, as it isn't making itself known through any abnormal CPU usage, just by the fact my device doesn't go to deep sleep and thus drains battery more than it should.
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Well I hope in a few versions time this will be able to tell you... Messing with sleep preventing wakelocks right now...

brandall said:
Thanks for letting me know - At least I know the boot notification is working!
Attached is the V2 version I'm working on. In case you need instructions (I never know anyone's level): After you've imported it, click on DSDReport in the profile screen, click add, select DSDReportV2 - then delete DSDReport.
I hope this one runs quicker... You'll need to give it SuperUser permissions as normal, so please 'test' it a couple of times before trying out a reboot...
Please let me know it works!
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I just realised something! There was no DSDReport in the original v1.0 zip.

nobnut said:
I just realised something! There was no DSDReport in the original v1.0 zip.
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Click to collapse
I combined it into the DSD-Shutdown profile import - I assume when you expand this context the original task DSDReport was showing??

Yes, sorry about that.
Just tried it again (having granted SU before rebooting) similar thing happened.
I received a 'DS Data failure - Incorrect shutdown - Resetting Data' notification.
EDIT: I'm also getting a 'DS Data Failure' on subsequent reboots.
Report attached for information.

nobnut said:
Yes, sorry about that.
Just tried it again (having granted SU before rebooting) similar thing happened.
I received a 'DS Data failure - Incorrect shutdown - Resetting Data' notification.
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Damn it... That notification is happening because it is detecting %DSBOOT didn't set to 1 before shutdown, suggesting it didn't gather the necessary data to provide a full 'daily report'.
If you get time, could you let me know which data it did manage to gather by adjusting the task DSDDeviceBoot? Could you remove these actions:
IF %DSBOOT Not set
Notify vibrate DS Data Failure
GoTo action
End IF
That way it will continue to write the information it did gather to the file DS-BootReport.txt. A screen prompt should ask you if you want to view this file shortly after rebooting.
Please keep a copy of the original DSDDeviceBoot task so you can re-import it afterwards! Your thanks meter will be increasing....

brandall said:
IF %DSBOOT Not set
Notify vibrate DS Data Failure
GoTo action
End IF
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Just to confirm,
Line 1... Mine currently reads 'IF %DSBOOT Set'
What would you like me to do? Delete it or edit it and try again?

nobnut said:
Just to confirm,
Line 1... Mine currently reads 'IF %DSBOOT Set'
What would you like me to do? Delete it or edit it and try again?
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Is there not a '!' between %DSBOOT and Set ?
Thanks for the upload of the file - I'm very confused now though, as that file shouldn't be written if the DS failure notification triggered... What number is your GoTo action set to? Does it take you to the variable clear action right after the write file DS-BootReport ?
Thanks for this

Set to 7.
Yes there is a '!', I was just checking.
Shall I go ahead and delete those lines?
EDIT: Yes, I am directed to the view/clear.
EDIT2: Deleted lines and now get a "DS Boot Report: 0%" notification.
When clicked, I am not redirected (no clear /view option).
EDIT3: Could the report be written when clicking 'Test' to get SU granted?

nobnut said:
Set to 7.
Yes there is a '!', I was just checking.
Shall I go ahead and delete those lines?
EDIT: Yes, I am directed to the view/clear.
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I don't understand how it can be applying both for you...? IF the failure notification action happens then it should go to action 7 which is after the write file action??
I can see from the text file you attached that your data is populating correctly (somehow!?) - No need to delete the actions for now as you're still getting the desire output - delete it if you find it annoying though!
I'm baffled as to how it is doing both actions regardless... hmmm - I'll have a ponder and come back - off to a meeting now. Thanks again for looking into this for me - appreciated.
EDIT2: Deleted lines and now get a "DS Boot Report: 0%" notification.
When clicked, I am not redirected (no clear /view option).
EDIT3: Could the report be written when clicking 'Test' to get SU granted?
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When you make the changes, are you saving out of Tasker and going back in?? If it's providing a notification when the action is deleted, something is seriously wrong!!
Yes on the SuperUser idea... I didn't consider looking at the date/time as don't know what date/time zone you are from! Could you delete the text file please... Have to dash!!!
EDIT: I'll upload a changed version on my return if it's still functioning strangely


Tweakster - MortScript

Has anyone looked at TWEAKSTER for TREO. Seems quite nice but as I dont know anything about a TREO, maybe someone can port it to Der Kaiser?
"MortScript: Tweakster, BETA available
I know NOTHING about MortScript (have just started reading) so I hope that some of the The Mort Kings are here in Der Kaiser World and will give it a shot..
I cannot get the plugins to work, but main script seems fine..
"The Mort Virgin" =
Cool new app available for you Treo power-users!!
Tweakster has three major functions:
1) Scheduling : create profiles & schedule events (33 plugins included)
2) Tweaks : applying tweaks (97 tweaks included)
3) Probes : retrieve system info (44 probes included)
Here are some examples of what you can do...
- Set up profiles for your favorite settings
- Change ringtones at 9:00 Mon-Fri to one set of ringtones, and
evenings and weekends to a different set of ringtones
- Soft Reset at 3:00 AM every day
- Turn Bluetooth & Wifi on at 8:00 AM, Mon - Fri
- Clear you IE cache every night at 2:00 AM
- Turn Brightness up, but keyboard lights off at 7:00 AM
- Check an eBay auction every 15 minutes, display current bid on Today Screen
- Set a storage alert when your builtin flash storage drops below 1MB
- Leave yourself a Voice reminder for lunch at 11:45
- NEW: Use your Treo as a SpyCam, schedule a video recording in "stealth" mode"
That DOES sound pretty cool. I would imagine one of the skilled artisans here in the Kaiser world could take that and make it work.
The link is broken in the first post. You copied and pasted the abbreviated hyperlink
It would help your cause if you gave the working link
For those that are interested, here is ALOT more detail on Tweakster.
The plugins included are fairly simple in nature and intended to showcase what you
"can" do with Tweakster. Some of them are very useful, others are sorta lame, all of
them could be improved upon. By all means, I hope others will either improve upon this
or add to this collection to make it more useful.
Audio Play - Plays an audio file, currently scans the "\Windows" directory looking for
sound files. This can be changed by modifying AudioPlay.input.
Backup Folder - Will periodically zip up a folder and save the zip file in the specified
target directory. Currently these are specified via BackupFolder.ini
under [settings]. You can also configure how many backups to keep in the
target directory, in order to limit the number of backups, at which point
it will remove the oldest backup as it creates a new one. Note this is
not intended as a full-backup solution, please use one of the fine products
available for that. This is intended for periodic backup of notes, saved
text messages, etc.
Auto Dialer - Will call a number at the specified time. It cannot do much else because
I can't control sound while the call is connected, so it's only useful
as a wakeup call. Although one clever user added that this could be for
for voting on Americal Idol. Please use responsibly This requires
VJDialer from VJPhoneTools.
Battery Alert - Will alert you if battery drops below a certain percentage. Allows you to
set a higher threshold than the default of 10%, if you want to know sooner
rather than later.
Bluetooth Off - Does what it says, requires VJVolubilis.
Bluetooth On - Does what it says, requires VJVolubilis.
Brightness - Allows you to alter the brightness level. Note, even though the control
panel lets you set the brightness level to 0, this plugin will NOT allow
that setting because once it exits the control panel you would have no way
of figuring out how to put it back!!
Cleanup - Allows you to selectively clear the IECache, \Temp directory, or
\My Documents\temp directories.
Clear Call History - Does what it says, wipes out your call history.
Clock Radio - Sorty cheesy plugin, but cool at the same time. If you don't like the
techy alarms and prefer something more traditional, this may be for you.
It allows you to select a radio station (I preloaded a few, which you can
change by modifying ClockRadio.ini), and it wakes you up at the specified
time displaying a full-screen analog clock. The clock has an "exit" button,
and if you tap on the clockface, it will snooze for 10 minutes. This requires
an internet connection to work, so don't even bother if you don't have a
reliable connection.
Ebay Auction - Specify an ebay listing number, and it will display the current bid and
time remaining at the chosen interval in a message box.
Flash - Will flash the keyboard lights multiple times to get your attention. May be
useful if you want a visual alert, rather than an audible alert.
Keylight Off - Does what it says.
Keylight On - Does what it says.
Launcher - Launches an application or file is there is an associated handler with that
file type. You can type in file path and the arguments at the time of
configuration, or if configure Launcher.ini, it will take the file and
arguments from there. Note, there is a bug in MortScript that if you
bring up the "Alt" keys to select a "\", once you quit that it will send
a return key to Mortscript and you will never be able to type in the path!
Use the on-screen keyboard instead.
Memory Alert - Allows you to set a free memory threshold and once free memory dips below
that, it will bring up an alert notifying you. Note, this is not a real-time
memory monitor, it only checks when the plugin is scheduled. i.e.) every
15 minutes or whatever interval you choose.
Message Box - Type in some text, and a message box with that text will show up as a reminder
at the specified time.
NoDoze - Will keep the phone awake at the specified time, for the specified amount of
time, battery be damned. Use sparingly.
Note Reminder - Will bring up notepad and let you type in a note, or if you prefer you can
scribble your note, and it will bring it up at the scheduled time.
PhoneRadio Off- Does what it says, requires VJVolubilis.
PhoneRadio On - Does what it says, requires VJVolubilis.
Ringer Volume - Does what it says, speaker volume is set independently.
Ring Tones - Allows you to set the "known caller" ringtone, and the "unknown caller"
ringtones at the specified time. It will check the following directories:
\Windows, \Windows\Rings, and \My Documents\Rings. It has a limit of 96
files and it can be slow to bring up the selection dialog depending on how
many files there are, please be patient.
Soft Reset - Schedule a reboot at the specified time. There is a "cancel" message, that
will allow you up to 60 seconds to cancel before it reboots.
Speaker Volume- Does what it says, ringer volume is set independently.
Note, there is no "Call Volume" plugin yet.
Spy Cam - Schedule a video recording. You specify the number of minutes to record
and you Treo will automatically create a video recording. If you specify
"stealth" mode, the Treo screen will remain blank and appear to be off
when the recording takes place. If you have LEDup installed (another 3rd
party app), it will give you the option of blinking the green LED while
it is recording. Please make sure you have specified the "Storage Card"
as your save location in the camera app, otherwise you will run out of
storage very quickly. You will also need to disable Keyguard for this
plugin. And finally, another caveat is that there is no recorded audio
while in stealth mode, this is a bug that will hopefully be fixed soon.
As with the Autodialer plugin, please use responsibly
Stock Quote - Allows you to specify a space-separated list of stock symbols and will bring
up a message box with stock quotes at the scheduled interval. Currently
these must be specified at the time you configure the plugin, not from the
.ini file.
Storage Alert - Allows you to set a free storage threshold and once free storage dips below
that, it will bring up an alert notifying you. Note, this is not a real-time
storage monitor, it only checks when the plugin is scheduled. i.e.) every
15 minutes or whatever interval you choose. You can set thresholds for
builtin flash or a storage card.
Today Line - Display a short message on the Today screen by hijacking the Operator/Carrier
Name. You can choose from the following:
News Headline
Stock Quote
Weather Forecast
Battery Status
Storage Status
Memory Status
eBay Auction
Note, because of the limited amount of space, the amount of information that
can be displayed is minimal. Once again, this is not real-time, it is updated
as often at the plugin is scheduled. There is a lot of room for improvement
here, such as cycling through the various options.
Vibrate - Does what it says, nothing else.
Voice Reminder- Starts up notepad in recording mode and will let you record a voice note.
It will play the message at the specified time.
Wifi Off - Does what it says, requires VJVolubilis.
Wifi On - Does what it says, requires VJVolubilis.
Hi Martindhk and others,
Tweakster works fine on the Kaiser, just tested many of the tweaks.
Personally I don't like the Mortscript interface, but the tweaks and features of Tweakster might make it better than for instance KaiserTweak or Schaps AdvancedConfig, which both contain similar, other or the same tweaks as Tweakster...I guess someone is going to have to work through all applications and make one
I agree on your point. Have tried some of the plugins and they seem to work. Could be cool with a nice interface towards the plugin part and the possibility to address them to buttons instead of a schedule
maybe you could post how to actually use the application? thanks
From the "readme"
Unfortunately, there is no CAB installer yet, you will have to manually
install Tweakster. The following steps should get you up and running:
1) Install MortScript 4.0
Note, please make sure you install 4.0 and not 4.01 since there are still
compatibility issues in 4.01 that Mort is working on.
2) Install Tweakster
- Unzip the Tweakster_v1.0_BETArXX.zip file on your PC. Copy the entire
"Tweakster" folder to your Treo under "\Program Files".
(Note: It can be installed anywhere if you prefer elsewhere, but please
install it on built-in flash memory rather than the storage card to
minimize any issues.)
- If you want Tweakster to show up under "Programs" from the Start Menu,
you will need to create a shortcut to "\Program Files\Tweakster\Tweakster.mscr"
and place the shortcut under "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"
3) Install VJ utilities.
These utilities allow you to set bluetooth, wifi and phone state,
as well as use the Autodialer plugin. They aren't strictly required but
are recommended, especially if you intend on using Tweakster profiles.
VJVolubilis: http://www.vijay555.com/?Releases:VJVolubilis
VJPhoneTools: http://www.vijay555.com/?Releases:VJPhoneTools
For now, they must be installed in the default location.
Both MortScript and the VJ utilities are lightweight, stable and very well
tested. These applications are donation-ware, but if you feel these apps are
useful, you can visit the author's site and make a contribution.
4) To start up Tweakster, select "\Program Files\Tweakster\Tweakster.mscr" with
the file browser of your choice, or if you made a shortcut in the Programs
Folder, select the shortcut you place there..
For more information on the scheduling plugins and what they do, please see
"PLUGIN DETAILS" in the Details.txt attachment. If you want to know how to create
your own plugins, you can take a look at the example plugin scripts in the Templates
folder of Tweakster.
In general, you should use precautions when applying tweaks. This goes for
ANY tweaking program, you should make sure you have a full backup of your Treo
and have a backup of your registry before you start trying out tweaks. Some of
the tweaks require a soft-reset, so if the tweak is not immediately effective,
you may need to reboot. If you are not completely sure what the tweak does,
please do some research on the internet. Most of these tweaks are widely known
and you can find information on them at the following locations:
Has anyone looked into the reason why PLUGINS are not working??
Martinhdk said:
From the "readme"
Unfortunately, there is no CAB installer yet, you will have to manually
install Tweakster. The following steps should get you up and running:
1) Install MortScript 4.0
Note, please make sure you install 4.0 and not 4.01 since there are still
compatibility issues in 4.01 that Mort is working on.
2) Install Tweakster
- Unzip the Tweakster_v1.0_BETArXX.zip file on your PC. Copy the entire
"Tweakster" folder to your Treo under "\Program Files".
(Note: It can be installed anywhere if you prefer elsewhere, but please
install it on built-in flash memory rather than the storage card to
minimize any issues.)
- If you want Tweakster to show up under "Programs" from the Start Menu,
you will need to create a shortcut to "\Program Files\Tweakster\Tweakster.mscr"
and place the shortcut under "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"
3) Install VJ utilities.
These utilities allow you to set bluetooth, wifi and phone state,
as well as use the Autodialer plugin. They aren't strictly required but
are recommended, especially if you intend on using Tweakster profiles.
VJVolubilis: http://www.vijay555.com/?Releases:VJVolubilis
VJPhoneTools: http://www.vijay555.com/?Releases:VJPhoneTools
For now, they must be installed in the default location.
Both MortScript and the VJ utilities are lightweight, stable and very well
tested. These applications are donation-ware, but if you feel these apps are
useful, you can visit the author's site and make a contribution.
4) To start up Tweakster, select "\Program Files\Tweakster\Tweakster.mscr" with
the file browser of your choice, or if you made a shortcut in the Programs
Folder, select the shortcut you place there..
For more information on the scheduling plugins and what they do, please see
"PLUGIN DETAILS" in the Details.txt attachment. If you want to know how to create
your own plugins, you can take a look at the example plugin scripts in the Templates
folder of Tweakster.
In general, you should use precautions when applying tweaks. This goes for
ANY tweaking program, you should make sure you have a full backup of your Treo
and have a backup of your registry before you start trying out tweaks. Some of
the tweaks require a soft-reset, so if the tweak is not immediately effective,
you may need to reboot. If you are not completely sure what the tweak does,
please do some research on the internet. Most of these tweaks are widely known
and you can find information on them at the following locations:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
thanks much. checking it out now.
Martinhdk said:
From the "readme"
Unfortunately, there is no CAB installer yet, you will have to manually
install Tweakster. The following steps should get you up and running:
1) Install MortScript 4.0
Note, please make sure you install 4.0 and not 4.01 since there are still
compatibility issues in 4.01 that Mort is working on.
2) Install Tweakster
- Unzip the Tweakster_v1.0_BETArXX.zip file on your PC. Copy the entire
"Tweakster" folder to your Treo under "\Program Files".
(Note: It can be installed anywhere if you prefer elsewhere, but please
install it on built-in flash memory rather than the storage card to
minimize any issues.)
- If you want Tweakster to show up under "Programs" from the Start Menu,
you will need to create a shortcut to "\Program Files\Tweakster\Tweakster.mscr"
and place the shortcut under "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"
3) Install VJ utilities.
These utilities allow you to set bluetooth, wifi and phone state,
as well as use the Autodialer plugin. They aren't strictly required but
are recommended, especially if you intend on using Tweakster profiles.
VJVolubilis: http://www.vijay555.com/?Releases:VJVolubilis
VJPhoneTools: http://www.vijay555.com/?Releases:VJPhoneTools
For now, they must be installed in the default location.
Both MortScript and the VJ utilities are lightweight, stable and very well
tested. These applications are donation-ware, but if you feel these apps are
useful, you can visit the author's site and make a contribution.
4) To start up Tweakster, select "\Program Files\Tweakster\Tweakster.mscr" with
the file browser of your choice, or if you made a shortcut in the Programs
Folder, select the shortcut you place there..
For more information on the scheduling plugins and what they do, please see
"PLUGIN DETAILS" in the Details.txt attachment. If you want to know how to create
your own plugins, you can take a look at the example plugin scripts in the Templates
folder of Tweakster.
In general, you should use precautions when applying tweaks. This goes for
ANY tweaking program, you should make sure you have a full backup of your Treo
and have a backup of your registry before you start trying out tweaks. Some of
the tweaks require a soft-reset, so if the tweak is not immediately effective,
you may need to reboot. If you are not completely sure what the tweak does,
please do some research on the internet. Most of these tweaks are widely known
and you can find information on them at the following locations:
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also, i dont see a "readme" file or details.txt file in the attachment or post.
SRY - was not part of first post..
Here it is..
The thing is that I cannot get the plugins to work. Tried to SPYCAM - ooohhh - but nope, it needs to be tweaked to fit our device, I guess...
Hi. I was able to get the plugins to work to a certain extent. However I have into two problems in using this script and wonder if anyone might be able to directed me to the solution.
1) When I run a profile of my settings, the program tells me - Error: Script file not found: ". (Quotation mark is the script file not found) It proceeds to run the script I selected from Vjay555 folder anyway after I acknowledge the error message. I tried to look for an extra quotation mark in the Tweakster script (I don't think it is the plugin script that is causing the problem), but I can't make heads or tails of it.
2) When I run the -radioon script, it will turn on my phone radio, but it will not connect to my wireless provider. I'm not sure what that would be the case. If I use the Comm Manager or if I use Battery Status taskbar to turn off the phone and turn it back on again, I will get the phone to connect to my wireless provider.
Can someone help me figure out how to work out these problems? Thanks.
UPDATE: I tried the scripts that were in the plug in folder and found that the scripts were causing the first error reading. The more troubling finding was that VJVolubilis may not work for my phone (8125) as described on
What a bummer. Any suggestions on a fix? Thanks.
Hi C
Did you find any solutions?
Martinhdk said:
Hi C
Did you find any solutions?
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No solutions, but I have a hint to one of the problems. I installed PPC Profiles Pro from Modaco.com and PocketZenPhone and got the same problem with the lack of network connection when the phone radio is toggled back on. This may suggest that the problem is with the Wizard or with WM5. I don't know how to solve that problem.
Curious D said:
No solutions, but I have a hint to one of the problems. I installed PPC Profiles Pro from Modaco.com and PocketZenPhone and got the same problem with the lack of network connection when the phone radio is toggled back on. This may suggest that the problem is with the Wizard or with WM5. I don't know how to solve that problem.
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Did you get any succes with the other plugins??
Haven't wanted to pay for one if one was available for free. If I can get help in fixing the radio toggle problem, then I'll be happy with PPC Profiles Pro. I'm tempted to try Phone Alarm or PocketZenPhone 6.0 (the version I tried was version 4.5.1), but I had read some bad stuff that happened to other users phones with this program (while others liked it).
help me
any way to reset all my tweaks?
PocketZenPhone 6.02 works on my 8125. I don't know what is different between the two versions that allows it to work. If I can't get an answer within the next few weeks, I'll probably purchase the program.
fily1983 said:
any way to reset all my tweaks?
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Which tweaks are you looking to reset?

[script] holdapp.sh: cheesy but effective browser-kill prevention

holdapp.sh is a shell script that keeps the browser (or another app) from being killed. Prevents the page-reload problem.
The madness of android's system architecture means that in low-memory situations, the kernel oom-killer tends to merrily slay any app the user flips into the background, to make more room for whatever is java process is launched, and the HORDE of stuff that was automatically launched and allowed to occupy memory idle - even if that stuff is utterly useless crap that some market app spawns. In theory, murdered apps are supposed to be given enough time to record their state so that they can recover.
Unfortunately the browser does not do this, in my experience. This is especially a problem on the G1, and even moreso on the bloated pig that is android 2.x. You'll be browsing wikipedia, get a text message, flip to mms, respond, flip back, and discover that the page is reloading...or worse, the page - and all opened windows, and history - are gone, leaving you with just your homepage (laughing at you). Meanwhile, the clock app that was spawned an hour ago in response to NTP...is still there.
Screw that, I rigged it to behave with duct tape.
App murder is controlled by /proc/(pid)/oom_adj. The higher the number, the more likely something is to be killed when the kernel (hatchet in hand) goes foraging for memory. Foreground apps are 0, thus rarely killed. Connectbot stays at 1, google apps at 2. Your dead wikipedia research was 7 or 8.
By default, holdapp.sh will check /proc/(browserpid)/oom_adj every second, and set it to 1 whenever it goes below 1. If it isn't running, it will look for it every 20 seconds.
download somewhere and run:
ash /path/to/holdapp.sh
(not sh)
chmod 755 /path/to/holdapp.sh, and make sure the top #!/system/xbin/ash points to ash (not sh)
holdapp.sh can protect a different app if invoked like:
* holdapp org.example.bookreader *
The forced oom_adj level, it's 1 second check delay, and the 20 second running-check delay can be adjusted by editing the variables at the top of the script (ADJ, WAIT_RUNNING, WAIT_APPDETECT). Other variables enable logging and forced pidfile and busybox locations.
* holdapp -k or holdapp -k appname * kills the script (not the protected app)
* holdapp -c or holdapp -c appname * returns 0 if running, 1 if not.
* holdapp -n or holdapp -n appname * run in foreground.
* If you don't manually kill the browser, or run 'holdapp -k', it will never exit.
* This is not very efficient, for a shell script, as it reads /proc/(pid)/oom_adj every second. I have not experienced a -noticable- performance impact, however (it's minimal, compared to the dalvik stuff that runs). Using inotify won't work as it doesn't detect when a file from /proc vanishes.
* Protecting the browser comes at the cost of making -other- backgrounded apps more likely to be killed. I use the browser alot, however. If that's the case with you, it's probably a good tradeoff.
* I have mostly tested this on Donut. On that, the impact to other apps has not been crippling. I have not tested this on Froyo, and it may cut things -too- close for the G1, there. Test for a long time before sticking it in userinit.sh
* Test higher WAIT_RUNNING values.
* Multiple app support without multiple instances.
* Look into something less cheesy for detecting oom_adj changes and app death.
* Fix the dammed browser to set it's own OOM value the right way, and add 'exit'
Does it work with Opera Mini?
Abolfazl said:
Does it work with Opera Mini?
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If you run it as:
holdapp com.opera.mini.android
This is really amazing. good work.
I've noticed that messaging is really sticky in the memory too..., but all of a sudden after cm6 rc2. rc1, it didn't stick. Also, is this method how cyanogen added "keep home in memory"? i'd assume so.
Sounds useful, gonna give it a try. Thanks for sharing.
€: Small feedback for holdapp with opera mini:
I found that if I go from opera to the homescreen and then back to opera, it pops up immediately at tha last visited page.
If I do something else in between, like locking or using another app, opera will start up fresh, but jump to the last visited page without reloading it.
That is something it never did before, seems like it tries to save its state when exiting, but without holdapp, it gets killed too early to fully save.
€€: OK, just checked with "ps|grep opera": Opera still gets killed as soon as I launch another app and as soon as I unlock from sleep mode. I guess it just takes up so much mem that it gets murdered no matter what, as soon as some memory is needed.

[TUT] Tasker – Create an Auto-killing Task Manager with Widget!

Not using Tasker? Shame on you… Download your free trial here
The debate about whether or not to use an automatic task killer in Android is for another thread. The general consensus seems to be ‘don’t’, but regardless, we all have them in case of troublesome processes (even if you can long-press the back button) and therefore I’ve produced this tutorial to show you how to use Tasker to create one that you can configure how you wish, should you wish!
If nothing else, there’s a few good Tasker tips in here, that I’m sure will come in handy for your other profiles.
Let’s get on with it!
For best practice, testing and understanding, you’ll need:
1) A Terminal Emulator
2) A Task Killer (!)
3) The Locale Execute Plug-in for Tasker (make sure this is installed prior to importing the profile)
4) A speech engine – Pico TTS for example.
The Short Winded Tutorial
It kills sh*t loads of processes.
Proceed to the download!
The Long Winded Tutorial
Import the profile and ‘un-tick’ it to make sure it is not active until you have edited it to suit your needs.
The trigger for this profile is time based and set up as standard to run every 30 minutes between the times you are likely to be using your phone. Be sure that the activation time does not match that of your AutoSync Profile that you may/should/could be using from here, or otherwise how often your standard email and widgets sync with their individual settings – you don’t want those processes being killed mid-sync.
In this profile, Tasker will use Linux commands via the Locale Execute Plug-in to kill processes you have specified. Let’s get familiar with them.
Open up the Terminal Emulator and type:
The current running processes will be listed. You’ll note that all applications you would want to kill are assigned a process ID (PID) and an application number app_** (listed under 'User'). The application process (process name) is listed at the end, such as com.android.google.browser.
A process can be killed using its corresponding PID. Try it with an application you see in the list (NOT A SYSTEM PROCESS!):
pkill 3456
Unfortunately, the PID changes and therefore is not a constant we can use to terminate applications. We therefore have to focus on the process name – bbc.iplayer.android for example.
Try killing an application by name (open it first, list the processes again to make sure it’s there and then see if it has gone afterwards by listing processes again):
pkill com.google.android.youtube
Sometimes a process is persistent and needs further encouragement (execution) to die:
pkill -9 com.facebook.katana
Sometimes a process refuses to die – this can be because there are other processes associated with it that are not killed by the above.
Killall -9 com.levelup.beautifulwidgets
That’s the process killing commands lesson complete and only leaves us with one small issue = What if you are using the process at the time? Obviously we don’t want the browser killed if you are in the middle of surfing, so we have to use a variable to make certain of this. The chosen built in variable is %LAPP, which is the last foreground application used. By making sure this isn’t killed, it’ll stop your current program being terminated in the middle of a message to someone! Therefore, each separate action to kill a process has an IF statement included to prevent the termination if that application is currently being used.
There are plenty of examples in the profile for you to use, but of course you’ll want to add your own entries in the KillProcesses task by:
And then type (or even better paste):
@! pkill -9 and then the process name* (@! Stops the commands appearing on the screen)
Press the back button to save
Click IF
Click ‘~’ select ‘doesn’t match’
Enter the application name**.
* The process name can be found and noted in the Terminal Emulator. Alternatively, often the process names are listed in the Task Manager you are already using.
** In the profile, there is a speech task, popup notification and a STOP task, these are there to discover the correct application name. Open the application you want to add to the list, long hold the home button and select Tasker and then press ‘test’. Tasker will say the name of the application and show how it is spelt on the screen. If the speech says ‘Launcher’, you may need to navigate back to Tasker (after opening the desired app) via the notification bar.
Copying all of the process names and completing the IF statements can be a little tedious, but when it’s done, it’s done… Test each new action to ensure the application is actually killed – just drag it above the STOP action. The Super User application may request permission first time (for each application command). Go to your current Task Manager, refresh it and check the application was terminated! If it wasn’t, try the ‘killall -9’ command detailed above. I have to use this for Beautiful Widgets and Titanium Backup as they are stubborn (and return again soon).
When you've completed your list, delete the pop-up, speech and stop actions and you're good to go.
Finally, it couldn’t be easier to create a widget for the home-screen to activate KillProcesses whenever you like. Hold down somewhere on the home-screen, select widgets. Select Tasker. Select Task. Select KillProcesses. Select your icon and hit ‘make widget’! Done!
There you have it! Your very own self created task murderer at the touch of a button!
You are unable to kill a troublesome process if it’s not in your task list!
Future Inclusions?
When setting this up, I had Locale write the process list to a text file. In theory it is possible to get Tasker to read this file, dissect it and therefore discover by the constant app_** which tasks are running and place the process name in a variable which then could be exported to Locale to kill (I think). This is waaay too much effort, but have a go if you want!
In addition, Tasker could compare the before and after (kill) process list and work out approximately how many applications it killed, displaying the number in a popup notification. Again, effort – go for your life!
At present a notification is displayed showing the last time it murdered something.
Please let me know if you have any sensible requests and your feedback is always welcome!
Installation Instructions
In menu options/profile data 'Import One Profile':
The thanks meter lets me know I'm appreciated!
There have been a few downloads of this now... but no comments!
Do I assume that it works absolutely fine? No errors or anything? If so, I'll stick it on the Tasker Wiki for educational purposes.
Wow! But how about use Locale AutoKill Plug-in ? It works for me with 2.2 Froyo. So much easier )
memberfive said:
Wow! But how about use Locale AutoKill Plug-in ? It works for me with 2.2 Froyo. So much easier )
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Click to collapse
For education purposes
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA Premium App
brandall said:
For education purposes
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Click to collapse
Well. In this case, suggest another simple solution, without the use of additional fee applications.
1) Connect your phone via USB.
2) Do adb shell and then ps to remember the last lines.
3) On your phone start the unnecessary application, again execute ps
and see the process name (like android.process.media) after the last lines.
4) Add it to the killing list (say kill_list.txt): echo android.process.media>>/sdcard/kill_list.txt.
5) Repeat for all the unnecessary applications.
6) In the Locale Execute Plug-in is only one line: @! /system/xbin/cat /sdcard/kill_list.txt | /system/xbin/xargs -n1 /system/xbin/killall
memberfive said:
Well. In this case, suggest another simple solution, without the use of additional fee applications.
1) Connect your phone via USB.
2) Do adb shell and then ps to remember the last lines.
3) On your phone start the unnecessary application, again execute ps
and see the process name (like android.process.media) after the last lines.
4) Add it to the killing list (say kill_list.txt): echo android.process.media>>/sdcard/kill_list.txt.
5) Repeat for all the unnecessary applications.
6) In the Locale Execute Plug-in is only one line: @! /system/xbin/cat /sdcard/kill_list.txt | /system/xbin/xargs -n1 /system/xbin/killall
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Do you mean 'fee' applications? It only uses locale which is free??
I originally messed with the idea of using a list like this, but the problem is, you can't pass the %LAPP variable in this way. I had Tasker/locale writing the original .txt file from ps output and getting Tasker to try and 'read line/find' the associated %LAPP process in order to exclude it from the list prior to the xargs command being executed... but it became more complicated than just listing IF actions individually as I was going to have to list them anyway!
Hope that made sense? If you can think of a betterway to exclude the foreground process and then use a single command in this way, please do let me know!
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA Premium App
brandall said:
Do you mean 'fee' applications? It only uses locale which is free??
I originally messed with the idea of using a list like this, but the problem is, you can't pass the %LAPP variable in this way. I had Tasker/locale writing the original .txt file from ps output and getting Tasker to try and 'read line/find' the associated %LAPP process in order to exclude it from the list prior to the xargs command being executed... but it became more complicated than just listing IF actions individually as I was going to have to list them anyway!
Hope that made sense? If you can think of a betterway to exclude the foreground process and then use a single command in this way, please do let me know!
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA Premium App
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I mean, this solution is just for the Tasker with free Locale Execute Plug-in !
I think that any attempt to pass variables in Tasker and process them would increase the CPU load and reduce performance. It seems to me that there is no difference as to kill the process. And everything works (killed) fine with a single command.
memberfive said:
I mean, this solution is just for the Tasker with free Locale Execute Plug-in !
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Thought so!
I think that any attempt to pass variables in Tasker and process them would increase the CPU load and reduce performance.
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Agreed - It was becoming more complicated than an actual Task Killer!
It seems to me that there is no difference as to kill the process. And everything works (killed) fine with a single command.
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Only problem is with it killing the current application you are using....... Need a solution to prevent that....
Ok, been browsing the web and found these nice profiles, which can trigger an app (Fast Reboot - which acts like a virtual reboot, closing all apps). What do you think about it Brandall? Could it be tweaked even more to get a nice profile using this app? Thanks.
Published by James.
Display- Battery Saver
The initial idea came from some members on the LG2X MoDaCo Forum. The problem at the time was various applications were misbehaving and not stopping when the phone should have been going into its sleep mode. One member suggested using Fast Reboot to ‘reset’ the phone into a state where it can enter sleep mode.
The context:
Event: Display Off
The task:
Wait [ Seconds:11 ]
Stop If [ %SCREEN ~ ON ]
Load App [ App:Fast Reboot Data: Exclude From Recent Apps:On]
The wait is to allow my phone to lock (10 seconds after screen off) then if the phone has been used again the second part should cancel the task #this has limited success if you know a better way to about a task please get in touch!#. Fast reboot unlike many task managers closes and restarts your tasks so your alarms and other app keep working.
Further Improvements
I have added two more complimentary profiles to control when the above profile can run.
Profile: Display- Phone Idle
Event: Phone Idle
Task: Profile Status [ Nameisplay- Battery Saver Set:On]
Profile: Display- Phone Offhook
Event: Phone Offhook
Task: Profile Status [ Nameisplay- Battery Saver Set:Off]
These stop the Display- Battery Saver profile from running when the phone is in use. Again, they may not been the most effective solution but they work.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
mi3x said:
Ok, been browsing the web and found these nice profiles, which can trigger an app (Fast Reboot - which acts like a virtual reboot, closing all apps). What do you think about it Brandall? Could it be tweaked even more to get a nice profile using this app? Thanks.
Published by James.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'd say this is a little excessive... Using a hot/fast reboot as it is known is not addressing the actually issue of misbehaving applications...
For Tasker users, this can be done using Deep Sleep Detective - for other users, this can be done with Better Battery Stats.
Hot/Fast reboot resets the system without rebooting the kernel and is only really necessary when system changes such as remapping hardware keys need to be applied without the need for a full and time-consuming reboot...
Best to track down a problem and resolve it rather and kill everything which this solution does... If a rouge application or process starts at screen-off, then this will happen eventually/immediately after a reboot, so again, a little drastic for short term 'relief'.
The hot reboot is used in my Tasker media mapping profiles though!
I want to kill the backup service that saves data from apps in the cloud and start the service later (when charging) again.
I think it is android alarms: act=android.app.backup.intent.RUN isn't it?
How can I do that?
Thanks in advance!
MaluNoPeleke said:
I want to kill the backup service that saves data from apps in the cloud and start the service later (when charging) again.
I think it is android alarms: act=android.app.backup.intent.RUN isn't it?
How can I do that?
Thanks in advance!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This is entirely possible in theory, however killing the service once does not guarantee that it will not start again and again when it feels like it... There is no monitor within Tasker to alert you when it starts...
If there was....
Sent from my Sensation using xda premium
So could you help me with that for the backup service? Or enable/disable toggle?
brandall, I need some help here, please help me out.
I want the following thing:
Everytime I turn internet (easy) some apps services would be launched, like viber/whatsapp/facebook/gmail runing in background as they already do, and when I turn off the internet, I want to kill those process and services...
how can I do that?
pkill -9 and kill-9 arent killing com.whatsapp for example.
MaluNoPeleke said:
So could you help me with that for the backup service? Or enable/disable toggle?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sorry, I didn't see your reply. It's not possible unless the process is obvious when you type 'ps' in the terminal - you can try manually killing it then and see if it comes back. Let me know if you find it and I'll talk you through how to kick off the intent with Tasker.
Sent from my HTC Sensation XE with Beats Audio using xda premium
brunoshady said:
brandall, I need some help here, please help me out.
I want the following thing:
Everytime I turn internet (easy) some apps services would be launched, like viber/whatsapp/facebook/gmail runing in background as they already do, and when I turn off the internet, I want to kill those process and services...
how can I do that?
pkill -9 and kill-9 arent killing com.whatsapp for example.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hi, don't forget that Android is supposed to handle these processes so they don't use any cpu and remain dormant, however, I understand that sometimes it just feels better if they are not there... (although others would tell you that killing apps may make your device under-perform!)
Anyway, killall -9 com.whatsapp will kill the process, but testing it on my device, it restarted almost instantly.
I have the application system tuner pro by 3c an amazing app and under the apps tab there is a 'startup' option for applications which I assumed referred to at boot - I just unticked whatsapp in there, killed the process and then it didn't restart... Maybe a coincidence, but worth a try...
I've no idea what different events in Android cause these apps to decide to come to life...
Hope that helped!?
Sent from my HTC Sensation XE with Beats Audio using xda premium
brandall said:
Hi, don't forget that Android is supposed to handle these processes so they don't use any cpu and remain dormant, however, I understand that sometimes it just feels better if they are not there... (although others would tell you that killing apps may make your device under-perform!)
Anyway, killall -9 com.whatsapp will kill the process, but testing it on my device, it restarted almost instantly.
I have the application system tuner pro by 3c an amazing app and under the apps tab there is a 'startup' option for applications which I assumed referred to at boot - I just unticked whatsapp in there, killed the process and then it didn't restart... Maybe a coincidence, but worth a try...
I've no idea what different events in Android cause these apps to decide to come to life...
Hope that helped!?
Sent from my HTC Sensation XE with Beats Audio using xda premium
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Click to collapse
they may not use cpu but for sure they use battery =/
brunoshady said:
they may not use cpu but for sure they use battery =/
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It's not my understanding, but I have been wrong before
Did what I suggested stop it restarting??
kill service
I would like to kill a service using this method
I can find the service I want in android service list, it's called "RTService"
How can I find the text to put before "pkill" ?
In terminal emulator and "ps", I didn't find anything related to this and of course "pkill RTService" does nothing ^^

[ROM] GT-I5500 GingerBread Port - CM7

Cyanogen 7 (Gingerbread 2.3.3)
Current version: test2.7GA - 25/April/2011
Hey folks,
I'm starting a new thread on my Gingerbread build to help me keep better track of releases (as I can't edit the first post in the existing topic). I'll keep a changelog in this first post, along with the latest news and links. When Motafoca resumes his development, we can merge the topics again, or keep them separate if we decide to maintain separate builds. Either way, we'll share the source for anyone to hack
Special thanks to Motafoca* for all the "help" given by constantly interrupting me during development...
* Please read the notes below before using this ROM!
* This is alpha-quality software, and some functions are still not available compared to the Froyo builds!
Release list/changelog:
* test2.7GA (fixed) - 25/Apr/2011 - fixed 3G, Bluetooth, root, ADWLauncher scrolling speed (fixed permissions)
* test2.6GA - 24/Apr/2011 - fixed lcd density (now 120); added low dpi resources to fix various graphical problems (such as lock widget, boot animation, overlapping widgets, badly sized icons); added FM Radio app (but hardware is not yet working).
* test2.5GA - 23/Apr/2011 - first release.
1. Flash .tar file in Odin with One Package option.
2. When recovery boots, do data/cache wipe.
* Bluetooth (but needs testing)
* 3G
* Sensors
* Video
* Audio (recording and playback)
* Touchscreen (no multitouch, don't ask because I'm not working on it)
* Root
Partially working:
* Headphones - Samsung headphones work, regular headphones do not.
* WiFi
-- fully functional, but WiFi signal strength icon does not work correctly.
-- automatic reconnection doesn't always work correctly
* Telephony
-- on first boot, answering a call with hardware keys will cause a reboot. Can be worked around if you make a call and hang up after first boot.
-- While in a call, the wrong microphone is being used (the top microphone is activated, not the bottom)
Not working/unknown:
* EXT4 app2sd (regular Gingerbread app2sd -> FAT32 probably works)
* USB Storage Mode - see errata.
1. You must use the Google Talk app to sign into your Google Account. You can then select and download the Google apps (Gmail, Maps, Youtube, etc.) that you desire.
2. The Market app will not work until you have first signed into your account (using Google Talk).
4. Some games (e.g. Angry Birds Rio, FPSE) are currently unstable due to audio bugs. This will be fixed as soon as possible.
4. USB Storage Mode doesn't work automatically when you connect to PC. You can use these workarounds:
adb push C:\your\file /mnt/sdcard/
adb install c:\your\file.apk
adb pull /mnt/sdcard/your/file
* He knows I'm only kidding . This build uses Motafoca's kernel and framework tweaks to fix telephony problems.
>> MAD Team Thread Forum

[APP][TOOL] TeMeFI comprehensive system Administration

"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
This app provides/returns a bucket load of information regarding your device and the currently running ROM, and much, much more. And hence the name "TeMeFI"; as its Too Much F????? Information. The F stands for whatever your comfortable with.
Download: TeMeFI v1.1.19
MD5: E643DD1ECC3243473A0EAEBF69CD4209
Simply download the APK and install as normal, and allow root when asked, and grant storage permissions. I *think* the very first time you run it, there possibly may be an issue with the menu. Simply stop and restart the app.
You can use it without root, but you will be HEAVILY limited in what you can do. Also, installing busybox opens another menu for you, and so does Magisk (17.*+). SQLite3 is also a HUGE feature adder (ie if you have it, it enables many many methods). Can be installed via Magisk if your ROM does not have it by default.
If you are unrooted, have a read of the following post, regarding a recently added feature for non-root users
[APP][TOOL] TeMeFI comprehensive system Administration
TeMeFI This app provides/returns a bucket load of information regarding your device and the currently running ROM, and much, much more. And hence the name "TeMeFI"; as its Too Much F????? Information. The F stands for whatever your comfortable...
The "search" function is very useful for finding what you need, but it does not search inside dynamic menu's. Its the magnifying glass in the slide out toolbar/menu
The current menu can be viewed within the app at TeMeFI Configuration>Show Whole Menu or a historic example at:
CURRENT MENU [as at 2021-11-19]
XDA:DevDB Information
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: 1.1.19
Stable Release Date / Last Updated: 3 Sug 2022
Current Beta Version: 1.0.3
Beta Release Date: 2018-06-21
Created 2018-06-19
I will fill in this page as I get around to it.
Fly-out Toolbar items and their Actions
The fly out toolbar has had its buttons and their corresponding actions change over time. However of recent, they have been pretty stable, and as they have changed over time, and I probably said what / how their function changed, its probably all over the thread. So, I thought it might be best to have a single location / doco of what the current buttons actually do.
Firstly, to display the toolbar, simply click on the menu. If it isn't already showing.
EVERY button, has both a "short-press" and "long-press" action.
The icons kind-of relate to their short press action.
NB The following are from v1.0..19 The main difference are a long press on the [<] arrow goes back to the previous results, and a long press of the [HOME} icon reloads the current menu (useful if you filtered the menu items), and a long press on the pencil icon saves off the action as a favourite. Also, the long press on the exit icon [X] acts to filter a menu list that was generated by code. eg any list of installed apps
For Short-press actions:
For Long press actions
If you get an error, a toast will be shown which is HEAVILY CUT DOWN, so please no screen shots! Also, in a recent release a Bomb Icon will appear on the screen after an error. Short press to display then FULL error, or long press the bomb to clear the error. It will not clear by itself.
And again, NOT a screen shot of the results. Save off the results using the save button (ie the pencil icon explained above), then get the log text file from /sdcard/TeMeFI, and attach it to a post.
please stop with the screenshots of a cut down error message
A quick explanation of "Dynamic Lists".
These are built live on the phone at the time you click on them. For example, the "Traces" menu item lists all the trace files contained currently in your "/data/anr" directory. The results will be different between users and even at different times for the same user. It is not a fixed list.
Another example (which is a little different) is the dumpsys menu item, which makes a call to
dumpsys -l
to retrieve a list of running services for which a call to dumpsys is then valid for
V 1.0.2 released
Some changes include, but are not limited to:
* internal system improvementrs
* Better display of when its busy
* Added warning confirmation on a few longer running processes
* Handle the back button to go "up a menu" Previously it exited the app oops
* Enable "Up a menu" from "Dynamic lists"
* Faster Load of Dumpsys calls to create menu
* Added numerous new items inc, but not limited to Dropbox files, Tombstones, A few extra Busybox & others
NB:although it was there in the previous version, you may be interested in the "Duplicate files" report, which is based only off the Media DB. And off of the display_name (basically the filename) and the file size. It can be found at: SQL Based > Duplicate Files
Again, if anyone has any ideas for other details that can be added through a specific shell command, please let me know.
New version uploaded. v1.0.3 See first post (ie OP) for link
Changes include, but are not limited to:* Numerous internal stability/speed & delivery improvements
* Phone standard back button goes up a menu, instead of exiting app
* Numerous new items added. I checked on one of my phones, and found that it now reports on over 650 items
* Added long press on menu item for more info (usually the shell command that will be run)
* Improved error/warnings reporting (slight red to page background if an error code is returned OR there are any warnings or errors messages)
* Bug fixes (some were of course introduced while adding the above features...)​
New build v1.0.5 see OP for link
Some of the improvements
Long press the menu/exit button to search. NB: It does not search within dynamically created lists
Long press the "Menu Up" to return to the root/starting menu
Long press the top text boxes between the menu and the "save to" (ie ">>") to get a report of the actual script run to return the last selected results
Many many new items added
Some improvements in the menu (eg Busybox items moved to their own menu)
It now tests if you actually have root, or busybox or the specified folder before display the respective menu item.
added the ability for the user to enter added parameters/filters (see busybox>PS User Limited)​
New Build 1.0.6
New Build! With some MAJOR additions.
See OP for download link.
Version 1.0.6 is now available, and its a BIG release
this version now allows more than just reporting, but also actionable items. Like freezing and defrosting apps!
These items have been added unrestricted, and therefore, if used incorrectly can render your phone inoperable. Any actions and results of such will be done at your own discretion and you are responsible for such action and results. You have been warned! and no need to say it, but I take no responsibility
In Oreo, I have noticed that the reset battery stats function has been removed, it can be done within TeMeFI. YEAH! Find it under "Current State"
Find the following under the menu "Application info / Manage"
.... List Frozen apps
.... Freeze apps, including system apps
.... De-frost apps
.... Hibernate apps
.... Uninstall apps
.... Hide Apps (form the system)
.... Search for a package
Find the following under "Current State > SELinux"
.... Return and switch SELinux status
Find the following under "Configuration"
.... Manage TeMeFI log files (ie list / delete)
Get the root files ie the boot/statup sequence found in RAMDISK
Find the following under "Logcat"
.... Logcat, Last KMSG, DMesg and getting the logs are much easier than most other ways
many many MANY more items added.
And to make it even easier due to just how much there is, there is a "Search"functionality built into the menu. But note, it does not return results from Dynamic lists; ie ones built at runtime.
New Build!
New Build!
See OP for download link.
Version 1.0.7 is now available.
This version has a number of additions, too many for me to track. Making the existing search functionality a BIG plus until you get use to where to find what you wish to do.
The following is a general list of the menu items. Items that have a * at the end are "Dynamic" menu items that build up a list of things to perform the action against, based on your device/setup.
For example, the "App Hibernate" item pulls up a list of apps you have installed; in addition to a list of the system apps installed as part of your ROM/firmware.
Big items to notice are:
* the AAPT (Android Asset Packaging Tool) which will not be available to you through standard shell commands.
* the OOM and reNICE of running apps. The reNICE is wrapped so you can actually set the final layer instead of trying to work out the delta (ie the way it actually works).
* A big one for me is the ability to reset the battery statistics without having to charge the phone > 90% on Oreo custom ROMs!!!
* Retrieving & Switching the ROM between permissive and enforcing NB: It only is set till a reboot, the app does not auto start and reset it on each boot.
There are a bunch more (as seen in the list below), including Hibernating, Freezing, Defrosting apps
The following list is not really in any logical order, but simply an easy way for me to list each item. NB: I also added this same list to the OP.
PM Actions
PM Dump calls*
PM Features
PM Instrumentation
PM Libraries
PM Permission Groups
PM Permissions
PM Users
PM Path on Installed Packages*
Various Ungrouped Extras
DumpSys Dropbox Files
Hosts file check
GPS Conf
NSLookup of Host
Possibly Unnecessary Files
Bug Report
Android Asset Packaging Tool
Dump Permissions*
Specific App Badging Dump*
XML Tree*
Application Info / Manage
Package Features
Install Downloaded APK*
Asynch PM Dump of all packages
DumpSys Activity*
App Name, Code, Version
ART Profiles*
Retrieve The Current App NICE*
Nice an app to Highest [-20]*
Nice an App to -15*
Nice an App to -10*
Nice an App to -5*
Nice an App to 0*
Nice an App to 5*
Nice an App to 10*
Nice an App to 15*
Nice an app to Lowest [19]*
Retrieve The Current App OOM*
OOM an app to Superman [-17]*
OOM an app to High [-16]*
OOM an app to -10*
OOM an app to -5*
OOM an app to 0*
OOM an app to 5*
OOM an app to 10*
OOM an app to Lowest [15]*
Sorted Installed Packages
All Installed Packages
DumpSys on Installed Packages*
Find Packages
System Packages
3rd Party Packages
Packages with paths
Hibernate App*
Kill App*
Kill More Apps*
Uninstall App*
Unhide & Defrost*
Enabled Apps
Frozen Apps
Defrost App*
Freeze App*
Freeze App Until Used*
Hidden Apps
Un-Hide App*
Hide App*
SQL Based
MediaDB Format Breakdown
Duplicate Files by Count
Duplicate Files by Size
File Use Count
Current State
CPU Gov Details
User Name
Device Uptime
Network Name
Reset Battery Stats
LSOF Regular Files
DumpSys Dropbox Print
IP Tables List
Ping Google
Full DumpSys
Asynch DumpSys
Asynch dumpstate
$PATH noroot
All SysCtl
Env no root
Current Running
Free Memory
Max Users
SU Top
PS Mine
PS All Detailed
PS All Super Detailed
PS All Filtered Super Detailed
GFX Info*
Services List
SU id
DumpSys CPU Info
DumpSys Activities
DumpSys Activitiy Services
Stat of /SDCARD
Device details
Block Details mmcblk0
Block Details mmcblk1
FDisk All
DF All in Human Readable
Pedantic df all
AM Get-Config
Get Properties
Get Selected Properties
Display Size
Kernel Version
Machine Harware Name
CPU Info
Memory Info
Mounts Info
Kernel Info
Parrtitions Info
ProcStat Info
DumpSys Activitiy Displays
DumpSys Window
DumpSys Window Windows
Dynamic Lists
SYS Kernel File join
Dropbox Files*
DumpSys calls*
Run boot scripts*
System ROOT Files*
System etc*
Usage Stats*
Vendor etc*
Proc Files*
ROOT acct folder*
My Log Files*
Global List
Secure List
System List
System Etc Dynamic Lists
Bluetooth Files*
Default-Permissions Files*
Init Files*
Init.d Files*
Nano Files*
Permissions Files*
Preffered-Apps Files*
SELinux Files*
SSH Files*
SecComp Policy Files*
Security Files*
SysConfig Files*
WiFi Files*
Traceroute Google
PGrep All
PS All
PS Mine With Threads
PS All With Threads
PS Threads User Limiited
Base64 Example gps.conf
Block ID's
DU All in Human Readable
Hardware Clock Time
Multiple Checksums of /etc/hosts
One Year Calendar
PMap each process
Running Apps
STAT of /etc/hosts
Keyboard Mode
Sys Folders
System Folders
EFS Folders
Various Data Folders
Data Local tmp*
Data Miscellaneous*
Data ROOT Files*
Data System Users Files*
Data/System Files*
Dmesg Processing Actions
Last KMsg
Logcat - Info lines
Logcat - Warning Lines
Logcat - Error Lines
Logcat - SELinux
Logcat clear
TeMeFI Configuration
TeMeFI Logs*
Delete a TeMeFI Log*
Delete ALL TeMeFI logs
Get Settings persistance
Get default Blob Config
Toggle BUSYBOX Config
Toggle ROOT Config
Toggle Settings persistant
Last 100 music files added to MediaDB
Last 1000 added to MediaDB
MediaDB Music Count
File Size Distribution
Songs missing Album Art
Get SELinux Status
Set SELinux Enforcing
New Build v1.0.8
Added a few items See OP for download link.
One of the items added enables post filtering any previous saved results. A very powerful and handy feature.
For example, you could save off 4 or 5 different unrelated reports, and then search all the reports/output for any mention of a single word/term eg "version" NB: the search is not case sensitive.
The above feature can be found in the menu under "TeMeFI Configuration>Search ALL Logfiles" or to check a single selected file "TeMeFI Configuration>Search a Logfile"
Cleaned up the menu a little.
whoops... forgot to update the version number within the build itself. corrected. But if you downloaded the previous version, there will be no issues. And there are no new/extra features in this new build with the correct version number.
New build!
New Version v1.0.9 See OP for download
Added a few items
Corrected the log search functionality
Clean up the menu a little
Shortened the animation time (ie a few hundred milliseconds less waiting)
Added confirmations on some "dangerous" menu items
New Build!
New Version v1.0.10 See OP for download
Fixed bug where id the menu was clicked before it first generated, it would never fully generate
Added a few items
Cleaned up the menu a little
New build!
New Build!
See OP for download
The big change in this version is that the start-up time can be reduced significantly, by pre-setting the fact you have root and/or busybox. You can find these setting under
TeMeFI Configuration>Default Startup Config>
"Set ROOT available on Start-up"
"Set BUSYBOX available on Start-up"
"Remove Set ROOT on Start-up"
"Remove Set BUSYBOX on Start-up"
"Current Startup Config"
Added a few items (including the above)
Cleaned up the menu a little
New build!
New Build!
New Version v1.0.12 See OP for download
New setting gives you the option to have the menu appear at the bottom, closer to where your fingers would be hovering over/near your nav bar etc. NB: You will need to exit (use the X in the menu) and restart the app for the setting to take effect.
PS: I would really suggest taking advantage of the start-up pre-config by pre-setting the fact you have root and/or busybox. You can find these setting under TeMeFI Configuration>Default Startup Config
All I get is a dancing banana on my Pixel running Pie. Pressing back opens the menu and tapping Application Info / Manage makes it disappear. It does not prompt for root. I see it's targeting Jelly Bean 4.1, maybe that's why.
It's working fine on Oreo.
Thanks mate for this very handy App!!!
yochananmarqos said:
All I get is a dancing banana on my Pixel running Pie. Pressing back opens the menu and tapping Application Info / Manage makes it disappear. It does not prompt for root. I see it's targeting Jelly Bean 4.1, maybe that's why.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Check your root management app if you accidentally let the root message expire the first time, and thereby default to no. It will only ask once. Also maybe try wiping the data (totally safe) and restarting the app, that should re-trigger the root request. And to ask the obvious, are you sure you are rooted... Out of interest, are you using Magisk or SuperSU or simply root built into your ROM?
As for "JellyBean", that's simply the minimum targeted API. I am actually building and testing only on Oreo myself, and havent actually tested it on anything less than Nougat. I know at least one of the many commands wont work on anything less than KitKat. Just too lazy to test/support changes between Android versions, and don't want to restrict the minimum android version, as at least some of the functions will work on JellyBean.
coldgin_ said:
It's working fine on Oreo.
Thanks mate for this very handy App!!!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I built it to be handy for me, so am not too surprised it's handy for at least one other person.
DiamondJohn said:
Check your root management app if you accidentally let the root message expire the first time, and thereby default to no. It will only ask once. Also maybe try wiping the data (totally safe) and restarting the app, that should re-trigger the root request. And to ask the obvious, are you sure you are rooted... Out of interest, are you using Magisk or SuperSU or simply root built into your ROM?
As for "JellyBean", that's simply the minimum targeted API. I am actually building and testing only on Oreo myself, and havent actually tested it on anything less than Nougat. I know at least one of the many commands wont work on anything less than KitKat. Just too lazy to test/support changes between Android versions, and don't want to restrict the minimum android version, as at least some of the functions will work on JellyBean.
I built it to be handy for me, so am not too surprised it's handy for at least one other person.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'm using Magisk 17.2. No, I did not miss the root prompt, it never comes. Android complains the app was designed for an older version of Android because the target SDK actually is Jelly Bean.
Sent from my Pixel using XDA Labs
yochananmarqos said:
I'm using Magisk 17.2. No, I did not miss the root prompt, it never comes.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Then open the Magisk Manager, go into the Superuser menu item, find TeMeFI in the list, and select it over to allow Superuser. Let me know how you go.
yochananmarqos said:
Android complains the app was designed for an older version of Android because the target SDK actually is Jelly Bean.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That must be a new Pixel check. I know that the Playstore is now limiting new/updated apps to support a specific minimum android API, so it may be that they have added a test in their new version of android OS as well. I know there is some code I can change to change that, i'll look into it before the next release, but as a guess, its probably just a warning at this stage, but that's simply a guess, as I am on Oreo and haven't tested Pixel explicitly.
DiamondJohn said:
Then open the Magisk Manager, go into the Superuser menu item, find TeMeFI in the list, and select it over to allow Superuser. Let me know how you go.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Again, there was no root prompt and the app is not listed.
Sent from my Pixel using XDA Labs

